What Khotin will do with Ugra. Alexei Khotin, the former owner of Bank Yugra, did not believe in his arrest until the very end! There were no other plans

A source: Rucriminal

When Rucriminal.com reported that all patrons shyly turned away from the owner of "Ugra" Alexei Khotin, he was clearly in a hurry to do it. We completely forgot about Artyom Chaika, the son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. Artem has known Khotin for a long time, they are connected by many joint projects. For example, when Khotin had problems or, conversely, interests in some regions of Russia, powerful support along the prosecutor's line went through Artyom Chaika, in fact, person number 2 in the system of the Russian prosecutor's office. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Prosecutor General's Office demanded to cancel the orders of the Central Bank regarding the activities of Yugra. The supervisory authority protested the orders of the Central Bank on the introduction of a moratorium on payments to creditors, as well as on the imposition of the functions of the temporary administration of the bank on the DIA. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office considered them "unfounded."

And it’s not just a desire to save Khotin’s main “cash cow” called Bank “Yugra”, which made it possible to receive billions of rubles straight out of thin air, under promises of high interest to depositors. Artem Chaika understands that “gutting” the insides of “Yugra” will reveal so many “skeletons in the closet” that it is not known how it will end for many large persons and structures. For example, details of common affairs (with the financial support of Ugra depositors) of Alexei Khotin with the main sponsor of the Bolshoi Theater and a major businessman Alexander Klyachin will certainly emerge. Or the oil affairs of Khotin and the vice-president of Transneft Mikhail Margelov. Rucriminal.com will talk about this later. In the meantime, we will report on another such "skeleton in the closet."

The Central Bank did not follow the instructions of the Prosecutor General's Office. And on July 20, 2017, the payment of insurance compensation to Yugra depositors began. Applications are accepted, as well as compensation payments are made through VTB 24 (PJSC), PJSC Sberbank, JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Bank FC Otkritie and PJSC BANK URALSIB, acting on behalf of the DIA and at its expense as agent banks.

The most interesting in this list is the bank "Otkrytie". According to Rucriminal.com, it was through this bank that part of Yugra's funds were withdrawn. And Alexey Khotin was at one time its co-owner.

As Rucriminal.com already reported, Khotin built an entire empire of offshore firms, to which tens of millions of dollars were withdrawn. Petr Brazhnikov is responsible for the activities of this empire - the founder legal company Brazhnikov & Partners Ltd (Cyprus) and his employee Maria Clerides. In Russia for this direction answered Khotin's subordinates Natalya Rakhova and Vladimir Konstantinov. They gave orders to Brazhnikov and Clerides: on the need to purchase / create new offshore companies; about the need to change nominee shareholders and managers of these offshore companies, etc. Among the many offshore companies owned by Khotin and managed by the Rakhov-Brazhnikov link, there is Oanfir Technology Investment Ltd. It was this firm that acquired 7.4348% of the shares of Otkritie Bank in November 2014 for 10 billion rubles. Thus, Khotin, together with Ugra, also received a “piece” of Otkrytie. But a little bit Alexei was always not enough. Almost immediately after the purchase, he began to use "Discovery" for his dark deeds. Including those for which Elvira Nabiullina introduced a temporary administration to Ugra.

As Rucriminal.com told, having received instructions from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to increase the capital of "Ugra", Khotin pretended that he was "taking the bill" and announced that deposits of hundreds of millions of dollars, placed in the bank by Radamant Financial AG (controlled by Khotin), would be used for this. ... However, all these deposits were the money of Yugra depositors. In 2014, they were withdrawn from the bank under the guise of lending to Novatek LLC and a number of other firms, they were rolled out using promissory notes transactions through offshores (Deneary, Usas, Hiaparel, Taldom), and entered into Radamant under the type of payment of dividends, which placed them as deposits in Ugra.

