What is a training company. What is training? What is a training personality development

Open subconscious [how to influence yourself and others] Sviyash Alexander Grigorievich

Chapter 1. What is training and why he need

Chapter 1. What is training and why he need

Wisdom does not always come with age.

It happens that age comes one.

Denis Didro.

This book has a subtitle: book - training. What does it mean? This means that it is designed not only to read, but also for practical workTraining. At the end of each chapter, specific tasks are givenTo help you make contact with your subconscious and thereby learn how to influence yourself. And if you try, then on others.

Moreover, it will not be techniques of hard influence from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and completely different approaches. NLP considers a person as a "black box", which can be controlled by special procedures. This is a pure cybernetic approach.

We have psychology

We have a completely different approach, psychological.

That is, we consider what a person's psyche is how about it functions (as part of the author's model, of course). And what needs to be done so that it functional usually function. That is, if we want to change something in yourself, for example, develop a decisiveness or improve relationships with money, then we will succeed.

These changes in themselves you will produce yourselfFully consciously and understanding to what results you have to come.

This book is part of the method of a reasonable way, that is, uses this approach when you include your mind (awareness, rational mind) and use it to achieve its goals. You choose what you need to change in yourself, and make actions yourself to get the desired result.

There are many different ways

There are many other ways. internal developmentwhich we will not use.

We do not use the approaches that the Indian Guru give - when you ignore your mind and try only to listen to your soul. We believe that our mind is a very powerful tool for the knowledge and transformation of the world, and there is more than a strange decision to abandon it. It is possible that a couple of thousand years ago, when the level of science and technology was very low, it was a wonderful way, but today he is clearly outdated.

We do not use approaches when you solve all your problems by contacting external authorities, whether it is another guru, clairvoyant, fortune teller or astrologer. All this is possible, we just think that need to think your head. And that is very strange when you trust your life to someone someone else.

We do not use religious approaches when you all delegate God and allow him to somehow manage you. It's good in the monastery, but in real life It is not bad to build your life and go to my goals yourself.

We do not use an orthodox materialist approaches, which allows themselves to rely only on the fact that, as he believes, recognized science. These people usually do not know that most of the founders of psychological and philosophical theories have always recognized that in our world there is something that is not a materialistic object. But nevertheless, it really really affects our world and people in particular. These mystical inspections are hidden for seemingly scientific, but having no clear meaning of the terms "archetype", "collective unconscious" and other.

In the method of a reasonable path, it is assumed that the real possibilities of any person significantly exceed that it allows himself to use.

To learn a little more to use your hidden capabilities (more precisely, over-use), you will need to train. That is, perform those tasks that will be brought at the end of each chapter.

You can ignore these tasks and reduce work with a book to a banal reading.

Then the training will not work. And you do not get those results that could be achieved.

It will be your choice.

You have the full right to do nothing and do not develop anything. Why then did you buy this book?

Let's find out in more detail what kind of training, and what they happen.

What is training?

Training is one of the modern forms of intensive learning. Worldwide Training is the most effective and fast tool Development and internal changes.

Typically, the training is carried out in a group from three to five to several hundred people. All of them interact with other participants, fulfill personal, group and general tasks, and so on. In general, live collective life.

Very important people who cannot afford to frolic or learn in the crowd, order a personal training. That is, one coach works with one student. Usually it is very expensive entertainment.

Working with this book, you will get a personal training. That is, you can already feel free to feel like a VIP figure. If, of course, you will choose to train.

Below will be presented some information about the types of group training. If you firmly know that never under any circumstances will go to group training, you can safely move to the next chapter. One will note that your children or acquaintances can go to group training, and you can be useful if you understand what it is.

Difference from seminars and ordinary learning

The training is a separate form of the educational process, its feature is the high intensity of classes and the use of different ways to achieve the stated result directly during classes.

For example, there is such a form of learning as a seminar. During the seminar, you can give a large amount of information, but the presenter does not set a goal to make you practically learned what he told you. You received information, and then either assume it yourself, or contact the specialists that they control you and helped to learn the knowledge gained - on your choice.

From the training people go away having received practical skillsuse what the training was devoted to. Or deciding some of his personal problem with which they could not cope on their own long time.

It is clear that usually this is a low level of skill development - due to limited training time. But you will definitely get the first experience of practical use of the content of the training.

Types of training principles

According to the principles of a set of participants in groups, all trainings are divided into open and corporate.

Open trainings -these are trainings that are going to completely different people interested in obtaining relevant skills and paying training from their own funds.

