Closing the IP through a personal account without a digital signature. Is it possible to close the SP electronically. Instructions on how to apply for the closure of an IP through the State Services

Reading time: 4 min

There are many reasons why people leave a business, from disappointment in their business to poor results and bankruptcy. Just closing the office and dismissing employees will not be enough. Closing an IP is a complex legal procedure that requires paperwork and reporting.

Mandatory procedures before closing the IP

An individual entrepreneur, before announcing the closure of an enterprise, must prepare. First, collect the necessary documents:

  • Application in the form P26001 on the termination of the activities of the IP.
  • Receipt of payment of the fee (160 rubles).
  • An extract or certificate confirming that the Pension Fund was provided necessary information. If the applicant does not bring the document, the FIU will automatically send the information to the tax authority.

Before going to the tax office, resolve issues on all concluded agreements, put the reporting documentation in order and pay off tax debts to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). If you have hired employees, then they must be fired in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and provide a calculation to the Fund social insurance and FIU.

Secondly, it is necessary to deregister the cash register in tax office(if any) and close the current account at the bank branch.

It remains to find out the details for paying the state fee. The easiest way is to use the special service of the website of the Federal Tax Service and after entering information about yourself, the portal will offer to pay the state duty by bank transfer or generate a receipt for payment in cash.

Is it possible to close an individual entrepreneur through public services: step by step instructions

To check whether it is possible to liquidate an individual entrepreneur through the State Services portal, you just need to go to. For registered users, you must enter a username and password. If you are accessing it for the first time, go through the registration procedure (use).

From the main page we move in the same way as we registered the IP. We select "Taxes and finances" in the list of services. We go to the list of the most popular actions, where only “Registration legal entities and entrepreneurs." Upon entering, it becomes clear that there is no necessary one among the electronic services.

Even when you try to enter a query in the search, the service does not give an answer, advising you to contact the official website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Users of the Single portal do not need to register on the portal of the Federal Tax Service, we enter and log in to our personal account under the password and login of the State Service. There is a link to them next to the registration window, as in the picture.

Next, go to the section of electronic services, select the line "Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs". We turn to three possible schemes of action, our option is “stop”. After the service transfers to filling out the application form. It is necessary to confirm the application with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

But before proceeding with the formation of the application, it is necessary to pay the state duty. If there is no EDS, then you will not be able to apply online. In this case, download in advance and contact the tax office or the MFC.

Refusals and deadlines for closing IP

As soon as the data is loaded into the service, their consideration begins. The process takes 5 working days. After that, the entrepreneur is issued a USRIP entry sheet and he is no longer registered. The finished document can be received by mail or in person.

Previously, the entrepreneur had to report the closure to the Pension Fund for deregistration within the specified period. Today, information from the tax office to the FIU is transferred automatically.

Do not forget that in the event of liquidation of an individual entrepreneur, an individual will continue to be liable for the formed debt during the period of work as an individual entrepreneur.

liquidation procedure entrepreneurial activity can . In 2020, extraterritoriality is in effect to receive a large list of services, including the closure of individual entrepreneurs. You can get the service not only at the place of registration, but even while in another city within the Russian Federation.

It is carried out on a mandatory or voluntary basis. In the latter case, the entrepreneur independently decides to close. This may be due to a change in the form of doing business or complete liquidation.

You can close an individual entrepreneur on a voluntary basis through a personal appeal to the Federal Tax Service by sending an application and a package of documents in a valuable letter with a list of investments and online via the Internet.

Registration on the State Services Portal

An individual engaged in commercial activities, in order to receive services via the Internet, must be identified on the website of this state portal. Only after registration will access to the necessary services open. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to website.
  2. Fill in the registration form: initials, email address, contact phone number.
  3. Confirm your wish by clicking the "Register" button.
  4. At the end of identification, you need to come up with an access code and Security Question, which will be required when recovering the password to enter the Personal Area.

Login is the number of compulsory insurance certificate, without which registration on the state portal is impossible.