So, according to Rucriminal.com, all these events took place in December 2014 - a month after Khotin bought 7.4% of Otkrytie Bank. And the money from Yugra for Novatek was transferred to an account in the Otkrytie bank. Absolutely all further manipulations with funds withdrawn from Yugra took place with the direct participation of the management of Otkritie Bank. The result of this was that the depositors' funds withdrawn from Yugra were again brought into the bank, but already under the guise of the owner's personal funds (Radamant Financial AG, that is, Khotin). Initially, they were placed under the guise of a deposit, and then transferred to the capital of Ugra. Otkritie Bank and its management took the most direct part in such manipulations by its then co-owner, Alexei Khotin. He sold his 7.4% only in October 2015.

And how many more such "secrets" are hidden in the archives of "Ugra" is not known with certainty.

Alexey Khoiin, we must give him his due, does not deviate a bit from the line of conduct he has chosen in life. There are two main components in relation to Bank Yugra. The first is leveraging connections to solve problems. The second is mass and good PR in publications that have long-term contracts with Ugra, for example, in Gazeta.ru and in Lenta.ru. Messages appear of the following plan: “The press office of the majority shareholder of PJSC Bank Yugra,” Aleksey Khotin, confirmed to Gazeta.Ru that the entrepreneur was in Moscow. In the near future, Khotin plans to give an interview about the measures taken to restore control over the bank "Yugra", about how negotiations are going with the regulator, about the plan for the rehabilitation of the credit institution. "

This message was born after the Rucriminal.com article about Khotin's flight from Russia. At the same time, during the day, the same "Gazeta.ru" either put it on its own tape, then removed it. Which is not surprising. The message is extremely unconvincing. The interview (which so far has not appeared anywhere) is not a confirmation of being in the country. Most importantly, the sources of Rucriminal.com, who personally know Alexei Khotin and are in direct communication with him, assure that at first he disappeared for several days. And then all communication with them began to be conducted from distant countries, and not at all from the Ugra office, where, as Khotin's representatives assure, he visits every day.

Alexey Khotin in the Basmanny court

On Friday, April 19, the Basmanny District Court placed the former owner of the Yugra bank, Alexei Khotin, under house arrest in the Onegin residential complex.

The Investigative Committee, together with the ex-chairman of the board of "Ugra" Dmitry Shilyaev, who was also sent under house arrest, is suspected of embezzling at least 7.5 billion. We tell you about the persons with whom Khotin was associated in the last time.

Since 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has unsuccessfully tried to obtain the initiation of a case against Alexei Khotin.

“The negative difference between the assets and liabilities of the bank“ Yugra ”(“ hole ”in the capital) has grown to 164 billion rubles.

Such data follows from the report of the interim administration.

The assets of Bank Yugra as of the date of its recognition as bankrupt - September 25, 2018 - amounted to 34.007 billion rubles, and liabilities reach almost 198.2 billion.

According to the materials at the disposal of Rucriminal.info, it was found that the money was withdrawn by issuing loans in foreign currency to firms associated with the ex-owner of Yugra, Alexei Khotin.

However, for two years now, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has not been able to obtain the initiation of a case against this businessman.

We have restored the chronology of the unsuccessful struggle of the Bank of Russia for the “landing” of Khotin.

And it is unsuccessful since Khotin hid all his assets in the Rosselkhozbank, which is controlled by his friend Dmitry Patrushev.

On November 11, 2017, the Bank of Russia sent an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the TFR to initiate a criminal case against the owners and top managers of Yugra under Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 159 (embezzlement by fraud), 160 (embezzlement), 201 (abuse of power) and 196 (deliberate bankruptcy).

The speech in the statement was about the theft of funds by providing credit funds to a legal entity associated with Khotin.

The statement was “dropped” at the Directorate of Economic Biology and Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, which repeatedly (December 11, 2017, March 13, April 17, May 10, 2018) issued orders to refuse to initiate a criminal case.

Subsequently, these regulations were canceled.

On June 6, 2018, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow also issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case.

Investigations into the facts of theft identified by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation have not begun.

According to Rucriminal.info, on March 16, 2018, the Bank of Russia sent a new application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the TFR to initiate proceedings on the facts of theft of property of "Yugra" under the guise of issuing loans to legal entities (all are related to Khotin), concluding agreements on the transfer of loan debts to insolvent legal entities, the conclusion of forward contracts for the purchase and sale of foreign currency for rubles, as well as the possible deliberate bankruptcy of the bank.

