An example of a tree of goals for an enterprise of gk Rosatom Goal tree: a compilation example. Organizational goals tree using Apple as an example. Session for strategists

The success of an organization largely depends on proper planning. Maximum profit and high profitability in the long term it is always the general goal. What is the role of the goal tree in planning?

What is objective tree

Management goals are presented in a large number and variety, so each enterprise needs an integrated, systematic approach to the selection of their composition. The goal setting process is called goal setting.

The objective tree is:

  • structured list, organizational goals chart;
  • hierarchy of multilevel goals;
  • a model that allows you to organize and combine goals into a single complex.

The product of this method strategic planning there should be a logical and simple scheme of enterprise management. The goal tree makes it possible to justify the general goal and makes the subgoals more achievable.

The goal system is determined organizational structure... A huge structure, a large number of departments and work lines will require the development of a complex "branched" tree with many decomposition levels.


The tree is filled from top to bottom, from central objectives to secondary objectives. At the “top” (“root”) there is a general goal, the achievement of which is not an easy task. This means that it is necessary to decompose it into smaller elements, "goals-branches", that is, to carry out a decomposition. This is how a plan of movement towards the main goal arises.

All subsequent levels are formed so as to facilitate the achievement of the previous one.

Target directions
goal Content
Economic Maximizing profits from the sale of products or services in the required quality and volume
Scientific and technical Maintaining products and services at a given scientific and technical level, R&D, increasing labor productivity through the introduction of know-how
Production Implementation of the production plan. Maintaining the rhythm and quality of production
Social Improvement, development and replenishment of human resources

Branches and leaves

Branches - subgoals extending from the apex undergo decomposition again. Branches are the next level of goals. The process is repeated at each level until the goals are simplified. Simplicity is attainability, clarity, and consistency.

All "branches" describe a result that expresses a specific indicator. The goals of one parallel are independent of each other.

An enterprise goal tree is created based on 3 important elements of any goal.

Leaves are specific activities to achieve a goal. The characteristics and indicators indicated on the "leaves" contribute to the choice of the best option:

  • period of execution;
  • the likelihood of achieving the goal by the planned date;
  • cost indicators;
  • the amount of resources consumed.

The elements of the tree in one group are connected to each other through a logical "AND" (denoted by "∧"). Alternative groups interact through "OR" ("∨").

Organization goals tree. Example

Consider a simple set of goals to maximize profits while increasing results and reducing costs.

In order to approach the general goal (high profitability and maximum profit), three directions have to be worked out. Add the resulting options to the organization's goals tree. An example is presented in the form of a table.

Apple strategy and goals

Why is Apple's strategy winning?

The company's field of activity is information and radically new products for working with it. The priority is the process of creating content and its consumption.

For example, Apple has paid attention to cultural aspects. The music consumption model has been improved. IPod makes it easier to listen to digital music and browse the Internet.

The range of iPod, iPhone and iPad fixes the downsides, perfecting the basic ways to create and use information. This modelused for laptops, desktops, television, will allow the "apple" corporation to further increase its income.

The decade culminated in three generic inventions and business platforms. They are not an end in themselves, but a means to achieve the goal: gaining access to the main methods of information consumption.

Naturally, Apple's general strategy is to develop an existing product line.

Building a tree of organizational goals using the example of Apple

The main goal of any business is to expand market boundaries, to win an infinite number of customers. Apple is no exception and prioritizes improving its lineup in the best interest of the consumer.

Consider the company's goal tree for a product like the iPhone, whose value reflects the motto “Simple. Conveniently. Aesthetic. " As the main goal of the tree, we will define the improvement of the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and significant factors for the consumer this market are:

  • product cost;
  • variety of functions and energy-intensive battery;
  • brand popularity;
  • technology for connoisseurs;
  • design and size;
  • assortment (discontinued by Apple).

The goal tree will help answer the question: "What to do?" For example, to keep costs down, you need to simplify the interface.

What industry factors need to be created? What properties to improve? These are memory sizes, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: a functional component or an emotional one?

Table with iPhone subgoals by three levels

Goal tree apple presented in a simplified form in the form of a table.

Improving the iPhone with the consumer in mind
First level goals
1. To abolish the range and popularity of the brand 2. Simplify the interface 3. Increased consumer appeal 4. Improving ergonomics
Second level goals
2.1. Simplify manufacturability 3.1. Creating a new design 4.1. Special owner status
3.2. Increased memory 4.2. Last mile solution
3.3. Enhancing the entertainment aspect 4.3. Reduce size

To solve the "last mile" the following tasks were identified:

  1. Use a touch screen and have no buttons.
  2. Create additional options.
  3. Enlarge the screen.

The next step is to fill in the leaves or activities to achieve the subgoals. For this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators are necessarily indicated.

