What is life success. My life success. Rules of all successful people

What is a lot of success? What is life success and how do people understand him? On this question, every person has its own concept and vision of the world. People argue about life problems, take-offs and falls. For a person alone, the concept of inaction. A person always strives for the best, puts all new and new goals, reaching which its further planning of plans for the future becomes clear. The result of all these actions is entails success or defeat. Many believe that life success is in material well-being. This is their purely purely personal opinion and we can not resist this. Success for me is, first of all, self-expression. It seems to me that the concept of success is very individual. When doing anything, gradually acquiring new skills and moving to the next level of skill, a person achieves small success in this area. But then, whether he is truly successful in any matter, it already depends on his desire and opportunities. In order to strive for success, the sphere of activity in which you can solve problems, find the tasks and meaning of your life for yourself. It is in this field of activity that you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But before you should ask yourself and such a question: "I am a person who creates problems or who solves them?" In what area of \u200b\u200bactivity, I can best solve problems or, speaking otherwise, succeed? Our task is not to solve different problems every day. Our task is to detect the sphere of activity in which you would be leading! In this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, you can show your abilities, stand out on a general background and prove your uniqueness. In my opinion, success is concluded in a certain totality of such benefits as: sincere equilibrium, moral and physical health and material well-being. Only then a person can be happy and able to benefit society. Russian language and literature teacher S.Shildininova such a life success? What is life success and how do people understand him? On this question, every person has its own concept and vision of the world. People argue about life problems, take-offs and falls. For a person alone, the concept of inaction. A person always strives for the best, puts all new and new goals, reaching which its further planning of plans for the future becomes clear. The result of all these actions is entails success or defeat. Many believe that life success is in material well-being. This is their purely purely personal opinion and we can not resist this. Success for me is, first of all, self-expression. It seems to me that the concept of success is very individual. When doing anything, gradually acquiring new skills and moving to the next level of skill, a person achieves small success in this area. But then, whether he is truly successful in any matter, it already depends on his desire and opportunities. In order to strive for success, the sphere of activity in which you can solve problems, find the tasks and meaning of your life for yourself. It is in this field of activity that you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But before you should ask yourself and such a question: "I am a person who creates problems or who solves them?" In what area of \u200b\u200bactivity, I can best solve problems or, speaking otherwise, succeed? Our task is not to solve different problems every day. Our task is to detect the sphere of activity in which you would be leading! In this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, you can show your abilities, stand out on a general background and prove your uniqueness. In my opinion, success is concluded in a certain totality of such benefits as: sincere equilibrium, moral and physical health and material well-being. Only then a person can be happy and able to benefit society. Russian language teacher and literature S.SEGELDINOV

What is success? Each of us more than once asked by this issue. Maybe this is some kind of one-time phenomenon or is it a certain state that is accompanied by a sense of satisfaction? Success lies in the area professional activity or personal life? Is the formula for success lies in achieving financial well-being or obtaining prestigious status in society? It can exactly be said that success affects not some one aspect of your life, but is a comprehensive phenomenon that we will now consider.


Success is a fairly multifaceted phenomenon that covers literally all areas of your life, be something family, work, financial position, physical condition, spiritual development and not only. This can also include relationships with the surrounding, safety sense, as well as a sense of satisfaction with all aspects of life. Achieving success begins with its wording, that is, with the definition that you have success.

As life experience shows, the achievement of success in most cases lies in the field of interpersonal interaction, that is, in determining what you can give people and what you want from them in return. Such an approach has repeatedly confirmed its rightness, because wherever you are and wherever you go, you always interact with people anyway.

In fact, the ability to achieve success is to develop the right attitude towards their surrounding, the formation of the necessary skills, choosing the direction in life and work on its own character. Unless you live on a uninhabited island, your success to one degree or another will always depend on the quality of interaction with people surrounding you.

So, since we have already found out that success is a comprehensive concept, it will consist of several components, which no four of all four, and it will look like this: life position + Necessary skills + selection of direction + character formation \u003d Success. Now we describe these components in the same order.