The case has not yet been initiated, but a year has passed.

On July 18, 2018, the Bank of Russia sent a new statement to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the facts of theft of bank property under the guise of issuing loans to legal entities.

The investigation has never started.

In addition, the temporary administration on September 11 and October 24, 2017, February 22 and May 22, 2018 sent statements to the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the facts of theft of the Bank's property.

The result is the same as in all previous cases.

Sources of Rucriminal.info believe that this reluctance of the security forces to start an investigation against Alexei Khotin is due to his friendship with Dmitry Patrushev.

The latter is now a minister Agriculture, and previously headed the Rosselkhozbank.

Moreover, in the new post, he retained influence on the Rosselkhozbank.

And Rosselkhozbank is the main custodian of Khotin's assets.

When it became clear that the businessman's affairs were very bad and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as unfriendly creditors, would soon start hunting for his assets, Khotin registered his most liquid assets (primarily real estate) as additional security for loans received from Rosselkhozbank ... " ...

According to sources from Rucriminal.info, now the value of Khotin's assets pledged at Rosselkhozbank is at least five times the amount of loans received from this bank.

Thus, the most "tasty" assets of Khotin are not available to other creditors, and a businessman regularly pays interest on loans to Rosselkhozbank.

The case moved with a dead center, when the lawyers of Alfa-Bank Mikhail Fridman believed that Khotin was violating the settlement agreement signed with him in 2017.

“This is due to Khotin's significant violations of the terms of the settlement agreement. We are talking about real estate objects that appear in the settlement agreement ",- expressed the opinion of the sources of Rucriminal.info.

Considering that Khotin was placed under house arrest, the whole fight for him is still ahead.

Let's remember, for now, some people who were always with Khotin.

The Rucriminal.info source said that when Khotin raided his first object in the capital - the Moscow soap factory - the then head of the Moscow police department, Vladimir Pronin, personally came to take the statements against Khotin and a number of materials exposing Alexei from the investigators.

At that time he was a major patron of Khotin.

This kind of collaboration has certainly paid off.

Now Pronin owns almost half of his native Kursk region, including the Deirra stud farm.

And in Moscow he has a huge construction business.

This is how the former chief metropolitan policeman succeeded.

Since those distant times, the level of ties between Khotin himself has significantly increased.

He especially loved to brag about how everything was captured in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The patron saint of Alexei and his bank "Yugra" was the deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Alexei Simanovsky, so Khotin could pump billions from his native credit institution with impunity as much as he wanted.

And what was there to fear if "Yugra" was issued not for Khotin, but for dummy individuals.

Then Simanovsky "flew" from his post, Dmitry Tulin became the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Khotin began to brag that he had everything "captured" with Tulin.

And then, as sources told Rucriminal.info, Tulin, out of friendship, strongly recommended Khotin to issue a controlling stake in Yugra for himself.

They say, everyone will lag behind the bank, and large state support is guaranteed (it will be possible to pump not only depositors' money, but also allocated from the budget).

In short, he promised the brightest prospects.

And Khotin "fell for".

Almost immediately, as Khotin recognized the ownership of Ugra, Tulin forgot about his former friendship.

The bank was bombarded with checks revealing giant "holes".

It all ended naturally - the bank's license was revoked.

Only now it is not dummy individuals who will be financially responsible for the "hole" of tens of billions of rubles, but Khotin himself.

According to sources of Rucriminal.info, in private conversations, Khotin directly lamented that he had succumbed to Tulin's persuasion and “wrote down” “Yugra” on himself.

I considered this to be my main mistake.

As a result, Khotin did not spare tens of millions of rubles for an information "war" with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

And, of course, he was worried about subsidiary liability.

This is when the state can recover from Khotin tens of billions withdrawn from Yugra.

And he has something to take away.

Khotin managed to seize a number of oil-producing enterprises, including NK Dulisma, which became part of the Rus-Oil company under his control.

Khotin also acquired a stake in the oil company Exillon Energy.