The last step is to depict the targets in the form of a tree with branches.

Task tree. Example

Sub-objectives are called tasks. They do not need decomposition and end-means linkages. The goal tree includes goals of the highest and lowest levels.

Objectives are the basis for creating a program to achieve a specific grassroots goal. The solution to a problem is a set of actions.

The goal tree, alternatively, may contain the following tasks.

Thus, the goal tree becomes the ordering tool for creating a firm development program. Examples confirm the principle of its formation “completeness of reduction”: goals are “split” into sub-goals until the original goal becomes clear and achievable.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measurable performance criteria, indicators of achieving set goals. If it is possible to accurately and regularly measure the results through a balanced system of performance indicators, it becomes a specific assessment of the level of achievement of the set goals and the effectiveness of the company, department, employee is clear. KPIs motivate employees to focus their efforts throughout the year on achieving significant and concrete results, allow them to link the size of the annual bonus with what has been done, make informed personnel decisions through an objective assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of employees. And if the KPI system is built correctly, that is, it is logical, covers all goals and all departments, is understandable and easy to measure indicators, then such a system forces managers at all levels to constantly focus on the main thing and instills a culture of efficiency when all efforts are evaluated in terms of results , that is, the benefits received for the Division.

Good fruit from a good tree

In 2017, for the first time, the KPI map of the CEO of the Concern was fully agreed upon and signed by the head of ROSATOM at the very beginning of the year. Thanks to this, the Concern was able to start working in 2017 with clearly formulated strategic goals of the Division and their indicators. The resulting KPIs of the CEO (and, accordingly, of the entire Concern) were decomposed - disassembled into components in accordance with who is responsible for what areas of work or projects and how exactly he affects the result. As a result, there was a clear understanding of who is the leader, the owner of the process, as well as the coordinator for resolving open issues, the moderator of information interaction between departments in this direction or project. The division's process and project management has received a systemic basis and specific personal responsibility for achieving the result.

It was possible to “decompose” the obtained KPIs into the management system thanks to the goal tree - a diagram that clearly reflects our strategic indicators and their components in a hierarchical form. Thanks to the goal tree, the hierarchy of responsibility of managers and the path to achieving indicators are determined, which consists of achieving the goals of the lower level. The Concern's goal tree was developed and approved at the end of 2016. It reflects both the traditional guidelines for us (efficient and safe work, reduction of costs, stocks, resource saving), and the tasks of growth and business development. A significant part of the new "branches" is dedicated to the expansion of our activities: this is entering global markets, growth in related service markets, the development of new products and activities of the Division.

The Concern's goal tree is based on three strategic goals of ROSATOM, detailing and breaking down the achievement of these goals by a Division, an organization, a specific branch, a subdivision, etc. The tasks formed at the level of the central office are decomposed into branches and subsidiaries. Each of our enterprises and production sites received their own tasks as an "input" document as part of the tasks assigned to the Concern. Based on these “inbound” goals and target indicators NPPs and subsidiaries have developed their own hierarchy of individual goals in relation to their site and management structure. Thus, we have developed a concept of the hierarchical relationship of our processes, projects and, accordingly, a hierarchy of responsibility of managers at all levels. The tasks assigned to the Division are decomposed, “fragmented” into tasks for each NPP and each of its subsidiaries. Each nuclear power plant or subsidiaryhaving received her own set of goals and objectives as a “grain”, she was able to “grow” her own tree of goals - and by the end of 2016, this task was generally completed. The result is a simple, laconic and visual tool for goal setting and the structure of personal responsibility for achieving the set goals.

Session for strategists

At the end of January, a final strategic session on setting key performance indicators for 2017 was held at the Concern's headquarters. Outwardly, the event could resemble a traditional report on the work done with the corresponding figures of indicators: the speakers took turns speaking, answered questions, exchanged views ... But these were reports not about the past, but about the near future: this was how the cards of complex performance indicators were protected - the system coordinates, on the basis of which in the coming 2017, the assessment of the managers of the Concern, branches, divisions - from top management to specific performers will be carried out. The strategic session was supposed to become a platform for disputes and a search for a final consensus on the difficult issue of sharing personal responsibility for certain goals and indicators. This is not the first experience of holding a strategic session in the Concern, but for the first time the event was held much faster than planned, which speaks of the clarity of understanding of all the tasks, the development of this format of interaction and coordination of work management team Division. The strategic session became a communication platform for a dialogue between managers, and made it possible, without complicated schemes and formal correspondence, to discuss the participants' understanding of their tasks, readiness to work, division of areas of responsibility, necessary powers and principles of interaction.

