What is the profession of a designer. Designers. Required knowledge and skills

Interior design, interfaces, virtual reality, interiors, clothing. Industrial, graphic, industrial design - this profession has dozens of specializations, which means dozens of categories of specialists. Professional specialization leaves an imprint on the employee's capabilities: a web interface designer will not be able to visualize a residential building project in 3D and create a concept for a future car if he does not acquire additional skills. This profession is covered with many rumors, myths and stereotypes. Let's find out the truth about her.

Who is the designer? Description of the profession

A designer is a specialist in creating layouts of the surrounding reality. It can be real or virtual, it can be realized or remain a concept.

The designer does not paint - the artists paint. At the same time, he uses drawing as a tool, visualizing ideas and projects.

The main difference between a specialist and an artist lies in the practical application of his work. A painter can depict any surreal interior and he doesn't care what furniture and how it will be located there. The designer pursues other goals - people will live in the interiors he has developed.

Therefore, to get a profession, it is not enough to graduate from an art school - you need vocational training, specialization. At the same time, society is constantly trying to level the value of a specialist's skills, because every second person is “his own designer”. People take 2-week courses, master the basic functionality of the 3D max program and create interiors in which it is impossible to live. Customers pay for their work, see the horror on the face of the builders and get uncomfortable, non-functional, impractical premises, losing confidence in the profession. If you decide to get a specialty and show professionalism, then perhaps you will join the struggle for high-quality design, which is so lacking in all spheres of human life.

Types of design and responsibilities of specialists

The range of designer's tasks is limited not only by his professional skills, but also by the chosen specialization. Of course, you can master 2, 3 or more directions, but this is extremely difficult to do. Do you often meet surgeons who are also pediatricians? Most probably not. Although both specialists are doctors, the direction of activity determines the duties of a specialist. So it is in design. The most popular specializations are:

  • Interior designer... Commoners understand by profession the ability to choose and beautifully arrange furniture in the room. Sometimes - choose a wallpaper. This is also seen in their tasks by “specialists” who have completed 10-day courses. In fact, the profession of interior designer is much more complicated. The ideal direction for study is a designer-architect. The interior is everything inside. Not only furniture and decoration, but also lighting, communications, architectural groups. A specialist must create not only a beautiful, but also a functional interior. He must think over the decoration, furnishings, the location of lighting fixtures, the passage of communications and the installation of equipment. He must develop the concept of a room in which it will be convenient to live or work, which will solve the assigned tasks.
  • Web designer or interface designer... One of the most demanded professions. Have you noticed how sites of the same subject with approximately the same structure can differ from each other? On some, everything is clear and accessible, on others it is impossible to find necessary information, and even a phone number. Design is the first thing that a user sees on a site, a visual reflection of the functionality and positioning of a web resource. It is not enough to create a beautiful picture here - it is important to take into account how the site will be laid out when transferring the layout to the frontend developer, how convenient it will be for the user, how the functionality will be implemented, how the company's corporate identity will be presented, how the page conversion will be achieved. The profession of a web designer requires an understanding of the principles of the site and the implementation of options. Here you need not so much to be able to draw beautifully, but to know the basics of development. It is very important to be able to communicate not only with clients, but also with programmers.
  • Graphic Designer... De facto, this is the specialist who creates the shell. Typography, corporate identity and logos, navigation systems, visual solutions for packaging and media are the most popular areas of activity. The key task of the shell is to fulfill its purpose. Attract, sell, promote the brand. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the practical meaning of each subject. How convenient this packaging for a chocolate bar or a box for sweets will be, how it will be implemented in the industry, whether the selected colors and fonts will be pleasing to the eye of the beholder, whether the corporate identity will become recognizable - all this depends on the specialist, his talent and professionalism.
  • Landscape designer... In fact, he also performs the tasks of the designer, being responsible for complex creation landscape. And at the same time, you must have the skills of an agronomist, engineer and artist. How convenient the landscape will be from a practical point of view, how the communications will go, will the given aesthetics be individual and harmonious, will the flowers, trees and shrubs recommended for planting take root in the end - a specialist must answer each of these questions.
  • Industrial designer... This is an industrial design, which is responsible for the implementation of projects for large-scale production. The automotive industry is a prime example. The design of a car, once developed, will affect the fate of millions of people who buy it from the manufacturer. It is important to take into account not only aesthetics, but also engineering systems, ergonomics, practicality, compliance functional features... Industrial design is inseparable from reality even when creating concepts for the implementation of which science has not yet found the necessary tools.

