Statuses about talkers and gossip. Gossip. Very short gossip statements. Statuses about people who speak behind their backs

Today I heard gossip about myself. They say that I am getting married. Dear gossips, CONVINCING kindness, please let us know the place and time of the wedding, and the name of your husband!

While you look with envy at happy people, there is a great chance that your happiness will pass by.

Gossip about me - the new kind sports ... compete suckers!

Often you notice your happiness only thanks to the envy of others ...

Envy, my dear, is when you visit my page more often than your own.

The weakness of some is envy. People envy, hate in silence, and their faces smile at you.

For the chmoshkoy babskoy gossip with the use of modern telecommunication technologies accounting in full complement disconnected from the internet.

Are you jealous? Envy in silence!

In front you are the beauty queen, behind the gossip queen ...

Many are proud of criminal passions, but who admits that they feel envy, the most timid and bashful feeling?

And let everyone envy me, go to the forest, I'm happy!

Dear gossips! you will open your mouth at the level of your fly, and not in my direction.

You need to live so as not to be afraid to sell your talking parrot to the biggest gossip in the city.

I am not one of those who, in envy and anger of others, often washes bones!

It's just that I won't be like that, I will leave the house with bright lipstick, a deeper neckline, a shorter skirt. Gossip behind your back, someone wants something.

I love it when they speak behind my back ... it confirms that I am ahead !!!


Statuses about gossips and envious women

There are many characters and they are all intertwined with many threads. Every day we come into contact with society, communicate with people, make mistakes and correct them. Surely, in your life you have met people who have not very pleasant character traits in their "arsenal", for example, envy and gossip. Some people shouldn't trust any information at all, because after a while the whole environment will know about it, perhaps even in a more colorful light. Gossip is such a thing that it can destroy even the strongest ties among people, because a third party interested in this and having such a "talent" can pretty much ruin the reputation of anyone. As for envy, everything is not easier here, envious people carry a bunch of negative energy that can spoil even the most global plans of any person. It is worth noting that envy is usually difficult to detect and difficult to define, because a person can express sincere joy in your address, and in his heart curse you for your own success. Statuses about gossips and envious women we have prepared for those who want to understand in more detail the essence of this issue.

If they talk to you about others, then your interlocutor is a gossip. If they talk to you about themselves, then the person is a typical bore. A truly worthy interlocutor is the one who talks to you about you. Lisa Kirk.

Don't be afraid to place your parrot in the hands of the biggest gossip girl in your city.

I once did a little experiment on a gossip friend of mine that she never knew existed. I knew for sure that there was no more gossip girl than she was in the whole university. After our conversation with her, rumors have been circulating for a week that I have as much as 45 centimeters 😀

You know little - look, and sleep better. You know a lot - you eat well. In short, quickly tell me all the rumors! \u003d)

Best status:
We have already reached the point that we cannot even tell the truth in the face. It is better to pour mud on others behind their backs or sprinkle them with gossip, and when they meet, smile sweetly on the face and kiss the cheek ...

It has long been known that only those who have nothing to do with gossip are allowed. It would be better to read the book, oh, damn fools!

But only friendly team able to reliably keep my secrets, as it turned out after a heart-to-heart conversation with my best friend (a terrible gossip - and she knew ...) The whole logic of this is her complete absence.

The most common place for gossip is contact. Where are the grannies on the benches - in comparison with the contact, even they are resting.

There is nothing more stupid about the distribution of gossip by smart people. Georgy Alexandrov

What difference does it make what it will look like if the gossips always find leads and good friends turn everything in a favorable direction. Elena Ermolova

In women, the speed of what is heard is inferior to the speed of what is told. Vitaly Vlasenko

When we played with a broken phone as a kid, we were so-so, just amateurs. Gossipers are real professionals. Vladimir Borisov

Gossipers are real criminals. They steal our thoughts, revelations, distort them and turn them into rottenness.

From the outside - the luxury of communication, but in reality - gossip jewelry ...

I'm tired of my friends' gossip! For me he is the best!

The land, which is full of rumors, is always easy for the enemy to seize - one has only to spread a bad rumor. New Day Rising

Not every first person can tell the second person anything unpleasant about the third person. But the third person always has something to say about the first person. Stepan Balakin

Gossip is what we hear; news is what we say.