An entrepreneur will be able to confirm his identity by introducing a digital electronic signature, which must be issued in advance in an accredited authorized organization. Or you can visit the MFC and provide the employees of the center with a passport, on the basis of which they will verify the identity of the entrepreneur, thereby he will be able to use the electronic services of the portal without restrictions.

You can see the procedure for registering on the site in the following video:

What needs to be done before starting the procedure?

Before proceeding to the official closure, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory activities:

  • Report on tax depending on the current taxation system.
  • De-register with the FSS. If the entrepreneur had employees and reported to the FSS, he needs to prepare a full calculation and 4-FSS report and submit it to this off-budget fund.
  • KKM. If the IP is registered cash register equipment, then it is necessary to remove it from the register by contacting the place of its registration.
  • Close existing current accounts.

Only after these activities have been completed, the procedure for terminating activities can begin.

Step-by-step instructions for closing through the State Services

Every entrepreneur who plans to stop commercial activity, must prepare the necessary package of documents, pay the state duty. To liquidate an IP through the online service in question, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Select the type of receiving services: electronic service.
  • Log in to the official website: "Register" or carry out "Login".
  • To submit documents, you must prepare a file with an electronic package of papers, having previously paid the state duty ( 160 rubles):
    • a photocopy of the passport;
    • certificate of state registration;
    • receipt for payment of the fee.

    Switch to the mode of providing papers for registering the closure of IP in electronic form.

  • Wait for the registration of the submitted application. A receipt will be sent to your personal account confirming the receipt of documentation, approved by the electronic qualified signature of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Wait for a decision from the tax office. After 5 business days a file will be sent to the taxpayer's office containing a certificate of deregistration of the individual entrepreneur, signed with a digital signature, or a reasoned refusal.
You can get the original documents at hard copy by contacting the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.

After cancellation, an individual can re-apply for. The exception is bankruptcy. The ban on re-registration is issued for a year.

Refusal to close

When a refusal to register a liquidation is provided, the businessman will receive an appropriate notice indicating the reason for this fact, references to certain articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation that were violated when submitting the application.

The grounds for refusal to close the IP are contained in the text of the Federal Law No. 129 dated August 08, 2011, Art. 23 points 1 . Among the main reasons are:

  • non-submission by the representative or the applicant of a complete list of documents required for the procedure;
  • submission of an application and a package of papers to the wrong body of the Federal Tax Service;
  • violation of the prescribed procedure for notarial registration of documentation;
  • signing of an appeal for liquidation by a person unauthorized for such actions;
  • availability of information about the violation by the entrepreneur of the reporting requirements;
  • discrepancy between the data of the citizen's passport and the specified information;
  • the presence in the IFTS of a court decision prohibiting the registration (such a document must be adopted by the authorized body before the entry of the liquidation record and before the refusal is provided);
  • an individual entrepreneur was held administratively liable, and he was sentenced in the form of disqualification, which did not stop its effect;
  • the availability of information from the Federal Tax Service about the unreliability of the data contained in the documents submitted by the individual entrepreneur.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

The procedure for liquidating an individual entrepreneur through the State Services portal has its pros and cons. Among the advantages are:

  • Availability. The procedure can be completed at home, for this you only need access to the Internet.
  • Absence of material costs for the help of intermediaries. You only need to pay the state fee - 160 rubles.
  • The simplicity of the method. From the IP is only required to carefully follow the instructions. When filling out the form, you must be extremely careful.
  • Saving time on preparing a package of documents and getting rid of queues.
  • The speed of closing and obtaining a certificate.

As such, the procedure has no disadvantages. There are just a few things to consider:

  • there may be a delay in confirming your identity or a delay in the code from the portal;
  • we will accept a refusal in the absence of all filled fields, an incorrectly selected font;
  • it is necessary to have digital signature or confirmation of identity through the MFC.

Closing an individual entrepreneur through the State Services is a fairly convenient way to terminate activities. The minimum package of documents and access to the Internet greatly simplify the procedure. In just 5 working days, the IFTS issues a certificate of termination of the entrepreneur's activities.

