How to open a business with toilet cabins. There is a big need for a big business or how to open a network of paid toilets. Toilet business areas

Business idea: A flower business, as well as your own hairdressing salon, requires larger investments than: Toilet business. Let's find out how much money is needed to open this business, as well as how much you can earn in the toilet business.

A toilet, like food, is a necessity; a person may not drive a car, but may die; a person may get sick, and not wear jewelry. So why did I tell you all this? Probably due to the fact that in this business there is much less competition than in the same cases when a person 100% needs food, if he opens his own store, funeral services, or pharmacies if he gets sick.

Now, how much money do you need to buy dry toilet cabins? Start-up capital to open this business about $3,000. With this money you can buy 4 booths, each costing from $500, disinfectant solutions, and hire a person who will collect money. These are the main expenses.

The most important thing in the toilet business is to decide on a place; it should be public, where there are a lot of people! Imagine if 200 people use the toilets a day, this should be the minimum. The cost of a toilet, for example, is 10 rubles, which turns out to be 2,000 rubles daily, 60,000 per month, or 2 thousand dollars. What if your toilets are visited by 600 people a day?

In addition to making a profit from public places, you can rent out the cabins, for example, to an outdoor cafe.

Of course, in addition to income, there are also expenses, such as maintenance of dry toilets, as well as wage, taxes. But this is all a pleasant fuss, believe me.

By the way, do you know where the expression “Money doesn’t smell” came from? Roman emperor who reigned in the 70s AD. managed to introduce a tax on toilets. Then, after a while, his son reproached him for collecting money from poor citizens for going to the toilet, that it was shameful, then the father let him smell the money that the emperor earned from the toilet business and asked him if it smelled money ? He answered no, they don’t smell, although they came from the toilets. It was from this time that the expression “Money has no smell,” and, perhaps, business itself, came into being.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

This business, as experts note, brings stable income and one can call it pure and humane. Profitability today is about 20-30%.

The low starting threshold makes it relatively easy to enter this business. Three thousand dollars may be enough to start with. Of these, 1,200 will be spent on the purchase of two booths. To save money, you can purchase used equipment for $250-300. But finding decent booths at this price is very difficult. It also won’t take much money to pay cashier operators (depending on local labor conditions). We also take into account tank cleaning (from $20), which will need to be done no more than 10 times a month.

The booths do not require connection to communications and are easy to maintain. Instead of tickets, use “strict reporting coupons” approved by the Ministry of Finance. Optimize taxation using “simplification”. Here you will not need cash registers.

Of course, we cannot do without problems. The main ones are vandalism, staff turnover and administrative barriers. The booths cannot be insured against vandals, but repair costs will be low.

The main asset when starting such a business is toilet stalls. Therefore, it is very important to treat their choice with special care. Ask about the strength of the tank, the reliability of door fastening, anti-vandal and technical characteristics. The stability and profitability of the company depends on the durability of the cabins.

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The main difficulties arise at the very beginning, when preparing documents. You need an agreement with the city water utility service, permission from the SES, the town planning committee and many other authorities. But the most important thing is a license for waste disposal. However, you can avoid all this hassle if you contact experienced suppliers to purchase booths. They will take care of all the paperwork and advise on where to start, where to install booths and much more.

Be sure to pay attention to climatic conditions. Ordinary plastic melts in the sun at 35-40 degrees, and in severe frost the contents of the tank freeze. The booth is temporarily unavailable.

Also take into account the seasonal factor and pricing policy. The price must be profitable.

The business will become stable and profitable with the operation of 50-60 booths. But, still, you need to start with 2-3. Buy equipment gradually. In cities with a population of half a million, aim for 100-150 pieces. After reaching these numbers, acquire a reserve fleet, which will be needed during urban mass events. Remember about disinfectants.

With the development of the network, good savings will come from purchasing your own fleet of vehicles. One machine can serve about 80 points per month. Large areas will also be needed to store unused cabins.

Organizing a dry toilet rental point would also be a good business. This will save you from operational worries, and there will be enough clients. Nowadays, many facilities are required to have toilets and washbasins, according to regulations. Especially in great demand toilet cabins are used at summer cafes.

When opening such a business, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of public events. This will help you figure out when, how many and where booths need to be installed.

Ready ideas for your business

If you plan to start producing booths, you will need much higher costs. In this case, you need to think about the sales market not only within the city, but also beyond them. It is necessary to choose the right supplier of materials, obtain a certificate for the products from the State Standards Authority and a hygienic conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

The dry toilet market can now be conquered with little initial investment, even though you will have to face some problems.

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for Business Magazine

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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What they don’t sell by subscription! One of the fashionable retail trends is to sell something unexpected or shocking by subscription, for example, fresh new socks. But where are the socks off the startup Looie!

A New York startup called Looie sells subscriptions to... a paid city toilet.


One of the traditional problems of cities, which makes the city an uncomfortable place, is the lack of a sufficient number of urban public toilets. As business analysts say: the lack of street space is a problem in cities all over the globe!

How our people took taxis to the toilet...

