Excel templates for production. Gantt chart in Excel - Gystorgamma - Intermediate view of the Gantt chart. Work schedule using a Gantt chart

In addition to direct trainings, the second area of ​​my activity can be considered consulting and development. I will be glad to help you personally or your company in the implementation of automation projects and electronic document management using Microsoft Office programs (Excel, Access, Outlook, Power point...) If in your work there are routine, monotonous operations, for example:

  • typical processing of the received data;
  • checking large amounts of information for non / compliance with the specified rules;
  • correction of reports after unloading them from corporate databases;
  • formation of the same type of reports and tables and filling them with data;
  • collecting data from several files into one or spreading one file into several with subsequent sending by e-mail;
  • etc.

Now is the time to think - and not create a macro that will do all the same, only faster and automatically?Second 1C or SAP Excel tools, of course, not to create, but to reduce the daily routine, eliminate the human factor and automate trivial actions - it is quite possible.

Last completed projects

Creation of data entry forms for salespeople in showrooms - collection of data on sales and on models displayed on showcases with the ability to automatically send this information to the main office. Automatic assembly of the submitted reports in the head office, followed by the construction of a large number of various reports to track the situation (dynamics of sales by showrooms and collections, the effectiveness of exhibited models, the quality of work of sellers, etc.)

Arsenyevsky butter factory (Tula)

Creation of a form for ordering the products of the plant. Creation of a set of macros for entering orders by an operator by phone and importing and recognizing order forms sent by e-mail... Import of all incoming orders into the database and distribution of orders by delivery routes with a printout of a package of documents (invoice, report, etc.) for each driver.

Development of a work schedule accounting system and wages... The system allows you to enter an arbitrary number of employees, plan their workload according to the work schedule, calculate wages and vacation pay from them. The system saves the entire history of payments for each employee, allows you to take into account fines, bonuses, compensations, etc. For the manager, accountant and employees, a password entry with different access rights to different modules is provided. The system allows you to build various reports on payroll over time and salary cards of employees.

LLC General construction company No. 1 "(St. Petersburg)

Development of a limit card and accounting system Supplies during construction. Input of invoices and requests for materials, output of reports.

Creation of a convenient and functional order form on macros for automatic calculation by managers of the cost of doors and related materials, taking into account their sizes, materials used, installation features, etc. A corporate price list is connected to the form, which serves as a source of information on prices.

Creation of a system for calculating bonuses with a clever logic that takes into account both the direct work of employees and the effectiveness of their subordinates (supervision).

Formation of reports on salaries and bonuses.

Development of a monitoring system for key company files. The developed macros track changes in the specified files - the time of change, their author, old and new values ​​in the cells being changed. In parallel, a log of all edits is kept, which is sent to key employees for control.

Creation of a system for entering orders and monitoring their subsequent execution at all stages of production. Planning of workshops loading, reconfiguring equipment and forecasting the delivery time of a completed order to a client. It is implemented in the form of a book, consisting of sheets-databases and sheets-reports and a set of related macros.

Creation of an Excel workbook to account for the amount of work and costs for several construction projects. Executors (workers, foremen, specialists, etc.) are assigned to each object and the duration of their work for each object is recorded. With the help of macros and pivot tables, summary reports on payments for facilities and employees are generated, taking into account overtime, overtime, holidays, etc.

The project plan is a key part of any project manager's toolbox. Of course, you want to start working on tasks as soon as possible, but if you find the time and outline a strategy for implementing the project, you can save money and resources. The parts of your project will constantly shift, and you will need a project plan template to keep track of these changes.

How to choose a suitable template from a huge number of existing ones? We've looked them all and selected the very best templates. project plans in Excel. In this article we will tell you about different kinds templates, and also explain when to use each of them. You can also download an Excel project plan template for free. We'll walk you through what a project plan is and how to create one in Excel, and how to create one in Smartsheet, a tool that simplifies management and offers additional collaboration options.


A work plan template helps you break down large project goals into smaller, easy-to-follow steps. This type of template shows what tasks need to be completed, who is responsible for completing them, and also contains the due date for tasks. A timeline is included in the template to help define expectations and improve the transparency of task completion, allowing everyone on the project to stay on top of deliverables and deadlines. The work plan template is best suited for large teams working on large projects with a lot of tasks and deadlines.

Gantt chart work plan template

 Download project plan template

The project plan is most commonly used in project management, where Gantt charts are needed to plan and report project progress. The Gantt View is a dynamic horizontal chart used to visualize the project timeline and is an important tool for organizing stakeholder access to project status changes. This template is perfect for project managers who work on large projects with a lot of contributors.

