1C ENTERPRISE WORK WORK EDITION 9.2. Closing cash shift

Laboratory goal

Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is intended to solve a wide range of tasks on the accounting of trade activities of the enterprise: warehouse stocks of goods and their movement, customers and suppliers, money, commodity loans and the control of their repayment issued for the sale of goods, their Return and payment: reservation of goods and payment control; Automatic calculation of product write-off prices.

The system allows you to organize accounting in several firms and several warehouses.

Students in the course of laboratory work should explore the program interface, familiarize themselves with its main opportunities. As a result, students should be able to:

    enter information about the organization;

    fill references;

    register information using documents;

    to generate reports and analyze the entered information.

Initial data for performing work Students form themselves.

Procedure for performing work

The program launch is performed in "1C: Enterprise" mode ( Start-program- 1c enterprise monopoly- Information base Trade and warehouse ok)

Working with the program begins with entering information about the company.

When you first start the program, a dialog box appears on the screen. "Assistant to start work"Assistant... »You can call on the menu item Help-Beginning of work). Fill in all windows " Assistant... "by pressing the button Further To go to the next window. At the end of the fill, click Ready. Then confirm the recording of periodic details by clicking on the button OK dialog box " Playeriodicrevizites" Fill in information about the users of the program in the "dialog box" Users" In the future, all entered information can be viewed and edited in the window. Setting up accounting parametersmenu item Serviceand Constants Menu item Operations.

Explore the program menu.

The screen has a dialog box " Guidebooksonfiguration"(If it is not on the screen, call it through the menu item Help- Guide). In it you can find out information about the structure of the program, about its main elements; The sequence of work in the program; detailed instructions On the execution of all works in the program. Check out him. You can perform all further action through " Configuration guidebook».

The next preparatory stage is filling Directories (menu Directories- ....). Fill in Directories:

Firms - maintaining a list of firms (enter information about one company);

Warehouses - information about the firm warehouses (enter information on one warehouse);

Counterparties - a list of contract counterparties (enter information about 2 suppliers, 2 buyers and 1st implementer);

Currencies - The list of currencies and the history of currency courses;

Nomenclature - Description of the company's goods (enter information about 5 names);

Users - list of program users;

All economic operations are registered in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" by entering the relevant documents (menu Documentation- …). To display entered documents intended Document logs(menu Magazines- ...). As well as General journal storage There are I. Journaling in functional purpose.

Before using the program, you must enter information about the remains of inventive material values \u200b\u200b(TMC), money, mutual settlements with counterparties. To do this, the program has a special set of documents (menu Documentation-Enhancetacks-…):

Input of the residues of the TMT - To enter the remnants of the batches of purchased TMTs, the parties of the TMC, adopted for the implementation, parties of the TMC, which are subject to implementation;

Enter the initial balance of cash desk, the bank, accountingto enter cash outlets in the cash , cash funds from accountable persons, non-cash funds ;

Enter remnants by supplier;

Entering balances by buyer;

Enter information about the balances of the 1st to the product, on the 1st buyer, cashless cash in the checkout. To do this, install working date On the last day preceding the current quarter: Service - Parameters - General tab- Field Working date. Fill in the documents. After entering the remnants, change the operating date on the current one.

Enter in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" business purchasing operations (for non-cash and cash), wholesale and retail sale of goods.

All documents on the design of the purchase of goods are in the menu Documents Suppliers. The program provides several options for the purchase of goods:

    Cashless payments (payment).

Enter the following documents for the design of the goods purchases the goods from the supplier for cashless payment from payment after the gaining goods:

    Order provider (document order supplier);

    Purchase Invoice (Documents - Suppliers - TMC (purchase and sale)or highlight B. General journal documentsdocument Order supplier- Menu Act- team Input on the basisselect from the list necessary document Arrival of TMC (purchase and sale));

    The resulting account (Highlight B. The general journal of documents is the arrival of TMC - actions - to introduce on the basis - received. Account - textureor pressing Invoicealokman Arrival of TMC.after his recording);

    Payment order (Highlight B. The general journal of documents arrival of the TMC - actions - to introduce on the basis of the payment orderor through Documents - Bank payment order);

    Paying bank (Documents - Bank - bank statementordraza Enter on the ground).

See reports on the introduced economic operation:

    Reports - a statement of counterparties (suppliers);

    Reports - a statement on the remnants of the TMC;

    Reports - the remnants of the TMC;

    Reports - Foreign Report;

2. Non-cash payments (prepayment).

Enter the following documents for the design of the goods purchases the goods from the supplier for cashless payments with prepayment:

    Payment order;

    Bank statement;

    Purchase Invoice;

    The resulting account

See reports.

3. Develop all documents accompanying the reception of the goods for the implementation of the Committee using " Configuration guidebook».

Check out reports on all purchasing operations:

Subsupport for projects for the sale of goods:

1. Wholesale. Will the following documents:

    Sales of TMC (purchase and sale) (Documents - Buyers - the implementation of the TMC (purchase and sale));

    Account - texture drawn up directly from the document Sales of TMC (purchase and sale);

    Row of bank statement drawn up with cashless payments on the basis of the document);

    Cash orderdrawn up in cash payments based on the document Sales of TMC (purchase and sale (Highlight B. Common Document Journal Implementation of TMC (purchase and sale)- Actions - Enter on the basis of the receipt of the cash order).

Check out the implementation reports:

Sales analysis;

Sales report;

The statement of counterparties;

Rests of TMC.

    Retail sale. With the help " Configuration guidebook»Check out the features of programs. Tell multiple documents.

    Transfer of goods to implement. Apply documents for the transfer of goods for sale using the prompt " Guide...»

Independently examine the capabilities of the TMC return program.

Save the results of the work. To do this, launch 1C: Enterprise in mode Configurator.Select Menu item Administration-Save data. Archive to file 1cv7.zip - specify the path to save information Archive.

In the typical configuration "trade + warehouse", the editorial office 9.2, the possibility of conducting inventory of commodity balances in a warehouse with an extract necessary documents on write-off and gaining goods. The procedure for the user's actions during inventory is given in this article prepared by the Methodists of the company "1C" and published in the next release of the ITS disk.

Starting from release 7.70.930 in the "Trade + Warehouse" configuration, it is possible to fill in the table part of the TMC inventory document based on the report of the TMC residue report.

Immediately alleged: the examples presented below the procedure were simulated using the trade + warehouse configuration, release 7.70.930.

So, processing to fill in the table part of the TMC inventory document may be caused from the dialog to configure the report "TMC residues" using the "Inventory" button or from the TMC inventory document when you click on the "Fill" button and select the menu item "Fill out from report. "

The filling algorithm in the same case is the same, so we consider one of the cases, namely the filling of the table part of the inventory document from the report "TMC residues" on a specific group of goods.

We give the procedure for the user's actions when designing this operation.

1. Select the menu item "Reports" - "TMC Remains".
2. In the report settings, specify the warehouse on which inventory is performed.
3. In the event that the inventory is carried out on a specific company, then in addition to the report settings, specify the firm for which an inventory is carried out. If the firm is not specified, then the "Inventory of the TMC" will be issued as a whole for the company.
4. Specify a group of goods for which the balance is carried out. You can also select the properties of goods or specify an arbitrary list of products using the capabilities of the multiple filter.
5. Since the inventory should be analyzed by real residues in warehouses without taking into account the reserved goods, then install the "residues" filter to the "including reserve" position - "All nonzero".
6. When carrying out an inventory on a wholesale warehouse, the "Prices" switch is convenient to set the "average cost without VAT".
7. When carrying out an inventory on retail warehouse The switch "Prices" should be set to "Web price (Retail only)", since the inventory at the retail warehouse is carried out in those retail prices for which the goods are taken into account on the retail warehouse.
8. After installing all the settings, click the Inventory button.

As a result, the document "Inventory of the TMC" will be automatically formed. Depending on the settings selected in the settings (retail or wholesale), an appropriate type of operation "Inventory (by warehouse)" or "Inventory (by retail) will be installed for the document.

The table part of the document will be filled with the remnants of goods, according to the settings that are installed in the report "TMC remains".

Inventory document it is necessary to introduce actual data on goods. After that, if necessary, on the basis of the document "Inventory of the TMC", arrange documents "write-off TMC" and (or) "Calling TMC" to fix the shortage or excess goods in accordance with the results of the inventory.

1. Versions of 1C programs

Currently, you can meet in practical use of the following versions of programs developed by 1C:

1C Enterprise 7.5.

1C Enterprise 7.7

1C Enterprise 8.0

1c enterprise consists of a component:

1c accounting

1C trade and warehouse

1C Salary and Frames

2. Functionality Components "1C Trade and Warehouse 7.7"

1. Allows you to behave simultaneously or separately managerial and accounting.

3. In management accounting, multipurpose accounting is maintained (accounting is carried out in basic currency, the remaining currencies are recalculated relative to this currency).

4. Supported complex structure of the company (one company may consist of several firms); Reporting can be obtained both separately for each company and the company as a whole. The firm in the configuration is a comprehensive concept consisting of its own legal entity and analytical sign. management accounting.

5. Supports an unlimited number of types of prices, discounts on a specific counterparty.

6. Allows you to keep records of the posting of the TMC in the regimes of purchase and sale, commission, keep records imported goods on wholesale and retail warehouses.

7. Allows you to keep records of the implementation in the regimes of purchase and sale, commissions, to implement imported goods in wholesale and retail trade.

8. Allows you to form documents on the return of the TMC provider or return from the buyer in the regimes of purchase and sale or commission.

9. To form applications from buyers, reserve the goods.

10. Reflect payment for cash and cashless payments.

11. Move partial accounting of goods and write off products using FIFO, LIFO methods, a weighted average price.

12. Form the rosters of goods for sale, to produce their order.

13. Perform the revaluation of goods in retail.

14. Book shopping books, sales.

15. Form Analytical Reports (Sales Dynamics, Sales Analysis, Customer Attractiveness, Customer List).

3. Delivery set

1. System diskettes or CD.

2. The hardware key of the protection is an adapter connected to the parallel port of the printer. (You cannot connect / disable the printer / key when the system block is turned on).

3. Registration form (consists of two parts; one part is filled and sent to the company 1C, the other is stored by the user). The user is assigned a unique registration number, on the basis of which its further maintenance in franchisee franchisees.