These are just the most popular and demanded destinations. The design certainly doesn't end there.

Moreover, many areas are just emerging and will receive intensive development. If the fashion designer (clothing designer) is the present, then the creator of the virtual environment is the near future. Each of the areas of the profession is relevant and promising. According to experts, interest in specialties will only continue to grow in the coming years.

Rating of TOP-11 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the exam, OGE, olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school for preparing for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

Largest online school in English, which makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English by Skype. Strong Russian speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons from the school curriculum from 1 to 11 grades: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to get a demanded Internet profession. All exercises are posted online and have unlimited access.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to get the profession of a designer? TOP-5 Universities

It will not be superfluous to graduate from art school, but if you did not do this in a timely manner, it's okay. It will give significant advantages only before admission, where drawing and composition are usually present as an exam. However, many universities are moving away from this - it is necessary to clarify the list of entrance examinations in advance. To receive vocational education it is better to choose a reputable university that provides training in specific areas.

  1. SPbSU.
  2. Moscow State University Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg Institute of Design and Arts.
  4. Moscow University of Design and Business.
  5. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The rating should not be taken as the ultimate truth, as much depends on the specialization. It is better to study interior design in college with, web interfaces - with an emphasis on IT, clothing - with an emphasis on creative and artistic specialties. At the same time, the authority of domestic universities does not determine future success, which cannot be said about. Fashion designers trained in France and Italy, or industrial design specialists trained in Germany, have significant employment advantages.

What personal qualities you need to have

  • Logical thinking. You will not create a picture, but projects of reality. Therefore, it is important to be able to think logically and take into account a lot of aspects within the specialization.
  • Individuality. It fuses with creativity and helps generate unique ideas that make your design unique and recognizable.
  • Mindfulness. One mistake in web design will result in sleepless weeks for the layout designer, in the creation of interiors - a complete violation of its functionality.
  • Perseverance. You will not become an artist who can wait for years for inspiration - you will work within a rigidly agreed deadline. Therefore, it is important to have perseverance and efficiency.
  • Developed intelligence. It is important to be able to penetrate into the direction in which you are engaged and understand what will reflect and visualize your design.

How to build a career and achieve success

The presentation of the profession immediately loses its attractiveness and the image of "pure creativity" if it is filled with semantic realities. Think what's behind a regular logo large companybecause it is very expensive corporate property (think Nike or Mercedes-Benz). The most difficult are behind the approved picture marketing research, analysis or creation corporate identity, dozens of ideas thrown into the trash can and hundreds of sketches.

You will only if you do not create illusions and perceive the design as a picture. You need to get a quality education in the framework of the chosen direction and continue learning throughout your life. It is necessary to master a lot of software and technical tools, in particular illustrators and visualizers - specialists have not been working with paper for a long time.

Ideal if you manage to get an education at an elite foreign university. If not, be content with an affordable university or college, continue your professional development and strive to gain as much experience as possible. Learn from your own mistakes, do not sit in one workplace, attend seminars and trainings, participate in professional competitions... Stay in touch with the global community, explore trends and trends while maintaining your own personality.

Pros and cons of being a designer

There are many advantages and disadvantages in this specialty. Many of them are conditional, the majority refer only to employees with little experience or frankly average qualifications. That is why we will pay attention to the averaged pros and cons in order to be at least somewhat objective in the analysis.

pros profession designer:

  • A demanded, relevant and promising profession.
  • Decent wages for qualified specialists.
  • Unlimited opportunities for good money freelancing.
  • Interesting, partly creative work.
  • A real opportunity to improve the surrounding reality.

Minuses profession designer:

  • Difficult job requiring industry understanding.
  • Often subjective, incompetent assessment of work.
  • Low salaries for specialists without a name, qualifications, experience.
  • Lack of instructions for solving specific problems.
  • Almost always irregular working hours.

It should be noted that it is a subjective assessment that is noted by most specialists as a key disadvantage of the profession.

Even with vast experience and high qualifications, you will constantly encounter misunderstandings from customers, engineers and builders. This cannot be avoided even by specialists, whose works have been repeatedly noted by the world community.

How much do designers in Russia and abroad get?

The salary depends on the direction of the profession, on experience, the degree of proficiency in software and technical tools, on the region, personal brand and many other factors.

