The size of the beds in the greenhouse is 3x4. Layout of a modern greenhouse. What height should be the beds in the greenhouse

The beds in the greenhouse 3 by 6 meters have their own nuances of the device. Today we will take a closer look at all the features, pay attention to the arrangement of beds in two and three rows, their location in the greenhouse. Then, taking into account all the tips, gardeners will be able to place the plantings in the most successful way. It will be comfortable to work in the greenhouse.

Usually compact greenhouses 3x6 m are widely in demand in suburban, suburban areas. These are the key features of such greenhouses.

  1. It is necessary to place the greenhouse in an open place. It is important to organize a convenient approach to it.
  2. The beds usually run along the long sides, along the walls.
  3. In order for the lighting to be of better quality and longer, the long side must be turned to the west.
  4. It is important to create conditions for comfortable maintenance of the beds. The height of the ridges relative to the path is usually a maximum of 40 cm.
  5. It is advisable to leave tracks with a minimum width of 45 cm. Only in such conditions full-fledged effective work is possible.
  6. It is better to make beds of 60 or 90 cm.Wider beds are used with paths on both sides, and when approaching from one side, beds 60 cm wide are suitable.

It is important! Care must be taken to maintain proper track width. If they are too narrow, it is inconvenient to walk on them, there is nowhere to mark necessary equipment, inventory, watering hoses, and the integrity of the beds will be constantly violated. It is much more convenient to work with wide tracks.

We arrange the beds rationally

There are several simple secrets to the correct location of the beds.

It is important! Remember the key principles for choosing the optimal planting pattern. It is necessary to rationally use the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, be sure to provide free access to each bush, plant, branch. In addition, the conditions for the plants themselves must be the best - so that there is enough light and nutrition.

We plant tomatoes in a greenhouse measuring 3 by 6 meters

In the pivot table, we will look at the key features of planting crops. As an example, we take the planting of tomato bushes in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Let's pay attention to the features, key characteristics landing, as well as the method of disembarkation. We will also indicate approximate calculations for two and three beds in a greenhouse 3 by 6 meters.

Table. Features of planting a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

IndicatorTwo bedsThree beds
PeculiaritiesThe beds are best placed along the long sides. Then the width of the bed will be about 100 cm, and the rest of the area will be needed for the path.More convenient option with efficient use of space. You can make the paths a little wider by narrowing the beds.
Disembarkation methodIt is optimal to use the two-line method and a square-nesting upset. Sometimes, for greater comfort, the bushes are staggered.The staggered arrangement of the bushes is optimal. A little less often they use the square-nesting method.
PaymentA total of 60 bushes can be planted if you leave a gap of 60 cm between the rows, and the distance between the bushes is only 40 cm. Then 15 bushes can take 1 row.It is recommended to seal the gap to 30 cm. Then you can plant 20 bushes in one row at once.

Now let's dwell on the important points in a little more detail.

Seating in a greenhouse in two beds

Many gardeners and experts note that it is more convenient and easier to place the beds along the entire length of the greenhouse, along the walls. For standard ground beds, the height of 30-40 cm is becoming traditional. It is important to take care of the required width of the path, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use and place tools, walk with a wheelbarrow, and water the plants.

For high quality and speed of work, it is important to have adequate free space. Most often, the bushes are planted in nests in the form of squares or rectangles, as well as in two lines.

This method is more popular, since it allows you to use the entire area as competently and efficiently as possible. At the same time, you can achieve a sufficient width of the paths, making the beds more compact at the edges.

For those who are going to plant just tomato bushes, there is a special advice: it is better to plant determinant varieties of tomatoes in the outer rows, since the greenhouse has a low height near the walls, when compared with the central part. It is advisable to select in advance varieties with an average height, early ripening.

Consider planting tomatoes in a 3 by 6 greenhouse with three beds in more detail. It is better to form the outer rows into two stems, while increasing the gap between them. On average, it should be about 40 cm, since bushes with large volumes need increased nutrition. It is easy to calculate the number of bushes in a row: just divide 600 by 40. As a result, it turns out that 15 tomato bushes can be planted in a row. In total, in one greenhouse with such parameters, it is quite possible to place freely as many as 90 bushes with tomatoes, while their collection time will be extended.

By ripeness, you can also select the beds in a special way. In the center, it is desirable to grow mid-season, mid-early varieties. But for side beds, early ripening early tomatoes are more suitable.