Life position

Your way to success will always be easier if you choose the right life position from the very beginning of the way. You never need to think or tell yourself "I can not". The attitude to the surrounding reality and to the goals set should always be considered from the point of view - "I am sure that I will succeed," or at least "I hope that I will succeed." Realize that no one loves whining. In the family, in work, in sports, anywhere. The first one step towards success is to form a positive life position. Below are a few important provisionsSuppose to form the right attitude to the surrounding reality.

  1. We work out a positive approach to family, friends and colleagues. Learn tolerance, kindness, compassion, respect and attention. These qualities will help you build a good relationship In any team.
  2. Make yourself a desire for self-education and self-education. We live in a world that constantly changes very quickly. It is extremely important to be all the time "in the jet" so that in the end, not to be on the sidelines.
  3. Learn to refer critically. Show realism regarding your own opportunities, strong and weak Parties. So you can understand how much the goal is realistic for you.
  4. Look for to blame only inside yourself. In any life situation, if something happened to you, it means that you allowed it. Learn to understand the situation not as if you were offended, and so that you made you offended.
  5. Teach yourself easier to treat everything that is happening. Perhaps, on the way to success, you will have to fall more than once and take 2, 5 or 10 attempts. Taking each defeat to heart, your hands will devote very quickly.
  6. Ottipe the skill of a positive attitude towards any life situation. Learn to extract positive lessons even from failures. Whatever happens, you should always keep the good location of the Spirit.

Necessary skills

Of course, the correct attitude towards its surround is plays a significant role in both the formation of personality and in achieving success. It allows you to achieve huge results in life. But at the same time, without the necessary skills, your capabilities will always be limited, and regardless of how correct or positive is your attitude to the surrounding reality. Let's say a personal trainer cannot be just an enthusiast, he must be a specialist.

Enthusiasm should always be reinforced necessary knowledge and skills Otherwise, such a person will not achieve in his field of activity, how much will be significant results and will not be able to realize its potential without the necessary preparation. That is why, beyond any doubt, the personal coach should be well able to understand the basic concepts and the intricacies of their profession. Without these skills, such a person is unlikely to be called a coach.

Remember that motivation always precedes education. A person with the right life position and the necessary level of qualifications will always be in demand in the industry, and will have every chance of achieving significant success on modern competitive market Labor.

Selecting direction

The direction of movement is always formed on the basis of a specific action plan. No one goes on the campaign without having any acceptable plan, how the route is laid. However, often in life occurs so that at the end of the school or university, going into the adult life, people do not plan how they want to spend it. As a result, life turns into a solid worker random events and spontaneous solutionswhich constantly change and do not lead to anything. The choice of education or profession based on the fact that everything "go", as a rule, does not lead a person to success, but only gives away from him.

Modern studies in the field of behavioral psychology show that people who have a clearly formulated goal, the path to which is painted in gradually, earn almost twice as more than those who have no plan or goal. In addition, these people most of them are much happier, they have strong health, and in family life, they reign joy and well-being. Is it worth saying that in the rest of the spheres of their life also reigns order and pacification? It is quite obvious that these people have already achieved success in life.

The objective of this article is to show you on a simple example, that the formulation of its goals and planning its actions is prerequisite On the way to achieving success. The formulation of the goal helps to understand what you want from life, and in what direction you need to move. Planning in turn helps anticipate possible obstacles on your way and take timely decisions on how to overcome them. Remember that the path to success will always be easier if you will know in advance what to seek and will represent how to move towards achieving the goal.

Character formation

In the process of movement to the target target, a person can, say, climb career stairsBut at the same time do not count or not feel successful. It would seem, is it possible? In fact, yes, and it happens quite often. The reason lies in the elementary things. A man who rose to a certain position or earned a certain amount of money may simply be non-infractive, and the fact of achieving certain heights may be due to the coincidence, improving the bosses or other factors, which indicate the absence of an internal rod.

For achievement material benefits Or receiving any other benefits, people often begged under the higher, somewhere they decide to silend, something to miss something, somehow erupted, some facts hide, some person to substitute and so on. So usually weak identities who do not have a solid character and clear beliefs. They always go along the way the least resistance and therefore never become leaders and are never considered truly successful.

