Scenario gatherings for the elderly in nature. Event for the elderly. Scenario. The best entertainment for seniors at the table

Summary of traffic rules in the second junior group.

Theme: "Red, yellow, green."

to consolidate children's knowledge about the work of a traffic light, knowledge of the rules for crossing the street;
develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal;
develop children's language skills.

Visual material:
-traffic light model;
- sign "Pedestrian crossing".

1. Organizational part.
- Hello guys! Guys, a lot of guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and listen to me carefully. You guys have already learned to play with cars, drive them. Drivers, both adults and children should know the rules traffic so that there are no accidents on the roads. Guys, tell me which sign helps us cross the street?
- That's right, guys. Tell me what this sign is for?

Pedestrian, pedestrian
Everyone knows stripes
similar to zebra
Children know, adults know
Know that only the transition
It will save you from cars.

If you are in a hurry on your way
Pass through the street
Go where all the people
Where there is a pedestrian crossing sign.
(knock on door)
-Who's there?
- Postman Pechkin. I brought you a parcel.
- Thank you, postman Pechkin. Guys, let's see, from whom is the package?
(I take the parcel and under the ribbon I find an envelope with the address of the kindergarten and the name of the group, I read it to the children).

“I am sending a parcel to you friends,
I only have three eyes
They are colorful
Which eye wink
I'll tell you what to do"
- Guys, from whom is this parcel?
- From a traffic light.
- That's right guys. This is a package from a traffic light.
(I take a traffic light out of the box)
- Guys, what do you need a traffic light for?
- He watches the movement of cars on the roads, people, so that there are no accidents on the roads.
- That's right, guys.
(knock on door)
- Guys, someone came to us again. Who is this?
(the fox enters)
- Oh, I'm a red fox
I'm a cheat, I'm cunning.
I'm not afraid of anyone
Wherever I want, I'll be there.
-Hello children. What are you doing here?
- Hello, Lisa .. we get acquainted with the rules of the road. Fox, do you know the rules of the road.
-Of course I know.
- Tell me, what is this sign?
- Traffic lights.
What is a traffic light for? Tell us.
- And what to tell. It looks like a Christmas tree, multi-colored lights are burning, you can dance around it.
- Guys, is Lisa speaking correctly?
- Not. Of course not. Fox, listen, our children know poems about traffic lights.
2. Improving knowledge, skills and abilities.
(children read poems about traffic lights)

Our boys are going to Kindergarten
Our guys are in a hurry!
Even if you don't have the patience
Wait - red light!
Children are closed!
Yellow light on the way
Get ready to go
Green light ahead
Now go on.

To help you
The path is dangerous
Burning day and night
Green, yellow, red.

The most severe - red light ..
If it's on fire
Stop! There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone.

So that you calmly pass
Heed our advice:
- Wait! See you soon yellow
Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
Flashes ahead.
He will say - there are no obstacles,
Feel free to go on your way.
-Here, Lisa, our children are so smart. They know the rules of the road.
Do your forest friends know the rules of the road?
- Not.

3. Practical part.
- Come on, guys, help the fox. We will make paper traffic lights for forest animals and give them as a gift.
(children make traffic lights)
-Thanks guys.

4. Fixing.
- And now, guys, let's play the game "Red, yellow, green." You will be drivers. When I raise the red circle, it means there is no road, you hold the rudders in one hand at the bottom. And when I say yellow light - get ready, you hold the steering wheel with both hands and get ready for the road. When I say the green light - you can go, open the way, you move to the music.
(we repeat the game several times)
- Liked you, Lisa, our game.
- Yes. Thanks guys, you taught me a lot. Now I will teach my friends. I brought you presents from my forest friends, help yourself.
- Thank you, Lisa. Also come visit us with your friends. Goodbye.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Executive Committee Education Division

Sarmanovsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution Jalil kindergarten No. 1 "Birch"

general developmental type

Perspective plan for traffic rules

in the second junior group

for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Getting to know the street Passenger transport. Freight transport

1. Constructive activity "Wide and narrow path".

2. Walk through the garden.

2 weeks

1. The mobile game "Sparrows and the car."

2. Reading A. Barto's poem "Truck"

3.D / game "You can - you can not"

3 week

1. Drawing "Road for cars"

2. Considering pictures about modes of transport

3.Working with parents: folder - moving "SDA"

4 week

1. Plot - role-playing game"Let's rent toys in the car."

2. Didactic game "Name the car"

3. Poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars


Traffic lights. Transport on the carriageway of the street.