The best solution is to ripen the tomato one at a time. It is very important to correctly select varieties in accordance with the budget, taste preferences, and soil characteristics. Then all the tomatoes will ripen in turn, and there will always be fresh tasty tomatoes on the table.

Basic principles of creating beds in a greenhouse

Now it's time to consider the formation of beds in greenhouses with dimensions of 3 by 6 meters.

Focusing on the cardinal points

First of all, it is necessary to remember about the cardinal points when beds with different crops are planted. You can use boxes, racks, make beds directly on the ground. In any case, the location of plants relative to the cardinal points will be of great importance. Plants should receive maximum heat and light, solar energy.

A compass is useful for accurate orientation. It is best to place the beds in a north-south direction. This is when the plants will be able to get more sunlight throughout the day.

It is important to remember: regardless of the culture, species, dependence on heat and light, each plant must be placed in the beds, taking into account its maximum possible growth before harvest. In no case should low-growing plants be in the shade of tall ones.

Arrangement of plants in height

Experts note: it is tall plants that need special approach... Large growth, the presence of foliage determine the significant shading of the beds. As a result, other plants may suffer from lack of heat and light. The optimal solution is to place tall plants along the "east-west" line. Then the lower tiers of the leaves will be perfectly illuminated by the morning sunlight.

Sometimes it happens that greenhouses have to be installed in an uneven landscape. In this case, it is advisable to opt for the southern slope. Such a site should have a south-facing slope. Racks and beds are placed across the slope. Ideal as the maximum number of plants will be in direct sunlight, since they will fall on the greenhouse at an angle.

It is important! You may encounter various obstacles, problems with orientation in accordance with the cardinal points. If the greenhouse cannot be set up properly, you have to choose the best possible option.

There are also pitfalls. For example, if the slope is south, but there is a shadow from the tree crowns, the best option would be to locate the greenhouse on a northern, but free from plantings slope.

We take into account the design features of the greenhouse

Design features also affect the order of planting in their own way. Here's what you need to take into account.

Advice! Experts and experienced gardeners point out that you cannot save on aisles. The paths must be comfortable. The optimal minimum is 40 cm. Decided to use a wheelbarrow? Then it is better to leave a passage of 80 cm in the center, and plant the plants on the sides in two beds.

Reasonable use of vertical

It is not at all necessary to place the beds exclusively in one plane. You have an excellent opportunity to organize the shelving structure in the greenhouse. It is the vertical arrangement of the beds that makes it possible to use all the free space very efficiently. However, there are some complications here as well. It is extremely important to distribute all plants and soil containers so that the lower tiers are not overshadowed by the upper ones.

Here are three simple rules rack placement.

  1. Directly under the racks, you can create a niche like a warehouse for storing the necessary fixtures.
  2. Lower, middle tiers are ideal for mature plants. You can also place containers with fertile soil there, in which young bushes are planted. For example, this is a good solution when growing Dutch strawberries.
  3. Seedling containers most of all need warmth and light. That is why they should be placed on the uppermost tiers when placing the beds in a rack. In accordance with growth, development, they can be gradually moved lower.

It is important! Stick to a certain standard. The depth of the rack should be no more than 50 cm. Then the shelves will not shade the plants.

The vertical can also be used for terraced beds. This is a good option for those who want to gradually switch to shelving. In the greenhouse, on one side, the beds are left traditional. For this, the southeast or south side is more suitable. But the terrace can be made from the opposite side of the greenhouse.

It should be noted that such experimental designs are appropriate in cases where combined cultivation is carried out. different cultures within the same greenhouse. If you are growing one crop, you need to create uniform conditions throughout the area.

Greenhouse area planning according to Meathlider

Traditionally, the layout of the beds in two and three rows is used. Both options are quite feasible in greenhouses with dimensions of 3 by 6 meters. We have given approximate calculations above. However, another method is known, an innovative one - the method of Jacob Meatlider.

When the greenhouse is planned according to Meathlider, it is planned to plant crops in beds with a width of 45 cm. This resembles the traditional option. However, it is recommended to make the widest possible paths between the beds. For example, a good passage width is 90 cm. This technique will provide a good air flow, sufficient illumination.

The technique provides for the creation of comfortable conditions for the gardener. It is recommended to plant the plants in two narrow rows, leaving free soil between them. In this case, there will be a good air exchange, and a person will not have to reach far to the bushes to work.

The most original method is to place the beds on shelves that are arranged in a spiral. Can be made from pipes that are used for communications, water supply. This method is ideal for growing low-growing crops, such as greens and strawberries.

