Why can't you sell personal items? Communication with the buyer. Personal experience: where to sell unwanted clothes

Very often people are faced with a situation where there are too many old things. As a rule, these things are already unnecessary. Accordingly, the idea arises of selling them, because they are still not needed, but they will be useful to someone, plus you can get money. IN modern world even exist specialized stores and sites where anyone can both sell their things and buy something at a very low price. But, few people think about the question: Is it possible to sell personal items? We will try to understand this issue further.

Energy of things

Indeed, any thing that we use or wear absorbs our energy, our thoughts, our good or negative mood. So when we give away something, we give away a part of ourselves. Surely everyone has a talisman or a thing that brings good luck or once brought, also everyone has something that is associated with bad memories. It’s good when you want to give away a “good” thing, thereby sharing positive karma with others, but what if the thing is saturated with negativity and will only harm the other person? Each thing keeps its history and is charged with its own energy. When buying something someone else's, we try on this energy for ourselves, completely unconsciously we think about the owner, thereby tuning in to his wave. In general, buying old things carries a huge risk: on the one hand, this thing can turn out to be a real talisman of good luck, and on the other hand, a source of trouble and misfortune.

Keep or sell?

Knowing about the power of things, you should think a hundred times before getting rid of it. If you feel that you want to get rid of things and get something new in return, then you can safely sell. The main thing is the ability to say goodbye. For example, take an unnecessary thing that you want to sell, close your eyes and remember how you got it, what connects you with it, feel it. Imagine how you make a ball out of memories, and then mentally pierce it, so you will rid the thing of your energy. After such a ritual, you can sell a thing without worrying about the consequences.

But, there are also things that we don’t seem to need, but are so expensive that we just feel sorry for giving them away. In this case, it is better to leave it to yourself, because it is on it that a part of us is deposited most of all. Things that we literally wear to holes remain connected to us forever. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of the "old friend", then it is better to burn him, breaking the whole connection.

Remember that you can not give away the thing that you feel sorry for. It will take a part of you, your energy and memories, and if you regret for a long period of time, then your energy will only go away. Of course, such a sale is not worth the effort.

Well, if you decide to do good deeds, and, for example, donate a thing to the poor or to the church, you must understand that, first of all, this is a gesture of a generous person who gives without demanding anything in return. If you are guided by selfish thoughts, even a good deed can do harm. Only pure intentions can give you something new and bright. Give with a pure heart.

What is the risk in accepting other people's things?

Everyone is on their guard, taking other people's things, hoarfrost in vain, they are fraught with a lot of risk. For starters, you can't be sure who owned the item if, for example, you buy it in a second-hand store. A person may not wish harm to anyone, but the thing is still saturated with his energy, negative or positive. The consequences can be serious, from the slightest trouble to a threat to life.

You can't wear things. And the point is not at all in their death, but in the fact that by wearing such things, we will remember the deceased and aggravate ourselves, this thing will cause a certain fear, which will then develop into negative energy.

Many doctors have proven that it is better to refrain from buying things that have not undergone special chemical cleaning. Since the carrier could suffer various skin diseases, hepatitis. This is very hazardous to health and can cause real threat. You should not buy someone else's shoes, since each person's foot has its own characteristics, such shoes will be uncomfortable.

Think before you buy things in second-hand, remember about the threat that they can cause you, because there are many cases when absolutely healthy people after buying such things.

Second hand

These "special" shops or spontaneous markets have always been popular, and have been a point of contact for many disputes. On the one hand, you can buy a high-quality, fashionable and unique thing at a completely meager price, but on the other hand, we cannot know who owned this thing before. It's always big risk, since a completely cute and harmless blouse can cause damage, attract bad luck and make you feel worse. And many simply disdain to buy clothes in second-hand stores. Here opinions are absolutely contradictory. One thing can be said, there is nothing shameful in such purchases, but you should also remember about the power of things and elementary processing. No one wants to harm themselves and increase the risk of contracting any dangerous disease.

