Types of official receptions. Types of official receptions and rules of conduct for them Official receptions rules of conduct

Business communication includes conversations not only at the conference and negotiation table, but also discussion of issues at business receptions in combination with a feast. Communication in an informal setting often has a significant effect. At business receptions, people get to know each other, establish initial contacts, which can later turn into long-term business cooperation. Relaxing in informal conditions, they exchange additional information with each other on issues of interest to them, get to know each other better, find common ground for their interests, which is useful in finding compromises necessary to conclude deals and contracts.

Business receptions are formal and informal. The former are arranged by heads of state, governments, consulates, military attachés, trade missions on the occasion of national holidays, the stay of state leaders, foreign delegations, the opening of major exhibitions and conferences, and the conclusion of international agreements. The rest of the business practices are considered informal. Official receptions are usually held according to the rules of diplomatic protocol and etiquette. Firms adhere to the same etiquette rules, organizing receptions in honor of their foreign colleagues.

Receptions are divided into afternoon and evening, seated and non-seated receptions. *

* Soloviev E.Ya. Modern etiquette and business protocol. 3rd ed., Rev. and add. M., 2000.S. 32-34.

Daytime receptions include breakfast, lunch, "glass of champagne", "glass of wine", etc. In international practice, it is generally accepted that daytime receptions are less solemn than evening receptions.

Breakfast- is arranged between 12.00 and 15.00 hours, most often from 12.00 to 13.00 hours. Informal business practices are outside the time frame of diplomatic protocol. So, if official receptions are arranged from 12 o'clock, then the first reception - breakfast - by a business person can be organized at 8 o'clock. Such an early time is dictated by the busyness of businessmen.

The breakfast menu is compiled taking into account the traditions and customs existing in the country and, as a rule, consists of one or two cold starter dishes, one hot fish dish, one hot meat dish and a dessert. Serving first courses (soups) for breakfast is not accepted, although serving them will not be a mistake. After breakfast, coffee or tea is served. Before breakfast, a cocktail, dry wine, juices are served, during breakfast - mineral water, and sometimes juices. After all the guests have eaten, the host (or hostess) is the first to get up from the table and invites guests to move to another room where coffee is served. Breakfast lasts 1-1.5 hours (approximately 45-60 minutes at the table and 15-30 minutes for coffee). The initiative of leaving breakfast is for the main guest. The dress code for breakfast is in most cases a casual suit, but on special occasions a tuxedo can also be worn. Usually the dress code is indicated in the invitation.

Business conversation usually begins after the first cup of tea or coffee.

Second breakfast - lunch- coincides in time with the breakfast of the diplomatic protocol. It starts from 12 to 13.30 and lasts 1-1.5 hours. The official breakfast is served with seating arrangements, i.e. each guest is assigned a seat at the table according to his official position... He learns about where to sit in the seating plan, which is posted or located on a separate table in the living room. A name card with a name will also be located near his device or lie on the highest glass.

The lunch menu usually includes one or two cold appetizers, two hot dishes (meat and fish), dessert. First courses are usually not served. Before lunch, an aperitif can be served in a separate room, i.e. drinks that stimulate the appetite. This can be juice, mineral water and alcohol. At the end of lunch, dessert, tea or coffee is served in this room or in a separate room.

Reception "Glass of Champagne"- in business, including diplomatic, protocol begins, as a rule, at 12.00 and lasts about an hour. Unlike breakfast, this reception is more modest. The reason for such a reception may be the signing of a contract, the departure of guests, the opening of an exhibition.

From the point of view of the organization, this is the simplest form of admission, which does not require much and lengthy preparation. It is performed while standing. Small sandwiches, cakes, nuts, as well as coffee or tea, cookies, sweets are served with champagne or wine. Drinks and snacks are served by the waiters. The invitees come in casual clothes. The "glass of wine" technique is similar. The name in this case emphasizes the special nature of the reception.

Tea- is set up between 4 pm and 6 pm, as a rule, only for women. For example, the wife of a foreign minister arranges tea for the wives of the heads of diplomatic missions, and the wife of an ambassador organizes tea for the wives of other ambassadors. Cases of inviting men to tea are also possible. One or several tables are set for tea, depending on the number of invited persons, confectionery and bakery products, fruits, dessert and dry wines, juices and water are served. Snacks (sandwiches with caviar, fish, cheese, sausage) are rarely served with tea, and if served, then in small quantities.

Duration of tea is 1-1.5 hours. Dress code - casual suit or dress.

Techniques like "zhur fix"- are arranged once a week on the same day and hour during the entire autumn-winter season (from autumn to summer). Invitations to such receptions (Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays) are sent out once at the beginning of the season and are valid until the end of the season, unless there is a special notice of the break. In terms of time, food and dress code, this technique does not differ from tea. Sometimes such techniques take the form of musical or literary evenings. Men are also invited to receptions "zhur fix".

Receptions such as cocktail or buffet- are arranged in the time interval from 17.00 to 20.00 hours and last 2 hours. The buffet meals are organized according to the type of the so-called "buffet". As a rule, various cold snacks are offered, confectionery and fruits. Sometimes hot snacks are also served. The guests, coming to the table, put a napkin on their hand, put a plate with a fork on it, put food on the plate and, moving aside, eat while standing. The same is done with drinks. Having eaten a fish dish and going to take a meat one, they change the plate and fork.

At receptions of this type, alcoholic beverages are displayed on tables or, being poured into glasses, are carried by the waiters. Sometimes a buffet is arranged in one of the halls, where waiters serve drinks for those who wish. At the end of the reception, champagne may be served, followed by coffee.