In fact, if you do not have a character, the achievement of any results is automatically complicated at times. In this case, you will not help neither the right life position, nor knowledge with skills or the selected path. The essence of such an approval is absolutely simple and absolutely logical. Any action that you need to take to achieve a certain result always requires specific efforts over yourself, which means that the nature of the nature in those situations where you will face obstacles. The lack of character makes the hands, to give up and dump the blame for failure in circumstances.

In turn, people with solid, solid and volitional character in 99% of cases seek success in any case, for whatever they come. If you have no shipping of fear, guilt or doubt, your chances of success increase significantly.


So, in search of a response to the question - "What is success?", We first found out that it is not at home, cars, money or yachts, but a very large, collective concept, which suggests primarily the balance of the balance of the sides of your Life. The achievement of success in some kind of area cannot and should not be implemented by sacrifice the other. If you are successful in your work, but in the family you have a chaos reigns, in fact, you can not be called successful.

On the other hand, if you have a full order in the family, but you barely reduce the ends with the ends, such a state of affairs can also be called successful. Only in the case when the results of your activity in all areas of life (family, career, finance, character, life position, physical and spiritual development) are satisfactory for you, we can assume that you have achieved success.

What does life success mean for you? For example, for me it consists of several components, which went away for many years. And now I understand that what lined the day after day, a month after a month, finally began to bear fruit. What was created so hard to deliver to me true satisfaction and joy. That for which they had to abandon many generally accepted and fashion directions, was truly value for me and for my loved ones.

But there were moments, not so rare when it seemed that "I am not in that direction", what "It is necessary with the crowd, you have to live like everything", "Yes, why all this, but suddenly nothing will happen".

At the moments of doubt, I always turned off the phone, took a backpack, a thermos with tea and a notebook with a handle for entries, and the care of the places that give me strength and tranquility.

Having spent the time alone with him, walking around the trees, plunging into twitter birds, regardless of external circumstances and from the internal doubts, you start to stop. Slow down the pace of walking, slows down and chaotic thoughts of thoughts, which is the cause of doubts about himself and in their actions. At such moments we better understand ourselves. Such moments give us strength and confidence to move in the selected direction.

Behind the result of the above, I want to say that if we are every day, from the month a month, from year to year we consciously build our lives, then in the end we get something, even with what could not mind. As a result, we get much more than they wanted. And first of all, this is inner peace, confidence, satisfaction with his life.

So what is your life success for you? What do you want to see yourself and your life in a few years? At one time, I recorded answers to these questions in a separate notebook, and then worked for several years over the realization of my answers. And so what I eventually came to.

For me, life success is:

First of all, it is inner calm. Harmonic internal and external.

Inner calm appears when you stop participating in a common race. Most often it is a race for those or other promoted and fashionable material benefits.

Quite often at the moment when a person does not have a fashionable thing that he could boast of others, he also appears internal tension.

He does not think about how much strength and time will leave for making money only in order to purchase this thing. He all the forces throws to "match", "be no worse than others, and even better - Wasi Plekenkin is cooler." He does not think and does not analyze such an aspect that the same money can be investing in investments, which in the future will give him financial freedom and independence from the circumstances, in training, which will also bring professional growth And increase financial well-being.

Sometimes a person is all his efforts to create an external gloss, to maintain the invented image of "rich and successful". But if you look deeper, quite often such people were mired in credits, in fear to remain without income, which is now. After all, a decrease in income will directly affect the decline number of fashionable and expensive toys, thanks to which a person acquires a certain erzatz confidence.

Sometimes it is quite sad to watch girls in fashionable brand clothes, when they begin to list the names of the known in front of each other, things from which they are so impossible "sit" on them. And for all this brandwide and a degrading pity for such girls, I want to ask: "Cute, and where are you in this all? What is your name? What do you do? What do you like? What did you dream of childhood? What gives you strength and present, true happiness? This, as in childhood, when you fled barefoot on the floor, and grandma with great love scolded you for the fact that you did not shovel again. Or when did you whisper with your girlfriends in the evenings about the first love, how do you grow and what happy will you become? What did you create? What good did you do in this world? ".