The amount in any case will be the "average temperature in the hospital." However, the indicators can serve as benchmarks. On average, Russian specialists receive 33-35 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 37-43 thousand, in the regions the minimum wages are 12-15 thousand rubles.

Most of all get interface designers (90-100 thousand), followed by 3D-designers (93 thousand), web designers (85 thousand), interior designers (73 thousand), furniture (65 thousand) and landscapes (62 thousand). Professionals from European countries almost always get more. If we consider the same interface designer, then in the USA he receives an average of 3 thousand dollars a month, in Canada - 2.7 thousand, in Germany 3.9 thousand euros.

It is one of the most demanded. This is not surprising, because the designer is engaged in such activities that make human life brighter and more beautiful. In addition, the salaries of modern designers are quite high, but they also have to work a lot.

Designer profession: what is it?

From English, the word "design" is translated as drawing, project, plan. This word hides the manifestation in different areas of our life. In simple terms, design is the creation of something necessary, important, economical and necessarily beautiful. Actually, the designer is the person who leads the whole process and embodies the most daring ideas into reality.

It is worth noting that as such a single profession there is no designer. The reason for this is the impossibility of simultaneously covering a large number of areas. That is why, in the course of the development of the profession itself, its varieties appeared, among which the following are the most popular:

  • printing designer - makes up, for example, newspapers, creates layouts;
  • landscape designer - ennobles the territory. For example, a plot around a country house, a city alley, etc .;
  • clothing designer - creates new clothing models based on the latest fashion trends (for example Tom Ford);
  • phytodesigner - landscapes houses, offices;
  • web designer - creates websites, banners;
  • food designer - creates beautiful images, works on the cookbook menu, etc.;
  • interior designer - arranges apartments, houses, offices.

Interior designer is a profession that is heard by many. Modern man pays special attention to home comfort. Those who have a sufficient amount of funds, without hesitation, turn to an interior designer for help. Who, if not him, know what is fashionable and what is best done in a particular room.

The profession of an interior designer requires incredible strength and patience from a person. At first glance, it seems that there is no difficulty in creating this or that design, the main thing is the presence of violent imagination and the ability to translate your ideas into reality. In fact, there are many more requirements for a designer:

  • creativity, creative look.
  • Hard work and perseverance - often you have to put in much more effort than expected. And you must always be ready for this.
  • Patience - even if something does not work out, you must always be able to adequately get out of the current situation, trying to do everything at the level.
  • Well-developed imaginative thinking.
  • Ability to present the entire product being developed.

In addition, the profession of a designer is the ability to listen to the wishes of the client and translate them into reality, if the latter insists on it.

Among other things, this includes computer skills at the level of a confident user, since modern profession the designer is associated with a wide variety of programs. If you install them on your PC, you can do some of the work at home.

Designer profession: pros and cons

The work of a designer, however, like any other, has its pros and cons. The advantages include a fairly high salary, the ability to work not only in the office, but also at home. Another advantage is the simplicity of work, since almost all of it can be controlled on a computer using special programs. And finally, the plus is the pleasure that each designer gets from their work.

The disadvantages of the profession include the specificity of the job. No designer can insure himself against the reluctance to do something. Minus - irregular Sometimes an order can take a month, and sometimes you need to complete the amount of work in just a few days.

The profession of a designer is interesting, creative and creative. In addition, now it is in great demand. Getting a job as a designer is easy even without experience. Its main plus is that you can master the profession at any age.

Interior designer profession

The profession of an interior designer appeared not very long ago. And she immediately became very popular.

Previously, everyone arranged their own apartment or house. And now, many people are increasingly using services.

A specialist will help you choose the most suitable housing design option or will do it in the style that you choose. But taking into account the necessary aesthetic requirements and acceptable combinations.

Landscape designer profession

The profession of landscape designer has replaced the profession of a gardener. It appeared in the 16th century and was constantly being improved.

The clothing designer has good taste and spatial creativity. In addition, he is well versed in fabrics, their combination, and applies all the acquired knowledge to tailoring.

Advertising designer profession

An advertising designer must competently apply his knowledge and skills within the advertising agency and the image of the client company. This involves balancing creativity with the practical implementation of your ideas.

The design profession has advantages and disadvantages.

This is one of the most prestigious and well-paid activities. The designer has an unlimited field of activity for his imagination. He can realize all his ideas and get paid for it. But a designer must have perseverance and hard work, be able to accept someone else's point of view, compromise with his beliefs, and in some cases, insist on his own and convince the client.