What tasks were solved at the strategic session of the Concern?

First, the entire system was “balanced”. The participants were able to make sure that the goals of different directions do not contradict each other and in an attempt to achieve any result, we move in concert.

Secondly, an assessment was made of the attainability and feasibility of the goals and, at the same time, their ambition, striving for significant growth.

Third, all participants in the strategic session compared their areas of responsibility and identified areas of intersection with "neighboring" areas. Some issues can be mutually exclusive, for example, a branch is building up stocks and thanks to them is able to quickly perform planned or unscheduled repairs, but stocks "freeze" capital. If you do not have stock, the turnover of funds is good, but in case of unscheduled repairs, there is a risk of losing time and incurring significant losses due to downtime. In this way, many indicators intersect, "catch on", and that is why it is so important to balance the system of goals and indicators.

Finally, the changes in the principles for setting KPIs for 2017 were explained in detail to all session participants. In particular, all centers of responsibility (NPPs, subsidiaries and affiliates, branches) were divided into development centers, where the main indicators are the growth of revenue, portfolio of orders, profits and cost and efficiency management centers. production processwhere the main KPIs are aimed at reducing costs, saving, labor productivity. This made it possible to focus the NPP teams on what they can realistically manage - on the efficiency and costs of the process of operating the power units. Service subsidiaries and affiliates focus on the task of large-scale entry into the international service market and russian market new products. In this regard, the portfolio of KPIs of each enterprise, based on its development strategy and real area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, tried to balance and solve the problem of maximum focus.

The next step was to hold strategic sessions in the branches and subsidiaries of the Concern. The agreed KPIs are expanded to the level of chief engineers, deputy directors, and below - to divisions. Ultimately, each employee included in the KPI assessment system must know the tasks and responsibilities of his own and his team, so that all personal efforts and victories are harmoniously combined into a single mosaic of the Concern's achievements. The discussions that accompanied the distribution of KPIs in branches and subsidiaries is an extremely positive sign, because an open, direct face-to-face management conversation will help in the future to avoid gray areas, intersections and opacity in the local management system, will clearly define the “rules games "for the current year.

Process under control

An important innovation this year is the open questions and forecast management system. For this, a collegial body, a committee, is being created, headed by Alexander Shutikov, First Deputy Director General for NPP Operations. This committee becomes a platform for monitoring intermediate monthly and quarterly values \u200b\u200bfor the implementation of indicators and a body for interaction between managers - if actions need to be adjusted. Knowing the goals and indicators in the areas, each participant develops detailed work plans up to a week.

The collegial body for managing open issues and forecast is actually a permanent platform for interaction, which monitors the actual implementation and adjustments of plans in case of any changes in the market, in the activities of the Concern, etc. In case of deviations, the task of the Committee is to propose and organize corrective actions. Also, the task of the Committee is to remove revealed contradictions, conflicts, and manage open issues. These can be, for example, problems at the boundaries of the areas of responsibility of various departments.

Another innovation is the transition from “cascading” (replicating) KPIs to lower levels to “decomposition”, that is, to the distribution of tasks with an understanding of their individual components. For example, the KPI “free adjusted cash flow», SSDP, is fully understandable only to a narrow circle of specialists, but hundreds of managers influence it. This year, a methodology has been proposed, how the AFCS is broken down in detail by levels of responsibility: what is the chief engineer responsible for (he should focus on the cost estimate and the repair program); for what the deputy is responsible for general issues (for example, rent and transport, etc.), who is responsible for stocks, who is responsible for the calculations and the status of counterparties' debt, for what - other managers. When the main indicators are broken down into such details, then managers and performers in the field receive a specific task in a “digitalized” and transparent form. Thus, each employee will understand exactly how he influences the growth of the Concern's welfare and what he should do for this.

Finally, another of this year's innovations is the emergence of KPIs that combine indicators of achievement of key events. Such an event can be the completion of a certain stage in construction, obtaining licensing documents, concluding a certain commercial contract, completing a certain project, etc. This KPI is, in fact, an analogue of the KPI “fulfillment of a state assignment”, with the only difference that structured key events and milestones by stages and areas of work, in addition to those received from Rosatom, we supplemented independently and organized in the Concern an end-to-end and independent system of monitoring and control of achievement key events.