Corporate trainingsit is held with a personnel of some organization (group of organizations) by order of its leadership. That is, the staff of this organization are obliged to undergo training in the order of improving their qualifications. In most cases, these are training skills (business training).

Payment of the coach is carried out by the company.

Types of training for purposes

In general, all group trainings can be divided into five large groups. As a criterion for division used various goals to be achieved during the training.

Trainings skills

The purpose of training skills -give participants a specific skill for later use in work or personal life.

There are many such trainings.

First of all, there are most business - trainingswhere you give various skills that can then be used in your professional activity. For example, this includes sales skills, negotiation, speaking skills, time management and much more.

In the field of personal growthtraining skills include trainings of dating, communications, stress - management, speeds, and so on.

These trainings are mostly mental, since they are aimed at laying in memory and subconscious of a person of certain information, which will then be implemented through his body (speech, movement, behavior, and so on). Although the elements of the workout of the knowledge gained will be necessary.

Personal changes appear here not as the result of the skills gained, but due to the change of self-esteem, the person who has become some additional skills.

For example, a young man who was afraid to get acquainted with the girl, after passing the training on dating technology, can easily fulfill this task for him before. Naturally, its positive internal changes will occur.

Transformation trainings (personal growth training)

The purpose of the training isexit the problem situation, discover new opportunities for yourself.

Transformation includes trainings that allow a person to open, understand or realize something new in his life. Usually, directly during the training in humans occur strong internal changes (breakthrough, insight, insight, forgiveness, etc.), so it is called "transformational".

Naturally, in most transformational trainings, a person also gets some knowledge and skills, but they are not the main task of training.

In some cases, during the training, a person does not receive any new skills that he could then use in the usual (outside training) of life. This includes many trainings related to overcoming fears and other internal barriers. For example, training coal driving or broken glass. In a person who has passed such training, self-esteem is usually increasing sharply, and it becomes a more positive and effective person. Although the skill of walking on the coal is hardly useful in the future.

People go to transformational trainings to solve some of their tasks. Fully satisfied people, or people who do not want to receive external assistance, or do not believe that someone can help them, do not go to such trainings.

Paying for the training, thereby confirms the importance of obtaining new knowledge or skills for itself. He is already modified to personal changes, and the coach is just enough to give him what he came.

Types of trainings for the degree of rigidity

Transformation trainings may have a different degree of rigidity of the processes used.

TO soft trainingsthese include those during which its participants receive new information, perform tasks, participate in games, analyze their own and other people's rules on the proposed coach. And in the end, they understand how the situation arose, which led them to the training. And how it needs to be chosen. Internal transformation occurred.

There are thousands of such trainings, and they can be aimed at improving relations between people ("how to stop worrying"), an increase in self-esteem, the creation of a family ("how to get married"), an increase in sexuality ("School of Geisha"), a change in money relationships ("School of Geisha") "How to become a magnet for money"), search for a vocation ("how to find your own business") and so on.

IN middle Stiffness Trainingsmore provocative methods are used - role-playing games (games where you need to make complex solutions that broke the established beliefs like " Balloon"Where to throw out the game participants), tasks for interacting with unpleasant people (for example, ask for money from passerby), committing simple, but previously unacceptable or condemned actions, and so on. Sometimes very strict rules for visiting classes are introduced, penalties are introduced. These trainings usually give the best results, but for people with a subtle psyche they can become a source of strong stress.

IN high rigidity trainingmore provocative techniques are used, which first derive a person from the usual condition of closedness and control over the situation (for example, by direct insults). And then, when a person resets the usual protective shells, work is carried out with it, leading to strong internal changes. This includes trainings on the American method "Life Spring" and derived from them.

Most often, transformation trainings are conducted in the form of open trainings. Sometimes companies order corporate transformation trainings for their employees. This is usually the training of team building, conducted in the form of collective overcoming complex obstacles (for example, a "rope course").

Psychotherapeutic trainings

The purpose of the training iseliminate an unpleasant mental state. These trainings are designed to eliminate some stable psychological deviations - feelings of guilt, increased anxiety or criminality, discontent with themselves, fears, uncertainty and so on.

During the training, its participants perform a number of tasks, the meaning of which can be incomprehensible for them or non-obvious (intensively breathing, drawn, play out situations), but in the aggregate processes, the processes have been referred to, change the mental state to a calmer and joyful.

This includes trainings on art therapy, Helinger's arrangements, transpersonal psychotherapy, bodily psychotherapy, dance and motor therapy and so on.

During these trainings, people usually receive some skills that they can then use. But the receipt of specific skills is an additional training feature.