The dress code is a casual suit or a tuxedo, depending on the specific case and an indication of this in the invitation.

The difference between a cocktail and a buffet table is that the latter serves more food and drinks. Forks are not used on cocktails. They are replaced by wooden or plastic sticks or small forks. Recently, these two types of receptions are more and more combined under the name "buffet". Their menu includes a variety of drinks, hot and cold snacks, desserts, tea, coffee.

You can be late for the buffet or leave earlier, with the exception of those in whose honor the reception is being organized. A short stay of a guest at a buffet table is perceived as a demonstration of cold or strained relations. If employees of one firm are invited to the reception, then, according to business etiquette, it is necessary that subordinates do not come later than the leaders. However, ordinary employees may leave the appointment later than their superiors. During the admission process, active business and social communication takes place, acquaintances are made and contacts are established. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend time with the same interlocutor.

Evening, more solemn receptions include lunch, buffet lunch, dinner.

Dinner- starts from 20.00 to 21.00 hours. Lunch menu: one or two cold appetizers, soup, one hot fish dish, one hot meat dish, dessert. After dinner, coffee or tea is served in the living room. A cocktail is served before dinner. The lunch menu differs from the breakfast menu in that soup is served after cold snacks. For cold snacks, guests are offered vodka or liqueurs (chilled), for a fish dish - dry white wine (chilled), for a meat dish - dry red wine (room temperature), for dessert - champagne (chilled), for coffee - cognac or liqueur ( room temperature).

Lunch usually lasts 2-2.5 hours, with about 50-60 minutes at the table, the rest of the time in the living rooms.

Dress code - dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat, depending on the specific case and instructions in the invitation; for women - evening dress. On some official occasions, an à la buffet reception is held immediately after lunch. The guests attending the dinner, at the end of it, are sent to the reception "a la buffet". Such a combination of receptions is organized mainly in connection with the stay in the country of a foreign statesman or a foreign delegation, in whose honor a dinner is given. The dress code is the same as for dinner.

You can't be late for lunch. In case of delay, they must apologize to the owners.

Dinner- starts at 21.00 and later. The dinner and wine menu is the same as for lunch. Dress code - dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress. Dinner differs from lunch only by the start time - not earlier than 21.00.

Evening reception "a la buffet"- arranged on especially solemn occasions (in honor of the head or prime minister of a foreign state, a foreign government delegation, on the occasion of a national holiday, etc.). Starts at 20.00 and later. The treat is the same as at a cocktail or buffet reception, but more varied and plentiful.

Dress code - dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress.

Lunch buffet assumes free seating at small tables for four to six people. As well as at the buffet reception, tables are set with snacks, there are buffets with drinks. Guests collect snacks and sit at their own discretion at one of the tables. This kind of reception is often organized after a concert, watching a movie, or during a break from a dance evening. The lunch buffet is less formal than the lunch.

Varieties of techniques- film screenings, musical and literary evenings, friendship evenings, meetings for golf, tennis, chess, and other sports games. The listed activities are usually accompanied by a light meal. Dress code for such events is a casual suit; for women - a suit or dress.

All techniques should be thoroughly prepared. Lists of guests are drawn up in advance, invitations are sent on printed forms with inscribed surnames. It is better to do this in 10 - 12 days, so that the recipient can adjust his time. Received an invitation with letters r. s. v. p., which in French means "request to answer" within 3-5 days, answer it by letter, postcard, less often business card with letters R. G. If the invitation contains a phone number, then they inform about participation (non-participation) by phone.

After receiving responses to invitations, the hosts draw up a seating plan. This takes into account the rank of the guests, as well as the fact that men should sit interspersed with women, and employees of the same company or members of the delegation should not be nearby. You cannot seat one woman at the end of the table. The last on the list should be a man.

The most honorable place at a men's reception is to the right of the owner, and with the participation of women - to the right of the hostess. To the left of them are less honorable places. If the hosts (spouses) are sitting side by side, then the spouse of the main guest will sit to the left of the host, and the main guest to the right of the hostess. The rest are placed on both sides according to their rank. The host with the first lady comes to the table first, then the main guest with the host's wife. The hostess is the first to leave the table, of course, when she is convinced that the guests are already full. Leaving the hostess from the table is a signal for the end of the feast, but not for the reception. The next day, guests send letters of thanks to the hosts for the pleasant time spent.

For breakfast, lunch, dinner or any other type of reception, the invitation to which you are asked to respond, you must arrive at the exact time specified in the invitation. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be perceived negatively and even with resentment. If several representatives from one department or institution are invited and they come to the reception together, then it is customary that the junior ones should be the first to enter, and then the senior ones. For receptions held without seating at the table, the invitation to which indicates the start and end time of the reception (17.00-19.00, 18.00 20.00, etc.), you can come and go at any hour within the time specified in the invitation. It is not necessary to arrive at the beginning of the appointment, just as it is not necessary to be at the appointment until the end. It is believed, however, that coming to such a reception at the beginning and leaving the reception at its end are an expression of the guest's particularly friendly attitude towards the host of the reception. And, conversely, if there is a need to show or emphasize the coldness or tenseness of relations with the organizer of the reception, it is enough to stay there for 15-20 minutes and, having said goodbye to the host, leave.

Feast along with communication is an essential part of business receptions organized both in institutions Catering and in the offices and homes of businessmen.