The main shareholders of Exillon are Khotin's offshore Senegal International Agency ltd (29.99%) and another offshore Sinclare Holings Limited (26.69%).

In total, they own 56.68%. Sinclare Holings Limited at the time of the purchase of Exillon shares belonged to a businessman and sponsor of the Bolshoi Theater.

Khotin and Klyachin are close friends, they have a lot of common affairs and affairs.

Therefore, no one doubted that Klyachin bought shares in order to immediately transfer them under the control of Khotin, who became the main owner of Exillon.

As a partner in his oil projects, he attracted the vice-president of Transneft Mikhail Margelov, and his own son Dmitry Mikhailovich Margelov, previously was an advisor to the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Rus-Oil, and in 2016 he took the chair general director Exillon Energy.

Khotin, of course, very ineptly hid the oil assets.

I rewrote something to offshore companies, something to my assistant Sergei Podlisetskiy.

“- The Khotins' problems arose after there was a change in the leadership of the FSB Economic Security Service. The businessmen, according to the journalists, had established contacts with the head of the "K" department, Viktor Voronin, and the head of the SEB, Yuri Yakovlev. And the new leadership of the SEB asked the Khotins a lot of questions.

- the largest creditor of Ugra up to today was the Rosselkhozbank, headed by Dmitry Patrushev. The bank sabotaged the requests of the Central Bank until the last moment and saved Khotin.

- Deputy Head of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev and Director of the Banking Supervision Department Anna Orlenko have a personal dislike for Khotin and Nefedov. Nefedov was also detained in connection with the case.

- Khotin personally gave guarantees of immunity to all top managers of the bank, who are now in continuous movement between private "decision makers", security officials and the offices of Staraya Square.

- Khotin's mediator was the deceased.

-Hotins were going to buy Khudainatov's holding.

- In 2017, the Central Bank informed the Prosecutor General's Office six times about the withdrawal of assets from Ugra. In addition, the regulator knocked twice on Rosfinmonitoring because of the bank's dubious operations. But Patrushev saved.

-Hotin left the country several times, but returned in the hope of regaining his status. He did not believe in arrest. When he was arrested, he considered it a joke, allegedly offering the security officials a billion rubles in order to be released.

-The solution to the issue of the detention of Alexei Khotin, as they say, was sanctioned by the President ".

The main owner of the bank "Yugra", who owed depositors 180 billion rubles, left Russia on a private plane?

As it became known to Rucriminal.com, the bankrupt millionaire Alexei Khotin, whose bank "Yugra" owes 180 billion rubles to depositors, hastily left Russia. It happened at the end of last week. Khotin flew away on a private plane and is not going to return to his temporary homeland (he spent most of his life in Belarus). Khotin needed Russia only to fill his own "pockets" with gigantic sums.

So all the statements and demands of the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, about the need to legally restrict the travel abroad of heads and owners of banks with signs of asset withdrawal, were too late. But, as Rucriminal.com believes, it is not too late to take other actions in order to prevent Khotin from selling off all his Russian assets and sending the proceeds abroad. To do this, it is necessary to urgently seize shopping centers, oil companies etc., recorded on Sergei Podlisetskiy. This is Khotin's adjutant, to whom the millionaire recorded assets, in case of interest in him from law enforcement agencies.

Elvira Nabiullina

Swiss citizen Alexey Khotin

As Rucriminal.com already reported, the empire of the former millionaire and now bankrupt Alexei Khotin collapsed. In the bank "Yugra" belonging to him, the administration was introduced in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). A moratorium on settlements with creditors was also introduced, and the powers of the management and the main owner, Aleksey Khotin, were terminated. The Bank of Russia announced that it will conduct a survey financial condition bank, but it is already clear for the Central Bank that most of the assets have been withdrawn from the bank. The Central Bank sent a corresponding appeal to law enforcement agencies. Khotin rushed to the former patrons, but they shyly turned away from him. Nobody wants to get involved with the man who threw ordinary citizens who invested 180 billion rubles in Ugra at the promised high interest rates. Then, Alexei jumped into his beloved "Bombardier" and hastily left Moscow. He can live abroad happily until the end of his days. Khotin built an entire empire out of offshore companies, to which tens of millions of dollars were withdrawn. Petr Brazhnikov, the founder of the law firm Brazhnikov & Partners Ltd (Cyprus), and his employee, Maria Clerides, are responsible for the activities of this empire. Rucriminal.com advises law enforcement agencies to interrogate Khotin's subordinates Natalya Rakhova and Vladimir Konstantinov, who in Russia helped the boss build an offshore paradise and know where Alexei hid the money.