Trainings of spiritual development

The purpose of the training isgive a new worldview new system values. During the training, some new philosophical or philosophical and religious model of the world order and practical skills in existence within this model are given. Often, such trainings are based on various esoteric theories.

For example, yoga given in Phineas-centers is ordinary wellness exercises. And Yoga, which teachers, who have been trained in India and have received a blessing for training, give their students not only a complex of exercise, but also a holistic picture of the world order and recommendations for living in the world, including a system, behavior, a system of goals and everything else .

Trainings attributed to the training of spiritual development are easy to determine in their names. Typically, there are some higher goals in the names that are sharply different from the purposes of full-applied skills, for example. Typical names of spiritual development training: "System of Evolutionary Development", training "Traveling outside the body. Training practical skills ", training" Third Way "and so on.

The training feature - it has a limited period. If you are offered a long cycle of classes, it is no longer a training, but something else.

Wellness - educational trainings

The purpose of the training isgive skills to increase the possibilities of our body. This does not include the training of athletes - it is aimed at winning competitions.

During the health and developmental training, the participants perform a number of tasks and master the exercises on working with their body, which can then be performed independently.

In principle, it is usually a kind of skills training, but having a specific application scope - your body. Sometimes healthy - developing trainings do not give skills for subsequent independent use, since the exercise can be performed only in the group (training of bodily psychotherapy, for example).

Recreational and developing trainings include various breathing practices, dynamic meditations of Rajnish, energy practices, sexy trainings ("Men's Power") and so on.

On this classification of the most popular group training ends. On the one hand, various training programs such as individual seminars, training programs in the specialty or advanced training are adjacent to reviewed training. In these programs, trainings can be used as a separate element of intensive learning and attracting practical skills.

On the other hand, a variety of religious teachings may be adjusted to trainings that are not training, but they can use training terminology and names - to attract people to themselves. This includes the teachings of numerous Indian teachers, the Gurdjieff school or various groups studying oriental or Slavic spiritual and religious practices.

be careful

And further. Today, quite active religious organizations appeared, which, under the guise of training personality or spiritual development, can entail you into this organization.

That is, you find some way announcement of the training on the development of energy practices, the art of tantra or the development of Feng Shui, and go there. There is indeed such training, but the coaches are clearly or secretive will invite you to get acquainted with the truth, to reclaim some teacher or go to them in Ashram. All this is usually hidden behind esoteric terms and references to secret knowledge received from the teacher.

Most likely, you will be very neat and professionally involve in the religious organization of a closed type, with all the consequences arising from this.

These are not trainings.

Therefore, be careful, use the services of only those coaches and training centers that you will learn from deserving full source confidence. Otherwise, instead of welcome spiritual development, you can get a great spiritual injury.

For example, in the Association of Personal Development Professionals (only individual coaches or training centers, which have experience of at least two years and received recommendations of the two other participants of the Association. This is a closed professional coaching association, guaranteeing high quality services.

On this consideration of the question of what is actually a training, we finish. I hope you have some idea about this form of a developing process.

And sum up the first results in this book.


1. The training is an intense form of the educational process, during which the sites receive practical skills or the results of what the training is devoted to.

2. According to the principles of a set of participants, trainings are divided into open and corporate.

3. For purposes that are achieved during the training, they are divided into:

# Train Skills;

# Transformation trainings (personal growth training);

# Psychotherapeutic trainings;

# Fatitions of spiritual development;

# Wellness - developing trainings.

4. According to the degree of rigidity of the tools used, they are divided into:

# Soft, excluding psychotrauma;

# medium hardness using slightly more provocative tools;

# Hard, using hard and provocative methods of exposure to the psyche of participants.

5. Other forms of educational or spiritually-developing activities are close to trainings closely, which do not have signs of trainings and are not them.

We train live

Tasks for independent work

This chapter turned out purely information. Therefore, the task will be quite simple.

If you have visited some trainings, then try to decompose them according to the above classification. Was it an open or corporate training? Was it training skills or transformational training? What skills and knowledge did you remove from there? Was it useful to you? Did the result of the training corresponding to the fact that you read in advertising about him? How did you use the results of the training? Do you think now, did the training justified your expectations? Whether your investments were met (in the payment of training), what tangible results did you get? Does the cost / result satisfied you?

If there were several trainings, then analyze them all about these indicators. If you have never been to the training, then go to some site of the training center and analyze the workings offered there on the above classification.