Action plan template

 Download action plan template

The action plan lists all the steps required to achieve a specific goal... It includes all information about the actions to be taken, the persons responsible for their implementation, due dates, priorities and status. An action plan is similar to a work plan, but the action plan focuses on goals, while the work plan template displays the milestones for completing tasks, which are usually displayed in chronological order. The action plan template is suitable for individual use or for small teams.

Business plan template

 Download business plan template

A business plan template displays business goals and the actions required to achieve them. A business plan focuses on the future development of your business and shows how you can achieve your goals. Business plans are more strategic than work or action plans and often include a definition of a concept, a business profile, economic assessment etc. A business plan is suitable for owners of an already running business, start-up entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who need outside help.

  1. Go to the site site and enter your account(or try the free 30-day version).
  2. On the "Home" tab, click "New" and select the "View Templates" option.
  3. Enter the words "Gantt chart" in the "Search templates" field and click on the magnifying glass icon.
  4. You will see the existing templates, but for our example we will choose the Simple Project with Gantt Chart template. Click on the blue "Use Template" button in the upper right corner of the search screen.
  5. Give your template a name, choose where you want to save it, and then click OK.

2. Indicate all your design data

An inline template opens, containing sample content for reference, as well as sections, subtasks, and sub-subtasks that are already formatted. In Smartsheet, you can easily add or remove columns based on the size of your project.

Just right-click on a column and select "Insert Column Right" or "Insert Column Left" to add a column, or "Remove Column" to remove a column. To delete the yellow highlighted text at the top of the table, right-click on it and select "Delete row".

  1. Add your tasks to the Task Name column. You will notice that the hierarchy has already been formatted for you. Enter your details in the fields for Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 (the so-called "parent lines". additional information about what hierarchies are, see).
  1. Enter your Tasks and Subtasks Rows below the parent.
  1. To the left of each line, you can add attachments directly to the issue (ideal for nesting stakeholder lists, budgets, etc.) or start a discussion about a problem.

3. Adding a start date and due date

  1. Add start dates and due dates for each task. If you click and drag either end of a task bar in your Gantt Chart, Smartsheet will automatically update the dates in your sheet.
  2. Click on a cell in any of the date columns.
  3. Click on the calendar icon and select a date. You can also manually enter the date into the cell.

4. Enter data on% of completion and performers

Columns "Completed (%)" and "Responsible person" contain Additional information about your project and improve its transparency, allowing team members to see who is responsible for tasks and at what stage the implementation process is.

In a Gantt chart, thin bars within task bars represent the percentage of work completed for each task.

  1. In the "Completed (%)" column, enter the percentage of work completed for each task. Enter an integer and Smartsheet will automatically add a percent sign.
  2. In the Person Responsible column, select the name of the contractor from your contact drop-down list, or enter the name manually.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

A network schedule is a table designed to draw up a project plan and monitor its implementation. There are specialized applications for its professional construction, for example MS Project. But for small enterprises, and even more so for personal household needs, it makes no sense to buy a specialized software and spend a lot of time learning the intricacies of working in it. The Excel spreadsheet processor, which is installed by most users, quite successfully copes with building a network diagram. Let's figure out how to accomplish the above task in this program.

You can build a network graph in Excel using a Gantt chart. Having necessary knowledge you can create a table of any complexity, from the watchdog schedule to complex multi-level projects. Let's take a look at the algorithm for performing this task by drawing up a simple network diagram.

Stage 1: building the table structure

First of all, you need to create the structure of the table. It will represent the wireframe of the network diagram. Typical elements of the network schedule are columns, which indicate the serial number of a specific task, its name, who is responsible for its implementation and deadlines. But in addition to these basic elements, there may be additional ones in the form of notes, etc.

This completes the creation of the table template.

Stage 2: creating the timeline

Now we need to create the main part of our network diagram - the timeline. It will be a set of columns, each of which corresponds to one period of the project. Most often, one period is equal to one day, but there are cases when the value of the period is calculated in weeks, months, quarters and even years.

In our example, we use the option when one period is equal to one day. Let's make a timeline for 30 days.

Stage 3: filling with data

Stage 4: Conditional Formatting

At the next stage of working with the network schedule, we have to fill in the color of those grid cells that correspond to the interval of the period of execution of a particular event. This can be done through conditional formatting.

This completes the creation of the network diagram.