  1. Mirrors. They are the guardians of souls, they are able to remember the images of everyone, those who have ever looked into them. Therefore, one should not sell them, incurring failures.
  2. Favourite things. Don't sell what you'll regret later The best way get rid of - send such things to charity.
  3. "Dead" things. All things that are somehow associated with dead energy: inanimate flowers, stuffed animals, feathers, shells, should not be sold so as not to lose your energy and your vitality.
  4. Photo. If you have a photo that you do not like, it is better to burn it, and in no case sell it, as you can jinx yourself.
  5. Broken clock. This is a very bad sign, do not bring trouble on yourself, broken watches always promised misfortune.

Thus, we can say that selling your own things is always a huge risk, do not be afraid to part with unnecessary things but remember how to do it right. Be careful when buying other people's things, do not tempt fate and then luck will follow you.


Sell unwanted clothes can be through a thrift store. Today, thrift stores are becoming more and more popular, as they began to sell fairly high-quality items bought abroad, including from the collections of famous fashion designers or just clothes from popular brands. With a more than democratic price of clothes, buyers have a chance to find very high quality and often even new things.

This method of selling unnecessary items has been known since Soviet times, and since then the rules for receiving goods have not changed much: you need to bring clean items, if possible, attach labels to them if the items are still new or a dry-cleaning coupon if we are talking about suits, jackets , coats or fur coats. It is best to contact specialized thrift stores - this way there is a greater chance that they will buy a thing.

For the seller among the pluses consignment shops, first of all, we can name the following: fast sale of things, communication with each buyer is not required. Among the cons will be low price sale of goods, its markdown, if it is not sold, and the size of the commission.

You can sell things yourself, for this it is worth asking your friends if they need your former things and to whom they may be suitable. However, it is usually not so profitable to sell to acquaintances, they rely on big discounts or even ask to give them things for free. Therefore, you can use the services of free ads and place several in the newspapers of your city. Usually, with the help of "From Hand to Hand" or similar publications, things are sold quite quickly and successfully, if prices are not overstated.

Another option to quickly get rid of unwanted clothes is to sell them at a flea market or flea market. Such markets usually work on weekends, you can set the prices for things yourself, and the time of all things will depend on their condition, price, originality and how actively you will paint the benefits of each thing. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of losing more than earning, because you have to pay for a place.

In the spread of the Internet, flea markets are also mastering this space. There are numerous groups in in social networks, where everyone can post a photo, price for their things. Then it remains only to take calls from customers and agree on a convenient time for the sale. You can also place such ads on special sites - general bulletin boards that sell used goods, for example, Slando, Avito, eBay, Molotok.ru and others. For the success of the sale, you should use the services of several services at once.

In today's world, new products enter the market every minute. The 21st century is not without reason called the "era of consumption" - people are constantly selling and buying something. If you live in a city, then, most likely, the desire to update things or a car is not alien to you, replacing the old and boring with the new. So why not make money on it? The Avito website provides this opportunity to everyone, and you can read about how to quickly sell your goods on it in this article.

Advantages of selling on Avito

Nowadays, the phrase from the famous cartoon “In order to buy something unnecessary, you must first sell something unnecessary” takes on a new meaning. You want to buy a new car, but before that you need to sell the old one. Or you have looked after yourself a new smartphone model, but why do you need two then? Or a new collection of clothes has appeared in the store, but the wardrobe is no longer closed? It is in such cases that intermediary sites for the sale of things come to the rescue.

You can find many such companies, so why Avito? There are many reasons for this. The company entered the market in 2007. The site was originally conceived as an analogue of Ebay, but its creator quickly realized that you won’t get far at auctions. Therefore, since 2009, Avito began to position itself as a site with ads for the resale of things. Now it is one of the most visited Runet sites. Thousands of people sell goods there every day. And where, if not on him, to pay attention when selling equipment, cars and clothes. "Avito" will help to do this simply, quickly and efficiently. But the amount of time you spend waiting for buyers directly depends on how well you designed the text and ad settings. How to quickly sell goods on "Avito"?