Before receiving guests, along with other preparatory measures, you should arrange the table correctly from a culinary, etiquette and aesthetic position: cover it with a tablecloth, arrange plates, dishes for drinks, spices, and lay out appliances for food.

The first requirement for them is that they must be spotlessly clean. Cover the table with a carefully ironed tablecloth so that its central folds pass strictly along the longitudinal and transverse center of the table. At the dining table, its edges should hang by 25 - 30 cm, at a reception of the "buffet" type - not reach the floor 5 - 10 cm.

Opposite each chair, 2 cm from the edge of the table, place plates: a support plate and on it a snack bar with a diameter of 20 cm.To the left of the diner, at a distance of 5 to 15 cm, place a pie plate, its center should coincide with the center or edge of the support plate.

On one of these plates, put a napkin folded in four, in a triangle, fan, etc. To the right of the plate, at a distance of about 0.5 cm, with the tip to it, place knives, on the left, tip upwards - forks. The number and value of these appliances depend on the food served on the table. Moreover, there should be no more than four on the right and three on the left. Starting from the plate, put a table knife and a fork for meat dishes, behind them - a knife and a fork for fish and then for snacks. If the soup is served in deep bowls, then a tablespoon is placed between the snack knife and the fish knife, if in cups, then a dessert spoon.

The presence of dessert utensils on the table depends on the dessert dishes offered to the guests. If, for example, only compote will be served, then in front of the plate they put a dessert spoon with the handle to the right, if fruits, then the dessert fork with the handle to the left and the knife with the handle to the right. Accordingly, the menu is placed on the table and dishes for drinks. It is located in front of the plate in one or two rows. The row can start from its central axis or from the intersection of conventional lines going from the edge of the plate and a nearby knife. In a complete set, serving dishes for drinks may look like this: in the first row from the guest, from left to right, put a glass for vodka with a capacity of 50 ml, a glass for Madeira, port wine and dessert wines - 75 ml and a glass for mineral and fruit water, in the second row - Rhine wine glass for white table wine (100 ml), lafite glass for red table wine (125 ml) and champagne glass (125-150 ml). For liqueur, tea is served with a glass with a capacity of 25-30 ml extended upwards; for cognac, a glass with a capacity of 75-250 ml is placed for coffee. Salt and spices are displayed in front of the forks.

For tea or coffee, put a cup and saucer 4 cm from the edge of the table with the handle to the left. The spoon is on the saucer to the right of the cup. To the left of the cup, place a saucer for a cake, next to them put a fork or spoon for cakes.

The hostess is the first to sit at the table in all cases. She also invites guests to take their places. The men, before settling down at the table, help the ladies next door to sit. At the same time, they move the chair away from the table, and then move it to the woman's feet.

It is not recommended to create cramped conditions at the table. The tightness leads to inconveniences for both guests and staff. According to etiquette, the distance between cutlery should be at least 60 cm. If possible, the table should be decorated with fresh flowers. At formal business receptions, all meals are served handheld by the waiters.

When drawing up the menu, it is recommended to take into account the tastes of guests, their national and religious traditions and other points. It would be an omission to include game in the menu at a time when hunting for it is prohibited in the country, or meat on fast days, or pork, when Muslims are among the guests, etc. On the other hand, a vegetarian guest will be pleased if he is served a vegetarian meal.

It is necessary to sit on a chair so that it is comfortable to eat, rest and at the same time not interfere with those sitting next to them. In this case, you should keep your posture, do not fall apart and do not slouch. The body from the edge of the table is at the width of four folded fingers. Before eating, your hands are on your knees, and while eating, they are slightly pressed to the body. You can only lean on the table with your wrists. A napkin designed to protect clothing and wipe the lips, folded in half, is placed on the knees.

Sitting at the table, you should imperceptibly examine its serving and outline what dishes you will eat and drink. Having chosen an appetizer, they take a common dish with their left hand, and with the right device located there, put on a plate as much as they can eat. In doing so, be aware of the needs of other guests. Before putting food for yourself, you should offer it to neighbors. There is no need to put several types of food on the plate at once. Having finished one appetizer, they are taken for another. When eating, they hold a knife in their right hand, and a fork in their left hand, without shifting them from hand to hand. They only cut and hold food with a knife, but do not put it on a fork. Should not be eaten with a knife. With the help of a table knife, meat (including poultry), pancakes, pancakes are eaten, cutting off piece by piece. A special knife and fork are served for fish. A piece of fish is held with a fork, and the meat is separated from the bones with a knife. If there are no such devices, eat with two forks. If there is no second fork, hold the fish with a slice of bread.

Poultry meat can be handled when it has small bones (for example, quail wings) and moistened napkins or rinses with warm water are served with the dish. The bones of fish, birds do not spit out directly into the plate, but first put on a fork, then into a plate.

Chopped meat dishes (cutlets, steaks, etc.), vegetable dishes, omelets, cereals, well-fried eggs can be eaten with one fork, holding it in your right hand.

Hard-boiled, pre-shelled eggs are cut into pieces with a knife and eaten with a fork. Soft-boiled eggs are served in a stand-up glass. After knocking down the edge of a spoon, the contents of the egg are selected with it.

Soups and other first courses served in deep bowls are eaten with a tablespoon. Having typed food into a spoon, lightly touch its bottom to the edge of the plate to remove the drops, and send the spoon into the mouth with its left edge. The broth, poured into cups, is drinkable. They do not blow on hot soup, do not sip from a spoon, do not suck liquid into the mouth with a noise. Contradictory answers are given in the literature on etiquette about how to hold a plate at the end of the consumption of the first course, tilt it away from yourself or towards you. It is best to leave some of the soup at the bottom of the plate and not tilt it in either direction.