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History of trainings

The history of the development of trainings, as well as the history of learning development, has thousands of years, but the beginning of the emergence of trainings can be attributed to the period of activity of the famous social psychologist Kurt Levina.

see also

  • Socio-psychological training
  • Training confidence
  • Lab profile



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from English. Train - train, train). In psychotherapy, T. - this is a combination of psychotherapeutic, psychocorrection and training methods aimed at developing self-knowledge skills and self-regulation, communication and interpersonal interaction, communicative and professional skills.

Currently, the term T. is used to designate a wide range of techniques based on various theoretical principles. Unified classification T. does not exist. T., aimed at developing self-regulation skills, communicative T., training approaches, stimulating personal growth, training T.

T. Self-regulation group includes: autogenous training in various versions, biological feedback training. These methods are aimed at developing the ability to control and managing physiological functions to optimize the emotional state and a decrease in psychological stress.

The group of communicative T., or T. Communicative skills include mainly group options for behavioral and socio-psychological T. They are held in order to form and improve the overall communicative readiness of the individual (for example, people experiencing the vital difficulties associated with communication). Differences between behavioral and socio-psychological T. Conditional. The famous criterion for distinguishing these close technologies for improving communication skills may be their different targets. For example, in the clinic of neurosis for the correction of personal disorders of the type of restrictive behavior in order to more complete reademic of patients with protracted neurosis and neurotic development, the use of the term "behavioral T." is justified As reflecting the therapeutic orientation of communicative correction. Term "Socio-Psychological T." More appropriate when working with healthy people with the aim of forming or developing communicative skills. The method of conducting these T. may be different, but necessarily includes two components: role-playing game and group discussion. Socio-psychological T. make up blocks of various communicative skills, for example, the skills necessary at the beginning of communication (when entering into contact), to interrupt contact, skills and psychological argument, active hearing, to identify the hidden intention of the partner of communication and others. Methods The behavioral T. is also built on the principles of recreation of subjectively difficult for participants of a group of T. Siturators through the playback of role-playing games and a group discussion.

We give one of the most common methods of behavioral T. Participants are selected before the start of classes in the following criteria:

1) effective passage of the main course of psychotherapy;

2) availability of indications for conducting behavioral T., which determines the attending physician;

3) the required level of motivation to participate in the group of behavioral T.

In the group, 8-12 people can be engaged at the same time, however, its composition and the number of patients are not regulated so harshly, as with group psychotherapy, the number of participants ranges from 3 to 18-20. The creation of an open group of behavioral T., since its main orientation on the formation of models of more adaptive behavior does not require accounting for the dynamics of the small group, and even on the contrary, the departure of patients overcoming behavioral difficulties, and the emergence of new ones provide participants with the possibility of more accurate formulation of their own purposes, Create an image of a healing perspective. The occupation begins with a warm-up, including the exercises of communicative, behavioral and emotional orientation. Then a group discussion is carried out to determine the purpose of the classes. Of the role situations proposed by the participants, one or two are selected, the most significant for all participants in the group. After the group discussion, the psychotherapist (coach) offers a role situation that is played by the participants in turn. At the end of the classes, a group discussion is carried out in order to reflect the effectiveness of the participation of the group members in the role situation. It is possible to repeat the most difficult situation and discussion. The question of completing classes in the group is solved individually to each patient together with a psychotherapist. T., as can be seen from the described technique, with all the external simplicity requires greater experience with groups, good skills in the organization of communicative T., psychotherapeutic classes, because, despite the behavioral orientation of this T., the exacerbations of the neurotic state are possible, and therefore It is desirable to conduct behavioral T. group psychotherapists.

The T., stimulating personal growth, includes training classes with various theoretical foundations and aimed mainly on the development of individual parties to the Personality of participants T. (Summinking, Social Perception Skills, Awareness of Means, Development of Personal Development Strategy, etc.). The concept of personal growth cannot be determined unambiguously due to significant differences in the concepts of personality. T. Personal growth is a collective concept denoting the development of personality from the point of view of different concepts. Each modern training method that has personal orientation is characterized by its own identity development methodology. Therefore, it is possible to separate T, personal growth of a dynamic, humanistic, cognitive and other orientation. T. Personal growth of dynamic orientation in this sense, psychodramatical groups can be attributed. T. Personal growth of humanistic orientation teams of Rogers meetings (Rogers S. R.), Gestalt-orientation groups of PERLS (Perls FS), Existential T., and Socio-Psychological T., aimed at the development of social perception and based on theoretical approaches of domestic social psychology (Petrovskaya L. A., 1989). T. Cognitive orientation is carried out in groups and is aimed at developing primarily the cognitive component of self-knowledge, awareness of non-adaptive stereotypes of behavior. In this case, working with the language of participants is of great importance, for which the video content and other technical techniques are used. One approaches to the implementation of personal growth in. The process of T. is the conduct of the thematic T., that is, focusing the attention of the group on any topic, which for the entire occupation cycle is through. The method of carrying out such a variant of the cognitive T. personal growth resembles thematic discussions. Topics may concern care guidance (for teenagers or unemployed), national self-consciousness, professional features and interests, meaning of life, etc.