We make the best beds in the greenhouse 3 by 6

It's time to consider step by step instructions arrangement of beds in the greenhouse. It is important to ensure maximum efficiency, create the best conditions for plants.

You will need fertile soil. The soil is prepared specially or purchased ready-made. In addition, you need to stock up on boards, sawdust or straw. You will also need manure as the main fertilizing layer. We act according to the algorithm.

Step 1. First, a trench is dug at the site of the garden bed.

First you need to dig a trench

Step 2. Then it is necessary to install a fence - formwork made of wooden boards.

Step 3. Then a layer of straw or sawdust is poured out. Its thickness should be 10-15 cm.

Step 4. Then comes the turn of manure. It is necessary to take manure, which is already beginning to rot. The layer is made compacted. Height - 20 cm.

Step 5. The created pillow is poured with boiling water to soak the manure and the bottom layer. After this, the beds should be left alone for two days.

You can do multi-layer fertilization using chicken manure and a decomposition stimulator. When rotting is intense, maximum heat energy is released. It is exactly what is needed for better growth planted crops. You can leave the organic fertilizer under the black film for a week so that it warms up well, and then pour out the soil and plant the plants.

Organic fertilizer can be covered with black foil for a week (in the photo - a mini greenhouse)

To protect the seedlings from rodents, you can lay out the bottom layer with a special net. Also, sometimes rotten boards, bark and hemp are put down instead of sawdust. Manure can be replaced with grass humus. It is necessary to tamp everything well and pour boiling water over, be sure to let these layers "brew" before filling the soil.

Even on marshy, rocky or sandy soil, you can organize good conditions for growing various crops. Just set up the boxes and fill them with fertile soil. The boxes are warmer, they protect from pests. The height of the box is about 40 cm.

Video - Arrangement of beds in the greenhouse and preparation of the soil for sowing

Today there are different types greenhouses. The location of the beds and their configuration depends on the type of structure. Plants for planting are also selected taking into account the type of greenhouse. If, then the owner can start growing any crops.

Simple options for the layout of beds in a greenhouse measuring 3x4 meters

Greenhouse types:

  • Gable;
  • Arched;
  • With a geodesic dome.

The first option is ideal for growing trees that will be surrounded by warm air. For seedlings, such a structure is considered less suitable. For plant beds, it is better to choose other options. These greenhouse designs do not have much height and give the gardener enough space. An example optimal sizes is 3x6 m and suitable materials are polycarbonate sheets.

The layout of the beds must be done correctly. If you make them wide, the harvest may suffer. To reach the plant, you have to step on the garden bed.

Arrangement of beds in a greenhouse 3x6 made of polycarbonate

And this will entail undesirable consequences: you can damage the root system or compact the soil. When roots develop slowly due to mechanical damage or reduced permeability of the soil, the plant will produce less fruit. It all depends on which method you prefer. Make the beds no more than 90–95 cm wide if you plan to grow plants on shelves. When planting directly into open ground, the maximum width can be up to 1.2 m.

The size of the passage must be wide enough so that you can move freely in it:

We increase the area for the growing zone

Allows with maximum benefit allocate space. Often, summer residents arrange more beds with the maximum possible width by reducing the size of the passage.

For example, 3 beds are often made, where the width is 1.2 m, and 2 passes of 30 cm each.

Experienced gardeners have their own trick how not to step on crops. Concrete blocks are placed on the beds and in the aisle, and wooden boards are placed on top of them. Thanks to this design, you can reach any plant.

Layout of beds in a greenhouse with a geo-dome

The layout of a geodetic greenhouse has a number of significant differences:

The geo dome is usually made of polycarbonate. The material is not as transparent as glass, but it is strong and has the ability to retain heat. Solar battery on the polycarbonate surface allows you to maintain the desired temperature inside. It is placed at the top of the dome.

Greenhouse layout Mitlider

An interesting solution for planning is the arrangement of the beds, proposed by the Canadian doctor Mitlider. He conducted the experiment for 50 years. As a result, the Canadian scientist made conclusions regarding the optimal size:

  • the bed should be 45 cm;
  • the passage should be left at least 90 cm.

This planting allows you to provide the most comfortable conditions for plantings. Plants are well ventilated. Each of them receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. Such conditions are most favorable for the development and growth of plants.

To arrange such a greenhouse, you will need to get a compass. The location of the beds should be in a north-south direction. Make sure the soil surface is level. The high yield is due to the use of balanced fertilizers.