In the process, we created a network schedule. This is not the only version of such a table that can be created in Excel, but the basic principles for performing this task remain unchanged. Therefore, if desired, each user can improve the table presented in the example, according to their specific needs.

Schedule for the week and month for the computer- to download the work planner, the work plan for the week and month, click on the picture

Planning work for the week and month plan of affairs- to download the weekly and monthly task scheduler, click on the picture above

Weekly and Monthly To-Do Plan - Weekly and Monthly Task Planner File Template

Schedule for the week and month in this file, Excel is simple and convenient.

In the template file, the plan of work and affairs for the week and month is reminded of the most important points in planning, edit them to suit your needs.

The Gantt chart, which is drawn by itself from the tasks you marked - the filled cells of the Eksel table in your plan of affairs for the week and month, clearly shows which of the projects and tasks you have parallelized and they need to be done simultaneously today or next week, and which of chores must be done before starting other tasks.

Work and affairs plan for the week and month in excel file the task planner is divided into different projects with a to-do list for each project. These projects can relate to both the planning of the working day and work projects, as well as tasks for study, household affairs, recreation and entertainment.

Different projects with their own to-do lists for the week and month can be highlighted with different colors for clarity (if you don't like bright colors, just paint over in any other calmer color).

To make it easier for you to write out tasks for tomorrow in a notebook, a plan for the day, hover the mouse over tomorrow's date (the first line with dates is the very top of the file table planning work for the week plan of work for the week and month) and step with the left mouse button, tomorrow's affairs will be highlighted in the active area of ​​the column.

If you need to see when it will be necessary to complete a particular task, move the mouse over the cell with the task number (on the left, the very edge of the Excel work planning for a week and a month). Step with the left mouse button, the required task and the entire area by the dates of this task will be highlighted.

Breaks are an important part of maintaining high performance throughout the day. In each hour, spend 25 minutes on a task, then look out the window at a distant object for 20 seconds (eyes rest) and then 5 minutes for a break, in this mode your efficiency will be higher than if you were sitting at the computer for several hours in a row. During the break, only physical physical activity will help you restore your strength. The timer rang (link to the timer in the file) - got up from the table, looked out the window, stretched, walked around the office or up and down stairs, restored muscle tone, you can continue working at the computer (the link to the timer is in the weekly planner file click on the picture of the week planner at the top of the page, and here in more detail why you need a timer for a computer in time management and what it gives you personally).

Different colors of the cells show you - you have scheduled a task, or have already done it, or you have tomorrow important meeting, or you have rescheduled or canceled the task.

The download contains a link to one of the free timers that are installed on your computer. Use this or any other, there are a huge number of them on the Internet. The timer on the computer can be like this, a link to the software and a description in the week and month planning file.

Planning work for the week and month - important points in drawing up a plan of affairs for the week:

    A weekly plan of affairs is flexible planning, it is possible and necessary to adjust and reschedule tasks within one week, this does not harm the plan and expected results in the planning horizon of a week and a month. The week is key element in planning your time.

    Make a plan for the next day the night before
    Make a plan for the next day the night before - key moment in the organization of time. In the morning, you don't have to think about what to do, everything is scheduled, turn off your head, just do it. If there is no clear plan in the morning - usually because of thinking about what to do in the morning, the whole day is crumpled and nothing is done.

    Write your plan for tomorrow on a piece of paper.
    It is very desirable to write out tasks in the evening for the coming day on a sheet of paper, this is your signed contract with yourself, your material promise to yourself, and then it’s very pleasant to cross out the tasks you have done from your day planner notebook.

    Use a timer
    The timer on the computer helps to pull yourself away from the monitor, interrupt and restore high performance. No timer in real life the constant huge incoming stream of information will not allow you to tear yourself away from the monitor: calls, mail, things that you are doing right now.

    Be sure to add frogs to your work plan for the week. Start your day with a frog
    A frog is a business that for some reason you do not want to do. Find this frog victim every day and pin it down in the morning. After a certain number of days, you will understand that you are catastrophically running out of frogs, so you don’t need to pin them all at once in one day, save money, tomorrow you will also need a sacrifice.

    Keep the elephants in mind when planning your weekly work plan. Eat the big elephant piece by piece
    You cannot eat a hefty elephant at once, because it is very large. Eat chunks of it. Those. Divide a big business into small pieces and start this business from any piece. The size of the piece itself (i.e., an elementary small task) of a hefty elephant (i.e., a large task-project) is determined by you, depending on your capabilities at a given moment in time. The size of this piece should bring you closer to the result.