Bread, put from a common vase into your pie plate, is broken off into pieces during the meal. When smearing it with butter, keep the piece on a plate, not on your hand. Sandwiches at receptions are eaten with their hands, at the dining table - with a knife and fork, cutting off piece by piece, like meat.

For dishes exotic for the Slavs, special devices are intended. For example, to eat crabs, shrimps, crayfish, they put a special two-horned fork and a knife with a wide spatula on the table.

Dessert dishes (compotes, ice cream, jelly, etc.) are served in special bowls (bowls). They are placed on a pie plate. Dessert is eaten with a dessert or a teaspoon.

Fruit is also served with dessert. They also need to be eaten beautifully. The apple, holding in hand, is peeled with a knife. After wiping your hand on a napkin, using a knife and fork, first cut the apple in half, and then alternately into quarters. Peel the quarters from the core using both instruments. Eat the quarter by biting off the pieces. Apples can also be peeled after they have been cut into quarters.

The pear is eaten in the same way as the apple. The oranges are peeled by first cutting it crosswise or parallel to the fractional division. They are eaten in slices, which are sent into the mouth with a fork or hand. Cut the peaches in half. Remove the bone with a fork. Mandarin can be peeled and eaten with your hands. Bananas are eaten with a knife and fork, cut into rings and peeled.

Cakes and pieces of cake are transferred to their plate with a pastry spatula or tongs. Sponge cakes and cakes are eaten, as a rule, with spoons, sand and puff pastries - with a knife and fork, hard ones - taken by hand. Before drinking tea or coffee, put sugar in a cup with a spoon in a sugar bowl, stir it silently and put a spoon on the edge of the saucer to the left of the cup. They drink tea or coffee while holding a cup in their right hand. If you want tea with lemon, then take a piece of it with a small fork, put it in the tea, squeeze it and put it on the edge of the saucer. When drinking tea with liqueur, and coffee with cognac, these drinks are sipped in small sips, interspersed with the main drink. You should be very careful with alcohol, so as not to get too drunk and not to harm your image, because the inability to control yourself at the table raises doubts about the presence of a high business culture. Serious business people avoid cooperation with drunkards. You don't need to drink alcohol at the table. Among normal people, this is not perceived as disrespect for someone. It is enough to sip a glass after the toast. If you decide to drink, then you should not do it in one gulp, but in small sips. It should be borne in mind that in most countries of the world a portion of vodka is only 20 g, a double portion is 40 g, and there is no triple portion. You do not need to pour into an unfinished glass.

In case of difficulty in using devices, the correct use of certain dishes, we look at how the hostess or other guests act.

Conversations are an important part of the meal. They can be general, when all invitees take part in it, as well as local, conducted between neighbors. If the hostess takes responsibility for the meal, then the host is responsible for organizing the conversation. At family celebrations (weddings, etc.), the hosts (toastmaster) are chosen from among the guests or hired in domestic services. Any conversation should be interesting for the interlocutors. The most acceptable are themes from the field of art, political life. Stories about travel, interesting business trips are very appropriate. Among women, conversations about children, fashion are popular, among summer residents - about summer cottages and problems. Tactful humor, above all jokes, is appropriate at the table. Controversial topics, discussion of theoretical issues and, of course, criticism of certain guests should be avoided. You should not talk about illnesses, details of family life, marital relationships, love affairs. The owner helps to avoid such topics. Etiquette requires listening to the interlocutor, even if his story is not interesting. In turn, the narrator needs to keep track of his monologue so as not to turn it into lengthy chatter.

If someone really wants to watch a sports competition on TV at a friendly or family party, then this should be organized in a separate room. At a family celebration or at a friendly party, songs at the table and a dance program are appropriate, if there is room for it.

It is not recommended to linger unnecessarily at a particular reception longer than the time specified in the invitation, as this can be burdensome for the hosts. An unfavorable impression is produced by cases when guests at one or another reception leave it all at once, after the departure of the main guest. Better to disperse gradually. In all cases, officials are advised not to leave the reception earlier than older guests.

At business receptions, your behavior at the table speaks volumes. It shows how meticulous you are with the details that should be an integral part of the life of any employee who wants to achieve and maintain a competitive level.

The conventions that you must follow during the appointment depend on what kind of appointment it is and what your role is in it.

Business lunch rules

When meeting someone at a restaurant, wait in the lobby, unless you are asked not to.

If you are the first to sit down at the table, wait for the others and do not order a drink.

Before placing an order, carefully check with the person who announced you how much he expects to spend. Ask him: "What do you recommend?"

Order only the main food (salad, main course and drink). If the person who invited you offers a dessert - order.

The napkin should be placed on your lap after everyone is seated at the table. It can be folded in half. At the end of the meal, place the napkin on the table to the right of the cutlery.

Wait until everyone at the table has been served before enjoying your meal.

Offer common meals to others first and only then put food to yourself. Before serving yourself, offer the food closest to you, the neighbor on the left.

Eat at the same pace as the person you are dining with.

Solid food should be on your left, liquid food on your right.

Appliances are used in accordance with their location, starting with the extreme ones and ending with those that are next to the plate. If you stop using the appliance from time to time, then place it only on the edge of the plate, not on the tablecloth.