How to write an ad

The mistake many new salespeople make is to underestimate the importance of ad copy. However, not only the time of sale, but also its price will depend on how attractively the product is described. It is better to spend an extra 20 minutes and write a good text than to explain everything a hundred times to every person who called you. What needs to be done in order to quickly sell on Avito?

  1. Before selling a thing, you must first carefully inspect it for possible damage. Maybe it lay on the far shelf of the closet for a long time and you will have to explain for a long time where the crack on the glass of the smartphone came from. It will also be useful to collect all the checks and documents left with you after buying it.
  2. Proper pricing is also very important. Look at things of a similar category on "Avito" and compare them with the quality of your product. But the final cost also depends on how urgently you need to sell the thing. The faster, the lower the price.
  3. Take a picture of the item at its best. If you're selling clothes, be sure to ask someone to "pose" in them for a photo. If you want to get away with a car, wash and clean it. The visual component is very important for a successful sale.
  4. After you go to "Avito" and click the "Post Ad" button, select the correct section. Products listed in the wrong category are simply rejected by the moderators.
  5. Come up with a capacious and attractive title. The rule is similar to writing a book: a good title is already 50% successful. Among thousands of identical products, people need to “catch” their eyes on something in order to open the link. The name should contain the type of product and some characteristics. For example, instead of "Used sweater" you can write "Very warm wool sweater." Simple, but capacious phrases immediately attract the eyes of buyers.

If you correctly compiled an ad, but there are still no calls and no, and you need money urgently, then do not despair. There are several ways to quickly sell on Avito. How? There are a few tricks for this:

  • Reduce the price a little. If no one wants to buy your thing or equipment, reduce their cost by 100 rubles. In the search column, they will be displayed at a discount, which will attract new customers.
  • Call to action. It is not enough to specify the parameters of the thing: add something like “Call, the sale is valid only until the 27th” at the end of the ad. This will increase the likelihood that someone will call you.
  • Leave the opportunity to contact you not only by phone number. Modern people They don't like talking to strangers on the phone. It is much more comfortable for many to write a message on the site. Avito provides this service for free: the main thing is not to forget to look through your personal account in time.
  • Observe seasonality. How to sell faster on Avito? Nobody canceled tricks. Sell ​​winter goods in December or November. Then you can sell at a higher price.

How to take a good product photo

Most of all, Avito sells clothes and shoes. Due to high competition this species used items sell the worst. But how to sell clothes faster on Avito? Do good photo! For this, the “soap box” of 2003 is not suitable. Take a high-quality photo on a smartphone with a good camera or an inexpensive DSLR. Believe me, such photos stand out noticeably from the general gray mass.

How to write a sales text

In addition to a good and eye-catching headline, writing quality copy is also a very important task. You can read whole lectures on how to sell shoes on Avito quickly. But you try not to confuse readers with overly long headlines and characteristics copied from the Web. It would be better if the description is written from the heart. Be honest about the advantages, smooth out the shortcomings a little. Be sure to include the reason for the sale. It is better to break the text itself into small paragraphs with subheadings, which will indicate the name, parameters, status, and other important details. Write simply and clearly, in your own words.

Free or paid sale

Most ads on the Avito website are free. However, there are certain limitations. In a number of cities and in certain areas, the submission of free ads may be limited to 1-3 ads. This is not due to the greed of the site, but to the increased number of stores that literally flooded the site with their repetitive products. What are the benefits of paid selling?

  • Your ad will be visible at the top of the page.
  • The product will be seen by more users.
  • Buy it faster.

It makes sense to use paid services when selling expensive items: cars or real estate. If you have your own store, then you will most likely need this option too. How to sell a fur coat on "Avito" quickly? Take advantage of the VIP ad. In other cases, standard placement will suffice.

How to make money selling things

Now there are many ways to make money online. On "Avito" you can also organize your small earnings and even build a business. How to make money on this platform?