Timely watering is considered an important factor. Loosening of the soil is not required.
The doctor gives recommendations for arranging beds in any area. If the soil is bad for cultivating the land, then large boxes with a width of 1.2 m - 1.5 m and a height of 40 cm should be installed inside the greenhouse.

Ready soil is poured into the boxes. These ridges are perfectly warmed up by the sun's rays; pests do not start in the plantings. However, the plants require increased watering. If you agree with the doctor's opinion, build your Meatlider greenhouse from polycarbonate.

Features of the device of a warm bed

Many gardeners are used to surprising others with their achievements. Their crop of squash "the size of a good boar" cannot be overlooked. Other vegetables also grow better than others. The secret is simple enough. Summer residents plant their crops on compost or warm beds.

Diagram of the device with the dimensions of a warm bed

The yield increases, and the soil does not need to be plowed. In the process of organic matter decay, heat is released, which heats up the soil well.
Carbon dioxide accumulates above the compost layer, which participates in the process of photosynthesis. This favors the rapid growth of plants. Inside warm beds, the temperature is higher than that of surrounding soil... This allows early seedlings to be planted. The period of growth and fruiting in plants increases.
A warm bed is arranged as follows:

If there is no manure, then a heat cushion is made in the following way:

Alternative ways of fencing for beds

Polycarbonate sheets are as popular building materials for greenhouses as boards are for garden garden fencing. In addition to wood, alternative options can be used:

Build a greenhouse and do the right one. Then each garden bed will delight you with its rich harvest. Make greenhouse conditions favorable for plant growth. Arrange warm beds. And harvest multiple crops per season.

To get a rich harvest, you need to competently approach the choice of a greenhouse, choose the right varieties, and equip the beds. The most popular greenhouse option among gardeners is 3x6 houses. They are the ones that are suitable for small areas. You can make a greenhouse with your own hands from glass, wood, film, or buy a ready-made one. Polycarbonate greenhouse houses have become especially popular. The material is stronger than glass structures, it scatters sunlight well, and its lightness allows you to quickly install or disassemble a room.

How to plan beds in a greenhouse 3 by 6: orientation to the cardinal points

When using greenhouses in garden plots, it is necessary to correctly position the structure, relative to the cardinal points and wind loads. Failure to comply with these conditions can affect the quality of seedlings and lead to a low yield.

When preparing the beds in the greenhouse, experienced gardeners are guided by the cardinal points:

  1. For low crops, it is better to locate the greenhouse from North to South, it is this planning of the beds that will give the fruits more sunlight.
  2. However, to illuminate tall plants, the arrangement of the beds is done from West to East. Dense foliage can give darkening, and such a scheme will allow the rays of the sun to penetrate between the rows, and illuminate the lower leaves of the culture.
  3. If the surface is sloped, we turn the greenhouse towards the south, and create the beds using the stepwise method.

Such principles will give plants the ability to be on top of each other, and fully receive an equal amount of sunlight.

Layouts of beds in a greenhouse 6x3 m

In pursuit of a large harvest, gardeners are trying to use every centimeter of the greenhouse.

When planning the beds in the greenhouse, consider your physical capabilities.

Wide beds make plant maintenance difficult.

There are the most common ways to arrange the beds:

  1. 2 wide ridges that will stretch from the beginning to the end of the structure. Width seats will be 1.2 m each, and the width of the track will be 60 cm. With this planting option, there is one drawback, some will find it difficult to get to extreme crops.
  2. 3 identical beds and 2 paths 60 cm each. In this case, the planting area will slightly decrease, but convenient plant care will be provided.
  3. The garden bed, more than a meter wide, should be put in the center, with an approach from both sides. In greenhouses with a similar layout, the plants will receive the greatest amount of light and heat, but the size of the usable area will remain small.
  4. You can arrange narrow planting rows around the entire perimeter of the house, and one wide one in the center.

The solution to the layout of the greenhouse depends on the selected vegetable crops. Each plant has its own microclimate in which it will fully develop. Plants should be selected for the neighborhood with similar growing conditions.

Country greenhouse 3 by 6: how to arrange the beds

Depending on the climatic conditions, gardeners decide how high the warm bed should be raised. The height of the ridges varies from 20 to 50 cm. With this arrangement, convenient access to the plants remains and the soil does not dry out quickly. For the device, for the boards, boards, bricks, polycarbonate sheets, pieces of slate are used, which prevents the earth from shattering. All kinds of waste are laid at the bottom of the beds: straw and deciduous fillers, rotten bark of trees, dust, wood chips. All this is spilled with boiling water to start the fermentation process and covered with manure on top. When rotting, heat begins to be released, this affects the growth rate and scale of the culture.