Thus, the most important change in the system of key performance indicators from 2017 is to ensure their clear relationship with the strategic goals of the Concern, an understandable hierarchy of responsibility for achieving goals, the maximum focus of managers at all levels on achieving goals precisely in their area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility, in which they have all opportunities to influence the situation. In this format, KPIs become not only a tool for the implementation of specific tasks, control and measurement of work results for a specific year, but also allow you to see how the Concern, its branches or subsidiaries, each of the employees are moving towards achieving the large-scale strategic goals of ROSATOM ...

The Rosatom Production System (RPS) is being successfully implemented across the entire power generation division. At Novovoronezh NPP, the status of achievement of the RPS deployment indicators is at the level of 87.5%.
This conclusion was made by the Commission of the final developmental partner quality assurance (RQP) deployment Production system Rosatom, which took place at the station from 21 to 24 November 2016.

The purpose of the audit is to assess the quality of the RPS deployment at Novovoronezhskaya, diagnose the areas of RPS deployment, analyze the activities implemented as a result of the previous check, identify development areas and best practices, summarize the implementation of the RPS deployment program for the reporting period.
The team of the developing partnership visit for checking the quality of the RPS deployment included the Director of the RPS Development and Operational Efficiency Department of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, the team leader S.V. Maximov; Deputy Director of the RPS Development and Operational Efficiency Department - Head of the Project Office "Implementation of RPS Methodology and Project Support" (RPS Software) of Rosenergoatom Concern A.V. Zhbankin; project manager of the project office "Implementation of the methodology and support of RPS projects" Yu.A. Shahabutdinov; project manager of the project office "Implementation of the methodology and support of RPS projects" L.M. Shakina; Head of OIPP of Smolensk NPP V.V. Gavrilenko.

The experts worked in five areas: Goal Decomposition, RPS Streams, Project and Change Management, Learning, and Motivation. They assessed the tree of the company's goals, the relevance of materials in the information centers of the station, workshops and sections, discussed the current level of achievement of the company's business indicators and the forecast by the end of the year.

The commission carried out rounds of personnel workplaces, repair shops, warehouses... Specialists from the OR RPS of the Novovoronezh NPP and heads of departments took part in the detours from the Novovoronezh NPP.

The experts carried out a random check of the 5C system functioning at production and office workplaces, as well as the enterprise's RPS projects and proposals for improvements at the station. The representatives of the commission talked with the heads of the RPS projects, assessed in practice the implemented RPS projects.

The attention of the commission was also directed to the study administrative documents Novovoronezh NPP, determining the organization of the implementation of the transformation plan in the RPS-enterprise, including the introduction of motivation tools for the RPS, the assessment of visual campaigning and events to inform participants about the tools of motivation and the implementation of the RPS.

During the audit, the knowledge of employees who were trained in the courses of the Rosatom Production System in 2016 was tested.
The level of residual knowledge of managers and participants of the RPS projects of Novovoronezh NPP in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Rosatom Production System was 88%, which is a very high result.

The topic that caused the greatest difficulties is "RPS tools", next year it is necessary to conduct additional training in this area. Topics with the highest number of correct answers are "5C System" and "Loss". This suggests that the personnel of Novovoronezh NPP have a reliable knowledge base, because the purpose of the RPS is to find and eliminate losses. Now the main task is to apply the acquired knowledge in production.

The conclusions of the commission are formulated in the Final Memorandum of verification of the quality of the deployment of the RPS at the Novovoronezh NPP and the achievement of target indicators of transformation in the RPS enterprise.
The Commission believes that the Novovoronezh NPP as a whole has completed the activities of the transformation plan into the RPS-enterprise. SDP deployment indicators have been achieved. The status of achievement of indicators of the deployment of the RPS of Novovoronezh NPP as of 23.11.2016 ∑ \u003d 87.5%, excluding the indicator "The level of involvement of the company's employees in the RPS is at least 75%." This indicator has not yet been taken into account, since the results of the survey are not yet ready.

- Novovoronezh NPP for short term significantly improved its performance. We will recommend in 2017 to include the station in the list of applicants for achieving the status of "RPS-Enterprise". To do this, it is necessary to fully perform absolutely everything guidelines- said the team leader Sergei Maksimov.