If the salad contains pitted olives, what should be done? For such cases, remember the rule: what gets into the mouth with the help of cutlery is also removed from the mouth with their help. The bone taken out with a fork or spoon is placed on the edge of the plate.

To let the waiter know that you are taking a break, simply place the knife with the handle to the right with the tip facing you, and the fork with the handle to the left and teeth up.

If you need to leave the table for a short time, then do it during the change of dishes. Once in this situation, place your napkin on the table to the left of your cutlery. This is another sign for the waiter that you haven't finished eating yet.

At the end of the meal, both devices are placed on the plate in parallel.

Any reception must be carefully prepared. V organization of reception includes: choosing the type of reception, drawing up a "list of invited persons, sending out invitations, drawing up a plan for seating guests at the table, drawing up a menu, setting the table and serving guests, preparing toasts and speeches, thinking over the procedure for holding a reception.

In determining date of admission it should be assumed that receptions are not held on holidays and non-working days, as well as on days of national mourning (those appointed earlier are canceled).

Reception invitations sent on a special form. The name, surname of the invitee, his position are to be printed or entered by hand. It is advisable to send invitations one to two weeks before admission.

Seating guests at the table at official breakfasts, lunches and dinners in accordance with generally accepted rules, which are based on strict observance of the official or social status of guests.

Section IV. Applied Ethics: Problems and Solutions

Chapter 17. Ethics and etiquette

Violation of this rule can be interpreted as deliberate damage to the guest or his country, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you need to know exactly where the guests will be seated. For this purpose, a rough plan their seating, in accordance with which each seat at the table is indicated by a special card.

When seating the guests, the following rules are observed: the first is the place to the right of the hostess of the house, the second - to the right of the owner; in the absence of the hostess, the first place is to the right of the owner of the house, the second - to the left of him: a guest of an especially high rank can be seated opposite the owner, in this case, the second place will be to the right of him; if the mistress of the house is absent, one of the invited women (with her consent) or a man of the highest rank may be put in her place. It is advisable that the woman should not sit next to the woman, the husband and wife, the woman should not sit at the end of the table. The knowledge of languages ​​of the guests sitting next to it is taken into account.

When drawing up a menu it is recommended to take into account the tastes of guests, their national and religious traditions. So, it would be an oversight to include, for example, meat on fast days in the menu, or pork if Muslims are at the reception. On the other hand, a vegetarian guest will be pleased to be served a vegetarian meal.

One of the manifestations of hospitality is attention to customs, tastes, and dining traditions of guests. Therefore, when choosing a menu, it is necessary to remember about the peculiarities of the guests' national cuisine. To offer a guest a "familiar", familiar dish is a touching sign of respect from the hosts.

The rules of conduct at all receptions - from formal to home - begin with regulation the appearance of guests at the reception. The general rule is the requirement to arrive at the right time.

At the official reception, guests gather for 30-35 minutes and after a short pause (it is used for mutual greetings and acquaintances) are invited to the table. Being late is considered a violation of etiquette and can be perceived with resentment.

At official receptions two types of service: when all

snacks and meals are on the table and when guests are served by

cyantes. Abroad, the latter type of service is more common, when waiters come up to guests, pour water, drinks, then serve snacks and dishes on large trays in the order indicated in the menu.

The service starts with the lady sitting to the right of the owner. The dishes are brought to the guest on the left side, and he, with the help of dispensers, puts them on his plate. You cannot use your own forks and spoons for this purpose. Only one serving should be taken as servings can be prepared according to the number of guests. The dishes laid out by the waiter are served on the right side.

It is not customary to start eating until the hostess of the house starts. Men have to wait until the ladies start eating. At the table, you should keep a conversation with both neighbors (even if one of them is unpleasant to you). It is advisable to talk about something calm, without touching on sensitive topics: a witty light conversation on topics that contribute to appetite is preferable.

If you need to say something to the person sitting behind your neighbor, then speak behind him. A conversation “through a neighbor” should not be long; it can consist of a remark, a joke, or a small phrase.

Don't touch the other person to get their attention. There is no need to talk about the reasons prompting you not to eat any dish.

The best time to say a drinking speech or a toast - break or pause between meals when those at the table are not eating.

The speech should not be too long or too pretentious. The person who wants to take the floor gets up to get the attention of the guests and starts talking. The table speech ends with a toast. It is impolite to continue eating or talking to your neighbors while someone is speaking.

It is recommended that you finish eating with everyone else so as not to delay others. As soon as the guests have finished eating, the hostess gets up, and everyone else follows her. The men help the ladies leave the table by pushing back their chairs.

Before leaving guests say goodbye to the hostess and the owner, thank for the hospitality and interesting evening but not for a treat.

47S . Section IV. Applied Ethics: Problems and Solutions

Chapter 17. Ethics and etiquette

It is not recommended to stay at the reception unnecessarily longer than the time specified in the invitation, as this can be burdensome for the hosts. An unfavorable impression is formed when guests leave the reception all at once, it is best to disperse gradually.

Such are in general outline, etiquette rules of conduct at official events: diplomatic receptions, presentations, dinner parties.

One of the problems of etiquette in both formal and informal events is the choice and presentation of gifts and souvenirs. When choosing a gift, you must always clearly understand who it is intended for. Gifts for officials, business partners, relatives, friends or acquaintances have their own specifics. For the first, a small author's picture can be a great gift, since our artists are always in fashion. Any guest from the West will be glad to see a Palekh or Fedoskino casket, a Zhostovo tray, a Dumkovo clay toy, Belarusian straw or ceramics.