Gossip destroys the brain, clogging it with completely unnecessary information. Vladimir Vysotsky

It is easier to twist ropes from other people's gossip. Sukhorukov

Do you think someone is spreading gossip about you? - Worse. I think someone is spreading the truth about me.

Tastes could not be discussed. But behind the back with interest Olga Khamkova gossip

Audiots are hearsay specialists. Valery Afonchenko

I don't like hearing gossip about myself. Therefore, I always wear headphones.

Good gossip is promoting itself. Igor Karpov

Gossip is a nine-headed Lernaean hydra, which instead of the severed one grows two heads. Agatha Christie

Asking about the news, the woman just offers to exchange rumors.

According to the gossip, he has not seen a greater freak than the invisible man. S. Luzan

As gossip gets old, it becomes myth. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

If a person does not gossip, then he either died or he does not need anyone. Barbara Walters

You don't have to love gossip, just enjoy it.

Those who have no private life live in the discussions of someone else's. Haroun Agatsar

Gossip is spread only by low-minded people. Silovan Ramishvili

All the guys are gossips. Definitely.

Gossip, but from a trusted source.

Dear gossips: you will open your mouth at the level of your fly, and not in my direction ...

In the viscous soil of speculation and rumors, we nurture the darkness of demonic spirits. Valery Kazanzhants

Grossly understated rumors are not popular and are not circulating. Yuri Tatarkin

Guys say they are not gossips, but of course it looks like their gossip about their ex-girlfriend's boyfriends is not considered XD

Wonders! Rumors are spreading at supersonic speed!

Physicists have deduced a pattern between the speed of spread of rumors and the degree of their stupidity. Yuri Tatarkin

Hearing gossip behind our backs, we thus pay for our beauty, no more ...

If taxes were paid with chatter, the state would be very rich. Alexander Grachev

Conversation is when three women stop at a corner to talk. Gossip - when one of them leaves. Herb Schreiner

Mom, I'm not a gossip)) I just have a shop and seeds go))

Leaning to the right and left is easier than bending by the rules.

For lack of funds for food, our people feed on rumors. A.V. Ivanov, Novocherkassk

Conspiracies made up by petty minds against a person who has appeared in the world with glory only attest to the genius of this person. Jonathan Swift

Gossip about me ?! So you still remember me ... And I love when I am not forgotten))

School is a shop with grandmothers who are interested in any gossip! Despite the fact that this gossip is a lie!

... beauty has been insulted by gossip for centuries ... aphids choose the best flowers, and I am the most delicate flowering ... (and here, by the way, statuses about flowers)

I just want a friend. A friend, no, not a friend! They are gossips!

Oh! Oh my God! what will Princess Marya Aleksevna say! Alexander Griboyedov

Never listen to those who speak badly about others and good about you. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

To stop gossip, ignore ...

The gossip's opinion: what you take from the bottom - she's decent rubbish, he is the same weed. Veselin Georgiev

Gossip is a creative rumor.

The season of gossip-babes and arrivals is now open!

Gossip allows you to find a common language with anyone, even if you have nothing to talk to him about.

Gossip is secrets escaped!

TO beautiful girls not only guys stick, .. - Yes ?! what else? - More gossip, dear ... a lot of gossip!

Favorite saying of gossips: There is no smoke without fire.

We easily bite gossip, but we will never believe our loved ones ...

Long tongues ... sow enmity between neighbors and between nations. Walter Scott

When gossip appears, the fool is not the one who lets them in, and not the one about whom they are, but the one who believes in it.

Let it be a little gossip that must disappear between us. Faina Ranevskaya

A handful of facts can spoil the best gossip.

Gossip is the opium of the oppressed. Jong Erika

They say about me\u003e or\u003e. The second thing I like. Renata Litvinova

Rumors spread like wildfire, and human heads serve as tree trunks. Yuri Tatarkin

I don't understand those people who judge you behind your back. Tell me to your face, it doesn't hurt that much. How to hear gossip from others.

Rumors are creeping, but try to overtake them.

The news lives on as long as rumors grow around it. Mikhail Mamchich

Rumors are illegitimate children of information. Valentin Domil

People don't gossip, they just make up legends about us. Darius the philosopher

I wanted to spit on your gossip. I am happy and this is the main thing.