  • Use for its intended purpose. Everyone understands that it is more profitable to sell things, and not to throw them away. Maybe a door that is unnecessary in your mind is very suitable for another person. Put all the extra rubbish on "Avito" - and you will earn money and free up space.
  • Resell - yes, this is not a completely honest business, but it is very effective. At least once a day, goods appear on the site at 1.5-2 times lower than usual. If you have time to buy such a thing, you can resell it with a 50 or even 100% profit.
  • Buy in summer, sell in winter. If you have a certain amount of free funds, you can invest it in a seasonal product. For example, if you buy a motorcycle in December and repair it a bit, you can sell it in May for several times more. There are few such categories of goods, but enough to make money.

What goods can be sold the fastest on Avito

You can sell everything on Avito, but not every item on display is bought. To find out how to quickly sell on Avito, you must first highlight the most popular product categories:

  • Equipment: computers, laptops, tablets. Items from top manufacturers are in special demand.
  • Household appliances: microwave ovens, small refrigerators, multicookers. Such products are always in demand and popularity.
  • Children's goods: strollers, cribs, outerwear. Toys that can be purchased at a low price in ordinary stores are sold much worse.
  • Furniture: sofas, wardrobes, tables - all this can also be quickly sold on the site.
  • Cars: "Avito Auto" has become one of the most visited sections in the last year. By listing your car on this site, you greatly increase your chances of selling your car.
  • Outerwear: fur coats, down jackets, warm clothes. The main conditions for a quick sale of such goods are adequate cost and good quality of the item.

This year, April 12 is Clean Thursday. On this day, it is customary to put things in order in the house, clean and wash everything.

And if your mezzanines are still gathering dust with unnecessary old things that should be thrown away, but it’s a pity, urgently read this article and you will find out what to do with them for your own benefit!

First, do not store.

Make it a rule that you don't need an item that you haven't worn in over a year. Don't store things for when you lose weight, gain weight, or go to work. When that happens, buy yourself a new one as a reward!

According to Feng Shui, negative Sha energy accumulates in old things. It is this energy that does not let wealth and prosperity into our house. Moreover, according to the law of conservation of energy, old unnecessary things should be replaced by new ones: beautiful and fashionable. If you don’t believe in all sorts of “high matters”, just remember the mass of dust that old things accumulate, plus old woolen things are just a storehouse for moths.

Therefore, boldly into battle - to dismantle cabinets and shelves!

Secondly, do not rush things immediately to the trash.

So, the cabinets are dismantled. And before you lie your riches. Sort all the clothes into two parts: good things, and those that can only be thrown away. Great things can be safely presented to someone from relatives and acquaintances. Or sell. The bad ones are thrown in the trash. As an option - donate to any charity center. Just remember to prepare things - wash and iron.

I'll start with the good news - in order to sell, you do not need to run around to glue ads on the fences. Although this method of advertising is widely used even in our age of technology. Used things can be offered to friends, children's suits - to neighbors' mothers in the yard. If you don't want to sell in person, take your item to a consignment shop.

But I like the sale "without leaving the computer." All that is needed for this is city sites with a bulletin board. In the vast majority of cases, all Internet flea markets are free.

In our house most of all accumulated children's things. It is understandable, children grow up, things are bought very often. I will share with you some secrets on how to quickly sell the same children's clothes. Although all my advice can be applied to the adult range.

Secret number 1. The photo! Many sites have a feature to only show ads with a picture. So, by posting an ad without a photo, you automatically lose a certain number of potential buyers. Ideally, the picture should be good quality and not alone. Dirty muddy photos only hurt the sale.

Do general form, and then some details: embroidery, sticker, possible defect, etc. If it is absolutely impossible to take a photo, look for an analogue on the network and copy the image.