Refusal to brandness, fusion and promotion releases a huge inner potential, adds strength and energy. And thanks to this force we can create, develop and do what makes us truly happy and calm.

At some point, an understanding of itself and its true needs comes, and here the main thing is to gain confidence and start building your life so that inner calm and the feeling of joy, which is in principle it is impossible, if the man of hyppper is actively involved in the race for fashionable things and Directions and associate their success with the number of things acquired.

It is necessary to gain courage and confidence and abandon what is planted, but that, with a detailed formation and analysis, it is not even what is not necessary, but delivers a lot of problems and excessive fuss.

If the car does not need, you need to have courage to admit to yourself and refuse it, even though it is almost the first thing that is asked, this " And what is your car? ". You do not have a car due to the fact that you do not need it. And not just not needed, and you are well aware of how many problems will appear with its acquisition.

If you like Finland more, then the complex does not appear about the fact that you do not want to fly to the promoted resort, to then have the opportunity to brag about it, but at the same time lose some inner integrity and respect for yourself. You continue to fly in those places that give you strength, feeling of peace and happiness. You understand that this is not the fear of something new, but you just want it.

Don't you like trendy clock or fashionable clothes from that and that? You do not consider it necessary to throw out huge money on a piece of iron or a piece of fabric, which after a few years simply elapses or comes to the state of dissent. And you have courage to refuse that it does not make you happy. And the main thing is to understand that in fact quite often fashionable, promoted things far from beauty and harmony. And sometimes very much spoil and make people with ugly.

Each person has its own "Points", the race for which makes him unhappy, selects the latest strength and energy. What is the inner calm here to talk about when all thoughts are engaged in that "Now I will change the car to a newer and fashionable, I will go to friends to boast. Let them see and understand what I am "cool""And, as a rule, all these efforts are not justified. There are still a real friends, on what car you ride. And if not all the same, then why such "friends"? And why try to progress in front of them, please and comply with someone adopted standards.

Somehow for a long time I read an interview with a former intelligence. Unfortunately, I do not remember his surname and literally quotation, but he said something like this: " Previously there was a problem in finding information. Now the problem is to identify something useful from the shaft.

The problem is not to learn to run, but not to run there, where it is not necessary.

I agree that in our time, many hard to resist the advertised temptations. It is difficult to resist and not to retreat from its principles under the pressure of public opinion. But this is only just at the very beginning. The longer you live according to your domestic needs and principles, the greater independence and internal freedom are acquired. The happier and calmer become becoming. When the external corresponds to the internal - this is real happiness.

After I worked in myself a few parent programs that did our family life unhappy with her husband, I did the habits that prevented me to achieve success in a particular area. One of the basic habits that I worked and which at one time thoroughly spoiled my life to me and people around me, it was a habit of constantly offended.

I gave myself such a great joy in my life as the ability to forgive and not be offended by people. I agree, it requires titanic efforts, a lot of time in order to overhaurately prophet all those who we were offended from childhood. But, in fact, it will still take much less time than the whole remaining life.

For two years, I practically sat down every day and I was engaged in the technique of forgiveness for 20 minutes. He began with the forgiveness of parents, then himself, life. Then he got to those men who left no positive memories about themselves. Then she forgred friends, colleagues, just acquaintances.

It is now about what I felt "before", and what "after", I consider it senseless. Not because I feel sorry for time or "paper." Just it is not to describe any words. Do not describe those feelings of resentment and bitterness, which I have wore many years in myself. And even more so not to describe the feeling of lightness, flight and complete acceptance of some situations, and first of all the people that I began to feel after many months for forgiveness.

If I ask me that you allocate one thing, which has changed and improved your life, I will answer without hesitation - forgiveness.

After the practice of forgiveness, my life has changed. And not just that way "my life has changed," and "My life really changed for the better." This is a completely different quality of life. This is not just a stunning inner feeling of freedom and independence from people and from their actions. It is also all external accompanying benefits, ranging from changing in a state of health and ending with the implementation of those desires that, before that, simply could not be fulfilled. The technique of forgiveness is painted in a very respected by A. Svilla, very respected by me. Or you can familiarize yourself with it in my article. "For forgiveness. How to become happy and saving a family ".