Dark rumors fly at the speed of light. S. Sukhorukov

Told a loved one - emotion, expressed to a stranger - already gossip.

And harmful rumors can be helpful if proven true. Veselin Georgiev

Your name is worth something while they are trying to persuade him. Mikhail Mamchich

The most destructive force in human society is gossip. Aron Vigushin

Women are always checking gossip. On girlfriends. Mikhail Mamchich

It doesn't matter what they think of you, just not out loud.

Don't repeat gossip like a parrot. Add something from yourself. Wieslaw Brudziński

Well-proven immorality is at the heart of every gossip. Oscar Wilde

Discussing other people's charms, you bare your dirty tricks.

Living only by rumors, they quickly go deaf. Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Women's gossip is when a blind man who sees an armless man climbing trees tells about it to the mute so that he can tell the deaf.

Women are great gossips, but men are no worse ...

Whoever gossips with you is gossiping about you. Spanish proverbs and sayings

If your ears wither from women's gossip, change your ears: you can't change women. Boris Trushkin

Since no one needed it, everyone was talking about it only. Mikhail Mamchich

IF it doesn't concern you - don't turn into a gossip. Neyach

It seems that others, my problems worry more than their own. New Day Rising

Don't believe the rumors until they are officially denied.

Don't spread rumors around town. There is a phone for this. Yanina Ipohorskaya

I love hanging out with guys ... Such freedom when you don't have to collect all the gossip in a heap)

Gossip among people goes like money. Silovan Ramishvili

Moles are ranting about the sun - it, they say, was afraid of heights. Valery Kazanzhants

No one will gossip if there is no one to listen to. Marlene Dietrich

Whoever spreads rumors has abandoned virtue. Confucius

Gossip is a snowball, Snow is human envy. Max

There is such disgusting gossip that I’m not just telling them - even disgusting to hear. Jacques Deval

There will be three of us, of which one is wounded; in addition, an inexperienced young man, but they will say, they will say that there were four of us ... K-f ‘D’artanyan and three musketeers’

What the people say, without having a specific author, becomes, as it were, common property. Quintilian

Gossip exists only to tell everyone about it.

The word is gold, nothing blinds your eyes like gold! Irina Vyazovtseva

You can't believe everything you hear, but you can repeat it.

They say that before his death Hippocrates wanted to spit on his oath, trying to bribe the attending physician in agony. Gennady Moskvin

Only those who do not observe the qualities that they consider interesting and acceptable to people are discussed and allowed to gossip.

If there is no gossip about you, then you have not achieved anything yet.

Gossip should always be a little untrue. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A tongue without bones does not grind nonsense, it sucks it out of a finger. Evgeny Khankin

Every hearing hides an imaginary deafness. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

You can learn a lot about gossip from gossip. Leszek Kumor

Shameless women gossip shamelessly, conscientious women shyly. Leszek Kumor

Any rumor can be spread, but the point of view remains the basis. Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

There are people who will believe anything if you tell them it's gossip.

Gossip is the opium of the oppressed.
Erica Jong

Gossip is like counterfeit money: decent people do not make it themselves, but only pass it on to others.
Claire Luce

Gossip is a price to pay for hospitality.
Don Aminado

A gossiper is one who talks to you about others; bore - one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is someone who talks to you about you.
Lisa Kirk

A gossip is a person who tells you everything you suspected.

Gossip is what we hear; news is what we say.

Gossip is like an old joke: there is always someone who has never heard it.

Nobody goesssip about the secret virtues of others.
Bertrand Russell

There is nothing more useless than gossip that is not worth repeating.

A handful of facts can spoil the best gossip.

Never repeat what you have not heard yourself.
Jules Renard

Never repeat gossip - in the form in which you heard it.

Don't spread rumors around town. There is a phone for this.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The rumors about my death are greatly exaggerated.
Mark Twain

You can't believe everything you hear, but you can repeat it.

Whoever gossips with you is gossiping about you.
Spanish dictum

Leszek Kumor

Show me a person who has never gossiped, and I will show you a person who has absolutely no interest in people.
Barbara Walters

We tend to pass on the story told to us to others in the bestthan received it.
Mrs Humphrey Ward

There are such dirty gossips that it is more embarrassing to listen to them than to repeat them.
Jacques Deval

There are people who will believe anything if you tell them it's gossip.