4. Documentation (5-6 books). Contains a complete configuration description, 1C programming language, 1C configuration. Usually, novice respordrs are mastering the program with tutorials that are not included and sold separately in franchisee or ordinary bookstores.

5. Users of a comprehensive configuration (all three components are bought) have a disk of information and technological support (ITS) - contains the latest versions of programs, reporting, recommendations for use (advice lines), technological support, Legue system guarantor.

4. Benefits of registered users

1. Free consultation line on the phone or Internet (2 call per day no more than 5 minutes each).

2. Free receipt of update programs in franchisee franchisees or on the Internet.

3. Discounts when sharing the old versions of programs to new on the formula "The difference in the cost of programs, but not less than half of the cost of a new product + $ 5 for exchange"

5. Installing the PC program

The package includes a CD or floppy disk. The floppy disks can be divided into two groups:

1. Systems - After they are installed on a PC in the main menu, the 1C enterprise 7.7 software group is created, and the "ProgramFiles" folder creates the 1CV77 \\ Bin folder. The system part of the program is recorded here. Its deletion does not entail the removal of the information entered.

c: \\ Program Files \\ 1CV77 \\ Bin

2. Dakes with a typical configuration - after their installation, two information bases (IB) are created on the PC:

a) Pure IB - does not contain data and is designed to keep accounting (DB folder)

c: \\ PROGRAMFILES \\ 1CV77 \\ DB

b) Demonstration IB - contains information about the fictitious enterprise and is intended to study the program and its demonstration (DBDEMO folder)

c: \\ Program Files \\ 1CV77 \\ DBDEMO

6. WINDOW Launch

(Start-\u003e Progmbamms-\u003e 1C Enterprise 7.7)

1c enterprise (monopoly) - working mode; It is present only in network versions and is designed to work with a database by only one user (to perform important procedures, such as deleting data, recalculate the results, change of the working period).

1C Enterprise - Working Mode, all users work on the database network versions.

README Additional information - contain information that are not included in the documentation.

Configurator - program reconfiguration mode, allows you to completely reconfigure the program, console archive copy or restore data from the archive.

User monitor - allows you to track user actions in the program.

Debugger - serves to debug program modules

The security server - detects the protection key on the network and starts it on the workstation.

Deleting the Protection Driver - removes the driver from the Windows registry (used in case of failure when the protection key is detected).

Installing the Protection Driver - Installing the driver to the Windows registry (used after installing a PC program before the first start of the program or after using the "Delete Protection Laver" mode).

Driver is a program for working with an additional device.

7. Launch menu

(Start-\u003e Programs-\u003e 1c Enterprise 7.7-\u003e 1C Enterprise 7.7 (Monopolo))

In the "In Mode" window, you can change the program start mode by pressing the button of the drop-down list (triangle asleep down).

The "Information Bases" window shows a list of connected information bases. One line is one enterprise. On a gray background under the window, the path to the current information base is shown; The current base is highlighted in blue.

The "OK" button - launches the current information base.

The "Cancel" button cancels the start of the current database and closes the startup window.

The "Edit" button changes the path and name of the current base.

The Add button adds a new database to the information base list.

The Delete button deletes the current database from the database list; Data removal from the PC does not occur.

The "Help" button displays the built-in documentation on the program "Startup window". Documentation can be printed in a fully or dedicated fragment.

8. Interface of the working window of the program "1C Trade and Warehouse 7.7"

After starting the program, when it is first started, after installation, a message "Conduct the initial filling of the information base may appear on the screen?". Reply "Yes."

If the "Assistant Home Assistant" window appears on the screen; Close it on the "Cancel" button.

Window "Setting the accounting parameters" Close by the "Close" button.

Window "User" Close on the Close button

If the screen appears on the screen "Open current period?" Reply "Yes."

Window "Tips for the Day" Close on the Close button.

Window "Guide" Close on the Close button in the upper right corner of the window.

If the "Update" window appears on the screen, close the window on the Close button in the upper right corner of the screen.

The information window (is at the bottom of the screen, it reflects the executed action program) Close the "Close" button in the upper left corner of the window.

Thus, on the screen should be an empty window of the program. Consider its components.

1 line - header string; It reflects the name of the configuration (1C Enterprise Storage and Commercial Edition 9.2).

2 string - menu line; It is collected in different points all the objects of the program (directories, documents, reports, constants, program configuration modes, etc.). Using the menu, you can perform any action in the program. As in any program written by Windows, in 1C trading and warehouse 77, you can perform the same action in three ways:

1. Using the menu

2. Using pictograms

3. Using the keyboard

In the left menu, the corresponding icon is shown to the right - the key combination.

3, 4 lines - toolbars (standard and formatting); They may be absent on the screen or elsewhere screen (side, bottom). You can change the list of toolbars through the Toolbar menu item. The lower line of the window is called the "status string". This line is used to issue varying information in the process of working with the program.

9. Getting assistance in the program

The built-in hint can be obtained in the menu item "Help".

Item "Help" describes the structure of the crane program.

The "General Description" item describes the appointment and use of 1C "Trade and Warehouse 7.7" objects.

The "Assistant Home Assistant" item will allow you to fill the initial data in the necessary sequence.

The "Configuration Guide" item is intended for the initial development of the program. The guide is designed for a typical configuration of the program. The guide page contains a description of the objects of a typical configuration from the point of view of their use to reflect the organization's economic operations in the program. Descriptions of configuration objects are grouped by trade accounting sections. In addition to the text explaining the reflection order in accounting for a fact economic activity Organizations, pages contain pictograms to go to the appropriate type configuration objects: settings, reference books, documents, logs, reports.

The item "Supplements to the Description" contains the development history of 1C "Trade and Warehouse 7.7".

Item "On System 1C" Enterprise "contains information on the options for issuing programs, sets of delivery, functionality.

The "On Program" item contains information about the installed version of the platform and configuration.

10. The procedure for starting work in the program

1. Start the "Starting Assistant" (Help -\u003e Assistant to start work).

On the Basic Accounting Currencies tab, indicate: Currency of Management Accounting - Rubles; Currency accounting - Rubles.

On the tab "Control of the remnants of the goods" indicate "by company"; Retail type of prices - "Retail".

On the "Advanced Settings" tab, connect the mode of use of the article (put the cowel in the window); Connect the "Conduct the documents of the future date" mode; Unit of weight - kg; The prefix of the information base is nothing to indicate.

On the tab "Properties of the Nomenclature and Counterparties", indicate: "Nomenclature" - a type of product; "Counterparties" - region.

On the "Data on Leices" tab, specify LLC Fortuna; Legal and postal address - Go to the "Format FTS" tab; Region - Tyumen region, city - Tyumen G, Street - Sacco Street, House - 5, index - 625000.

On the "Additional Legal Information" bookmark, specify:

Organizational and legal form - Society with limited liability; Full official name - LLC Fortuna; Certificate of registration - 7203 No. 123; Date of issue - 28.02.06; Registration date - 28.02.06; NAME OF INSPECTION - INTNS RF № 3 in Tyumen; The name of the payer when transferring taxes - LLC "Fortune".

On the bookmark "Legal entity" tab, indicate: INN \\ PPC - 720301445566 \\ 720301001; OKPO code - 12500682; code in OKDP - 820000; OKOPF code - 65; OKFS code - 16; Head - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich; GL Accountant - Sidor Sidor Sidorovich; Cashier - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

On the "Accounting Policy" tab, specify: the method of determining revenue - by payment; Method for calculating the cost of TMC - by FIFO; method of accounting for goods in retail trade - sales prices; default values \u200b\u200bfor documents - to consider VAT; The values \u200b\u200bof periodic details are set to 03/01/06 (press the selection button - the button with three dots -\u003e specify the date -\u003e OK).

On the tab "The name of a sign of management accounting of the company" - office.

On the tab "Parameters of the Basic Warehouse" in the name - the main warehouse; Mol - Mironov A.A.

On the "Parameters of the main bank account" in the Name of a bank account name - the main one; "Currency" - rubles; "The bank in which the P / SC is open" to press the selection button-\u003e Add a new string (the first button on the toolbar in the "Banks" or the action menu-\u003e New) -\u003e Name - West Siberian Bank of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Tyumen - \u003e Beach - 720108651 -\u003e Location - Tyumen -\u003e Corrcription - 30101810200000000651 -\u003e Write -\u003e OK-\u003e Select a bank from the directory double-clicking on the row.

After filling out all the bookmarks, a window appears with periodic details. Pay attention to the installation date of new values \u200b\u200b!!! If necessary, it needs to be corrected. Usually it is the date of commencement of accounting or the date of the beginning of the reporting period. To save the entered data, press the "OK" button.

2. Set the operating date 01.04.06 (Service -\u003e Parameters -\u003e General). Set the time view of document logs (service -\u003e Parameters -\u003e Magazines). Monitoring period - month. Set the reporting period (Service -\u003e Parameters -\u003e Accounting -\u003e Month -\u003e April). Set the Operational Account Settings (Service -\u003e Options -\u003e Operational Accounting -\u003e Connect "New Documents Record With current time" modes, "new documents to conduct after point of relevance", "When you hold the current time after the point of relevance. To save the settings, press the "Apply" buttons -\u003e OK.

3. Install operational results (operations -\u003e Management of operational results -\u003e Date of relevance of the outcome - 01.04.06 -\u003e The current period - April.)

4. Fill out the Currency Handbook

5. Fill out the Handbook "Warehouses": Main Warehouse (Wholesale) Mol - Mironov A.A.; Accessories (wholesale) Mol - Pavlov V.V.; Shopping Hall (Retail) Mol - Tikhonov V.V.

6. Fill out the "Cassa" directory: add new element(Actions-\u003e New) -\u003e Name - Cashier "Shopping Hall" -\u003e Connect the "Cashier's Cashier mode" -\u003e Mode work kkm - FR -\u003e number - 12345.

7. Fill out the "Counterparties" directory.

Information about the counterparties is entered into the "Counterparty" directory to take into account mutual settlements with them and for paperwork. Counterparty is a general concept where suppliers and buyers, organizations and individuals are included. For registration of economic operations between its own legal entities, it is possible to execute as a counterparty of its own legal entity. The directory is called to enter and edit information from the menu item "References" / "Counterparties".

Create Folders "Suppliers", "Buyers", "Implementers" (actions -\u003e New Group).

Open the "Suppliers" folder (double click on the icon).

Add a new directory element (Actions -\u003e New).