Third Russian, it is a periodic development of new skills or the improvement of those that already exist.

On the one hand, this item seems to be understood. But on the other hand, if you look at those who are a little over 30, then you will realize that people stop learning something new, cease to strive to imagine their professional level. I do not speak about a single case when a person falls into a certain structure in which trainings are in voluntarily enforced. I am talking about the main mass of people.

How long have you mastered something new? Have learned to work in Adobe Premier?

They did not know how to speak in front of the audience, and recently dare and passed courses of public speeches?

Have you learned to print "in the blind"?

Studied photoshop?

Have you learned to dance tango and waltz?

Rose professional skill, passing a number of master classes and seminars?

When we periodically master something new, or improve yourself in our profession, which we like, then, by itself, we are becoming more successful and in demand.

In the fourth turn, this is building relationships with close people.

Recently, people have become more common to communicate. Many of us are constantly engaged, somewhere in a hurry and in a hurry, often there are "urgent" cases, which are forgotten on the second or third day. When I realized that everything was less likely to communicate with those who are close and dear to me, I decided to change this course of things. And it happened so.

Somehow one good friend invited to run to her tea. At that moment I was something upset, plus there was a lot of work. Considering employment, I rejected the offer. Rising to the office, I began to work. But the work was not glued, besides, the soul remained the sediment from what I abandoned the invitation. At that moment, for some reason I remembered my childhood. How easily we went to visit to each other, how easily we were to approach and meet you, make new friends. With whatever pleasure we gathered from someone from the girlfriends and the Umanal all sorts of goody.

And what happened to me? I was invited to a pleasant girl in communication. It is interesting to her, you always know something new, we can discuss any plans for a long time and just chat "nothing". So what? What happens if I allow myself to relax and spend time over a cup of pleasant tea drinking? Once the person invites him, then he wants to see us at home. In any case, about this girl, it is for sure, it will not communicate with those who are unpleasant to her.

By calling her, I clarified whether another invitation was in force. She was very happy and confirmed the invitation. What is amazing, after tea drinking and sharing joyful events, I did much more at work than planned in the morning.

Since then, I try to be more attentive to people. After all, we never know what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and even tonight. We increasingly began to refer to employment and urgent matters, increasingly began to ignore relatives and people close to us. But what can be more valuable in this world, if no dear people?

And what if tomorrow they won't be, and we did not tell, did not communicate with friends, not before hugging your loved ones or simply did not live together, did not hear about their lives, what happens to what they seek what they were planning, What pleases them, and what is sad?

At some point, I realized that building relationships with people requires certain skills and attention. And it began to develop them, worked out and eradicated something that he delivers some discomfort to people close to me, and sometimes internal pain from said by me. The main thing that I eradicated myself is to think that I am better knowing how to live a person. And the habit of advise and climb people. When I worked on myself, I thought about what kind of person would it be nice to communicate? And with what is not very .... Well, very not very.

An unpleasant person for me is the one who is constantly offended, in which something is scary to say. There are such people who are on any joke, on any event or circumstance react very violently, then they are offended and for a long time. With such people it is scary to have some things, because you never know what phrase or action they will be offended and then to expect from them. The person who constantly climbs into my life with tips and teachings to me is also unpleasant for me.

The person with whom I would be nice to communicate, it was a person attentive, who knows how to listen and ask questions, at the same time unmatched and with a sense of humor. And the main thing is - engaged in himself and his life, not interfering in my life. But at the same time quite attentive and understanding when and what help I really need it.

As I wrote above, for several years I devoted to getting rid of being offended. Then a long time I worked out and eradicated the habit of giving advice when they do not ask me, and when they are asked too.

I do not know if I managed to become such a person with whom I myself would be nice to communicate, but the number of friends, relatives and just good acquaintances began to increase in geometric progression. It makes me happy, because for me communication with people close in spirit is one of the most important and valuable in this world.