Part of the RPS projects and proposals for improvements of the Novovoronezh NPP will be prepared for participation in the industry competition. The plant's best practices will be extended to other businesses in the division. The number of campaign materials has been increased, new posters have appeared in the premises of the station, in the aisles, screensavers on monitors. Nonetheless. it is necessary to improve the system of organizing the workspace 5C, to work out the Tree of Objectives more carefully, completing it to specific areas and workshops with physical dimensions.

“It is important that each foreman in his area understands how he influences the achievement of the strategic goals of the state corporation and the concern with his work, what contribution he makes to the common work,” the expert emphasized.
Irina Kolyagina, Head of the Development Department of the RPS of Novovoronezh NPP, noted the openness and genuine partnership relations that arose between the plant specialists and the RPPK team when discussing current problems and areas requiring development.
The director of the Novovoronezh NPP, Vladimir Povarov, thanked the team of specialists for the visit and confirmed the understanding of the plant's staff of the main production priorities: improving safety, adhering to the principles of lean production, finding and eliminating losses, increasing labor productivity. The director drew the attention of the heads of departments to the primacy of the leader's role in implementation of the RPS and the need for constant personal development and the improvement of every employee.
The task of Novovoronezh NPP is to ensure the fulfillment of indicators with a planned implementation date in 2016 for business goals, RPS projects, level of involvement within two months, complete the training cycle and correct problem areas taking into account the recommendations received.

Based on the results of the audit, a decision will be made to assign the status of "RPS-Enterprise" to Novovoronezh NPP. This will become known in January next year. Nevertheless, the station will not stop there and will continue to implement and develop the Rosatom Production System in 2017.

On August 16, top managers of RFNC-VNIIEF, headed by Director of the Nuclear Center Valentin Kostyukov, took part in a training organized by ROSATOM. Topic - "Goal tree - a tool for decomposition of strategic goals."
The training was moderated by Oksana Karmishina, Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department for Assessment, Development and Improvement of Personnel Efficiency at Rosatom State Corporation, and Andrey Petrov, Head of the Department of Economics and Controlling.
The goal decomposition technology is the most important tool for a modern leader. One of his responsibilities, set forth in the Declaration of the Rosatom Production System, is to monitor the achievement of results and timely discuss the plan of further actions with subordinates.
Opening the seminar, Valentin Kostyukov recalled that by order of the General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Sergei Kiriyenko, VNIIEF was appointed a pilot site for the goal decomposition project. “At the end of the third quarter, we have to implement a number of serious documents related to the construction of the goal tree and its decomposition to the level of line managers”. The end result should be effective cost management so that in challenging economic conditions to maintain the current obligations of the administration of the nuclear center in terms of the number of personnel and growth of salaries in accordance with the industry tariff agreements adopted. “I would ask you to pay as much attention to this as you pay to the implementation of tasks according to the thematic plan,” the RFNC-VNIIEF director addressed to his subordinates. - Without this, there will be no progress, otherwise we will face very serious problems related to the implementation of our obligations to collective agreement».
Oksana Karmishina explained the need for such trainings at the enterprises of the industry: “In 2016, an analysis of maps of key performance indicators of managers was carried out, and we found that the indicators were not always qualitatively decomposed by areas of responsibility. This often leads to the fact that managers do not understand how they affect a particular indicator. " Therefore, the State Corporation decided to launch a large goal decomposition project. More than 70 enterprises are involved in the project; about 700 TOP-1000 managers must undergo training. “The nuclear center is one of the most complex complex enterprises - in fact, a separate division with a large number of areas of activity. Therefore, drawing a tree of goals, decomposing them into components and assigning a responsible leader to each is not an easy task. Nevertheless, we expect that the RFNC-VNIIEF goal tree will be developed as part of the working group until October this year, ”Oksana Nikolaevna summed up the training results.


1 ROSATOM strategic goals



4 VALUES “Respect” “We respect our customers, partners and suppliers. We always listen carefully and hear each other, regardless of the positions held and place of work. We respect the history and traditions of the industry. The achievements of the past inspire us to new victories. " “One team” “We are all Rosatom. We have common goals. Working as a team of exiles allows them to achieve unique results. Together we are stronger and can achieve the highest goals. The success of the employees is the success of the company ”. "Efficiency" "We are all the time best options solving problems. We are efficient in everything we do to achieve our goals, we use the resources of the company as efficiently as possible and constantly improve our work processes. There are no obstacles that can prevent us from finding the most effective solutions. " ROSATOM VALUES “Responsibility for the result” “Each of us bears personal responsibility for the result of our work and the quality of our work before the state, industry, colleagues and customers. In our work, we have the highest demands on ourselves. Efforts are not evaluated, but the achieved result. A successful result is the basis for our new achievements. " “Safety” “Safety is the highest priority. In our work, we primarily ensure the complete safety of people and the environment. There are no trifles in safety, we know the safety rules and we follow them, preventing violations. " One Step Ahead “We strive to be a leader in global markets. We are always one step ahead in technology, knowledge and quality of our employees. We foresee what will happen tomorrow and are ready for it today. We are constantly developing and learning. Every day we try to work better than yesterday. "