The counterparty can be assigned one of three types: "Founder entity"," Individual "or" own legal entity ". Depending on the type of counterparty, the structure of the information displayed in the form of a counterparty is changed. The person of the counterparty can be changed. This provides the ability to execute documents with one counterparty on behalf of various legal entities and individuals without Changes to the results of mutual settlements with this counterparty. The same counterpart can have different values \u200b\u200bof properties, for example, as the property value, you can choose such properties as "debtors" and "wholesale buyers". One species of properties can be assigned as the main property. The type of primary property is assigned in the "Service" menu item / Account settings. / Properties tab. Using a grouping by the values \u200b\u200bof the main property, you can conduct a comparative data analysis. Using the "Search" button, you can search for the right counterpart. Finding the counterparty can be implemented According to the short name of the counterparty (name), according to the code, according to the brief nomes Anonya legal (physical) person specified in the form of a counterparty as the main one. To search for the search, you must select the parameter for which the search will be performed, and enter text information in the substring. The list of selected counterparties will appear in the "Found Elements" list. The "Select" button or double pressing the mouse positions the cursor on the desired counterpart. Additional information According to the counterparty, you can get using the appropriate dialog buttons: according to the "Contract" button a list of contracts decorated with a counterparty. For each contract you can view the parameters given to it: the type of prices, discounts, the amount of the loan provided to it. It also displays information about the current state of mutual settlements with the counterparty under the contract. · The "Bank. Account" button opens a list of counterparty bank accounts. · The "Properties" button you can view the list of properties assigned to this counterparty. The "COMMUNICATIONS" button opens a report on mutual settlements with a counterparty for all contracts decorated with it. . The "Debt" button opens a list of documents for which for this counterparty there is an outstanding debt. Debt under the document is displayed in the currency of the agreement on which it is decorated. In the "Results" line displays the final amounts of debt. When positioning the cursor on another counterparty, information about the documents for which there is an outstanding debt is updated promptly updated.

In the subgroup "Suppliers" to make counterparties:

1. Spring LLC.

On the "Basic" tab in the "Name of legal entity" window, specify spring -\u003e ENTER -\u003e In the Official Name window, specify Spring LLC. In the window "View of the Counterparty" to choose "third-party JUR. face". In the "Inn \\ PPC" window, indicate 720301445566 \\ 720301001. Remember legal address (Press the "Envelope" button -\u003e In the "Region" window, specify the Tyumen region -\u003e in the window "City" specify Tyumen G -\u003e In the window "Street", specify Sakko Ul -\u003e In the "House" window, specify 5 -\u003e in the window " Index »Specify 625000 -\u003e Press" OK ".

Go to the tab "Agreement of Completeness". In the "Name of the Basic Treaty" window, the number of the long-term contract with the counterparty is indicated, and it will automatically substitute documents when choosing this counterpart; If there is no such contract, you can leave the field empty (click the cross button to the right of the window), then the window will remain empty . Clean the button with the button . In the "Currency Currency Currency Currency" window, specify rubles. In the "Default Price Type" window, specify the "purchase". In the Default Discount window, a percentage of discount client may be affixed; Leave the field empty. The "Loan term" window indicates the number of loan days; Specify 10 days. In the "Credit amount" window, specify 10,000 rubles.

Go to the "Bank Account" tab. In the "Account Name" window, indicate the "main". In the window "Currency" - rubles. In the Account Number window, specify 40702810000000000555. In the "Bank, which opened a P / SC" window, press the selection button -\u003e add a new line (the first button on the toolbar inside the "Banks" window) -\u003e In the "Name" window, specify Alpha -Bank -\u003e In the "Beach" window, indicate 044599774 -\u003e in the window "Cor. Account »Specify 30101810100000000774 -\u003e In the" Postal Address "window, indicate 101511 Moskva Ul. Lugovaya, 41 -\u003e Press the "Record" -\u003e "OK" buttons -\u003e Double-click on the line to select the bank entered into the handbook in the counterparty card.

Similarly, fill the remaining counterparties.

2. LLC "Formula"

Name of legal entity: LLC "Formula"

Jurid Address: 625000. Tyumen. World. 311.

Mail. Address: 625000. A / I 007

Inn: 7202021455

P / s: 40702810100000000777

Bank: Triumph

Cor. Score: 30107810600000172305.

Beach: 044585305.

In the subgroup "Buyers" to make counterparties:

1. Name of a legal entity: LLC "Start"

Jurid Address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 204.

Mail. Address: 625000.A / I 444

Inn: 7202021466.

Currency of contract - rubles. Credit period - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

P / s: 40702810100000000718

Bank: Alpha Bank

Bank address: Tyumen. Republics 160.

Beach: 044585333.

Inn: 7202021489.

Currency of contract - rubles. Credit period - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

P / s: 40702810100000000456

Bank: Alpha Bank

Bank address: Tyumen. Republics 160.

Cor. Account: 30107810600000172333.

Beach: 044585333.

In the subgroup "Implementers" to make counterparties:

1. Name of a legal entity: "Progress"

Jurid Address: 625000. Tyumen. Lenin 20.

Mail. Address: 625000. Tyumen. Lenin 20.

TIN: 7202021478.

Currency of contract - rubles. Credit period - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

P / s: 40702810100000000888

Bank: Woster Siberian Bank of the Security Service of the Russian Federation Tyumen

Beach: 047102651.

2. Name of a legal entity: ChP Savelyev A.A. Sv-at No. 456

Jurid Address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 189-44

Mail. Address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 189-44

Inn: 7202021489.

Currency of contract - rubles. Credit period - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

P / s: 40702810100000000456

Bank: West Siberian Bank Security Council of the Russian Federation Tyumen

Bank address: Tyumen. Riga 62.

Cor. Score: 301078106000000651

Beach: 047102651.

8. Fill out a reference book "Types of Prices" (References -\u003e Prices and Taxes -\u003e Types of Prices -\u003e Actions -\u003e New -\u003e In the Name window »Specify account -\u003e In the" Currency "window, rubles -\u003e in the" Formation of the price "window Specify "set only manually" -\u003e Write -\u003e OK.

Create a type of price small-winding with a 10% mark-up (References -\u003e Prices and Taxes -\u003e Types of prices -\u003e Actions -\u003e New -\u003e In the "Name" window, specify a small-winding 10 -\u003e in the "Currency" window -\u003e in the "Method of formation" window Prices »Specify" calculates and stored "-\u003e In the" Nature "window, specify 10 -\u003e in the" on "window to indicate" Accounting "-\u003e Write -\u003e OK.

Create a price type Wholesale with 20% markup (References -\u003e Prices and Taxes -\u003e Types -\u003e Actions -\u003e New -\u003e In the "Name" window, specify the wholesale 20 -\u003e in the "Currency" window -\u003e in the "Formation" window Prices »Specify" calculates and stored "-\u003e In the" Nature "window, specify 20 -\u003e in the" on "window to specify the" account "-\u003e write -\u003e approx.

Create a price type Retail with 50% mark-up (References -\u003e Prices and Taxes -\u003e Types of prices -\u003e Actions -\u003e New -\u003e In the "Name" window, specify the retail 50 -\u003e in the "Currency" window rubles -\u003e in the "Method of Formation" window Prices »Specify" calculates and stored "-\u003e In the" Nature "window, specify 50 -\u003e in the" on "window to specify" accounting "-\u003e write down -\u003e OK.

9. Fill out the Handbook "Nomenclature" (Directories -\u003e Nomenclature)

Create folders "Cookies", "Candy", "Juices" (actions -\u003e New Group).

Open the "Cookies" folder (double click on the icon). Add a new directory element (Actions-\u003e New).

1. In the "Name" window, specify the "Jubilee Classic" cookie (this field is used to search for the nomenclature in the directory) -\u003e ENTER -\u003e The information from the previous window will be copied to the "Print Name" window (it can be specified). In the Basic window, specify a package -\u003e Fill the barcode window over the "Left Arrow" button -\u003e In the Weight window, specify 0.2 -\u003e Disable "Use only Basic" mode -\u003e In the "Basic" window specify "Put »-\u003e Fill the barcode window on the" Left Arrow "button -\u003e in the Weight window indicate 0.2 -\u003e in the article" Articula "specify 101 -\u003e In the VAT window, indicate 18% -\u003e in the NP window »Indicate without taxes.

Go to the "Advanced" tab. In the Basic Property window, add a new string (the first button on the toolbar or actions -\u003e new) and specify the front of the front -\u003e Press the "Record" button on the toolbar (diskette button) -\u003e Select the property in the nomenclature card by double clicking row. In the "Minimum residue" window, specify 50.

To save the reference item, click the "Record" button at the bottom of the "Nomenclature.

To create prices for which the current product range will be taking place, click the "References" button -\u003e Prices -\u003e Add a new string (Actions -\u003e New or first button on the toolbar) -\u003e In the "Type" window, specify scientists -\u003e in Pricing window Specify 20 -\u003e Press the "Record" button on the toolbar -\u003e In the "Record Records" window, specify the date "01.03.06" -\u003e OK.

Add a new string (Actions -\u003e New or first button on the toolbar) -\u003e In the "Type" window, specify small-winding 10 -\u003e In the "Price" window, specify 22 -\u003e Press the "Record" button on the toolbar -\u003e in the "Record window" Periodic details »Specify the date" 01.03.06 "-\u003e OK.

Add a new string (Actions -\u003e New or first button on the toolbar) -\u003e In the "Type" window, specify the wholesale 20 -\u003e in the "Price" window Specify 24 -\u003e Press the "Record" button on the toolbar -\u003e in the "Record window" Periodic details »Specify the date" 01.03.06 "-\u003e OK.

Add a new string (Actions -\u003e New or first button on the toolbar) -\u003e In the "Type" window, specify the retail 50 -\u003e in the "Price" window specify 30 -\u003e Press the "Record" button on the toolbar -\u003e in the "Record window" Periodic details »Specify the date" 01.03.06 "-\u003e OK.

2. Similarly, fill the element of the reference to the nomenclature "Jubilee Walnut Cookies"

Close the "Cookie" folder double clicking on the icon. Open the "Candy" folder double clicking on the icon. Make two types of candies to this folder:

Candy Swallow for 60 rubles / kg

Spring candy for 50 rubles / kg.

3. Close the "Candy" folder by double clicking on the icon. Open the "Juice" folder double clicking on the icon. Make two types of juice in this folder:

Good apple juice 20 rubles / l

Juice Fruit Garden Peach 20 rub / l

The completion procedure is similar to the procedure described in the previous paragraph.