The tax authorities are keeping up with the progress. Using the World Wide Web, we are already making money transactions without leaving home. You can even close the IP via the Internet. In today's article, we will explain in detail how to apply online. Regardless of the reason for the closure, the plan is the same.

A package of necessary documents

Having collected a package of documents, it is possible to close the IP via the Internet without any problems. Initially, you fill out an application form P26001, in which you must fill in the empty fields.

Having collected a package of documents, it is possible to close the IP via the Internet without any problems.

You will need the following data:

  • OGRNP.
  • Contact details.

State duty

In 160 rubles, it is carried out through the official Internet resource on the website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Then follow the instructions on the portal. After that, choose a cashless payment and pay online. The receipt should be kept.

Submission of documents

For the next step, use the electronic filing tool. Then you need to send an application for state registration to close the IP on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. On the sixth day, you will receive a notification containing:

  1. Document on state registration of termination individual activities as an individual entrepreneur (form P65001).
  2. Extract from .

Further within 12 days that your IP is closed. Do not forget to get a statement of payments and submit a report to the FSS. If you have an open current bank account, you need to close it. Failure to do so will result in a fine. In the presence of cash register, . Tax debts will not be written off from you, we strongly recommend that you close them.

Now you are convinced that the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur under certain conditions will not be difficult for you. Using our instructions, applying is easy.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to decide on voluntary liquidation at any time. The closing process consists of writing and submitting an application and a package required documents to the fiscal service. At the same time, the application can be submitted in person, by mail, through a trustee, at the MFC, or via the Internet.

The State Services portal greatly facilitates the procedure for closing an IP - it offers a convenient online method for terminating activities. This remote method saves the applicant time and money.

The closure of an entrepreneurial entity must begin with the curtailment of activities. Terminate contracts with buyers and suppliers, notify counterparties of the closure. Notify employees of the layoffs two months in advance. At the end of the term, dismiss the entire staff.

Over the last reporting period it is necessary to report to the Federal Tax Service: submit tax declarations that were applied. Liquidation reports are submitted to the tax office at the place of registration.

If labor was used employees, you should report to the FSS: submit a 4-FSS calculation, fully cover the debt to the fund.

Take a certificate from the Pension Fund stating that there is no employment relationship between the individual entrepreneur and the insured persons.

Those who used KKM need to deregister cash registers.

The last step is to close previously opened bank accounts. After completing these steps, you can submit documents for liquidation.

An individual can restore activity after a while. Anew after cancellation on a voluntary basis is allowed immediately after liquidation. After the bankruptcy procedure, at least one year must pass.

List of required documents for the liquidation of IP

To take advantage of the opportunity to close an IP through the municipal services portal, you will need a small package of papers, which is sent to the territorial office of the tax inspectorate. Namely:

  • copy of the passport;
  • application according to the approved form No. Р26001;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund on the absence of debt;
  • receipt of payment of the fee (160 rubles).

To represent the interests of a third party, a power of attorney is issued by a notary.

In the event that the applicant does not provide a document from the Pension Fund on his own, the tax service will send an appropriate request and receive information from in electronic format.

The fee can be paid using electronic service“Payment of state duty”, by bank transfer, in cash at the bank’s cash desk, from a payment card, through Internet wallets. Pay attention to the correct purpose of the payment: the full name of the payer must be correctly indicated.

Step-by-step instructions for closing an IP

The opportunity to close an individual entrepreneur through the State Services appeared in Russian legislation not so long ago, but already gained a lot of fans.

Everyone can use the services of the federal portal individual entrepreneurs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation: citizens of the country and foreigners.