5 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES INCREASING SHARE IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS REDUCING PRODUCT COST AND PROCESS TIME NEW PRODUCTS FOR RUSSIAN AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Leadership in the global nuclear power project market in the nuclear energy project and technologies of the most competitive civilian negative impact on the environment

6 INCREASING THE SHARE IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Share of foreign businesses,% of revenue Rosatom is increasing its presence in 50 countries of the world 67% 52% 28% Commissioning of new blocks abroad, units Russia 36 5 North America Overseas order portfolio for 10 years, USD billion Europe and CIS Middle East and Africa Order portfolio by region, USD billion Asia South America

7 PORTFOLIO OF ORDERS FOR 10 years $ 110 billion (as of January 1, 2016) The Atomenergomash division became the leader in terms of "order portfolio growth": at the beginning of 2016 its portfolio amounted to over RUB 400 billion, which is almost 2 times more than at the beginning of the city The main contribution to this success was made by the enterprise "AEM-technologies", which in Volgodonsk produced the first reactor vessel after a 30-year break. RusatomService became the best in terms of revenue growth, which doubled its revenue by the end of the year (to the level of 2014). In 3 years the company has increased the number of VVER power units serviced abroad from 5 to 18 units, which is half of the total VVER reactor fleet operating outside of Russia.

8 REDUCTION OF PRODUCT COST AND PROCESS TIME LCOE, USD / kWh Since the year, labor productivity has more than doubled. By the year - more than 3 times growth. \u003e 75<70 <50 *LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) - средняя расчётная себестоимость производства электроэнергии на протяжении всего жизненного цикла электростанции Сроки сооружения АЭС, мес. >88\u003e 55 48 Labor productivity 670% 205% 100%

9 EXAMPLES OF COST REDUCTION ARMZ succeeded in reducing the cost of uranium mined at PIMCU by 12% compared to the actual 2014. This work will continue: The Mining Division should reduce the cost of the uranium chain by 29% (by 2013 in comparable prices), and by 2018 by 36%. The leader in cost reduction is TVEL Fuel Company, which reduced its costs in the year by 5.1 billion rubles, having reduced this figure to 35.8 billion rubles. The greatest contribution to this success was made by the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, which managed to reduce the cost of zirconium by 18%.

10 NEW TYPES OF REACTORS Sodium-cooled fast reactors are the development of next-generation commercially efficient reactors using mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel. Purpose: Closing the nuclear fuel cycle. The Breakthrough project is the creation of a new generation of nuclear energy technologies based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle with fast reactors, new types of fuel and materials. Purpose: consistent approach to radiation-equivalent (in relation to natural raw materials) disposal of radioactive waste. NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES Low-capacity nuclear power plants Power units with an installed capacity of less than 100 MW. The main advantage of these energy sources is autonomy. They are not associated with a constant supply of fuel, and therefore are well suited for remote and inaccessible areas where the use of traditional organic energy sources is impossible or difficult, and there are no power lines. Purpose: Providing electricity to remote settlements and production platforms. ITER project of an international experimental thermonuclear reactor. The task of ITER is to demonstrate the possibility of commercial use of a thermonuclear reactor and to solve physical and technological problems that may arise along the way. Purpose: consistent approach to radiation-equivalent (in relation to natural raw materials) disposal of radioactive waste.

11 NEW PRODUCTS FOR RUSSIAN AND INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Supercomputer Decommissioning of NROO Nuclear medicine Small and medium power reactors Share of new businesses,% of revenues Superconductors Electricity storage Research reactors 30% Fast reactors and NFCS 15% Inspection systems Inspection and desalination Laser technologies Additive technologies Thanks to the development of new businesses, up to 40 thousand new jobs will be created by the year

12 EXAMPLES OF NEW PRODUCTS The industry leader in terms of new products is YaOK. Revenue increased by 85.8%, amounting to more than 25 billion rubles in the year. The greatest contribution to the success of YaOK in new products was made by the FSUE RFNCVNIIEF (Sarov), thanks to the development of the topic “supercomputers”. NIAEP-ASE won the first victory in the tender for the decommissioning of Unit 1 of the Philipsburg NPP. This victory is extremely important, since obtaining a reference in the German market, which is going to decommission all its nuclear power plants, is very promising. The only approved program in Germany for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants is more than 30 billion euros.