The profession of fashion designer plays important role in the fashion world. A specialist in this field creates new models of clothing, hats and shoes. A fashion designer can achieve a lot and become a famous couturier. But it takes a lot of work.

This article will help you work on an essay, preparing for a report, presentation, or classroom.

What is design?

The job description of a designer cannot be presented without defining what this specialty is and the area of \u200b\u200bdesign as a sphere of human employment in general. A designer is a person who is mainly absorbed in development and design. Due to the fact that design is a multifaceted and broad concept that includes a huge number of the most diverse industries, designers can choose any direction for themselves.

What kind of designers are there?

So, professionals in a certain field can be engaged in the creation of jewelry, men's, women's or children's clothing, shoes, hats. If all of the above provisions are somehow related to wardrobe items, this does not mean at all that this is the use of designers for modern world is exhausted. Not at all! They are also engaged in the development of landscapes (landscape designer), the interior of an apartment or house (interior designer), and many of them are actively involved in the world of computer technology (3D design). In this article we will turn to the consideration of some of these areas, starting from their uniqueness, relevance and prospects.

What is a designer job description?

After it has been established in general terms what the sphere of design is, it is necessary to dwell on the documents that accompany any employee in his working life. The job description of a designer is a specific document that has a standard established form and assigns to each person the functional activity assigned to him. General provisions for any document of this kind will be the items listed in the section below, but their content will already differ depending on the specialty.

What does such a document include?

The regulations must be competently drawn up by specialists from the personnel departments and organizational services on wages, are fully, clearly and clearly scheduled. Items job description include:

  1. General Provisions - the so-called. theoretical basis, an indication of the basic conditions of the designer's work.
  2. In his work, the employee is guided by the following knowledge, skills and abilities ... - here the company presents to the applicant a list of certain requirements with which the candidate agrees and thereby confirms his own competence. Usually, this item includes knowledge of the organizational foundations of advertising and marketing, methods and means of performing and decorating artwork, the base of printing design, the properties and features of the materials used in the work process, various computer graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc. .), rules of interaction with customers and buyers, etc.
  3. Job responsibilities - here the organization defines a set of items that will govern the daily work of a designer. The responsibilities of the designer include the development of art and technical projects on the topic set by the head in compliance with the established norms for the task, advising the manager and the team on options for solving local design problems, coordinating the product options created by the designer with other project developers, making corrections and adjusting the vector of product design development, etc. .d.
  4. Official powers - this section includes items regulating work with documentation, information and bosses.
  5. Official responsibility. It specifies the requirements for the profession of a designer as such and for a specific person, and also determines what consequences the designer's failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him, violation internal regulations work of the organization, neglect of duties, providing management with false information, etc.
  6. Working conditions, where, among other things, the designer's travel system (regional and local) is prescribed.
  7. Final provisions, which indicate that additions and changes can be made to this instruction (of course, only after all innovations have been agreed with the employee already hired for the position).

This instruction is confirmed by the signature of the manager and the employee, who must carefully read all the points and conditions offered to him. The responsibilities of the designer, his rights and the general functionality of the activity are thus considered. Now let's move on to more narrowly focused areas and establish what features can be encountered in one direction or another.

Interior designer profession

One of the design directions environment is the interior design. It represents the decoration of commercial and residential premises, design development and the practical implementation of harmonious, comfortable and modern interiors of halls, hotels, rooms, studios, galleries, corridors, bedrooms, offices, etc. The profession of an interior designer to some extent requires a person to have the skill of understanding human desires (there is contact with psychology) ... This is due to the fact that the designer of this area is often forced to work with abstractions that exist only in the minds of people: these extremely vague desires must be able to correctly interpret, coordinate with customers, clarify all the subtleties and nuances in order to create the products that customers wanted get it initially. Functional responsibilities the interior designer, as well as the requirements for him, are very broad. Here are the most important ones:

  • receiving an order, comprehending and processing all the wishes of the client;
  • acquaintance with the layout and technical parameters of the premises;
  • creation of a concept, style, general direction of the project;
  • development of an initial sketch, discussion with the customer and finalization of details;
  • modeling of the project of the room in computer programs;
  • selection and purchase of the necessary materials;
  • development of engineering drawings, plans, design documentation;
  • bringing the project to life, adjusting the team's work;
  • purchase or creation of unique designer furniture (at the request of the client);
  • decorative stylization of the finished interior: complementing it with accessories, paintings, vases, figurines, etc., making the final touches.