Introduce traffic lights, color names. Pay attention to the fact that the car cannot stop immediately, but a person can. Form orientation in space

1 Week

1. Considering the picture "Traffic light".

2. P / game "Colored cars".

3.Working with parents: consultation "Teaching the child safety rules"

2 weeks

1. Word game "Depict a car signal"

2.D / game "Collect a traffic light"

3. Productive activity (sculpting) "Cheerful traffic light"

3 week

1. Learning the poem by A. Barto "Truck".

2. The game "Guess the transport"

3. Memo for parents "Teaching children to be observant on the street"

4 week

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic.

2. Mobile game "Traffic light".

3. Observation "Cars on our street" - consolidate children's knowledge about traffic and pedestrians


Profession - driver. " Crosswalk". The street.

Introduce children to the profession of "driver" (he drives a car, transports goods, people), give the concept of "pedestrian crossing". To form the ability of children to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, depicting a "zebra". .

1 Week

1.Observation of the work of the driver

2. Productive activity (drawing) "Pedestrian crossing".

3.Working with parents: consultation "How to teach a child safe behavior on the street"

2 weeks

1. Considering pictures - illustrations about the rules of behavior on the road.

2. Reading With Marshak "The Ball", a poem "He usually leaves for work early in the morning ..."

3 week

1. D / Game "Collect a traffic light." 2. Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

3. Reading a poem by S. Bird “Someone scattered sticks along the road ...”;

4 week

1. Plot - role-playing game "The driver drives a car."

2.P / game "Red, green".

3. The poem “In the car, the driver is sitting in the car ...”


Driver's work. My friend is a traffic light. Don't get into trouble on the road

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a driver, about cars. Develop the ability to walk on the sidewalk. Explain the meaning of traffic lights on the road, about traffic lights. To develop in children an interest in cars, the work of the driver, the rules of the road.

1 Week

1. Considering a traffic light in plot pictures

2. Didactic game "Magic Lights"

3. Observation of the garbage truck

2 weeks

1. Conversations on plot pictures.

2. Didactic game "Collect the same car"

3. The poem “The rules of the movement, all without exception, must know the little animals ...”;

3 week

1. Reading the book "Road Traffic".

2. Word game “Make a car signal” 3. Recommendations for parents: “When boarding the bus, the child enters first, and the adult leaves first”

4 week

1. Consideration of a truck and a passenger car.

2. C / role-playing game "We're going by bus."

3.Working with parents: screen folder “Attention: ice! »


Stop, car! Stop, engine! Brake quickly, driver. Types of transport.

To give a general idea of ​​the ways of movement of people and vehicles. To form the ability not to violate the rules of the road, to walk on the street only with parents and under their supervision

To give children an idea about cargo and passenger transport, To consolidate knowledge about the components of a truck

1 Week

1. Cognitive lesson "Road Safety". 2. Productive activity (design) "Construction of a truck"

3. Conversation with parents “An example of the implementation of traffic rules is one of the main factors for the successful education of children's skills safe behavior on the street"

2 weeks

1. Examination of drawings depicting a bus and a truck.

2. Monitoring the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

3. Conversation with children according to the plot pictures “I am a pedestrian”

3 week

1. D / game "What is missing." . 2. Game situation "Let's teach the bunny to cross the road." 3.Consultation for parents "Attention dear"..

4 week

1. Didactic game "Make a truck"

2. Coloring the silhouettes of cars.

3. The poem “Funny tires rustle along the roads ...”


The street. Passenger transport

Continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian crossing. To acquaint children with a variety of passenger transport. Note the characteristic distinguishing features from freight transport. Through game images to form knowledge about the rules of behavior in public transport

1 Week

1. Mobile game "Colored cars".

2. Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "The Driver".

3. Board-printed game "Collect a picture-transport"

2 weeks

1. Consideration of illustrations about passenger transport.

2.Mobile game "Birds and car"

3. Didactic game "Lay out a traffic light"

3 week

1. Productive activity (design) "Garage for cars."

2. Fairy tale by D. Bisset “About the little bus that was afraid of the dark” 3. Individual conversations with parents about how to introduce children to traffic rules.

4 week

1. Work with parents consultation "The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults"

2. Word game "Depict a car signal"

3.C / role-playing game "Bus"


Road signs "Traffic light", "Pedestrian crossing".