From the fourth point, it is logical to be fifth, and it is to be able to relax, spend time with your loved ones and expensive people, travel and sometimes just idle.

For example, go to the girlfriend to drink tea and chat just so "nothing", having previously bought some goodies.

Call friends and collect everyone on a delicious, cooked cake houses. We and your husband and our friends do most like honey cake, recipe for reference

Route those who are still alive. Grandmother, which I grew, has long gone from this life. But I had two more grandmothers, native and cousins. And I ask my life to live as long as possible. If possible, I try to ride them, although they live far away, or bring them to us.

I recently came to visit one familiar woman. We spontaneously got a bachelorette party, because A few more girls came to her. So one of them complained about her grandmother that she forces everyone to work at the cottage, etc. Young girl, and I understand her. On the weekend you want to relax and sometimes nothing to do. But it is now. Perhaps after many years, she will be so lacking for these grandmother's grills and instructions that in the summer you need to work in the winter to eat everything useful, from your garden.

When my grandmother grows on me, I smile and agree with all her arguments on any item. After all, she grieves with love and care about me. And I'm so glad that I am not indifferent to her, and that I still have such an opportunity - to call and listen to the instructions that I got warm and drove better and shook myself.

And, of course, rest, traveling and nonesthelnia. For me, this part of life is an integral for the complete concept of life success. If I just work, just constantly to something and somewhere striving, so why should I have such a success that does not allow any day to take and how to care. Or spend the day off with your loved one. Or to get together and fly to the Favorite Peter for a couple of days.

In sixth, it is to love your profession and be a popular specialist.And, if possible, be one of the best in your business.

And for this you need to love the profession that you are doing. Before the moment I understood, what I like most of all, I changed several professions. I always liked to work, so in any sphere I quickly quickly reached maximum results. What, of course, has always had a positive effect on financial remuneration. But no matter how popular with a professional I got it, there was no joy and feeling of flight in the soul. Therefore, at a certain point I stopped developing my professional skills and took another specialty through time. This habit is migrated at the moment when you achieve certain success, it did not allow me to improve your professional skills as much as possible in one sphere.

When I finally realized that I had the most pleasure that I could do endlessly and at the same time did not get tired, I stopped thinking about how much I could earn in my profession, I began to think about how I Become one of the best.

As it turned out, this is real happiness - to do what you like, develop in this direction, and also to receive money for it. It would seem, but for what money, because you and so happy! So, finding yourself in the professional sphere, we immediately improve our financial well-being. You can read about it in the article "Do what you love, and the money will come."

And will ever go, it is to be able to engage in your favorite job in addition to your favorite profession.

What to say here, I think here and so everything is clear. For me, this is painting and sports. I like the graphics. When you write, you forget about everything. It is such a magic when a tree, stream, mountains, clouds appear on a sheet of paper from under the pencil. Most recently were blank sheet, and after time - a whole life.

Someone's favorite business becomes embroidery, for someone - growing flowers, someone has photographing, someone is the study of a new language or singing in the choir. Yes, you never know in our lives of all interesting and fascinating. Do not forget about it. Do not forget about your soul, about what she sings and vibrates. And then the feeling of life success will be the most complete and comprehensive.

If you have any questions, you can get a consultation by the author of the article and books A. Guy. Terms

Regards, Anastasia Guy.

The concept of "life success" is often associated with economic achievements or rapid career growth, or an increase in material well-being. The current concept of success implies the achievement of certain positive results in any case, in the profession, in school, in society or in his family.

Psychologists determine success - as achieving your particular main goal without infringement of the rights of other people. Success in our world has always been and remains a product of its own effort. But without the assistance of other people, alone, it is almost impossible to achieve it, because You live not in isolation from society. You communicate with parents, friends, classmates, teachers, various people.

Choosing the path that you will go, always stays you. But how to choose the best way to move forward?

1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the specific main target .

2. Self-confidence It will help to overcome all fears and weaknesses that put obstacles on the path of people to success: envy, suspicion, vitality, the desire to get a harvest where he did not sow.