Training T. also represent a national team and are aimed at improving primarily the skills necessary for professions, where the defining factor is the effectiveness of communication. The program of such T. is formed in accordance with the order of a particular group. This may, for example, laboratory T. for psychotherapists, aimed at working out work skills with patients, Methodical T. for professionals working with groups (Methodical T. for coaches working with groups of socio-psychological T., Methodical T. for group psychotherapists and others). The direction of such a variant of T. may be thematic: T. negotiated process, T. for management personnel, etc.

With all the variety of T. and the difference in their theoretical base, some major techniques can be distinguished, or procedures: the main methodological methods of the role-playing game and group discussion can be supplemented with various options for exercises of non-verbal communication, exercises for working with language, training of certain skills, video coupling, etc. .

The value of T. as a special phenomenon in the world of psychotherapy, psychocorrection and applied psychology is constantly increasing, since the effectiveness of T. of different directions compared to other approaches of training and improving skills has already been proven by practice.


In general, any specific curriculum or set of procedures designed to ensure that the final product is obtained as a result of their implementation, which is capable of a certain definite reaction (reaction) or participation in some complex, requiring skills. This widespread definition covers essentially all modern methods The use of this term, from the training of animals in the circus (which uses the procedures of the operator conditioning) to the physical athlet mode, or the parent's parental teachment to the toilet.


english Train - to train, train) - any curriculum, a set of procedures that are able to work out during group classes on a special program of certain reactions or skills. For example, training confidence in an asthenic or schizoid personality.