Secret number 2. Description. It seems that there is nothing easier than writing ad text. And yet, very often there is no indication of size or price. But a lot common words: "beautiful jacket", "outfit for a real princess", etc. The concept of beauty is different for everyone, so try to miss loud epithets, and instead of them write the real characteristics of the product. For example, “I will sell an elegant silk dress, height ..., total length of the product ..., color ..., manufacturer ... Excellent condition, used 2 times. Price. You can specify the area and the possibility of delivery. The main rule for any descriptions - write correctly! If you are not able to write a competent text - copy the description of the model from the manufacturer's website. Transfer foreign sizes to the Russian analogue, or at least specify what height / age is suitable for. If the item was not purchased in Russia, indicate the place of purchase, buyers are usually attracted by the wording "Brand clothes from Europe."

Secret number 3. Price. Usually, used items sell for half the price of a new one. If in doubt, look for analog ads or use the Yandex market. In extreme cases, write that you are ready to give in for the price offered by the buyer.

You can play with the price in different ways. Starting from banal bargaining and ending with real promotions: "only today two things for the price of one" or "a bag of dowry for a newborn for your price." It is more than appropriate to write how much the thing was bought for.

Secret number 4. Exchange. Many mothers will gladly change the size 98 winter overalls to 104. And the sled - to the stroller. Think about what you can change this little thing for and feel free to write about it. Let me also remind you about specialized exchange sites, when some trifle can eventually be exchanged for something worthwhile for you.

Secret number 5. Bonus. Often, a scarf or panama can be offered for a dress. T-shirt with shorts. Make the price a little higher, but offer a gift with the purchase. This works too.

If you stubbornly fail to sell something, try applying secret number 6. I'll give it as a gift. Many pretty good things are often given away for free. Although there is also a trick here. It seems like for nothing, but at the same moment: “for a chocolate bar”, “for a kinder surprise” or “juice package”.

I honestly gave away things for free. But in the ad she wrote that I would be grateful for a few apples or bananas. That is, if they had not brought fruit, I would have given it anyway. Nevertheless, apples were brought by absolutely all the “gifted”. And everyone was happy. If you do not want to carry things that are donated by yourself, be sure to write: "pickup from such and such an area."

Secret number 7. Honesty. No matter how much you want to sell something, don't lie. Do not write "new condition" if you know that the skirt is heavily worn. All defects are easily detected.

It's not just sellers who cheat though. One day, a very respectable-looking lady came to me, who, with sobs in her voice, said that on the way to me she dropped into a pharmacy and urgently spent all the money there on a child. She wanted to pick up the suit and bring the money in the evening. I did not agree, although everything looked very convincing.

Vigilance when selling things will not hurt you. Do not give them to "try on" - "try" without payment. You can never wait for her. And in the case of buying things from hand - carefully inspect it, study the markings. And buy only if you are satisfied with everything.

Good luck with your sales and purchases!

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Even the powers that be do not disdain buying used items: for example, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasted on his Instagram about buying a refrigerator on a consignment website. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - someone easily gets rid of everything unnecessary, while others have goods waiting for a new owner for months. So what's the secret?

We are in website we know exactly how to sell what you don't need, and today we share our tips with you successful trading through the Internet.

Unnecessary things that are best sold online

  • Electronics, video games and computer products. Game consoles that you've cooled off, an unwanted but perfectly functioning phone, video game discs and digital players - this is an incomplete list of what will surely find buyers.
  • Clothes, footwear and accessories. A dress that was only worn once, shoes that looked so beautiful in the store but weren't comfortable when worn, and something that just didn't fit. All these things can be sold and thereby partially compensate for their financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children. Perhaps the most popular type of ads. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow up so fast, and new mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition (they have not even had time to use them). Feel free to sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances. Decided to update the interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? Everything unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone is looking for furniture for a rented apartment or cottage and will gladly buy yours.
  • Collectibles. Old books, newspapers, records - what people don't collect! Maybe the porcelain figurines that are gathering dust in your attic will become a real treasure for someone? In any case, you can try to turn antiques into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Free ad sites will help sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the best price

Perhaps the correct assessment of the value of the goods is the most important stage of the sale. Because it is by price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you describe the merits of your product, whatever good photos neither did potential clients First of all, they will look at the price.