Well-proven immorality is at the heart of every gossip.

Smart people know that you can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart know which half.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Conversation is when three women stop at a corner to talk. Gossip - when one of them leaves.
Herb Schreiner

Shameless women gossip shamelessly, conscientious women shyly.
Leszek Kumor

What they say about her may be gossip, but not lies.
Wanda Blonska

An intelligent woman does not repeat gossip. She composes them.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Some say that Greta Garbo is alive, others that she is dead. I don't believe any of this stupid gossip.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Gossip is a price to pay for hospitality.
Don Aminado

Gossip is a consolation for women who are no longer loved or cared for.
Guy de Maupassant

Gossip is when you hear what you like about people you don't like.
E. Wilson

The only way people don't like gossip is when they gossip about it.
W. Rogers

A gossiper is one who talks to you about others; bore - one who talks to you about himself; and a brilliant conversationalist is someone who talks to you about you.
L. Kirk

A gossip is a person who can give you all the details without giving a single fact.
author unknown

Shameless women gossip shamelessly, conscientious women shyly.
Leszek Kumor

Gossip is like counterfeit money: decent people do not make it themselves, but only pass it on to others.
Claire Luce

Gossip is a powerless descendant of the primitive law, which would trample the victim in its own way.
Alexander Kruglov

Gossip enlivens conversation like a stain does a tablecloth.
Don Aminado

You can learn a lot about gossip from gossip.
Leszek Kumor

Rebuttal is an attempt to replace gossip with lies.
Roger Peyrefit

As it gets old, gossip becomes myth.
Jerzy Lec

The latest gossip is more interesting than the first news.
Vladimir Malyoshin

statuses for social networks about envy, gossips and envious people.
Envious people are weak in spirit who cannot think of anything better than to slander a person in order to seem to lower his authority, slander spreads, and gossip is born.

They never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best.

Better to be the center of attention with a scandalous reputation than to be in a primitive herd of judgments.

Why people believe rumors instead of asking about everything and finding out the truth.

Let us enjoy our lot without resorting to comparisons - the one who is tormented by the sight of greater happiness will never be happy ... When it occurs to you how many people are walking in front of you, think how many of them follow behind. Seneca

There are so many people around me who are aware of my life that I want to come up and ask: -Well, what, how am I doing there ?!

They say that gossipers, condemning a person, take away his sins. So I can live in peace ...

A handful of facts can spoil the best gossip.

Most precious gossips, gossips and envious women! Open your mouth at the level of your fly, and not in my direction !!

If someone condemns you ... or collects gossip, he simply suffers from a complex! He is worse than you and he knows it! Do not give him credit, do not react to chatter! Let him crack at least from anger, but whoever is smart will understand you ...

If gossip pesters, there is no need to be upset. Know - worms choose only the best fruits!

The envious person says not what is, but what can do evil. - Publius Sire

Itching and gossiping is the anthropological inevitability of all women.

No matter how boring your life is, do not meddle in someone else's ...

When the vessel is empty, any sound echoes in it. This is how gossip echoes in empty people.

Whoever gossips with you is gossiping about you.

Not outspoken people and losers gossip a lot. Everyone is gossiping little by little.

You can't get enough muzzles on everyone yapping behind your back, but sometimes a thrown bone is enough for them to gnaw each other ...

I do not know if it is possible to call a "man" the one who spreads dirty gossip about everyone. In its quest for popularity, "it" denigrates acquaintances behind their backs ... What a pity, you cannot put on your forehead the stigma "Sexless, insignificant SCHOOL!"

You don't need to draw conclusions about a person until you talk to him personally, because all you hear is rumors

Some people want to give a grater ... to scratch their tongue ...

I hate people who smile in their eyes, and gossip about me behind their backs.

And I love it when they gossip about me and talk nonsense. I immediately feel like a show business star.

Gossiping about me is a new sport… compete suckers!

I hate people who try to appear better at the expense of others! Trying to hide their misdeeds and whitewash, they spread gossip even about their closest friends, thereby becoming even lower in the eyes of those who once respected and trusted!