psychological) (from English. Train - to train, train) - one of the leading methods of practical psychology, based on a number of psychotherapeutic, and psychocorrection methods, as well as active methods learning. In very general T. is aimed at increasing the overall, cognitive and professional competence of each member of the training group, including the development of self-knowledge skills, self-regulation, communication, interpersonal and intergroup interaction, professional skills, etc. The concept of T. is used to indicate a wide range of techniques, Based on a variety of theoretical approaches and principles, it is believed that the unified classification of T. does not exist. Nevertheless, theoretical works appeared, allowing to classify psychological T. for a number of foundations (V. V. Nikandrov. Antitrening. 2003). V. V. Nikandrov, summarizing the experience and theoretical positions of many psychologists-practitioners, proposes to carry out a group of T. according to the following criteria: I. According to the leading purpose (final effect): A. Psychocorrection T., which is directed "to a change in the mental sphere of a person with the ultimate goal Improvement of self-consciousness, behavior or professional activity of people or groups. "To this type of T.: 1) Psychotherapeutic T., aimed at resolving intrapersonal conflicts and human crisis (change of self-consciousness); 2) T. Personal development aimed at improving personal Human qualities, optimization of its behavior and self-realization (synonym - T. Personal growth); 3) Training T., aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and skills in certain areas of human social activity; 4) Organizational T., aimed at improving joint activities collectives and obtaining an organizational effect (improvement of the structure, organization, improvement of the socio-psychological climate, increasing the professional competence of employees, etc.). B. Methodical T. - aimed at the preparation of professional trainer specialists. II. For specific tasks - here All diversity of CONKR Entry training work corresponding to the objectives listed above: 1) Psychotherapeutic T. - Psychodrama (J. Moreno), groups of meetings (K. Rogers), Gestalt therapy (F. Perlz), psychoanalysis, aesthetotherapy (art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, drawing, modeling, magic therapy, film therapy, libertilerapy, talentherapy, bodily psychotherapy ( F. Alexander), Raikhian therapy (V. REYX), Bioenergy (A. Lowen), various relaxation T., Logotherapy (V. Frank), Outopsychology (A. Megeretti), Psychosynthesis (R. Assagoly), Transactional analysis (u . Bern), psychotherapy of transactional synthesis (V. A. Petrovsky) et al.; 2) T. Personal development - T. Self-knowledge, T. Confidence in itself, T. Self-realization of the person, T. Development of life goals, T. Development of intellectual abilities, T. Creativity, T. sensitivity, T. Communication, Socio-psychological T. Behavior, etc.; 3) Training T. - Perceptive T., T. Communicative Competence, T. Individual style of communication, T. Life (and others) skills, T. Resolution conflicts, T. Overcoming fears, T. public speeches, T. Business communication, T. negotiating, T. Decision making, T. Professional self-determination T. Selection of personnel, T. Sales, T. Parental relations, T. Formation of the image, Time - T. (Time Distribution), T. Behavior in Extreme Situations; 4) Organizational T. - T. Formation of the team, harmonization of the socio-psychological climate, optimization of management structures, T. Interaction in extreme situations, conducting election campaigns, etc. III. According to the object of the psychological impact - here refers: 1) work with an individual - is usually carried out in the format of psychotherapeutic T. (for example, psychoanalytic orientation), less often personality; 2) Working with an artificial experimental group is a type of group T. when members of the group are initially not interconnected by any system of relations, while the internal relationship is established in the process of T. (for example, a group of meetings by K. Rogers, T-Groups for . Levin); 3) work with a real group - as a rule it is a production team, a sports team, a family, a school class, etc. For such groups, the most characteristic type of T - organizational, while the main form of relations in the group - interpersonal; 4) Working with the Organization - a type of complex psychological work with formalized social Organizationhaving legal status and speaking customer of certain psychological services. The complexity of services suggests: a) work on education, training, diagnosis, counseling, social and psychological experimentation, tlting, organizational and business games, and so on.; b) the possibility of work both in artificial and in natural conditions; c) work in both group and individual forms; d) work with representatives of various functional (official) duties and levels; 5) Working with the training group - is a training work in the context of the educational process. IV. In terms of the number of participants in the object of exposure - here include: 1) Autotraining - T., in which the role of the master (coach) and trainee (trained) are combined in one person. Theoretically, this can be any kind of psychocorrection performed by one person. But in practice, it is in mind the autogenous training based on self-sustainment; 2) individual T. - psychological training of one person, in which the psychological impact goes from the coach to the client (patient); 3) Group T. - training of several people at the same time. The group volume can fluctuate in a wide limit: For a family group, the lower limit is two people, for the other types of group, T. This is at least four people. The most acceptable group size is 8-15 people. The number of the group can reach hundreds of people, but then the degree of authoritarianism in the management of group processes increases. According to the degree of structure, three levels of group work distinguish: a) actually group (2-15 people), b) collective and c) mass. The collective type of group T. is focused on the predominant use of horizontal connections, in which the influence of the partners in the group for each of its member has weight larger than the influence of the coach. It is the group effects associated with the mutual influence of the members of the group on each other, predetermined the development of this form of training work. The massive variety of group psychological work is characteristic of large weakly structured (usually spontaneous) groups (for example, a crowd, fans in stadiums, a visitor audience, etc.). At the same time, the leading techniques of psychological impact on the vertical - imitation, horizontally - infection. The highest forms of impact - clarification and conviction here are ineffective. V. According to the number of leading (coaches) - 1) without the lead - a form of psychocorrection work carried out by the ongoing forces of people who are committed to certain psychological changes in their identity and behavior (mutual assistance groups); 2) with one master - work on a specific training program, when one lead exercises from start to the end; 3) with several leading; 4) with "artificial leading" - work on self-improvement, carried out by an individual or a group by independently according to the instructions or with a computer. Vi. Via temporary mode - 1) short, one-time (from 2 to 12 hours); 2) cyclic, reusable (number of classes from 2 to 20 duration from 4 to 10 hours depending on the type of tasks solved); 3) Long-term ("marathon") - a round-the-clock psychocorrection lesson for several days; 4) Long-term - is conducted for a number of months and even years (for example, the personal development of the child, the consultative support of the client, psychoanalytic therapy) VII. According to the type of management - A. Non-reported approach: 1) Directive T., to a certain extent manipulative, since participants of T. are obliged to strictly follow the instructions of the lead, the initiative is allowed only in permissible limits; 2) Nonlarective T. - Part of the Powers for Management Management is transferred to its members, which creates a benevolent atmosphere and stimulates partnerships. B. Guide Style: 1) Authoritarian (dominant) - the management style of a group, in which the coach seeks to maximally subjugate to its influence of communication partners, is usually carried out under the Directive T. with rigidly structured tasks; 2) Democratic (collegial) style, using which coach contributes to activity, creativity, mutual openness of the group members to each other; 3) Populist (liberal) - style in which the management of the group is not regulated and depends on the developing circumstances and relationships in the group. VIII. On technical support - 1) effectary t.; 2) The apparatus T. - is conducted using audio and video equipment, game agents, computer, etc. IX. According to the composition (contingent) of the object of exposure - A. for homogeneity of the composition: 1) work with a homogeneous, cohesive (homogeneous) group; 2) work with inhomogeneous in composition, sex, age, level of education, etc. (i.e. heterogeneous) group. B. - by age: children's and adult groups. B. - on the floor: female, male and mixed groups. G. - According to the degree of acquaintance of the participants with each other: groups of strangers, weakly acquaintances and well acquaintances. D. - as of mental health: 1) work with healthy clients; 2) work with customers who have mental disorders within the medical standards (accentuation); 3) Working with patients (patients). E. - according to the specifics of the structure of the group (internal and external communications): E-1: According to internal relations: 1) T. Family relations; 2) T. interpersonal relationships (friendly, hostile, lovers, etc.); 3) professional tons; 4) T. with therapeutic groups; 5) T. with nonspecific groups. E-2: According to external relations: 1) Open groups; 2) Closed (corporate) groups. J. - by the nature of the lead social activities Participants: 1) Work with entrepreneurs; 2) work with managers and managers; 3) work with civil servants; 4) work with politicians and public figures; 5) work with students; 6) work with teachers; 7) work with doctors; 8) work with trade workers; 9) work on public relations (Public Relations - PR); 10) Working with the population (without professional specifics), etc. The social and professional specificity of the training group requires a trainer to develop adequate methods and techniques for working with it. The proposed classification of species T. fairly accurately reflects their essential nature, namely focus, awareness, feasibility and ability to solve the tasks of the tasks with psychotherapeutic means, i.e. their effectiveness. With all the quantitative and qualitative variety of T. and their theoretical grounds, V. V. Nicandrov allocates five basic principles that allow you to distinguish a training method from other psychological methods. These basic principles include: 1) the increased activity of the members of the Group, including, in turn, private principles - personification, equality of all members of the group and research approach; 2) a gaming character that uses the principle of modeling real life situations; 3) the training focus, including the principle of novelty and the principle "not harm"; 4) systematic reflection based on the principles of mandatory feedback, relevance, confidence, confidentiality. At the same time, the principle of feedback provides for certain conditions for its application - the statement of the statement (excluding edification, irony and evaluation), their concreteness, structurality and relevance; 5) the group form of holding, which implies: (a) freedom of decision to participate in training or refusal to participate at any stage (principle of voluntariness); b) awareness of the purpose, procedures and expected results of T. (awareness principle); c) Selection by the lead coach in the T. People who are not contraindicated by work in T. of this species, and the subsequent monitoring of the group's state as a whole and each of its participants separately to prevent the undesirable development of events and psychotrauming situations (diagnostic principle). The value of T. in the system of education, psychotherapeutic and psychocorrection work is steadily increases, since the effectiveness of T. compared to other approaches to learning and improving skills has already been proven by practice.