10. Accounting for the receipt of TMC in the mode of purchase and sale

(Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e Arrival of TMC (purchase and sale))

Documents "The arrival of the TMC (purchase and sale) (the arrival of the TMT (commission))" are created, stored and edited in the journal "Suppliers". The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Suppliers" / "entry of the TMC (purchase and sale)" or "Arrival of TMC (Commission). Depending on the menu item in the on-screen form of the document, the type of operation is automatically defined - buying or receiving a commission. Procurement of the same position from the reference book "Nomenclature" with the help of the document "The arrival of the TMC (purchase and sale)" can be issued as the purchase of various types of TMC (product, material). When shipping, the configuration will automatically determine the type of shipped by TMC in accordance with the delivery document and correctly will form accounting wiring.

The type of TMC is chosen in the column "TMTS Type". When selecting the TMC in the catalog, you can set this selection mode, in which the graph "TMC type" will be installed in accordance with the value that is selected as the default value in the selection dialog.

Commission reception operation can be made only for goods.

The configuration provides the ability to conduct partial accounting of TMC in the context of the various properties of the TMC batch. As such property, the shelf life of the TMTS, color, size, etc. can be used. Upon arrival of the TMC, it is necessary to draw up the arrival of the same TMC, having different properties, several rows in the document specification. Counts "GTD", "Country", "Property" are filled with a dialog box form of an element of the reference book "Party of the TMC". This window is called when you activate any of the listed fields. By the "Actions button, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows the changes in the Winforming Base made by this document. About accounting wiring "For a given document, it shows in the tabletop of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in the specification document "Add from document" allows you to fill in the document specification by combining specification of multiple documents of various types. Item "Go to magazine" opens a general document log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed. The "Upgrade of the price update" item allows for those positions that are specified in the document, set the same prices in the price directory as specified in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified charges.

Example 1.

Reflect the receipt 01.04.06 from Spring LLC on account, sch / invoice, invoice number 55 from 01.04.06 candies: Swallows - 100 kg; Spring - 100 kg.

Solution: Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e Arrival of TMC (purchase and sale) -\u003e In the Counterparty window, specify Spring LLC. In the Treaty window -\u003e Actions -\u003e New-\u003e in the "Treaty Name" window, indicate the score No. 55 of 01.04.06; Default price type - Accounting -\u003e Credit term - 10 days -\u003e Credit amount - 10 000 rub -\u003e Write -\u003e OK -\u003e Select a contract to a document Double-click on the line -\u003e Go to the tab Table part -\u003e Press the "Prices" button "-\u003e In the" Price Type "window, select" Account "-\u003e OK -\u003e Press the" Selection "button -\u003e Select the nomenclature by double-clicking on the line -\u003e In the" Quantity "window, press ENTER -\u003e Specify 100 -\u003e OK. After selecting all the necessary nomenclature, click OK. Press the Records -\u003e Buttons -\u003e M4 (View and Close Printing Forms) -\u003e Press the Account Contact button (press the Record-\u003e buttons -\u003e Conduct-\u003e Print-\u003e OK) -\u003e OK.

The created document is saved in the journal of documents on suppliers (Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e Journal of Documents on Suppliers)

11. Accounting for the receipt of TMC in the Commission

(Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e TMT (Commission))

The document works similarly to the document "Arrival of TMC (purchase and sale).

Example 2.

Reflect the receipt of 02.04.06 from Formula LLC, account, account number 60 from 02,044.06 Cookies: Anniversary classical - 100 kg; Anniversary walnut - 100 kg.

Solution: See Example 1

12. Accounting for TMC (import)

(Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e Arrival of TMC (import))

The document "The arrival of the TMT (imports) is issued if it is necessary to reflect information on customs fees and duties when entering imported TMC. The document presents an additional bookmark "Customs, customs collection", which is filled with information about ruble and currency customs. In the field "Counterparty" is filled with the name of the customs, and in the fields "Treaty with Customs" (ruble customs duty and currency customs duty), the names of those contracts with customs on which the amount of ruble and customs is charged is recorded. The amount itself is written manually into the appropriate fields. The amount of currency collection is written in the currency that is defined in the currency of the relevant contract. Below is its equivalent in rubles, recalculated at the rate specified in the document. The GTD number and the country of origin is indicated for each product on the tab "tabular part". Customs duties charged from each TMC are specified in the tabular part of the document (tab "tabular part"). The price of the TMC is indicated in the currency of the document, the customs value is automatically recalculated in rubles (established accounting currency) on the course specified in the document. Customs value can be changed manually. The "% duty" field indicates the percentage charged duty, the amount of duty is calculated automatically based on the specified percentage and the value of the customs value. The amount of duty can be set and manually, however, the previous percentage of duty remains. A manual task of the amount of the duty is convenient to use if it is necessary to round this amount, leaving the percentage of the tax fee. The amount of VAT is calculated automatically in the currency of accounting based on the value of the customs value and duties. This document is always drawn up, taking into account VAT in the amount of the document. The user has the ability to manually change the amount of VAT. By the "Actions button, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows the changes in the information base made by this document. About accounting wiring "For the document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. The" Enter based on "item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The "Change Document Specification" item allows you to perform group steps to change the price characteristics in the document specification. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a common document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed. The "Upgrade of the price update" item allows for those positions that are specified in the document, set the same prices in the price directory as specified in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified charges.

Example 3.

Reflect the receipt of 02.04.06 from Formula LLC on account, sch / invoice, invoice number 61 from 02.04.06 Candy "Rafalelo" 100 boxes for 200 s. Ruble customs gathering - 1000 rubles. Under Agreement No. 333. On the bookmark "Customs, customs fee in the" Counterparty "window, indicate the customs of the Tyumen region.

Solution: See Example 1.

Retail (purchase and sale) (Commission)

(Documents -\u003e Suppliers -\u003e Receipt of the TMT retail (purchase and sale) (Commission))

Documents "Receipt of retail (purchase and sale) (Receipt of retail (commission)) Pedn appointed for registration of TMC's receipt to retail warehouse. Documents" Receipt of retail (purchase and sale) (Receipt of retail (commission)) "are created, stored and Edit in the magazine "Journal of Documents on Suppliers". The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Suppliers" / "Reference on retail (purchase-sale)" or "Retail Receipt (Commission)". Depending on the selected item The menu in the on-screen form of the document will be automatically determined by the type of operation - Purchase or reception per commission. Registration of documents of documents Similar to the paperwork "The receipt of the TMC (purchase and sale)". A feature of this document is that it is assigned those prices for which TMC It will be sold in retail. Prices for which TMC will be sold to retail, are introduced on the tab "Tabular part" in the column "Ros. price ". The price on which the TMC will be sold in retail, can be calculated based on the supplier price entered (delivery price) and the markup (ROSD. Nature). By default, the markup is filled with the mark-up, which is set for a retail type of price defined in the parameter settings Accounting on the Retail tab. The value of the retail margin can be set and randomly, the retail prices will be automatically recalculated. Procurement of the same position from the category "Nomenclature" can be issued as a purchase of various types of TMC (product, material). Shipment The configuration will automatically determine the type of shipped by the TMC in accordance with the delivery document and correctly will form accounting wiring. The TMC type is selected in the "TMC type of TMT". When you select the TMC in the catalog, you can set this selection mode, in which the graph "TMC type" will be installed in accordance With the meaning that is selected as the default value in the selection dialog. Commission reception operation Can be made only for goods. The configuration provides the ability to conduct partial accounting of TMC in the context of the various properties of the TMC batch. As such property, the shelf life of the TMTS, color, size, etc. can be used. Upon arrival of the TMC, it is necessary to draw up the arrival of the same TMC, having different properties, several rows in the document specification. Counts "GTD", "Country", "Property" are filled with a dialog box form of an element of the reference book "Party of the TMC". This window is called when you activate any of the listed fields. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting postings "For the conducted document, shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in Document specifications. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to magazine" Opens the General Document Log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the user settings are set Flag "Close a Document When Going to Magazine", the document will be automatically closed. The "Upgrade of the price update" item allows for those positions that are specified in the document, set the same prices in the price directory as specified in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified charges.

Sales (purchase and sale) (commission)

(Documents -\u003e Buyers -\u003e TMT implementation (purchase and sale) (Commission))

Document "Sales (purchase and sale, commission)" is intended to fix the fact of implementation (shipment) of the TMC. The fact of shipment and leave of the TMC to the commission (transmission of the TMC for implementation) in the configuration is fixed by the same document. The type of operation performed, and accordingly, the name of the document changes when the "Operation" button is pressed in the document header. The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Sales-Sale)" or "Implementation (Commission)". When you select the appropriate menu item, the type of operation performed (purchase and sale or commission) and the name of the document is automatically set. The document may be discharged on the basis of a request to the buyer. In the event that the shipment document is discharged on the basis of an application for which the TMC has reserved (an application for a warehouse, a supply application), then the TMC reserve written by this document is automatically removed. In the event that the document "excluding NP" is installed in the document, and payment is made in cash, the automatic reversal of the NP amount is not performed. Based on the document "Implementation (purchase - sale)" for further reflection of data in the sales book, an invoice is entered. The invoice can be entered on the basis of a document by pressing the "Account" button ". On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting postings "For the conducted document, shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in Document specifications. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to magazine" Opens the General Document Log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the user settings are set Flag "Close a Document When Going to Magazine", the document will be automatically closed. Item "unload (send by email" mailbox "allows you to send a document in electronic form.