Termination of business activities is quite simple, you do not need to have special skills, the main thing is access to the Internet:

  1. Log in to the State Services website, or register if you have not used the portal before.
  2. Select in the catalog of services "Registers of organizations and certificates" → "Registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs" → "Cessation of an individual as an individual entrepreneur".
  3. Fill out an online application for closing an IP in electronic form:
    - indicate the number of the certificate of registration;
    - full name, TIN;
    – choose the method of receiving closing documents: in person, through a third party, by mail;
    - provide a contact phone number, email address.
  4. Attach a scan of a copy of supporting papers - receipts for payment of the fee, certificates from the Pension Fund.
  5. Register an application - a message will be sent to your personal account from the Federal Tax Service about receiving documents.
  6. Get the decisions of the fiscal service - in 5 days the taxpayer's office will receive electronic document- a certificate with an entry from the USRIP on the removal of an individual entrepreneur from registration, or a refusal to provide a service.

Certificate of closure paper form can be obtained from the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.

Main reasons for refusal

  1. Provision by the applicant of an incomplete package of documents necessary for the implementation of the procedure.
  2. Submission of an application to the tax office not at the place of registration.
  3. Signature of the form by a person not authorized to carry out the closing.
  4. Violation of tax reporting requirements.
  5. Inconsistency between the information in the application and the personal data of the entrepreneur.
  6. The presence of a decision on the liquidation of IP in a judicial proceeding.
  7. Unpaid fine on the administrative responsibility of an individual.

Benefits of closing a business online

Online liquidation of IP through the State Services has a lot of advantages:

  1. Fast closing - no need to waste time visiting the tax office, long queues under the offices.
  2. Availability - you can complete the closing via the Internet without leaving your workplace or home.
  3. Savings - there are no costs, except for paying the state fee, the service portal provides a 30% discount to users of the website with a non-cash payment method.
  4. Ease - there is an instruction on the portal, the main thing is to carefully fill out the application, following all the instructions.
  5. Efficiency - the procedure will take 5 working days, a certificate of closure can be obtained electronically.

There are many reasons why even business sharks stop doing business and liquidate their organization. Entrepreneurs are no exception. That is why it will be useful for them to know how to close an IP through the State Services.

We have prepared step-by-step instructions for submitting an application on the portal, which will allow you to save valuable time visiting the tax office and standing in queues. All that is required from the applicant at the last step is to receive a notification in your personal account and pick up the certificate at a convenient time.

Yes, although many sites provide false information about the impossibility of this operation directly on the portal and provide an algorithm for the liquidation of IP on the website of the Federal Tax Service. This is fundamentally wrong, because we are talking about closing through public services, so we will focus on the last thesis and find this service on the site. To do this, follow these steps step by step:

After completing the above procedures, you can begin to form an application and send it to the department.

Instructions on how to apply for the closure of an IP through the State Services

Having done such a thorny path, we are one step away from the termination of business activities. It remains only to fill out an electronic application on the portal. To do this, study the approximate step-by-step instructions for drawing up an application.

Since the author of the article does not have a goal to close the IP through the State Services, the final step will be described only in words. To submit an application, it remains to send an application, on the basis of which a decision will be made and upload a scanned copy of the passport (you can send a photo of a spread with a photo and a residence permit).

Documents to be uploaded to the portal

A complete list of documents that are needed to close an IP is presented at the State Services at Let's list them:

  • the passport;
  • statement;
  • certificate from the FIU (in case of personal contact);
  • paid stamp duty.

As for debts to the pension fund and the submission of an income declaration, they can be paid off and reported after the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur. If there were employees on the staff, they must first be fired, settled with them and submitted reports to the FIU.

When submitting an application through the State Services of IP, a certificate from pension fund- departments will exchange information themselves. As for the application, it will be sent electronically. Thus, you only need to upload your passport.

How much to wait

After sending the application, the portal user must wait for the consideration of the application and a decision on the possibility of closing the IP. It can be both positive and negative.

An application sent through the State Services will be registered within an hour. As a rule, confirmation of the closure of the enterprise is issued within 3 working days. After reading the notification received, you can go to the IFTS and pick up a certificate.

Thus, it is possible to close the IP on the website of the State Service on your own, with a minimum of effort and time. We hope our step-by-step instruction clarified and you found this service on the portal.


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