13 ROSATOM IS A FULL CYCLE OF TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY R&D URANIUM PRODUCTION FUEL FACTORY 17% of the world market ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONVERSION, ENRICHMENT 2nd place in the world in terms of uranium reserves (734 tons). in the world market (39% share) commissioning of 11th generation gas centrifuges RW, SNF HANDLING reprocessed 83.9 tons of spent nuclear fuel the world leader (order portfolio - 36 units abroad, 8 units in Russia) The total number of valid patents is more than 2.3 thousand MACHINE BUILDING COMPLEX NPP capacity (26.2 GW) Possibility of producing up to 5 sets of NPP equipment per year ROSATOM'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES: A comprehensive proposal for the entire life cycle of the plant, allowing to guarantee a competitive cost of kilowatt-hour of electricity (LCOE) Reference and maximum level of technology safety Assistance in attracting financing (including BOO) and the creation of the project infrastructure (legal framework, training of specialists, work with the public)

14 THANKS TO ROSATOM'S PROJECTS, GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ARE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED IN THE WORLD Installed capacity of Russian-designed NPPs, GW + 83% 101.9 New NPPs built in the Russian Federation will reduce emissions by 450 million tons of CO2 annually (which is comparable to 4 years of emissions from the Russian vehicle fleet ) 55.7 All NPPs in the Russian Federation (k) will reduce emissions by 711 million tons of CO2 annually (6.3 years of emissions from the Russian vehicle fleet) Generation of Russian-designed NPPs, billion kWh% All Russian-designed NPPs in the world (by year including the Russian Federation) mln tons of CO2 403 annually (80% of the annual emissions of the entire global vehicle fleet)

15 ROSATOM IN FIGURES Revenue, RUB bln. Portfolio of foreign orders, billion USD Generation of nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation, billion kW / h\u003e Installed capacity of nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation, GW 24.2 26.2 Share of foreign businesses,% of revenue 30.0 67% 52% Uranium mineral resource base, thousand tons% Uranium reserves Uranium mining Uranium enrichment Fuel fabrication Installed NPP capacity Order portfolio

16 Every third light bulb in the European part of Russia runs on "atomic" electricity The height of VVER-1200 is 11 times more than human height The construction area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningrad NPP-2 is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe principality of Monaco The total length of fuel pellets produced per year is km - this is the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk During the service life, one fuel assembly can generate MW-days of energy - monthly consumption of apartments The total length of the cladding of fuel elements in one fuel assembly is m - this is slightly more than the height of the two Ostankino towers The operating temperature in the center of the fuel pellet is C - this is the melting temperature of cast iron and steel Weight of one fuel assembly is 760 kg - the car "Oka" with two passengers ChMP made a superconducting strand km long for the ITER reactor, this is enough to encircle the Earth at the equator almost 1.5 times. The weight of the VVER reactor is more than 330 tons, which is more than 24 T-34 tanks or 10 Boeing aircraft, but about 70 tons less than fully assembled and equipped The ISS International Space Station is equipped with all equipment The height of the cooling tower of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 is 172.5 m, the same as that of the Foreign Ministry building on Smolenskaya Square, 26 m above the Pyramid of Cheops, 15 meters above the Cologne Cathedral and 3 m above the Washington Monument in the capital USA It took 10 thousand cubic meters to "raise" such a cooling tower. m of concrete, that is how much is poured under the Bolshoi Theater into a reinforced concrete monolithic foundation slab

STRATEGIC GOALS KNOWLEDGE CORPORATION FUTURE CORPORATION VALUES ONE TEAM We are all Rosatom. We have common goals. Working in a team of like-minded people allows you to achieve unique results. Together

Nuclear technologies and products of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom WE CREATE THE FUTURE TODAY The most complete and up-to-date information can be obtained on the company's website: TVEL_Nuclear 2 3 Fuel Company

On the draft government decree and on the adjustment of the federal target program "Nuclear energy technologies of a new generation for the period 2010-2015 and for the future until 2020" Deputy Director

IX International Scientific and Technical Conference Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC (MNTK-204) Prospects for the development and implementation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle NN Ponomarev-Stepnoy, Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC;

Development strategy of the State Corporation "Rosatom" until 2030 Karavaev I.A. Director of Strategy and Investment June 2012 By 2030, nuclear power generation will grow in proportion to global consumption growth