Furniture designer job description: what does such an employee do?

Another interesting design direction follows from the section above - this is the development of furniture. According to some reviews, anyone can come to this profession, regardless of their education; it is not the starting skills that are paramount, but the attitude to the profession and interest in it, the level of communication skills and the willingness to continuously learn. The general provisions of routine activities can be comparable to the work routine of the same interior designers: acceptance - discussion - development - delivery. Most often, furniture designers work on the creation of cabinet or kitchen products for residential premises - this is the most popular direction in this area. This profession especially requires stability: both in terms of existing skills and in terms of overall physical and emotional state. The quality of work in this case strongly depends on the mood of the moment (the designer can be angry, sick, or, conversely, joyful, happy), although knowledge of basic design skills is also necessary.

The modern term "design" comes from the English word design, which has many meanings: concept, purpose, sketch, model, composition. The designer generates an idea and creates an artistic image in which his own experience and knowledge is transferred to an object and phenomenon professional activity... At the same time, the main task of its activities is to improve the quality and beauty of the environment around us, to create comfortable and aesthetic conditions for work and rest.

The profession of a designer is one of the few professions that gives people employed in this field the joy of creativity and, moreover, brings real income. If ten years ago, the services of designers were mainly used by wealthy people, nowadays representatives of the middle class, who value their time, cannot do without designers.

Professional design services are always in demand in large firms that invest in the representativeness and convenience of their offices. Designers are also irreplaceable in the field of small business, for which the dynamism of product change requires an advanced pace of design and development, and then the production of new, competitive products. In high demand among employers for specialists in computer design It is easy to verify by visiting any job search site.

What does a designer do

To carry out the main task of his professional activity, the designer must:

- artistically present a design solution in the form of a sketch, drawing, material model;

- execute practical work by design using modern software tools;

- to design samples of industrial products;

- to provide high ergonomic, aesthetic and technical parameters of products for these samples;

- to develop and implement a unified style in the design of industrial products, interior, clothing in accordance with the mission of the company or the desire of the customer.

In the West, the functions of a designer, architect and decorator are clearly divided, with the architect responsible for the engineering side of the project, the decorator choosing the details, and the designer dealing with the style. In Russia, the designer often falls to the full management of the project, so the Russian designer must be prepared for architectural and engineering activities.

What knowledge and skills does a designer need

In line with the basic professional knowledge, the designer must learn:

- analysis of works different types and genres of art;

- methods of organizing the creative process;

- implementation of artistic design in practical activities.

In addition to the basic, the designer will need knowledge from a variety of areas and, above all, from the field of computer technology. Computer technologies have given designers an inexhaustible source of information, being a unique means for the embodiment of their creative ideas in almost all areas of design.

In addition, a designer's creativity is inseparable from the related fields of advertising, PR, marketing and merchandising. The designer also needs:

- communication skills for professional communication with both customers and performers;

- skills financial planning, budgeting;

- the skills of a psychologist for the implementation of the negotiation process, understanding the internal motives of customers.

Finally, a designer will not be hindered by legal knowledge in such areas of jurisprudence as labor law, intellectual property. A number of Design profiles require technical knowledge and deep engineering training.

What is taught in the university and what qualifications the graduate receives

You can get the profession of a designer through two-level education programs. In this case, you study in a bachelor's degree in "Design" or "Design of an architectural environment" for 4 years in general or specific training profiles in the field of design with a bachelor's degree in design. Further, bachelors of both directions can continue their education in the magistracy of the corresponding directions, as well as the direction "Architecture". Full-time master's studies are 2 years, graduate qualification - Master of Design (design of architectural environment, architecture).

Training direction "Design"

(bachelor's degree, 4 years)

In accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), the bachelor's curriculum consists of several cycles of disciplines. Each training cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part set by the university. The variable part makes it possible to expand and / or deepen knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the content of basic disciplines (modules of disciplines) within the chosen profiles, for more successful professional activities of graduates and / or continuing education in a magistracy.