3. Imagination It will help to develop plans to achieve its specific main goal. Wherever you are, whoever you were, whatever you are doing, you will always have the opportunity to make your job more useful, and therefore more productive if you develop and apply your own imagination.

Thomas Edison created a phonograph, a film projector, an electric incandescent lamp and dozens of other very beneficial technical innovations in their own imagination before they became a reality.

4. Self Control Sends your actions to the right side, in the direction of the goal. This item has many of you today. From here, a homework is not performed, and at best, limit yourself to the writing, late for lessons, run away from classes.

5. Failure - Temporary defeat. No failure to be afraid. It is necessary to see the difference between the "failure" and the "temporary lesion". It is also important to draw your own failures and knowledge of the mistakes of others to benefit. In this soil, misunderstandings often arise between children and adults. Adults have a fairly big life experience and they try to protect children from possible errors and failures, because At one time, once "chapped". But you do not listen, you think that the elders come face, interfere.

6. Tolerance. You can offend a person in a second so that he needs a lifetime to forget about it.

7. The application of the "Golden Regulation" will open for you a great universal law of human behavior, which will make it easy to achieve harmonious interaction with any people. A person should relate to another way as a relationship would like to him. Your attitude to the other will return to you boomerang.

For clarity, I spend such an experience. At the bottom of the cylinder I place a plastic bright ring or a disc from the foam, and to the upper part it is attached to the inscription "Success". In the process of the story about each step to success in the cylinder, small portions of water are added, and the "float" is gradually rising to "success".

Parents who achieved success in the profession (surgeon, lawyer), business are invited to the class hour. A large mother considers itself successful in creating home comfort and raising children.

Eventually classroom hour Students understand that success does not come instantly. This is the result of painstaking work. You can be successful in any area, and in what - each determines for itself individually.

From this book publishing house AB Publishing, you will find out that success is a constant value that is hidden in each of us. Success - quality that can be developed and raised. We give many useful Soviets For every day, how to organize your life in such a way that success came to you myself and remains with you forever. You will receive answers to the most important questions - what is a success, as he is associated with love, what to do to become successful and beloved. Do not know where to start? Believe that you are already successful and accustomed to success! Success does not come suddenly, and we will reveal his main secret!

From the series:Library of business man

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Company LITRES.

Chapter one. What is a lot of success?

1.1. MiG between past and future

Divide and conquer - such is the secret of success state powerAccording to the ancient Romans. We use the same formula and divide the global task to achieve success in life for several small. First, they will answer the question of what success is and what is human life? It would seem that everyone knows. And yet, what exactly do we want to achieve - what success, what, where and when?

Sociologists allocate several basic spheres of human life. The significance of each sphere is different. But, as noted, most often even those who put on the first place a career, appreciate their personal space and want their personal happiness as a result. That is, the natural need for comfort, the continuation of the genus, family among most people in the first place.

So, we list the main spheres of our Being, in which we strive for success. First, this is a family, then friendly relationships. Next is the implementation in the profession. Also an important sphere of human life is his hobbies, hobbies, sports achievements. The aesthetic sphere is the education of a person, his ability to understand modern culture, as well as knowledge in science, art. Recently occupied by social activities.

1.2. Success criteria

There were an idea of \u200b\u200ba successful person in centuries. First, it is a healthy, confident man. He is strongly both physically and spiritually, as well as morally stable. A successful person is distinguished by the power of the will, he deserves respect. Family for everyone - base basics. Standardly, this is not only a relatives, but also a marital, children, their own family hearth. Also, the success is determined by friendly relations: the more friends, the more confidence in the person. Next zone - work or any other activities related to public recognition and material well-being. For example, the household also wants to recognize its merit and material impact of labor. The main thing in this area is the implementation of your vocation. A person satisfied with his work is happy by definition. There is also a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe hobby. In addition, sports is an essential attribute, important to health and maintain the worshipers. Another succession is aesthetic and informative. Respect and admiration causes a person who understands art, culture, science, politics. Education and knowledge play an important role. Social activities accept various forms. This may be part in charitable programs, protecting their rights or defend equity in the relevant instances. For example, if you can win the case against people who offended you and your neighbors of housing and utilities workers is not a success?