Sales (Retail)

(Documents -\u003e Buyers -\u003e the implementation of the TMC (Retail))

Document "Sales (Retail)" is intended for fixing the shipment of TMC in retail. This document is conveniently used in the event that the sale of TMC in retail trade, the fact of payment and shipment of the TMC is separated in time (the receipt of money is fixed by the document "Cartrol Orders" with a set view of payment " Retail revenue"Or" Retail revenue (UNVD) ". As an example, you can bring the retail registration in stores that do not lead computer accounting. The document may be decorated with a wholesale and retail warehouse. In the event that the document is executed from the retail warehouse, then the sale is carried out. at fixed prices. Prices are fixed at the time of the receipt of the TMC to the retail warehouse - in the document "Receipt of retail" or "Moving the TMC (Retail)". When selling services in retail, the price type specified in the settings of the accounting parameters on the "Modes" tab . Document "Implementation (Retail)" can be introduced on the basis of the document "Inventory (Retail)". This method of filling is convenient if the sales of TMC are recorded in retail, according to the results of the results carried out in commercial Hall (on retail warehouse) inventory. By the "Actions button, you can make the following actions:

The "Subordination Structure" item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The "Document Movement Report" item for a document conducted shows changes in the information base made by this document. The "Accounting Post Report" item for the document carried out shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The "Change Document Specification" item allows you to perform group steps to change the price characteristics in the document specification. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a common document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Inventory K. ABOUT Missionar

(Documents -\u003e Buyers -\u003e Inventory of the Commissioner)

The document "Inventory of the Commissioner" is intended for fixing the remains of TMCs located at the commissioner's implementation. This document does not produce any movements in configuration registers. With this document, you can fix the current remnants of the TMC at the commissioner and then according to the results of the comparison of the actual and real number of TMC, write a document "Commissioner's report", which will fix the sale of TMC transfers. This method of filling is conveniently applied if the commissioner does not report on the number of (realized) TMC, but about the remnants of unrealized TMC. The new document is called from the menu item "Documents /" Buyers "/" Inventory of the Commissioner ". The document specification can be automatically fill out by all transferred to the implementation, but also unrealized TMC commissors using the" Fill "button. Field" count (Accounting) "is filled with the balances of unrealized TMTs at the date of registration of the inventory according to the documents decorated with this commissioner. The field" price "is filled with the price at which the TMC was transferred to the commissioner's implementation. If the TMC was transmitted to the implementation at different prices, the document will be present in the document. With the same TMT, but in a different price. Counts "Amount (Accounting)" and "Amount (Fact)" are initially filled with the total value of TMC, which is calculated as "price", multiplied by the actual number. In the Count "Count (Fact)" Enters information about the real residues of unrealized TMTS at the commission agent. The user also has the ability to change the price. When the actual amount and / or price changes, will automatically be recalculated "the sum (fact)". Count "Off" is filled with the difference between the real (actual) and accounting quantity TMC. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing a tree The subordination structures in which this document is enabled. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a common document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Commissionman report

(Documents -\u003e Buyers -\u003e Commissioner Report)

The document "Report of the Commissioner" is intended for fixing the TMC sold by the commission agent. If among these TMTS were the TMC, previously taken on the implementation of the supplier, then the fact of obtaining ownership of these TMTS is also fixed (so far they belonged to the supplier). Documents "Commissioner Report" are created, stored and edited in the "Buyers" log (called in the "Magazines" / "Buyers" menu). The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Report of the Commissioner". The document "Report of the Commissioner" may be issued on the basis of the document "Implementation (Commission)" or within a specific contract with a counterparty. If the document is issued on the basis of the document "Sales (Commission)", its specification is automatically filled with all transmitted to the implementation, but not yet implemented by the TMC on this document. If the document is issued within the framework of a specific contract, its specification is filled in taking into account all transmitted to the implementation, but unrealized TMC under a specific contract. Using the "Fill" button, you can automatically specify the document when the details of the document is changed (changing the base document, change of the counterparty or contract). Prices in the document are established according to the prices for which the TMC was transmitted to the implementation. If the TMC was transferred to the implementation at different prices, then in the report "Commissioner's report" two lines on the same TMTS will be recorded at different prices of implementation. The document specification can be filled with manually. In the specification of the document "Report of the Commissioner", those TMTS are entered, which sold the commission agent (counterparty - implementer), and their number. In the event that the commissioner reports the remains of the TMT on the implementation, first it is convenient to arrange the document "Inventory of the Commissioner", in which the actual remnants of the TMC at the commission are fixed, then on the basis of introducing the document "Commissioner's report", which is automatically applied to the specification Commissioner TMC. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Accounting post report "For a document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The "Change Document Specification" item allows you to perform group steps to change the price characteristics in the document specification.

This document is intended for registration of the fact of return of the TMC by the buyer or commission agent.

Report Return from the Buyer

(Documents -\u003e Buyers -\u003e Return from the Buyer)

In fact, one document is used to design both of these operations, and which operation is currently being drawn up, is determined by the selected type of operation. The type of operation is selected using the "Operation" Operation "Operation" Operation ". The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Buyers" menu / "Return from the buyer (purchase and sale)" or "Return from the Buyer (Commission)." Depending on the selected menu item in the document, the corresponding type of operation and the name is set. Document "Return from the Buyer (Commission)" may be issued on the basis of the document "Implementation (Commission)" or under the contract with a counterparty. In the event of a document based on the document "Implementation", its specification is automatically filled with all TMC sold and in its specification it is necessary to leave only those TMCs that return the buyer (for example, defective goods). In the case of the document under the contract with the commission agent, its specification will be automatically filled with all transmitted to the implementation, but not yet implemented by TMC. By default, the price in the document is filled with the price at which the TMC was sold (transferred to the Commission). If necessary, this price can be changed. This information will be taken into account with mutual settlements with the buyer (commission agent). In this case, the TMC will be returned to that party from which it was sold. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting postings "For the conducted document, shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in Document specifications. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to magazine" Opens the General Document Log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the user settings are set Flag "Close a Document When Going to Magazine", the document will be automatically closed.

Accounting for cash operations

Money receipt - Cashier receipt

(Documents -\u003e Cashier -\u003e PKO)

The "Cartrol Orders" document is designed to account for cash receipts. Depending on the set payment type, with this document, the following types of cash receipt can be recorded in the cashier: "Payment from the Buyer", "Return from the Supplier", "Return from the accounting program". In the case of registration of revenue from the cash desk, the following types of payment are provided - "retail revenue" and retail revenue (UNVD). In addition, there is such a type of money receipt, as "other", which allows you to fix money with this document not falling under the types of payment above. The configuration provides for accounting for money in several cages of the company, so when making a document, you must choose a cashier into which cash receipt is recorded. Depending on the state of mutual settlements with the buyer, the amount may be automatically. Broken (if necessary) into separate parts: - Payment of shipped TMTs (services rendered); - payment of realized TMC; - Admission of an advance from the buyer. Each of these parts of the submitted amount is reflected in accordance with the accounting rules. In the event that with the help of the arrival cash order is fixed by prepayment, then on the basis of the arrival The bottom cash order can be recorded an invoice. In this case, the invoice is drawn up as an invoice for advance payment. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting wiring "For the document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. Item" Go to magazine "opens a general document log and establishes the cursor on this Document. In the event that in the user settings set to "close the document when you log in", the document will be automatically closed.

Cash issuance - Expendable cash order

(Documents -\u003e Cashier -\u003e RKO)

Document "Expendable Cash Order" (RKO) is designed to account for cash payments. The new document is called using the "Documents" / "Cashier" menu / "Expendable Cash Order". Depending on the set payment type, using this document, the following types of cash payments can be recorded: "Payment by the Supplier", "Return of payment to the buyer", "issuing the amount in the scope." In addition, there is a type of money payout - "Other", which allows you to fix the flow of cash, incomplining the types of payment with this document. The configuration is provided for accounting for money in various cash desks, so when making a document, you must choose a cashier from which cash will be paid. The configuration contains separate accounting of funds in the context of firms in various currency. At one checkout (or in several courses), funds can be kept in rubles, dollars, daiffs, respectively, on various firms. When filling out information in RKO, it is necessary to record the currency of funds and the firm, on behalf of which cash flow. Depending on the state of mutual settlements with the buyer, the amount made may be automatically divided during the document (if necessary) to separate parts: - payment of the obtained TMC (services); - payment of the TMC, adopted for the implementation of the Committee; - the payment of the advances in the Supplier. Each of these parts of the submitted amount is reflected in accordance with accounting rules. The "Print" tab introduces the necessary information for the proper formation of the printed form of the document, namely: information about who issued cash (the field "issue" in print form document), as well as the basis and application for the document. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Accounting post report "For a document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document.

Accounting for banking operations. PAYMENT ORDER

(Documents -\u003e Bank-\u003e Payment Order)

The document is designed for registration and printing of payment orders. Documents of this species are created, stored and edited in a special magazine "Payment documents". The new document can also be called in the "Documents" / "Bank" / "Payment Order" menu. When creating a new document, the firm, on behalf of which the payment order is issued, is established in accordance with the default settings for the user. The current account from the "Bank Account" reference book is established in accordance with the selected key account for the company (Bookmark "Bank Account" in the form of a firm). The "O" button opens information about the selected current account, which can be edited without leaving the document. On the button "..." Handbook "Bank accounts" opens for the specified firm in the selection mode, and you can choose another current account. Information about the payer, the recipient and purpose of payment is automatically filled in accordance with the requisites set in the document. This information is presented in the form of text that can be corrected at any time. Information editing is made on the "Print" tab. For ease of filling, you can use the special processing caused by the "Fill" button. The special window contains a list of payer details (recipient). With the help of control keys (up, down), you can change the procedure for representing the details, and you can also delete the description of the requisite from the text. Using the "Auto" button, you can restore the details that are installed in the default configuration. If you click on the "OK" button, then this text will be available for editing on the "Print" tab. By the "Actions button, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. Item" Go to Magazaga "opens a common The document log is detecting the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the User Settings is set to "close the document when entering the log" flag, the document will be automatically closed.