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Knowledge not born by experience, mother of any reliability of barren and full mistakes

Leonardo da Vinci

What is training?

Today, many people had to hear the new-fashioned word "training", but not everyone knows what kind of training is and for what it is needed.

What is training?

Training is the most efficient and fast form of learning adult people in the world. The main emphasis in this method of learning is made not to receive theoretical knowledge, but for training, high-quality processing of any skills, ways of thinking or models of behavior.

Of course, a person gets some kind of theoretical knowledge, but their amount is the most minimal, the main emphasis in the training is done on practical training - this is how the training is different from the seminar and lecture, where theoretical information is only unilaterally coming. For trainings, special knowledge or preparation is needed. Man needs only readiness for any training, change and movement.

Why do you need trainings?

In the trainings, the most simple and long-known truth has been used - every person to learn from his personal experience. Here are trainings and give a person exactly such an experience, exactly the knowledge and skills that he needed in this time. After all, the knowledge that is obtained through personal experience, they do not go anywhere, do not disappear and not over time they are not forgotten and remain for life. It is known that a person assimilates most of what he does.

Therefore, any training is very economy, it gives the opportunity to every person in the smallest time and the most compressed form better know himself, surrounding people and acquire those skills for which, sometimes years, and then half aim. The experience that train projects is as close as possible to modeling, where situations and objects are significantly simplified, but there is an intelligence of the most real people and the most real experiences.

What training is useful for his participant?

The main component of any training is group communication. It is necessary in order for each person to take part in a wide variety of exercises, with absolutely different people And get from each class a unique experience, which, in consequence, bend on and will be moved to other contexts. As a result of the training, each person acquires the communication skills you need, improves his knowledge and ability to interact with the surrounding people.