1.3. Who revealed the secret of success?

Recently in in social networks On the Internet it became fashionable to quote the great people. Quotes are used as a motivational agent. Sometimes the great attributes what they never said and could not say. Do politicians reveal, show business stars, billionaires secrets of their success, are revealed by revelations?

One of the most famous speeches pronounced by ever speakers is the speech of Steve Jobs, the founder of the computer company "EPPL", before Stanford graduates. In it he told the secrets of his success. No matter how sad it is unlikely that someone can use them with the same efficiency as he. Because, as it turns out, the secret of the success of the genius is his whole life. The sequence of its actions and the quality set is unique. Total Steve Jobs stands out among the crowd of the same talented and capable computerists. We can extract only any useful lessons on the example of a great person, but we will still do in anyway in different situations in our own way. In any case, it is useful to remember that Steve Jobs has always paid a lot of attention to details, used every reasoned chance to replenish the piggy bank of his knowledge. Napoleon, Suvorov, Lenin, who owns aphorism to learn, learn and learn. The continuation of this phrase sounds like this: "And to generate conscious social democrats," working intelligentsia "." The value of intelligence, consciousness is huge.

Man's intellect, as confirmed by practice, is in constant development. Ability, of course, everyone has different: someone grabs on the fly, someone needs time. But perseverance always takes the top. For example, some stars of the screen suffer from dyslexia. This is a reading disorder. Imagine how difficult it is to perceive scenarios, and this is the basis of the foundations of cinema and television. Singer Glory admits such a feature. Because of this, she was difficult for her to study at school, and the scenarios of the films in which she was withdrew, had to record on the voice recorder and to memorize. That at all does not prevent the star to achieve success and improve in his profession. The secret of Success Shooting Glory Formulates this: "To always be yourself, to tell the truth and to be in opening time In the right place, boldly go to experiments. " Her secret of attractiveness is simple and effective at the same time: "It is necessary, firstly, care for hair, always pay attention to the hair, the skin, hands ... Cleaniness and accuracy in the first place, and then you already need to choose your own style, highly emphasize the bad hide " A pleasant, not repulsive appearance is also an important factor of success.

Theodore Roosevelt said: "The most important formula for success is knowledge, how to handle people." There are certain immutable laws of life, and, as in the jungle, you need to know and study the habits of others. Despite the individual features of each person, if you think carefully and for a long time, you can see that all people in most situations react standard. Laughter, tears, joy, sadness, fear, doubt, passion ... To varying degrees, they visit us all in response to changes ambient. The study of human psychology is a useful and interesting hobby that can be done throughout life. There is no personal experience in anyone to analyze all the variety and versatility of human relations. Therefore, in the development of the psychology of the person, as well as social psychology, special literature will help you.

1.4. Samples for imitation

Every person has people with whom he admires. It may be celebrities or representatives of a close circle. They want to be similar to some extent to repeat their fate. The Bible says - do not coordinate the idol. But we are not talking about worshiping someone, completely depend on his opinion, lose yourself, trying to be like him. In psychology it is believed that for the formation of a person it is necessary that in his mind there was an example for imitation, for inspiration.

Who will be for you depends on your character, preferences, what business in life you have chosen, even from age, gender, habits. Men choose the idols among athletes, politicians. For a man, a sample for imitation is his father, uncle, and besides, the head, any of the friends. Women are focused on actresses, singers, often listen to their sisters, mothers, girlfriends. It happens that all the aspirations of a person are associated with the desire to best show themselves in front of the opposite sex. As Alain Delon is recognized: "All I have achieved, I owe women." And Merilin Monroe - men who are idle. We can use this way. Natural desire to like - this is one of the powerful incentives to achieve success. Improving her body, receiving new knowledge, becoming attractive and more secured, you yourself turn into a sample to imitate. The main thing is remember that you will never get exactly like your idol. The smile causes people who resort to plastic operations to look like their pet. Successful person Always unique. Our main task is to protect your individuality, do not give it to dissolve among the influences of the outside world.

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Laws of success. How to achieve more (Max Nile, 2013) Granted by our book partner -


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