Introduce children to the road sign "Pedestrian crossing". Strengthen knowledge about traffic and pedestrian traffic regulation with the help of traffic lights

1 Week

1. D / game "Which light is lit?"

2. Mobile game "Train". 3. Recommendations to parents of younger preschoolers about traffic rules

2 weeks

1. Reading a poem by Ya. Pishumov “Machines” 2. Productive activity (drawing) “Paint a traffic light”, “Draw a pedestrian crossing”

3 week

1. Poem by S. Ptitsin “Someone scattered sticks across the road…”

2. Working with parents: to consolidate children's ideas about freight and passenger transport, analyze it appearance Houses

4 week

1. Reading a poem by V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic light"

2. Conversation on the illustrations "The ABC of a little pedestrian." 3. The plot game "Pedestrian crossing"


traffic situations

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, friends. To consolidate the concepts: house, yard, street, traffic rules. To form the ability of children to answer the questions of the teacher

1 Week

1. Cognitive lesson "Do not get into trouble on the road." 2. Situation: what traffic signals warn about

3. Poem by Y. Simbirskaya “Like dad has long legs ...”

2 weeks

1. Conversation "Truck and car, bus."

2. Reading V. Berestov "About the car" A. Barto "Truck".

3. Work with parents: Consultation "Safety in public transport".

3 week

1. Word game "Depict a car signal"

2. C / role-playing game "A trip to visit."

3. Examination of illustrations "Traffic situations".

4 week

1. Game situation: "We are walking along the street."

2. Examining the car that brought food to the kindergarten

3. The poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars...


The street is full of surprises. Where should children play?

Target walk with parents to the roadway of the street

To consolidate the knowledge of children received during the year. Convince children of the need to respond to the light and sound signals of cars

Strengthen the ability to walk on the sidewalk, do not go over the curb.

1 Week

1. Conversation "Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk."

2. Reading familiar poems about traffic lights, transport. 3. Memo for parents "Lessons in the behavior of children on the street"

2 weeks

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic. 2. Productive activity (drawing) "Coloring the silhouettes of cars."

3.Mobile game "Cars"

3 week

1. Game situation "The bear is driving down the street"

2. D / game "Where are the cars in a hurry?"

4 week

1. Playing the nursery rhyme "Chiki, chiki, chikalochka ..."

2. Productive activity (design) "Building a sand road" followed by playing

Project on traffic rules

in the second junior group №7

MBDOU No. 4 p. Vinsada

"Road Letter"

Educator N.V. Shilov

Project on traffic rules in the second junior group No. 7 MBDOU No. 4

"Road Letter"

DOWNLOAD (with photo)

Project type: educational - playful

Project duration: from 27.01.2017 to 24.02.2017

Participants: pupils of the second junior group, teacher


Very often the cause of road accidents are children. Moreover, accidents are increasingly occurring not on large highways, but on small roads. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important state task, and the advance preparation of the smallest pedestrians and passengers - children who are already facing serious difficulties and dangers beyond the threshold of their own homes - is of particular importance. Another reason is that preschoolers still do not know how to properly control their behavior, they have not yet developed the ability to foresee a possible danger, so they calmly run out onto the road. It is known that the habits fixed in childhood remain for life, therefore the study of the Rules of the Road is one of the main tasks for today, and work on the project dedicated to the study of the Rules of the Road will contribute to this.

Problem: children's ignorance of the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street and on the road, traffic light signals.

Justification of the problem:

The main causes of accidents and accidents with children: crossing the street in the wrong place; riding bicycles, roller skates, scooters on the carriageway; play on the streets; non-compliance with traffic lights and traffic signs; walking on the carriageway in the presence of a sidewalk or shoulder. Therefore, preschoolers need to be purposefully educated and taught the rules of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport.

Purpose: to develop in children the skills of safe, conscious behavior on the roads.

Tasks: teaching children the necessary minimum of the Rules of the road and road signs; to teach the child to competently use the acquired knowledge; increasing the competence of parents on issues related to traffic rules.

Expected results: children's interest in the topic, the children have formed the initial knowledge of the rules of the road and the skills of safe behavior on the road and on the street.

Product project activities: Creating a corner in the group according to the rules of the road with a layout of the roadway, houses, cars. Collective application "Street of our village".

Stage 1 (problem statement):

Raise the problem in front of the children “Why do I need to know the rules of the road?”.

Stage 2 (discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks):

To bring to children the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of the rules of the road can lead to trouble!”;

Pick up fiction, prepare visual illustrated material on the topic of the project;

Study the methodological literature;

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: “My friend is a traffic light”, “The ABC of a little pedestrian”;

Replenish the subject-developing environment;

Conduct consultations with parents on the topic.

Stage 3 (work on the project):

Organize work on solving project problems through:

1. Consideration of material on the topic: “Rules of the road”, “My friend is a traffic light”, “Rules of conduct on the road and on the street”, illustrations depicting vehicles.