In addition, trainings help to work out the existing problems, improve their own confidence, maximize the mutual understanding and relationship between people and become much more independent and responsible - that is the main thing, why do you need trainings. Among other things, any training helps to expand the vision of external and domestic personal resources, teaches them to use the person to be able to understand himself better, to be with himself in harmony and become independent and successful.

To date, many different ways are known, which give a person to develop their communication skills. All of them are built on the deep knowledge and understanding of the psychological characteristics of a person. The most effective today is the training of communication with people, who involves the acquisition by a person skills, allowing successfully to communicate in the process of their professional activities

Sales training for consultants

It's no secret that the seller refers to one of the most vulnerable from the psychological point of view of professions. After all, daily, in the process of its work, he faces dozens of different people and is far from each of them a fun and friendly mood.

Training - the Word, which is in our time everyone is heard. Training is fashionable. This is modern. This is an integral part of life in general, and education in particular. So what is training?

History of training

The term "training" himself came to us from the English-speaking world. One of his influential supporters and distributors, as the method of teaching, was Dale Carnegie, who created at the beginning of the 20th century, the training center named after himself, where more than successfully taught those who wish to spectacle art and other socially significant skills.

But the real birth of psychology training received thanks to the activities of the notorious Kurt Levin, who created trainings for people who complained about low communicative abilities in the 40s of the last century. The format of his classes showed so impressive results that a whole academy of training was created soon in the United States. Since then, this method is an integral part of both the educational process and the development of the person in different areas of life, for example, in family relationships and in business.

Features of training

What is training and what is different from other learning methods? First, it is necessary to understand that the training is not just a training or a lecture, it is more. But at the same time it includes their elements. The training program is such that includes both theoretical material and a practical part designed to instill and develop certain skills and skills. And the latter is focused on. Training is always practical, its vitality tasks are intended for embodiment in everyday reality. This is different from the lecture, where only tells "as it should". In the training, the situation is simulated, which is immediately played by the participants, and then discussed. Due to this, theoretical information is being worked out in real time, as a result, the participant except knowledge makes real experience.

An important feature of the training is that it is always carried out in the group. Such categorical in the mandatory interaction of people has undergoing grounds in a number of psychological laws. A group is not just a few people, it is a single organism with its collective memory. Therefore, thanks to the methods that involve training, the development and growth of personality proceed faster. This is due to the law of synergy, which makes training at times more efficiently than in individual learning.

Classification of trainings

IN modern science There is no single training system of trainings. Here we will follow the most common concepts and divide the training system into three groups by types of their direction. In addition, trainings can be divided by the objectives they put in front of their participants.

So, trainings are the following types:

Business trainings.

Psychological trainings.

Personal trainings.

As for the goals, only two categories can be distinguished by this criterion:

Instrumental trainings.

Fundamental trainings.

Three types of trainings

The first type of training is associated with the business. His task includes training entrepreneurs, directors and managers of commercial enterprises to various techniques and secrets of successful business, survival in the context of competition, solving conflicts, personnel motivation, and the like.

What is training psychological? This is a training whose task is to profite a person in the field of communicative skills, social adaptation and in general, to instill socially useful individual skills. For example, the training of communication with state traffic police officers or training on sales techniques will be called psychological, since, unlike the first, they work for individuality, and not on the company. However, in their competence, there are still such qualities that manifest themselves in public, professional or in any other social activities. Therefore, there are also personal trainings or trainings in personal Growth. These are also directed towards an upgrade of an individual person, but they work with the inner world of man - complexes, psychological blocks, fears and other "good", which we drag with you every day as an unnecessary cargo and cannot reset it. Among such trainings may also be a training for communication, for example, with the persons of the opposite sex - to overcome any internal barrier, perhaps fear or embarrassment.

Two goals of trainings

What is training not from the point of view of the format, but from the point of view of the goal? This is a learning method that helps a person solve a certain task. And he does it in two ways. First, providing a person to a toolkit that allows you to achieve the desired effect with it, overcoming all obstacles. In this case, the training will be called instrumental. Secondly, the training may set its goal to the prolongation of the skills of general vision of the problem and the assimilation of the basic mechanisms for its appearance and solving for an independent adequate choice of a specific toolkit. In other words, a person is given not one particular "tablet" from the problem, but an understanding of the concept - knowing how when and what kind of "tablet" in every hotel you need to make and accept. That's what a training that is called fundamental.


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