In 1990, a special report from the mayor’s office was prepared in New York, which went down in history under the name “Toilet Crisis.” This report stated that out of six, exactly five city toilets are unusable and are beyond the concept of sanitation, and that tourists and guests of the city of New York are not new to taking a taxi and going to relieve themselves at their home hotel, rather than looking in city ​​toilet"

So. The first problem is that there are no toilets. The second problem (sister of the first) is the dismal state of those public toilets that already exist. This also applies to design that does not provide privacy to a person, and unsanitary conditions.

In short, toilets in the city (street restrums) are the exact opposite of your home bathroom in an apartment. I still don’t want to visit them (many people are either disdainful of going into city toilets or feel shy, having been forced to almost publicly perform their intimate needs).

Well, if you want to go to the toilet (oh, God forbid!), you won’t always find a toilet in the city.

Which looks especially strange with so many fast food eateries and coffee shops on every corner.

New York startup Looie set out to solve both of these problems (the insufficient number of city toilets and the discomfort inherent in their design). He set himself an ambitious task:

    firstly, equip New York with a dense network of public toilets within “walking distance”,

    secondly, make toilets clean and private, just like in your home, creating the illusion of a “personal bathroom”.

How can you create the illusion that while walking down the street you have looked into “your own” toilet? It’s very simple - every citizen should have... a key to an individual toilet.

This is roughly how the “toilet problem” is solved in higher education. educational institutions. Of course, university teachers and staff cannot visit the same toilet with students, which consists of five or six plywood stalls, in which everything can be heard and sometimes even seen. As they say, a student should not see the teacher visiting the toilet at all. This not only destroys the “pathos of distance,” but also simply contradicts everything human that distinguishes a person from a humiliated slave reduced to a bestial state. As you know, one of the measures of humiliation and suppression of the individual that is practiced in prisons is a bucket in the corner of the cell, open for everyone to see.

So, university teachers have the so-called “key to the teaching toilet.”

An exactly similar service was invented by the New York startup Looie! By the way, translated from in English the word Looie translates as “lieutenant”, “second lieutenant”. That is, this analogous name plays on approximately the same association - “a toilet for officers” (not for ordinary soldiers).

Now, by subscription, anyone can purchase a key that is universally suitable for all points of the New York chain of public toilets Looie. (Of course, if you locked yourself in there, they won’t even open you from the outside with the same key).

In addition, a subscription to Looie private toilets provides you with perhaps the most important thing in this business idea - a mobile application - with a city map, on which, thanks to the determination of your geolocation, all the nearest “within walking distance” toilets of the Looie network will be displayed. No need to look for a toilet - look at your smartphone, it will tell you where the nearest Looie toilet is.

All that remains, of course, is to do the most important thing. The points.

    Point One: build really a lot of Looie toilets, because if there are 5 of them in the city, then the project does not make sense,

    Point Two: as soon as possible create similar services competing with Looie - the same network of private “public” toilets. Then the price will be lower, the quality will be higher, and simply – there will be more toilets.

If every major city always has at least several taxi companies and the consumer has a choice, then exactly the same should happen with the business idea of ​​Looie paid toilets.

At the dawn of the entrepreneurial era in the USSR, paid “cooperative” toilets appeared almost the very first - and were very popular as a very profitable business.

But then something happened again and we forgot the famous phrase (to whomever it is attributed!) that “the level of civilization of a nation is determined by the cleanliness of its public toilets.”

We again began to “don’t care” (unfortunately, not “...-don’t care”) about our cities and ourselves, not to mention people we didn’t know, from whom we could even make money.

Looie subscription toilets are cleaned 7 to 10 times a day, depending on the location's traffic.

The symbol of the toilet in the city is a huge key (pale lime color), reminiscent of an old medieval workshop sign: scissors, there, a huge curly pretzel... On the huge key “sat”: a little girl, a boy and a disabled man on a wheel. moving in a wheelchair.

Needless to say that the entire Looie network of toilets is also adapted for disabled people?.. It seems that this goes without saying!

A subscription for a clean, private restroom costs $25. New York is a problematic city. That is why his problems are so close to us. For example, with a population of 8 million people, New York City is sorely lacking in public toilets. Just like ours.

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The first paid toilets appeared, of course, in Europe. The author of the idea is considered to be the British illusionist John Maskelyne, who at the end of the 19th century invented a door lock for London public toilet stalls. It opened only after a one-penny coin was inserted into the coin slot. In 1910, Indiana installed the first pay toilet in the United States.

In the USSR, the first paid toilet for 10 kopecks appeared in 1989, after the Council of Ministers adopted the Law on Cooperation and the development of the cooperative movement. It was opened at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, after which a wave of general “toiletization” took place throughout the country.

In addition to basic services, paid toilets were ready to provide suffering citizens with a number of additional amenities for a small fee - for example, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, etc. True, by the mid-90s, the owners of stationary paid toilets realized that much more money could be earned by engaging in a “cleaner” business, for example, by repurposing a toilet into a cafe or store. Today, a stationary paid toilet can be found extremely rarely; they have been replaced by mobile cubicles of dry toilets.