    Plan for the day must be realistic
    Plan for the day and do exactly as much as you can do in a day and no more. It does not matter at all what mountain of cases you have on your table. One life, work is a long-distance marathon, tomorrow you will also need health and strength.

    Reserve time for tasks
    When making plans for the week and plans for the day, reserve time for time-intensive tasks that last 1 hour or more. For example: meeting with a client - 3 hours, preparation commercial proposal- 1.5 hours, reading a book - 1 hour, training - 1 hour, etc. Then your plans for the day and for the week will be really feasible, because there is a limited number of hours per day.

    Use kairos
    Small tasks that can be done on any day of the week, scatter on the days of the week, taking into account Kairos (Kairos is a favorable moment to complete the case) and combine them with each other.
    Example: you need to pay for the phone, utilities, go to buy groceries, go to the shop to buy felt-tip pens.
    All these things when planning the week (in the file Planner working week) put on one day and do everything "on the way to the store" this is just a favorable moment, i.e. as they say "between the times." Thus, you save time, you will do it all "at the same time").
    When writing out tasks for tomorrow in a day planner notebook, simply connect all these tasks with a line or draw stars in front of each of them, so that you understand that they are all "at the same time."

    Do only what you need to do, and don't do the rest.
    Do only what leads you to the result, the rest do not. The Pareto rule says: 80% of the result gives the completion of only 20% of the cases, that is, in order to achieve the goal of 100% result, it is necessary to make 30-35 percent (key particulars for victory) from what is "prescribed" by certain general rules, while not reducing the quality of the result, their interests and safety.
    Therefore, do only what really leads you to the intended result, and the rest of the affairs and tasks A) delegate to others or B) apply

Laboratory work. Calendar charts in Excel (Gantt chart)

Purpose of work: Get basic skills in building a Gantt chart.

Gant diagram (English Gantt chart, also strip chart, Gantt chart) is a popular type of bar charts (histograms) that is used to illustrate the plan, schedule of work for any project. It is one of the project planning methods. Used in project management applications.

Method 1

With the help of conditional formatting, we can force Excel to fill a cell with any selected color if it falls between the start and end of the stage by date. The easiest way to do this is to use a boolean function AND, which in this case checks the mandatory fulfillment of both conditions (January 5 later than the 4th and earlier than the 8th):

    Let's fill in the table with the initial data.

In column D, calculate the end date of the stage using the formula = B3 + C3-1. Copy the obtained values.

Next, we will create a template for a calendar plan, while the data by columns (Jan 1, Jan 2, etc.) should be in the Date format. Please note that the year must be set to 2005, otherwise the year will be automatically set to 2015.

    Let's apply conditional formatting. To do this, select cell E3, open the Home tab and select the Conditional Formatting / Create Rule command. Select the most recent command from the list, enter a formula, and select a color. Then copy the resulting formula.

Method 2

So, we have a table listing the stages of the project, the start and end dates and the duration of each stage:

The task is to build a calendar chart using standard tools, as in the figure:

Description step by step:

Select the initial data for the chart - the range A1: C13 and choose from the menu Insert - Chart , a type - Ruled accumulated (note that cell A1 must be made empty - remove the text from there):

The second necessary step is to hide the first row. To do this, we make it invisible. Click on the blue data, right-click Data series format / Fill / No fill. Then Go to section Border color and switch from " Auto select" on the " No lines". The window can be closed.

Select the horizontal axis, right-click and select the menu item Axis format... The horizontal axis should be understood as a list of dates.

Then select the vertical axis and select the "Axis Format" command. In the parameters of the axis, select the Reverse order of categories, and in the section "Horizontal axis intersects" put a check mark in the maximum category.

Add a grid line on the Layout tab.

Note that the chart does not start on the first date. To do this, select column B and set the cell format to general. Look at the first and last values.

Method 3

The task is to visually show the entire chronology of work on the project, placing the key points of the project (milestones, milestones) on the time axis.

In project management theory, such a schedule is usually called a calendar or project timeline, timeline. "

Step 1. Initial data

To build, you will need to arrange the initial information on the milestones of the project in the form of the following table:

Pay attention to two additional service columns:

    Line- a column with the same constant near zero for all cells. Will give on the graph a horizontal line parallel to the X-axis, on which nodes - project points will be visible.