2. Artistic creativity: application "Street of our village", coloring according to traffic rules.

3. Reading fiction:

A. Barto "Truck";

A. Domokhovsky "Wonderful Island";

B. Zhitkov "Traffic Light";

B. Zakhoder "The Driver";

V. Berestov "About the car";

V. Verevka "Learning to cross the road";

V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic Light";

V. Semerin "Hold on road rules strictly";

N. Migunova "Learning to cross the road";

O. Bedarev "The ABC of Security";

S. Volkov "About the rules of the road";

S. Marshak "The Ball".

4. Conversations on traffic rules:

"My friend is a traffic light"

Purpose: To introduce children to the basic rules of traffic, to tell what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.

Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the operation of the traffic light, its signals and the actions of pedestrians. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of crossing the street. Fix the names of the colors (red, yellow, green). Develop spoken language.

Conversation on the illustrations "The ABC of the little pedestrian"

Purpose: to give children basic ideas about traffic rules.

The tasks of the conversation on illustrations are to introduce children to the rules of the road, to form the initial skills of safe behavior on the road and on the street.

The children were presented with a presentation (printed illustrations) about traffic signs, traffic lights.

5. Didactic games:

Didactic game "Traffic light"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals, to develop attention, visual perception; to cultivate independence, speed of reaction, ingenuity.

Material: red, yellow, green circles, traffic light

Game progress: The host, having distributed mugs of green, yellow, red colors to the children, sequentially switches the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding mugs and explain what each of them means.

Didactic game "Collect a car"

Purpose: To teach how to make a whole from parts. Development of perception of form, color, mental operations. Noun agreement with adjectives

Equipment: cut pictures "Transport".

Game progress: each of the guys is given a picture, cut into 3-4 parts. The task of the children is to collect the image and name what happened.

Didactic game "Smart cars"

Purpose: To form children's ideas about various types transport, consolidate knowledge of sensory color standards, exercise in distinguishing objects in shape and size, develop visual-figurative thinking, develop the ability to combine objects based on certain features (classification) Material: 3 playing cards, silhouettes different kind transport (motorcycle, bus, truck and a passenger car of 3 types) in the amount of 36 pieces of different shapes, colors and sizes.

Game progress: Beginning of the game: to interest children with the help of a poem

Look what happened -

All machines are lost.

Help the cars

And you take them to the right garage

Card number 1. Children are invited to "put the car" in the garage of the same color as the car: Look, here are not simple, but colored garages. Take the car of the right color and take it to the right garage.

Card number 2. It is necessary to choose a car in accordance with the size of the garage: Look carefully,

How are garages different?

Large and small garage -

The answer, of course, you will give me.

Pick the right size car

And you take her to the right garage.

Card number 3. It is necessary to choose a car according to the silhouette in the garage:

Look how different garages are here.

Each has its own machine lives,

Look at the picture and boldly go ahead!

6. Outdoor games:

"Sparrows and the Car"

Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find your place.

Game progress: Children - "sparrows" sit on a bench - "nests". The teacher depicts a "car". After the words of the teacher: “Flew, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise and run around the playground, waving their arms - “wings”. At the signal of the teacher: “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

"Birds and car"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space, attention

Material: steering wheel or toy car

Game progress: Children - birds fly around the room, flap their arms (wings). The teacher says: The birds flew in, The birds are small, Everyone flew, everyone flew, the children run, smoothly waving their arms Waving their wings. So they flew, Waving their wings. They flew onto the path, sat down, tapped their fingers on their knees. Grains pecked. The teacher picks up a steering wheel or a toy car and says: The car runs along the street, puffs, hurries, blows a horn. Tra-ta-ta, watch out, watch out, Tra-ta-ta, watch out, step aside! Children - birds run away from the car

"Colored Cars"

Purpose: to fix the colors of the traffic light (red, yellow, green), to exercise children in the ability to respond to color, develop visual perception and attention, orientation in space

Material: steering wheels in red, yellow, green, signal cards or flags in red, yellow, green.

Game progress: Children are placed along the wall or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each is given a steering wheel of a different color. The leader stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the rudders. The host raises a signal of a certain color. Children with handlebars of the same color run out. When the leader lowers the signal, the children stop and go to their garage. Children during the game walk, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. Then the host raises a flag of a different color, and the game resumes.