Only friends and close relatives are allowed to give personal items. A good gift can be perfumery, cosmetics, leather goods, beautiful dishes. It is appropriate for acquaintances to present a box of expensive sweets (loose sweets are not accepted), cognac, champagne.

In doing so, do not forget what you gave earlier. Only alcoholic beverages can be re-presented. But remember that it is not customary to give alcoholic drinks without a branded box. Never give a watch to anyone - even in the West, and in the East, this is a bad omen. Well-published books and albums are considered wonderful gifts.

Flowers are always a universal gift for women. Unlike other gifts, flowers are handed over with the packaging removed (with the exception of decorative cellophane packaging). Flowers can be given for any reason, but it should be done at the right time. For example, it is inconvenient to come with a bouquet to a crowded lunch or dinner party. A woman can give flowers to a woman or an elderly man, but to a young man - only if he is seriously ill.

In the business community, gifts are made to create an atmosphere of goodwill and to build trust, they can activate business and approve a favorable

business climate. Moreover, in different countries there are national peculiarities of giving gifts.

In Japan, for example, since feudal times there has been an officially approved procedure for the official exchange of gifts when making transactions. This ceremony, called "oseibo", is usually performed in the first half of December. Today, the Japanese spend huge sums of money on oseibo every year, donating traditional gifts such as seaweed, butter or coffee to their superiors and others with whom they wish to maintain good relations.

Americans, with the exception of Christmastide, have no set dates for giving gifts to symbolize fortification. business relationship as there are no specific items designed for this purpose: in order to strengthen business relationships and prove your disposition to a subordinate, client or customer, you can use any reason.

Unofficial events - home celebrations, receptions, visiting cafes and restaurants - also have their own rules of preparation, conduct and behavior. In some ways, these rules coincide, in some ways they differ. It is these differences that we have to consider.

At the restaurant and at a party

A visit to a restaurant - it is a cross between an official or an unofficial event. On the one hand - the solemnity and "publicity" of the atmosphere, on the other - a narrower, familiar, and often intimate circle of friends. This is the reason for the specific features of behavior in a restaurant.

A restaurant, like a theater, begins with a coat rack. Here, in front of the entrance to the hall, visitors undress, examine themselves in the mirror, correct their hair and clothes. Significant defects in appearance are eliminated in the toilet.

A man enters the restaurant hall first, and his companion follows him. If a woman entered the hall first, the man runs ahead of her on the way to the table, finds seats and helps the lady to take the most convenient of them. The most convenient places are usually considered: by the wall - facing the hall, and in the middle of the hall - facing the entrance. The man sits down after the lady has sat down. If the table is large, then it should be seated to the right of you, if the table is small, then opposite.

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"Types of techniques and rules of conduct for them"

Option 98

Completed by a 3rd year student:


1. Official prims

2. History of official receptions

3. Types of techniques

4. Invitations

5. Open house

6. Reception after the theater

7. Rules of conduct at receptions

1. Official receptions

Formal receptions are very important both for developing business relationships and for establishing friendships between managers and employees.

The main purpose of such techniques is to establish contacts, as well as exchange views and information in an informal setting. That being said, food and drink are usually secondary. From correct organization reception depends a lot.

Good diplomacy will help you get a lot out of these meetings.

Formal receptions have their own traditions. Over time, certain types of both business and social receptions were established, special rules of etiquette were developed, which participants in such events must adhere to.

The book describes in detail the etiquette corresponding to each type of official reception, the rules for organizing it, starting with the distribution of invitations and ending with a return visit.

For those who decide to go out and arrange a summit meeting, it will be very useful to familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct at official receptions. Compliance with the established rules of etiquette is very important here. Even a minor mistake can disrupt the harmony in the relationship, which will lead to losses in business. Conversely, a well-spent evening can be the key to future business success.

2. History of official receptions

The history of the official reception goes back more than one century. In the past, such receptions were carried out by the rulers of states for foreign ambassadors or their subjects. Then the feudal lords began to arrange them.

As time went on, the traditions of official receptions changed in some way, in some things, on the contrary, remained unchanged.

Over time, modern traditions have formed, which are adhered to in most countries of the world.

Russia is no exception in this regard. However, not everyone is familiar with these international rules for holding, for example, lunch or brunch, while the need for a reception over the years is becoming more and more, because more and more often on duty it is necessary to communicate with foreign partners, for whom reception as a way of negotiating is one of the the most natural things.

In this regard, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​how to organize such an event.

Each person can receive an invitation to an official reception, and he needs to know how to behave in such a case. What clothes will be most suitable for this or that occasion, how long it is permissible to be late, what should and should not be expected from the reception. How to refuse an invitation if for some reason there is no desire to accept it.

Formal receptions can be both business and social. Business receptions are usually held on the occasion of the opening of a company representative office, product presentation, anniversary of an event, symposium, conference, as well as in honor of a delegation from another country in the country.

3. Types of techniques

Reception can also be arranged to establish business contacts.

Secular receptions are held in honor of a celebrity, family celebration, also an anniversary, symposium, conference, etc.

People who hold a certain position in society are invited to official receptions. As a rule, heads or members of the government, diplomatic representatives of foreign states, scientists, cultural figures, etc. are invited to business receptions.

The main types of formal receptions are: breakfast (Lunch), lunch (Dinner), lunch-buffet (Buffet Dinner), dinner (Supper), a la buffet, cocktail and small receptions - coffee or tea table. Various combinations of basic types form such as dinner after the theater, picnic, fondue, barbecue, beer table, differing from each other in the methods of organization.