For effective use area, you can apply the vertical method. Vertical beds save space and help you get an equally rich harvest.

There are several ways to install such structures:

  1. Garter beds. They are made specifically for crops that require tying to a support. Various shields and partitions, plastic nets serve as a vertical surface. Growing plants begin to cling to the support and stretch upward.
  2. Shelf beds. They represent a structure of several boxes stacked on top of each other. The height between the shelves depends on the crop being grown. These shelves are good for growing short plants with a shallow root system.
  3. Beds made of plastic pipes. Holes are drilled in the pipe, the earth is filled up, and the structure is installed vertically in the greenhouse. It is very good to grow strawberries in such devices.

Vertical beds have their own nuances that every gardener needs to know about.

Not all plants can live in confined spaces. We select a culture with a small root system.

In such mini-beds, the soil dries up much faster and requires constant feeding, but it is less exposed to infection. Gardeners will be especially pleased to take care of the plants without bending their backs. A competent approach to growing a plant will give a rich harvest even in a small area.

Small greenhouse 3 by 4: how to arrange the beds according to the new method

3x4 greenhouses are suitable for gardeners with limited summer cottages. The average height of such structures is 2 meters. These sizes are optimal for many crops. The planting scheme is similar to the order of placing the beds in a 3 by 6 greenhouse.

Along with the traditional solution of the location of the seats, new technologies have appeared according to the Meatlider method, who derived the formula for the width of the beds.

According to the invention, the plants receive a maximum of light and air with a bed width of 45 cm, and a passage between them of 90 cm. With such a planting, the soil does not need loosening, and balanced fertilizers and good watering will give a large yield.

Often gardeners are interested in the question of how many crops can be grown on one ridge. The second invention of Meatlider is narrow single-striped beds. On the same ridge, 2 types of crops are placed, with similar climatic requirements. Crops ripen at the same time and 2 crops can be harvested per season.

Compacted beds are used to save space, while taking into account the difference and the period of development of vegetable crops. Lettuce and parsley are added to onion seeds. Early ripening crops in a month fall on the table, and a place in the garden is freed up.

Closely desirable to grow plants that have a beneficial effect on each other, thereby improving the taste and getting rid of unwanted pests.

The location of the beds in the greenhouse 3x6 (video)

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is impossible to combine vegetable crops that require different agricultural conditions. The best option will be placing these plants on opposite sides of the greenhouse. The process of preparing the beds requires a competent and serious approach; a convenient location will bring pleasure and a rich harvest to the gardener.

Greenhouse beds 3 meters wide and 4 meters long at manufacturer's price. The strength of the panel is ensured by the metal thickness of 0.7 mm. and stiffeners. The sets of beds are complete with all. You don't have to buy anything.

The pegs go 25 cm deep and hold the garden bed securely in place. The presence of screeds gives additional rigidity to all structures. Due to these elements, the bed can be weeded and dug up without fear of breakage of the sides and change in the geometry of the structure.

All models are in stock. The table shows the dimensions of the beds for greenhouses 3 by 6 meters and 3 by 4 m, but at your request we can change the width at no extra charge.


For a garden bed 25 cm high metal thickness 0.7 mm. The panel has 6 stiffeners. Peg thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried in the ground to a depth of 25 cm. The maximum panel length is 2 meters. Width to choose from without surcharges.

For a bed 35 cm high metal thickness 0.7 mm. The panel has 8 stiffeners. Peg thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm. The maximum panel length is 2 meters. Ties and pegs go every 2 meters. Width to choose from without surcharges.

For a garden bed with a height of 50 cm metal thickness 0.7 mm. The panel has 16 stiffeners. Peg thickness 1.5 mm. The pegs are buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm. The maximum panel length is 1 meter. Ties and pegs go every meter. Width to choose from without surcharges.

Prices for beds in a greenhouse 3x4 meters and sets with a discount.

How to choose beds in a greenhouse 3 by 4 meters.

We offer 2 options for installing the beds in the greenhouse. In the first version, the beds are located along the edges. Their width is 1 meter. Larger widths are inconvenient to maintain. The use of a smaller one is not rational, since the planting area is reduced. Less is possible only for the second option, where a third bed 2 meters long and 60 cm wide is added.

The option with 3 beds: two 70 cm and one 60 cm is optimal. You can change these dimensions at no additional cost, but then the aisles will decrease and it will be difficult to till and water the land if you use buckets and watering cans. That is why the central bed is 2 meters shorter than the length of the greenhouse, so that it is convenient to enter.