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Seminar on the topic "Development of sodium-cooled fast reactors technology" for closing the nuclear fuel cycle. EXPERIENCE OF CREATION OF THE BN-800 REACTOR FOR CLOSING THE FUEL CYCLE Saraev

The main factors in the development of modern nuclear power A student of the BM-15-03 group T.A. Zhuchkova Scientific adviser: Doctor of Economics, Professor G.O. Halova Benefits Limited stocks hydrocarbons Insignificant

109-1 December 19-21, 2018 UDC 621.039 R. Sh. BIKBOV, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (KSPEU) T.A. BULATOV, student (KSPEU) Kazan PAST AND FUTURE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY IN RUSSIA Nuclear power plants are not included

International Activities of ROSATOM: Services in the NFC Markets V. Korogodin, Deputy Director of the Directorate for the Nuclear Power Complex 06.06.2012 Prospects for the development of the world nuclear

State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" FSUE FYaO FSUE "Mining and Chemical Combine" Combine "FYAO FSUE" MCC "- the center for SNF management and fabrication of MOX and REMIX fuel for nuclear power plants

MNTK-2012 PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLOSED FUEL CYCLE Saraev O.M. Deputy General Director Project Manager Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC May 23, 2012 What is the problem? Task

Rosatom 2017: goals and values \u200b\u200bAleksey Nevolin Project manager of the Corporate Culture Center of the Rosatom Academy 06/02/2017 Moscow Rosatom 2007 2017 FROM SURVIVAL WITHIN THE COUNTRY 2 Rosatom 2007 2017

ROSATOM STATE ATOMIC ENERGY CORPORATION ROSATOM ROSATOM 1 We strive to be a leader in global markets. We are always one step ahead in technology, knowledge and quality of our employees.

National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise Energy of Kazakhstan: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow A. Ibraev, President of JSC "NCSNTE" Astana, 2017 1 RELEVANCE OF USE OF RENEWABLE

State Concern "Nuclear Fuel" Establishment of nuclear fuel production for VVER-1000 reactors in Ukraine Report of General Director T.V. Amosova Atomexpo - 2011 June 6-8 Moscow-2011

Irradiated nuclear fuel and a new generation of nuclear reactors Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Radioecology of IHEM, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.B. Ivanov Problems of handling irradiated (spent) nuclear fuel

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UDC 334 TO THE ISSUE OF CORPORATE CULTURE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ROSATOM STATE CORPORATION) Semina D.A. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" E-mail: [email protected] The article discusses models

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March 2015 Introducing ABB ABB Group Presentation Slide 1 World Leader in Power and Automation Technologies Leading Positions in key markets ~ 140,000 employees $ 40 billion Revenues

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02 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Development strategy OUR VISION Embamunaigas JSC is a highly efficient oil and gas company with a majority state participationmeeting the highest safety standards,

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State Corporation "Rosatom". Management system for the cost and timing of projects for the construction of nuclear facilities Head of State Expertise Department, State

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The current situation and prospects for the development of nuclear industrial complex Ukraine Authors: Reshetitsky S.V. Siora A.A. N.P. Kukharchuk Ryabtsev V.E. Kosharnaya O.P. Speaker: S.V. Reshetitsky INTRODUCTION From the moment

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Club de Nice. Energy in Europe and in the world: crisis or mutation? Prospects for the development of nuclear power in Russia V. S. Kagramanyan Advisor to the General Director of the Physics and Power Engineering Institute Obninsk

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Current trends in the development of renewable energy sources in the world Pigarev Dmitry [email protected] 17 October 217 1965 1968 1971 1974 1977 198 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 21 24 27 21 213 216 199 1991 1992 1993

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Approved by government decree russian Federation of February 3, 2010 50 Federal target program "nuclear energy technologies of a new generation for the period 2010 2015 and for the future

Sergey Nikolaevich MIRONOSETSKY, Deputy General Director of OJSC "Siberian Coal Energy Company" Report on the topic "Prospects for the development of the FEC of the Far Eastern Federal District" Hello! I would like to explain first

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RESULTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Dear colleagues! I am proud to say that the activities of ROSATOM make a great contribution to the sustainable development of society: we improve people's lives and

Nuclear Physics and Man NUCLEAR REACTORS ON THERMAL NEUTRONS Nuclear fission. History 1934 E. Fermi, irradiating uranium with thermal neutrons, discovered radioactive nuclei among the reaction products. 1939 g.

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