    Callouts- invisible columns for raising signatures to milestones by a specified (different) value, so that signatures are not superimposed. Values ​​1,2,3, etc. set the level of raising the signatures above the time axis and are chosen arbitrarily.

Step 2. Building the base

Now select everything in the table except the first column (i.e. the range B1: D13 in our example) and build a regular flat chart with markers on the tab Insert - Graph - Graph with markers(Insert - Chart - Line with markers):

Remove the grid lines, vertical and horizontal scales, and the legend. This can be done manually (selection with the mouse and the Delete) or by disabling unnecessary items in the tab Layout / grid (no horizontal and vertical lines)... As a result, you should get the following:

Now select the row Callouts(i.e. a broken orange line) and on the tab Layout select team Lines - Projection lines(Layout - Lines - Projection Lines):

From each point of the upper graph, a perpendicular will be dropped to the lower one. In new Excel 2013, this option is on the tab Constructor - Add Chart Element(Design - Add Chart Element).

Step 3. Adding the names of the stages

In Excel 2013, you need to select a row with data (orange) and on the tab Constructor choose Add Chart Element - Labels - Additional Options(Design - Add Chart Element - Data Labels), and then in the panel that appears on the right, select the checkbox Cell values(Values ​​from cells) and highlight the range A2: A13:

In versions of Excel 2007-2010:

Let's make some final edits to bring our almost finished diagram to a complete and final masterpiece:

    Select the row Callouts(orange line), right-click on it and select Data series format(Format Data Series)... In the window that opens, remove the fill and color of the lines. The orange graph, in fact, disappears from the diagram - only the captions remain. Which is what is required.

    Add date signatures to the blue time axis in the tab Layout - Data Labels - Additional Data Label Options - Category Names(Layout - Data Labels - More options - Category names)... In the same dialog box, labels can be placed under the graph and rotated 90 degrees, if desired.

Self-study assignment

    Build a Gantt chart to illustrate the milestones for your project.

    Using method three, build a timeline of 7 events on the topic of your project, add the necessary drawings, signatures.

One of the obligatory documents in some cases for conducting a certain type of activity is the schedule of production work. This document has some peculiarities.

Its compilation is associated with a list of certain nuances. Situations where availability of this document strictly required, reflected in the current legislation.

The situation is similar with the process of forming this type of document. It must be drafted in accordance with certain rules.

Basic aspects

A sample work schedule in Excel can be easily found on the Internet. But even when drawing it up on a model, it requires knowledge of certain legislative norms, other points.

A document of this type simultaneously solves several tasks. That is why its preparation should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Especially if the construction of large and dangerous facilities is being carried out. A document of this type may be required when conducting an audit of a construction contractor.

Therefore, one should not neglect the fulfillment of the basic requirements for the preparation of this document.

The linear work schedule is drawn up on the basis of theory and practice technological processes reflected in it. The document is formed in accordance with the calendar of events.

The basic aspects that must be considered, first of all, will need to include the following main points:

  • what it is?
  • purpose of the document;
  • normative base.

What it is

The term "work schedule" means a special document that reflects a certain type of data:

For the formation of this document, it will be necessary to obtain certain reliable information without fail.

Depending on the type of work performed, it can vary significantly. For example:

  • drawings of a building under construction;
  • organization project;
  • information about the time of receipt and the amount of building materials;
  • technical characteristics of construction equipment;
  • details about;
  • a list of available and required tools;
  • other.

When drawing up a schedule, it will be imperative to familiarize yourself with a complete list of all the necessary data in advance.

Since if there is a discrepancy to the schedule, serious problems may arise. Up to the payment of the penalty by the organization carrying out construction work.

Usually, this moment is determined by an agreement drawn up in advance between the employee and the employer.

Purpose of the document

The schedule for the construction of a residential building or other object is always drawn up with a specific purpose.

The document of the type under consideration simultaneously allows solving the following tasks:

Also, this document allows you to analyze the performance of a certain type of work. Based on the drawn up schedule, it is possible to optimize the construction of objects.

Since the document allows you to see all possible weak points of the calculations. First of all, this schedule is needed precisely by the customer of certain construction sites.

Since, in accordance with the schedule, it becomes possible to prosecute an unscrupulous contractor.

Normative base

Today, when compiling the type of document under consideration, it is necessary first of all to focus on.

This abbreviation stands for "Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and project production works».

Despite the word “recommendations” appearing in the title, it is imperative to observe all the norms indicated in the document type in question.

This is especially important in cooperation with various government agencies... For example, in order to fulfill all kinds of contracts for the Ministry of Defense, it is strictly necessary to fulfill all the requirements set by the IBC.