The bachelor's degree program "Design" consists of the following cycles of disciplines:

· general humanitarian and socio-economic:

- basic part: philosophy, history, foreign language, Russian language and culture of speech, etc .;

- variable part: psychology and pedagogy, management, psychology of creativity, cultural studies, etc .;

- optional disciplines: jurisprudence, political science, business communications, fundamentals of ecology, philosophy in advertising, etc.

general professional:

–Basic part: art history, academic drawing, academic sculpture and plastic modeling, technical drawing, etc .;

- variable part: the basics of small business in design, color science and color studies, design history, prototyping, IT in design, organization project activities and etc.;

- optional disciplines: decorative painting, photography, multimedia presentation, fonts, etc.

professional cycle (special disciplines):

–Basic part: the basics of manufacturing skills, design, propaedeutics, the basics of theory and methodology of design, computer technology in design, etc .;

- variable part: basics of engineering and technical support of design, materials science, basics of project graphics, protection of intellectual property, basics of printing, etc .;

- optional disciplines: design of the architectural environment, business Etiquette, basics of management and marketing in design, basics of advertising, history of styles, etc.

For the first three years, future bachelors study according to a single plan as general bachelors, and in the fourth year students choose a specific profile in the field of design. Training in the chosen bachelor's profile involves the study of special disciplines, practical work in this profile, preparation and defense of the diploma project. Most often, the following are offered as training profiles in the bachelor's degree program "Design" in Moscow:

Graphic design

The sphere of professional activity of designers of this profile includes the development of printed and advertising products: design of books, advertising brochures, booklets, posters; industrial graphics and packaging; development of labels and trade marks, brand names and typefaces; creation of advertising materials on billboards and facades in the city. Today, to the traditional work of a graphic designer, the development of the corporate identity of the enterprise, visual communications in interiors and the urban environment has been added.

Within the framework of the bachelor's profile "Graphic Design", the curriculum includes the following special disciplines:

Propedeutics (basics of composition)

Fundamentals of project graphics

Ornament history

Printing technology, etc.

Costume design

The objects of professional activity of a costume designer are garments made of fabric, knitwear, non-woven textile materials, leather, fur; technological processes and equipment garment production; systems for standardization and quality control of products. In this case, the suit is considered as a complex system interconnected parts of clothing, shoes, hats and accessories, due to the socio-economic, moral, ethical and aesthetic norms of a given time.

As part of the bachelor's profile "Costume Design", the curriculum includes the following special disciplines:

Suit design

The history of the suit and cut

Materials Science

Suit design, etc.

Vehicle design

The sphere of professional activity of designers of this profile includes the artistic design of dynamic objects: cars, motorcycles, water, air, railway transport and special equipment. Special attention focuses on the style and design of passenger cars.

Environment design (interior design, landscape design)

This profile of undergraduate studies includes: interior design for premises for various purposes, ranging from apartments to cinemas and shopping centers; development of entrance areas of various buildings, landscape and park ensembles; creation of small architectural forms; holding festive and exhibition events; smart and everyday decoration of urban areas.

Within the framework of the Environmental Design profile, the curriculum includes the following special disciplines:

  • the basics of composition in environmental design
  • engineering and technological foundations of environmental design
  • typology of forms of the architectural environment
  • mock-up in environment design
  • architectural and design materials science

Industrial Design

The scope of the designer of this profile includes the development of projects for industrial and technical equipment (machines, devices, tools) and goods popular consumptionthat meet the most modern aesthetic requirements (household appliances, furniture, lamps, dishes, accessories). The sphere of industrial design also includes other objects that form a living and spatial environment (gas stations, passenger cabins, cosmonaut suits, etc.).

Web design

The main professional task of a web designer is to develop a structure and appearance site. It is assumed that the designer not only generates ideas, but also has a technical arsenal - the basics of layout and programming.

Within this profile, the training program includes the following special disciplines:

  • web technologies
  • internet design
  • e-commerce design and advertising
  • virtual reality design

Direction "Design"

(Master's degree, 2 years)

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of masters of design is a type of creative activity related to the design of the objective world, habitat, information and visual space. The Master of Design must master all methods of the creative process of designers with the application of practical skills in different types visual arts and project graphics.

Design projects created by the master should be focused on creating original project, industrial design, series, author's collection. It can be a kind of suit and means of land transport, interiors of buildings and structures of various purposes and objects landscape design... To perform these tasks, the master must have an understanding of engineering technologies, industrial production, computer technology, be able to carry out managerial functions in all institutions and structural unitsengaged in the development of design for household, public and production activities human.

How to get a profession

Get the profession of a designer within higher education in the direction of "Design" is possible in 40 universities in Moscow.