Alexey Khotin. Photo: rucriminal.com

This is not a big secret for Rucriminal.com either. Khotin had long ago chosen Switzerland as a place to live (Russia for him was only a platform for "making money"). Sometimes he spent two months in this country for a year. Radamant Financial AG is registered in Zarnen, Switzerland, through which Khotin owned Ugra. In this country, he purchased real estate and applied for citizenship.

Hotin, no, but Podlisetsky remained

Moreover, Khotin hopes that all the burden of responsibility for the money withdrawn by him from the depositors of "Yugra" will be taken by the Russian treasury. He hopes that he will be able to preserve even Russian assets. For this, he prudently assigned them to his manager Sergei Podlisetskiy. And he urgently sells these assets in order to send funds to the chief abroad.

Thus, the famous Moscow shopping center Gorbushkin Dvor, the former headquarters of Khotin, changed its owner - Sergei Podlisetskiy sold it to the owner of the Pharmstandard holding Viktor Kharitonin. Podlisetsky is also the head of the Rus Oil oil company, although according to Rucriminal.com, he is a nominal and dependent figure. Such a modern "zits-chairman Fuchs". Although the official seller of Gorbushka was Zits-Chairman Podlisetsky, the real owners of Gorbushkina Dvor are considered to be father and son Alexei and Yuri Khotin. This shopping complex came under their control in 2011, when the company "Complex Investments" bought out "Gorbushkin Dvor" and the adjacent shopping center"Filion" at MTZ "Rubin".

The Hotins moved to Moscow in the late 1990s, when people from the Belarusian power structures began to slowly move there, saving their money from Batka. Including the former managing director of the president of the republic Ivan Titenkov. Naturally, Belarusian officials had good connections with Russian government agencies, which helped develop business in Russia. Most likely, the Khotins built their business on the money that they managed to withdraw from Belarus. Proof of the Belarusian source of the Khotins' funds is the fact that a certain Lagvinets has been appointed the general director of their oil company Dulisma - the same friend of Ivan Titenkov, the owner of Konto Holdings, against whom a high-profile criminal case was opened in Belarus. Because of this, they both left for Russia, where they created several companies with Belarusian money of clearly criminal origin.

The Khotin and Podlisetskiy have a long-standing partnership: back in 1997, Podlisetskiy became the manager of a cosmetics factory owned by the Khotin. He held the position of general director at the Moscow soap factory, which the Khotins captured as a result of a raider operation. In the business community, Sergei Podlisetskiy is openly considered the capital's “wallet” of Belarusian businessmen. He himself claims that he made his fortune on commercial real estate, but it is well known that the father and son of Khotina constantly provided him with money to buy assets. They allegedly "loaned" Podlisetsky to buy Gorbushka, the cost of which at that time was about $ 400 million. Now the zits director for some reason sold the shopping center - an extremely liquid asset that almost never had financial problems and problems with renting out premises, even during the crisis, the shopping center worked without any particular shocks. According to some sources, the deal could be worth about $ 500 million.

In fact, Mr. Podlisetsky is just a nominal owner of "his" assets, all his "business activities" are clearly correlated with the interests and affairs of the Khotins, who own little directly. Sly Belarusians are one of the most non-public businessmen and successfully hide even from the cameras of journalists. As Rucriminal.com has said more than once, their business is based on takeover and raider seizures Moscow factories and plants, which then turn into shopping and business centers. These assets are managed by the firms "Kub", "Art-vising", "Center-T", New life group and others, which are usually headed by Sergey Podlisetskiy. In the same way, he became the head of the oil company "Rus Oil", the money for the purchase of which was given by the same Khotins.