Row of bank statement (arrival)

(Documents -\u003e Bank -\u003e String statement (arrival))

Information about the receipt of money to the current account is entered using the document "String of the Bank's statement (arrival). A new document may be decorated from the" Documents "menu item /" Bank "String (arrival)" The new document may also be decorated with The "arrival" buttons in the "Bank statement" processing. In the event that the new document is executed from the bank statement, the parameters defined in the bank discharge are automatically entered into it - the document. Currency of the document is automatically filled with the currency of the selected account. Attention that the configuration does not keep records of export operations. The receipts of non-cash funds on currency accounts of the company will be decorated in configurations as an advent of advance payment in currency. Payment can be fixed with or excluding NP. The document must be recorded. type of payment. The following payment options are possible: "Receipt from the buyer", "Return from the supplier" and "about more. If a specific document is specified in the bank output from the bank, according to which payment is made, it can be specified in this document as a base document ("Base" in the document). In the event that the "Other" is selected as a type of payment, the form of a document is changed, an additional field appears in it and the values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding subconto. These fields are filled by the user in accordance with which accounting accounts should include the receipt of non-cash funds. These fields are not mandatory, but if they are not filled, then according to the document with the type of payment "Other" accounting wiring will not be formed. In the event that a prepayment from the buyer is fixed on the basis of the document "The statement line (arrival)", the document "invoice issued" is executed. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting wiring "For the document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. Item" Go to magazine "opens a general document log and establishes the cursor on this Document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Row of bank statement (consumption)

(Documents -\u003e Bank-\u003e Extract String (Consumption))

Information on the write-off of money from the current account is entered using the document "String of the Bank's statement (consumption). A new document may be decorated from the" Documents "menu item /" Bank "String (Consumption)" The new document may also be decorated with "Consumption" buttons in the "Bank statement" processing. The new document opens when you press the "Consumption" button in the bank statement. In the event that the new document is executed from the bank statement, the parameters defined in the banking statement are automatically entered into it - firm, Current account. The currency of the document is automatically filled with the currency of the selected current account. The configuration provides for accounting of mutual settlements with foreign suppliers. The debt in front of the foreign provider occurs when the document "Receipt of the TMT (import)" on a specific agreement with a foreign provider. repayment of debt to the foreign provider is made at Transferring funds from a currency accounting account but. To do this, place the document "The Bank's statement line (consumption)", indicating a currency billing account in it. In all other cases, the transfer of money from the currency billing account is recorded in the configuration as a listing of an advance payment provider in currency. Payment can be fixed with or excluding NP. The document must contain a type of payment. The following payment options are possible: "Payment of the Supplier", "Return to the Buyer", "Other". If a specific document is specified in the bank output from the bank, according to which payment is made, it can be specified in this document as a base document ("Base" in the document). In the event that the "Other" is selected as a type of payment, the form of a document is changed, an additional field appears in it and the values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding subconto. These fields are filled by the user in accordance with what accounting accounts should be attributed to the write-off of non-cash funds. These fields are not mandatory, but if they are not filled, then according to the document with the type of payment "Other" accounting wiring will not be formed. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Accounting post report "For a document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document.

INVENTORY CONTROL. Potation to the warehouse

(Documents -\u003e Warehouse-\u003e Calling for Warehouse)

Document "Call" is intended for registration of the fact of the charge of the TMC. The document may be issued on the basis of an inventory with the help of the document "Inventory (in a warehouse)" or as a free document in the event of an arbitrary receipt of TMC. Documents "Call" are created, stored and edited in the magazine "Warehouse Documents". The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Warehouse" / "Calling of the TMC". In the case of arbitrary gain, to properly reflect the operation in accounting, you can fill out information in the field of fields united by the name "Accounting Operation". Filling these fields is not mandatory. However, if these fields are not filled, then accounting wiring for this document will not be formed. The specification of the document is filled in a standard manner - line insertion or selection by directory. In the event of a document on the basis of the document "Inventory (in a warehouse)", the document specification is filled in accordance with the data specified in this document. Prices in this case are installed in accordance with the prices specified in the inventory. The Calling of the TMC can be made at random prices, the type of price is specified in a separate window "Document Parameters", called by the "Prices" button. Prices can be adjusted manually. It should be noted the fact that with the help of this document is fixed to the warehouse finished productsIn this case, the type of "products" is selected in the field of TMC. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting postings "For the conducted document, shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in Document specifications. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to magazine" Opens the General Document Log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the user settings are set Flag "Close a Document When Going to Magazine", the document will be automatically closed. The "Upgrade of the price update" item allows for those positions that are specified in the document, set the same prices in the price directory as specified in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified charges.

Write-off from warehouse

(Documents -\u003e Warehouse-\u003e Warehouse write-off)

The "write-off" document is designed to decorate the write-off of TMC. The document may be issued on the basis of an inventory (document "inventory (in a warehouse)") or as a free document in the event of an arbitrary write-off of TMC. Documents "write-off" are created, stored and edited in the magazine "Warehouse Documents". The new document is also called using the "Documents" menu / "Warehouses" / "write-off TMC". In the group of fields "Accounting Operation", data on accounts and subconto are filled out to which this economic operation must be attributed. Field filling is made using the Handbook of the Account Plan. These fields are not mandatory for filling, however, if they remain empty, the accounting wiring for the document will not be formed. When unloading wiring, an analysis of the specified accounting account is made. Depending on the specified account, the position of the document can be unloaded into accounting as a product, material or products, regardless of how the distribution of the TMC in parties occurred. Therefore, the write-off of the TMTs of various types is recommended to make up different write-off documents. The specification of the document is filled in a standard manner - line insertion or selection by directory. In the event that the definition of the TMC from the retail warehouse is made to the document specification, the graphs price and the amount are added in which information about prices, according to which the TMC is taken into account on the retail warehouse. In accordance with these prices, the TMC will be written off from the retail warehouse. In the event that the document is drawn up on the basis of the document "Inventory (in a warehouse)", its specification is automatically filled in accordance with the data specified in the inventory. When making a document, automatically written off batches in accordance with the procedure established in the form of a company. The document also has the opportunity to specify a specific batch from which the CTMC will be made (Count "Part" in the document specification). On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Accounting post report "For a document conducted, it shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. The "Change Document Specification" item allows you to perform group steps to change the price characteristics in the document specification. The "Add from Document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a common document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Inventory in warehouse

(Documents -\u003e Warehouse-\u003e Inventory in the warehouse)

The document is designed to carry out inventory on wholesale warehouses and retail warehouses. Using the "Operation" button, the type of operation and the name of the document "Inventory in a warehouse" (inventory at wholesale warehouses) or "Inventory (by retail) (inventory on retail warehouses) is changed. The document "Inventory in a warehouse" is intended for the formation and printing of the accurate statement and inventory inventory in the inventory in the company's wholesale warehouses, as well as the statements of the write-off and posting of excess TMTs on the basis of this document in the presence of discrepancies between the actual and documented remnants of the TMC. The new document is called from the "Documents" / "Warehouse" menu / "Warehouse Inventory". Data in the inventory statement can be automatically fill in information about the remains of the TMC on the wholesale warehouse specified in the document using the "Fill" button. Depending on the position of the "type of inventory" switch, the remains of the TMC in stock are calculated relative to the company chosen in the document on the date of registration of the inventory or by the company as a whole (for all firms). The document does not make any movement in registers, however, according to the results of the inventory, it is possible to write subordinate documents: "write-off TMC" and "TMC's posting". The composition of these documents will be filled in accordance with the results of the inventory of the TMC, that is, in the specification of the document "Calling TMC" will be listed by the TMC, identified as a result of inventory, and in the specification of the document "write-off TMTS" those TMTS will be listed that must be written off according to the results of the inventory . After these documents, the amount of TMC in the warehouse will be established to equal to the real number of TMC recorded in the inventory statement. The document "Inventory (by retail)" is designed to fix the remnants of TMC on retail warehouses in vacation prices. The new document is called from the "Documents" menu / "Warehouses" / "Inventory (Retail). Using the" Fill "button, the document specification can be filled with residues on a retail warehouse. Taking TMC is carried out at vacation prices. If the TMC is transferred to retail warehouse at different prices The document will record two rows with the same TMC, but at different prices. When automatically fill in the count "count. Accounting", the amount of goods calculated on documents recorded in the information base is recorded. Depending on the position of the switch "Type of inventory" residues The TMC in the warehouse is calculated in relation to the company chosen in the document on the date of registration of inventory or by the company as a whole (for all firms). After the inventory at the retail warehouse in the Count Count Fact »Remains of TMC after retail sale. The difference between these two values \u200b\u200bwill be the amount of TMC sold. This information will be calculated and recorded in the document in the "Off" column. Based on the document "Inventory (Retail)", you can enter a document "Implementation (Retail)" or "CCM Report". The specification of these documents is automatically entered by the information about the TMC sold (information from the "Off" column). When conducting a document "Report KKM", the shipment of the TMC and the receipt of money on the cashier will be immediately recorded, during the implementation of the document "Sales (Retail)" will be recorded only by the shipment of TMC from the retail warehouse. The document "Sales (retail)" is conveniently issued if, for example, revenue from the store comes daily and recorded in the information base with the help of appropriate payment documents, and information about sales (or the results of the inventory) enters the office only once a week. By the "Actions button, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Enter on the basis "item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. Item" Go to Journal "opens the total The document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag "Close Document When Going to Journal" is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Revaluation on retail warehouse

(Documents -\u003e Warehouse-\u003e Revaluation (Retail)

Document "Revaluation (Retail)" is intended for revaluation of TMC residues at the retail warehouse. Documents "Revaluation (Retail)" are created, stored and edited in the magazine "Journal-Warehouse Documents". The new document is also called from the "Documents" / "Warehouse" / "Revaluation (Retail)". The residues are revalued at the retail warehouse for the company chosen in the document. After choosing a firm and retail warehouse in the document, the specification is automatically filling. The specification of the document is filled with the residues of the TMC, which are in this warehouse and related to the firm selected in the document. At any time you can automatically fill in the document specification by the "Fill" button. If the retail warehouse exists the remnants of the same TMT at different prices, then several lines with the same TMC will be present in the document, but at different prices. You can not overestimate the entire balance of a particular position, but only its part. In this case, the document needs to specify the number of TMC, which must be overestimated and fix new price. By the "Actions button, you can make the following steps: The" Document Report Report "item for the document conducted shows changes in the information base made by this document. The" Accounting Report Report "item for a document has shown in the table form to be formed on this Document. The "Enter on the basis" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. Pricing item in the reference book "allows you to fill in the price directory" information about the new retail price specified in the document. The type of prices is updated, which is specified in the settings of the accounting parameters on the "Work Modes" tab, as a retail price type. The "Change Document Specification" item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics of the document specification. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a general document log and makes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.