You can become a designer by obtaining the qualification of a designer-architect, having completed training in the direction of "Design of the architectural environment". For almost all profiles of study in the bachelor's degree "Design" you can find similar training programs in other areas. Thus, the “Graphic Design” profile is close to the direction of training in the field of art “Graphics”, the “Design in Advertising” profile is in the direction of “Advertising and Public Relations”, and the “Costume Design” profile is the direction of preparation “Artistic Costume Design”. Environmental design can be learned through undergraduate and graduate courses in Landscape Architecture.

To choose a training program that suits you, you must remember that real design is creativity, therefore the entrance exams for the design direction include a creative competition in three types of work: drawing, painting, composition. If your artistic abilities are not at the proper height, and your creative potential requires an exit, it is advisable to choose education in the above-mentioned close areas of study that do not require creative competition when enrolling in a university.

Where do designers work and how much do they earn

Graphic design professionals are required in the printing industry, in advertising agencies, design studios, design workshops, PR and marketing departments enterprises and firms.

Costume designers can work as costume designers in cinema, theater, show business; stylists, fashion editors of illustrated media; fashion designers in the service sector; buyers, merchandisers in the field of trade; finally, create author's collections.

Environment designers can decorate residential and public spaces with specialized agencies or organize their own studio; work in the field of urban landscaping, be landscape designers, specialists in the field of exhibition design, exterior and equipment, floristic design.

Designers of any profile can work in creative unions and organizations, design centers, publishing houses, printing houses, advertising agencies, teach in general education and art schools, art studios, colleges, universities.

Design positions, salaries, and employer requirements for applicants


Wage per month, rub.

Employers' requirements

Graphic Designer

Website design, printing; creation of corporate identity, logos.

Professional knowledge of graphic programs, the basics of layout and programming; knowledge of prepress. Participation in design projects

Costume designer

Costume design, knowledge of the basics of cut, materials science, costume design, development of clothing collections. Participation in exhibition activities

Furniture and interior designer

Design, engineering, graphic development and decoration of furniture and interior items projects from the initial stages to complete completion. Cooperation with architectural firms

Parks and interiors designer (landscape)

Development of an idea for creating a project for the improvement and landscaping of the territory, development and preparation of project documentation, drawing up a cost estimate for the project, field supervision

Web designer

Knowledge of basic graphics programs and programming languages. Skills in developing the concept and structure of the created Internet resources; website development, redesign of existing websites. Creative design, creation and development of graphic design layouts for sites

Promising professions in design

Printing designer

The graphic designer works in the field of industrial graphics, printing. Its tasks:

- Creation of operational printing materials (booklets, brochures, brochures, posters, magazines, etc.);

- development of corporate identity for the company, logo, packaging design;

- creation of any graphic images;

- participation in the production of exhibition stands, catalogs, calendars, models of souvenir products.

A printing designer is not only engaged in creative activities, his duties also include color correction and layout of the material, preparation of layouts for delivery to the printing house.

The profession of a graphic designer is one of the most demanded among other design professions. An additional advantage is the ability to work from home.

Landscape designer

A landscape designer should be able to turn any territory into a pleasant landscape landscape. Consistent with technical characteristics the site and the client's requests, the designer creates a landscape project that includes the location of all architectural and engineering objects on the site and an assortment of plants. The responsibilities of the landscape designer include the management of the project until its final implementation.

In addition to artistic taste and imagination, a landscape designer must have a lot of additional knowledge in soil science, topography, engineering communications, architecture and construction, and crop production.

A landscape designer can realize his abilities not only on a personal plot, but also decorate city squares, parks, boulevards, building interiors (phytodesign).

The profession of a landscape designer is interesting, creative, involving constant professional growth, improvement of skill. These specialists are in great demand in the labor market, but they still need to be highly appreciated.

Web designer

A web designer is a specialist in the creation, development and support of corporate websites. The designer develops the artistic concept of the site, defines colors, shapes, layout elements - everything that will make the site different from others. The main task of a web designer is to make the site easy to use, to provide for regular information updates and the possibility of feedback from visitors.

In addition to creative work, the professional duties of a web designer include, as a rule, web layout and web programming, that is, a specialist must be able to present his sketches and sketches in the form of a machine product. In the arsenal of a web designer - graphic editors, 3D Max programs, the basics of layout, programming. In addition to websites, the web designer develops banners, Internet postcards, electronic presentations - in a word, everything that requires graphic image on the Internet.

The profession of a web designer is in great demand in the labor market, requires constant growth, it is possible to work in home-office mode.


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