Now the "successful businessman" Sergei Podlisetskiy is forced to urgently sell "his" assets, which, in fact, do not belong to him, but to the Khotin family. Zits-Chairman Podlisetskiy is just one of the shadow managers with dozens of companies registered to save the Khotin family's business empire after the collapse of the Yugra Bank. This connection is obvious even without bank documents, from which it follows that all of Podlisetskiy's oil companies (Rus Oil, Dulisma Oil Company, Exillon Energy) were fueled by money withdrawn from Yugra under the guise of loans. Now the fate of this "fake" businessman completely depends on the decision of the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies in relation to "Ugra".

"Vedomosti" , 19.07.17 , "Bank Yugra" before the collapse received 17 billion rubles of loss "

Shortly before the appointment of an interim administration in Bank Yugra, its capital decreased by 17.7 billion rubles. up to 32.4 billion rubles., according to reports for June. The provisional administration entered the bank on July 10.

A loss led to a decrease in the bank's capital, explains Kirill Lukashuk, an analyst at ACRA. In June, "Yugra" received a loss of 17 billion rubles., Follows from the financial statements. “In connection with the strict instructions of the Central Bank, the bank still had to create reserves, which led to a loss,” Lukashuk points out.

Over the past year, the Central Bank has issued 10 instructions to Ugra to replenish reserves for tens of billions of rubles, said Anna Orlenko, director of the banking supervision department. The bank "technically" followed the instructions of the regulator: it added up the required reserves for some loans, dissolving them for others, she explained. The regulator also discovered technical transactions with derivative financial instruments that allowed Yugra to reflect profits, added the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev: balance sheet profit ". Based on this, the Central Bank concluded that the bank's reporting was unreliable.

Over the past year, the Central Bank has issued 10 instructions to Yugra on additional formation of reserves for tens of billions of rubles, said Anna Orlenko, Director of the Banking Supervision Department.

In the second half of May, the Central Bank issued an order to Yugra to create reserves for about 40 billion rubles, the interlocutors of Vedomosti told. According to two of them, the Central Bank extended the term for the bank, during which it could create reserves, until mid-July. In June, "Yugra" formed reserves for loans to non-state commercial enterprises in the amount of 29.8 billion rubles. (the depreciation of this portfolio reached 45.7%), calculated the chief methodologist of Expert RA, Yuri Belikov. According to him, “Yugra” has also fully reserved investments in the acquired rights of claim for 2.8 billion rubles, the coverage of which with reserves was minimal before.

The bank probably tried to use emergency capital support measures, Belikov believes: in the financial statements, Yugra overestimated other shares of non-residents and residents by 9 billion rubles. Moreover, these securities were not even on the balance sheet until June, he emphasizes. “When such anomalies begin to appear in the reporting of a bank that is experiencing problems with meeting regulatory capital requirements, it may just be an attempt to paint on the reporting,” Belikov said.

Shareholders tried to support the falling capital in other ways: they forgave deposits on subordinated loans for 24.6 billion rubles. and the bank reflected this as gratuitous financing from the owners, Belikov said. “This is the last attempt of shareholders to support the bank. In vain, because the additional reservation, which, most likely, was prescribed by the regulator, turned out to be too large, ”he says.

As of July 1, Yugra did not violate capital adequacy standards (like all others), even taking into account capital surcharges, according to its statements. Formally, there was no violation of the standards, but this is a question of the economic feasibility of reflecting the specified revaluation of securities in the capital (if not for it, the bank would have violated the N1.0 standard) and the level of real depreciation of assets, which has yet to be determined by the interim administration, Belikov concluded.

In June, deposits of individuals in "Yugra" increased by 3 billion rubles., Follows from the reporting, despite the fact that the regulator limited the bank to attract funds from individuals. The Central Bank suspects Yugra of manipulating deposits, Pozdyshev shared: “The bank has been on restriction since April last year. Nevertheless, especially recently, quite active advertising has appeared, nevertheless, this is not reflected in the balance sheet in any way, ”said the deputy chairman of the Central Bank.