Complete set (descript) TMT

(Documents -\u003e Sets -\u003e TMC equipment

The "Complete set of TMC" is designed to design a set of assembly kit from components. Documents of this species are created, stored and edited in a special magazine "Kits". The new document can also be called in the "Documents" / "Kits" / "Completion of the TMT" in the "Documents" menu. The operation of the configuration consists of two stages, which are made in one document, namely the write-off of components and the receipt of the finished set to the warehouse. The write-off of components is made from the warehouse - the sender, which is specified in the document as a "warehouse" in the group of elements "Organization". The arrival of the finished kit is made on the warehouse, which is specified in the document as "Recipient". The number of components is set in accordance with the specified quantity for each component in the subordinate Handbook "Composition of the Kit" and the number of collected sets. The list can arbitrarily change the number and add new components, regardless of which components are indicated as part of the set in the Handbook "Nomenclature". When charging components, you can choose the type of TMT (product, material, products), which components will be credited to the warehouse. The price in which the components are credited to the warehouse is automatically calculated on the basis of the price on which the kit is written off and the specified price coefficient. On the "Actions button, you can make the following actions:" Document Movement Report "item For the document conducted, shows the changes in the Winforming Base made by this document. The" Accounting Post Report "item shows in the tabletop of wiring to be formed on this document . Point "Go to magazine" opens the general document log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the document is set to the User settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Work with CCM. Check KKM

(Documents -\u003e Work with KKM-\u003e Check

The document "Check KKM" is intended for making a mass sale of goods to the population in retail. The document "Check KKM" can be issued only from that warehouse for the firm that are specified in the default user settings. Getting money is fixed at the checkout also specified in the default user settings. The change in these parameters in the document itself is not provided. As in any other retail document, TMC shipment can only be carried out at fixed prices. The document may be decorated with a wholesale and retail warehouse. In the event that the document is executed from the wholesale warehouse, the prices of which are specified as a fixed price, the type of which is defined on the "Modes" tab in the settings of the accounting parameters. The same type of prices is used when shipped to retail services. In the event that the document is drawn up from the retail warehouse, then the prices are fixed at the time of the receipt of the TMC to the retail warehouse - in the document "Receipt of retail" or "Moving the TMC (Retail)". Documents "Check KKM" can be used in mass trading in retail using KKM in a fiscal registrar mode or in "ON LINE" mode (and in "On Line" mode checks are formed automatically). The document "Check KKM" can also be issued if no cash register is connected in the configuration. In this case, a cash desk can be selected, which is not CCM, and the check can be printed as a commodity check. Checks are created, stored and edited in the magazine "Checks KKM". The new document is also called using the "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Check KKM" menu. Selection of goods to the document can be done with a barcode. In the "Barcode" field, you can also type the barcode manually, the configuration will find this product and automatically fill out information about it in the document specification. When selecting a product in the document specification, those prices for which the goods were transferred to a retail warehouse were automatically installed, that is, the prices specified in the document "Movement of the TMC (Retail)" or the prices specified in the Retail Receipt document as retail prices. Documents of the type "Check KKM" are drawn up in configuration during the CCM cash shift. Upon completion of the cash shift of the CCM with a special regulatory processing "Closing of the cash shift" (menu item "Documents" / "Buyers" / " Service KKM."/" Custom Change Change "). All current check documents are deleted; Instead, a generalizing document" Report KKM "is being formed and conducted, which sums up sales in retail for a specific CCM (specified in the processing settings). To speed up the paper. The "check" takes into account only the change in the balance of goods in stock, and the write-off of the batches of goods is not executed, because it is the most long-time procedure and to reduce the check time it is not performed. Partico accounting of goods is already made upon holding a consolidated document " The CMP report. "On the" Actions button, you can make the following actions: The "Subordination Structure" item opens a window containing a subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The "Document Report Report" item for the document conducted shows the changes in the Winformational Base made by this document. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. Item "Go to Magazine" opens a common document log and establishes the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the Document When Going to Journal is set in the User Settings, the document will be automatically closed.

Closing cash shift

(Documents -\u003e Work with CMP-\u003e Cash Change Closure

Closing cash shift. Upon completion of the cash shift, the CCM with a special regulatory processing "Cleaners" all current documents "Check" are removed, and instead, a generalizing cash transmission document "Report KKM" is being formed, collecting all sales in retail with a specific CCM per shift. When carrying out the document "Report KKM", it forms generalized postings on all registers, including in partings of goods and on mutual settlements with counterparties. Documents simultaneously fix the fact of shipment and payment of payment when working with the CCM in the OFFLINE mode, the use of the document "Check" is not assumed. Just at the end of the cash shift standard processing "Cleanersman" immediately forms "reports".

Input of TMC residues in stock

(Documents -\u003e Output of residues -\u003e Entering residues in stock

The document "Enter of TMC residues" is a generalized document with which the initial remnants of the respective parties of the TMC are introduced. Using the document "Entering residues of TMC", it is possible at the start of operation of the system to directly set the remains in the warehouse and enter the corresponding batches without writing out fictitious documents. This document records not only the change in TMC residues at the relevant warehouse, but also introduces the relevant information on the parties of the TMC. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the goods from one party, such as a batch of goods taken on the sale of one committee, can be located on several warehouses. In this case, a separate document input document should be issued for each warehouse. The configuration provides for the separation of the accounting of the TMC in warehouses (material and responsible persons) and firms. For each combination, the Firm warehouse must be issued a document to enter residues. The view of the batch of the input residues is determined by the specified type of operation (the "Operation" button in the document) and the selected party status (the "TMC type" field). Depending on the specified type of operation, the document is changed.

Entering the residues of the TMC in stock in the document it is necessary to choose the operation - the remains of the TMC in the warehouse. With the help of the document, the remains of all parties of the TMC stored in the firm warehouse are introduced. The status of the party is determined in the field "Type of TMT". The number of documents input is determined by the amount of source information on the remains of the PMT batches, which the user has. If the user has only generalized information about the remains of the TMC and cannot detail it up to the level of the party status, then one document is drawn up with the type of TMC "Product (bought)". In this case, information about the supplier can not specify. Depending on the type of the selected warehouse (whole or retail), the type of document changes: entering the residues of the TMT in the warehouse or input of the residues of the TMC in the warehouse (retail). In the Count "Amount (rub.)" Introduces the total cost of TMC residues in the accounting currency. In the column "Total (rubles)" calculates the total cost of TMC residues, taking into account taxes. In the column "Total (USD)" calculates the total cost of the administered residues of the TMC in the currency of management accounting. The amount is recalculated at the exchange rate specified in the Currency Reference on the document date. Final sums in the currency of accounting and management accounting can be arbitrarily corrected by the user. When you enter remnants on a retail warehouse, you must additionally fill out information about the selling price in which the TMC will be taken into account and sold in retail (Prod. Price). The selling price is always filled in accounting currency. Party Parameters: Property, Country of Origin and GTD number are entered into the corresponding document specification graphs.

Entering the residues of the TMC transmitted to the implementation of counterparties

To enter residues, it is necessary to establish the operation - the remains of the TMC transmitted to the implementation. With the help of this document, the remains of the TMC are introduced from the commissioner to implement. For each commissioner must be entered its document to enter residues. In the header of the document, the commissioner should be specified and the contract for which the remnants of the TMC are introduced. If the Commissioner remains at the implementation of TMTS, having different party statuses, for example, products, materials (spare parts), purchased goods and goods accepted on the commission, then for each status of the party, it is necessary to issue a document input to residues. In the event that the commissioner has remained on the commissioner, the Committee has previously taken to the commission (the type of TMC is the goods (adopted)), then it is necessary in the "Counterparty" fields and "contract provider) to specify the Committee and the Agreement for which The goods were taken to the Commission. In all other cases, the filling of these fields is not mandatory. The table part of this document has a graph - "Stand. "This indicates the total cost of the position of the nomenclature, according to which it was transferred to the implementation. The total cost is indicated in the currency that is defined in the Commissioner's contract specified in the document.

Enter remnants of realized goods of the Committee

The need to bring initial balances on the Committee's implemented goods, it arises if the goods of the Committee are already considered to be sold out at the time of the initial remnants (the paper shipment document adopted on the Committee has been issued), but the Committee has not yet been calculated with the committee (not The document "Report Committee") was issued). The type of TMC in this document is established "Product (accepted)". The document indicates the Committee and its agreement in which there are balances implemented goodsFor which they have not yet reported to the committee. For each committee, its document must be issued. In the tabular part of the document in the column "sums", the cost of implemented goods in the accounting currency established in the settings is indicated. With the final calculations with the committee, on the basis of this document, the document "Report Committee" is introduced. On the button "Actions, you can make the following actions: The" Subordination Structure "item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree into which this document is enabled. The" Document Movement Report "item shows changes in the information base made by this document" Report on accounting postings "For the conducted document, shows in the table form of wiring, which will be formed on this document. Item" Enter on the basis "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected. The" Change Document Specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in Document Specifications. Item "Go to magazine" opens a common document log and sets the cursor on this document. In the event that the Flag of the User Settings is set to "close the document when you log in", the document will be automatically closed.


1. Report "Orders to suppliers." The report displays full or partial (if the filter is installed) the list of TMC ordered. A report can withdraw information about the order of specific TMC. The selection of TMC is made using appropriate filters: TMC, TMC groups, TMC properties.

2. Report "Applications from buyers." This report is intended to display information only on incomplete applications of buyers. The report displays full or partial (if filter is installed) a list of unfinished customer applications. Information on all applications of buyers, including completed applications, can be obtained in the register of applications formed from the report "Register of Documents". Report on incomplete applications can be displayed on any date. In the "Date" field, the date on which you need to see all incomplete applications are indicated.

3. Report "Payment of Applications". The report is intended to monitor payment of applications of buyers. It allows you to bring information about applications in the following cuts: Firm, buyer property, buyer (counterparty), contract, buyer's application, payment document (credit document). For each application, its movements are held reporting period and the amount of payment on the application in the currency of mutual settlements under the current contract. Accounting for payments on request is conducted in the context of firms and contracts. In the event that the application has been shipped more than the amount of payment is paid - negative.

4. Report "Certificate of TMC residues". With this report, you can check the information about the movement of the TMC on a specific warehouse, according to a specific company. You can also check information about the movement of TMC in the context of various analytical signs of management accounting. Using filters in the report, you can display information only by the movement of the TMC on a specific warehouse (or on several warehouses using the multiple filter). The data in the report can be represented both in the basic and main units of measurement. In the event that the reporting units are installed for the report, you can display quantitative results in each of the TMC groups. To do this, you need to set the "Results by Group" flag. To obtain a more complete picture of the movement of the TMT, you can set the flag "Show remnants from commissioners" and get information not only about the movement of our own TMTs in warehouses, but also on the transfer of TMC to the implementation of commissioners.

5. Report "The remains of the TMC". In the report "TMTS remnants" you can withdraw data on the remains of the TMC with the distribution of warehouses. The report presents both quantitative and sum of the TMC.

6. Report "Certificate of Party of TMC". The report "Statement of Parts of TMC" presents not only quantitative, but also the sum of the TMC. With this report, you can find out how the TMC is listed for a certain material person, learn from which supplier it was received by TMC, which amount of TMC was spent at cost for a certain period, etc.