To inflict torment on your envious people is to be in a good mood.

Do you condemn? No problem! Continue in the same spirit ... Dissolve, since it is pleasant, your dirty rumors about me. Just know that your thoughts make me neither cold nor hot.

Gossip is the best thing to do for those with nothing to do.

I don't care what people say! As I was, this is how I will remain, I do not need your empty souls, I do not need your love either. Ears sometimes fade from false words. Sweep your sins with your tails, don't touch mine, I'll figure it out myself. I think I said everything, rest! I don’t need your friendship!

Gossipers are the lowest people. And, to punish those, is the same as stopping to their level!

Gossipers are very reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner with a torn filter - it seems that it was not so dirty at the entrance, and one g is flying in the air ... but

It’s better to spit straight into my eyes than into the soul behind my back.

I would like to leave the impudent muzzles and gossips, hide ... on the beach with pebbles to fall apart and enjoy the cry of seagulls.

A person who is happy will never wish someone evil, spread ridiculous rumors, and try to embroil someone. Only sick people do this, and unfortunately they are sick with heart and soul.

Eh, girlfriends ... Girlfriends ... Only pillows can be silent ...

Topic of the section: statuses about envy, gossips and envious people with meaning, funny and instructive about envious people.

It's sad to know that people are talking about you behind their backs. Since this kind of gossip spreads quickly, it is difficult to find the source of the gossip. For this reason, most likely, you will only ruin the situation by trying to resist people who spread rumors about you. The best tactic in this case is ignoring. Plus, you can try to become more positive and change your view of gossip.


How to work with people who gossip

    Don't do anything. You may be tempted to confront the person who is gossiping about you, in which case the best response to their actions is to ignore their gossip. Just think, because this person will not be able to say these words to your face. Therefore, you should not give him new topics for gossip. Just stop this vicious circle by completely ignoring the gossip.

    Treat gossipers with kindness. Another way to respond to gossip is to cultivate a kind attitude towards people. Gossipers will be confused and puzzled that you treat them so well despite the fact that they gossip about you. Plus, if you're optimistic about everything, gossipers may feel guilty about what they said behind your back.

    Set limits on gossip. If you have to spend a lot of time with people who talk about you behind your back, try to keep your distance from them. Remember, you don't have to be friends with them just because you have to work together.

    • Be kind, but don't get close to gossipers. Don't tell them personal things that might become another topic of gossip in the future.
  1. Think about the gossiper's motives. If your friend or acquaintance started spreading rumors about you, most likely he had his own reasons for this. Most good friends would not spread negative rumors about you that would upset you. If your friend just became a participant in these gossip, try to find out why he did it, and also think about how he could react to these rumors.

    • You can ask the following questions: "How did you know what was going on?" or "What did you say spreading this rumor?" You can simply ask, "Why are you telling me this?" Answering these questions will help you understand the gossiper's motives.
    • You don't have to end your relationship with the gossip. But it would be wise to communicate with this person more accurately. Most likely, this person is not as innocent as he tries to seem. Perhaps he spreads the gossip himself, rather than trying to stop them.
  2. Don't gossip. You already know how unpleasant it is when people talk about you behind your back. But if you are not trying to stop it, you can assume that you are also to blame for the situation. Some people just enjoy discussing other people's personal lives, but remember that they cannot do this if they do not have listeners (that is, people who share their opinion).

    Talk to someone with authority. If gossip interferes with your work or study, you will need to resolve this issue at the administration level. In this case, a teacher or supervisor will help to deal with this problem.

How to change gossip about yourself

    Don't take gossip personally. You can easily run into people who talk about you behind your back, but remember that their words speak more about themselves, not about you. You have no control over what others say about you. But you can control how you react to their words. Treat gossip like extraneous information. Don't be a victim of other people's problems.

    Understand that people may just be jealous of you. It may not look like that, but people may say bad things about you because someone is bullying them. A person may be jealous of your life, your skills and abilities, popularity. Their unpleasant and mean words may just be a way to hurt you.

    Low self-esteem. Another characteristic of a gossip is low self-esteem. People who talk badly about you may do it on purpose to assert themselves. Perhaps the person who goesssip about you constantly feels insignificant, most likely, he has low self-esteem. As a result, this person starts talking bad things about others.


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