"Buses" are the teams of children "driver" and "passengers". Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a quick step (running is prohibited) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows. When the bus (front "driver") returns to its seat with at full strength passengers, he must blow his whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down movement, make stops on a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push comrades, to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one at a time (not holding each other). The first is a "locomotive", the rest are "cars". The teacher gives a whistle, and the “train” begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the teacher’s words “The train is approaching the station”, the children gradually slow down the movement - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary clearing. At a signal, the children again gather in a column - and the train begins to move

7. Role-playing game:


Purpose: formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.

Tasks: to systematize the existing knowledge and skills of behavior on the road; promote the use of practical skills of behavior on the road in gaming activities; to promote the development of correct behavior on the roads; encourage the creative initiative of children in play activities with different features, abilities and interests; the use of problem situations in the game; use complicating tasks for the development of children; cultivate friendly relations between children in the process of playing activities.


Target. Introduce the profession - Chauffeur.

Expanding children's vocabulary.

Raise interest and respect for the profession of a driver.

Equipment: a bus made of chairs, a steering wheel, a driver's cap, a pump, toy cars - cars, trucks and cars.

"Drivers and Pedestrians"

Purpose of the game: To expand knowledge about the rules of the road.

Tasks: to continue to teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road, to cultivate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate in a traffic situation, to consolidate children's ideas about road signs, about the ways pedestrians move.

8. Playing with the layout. "Our street"

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior for a pedestrian and a driver in the street; reinforce the idea of ​​​​children about the traffic light; to teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational and indicative) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: model of a street with houses, crossroads, cars (toys), pedestrian figurines, traffic lights (figurine), road signs, trees (models).

Game progress: the game is played on a layout (for pedestrians). With the help of figurines, children act out various traffic situations. So, at a controlled intersection, on a green traffic light, the figures cross the street, on yellow they stop, wait, on red they continue to stand. Then the figures walk along the sidewalk or the roadside to the pedestrian crossing, marked with the information sign "Pedestrian crossing", and there they cross the carriageway.

Construction of various streets from building material to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules. Laying out from counting sticks (traffic light, transport, road).

Fizminutka "Zebra"

At the asphalt road (alternately raising hands - forward, up, spread apart, lower)

Rhinos were outraged:

Pedestrians have no way!

How to cross the road?

They drive past, whack and whack, (hands on the belt - turns to the sides)

Now a taxi, then a truck,

Either the bus, or the minibus -

It's scary to get out on the road!

The mole artist approached: (walking in place)

Let's draw a transition!

black and white track

From threshold to threshold.

Zebra gasped: - Friends! (head tilts to the side)

Striped like me!

Since then, the people have been calling (head tilts back and forth)

"Zebra" this transition.

10. Advice for parents:

Consultation: “How to teach a child to follow the rules of the road”, “How to introduce children to traffic rules?”, “A child learns the laws of the road on the example of adults”

Placing information in the parent corner: "Memo on the rules of the road", "You need to know this!".

Summary of work:

1. A corner of the Rules of the Road was created in the group.

2. A layout of the roadway has been created.

3. Children know the concepts: traffic light, road signs, transport, sidewalk, road.

Achieved results: children have initial knowledge about the rules of the road and the need to comply with traffic rules.

Conclusion: the project contributes to a deeper assimilation by children of the rules of behavior on the street, the consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious attitude to their observance, the development of a sense of control, responsibility for their actions.

List of studied literature:

Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B. "Security". - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press", 2004

Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. How to keep preschoolers safe. - M .: "Enlightenment", 2000, edition 2

Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. Your safety. -M.: "Enlightenment", 2000, 2nd edition

Izvekova N.A., Medvedeva A.F. Classes on the rules of the road. - M.: LLC "TC Sphere", 2009

Klimenko V.R. Teach preschoolers the rules of the road. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1973

Kozlovskaya E.A. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - M.: "Publishing House Third Rome", 2008

Komarova L.G. We build from Lego. - M.: Linko-Press LLC, 2001

Traffic Laws. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1984, edition 9

Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1989

Startseva O.Yu. School of Road Sciences. - M .: LLC "TC Sphere", 2009, edition 2

Cherepanova S.N. Traffic Laws. - "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008

Organization: MBDOU No. 41

Locality: Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk

Synopsis of GCD on traffic rules in the second junior group:

"How the children helped the Hedgehog get to his grandmother's birthday"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of street crossing points.

Integrative tasks:


  • to consolidate knowledge about specially designated places for crossing the street;
  • expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, traffic rules;
  • continue to acquaint children with road signs;


  • enrich the dictionary of children with the names of road signs:

1) Fix the words in the children's speech: pedestrian crossing, "zebra", underground pedestrian crossing, guard;

2) Fix the names of road signs in speech.