7. Report "Project Report". Project Report is intended to obtain information on the implementation of applications of buyers, controlling orders to suppliers, as well as on the movement of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bgrouped by projects. In project report, you can select data using different filters. With the "Report Detail" settings group, you can set a different order of data presentation in the report. To obtain more visual information in the reports, it is not recommended to set detail for a large number of parameters, this will lead to the bulkness of the data presentation in the report.

8. Report "Report on Sales TMC". This report is intended to display information on sales of TMC. The report you can get complete information about purchased and selling prices of TMC, profits and turnover obtained in the sale of goods. Also in this report displays information about discounts provided when selling goods, about the amount of VAT paid when the goods are received and implemented. Using the report configuration settings, you can make a different selection grouping of the report parameters.

9. Report "TMC reserves". The report is designed to display information on TMC reserves. The report displays full or partial (if filter is installed) List of reserved TMC.

10. Report "Certificate of Contractants". The report serves to obtain information on mutual settlements with counterparties. In the configuration you can get three various views Reports: General settlements, by suppliers, by buyers.

11. Report "Report on Clients". In the Client Report, you can get summary information about the movement and payment of TMC. In this report, in contrast to the report "Conductivity of counterparties", you can get information about which TMCs were shipped to buyers (derived from suppliers). A report can withdraw information about general mutual parties or mutual settlements with counterparties - buyers or suppliers. The data in the report can be displayed in the currency of management or accounting, depending on the setting setting.

12. Report "Report on Comitants". The report is intended to display information on the accounting of the TMC, taken from the Committee. The report you can select information on specific TMC, TMC groups, as well as on an arbitrary list of TMC, TMC groups and TMC properties (multiple filter).

13. Report "Report Statement for Commissions". The report is intended to display information on the accounting of the TMC transmitted to the implementation of the commissioner.

14. Report "Cash Registry". The report is designed to display information about cash traffic at the checkout. The report displays cash balances and cash flows on all or only for the selected currency. The report can be derived for all cash desks included in the company or only one of the CASS. Using the multiple filter, you can select the data on the list of arbitrarily selected cash desks. In order for the consolidated report to receive detailed information about the cash flow at each cashier, you need to check the box check box in the Report Details list.

15. Report "Vestitude to the Bank". The report is intended to display information about the movement of non-cash money on the current accounts. The amounts in the report can be shown in the accounting currency or in the currency accounting currency. The report displays remnants of non-cash funds and cash flows on all or only on those current accounts that have the selected currency. The report can be formed on all current accounts on which non-cash payments are conducted or only on a specific setting account. Using a multiple filter, you can select the data on the list of arbitrarily selected current accounts.

16. Report "Sales Dynamics". The report is designed to obtain information about the dynamics of sales for the selected period. An analysis period is set in the report settings (period). Data analysis in the report can be detailed to the level of the day, week, month, quarter, year. That is, with the help of this report, you can, for example, to obtain a comparative description of sales for the year with details by month. In this case, in the reporting period, the date of the beginning and the date of the year should be given, and the detailing must be set - a month. If an analysis object is a buyer, then a comparative analysis of sales dynamics for various buyers can be made. You can also take advantage of such a concept as the main property of buyers. With the help of the basic property of buyers, it is convenient to produce a comparative analysis of sales of goods in different cities. To do this, it is necessary in the settings of the accounting parameters to select as the main property "city", and in the form of the buyer you need to choose from the reference book "The value of the properties" name of the city in which the goods are sold. By installing the "Properties of the Buyer" as the analyzed indicator, you can get information about the dynamics of sales in each particular city and make a comparative analysis. If an analysis object is a supplier, then a comparative analysis of sales dynamics for various suppliers can be made. You can compare the sales dynamics of several specific suppliers. A random list of suppliers can be specified using the multiple filter) or set various properties values \u200b\u200bfor suppliers (for example, domestic manufacturers and import providers) and get a comparative analysis of sales dynamics from the point of view of the properties of suppliers.

17. Report "Dynamics of working capital". The report is designed to evaluate the dynamics of the company's overall condition. It allows you to get a complete structure of assets and liabilities, as well as the trends of their change. The report can be formed throughout the company or on a specific firm that is part of the company. In the event that firms included in the company, have the same legal entity, but various signs of management accounting, it will be interesting to form a report separately on a legal entity ("Yur. Person") or on various analytical signs of management accounting ( "Ex. Analytics") To compare the data and assess the dynamics of changes in working capital. The report can be formed for any period with any data detail. For example, to compare the speakers current means For weeks of the month, you need to set the period - a month, and the detail is a week. The report is displayed in the form of diagrams, which present assets and liabilities on various turnover items. A graph is also provided, which provides comparative characteristics of assets and liabilities - the ratio of liabilities and assets.

18. Report "Sales Analysis". The report is designed to analyze the profitability of sales. The report displays information about all sales produced for the period specified in the report.

19. Report "Trading Chess". The report also intended to analyze sales. The report is displayed in the form of chess. According to the horizontal and vertical axis of the report in the report, you can display a variety of information depending on the set marks in the horizontal lists and "vertically". For example, horizontally (in line) can withdraw a list of clients (buyers), and vertically (in columns) list of products. At the intersection, information on the sales of this goods to this buyer is displayed. If you view the report to the number of the mouse pointer and make a double-click of the left mouse button, the amount decryption will open, that is, the sales report of this product with this counterparty with disclosure to product providers and expenditure documents.

20. Report "ABC - Analysis of the TMC". The report "ABC-Analysis of the TMC" allows you to calculate such characteristics as the amount of shipped TMC at shipment prices, the magnitude and percentage of profits calculated on the amount of shipment and cost at the shipping date of any of these characteristics of the TMC. The data on the profitability of the TMC can be derived in the form of a diagram and conduct a comparative analysis of the profitability of various TMCs in monetary terms. The profitability of the TMC is calculated both in absolute terms, and in any currency and percentage.

21. The report "ABC is the analysis of buyers." To analyze relationships with buyers, the report "ABC-analysis of buyers" is intended. Using the report settings, you can make a different selection and grouping of the report parameters. The report can select information on specific counterparties, groups of counterparties, as well as on the arbitrary list of counterparties, groups of counterparties and the properties of counterparties (multiple filter). In this report, you can analyze information about the cost of TMC, shipped by a specific buyer, revenue obtained from the shipment of the TMC to the buyer and the amount of payment. Based on this data, the report calculates the percentage of shipment in value and interest expression. The data is presented not only in a tabular form, but also the form of a diagram, with which it is easy to compare such parameters as profits in percentage of shipment, absolute profits, as well as total sales turnover (shipping proceeds) for various buyers.

22. Report "Payment schedule". There are often situations in trade when the shipment (admission) of goods is not accompanied by simultaneous payment. In this case, we can say that the buyer (or respectively, the supplier) provides a trade loan, which must be repaid by a certain period. The term of the loan in the configuration is set in the form of a contract with a counterparty. Based on the loan term with the counterparty in the document, the date of payment is automatically calculated (the field "Payment before" in the document). The user has the ability to change the date of payment. Monitoring the timely payment of documents is made using the report "Payment schedule". This report includes a schedule of payments and cash receipts from counterparties. It is possible to obtain information about which payment debts are available with counterparties before the company and, on the contrary, which debt are available from the company before counterparties. Debt repayments are calculated based on the payment date set in the document. Payment schedule can be displayed on any date.

23. Report "Procurement Planning". This report is intended to analyze TMC sales and planning the necessary procurement volume for a certain period. The required volume of procurement is calculated based on the minimum balance, the remainder of the TMC at the beginning of the sales period and the average sales speed. The minimum residue is set for each TMC in its form. This report also provides complete information on the speed of sales of TMC (i.e., on the average sales of TMC per day) in those days when TMC was available, and on the number of such days. The report "Procurement Planning" is given a sales analysis period and procurement planning period. The sales analysis period is that period, on the basis of sales for which the average speed of sales of TMC per day is calculated. Based on this sales speed, the estimated sales volume of TMC is calculated during the procurement planning period. According to the alleged sales volume and the initial warehouse residue, the number of TMTS, which should be purchased, so that by the end of the procurement planning period in the warehouse, the optimal amount of TMC remains equal to the minimum residue. Right choice The boundaries of the sales analysis period makes it possible to achieve the most accurate assessment of the alleged sales. For example, the TMC, the level of sales, which are not subject to seasonal fluctuations and on average remains at the same level at the same level, should choose the maximum period of analysis, for example, in one year. In addition to calculating the required procurement, the report "Procurement Planning" report allows you to identify the fact of loss of profit. trade Company, caused by the lack of inquiry in the warehouse of TMC. The report forms data on the real number of days of sales of TMC, that is, days when TMC attended the warehouse, and about the total number of working days in the period of sales analysis. After analyzing these two values, we can draw conclusions about the magnitude of losses due to lack of

24. Report "Commodity Report". This report is designed to form a commodity report. The trade report can be formed on a specific firm or on a legal entity. According to the legal entity, the trade report is formed if the company has several firms that have the same legal entity, but various analytical signs of management accounting. The product report number is set in the settings before the formation of the report.

25. Report "Accompanying Registry". This report is designed to compile accompanying registries when taking into account the goods at the purchase prices, when conducting a variety, partial accounting of goods.

26. Report "Register of Documents". The report allows you to get a list of documents. You can choose the types of documents included in the report and establish a filter on document details, including a company, counterparty, author, project and document status.

Delete information

Happens in two stages:

1. Logical deletion of information. For this you need:

Set on the object

Actions -\u003e Mark for deletion (the pictogram will be crossed).

The object marked for deletion can be restored. For this you need:

Set on the object

Actions -\u003e Remove the Removal Removal

2. Physical removal of information. After this stage, it is impossible to restore the information. For this:

Close all windows (windows -\u003e close everything)

Operations -\u003e Deleting marked objects (the delete information window opens). At the top of the window lists marked objects. We leave the mark ("birds") from those objects that should be deleted in the current session.

Press the "Control" button. This will be checked for removing the objects selected to remove objects. If the object cannot be deleted, it removes the mark ("bird"), and the objects in which it is used will be shown at the bottom of the window.

Press the "Delete" button (to the removal request to respond "Yes", after which the objects selected to delete will be deleted).

Press the "OK" button, "Close"


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