What is needed for assembly.

For assembly, you need 2 keys for 12 or 1 key and a screwdriver with a bit nozzle.
A shovel for digging in the soil, as the pegs go deep enough.

Garden bed transportation.

A set of beds fits into any a car... The maximum length of the set is 2 meters for heights of 25 cm and 35 cm and 1 meter for 50 cm. Each bed is completed separately. The delivery set includes everything for assembly. In the future, you will not need to buy anything in addition.

Arrangement of a greenhouse on the site allows you to provide yourself with an early harvest of vegetables and herbs. The most popular models include polycarbonate greenhouses with an area of ​​3x6 m. Competent placement of the beds in them is the key to effective use of the greenhouse space. In more detail, about what kind of beds are and how to make them in a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, this article with photos and videos will tell you.

While still at the stage of choosing a place for a future greenhouse, you should think over and take into account several important points:

  • the location of the cardinal points;
  • placement of communications;
  • model of the beds.

Greenhouses sized 3 by 6 - most popular with gardeners

The location of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points plays a significant role in the choice of plants cultivated in it. Traditionally, the beds are placed along long walls. If it is planned to grow low-growing crops in the greenhouse, then its location in the north-south direction will allow the grown crops to receive maximum sunlight. When planning to cultivate tall plants, it is better to place the greenhouse in the east-west direction, thus, the sun's rays will easily penetrate between the plants, evenly illuminating them.

Attention! If the area allotted for the arrangement of the greenhouse has a slope, then it is better to deploy it to the south.

The area for the greenhouse should be open, not shaded by other buildings or trees, and have a convenient approach. If it is impossible to arrange the greenhouse in accordance with the recommended cardinal points, it should be arranged in such a way that the greenhouse space is as illuminated as possible in the morning. If the greenhouse is lit only in the afternoon, this will significantly affect the yield of the crops grown. When equipping a greenhouse, it is equally important to arrange communications so that its irrigation and heating is uniform.

Options for arranging beds in a greenhouse

Models of beds for arranging in a greenhouse

The conditions of a greenhouse with an area of ​​3x6 m allow you to equip several options for beds:

Attention! Vertical, stepped and suspended beds allow you to effectively use the greenhouse space, but they require additional lighting and more frequent watering and dressing.

Greenhouse beds can be made warm

Possible schemes for organizing beds in a greenhouse

When equipping a greenhouse measuring 3x6 m, the beds can be conveniently arranged using one of the options, the main thing is not to save space on the aisles:

1. 2 longitudinal beds under the walls, each 0.9 m wide, + central aisle - 1.2 cm. Planting of plants on such beds is carried out using a two-line or square-nesting method.

Attention! You should not make the beds wider than 1.2 m, otherwise it will be difficult to care for them. The best guideline when choosing the width of the bed is your own height and the amount of effort that will be required to process it.

Two longitudinal beds - the most popular option in 3 by 6 greenhouses

2. 2 side and 1 central beds, each 60 cm wide, aisles between rows - 60 cm. On such beds, seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern or in 1-2 lines.

3. 2 narrow side beds of about 50 cm in size + a central bed 1 m wide and 2 passes of 50 cm each. Plants are planted in such beds in a square-nested or single-row method.

4. A narrow bed around the entire perimeter of the room with a width of 45 cm and a central bed with a width of 1-1.1 m + 50 cm aisles. by the nesting method in a checkerboard pattern. The garden bed, located in the center of the greenhouse, as well as along the blank end wall, if desired, can be replaced with a rack or table, on which boxes with seedlings and vegetables grown in containers can be compactly placed. When using racks for growing seedlings, it should be noted that their depth should not exceed 50 cm. Under this condition, the shelves will shade the plants below to a minimum.

If the crops in the greenhouse do not grow. three beds can be made, but narrower

Attention! When planning the layout of the beds, you should take into account the requirements for the microclimate of the crops grown in the greenhouse. Crops that require different conditions should be located at opposite ends of the greenhouse, if desired, they can be separated with a film curtain.

A variety of options for the location of the beds makes it easy to choose the most convenient model depending on the crops cultivated and to get high yields. Taking into account the recommendations for arranging the selected model of beds in a 3x6 m polycarbonate greenhouse, you can achieve the most efficient use of the greenhouse space.

Organization of beds in the greenhouse - video

Beds in a greenhouse 3 by 6 - photo


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