  • develop children's play activities;
  • develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal;
  • to attach to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers.

"Reading Fiction":

  • expand the vocabulary of children with poems, riddles;
  • improve performance skills when reading poems.

"Artistic Creativity":

  • develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;
  • to cultivate independence, to develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of application with alternating colors.

Conduct forms: integrated occupation.

tricks: surprise moment - Hedgehog.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Preliminary work: Classes are held with children on traffic rules, during which they will learn: what a traffic light is for, a pedestrian crossing sign, how a pedestrian crossing looks on the road and another name for a pedestrian crossing is “zebra”.

Equipment: Laptop, projector, hedgehog toy. Glue, glue brush, cloth (the number corresponds to the number of children).

Handout: A rectangle in the form of a traffic light with the image of three circles, circles: green, red, yellow; a rectangular sheet of paper with the image of a road, three stripes of white and three stripes of black.

Stages of the lesson:

1. Introductory part

2. Main body

3. Practical part

4. Reflection

Lesson progress

(Children sit on chairs set in a semicircle; to complete the task, they go to the tables on which materials for the task have been prepared in advance, slide No. 1)

  1. Introductory part.

Vedas: Guys, a guest from the forest will come to visit us today - this is the Hedgehog. Let's clap our hands harder so that he knows that we are happy for him and come out to us as soon as possible. (Children clap their hands, a hedgehog enters).

Hedgehog: (sad) Hello guys. (Children greet Hedgehog).

Vedas: Hello Hedgehog! Why are you so sad?

Hedgehog: Because my grandmother is waiting for me to visit, today is her birthday. She lives in the city.

Vedas: So that's good! Birthday is a holiday, you should rejoice!

Hedgehog: Yes, but in order to get to it, I have to cross the road several times, but I don’t know how, because cars drive along it all the time, and we don’t have cars in the forest, and we forest animals go where we want!

Vedas: Guys, do you know how to cross the road correctly?

Children: We know how.

Vedas: Walking the hedgehog to grandma's house?

Children: We carry out.

  1. Main part.

Vedas: Okay, but let's remember, before we hit the road, is it possible to cross the road everywhere?

Children: No. You can only where there is a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing!

Vedas: That's right, now you can hit the road, but while we are going to the first road, we will have a physical education session.

Physical education minute

(children march)

Our little feet

Children walk briskly along the road

The way is open for us everywhere

Pedestrians we are now

(children run)

And now we'll run

We hurry to help the hedgehog

(children sit down)

We were afraid to be late

Very worried

Now we are passengers

well settled

Long, long ride

And they came to Krasnoyarsk.

(children stand up, admire)

Beautiful city and big (spread arms wide apart)

He welcomes guests with heart.

Multi-story houses, (pulled up)

The flow of cars back and forth. (turn head sideways)

(threaten fingers)

All of us without exception

Know the rules of the road

(Children sit down, in front of them is slide number 2, which shows a road and a traffic light)

Vedas: Here we are with you and got on the street, in front of us is the first road! Do you see a place where it can be crossed?

Children: We see a traffic light!

Vedas: We start talking about the three-eyed traffic light,

It is not in vain that it burns over us with multi-colored lights! (Slide number 3: a traffic light with lights blinking in turn.)

Hedgehog: What kind of animal is this?

Vedas: A traffic light will help you cross the road. He will tell you if you can go or not.

Hedgehog: Does he still talk?

Vedas: No, he will not tell us with words, but with his eyes.

Hedgehog: And how is it with the eyes?

Vedas: The traffic light has three lights - signals: red, yellow and green. (The presenter shows the colors). They are called eyes, but they do not light up immediately, but in turn. Hedgehog, what light do you think you can cross the road?

Hedgehog: I don't know guys, please help.

(Children read pre-prepared verses)

The most severe is the red light.
If it's on fire
Stop! There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone.

So that you calmly pass
Heed our advice:
- Wait! See you soon yellow
Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
Flashes ahead.
He will say - there are no obstacles,
Feel free to go on your way.

If you do it wrong
And, you will switch to red -
Know that you will certainly be in trouble,
You will definitely get in!!!

Everyone in the traffic police tells us in unison:
"You have to be careful
And traffic lights
Be sure to remember!

Vedas: Let's fix it ... At what traffic light do we cross the road?

Children: Green.

Vedas: And on what, you can not cross the road?

Children: To red.

Vedas: What if it's yellow?

Hedgehog: You have to think, wait.