  • Assess the demand. If there are a lot of similar products, then your business is bad. It is unlikely that it will be possible to sell at a higher price, so you will have to look for a middle ground or even dumping (which you cannot do for the sake of selling).
  • Do not set the price higher than 50-60% of the market. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a used (albeit very briefly) item for the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what your competitors are bidding. It is better to conduct reconnaissance on those portals where you, in fact, are going to sell. Determine the best price for yourself, but put yourself in the place of the buyer for a second. Think about whether you yourself could give the appointed amount for this product or not, and if in doubt, then feel free to reduce the cost.

2. Take good photos

3. Write the right description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether to contact you. And here you have to remember the experience of writing school essays and draw all your literary talent. The description should be short but informative. If you forget to write down the characteristics of the product, its size and describe the condition, then expect a flurry of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • You don't have to state the reason for the sale. Few people are interested in the fact that you are moving or that you have a black streak and really need money. This is completely redundant information.
  • A catchy headline. Feel free to use pro tricks - a short and bright headline will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format the text. Don't neglect the paragraphs, because an ad that is well structured is likely to be read to the end.
  • Post the same product in different categories. For example, an advertisement for the sale of a DVR can be placed under the headings "Auto", "Photo and Video" and "Security". Accordingly, the chances that your product will be seen and bought will increase.

4. Never procrastinate

People who often sell unnecessary things over the Internet are already accustomed to being asked to postpone the goods until tomorrow, until Monday, until payday. There are many such "before". But think, because buyers are so fickle: today they got excited about buying an exercise bike and asked to postpone it, and tomorrow they already changed their minds about doing it.

In online selling, time is against you. If there is a person who wants to purchase the goods immediately, then that's great. Sell ​​and don't feel guilty about refusing someone's request to hold a product.

5. Add a bonus

Everyone loves gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell less popular products. A free gift or purchase bonus increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. Why not learn from the invaluable experience of sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, then it would be useful to put a toy or some useful little thing. Be sure to write about it in your ad in the very first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: too low a price can alert the buyer. A person who has decided to buy, doubts creep in: what if the product is defective or not so good, as the seller writes about it?


Set a price slightly higher than what you originally planned, and indicate in the ad that you are ready to bargain. The magic phrase "Negotiable" usually attracts thrifty buyers and those who initially did not even think about purchasing this item. Give in with joy. The result is a great mood for all participants in the transaction.

7. Consider the cost of postage

The Internet has united people from different parts of the world - international and long-distance sales and exchanges are no longer a rarity. When compiling an ad, consider the issue of delivery. Who will pay for postage, shipping or courier services? These details should be agreed upon prior to the transaction to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Follow the safety rules

As for the security rules, each site that hosts free ads usually invites users to familiarize themselves with these very rules. Don't miss out on this opportunity simple rules, and most likely the deal will go smoothly.


  • Do not disclose personal information.
  • Get a separate SIM card for online sales and orders in online stores.
  • Set up meetings with buyers in public places or invite friends with you. Don't invite strangers home.
  • When selling digital and mobile technology take a photo of the serial number. Often scammers replace the purchased item with a broken one, and then return it to the seller. As a result, the seller loses money and goods.

Items that cannot be purchased

  • Digital camera with video recording function. Movie mode heats up the sensor, greatly reducing its life. The wear of this element is very difficult to determine, so it turns out that you are getting a pig in a poke.
  • Computer hard drive. A really fragile thing: even a slight impact can affect its performance.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as child car seats. These are things that are literally responsible for life and health, and if used incorrectly in the past, they may not be able to cope with their immediate functions. Don't skimp on security.
  • Plasma panels. Phosphorus, which is part of the fluorescent coating of each pixel of a plasma panel, unfortunately, is subject to the burn-in effect. A similar disadvantage is inherent in almost all TV technologies, but plasma has got more than others.
  • Tires and wheels for cars. The purchase of these goods is dangerous due to the fact that it is simply impossible to find out in what conditions they were used.
  • A vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners are high-power household appliances, they are used very often and not always neatly. The most expensive part in them is the engine, which fails the very first, and its repair is very expensive.


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