Bilateral signing of the work schedule is almost always required. Considered guidelines includes the following main sections:

  • areas of application of MDS;
  • regulations;
  • terms and definitions used;
  • general provisions;
  • what the construction organization project includes;
  • the content of the project for the production of works.

The section "normative documents" includes all the NAPs, the effect of which must be taken into account when drawing up the type of schedule under consideration.

The list indicated in this section includes the following:

  1. Urban Development Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Building rules and regulations 01.12.04, "Organization of construction".
  3. MDS from 29.12.06, "Methodological recommendations".

It is important to remember that the above-indicated work schedule must necessarily comply with all the above-mentioned regulatory and legal documents.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of conflicts with the customer or inspection authorities.

It is important to remember that separate categories construction sites are subject to mandatory checks by specialized government agencies.

It is especially important to pay attention Federal law No. 116-ФЗ dated July 21, 1997, to its individual articles:

The scheduling of production work must necessarily be carried out in accordance with the above list of regulatory documents.

The presence of various kinds of inconsistencies can serve as a reason for the termination of certain agreements.

Therefore, before starting to draw up a schedule, it is important to study all legislative acts - within the framework of which the schedule should be formed.

How to draw up a work schedule

It is necessary to draw up the document of the shooting range in question in such a way as to avoid lagging behind the schedule.

That is why you should analyze in advance all the data provided for the formation of this document.

Before starting to draw up a document of the type in question, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following main questions:

  • where to start;
  • deadlines;
  • what calculations are needed;
  • compilation program;
  • example of compilation.

Where to start

The very procedure for scheduling is carried out in a certain sequence. At the moment, the list of basic actions includes the following stages:

  • analysis of all data obtained for the implementation of calculations is carried out;
  • the nomenclature of all assembly and construction operations is formed in a certain order;
  • volumes are calculated for each separate type of work;
  • the optimal in a particular case ways of implementing the task are selected;
  • is selected:
  1. Method of work implementation.
  2. Construction machines;
  • labor costs, machine hours are calculated;
  • the technological sequence for performing certain categories of work is determined;
  • the order of shifts is formed;
  • the duration of the performance of certain volumes of work is determined;
  • the performance is calculated, the adjustments are determined;
  • a schedule of the need for material resources is drawn up.


In fact, due dates construction works can be anything. The main criteria that determine their duration are the following factors:

  • season of work;
  • agreements with the customer;
  • performed technological processes.

However, the decisive factor is precisely the deadline set by the customer. Typically, the schedule is drawn up primarily with this fact in mind. All other factors are actually secondary.

Except for the need to comply with certain technological processes. In some cases, failure to comply with building codes can lead to major accidents.

What calculations are needed

The list of calculations required in this case is quite extensive. The most important calculations when composing a document of the type in question are the following:

  • duration of construction;
  • specific labor intensity of performing a certain amount of work;
  • average output per day:
  1. Worker.
  2. Units of equipment;
  • the level of automation and mechanization of basic construction work;
  • the cost of the work, as well as the organization of the construction area, delivery of equipment and others.

Particular attention should be paid to the time and economic component of the calculation.

Program for compiling

To compile the type of document under consideration, you can use various software.

Today there is a specialized one that allows with minimal cost time to draw up a cyclogram, the schedule itself and carry out all the necessary calculations.

But nevertheless, Microsoft Excel will be the best solution. This software solution is universal.

Compilation example

The actual work schedule of the type under consideration is a special table.

It includes the following main sections:

  • serial number;
  • Name of works;
  • start date of work;
  • completion date of work;
  • work schedule.

Also, in the upper part of the documents, the signatures of the contractor and the customer are affixed, as well as the names of organizations, their confirming seals. Compilation date is required.

Nuances during construction

When drawing up the type of schedule under consideration, it will be necessary to take into account some construction features:

  • the work schedule is part of the project during the construction of the facility;
  • the schedule should be drawn up for the entire volume of construction work;
  • if construction is carried out in several stages, this point must be taken into account.

It is important to remember about a large number of very different nuances associated with drawing up the type of schedule in question.

It should be formed in accordance with established by law regulations. This will avoid problems with the customer and regulatory authorities.


In this article, we will explain the main features Gantt charts, and consider step by step,. This process will not take much time, but if you do not have it, then you can free download final Gantt chart Excel template.