Vedas: Yes, we must stop and wait for the green light we need to light up. But the trouble is, we have a special traffic light here, only red and yellow eyes work for it, and the green one will turn on only if each child assembles his own traffic light, placing the colors in right order- red, yellow, green.

Game "Collect a traffic light"(children are given a rectangular sheet in the form of a traffic light with three drawn circles and three circles: green, yellow, red.)

Vedas: Well done guys, let's see if everyone coped with the task? (slide number 4, which shows a traffic light with a burning green light). Everyone did it, we crossed this road! (slide #5, it shows the road and the sign of the pedestrian crossing, but there is no actual pedestrian crossing.)

Hedgehog: Oh, and there is no traffic light, how can we cross this road?

Vedas: On the way guys - the road,
Transport travels fast, a lot.
No traffic light nearby
The road sign will give advice.
You have to go a little forward
Where the Zebra is on the way.
You can move forward.

Guys, do you see a place to cross the road?

Children: Yes, we see the pedestrian crossing sign!

Vedas: But where is the transition itself? What is it also called?

Children: He is not! Also called "Zebra".

Hedgehog: Zebra? She lives in hot countries.

Vedas:“Zebra” is a section of the road on which we pedestrians are allowed to cross the street, indicated by wide white lines: a white stripe, a black stripe and again white, etc. Look, guys, we have a pedestrian crossing sign, but there is no crossing itself, probably the road workers forgot to draw it! We will make a "Zebra" from colored paper . In order for the fingers to work better, they need to be kneaded.

Finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four, five.

(Unclench the fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with the big one.)

The fingers went out for a walk.

(Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(We squeeze in turn, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

They hid in the house again.

(Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together.)

3.Practical part.

(Children are given a rectangle of colored paper, white and black strips of glue, a glue brush, a rag. They stick a “zebra”, alternating colors. After the children complete the task, slide number 6 turns on, which shows a road with a pedestrian crossing. )

Hedgehog: O! And here is the Zebra. You can cross the road.

(Slide number 7 is included, which shows the road: on the one hand, the sign of the underground pedestrian crossing, on the other, the grandmother's house and the Hedgehog's grandmother in the window.)

Hedgehog: Hooray! And here is my grandmother, she has been waiting for me! It remains for the last time to cross the road! But I don't see a traffic light or a Zebra! I probably won't get to her party.

Vedas: Don't be upset, Hedgehog, we will definitely come up with something! Oh guys, look, there's some more road sign! (Slide number 8, a sign of an underground pedestrian crossing). Do you know what this sign means? What is shown on it? (listens to the children's answers and summarizes).

Vedas: The pedestrian sign is
So the way is open for us.
Here is the underpass
He will lead us to the goal
You go down the stairs
And don't be scared at all.

This is a sign of an underground pedestrian crossing! It shows a man walking down the stairs! What is it for, what do you think?

Children: To cross the road underground!

Vedas: That's right, it is located in places where a lot of cars drive. It remains only to go down the stairs and go through the road! (Slide number 9, with the image of the descent into the underground passage)

  1. Reflection.

(Includes slide number 10, with the image of the guard)

Vedas: Oh, guys, this is a guard, he won’t let us through the underpass until we solve his riddles:

Going out into the street

Prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint

And most importantly - ... ... (Attention.)

Standing on guard on the road

Goggle-eyed ... (Traffic light)

Green light opened the way:

Go guys ... (May!)

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerously! Way... (Closed!)

Tell the driver everything

The correct speed will indicate.

By the road like a lighthouse

Good friend - ... (Road sign.)

Where the steps lead down

Get down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrian must know:

Here …? (Underground crossing)

If a pedestrian needs

Cross the bridge?

Immediately looking for a pedestrian

Road sign ... (Transition.)

(Slide number 11 is included, which shows a house with a hedgehog grandmother in the window.)

Vedas: Here, Hedgehog, the guys took you to your grandmother! Now you know that you need to cross the road in specially designated places.

Hedgehog: Thank you guys! Now I can walk back to the forest on my own. I can cross the road! Well, I ran to congratulate my grandmother, otherwise she was already waiting for me! Goodbye! (Children say goodbye to the hedgehog.)

Vedas: And now, guys, get on your bikes, and let's go back to kindergarten.

Game - dramatization(verses by S. Mikhalkov)

I ride on two wheels (They walk around in circles.)

I spin with two pedals, (They walk with their knees high.)

I hold on to the steering wheel, I look ahead, (They hold an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.)

I know the turn is coming soon. (Turn around and walk the other way.)

At the end, they sit down on chairs.

Vedas: So we are back in kindergarten! Tell me guys, did you enjoy our trip? What did you and I teach the Hedgehog, and what did we learn new things ourselves?