Lunch at Ancient rome, including the solemn one, was arranged not earlier than 2 pm and dragged on for the whole afternoon. During the feast, the guests not only ate, but often discussed philosophical issues, arranged literary disputes or read poetry.

Official receptions are divided into daytime and evening receptions. In accordance with the form of service, receptions can be with or without seating at the table.

The most honorable receptions are breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each of these techniques usually consists of two parts. First, the invitees are met and greeted, the guests get to know each other, communicate with each other, conduct private and general conversations. Guests are informed about the places assigned to them at the banquet table, an aperitif is offered. The word "aperitif" is translated from French as "appetizing". This is followed by a banquet, usually at a full service table.

Most of the rules of etiquette and behavior at official receptions come from diplomatic practice.

Breakfast is a seating type of reception. It is arranged between 12 and 15 o'clock. Reception breakfast lasts about 1 - 1.5 hours, while about 45-60 minutes are spent at the table, and then 15-30 minutes - for coffee or tea, which is served at the same table or in the living room.

Breakfast tables should be placed in the shape of the letter "P" or "T". Places of honor at the solemn table should be opposite front door... If this is not possible, places of honor can be placed opposite the windows facing the street.

Tables should be covered with a white tablecloth and decorated with flowers. The table setting is the same as at any gala reception (this will be described in more detail below).

Breakfast is usually served with one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish, as well as a dessert.

Guests are offered an aperitif during the reception. In conclusion, tea or coffee is served. Cognac and liqueur are offered to them. Dress code should be casual - suit or dress. Sometimes the dress code is specifically indicated in the invitation.

Lunch is called a second breakfast. It is arranged between 12 and 13 o'clock. Lunch is a seating reception. People are invited to lunch by phone, and invitations are sent to guests on special occasions.

Lunch is usually served in a restaurant, club or bistro. As a rule, work colleagues or partners are invited to it. The nature of the lunch will depend on the status of the guests and the purpose of the reception.

Business partners without spouses are invited to a business lunch held in a restaurant. Invitations must be sent to it, sometimes an invitation by phone or by prior arrangement at a previous meeting is allowed.

The dress code is everyday, in which people go to work. This is usually a suit with a tie for a man and business suit or a dress for a woman.

The costs of the restaurant are paid by the inviter. If a woman invites to a business lunch, she takes over all the functions of an inviter - she chooses and orders a restaurant, pays bills, and tastes wine.

In China, it is customary to invite guests by going to their home. They often come to visit without warning, while it is allowed to come with one of the friends, not necessarily familiar with the owner.

In addition to business lunches, there are also secular lunches. They are usually arranged by women. Women are also invited, unless the reception is on weekends. In this case, men are also invited to lunch.

The hostess can arrange a small reception at home. If many guests are invited, lunch is arranged in a club, hotel or restaurant. The place is chosen according to the number of guests invited. They can be placed at one common table or at small individual tables.

When preparing for lunch, the time available to the hostess and the presence of a servant in the house are also taken into account.

If men are also included in the dinner list, the meals served must match the light lunch menu.

If the lunch is solely for the female company, it doesn't really matter how filling the meals are served. In this case, the most important thing is that they are beautifully cooked and tastefully decorated, as at any formal dinner.

Brunch is a reception held between breakfast and lunch. Hence the name: the first letters from the word "breakfast" ("breakfast"), the rest - from the word "lunch" ("lunch"). This technique is usually held on weekends.

You can invite friends with families, including children, to it. This is a good opportunity to get to know your colleagues better in a relaxed and friendly environment. Brunch is also sometimes held at the dacha, as it usually takes place on weekends.

In China, it is customary for a person to come to visit and bring a gift to the owner. This is especially necessary if there are elderly people or children in the family.

Brunch matches breakfast or lunch and includes the same set of dishes. This party serves eggs, bacon, sausages, stews, fish, pancakes, grilled tomatoes, as well as rolls, butter and cheese. Coffee, tea, juices and large quantities of soft drinks are offered as drinks. Wine is sometimes served at brunch.

Brunch is quite popular in the USA, South Africa and some other countries.

Etiquette of correct behavior at a gala or official reception.

Some guests at a reception limit their knowledge of good etiquette at a gala or formal reception to the use of cutlery.

But this is not enough.

You need to know some more generally accepted subtleties of etiquette.:

You can sit down at the table only after the hostess or hostess has invited you to the table.

A man, accompanying his companion to the table, must offer her his right hand

A man must help his companion to sit down by moving her chair away from the table, and only after that he can sit down himself.

You need to learn how to sit and behave correctly at the table..

A tense posture, an unnaturally straight back is a sign that the guest cannot sit. Etiquette requires a straight back and a free and relaxed posture.

Keeping your lower back pressed against the back of the chair and your feet completely touching the floor will help you sit up straight, even if you're not used to it.

You cannot sit at the table with your legs crossed or crossed legs.

Do not rest your chest on the table and do not put your elbows on the table, according to the rules of proper sitting at the table, as required by etiquette, this can be done for a short time between serving dishes.

In between meals, you can put your hands on your knees, and to make your pose more relaxed, rest your left hand on the edge of the table, and put your right on your knees.

It is not enough to know that it is customary to hold the fork in the left hand, and the knife in the right.