Profitable and unsinkable business

You only need to go for a walk around the city center after drinking a couple of bottles of beer to understand how this business works. If this is the center big city, then you will, without hesitation, pay 10, 15 or even 30 rubles for visiting a toilet stall. If we are talking about Moscow, then we can safely multiply this amount by a couple of million - according to experts, this is approximately how many times Muscovites and guests of the capital relieve themselves in mobile dry toilets during the day.

The mobile toilet business is attractive because of its stability, because it is not afraid of any crises: a person will always want to drink, eat and relieve himself.

Now in Moscow alone there are more than 4,000 paid public toilets, that is, one public restroom for 3 thousand residents, although according to sanitary standards there should be several times more - 1 toilet for every 500 citizens. This means that most of the profit flows past the cash register.

Toilet business areas

Mobile toilet cabin - the design is technically simple. It is made of plastic using molding technology. For ease of transportation, the cabins are dismountable.

Today, the mobile pay toilet market is developing in several directions. A dry closet can be purchased as your own, or rented for a long-term or short-term lease. Manufacturers of mobile cabins are ready to service not only their own, but also other people’s cabins, that is, pump out the contents, clean them, and refill them with reagents as necessary.

There are simple toilets, and there are VIP cabins - more spacious and with more options (wash basins, liquid soap, disposable toilet rims, etc.). Such cabins, in particular, are rented for various outdoor events (weddings, corporate events, etc.).

What does it take to start a toilet business?

First, register as an individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, choose a place to place paid toilet stalls. The main condition is that it must be highly accessible, and there must be no competitors or free toilets in the area.

Thirdly, you need to contact the district administration for permission to install a paid dry closet.

Having received permission, you can purchase booths (one booth costs about 15-20 thousand rubles), consumables, hire cashier operators and feel free to get down to business.

The hero of the famous film “About Businessman Thomas” opened a paid toilet in the Russian outback, taking advantage of the lack of normal living conditions among village residents. But even in large Russian cities it is not always possible to quickly find a clean public water closet. A specialized toilet store, where it is possible to both satisfy physiological needs and purchase various household goods, can surprise seasoned city dwellers.

The work of the toilet store is built on the idea of ​​attracting customers with the opportunity to use a clean restroom for free, subject to the purchase of any product. The visitor may not buy anything, but in this case, visiting the toilet will remain paid for him. It is appropriate to open toilet shops in the central areas of cities, where residents come for a walk, shopping or to resolve business issues.

How does a toilet shop work?

The store-restroom includes two adjacent rooms, one of which is used for selling goods, and the second is used as a paid restroom. Toilet visitors pay the cost of the service by receiving a tear-off coupon from the cashier or at the automatic turnstile. Ideal cleanliness, high-quality equipment and a non-standard interior are the distinctive features of the toilet room.

After using the toilet, visitors head to the exit through the sales area. They can purchase various goods here. Household chemicals, hygiene items, bathroom and toilet accessories and other small items that many people purchase on the go will be in demand in a toilet store. A toilet visitor can use his tear-off coupon to partially pay for goods, which will make visiting the toilet free for him.

Manufacturers and distributors of plumbing equipment can use the toilet store as a visual advertising platform. Visitors to the toilet are unlikely to immediately purchase a toilet or faucet, but they will certainly be interested in advertising brochures describing the equipment. Customers will first of all pay attention to the equipment, the advantages of which they personally appreciated when visiting a toilet store.

Required Resources

Premises in the central area of ​​the city, sanitary equipment, retail furniture, trained personnel and funds for the purchase of goods are the resources necessary to start operating a toilet store.


The store-restroom premises must meet the following criteria: good location, the possibility of organizing two adjacent zones (shop and toilet), finishing the premises with materials that can be easily sanitized. When planning the functional areas of the store-restroom, ensure that visitors can get from the restroom to the sales area only through the hand-washing area.

Sanitary equipment

High-quality modern sanitary ware is one of the key factors for the success of a toilet store. Entrepreneurs can pay attention to the experience of Japan, where it is fashionable to install toilets with additional functions in public restrooms.

And if a toilet with a bidet, heating or automatic flush function is unlikely to surprise visitors, then plumbing fixtures that play popular music will become that exotic thing that can attract visitors. And a toilet that can do general analysis urine within a minute, will become a real magnet for city residents.

An entrepreneur will avoid the cost of purchasing equipment if he can attract plumbing manufacturers to cooperate.

Trade furniture, staff, product

To sell goods in a restroom store, you will need counters, display cases, racks and more. retail store equipment. In addition to salespeople, the toilet store staff must include a cleaner who has the necessary qualifications to work with modern disinfectants. This will ensure the necessary cleanliness in the premises, which is also one of the key factors for the success of the enterprise. Finally, the entrepreneur must have financial resources for the purchase of goods that will be sold in the toilet store.

The success of a toilet store depends on its location, the quality and non-standardity of the plumbing equipment used, as well as the wide range of goods sold.

Dmitry Dementiy


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