Children: They taught the Hedgehog to cross the road. They talked about the traffic light, about the pedestrian crossing, the Zebra. We learned about the pedestrian underpass, etc. (The facilitator summarizes the answers and summarizes.)


  1. Danilova T.I. The program "Traffic light" Education for children preschool age SDA. - St. Petersburg, publishing house "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2009.
  2. Kozlovskaya E. Road accidents involving preschool children. Causes and conditions contributing to their occurrence // preschool education. 2011. №10.
  3. Traffic Laws. Junior and middle group. / Comp. Poddubnaya L. B. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus".

Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules for children of primary preschool age. Our friend is a traffic light

Subject:"Our friend is a traffic light"
Target: introduce children to traffic lights; to form ideas about the safety of pedestrians on the road; to consolidate knowledge of the primary colors: red, yellow, green.
Educational: Activate the speech of children, introduce children to the traffic light, its importance in organizing safe traffic on the roads. Fix the names of the colors (yellow, green, red).
To consolidate knowledge of traffic signals for children.
Learn to listen carefully to an adult and to each other, to answer questions.
Developing: Develop coherent speech skills, attention, memory, quick wits.
Educating: To cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, a desire to help, the need to follow the rules of the road.
Vocabulary work: traffic light, green, red, yellow, pedestrian, sidewalk.
Equipment: hare toy, traffic light picture, traffic light templates, paper circles of 3 colors: red, yellow, green.

Educational areas: « cognitive development», « Speech development»,
"Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development".

Types of activity: gaming, motor, communicative, designing, perception of fiction, cognitive research.

Lesson progress:

Who explains to pedestrians
How to cross the road
Who lights the signals
Helping them along the way? (traffic lights)
caregiver: children, now I will ask you very difficult questions. You listen carefully and respond together.
1. What is the name of the part of the street where cars drive? (road)
2. What is the name of the part of the road where people walk? (sidewalk)
3. What is the name of the person who drives the car? (chauffeur)
4. What is the name of the person who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)
5. What cars are on the road? (cars, trucks, etc.)
Educator: Well done!
Hush hush!

What do I hear!
Outside the window snow creaks!
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!
There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in a hare toy with a bandaged foot.
- Hello, Bunny. What happened to you?
- Guys, Bunny was in such a hurry to get to you that he didn’t look around at all when he crossed the road.
The teacher shows a picture of a traffic light.
- Bunny, what do you think it is?
- Children, Bunny says that he saw this tree by the road. It is elegant, decorated with lights, blinking like a Christmas tree on New Year. So you can dance around him. Is it right? Of course not!
- Children, what is it? (Traffic lights) .
- Have any of you seen a traffic light? (Yes) .
-Do you know why you need it?
- Here, Bunny, listen with the guys what a traffic light is and what it is for.
The teacher reads a poem about a traffic light:
The traffic light has three windows:
Look at them as you go.
If the red light is on in the window:
Stop! Do not rush! - he tells you.
Red light - it's dangerous to go
Don't take unnecessary risks.
If suddenly a yellow window flashes,
Wait, stay a little.
If the window is green,
It is clear that the path to the pedestrian is open.
The green light came on suddenly
Now we can go.
You traffic light good friend
Drivers and passers-by.

We go, we go by car, hands holding steering wheel
We press the pedal move the foot
Turn gas on and off move your hand
We are staring into the distance. peer into the distance
Wipers clean off drops make circular motions with hands
Right, left, clean!
The wind ruffles your hair hands ruffling hair
We are drivers anywhere!
- Guys, let's show the Bunny what kind of lights our friend lights up the traffic light.

Didactic game "Light the traffic light"
There are two large images of a traffic light "without lights" on the board. 6 children are given mugs of a certain color: red, yellow, green.
Task: you need to correctly “light the traffic light”. The rest of the children observe, correct, check the correctness of the assignment.
- Guys, Bunny now understands everything. He wants to introduce his friends to the traffic light. But just how will he do it? After all, there are no traffic lights in the forest. Let's help forest animals and make traffic lights for them.

Application "Traffic light"
Children are given ready-made forms of a traffic light, mugs of the right colors. They first choose circles of the desired color, lay them out on the form.
After explaining and showing this task, the children carefully glue their "lights".

Bunny, thanks us for teaching him a lot. He hurries to his friends, but now he will be attentive on the road. Let's say again how to cross the road:
1. Only on the green light.
2. Look first to the left, then to the right.
3. Walk fast, but don't run.
- Goodbye, Bunny! Come visit us again.


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