You need to know that etiquette prescribes some more subtleties of using cutlery:

It is not customary to pick up food from a common dish with your spoon or fork, usually it is taken only with those devices that lie next to the common dish,

Cutlery should be used in the order in which it is next to your plate, starting with the edge cutlery,

You must hold the fork and knife without touching the teeth of the fork and the blade of the knife with your fingers; you cannot turn the fork into a spoon and pick up food from the plate with it, as if you had a spoon in your hands,

When taking a break from eating, place the cutlery on a plate criss-cross, but not on the table,

If for some reason you only use a fork, then the knife should be put so that it rests on the right edge of the plate with the blade away from you,

If you are waiting for the next change of dishes and have finished eating what you have on your plate, put the cutlery crosswise as well. The fork should lie with the convex side up, and the knife with the blade to the left. It is necessary to cross these devices in their upper part: the upper third of the knife and at the beginning of the fork tines,

When you're done eating and you don't want anything else, place the cutlery parallel to the plate with the convex side of the fork facing up and the blade of the knife to the left.

An obligatory attribute of table setting is napkins. You also need to be able to use them:

Sitting at the table, you need to unfold the napkin, fold it in half and put it in a bend on your lap,

If you accidentally get your fingers dirty while eating, do not remove the napkin from your knees and wipe your hands with it, just gently wipe your fingers with the upper half of the napkin lying on your lap,

If you want to wash down food with water or take a sip from a glass of wine, before that you need to lightly blot your lips with a napkin. There is no need to leave food traces on the edges of the glass or glass, take the napkin from your knees with both hands, put the upper half of the middle of the rolled napkin to your lips and blot them,

When you finish eating and are about to get up from the table, do not fold the napkin again as it was before lunch, just carefully put it on the table to the right of the plate, do not throw it on the plate,

Etiquette prohibits tucking the napkin around the collar or tying it around the neck. But in other countries, for example, in Italy and France, napkins are tucked behind the collar if soups or other dishes with sauce or gravies are served,

You never need to pick up bread with a fork, just grab it with your hand. Place the bread on the special bread plate to your left. If such a plate is not included when serving, place a piece of bread on paper napkin next to the plate,

Never bite off a whole slice of bread, break off right hand pieces from a slice and put them in your mouth,

If you want to spread butter or caviar on bread, place a slice of bread on a plate or napkin and put butter or caviar on it,

Do not crush the bread into a bowl of soup or sauce. You can also not dip bread in sauce, wipe the leftover food on your plate with bread,

No need to reach with your hands over a neighbor's plate or across the table if you are attracted by some dish. Apologize and ask your neighbor to give you this dish. Don't leave this dish next to your plate, pass it over to be put back. Thank you every time for the service you have rendered,

While eating, do not blow into the plate or spoon, do not swing the spoon in the plate to cool the soup,

Eat soup not from the end of the spoon, but from the middle,

Don't ask for a second serving, even if you liked the dish, if the hostess did not suggest any additives.

Do not eat everything off the plate without a trace.

One should not reach across the table to clink glasses with those sitting opposite and, in principle, it is not customary to clink glasses at ceremonial receptions, they only raise a hand with a glass. Beer glasses are never clinked glasses.

At a crowded reception, you are surrounded by acquaintances and strangers. And here, too, there are rules of conduct that etiquette prescribes:

The man is charged with the obligation to show signs of attention to the lady sitting on his right. And it doesn't matter if they are familiar or not.

It is indecent to meet at the table. Especially with guests sitting opposite. If you are interested in them, you can do this already getting up from the table, finding a person among the guests who can introduce you. Basic acquaintances and introductions should take place before the hostess invites you to the table.

In building relationships at a reception surrounded by strangers or unfamiliar people, plays a huge role your gaze and your gestures.

It is indecent to look intently at the interlocutor, a gaze can disturb him, cause him unpleasant sensations. Looking at the interlocutor, one must, as it were, cover his entire face with a gaze, then, while listening to him, one can also follow the facial expressions, which will help to better understand not only the meaning of what has been said, but also his attitude to what he is saying. Facial expressions and gestures help to understand whether a person is lying, is a hypocrite or sincerely believes in what he says,

Do not look at others askance or sullenly - such a look is perceived as unfriendly, do not gaze intently at the jewelry, hairstyle or clothes of the interlocutors or others, at the table do not look at how one of the guests is eating.

If you are a nervous person, used to gesticulating, fussing - keep an eye on your hands at the reception:

Do not constantly correct something in your clothes,

Do not swing your arms, avoid fussy movements,

Do not touch your interlocutor, table neighbor, do not correct anything in their clothes, do not fiddle with anything: a handkerchief, fork, knife, napkin, lighter, pack of cigarettes, etc.,

Move your chair as quietly as possible when you get up or sit down,

Do not swing in the chair, do not swing your leg when you are sitting in the chair, do not knock your foot on the floor or on the leg of the chair,

Sitting, NEVER spread your legs wide apart, your knees should be kept together, both for a man and a woman, the rest - ankles, feet, - as convenient, crossing slightly to the side (for ladies) or placing your feet one in front of the other,

It is not customary to talk or laugh loudly at a reception, attracting the attention of everyone around, and it is also not allowed to whisper, usually the conversation is conducted in an undertone.

At gala receptions it is not customary to smoke during the dance and at the table.

Etiquette does not allow a woman to give a light to a man, a man, offering to light another, must take his cigarette out of his mouth and put it in an ashtray. It is completely unacceptable to smoke in the face of another person, especially if someone who does not smoke comes up to you.

The rest, according to upbringing and general culture!

Enjoy your reception!

“I have very simple tastes. The best always suits me. "

Oscar Wilde.


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