All Excel users are familiar with charts and also know how to create them in Excel. However, not everyone is familiar with such a type as Gantt chart... This article contains the following sections:

If you already know how to make a Gantt chart in Excel and you only want download Gantt chart template, then it is available at the following link:

What is a Gantt chart?

Gantt chart named after Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer and management consultant who invented this timeline back in the 1910s. Gantt chart in Excel represents projects or tasks in the form of cascading horizontal bar charts. Gantt chart illustrates the structure of a project breakdown by showing start and end dates and the different relationships between project activities and thus helps to keep track of tasks versus planned times or predefined milestones.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Gantt Chart Example

How to make a Gantt chart in Excel 2016, 2013 and 2010

Unfortunately Microsoft Excel does not have a built-in Gantt chart template as an option. However, you can quickly make a Gantt chart in Excel using the functionality of the histogram and adding a bit of formatting.

We will use Excel 2013 for creating Gantt chart template, but you can create exactly the same Gantt chart in Excel 2016 and Excel 2010.

Step 1. Create a project table

First, you need to enter your project data in spreadsheet Excel. The list of each task is a separate line and structure of your project plan, including start date, finish date, and duration, that is, the number of days it takes to complete the task.

Note. For creating Gantt charts in Excel only the Start Date and Duration columns are needed. However, if you are specifying end dates, you can use a simple formula to calculate Duration:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Project Spreadsheet

Step 2: Create a Standard Excel Chart Based on Start Date

Let's start creating Gantt charts in Excel customizing a regular stacked bar chart.

  • Select a range of starting dates with a column heading, in our case B1: B11. Make sure to select only cells with data and not the entire column.
  • Go to INSERT tab -> Charts group and click Insert bar chart».
  • In the Ruled section, click Stacked ruled».

This will add the following diagram to your sheet:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Create a Stacked Bar Chart

Step 3. Adding Duration Data to the Chart

Now we need to add another row to the future Gantt chart in Excel.

  1. Right-click anywhere in the chart area and choose Select Data from the context menu.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Select Data

The window “ Choosing a data source».

  1. In chapter Legend items (rows) already added start date. Now we need to add the Duration.

Click the Add button to select the additional data (Duration) you want build in Gantt chart.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Choosing a Data Source
  1. The Edit Series window opens. Follow the steps below:
  • In the Series Name field, enter Duration or any other name of your choice. Alternatively, you can place your mouse cursor in this field and click the column heading (cell D1) in your table, the selected heading will be added as the series name for the Gantt chart.
  • In the Values ​​box, select Duration by clicking the first cell D2 and dragging to the last D11. Make sure you haven't mistakenly included a header or any blank cell.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Add Data Series

Click OK.

  1. You are now back at the window " Choosing a data source"With an indication of the start date and duration in the section" Elements of Legends "(ranks)... Just click "OK" and "Duration" will be added to the chart.

Gantt chart in Excel - Select data source - Added a new series

The resulting histogram should look something like this:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Histogram - Intermediate View of Gantt Chart

Step 4. Adding task descriptions in the Gantt chart

Now we need to replace the days on the left side of the chart with a list of tasks.

  1. Right-click anywhere in the graph area (area with blue and red bars) and click Select Data to reopen the Choosing a data source».
  2. Make sure the start date is selected in the left pane and click the Edit button in the right pane under the " Horizontal axis labels (categories)».

Gantt Chart in Excel - Add Task Descriptions in Gantt Chart
  1. The Axis Labels window will open and you select your tasks in the same way as you selected Duration in the previous step. Remember that the column header does not need to be included. Click OK twice to close open windows.
  1. At this stage Gantt chart should contain a description of the tasks on the left and look something like this:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Description of tasks on the left side of the Gantt chart

Step 5. Convert a bar chart to Gantt chart in Excel

We now have a pivot bar chart. We need to add the correct formatting to make this diagram look more like Gantt chart... Our goal is to remove the blue bars so that only the orange parts that represent the project tasks are displayed. From a technical point of view, we will not remove the blue stripes, but simply make them transparent and therefore invisible.

  1. Click on any blue bar in Gantt chart to select them all; right click and select " Data series format»In the context menu.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Convert Bar Chart to Gantt Chart
  1. The window " Data series format". In the tab “ Fill and borders In the Fill group, select No Fill, and in the Border group, select No Lines.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Change the Format of Data Series in Gantt Chart
  1. As you may have noticed, tasks in Gantt chart are listed in reverse order. And now we will fix it.

Click on the task list on the left Gantt charts to select them. The "Axis Format" window appears. Select " Reverse order of categories"In the Axis Options section.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Reorder Tasks in Gantt Chart

The results of the changes made:

  • Tasks are ordered according to Gantt chart.
  • Date markers move from bottom to top to the beginning of the graph.

Excel chart starts to look like normal Gantt chart:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Intermediate Gantt Chart

Step 6. Improving the design of the Gantt chart in Excel

Let's add a few more touches to improve appearance Gantt charts.

  1. Removing white space on the left side Gantt charts.

As you remember, the original start date of the blue stripes was at the beginning Gantt charts... You can now remove this white space to bring your tasks a little closer to the left vertical axis.

  • Right click by the first start date in the data table, select "Format Cells" -> "General". Make a note of the number you see is the numeric representation of the date, in this case 42826. Click Cancel (!) Because we don't need to make any changes here.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Numeric Representation of Start Date
  • Click on any date above the taskbar in Gantt chart... Right-click in this area and select Format Axis from the context menu.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Remove Blank Area on the Right Side of Gantt Chart
  • In the Axis Options section, in the Minimum box, enter the number you wrote down in the previous step. Also in this section you can change major and minor tick marks for date intervals. Generally, the shorter your project time, the less number you use. You can see what settings we are using in our example in the image below.

Note. If you are using Excel 2010, in order to enter a number, you must select the Fixed option.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Change Dates in Gantt Chart
  1. Removing excess white space between stripes.

Condensing task lanes will make Gantt chart even better.

  • Click on any red bar to select them all; right click and select " Data series format».
  • In the Format Data Series dialog box, set Overlapping rows by 100%, and the Side clearance by 0% (or close to 0%).

Gantt Chart in Excel - Remove White Space in Gantt Chart

And here is the result of our efforts - simple but cute Gantt chart in Excel:

Gantt Chart in Excel - Final Version of Gantt Chart

Remember that though Excel chart mimics the Gantt chart very well, it still retains the basic functionality of the standard Excel charts:

  • Gantt chart in Excel will resize when adding or removing tasks.
  • You can change the Start Date or Duration, the chart will reflect the changes and automatically adjust.

Gantt Chart Excel Template

You can modify your Gantt chart in Excel different ways by changing the fill color, border color, shadow and even applying a 3D format. All of these options are available in the Data Format window.

Once you've created your design, it's a good idea to save Gantt chart in Excel as template for future use. To do this, right-click in the diagram area, and select " Save as template»In the context menu.

Gantt Chart in Excel - Save Gantt Chart Template in Excel

If you want to free download gantt chart excel template created in this article for an example, it is available here.

Most users have an application Microsoft Excel strongly associated with work, math, and spreadsheets. In fact, this program has a large number of other opportunities that can also help in Everyday life... What's especially great is that the mobile version of this program can be used anywhere on your devices, and it's also free.

The Excel templates presented below can be modified independently, and information from them, if necessary, can be printed and used in paper version:



No matter how good your memory is, forgetting something is quite possible. And it's okay if watering flowers is among the forgotten cases. Forgetting about the birthday of a loved one or the need to pay for Internet services is a much more serious problem. For such cases, at a minimum, it is worth keeping lists. More modern and flexible is the accounting of cases in online task schedulers, similar to programs such as Wunderlist and others. If you want to store the most comprehensive information in one file, then you can conveniently use the to-do list in Excel, the list of which can be kept in parallel with other pages.

For created tasks, here you can set deadlines and priorities, choose a responsible person, monitor the progress of execution and add notes. The template has a setting for quick sorting by all main parameters.



An inventory list can be quite useful, in which you can collect all the information about the available things. This template is very suitable for people who rent out their homes. In the list, you can collect the entire list of things, add their photos and descriptions, and when renting a room, just print it out and ask to sign.

Link to download the list template:Vertex42.com


Link to download the contact book template:Vertex42.com



In family life, it can sometimes be helpful to schedule a shift. In this template, you can not only distribute tasks, but also divide them into morning and evening tasks, enter people responsible for their implementation, and even indicate penalties. As with all Excel templates, the graph can be easily printed if you need to hang it in a prominent place.


The last and one of the most essential templates. If you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, it is not easy to keep all the things in your head, and sometimes it is almost impossible to have time to do them in the planned time frame. So you just can't do without a diary.

Unlike many programs and utilities, this template allows you to break each hour into 15-minute intervals - for tasks that do not take a lot of time, but which should not be forgotten.

Link to download the diary template:Vertex42.com

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