Alexey Nefedov

Ex-president of "Ugra" Alexei Nefedov did not answer calls.

The increase in deposits may indicate a direct violation of the Central Bank's instructions, says Natalya Borzova, Deputy Director General of Finexpertiza. She believes that this may indicate the absence of off-balance sheet deposits, since the bank shows an increase in deposits in the reporting.

Ugra became the champion of 2016 in terms of losses: 32.2 billion rubles. The main reason is the same - reserves.

Anna Eremina, Mikhail Tegin

While the shareholders of the bank "Yugra", where external management was introduced, declare their ability to independently reorganize the financial and credit institution, unconfirmed information appeared in the media that the main owner of the bank, Aleksey Khotin, had allegedly already left the Russian Federation. The businessman plans to live in Switzerland and other countries of the world.

Businessman Aleksey Khotin, whose bank "Yugra" owes depositors 180 billion rubles, hastily left Russia. It happened at the end of last week. Khotin flew away on a private plane and is not going to return to his temporary homeland (he spent most of his life in Belarus). Khotin needed Russia only to fill his own "pockets" with gigantic sums. So all the statements and demands of the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, about the need to legally restrict the travel abroad of heads and owners of banks with signs of asset withdrawal, were too late. But, as Rucriminal.com believes, it is not too late to take other actions in order to prevent Khotin from selling off all his Russian assets and sending the proceeds abroad. To do this, it is necessary to urgently seize shopping centers, oil companies, etc., registered with Sergei Podlisetskiy. This is Khotin's adjutant, to whom the millionaire recorded assets, in case of interest in him from law enforcement agencies.

The empire of the former millionaire and now bankrupt Alexei Khotin collapsed. In the bank "Yugra" belonging to him, the administration was introduced in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). A moratorium on settlements with creditors was also introduced, and the powers of the management and the main owner, Aleksey Khotin, were terminated. The Bank of Russia announced that it will conduct a survey of the bank's financial condition, but it is already clear for the Central Bank that most of the assets have been withdrawn from the bank. The Central Bank sent a corresponding appeal to law enforcement agencies. Khotin rushed to the former patrons, but they shyly turned away from him. Nobody wants to get involved with the man who threw ordinary citizens who invested 180 billion rubles in Ugra at the promised high interest rates. Then, Alexei jumped into his beloved "Bombardier" and hastily left Moscow. He can live abroad happily until the end of his days. Khotin built an entire empire out of offshore companies, to which tens of millions of dollars were withdrawn. Petr Brazhnikov, the founder of the law firm Brazhnikov & Partners Ltd (Cyprus), and his employee, Maria Clerides, are responsible for the activities of this empire. Rucriminal.com advises law enforcement agencies to interrogate Khotin's subordinates Natalya Rakhova and Vladimir Konstantinov, who in Russia helped the boss build an offshore paradise and know where Alexei hid the money.

Khotin had long ago chosen Switzerland as a place to live (Russia for him was only a platform for "making money"). Sometimes he spent two months in this country for a year. Radamant Financial AG is registered in Zarnen, Switzerland, through which Khotin owned Ugra. In this country, he purchased real estate and applied for citizenship.

Moreover, Khotin hopes that all the burden of responsibility for the money withdrawn by him from the depositors of "Yugra" will be taken by the Russian treasury. He hopes that he will be able to preserve even Russian assets. For this, he prudently assigned them to his manager Sergei Podlisetskiy. And he urgently sells these assets in order to send funds to the chief abroad.

Thus, the famous Moscow shopping center Gorbushkin Dvor, the former headquarters of Khotin, changed its owner - Sergei Podlisetskiy sold it to the owner of the Pharmstandard holding Viktor Kharitonin. Podlisetsky is also the head of the oil company Rus Oil, although he is clearly a nominal and dependent figure. Such a modern "zits-chairman Fuchs". Although the official seller of Gorbushka was Zits-Chairman Podlisetskiy, the real owners of Gorbushkina Dvor are considered to be father and son Alexei and Yuri Khotin. This shopping center came under their control in 2011, when the Comprehensive Investments company bought out Gorbushkin Dvor and the adjacent Filion shopping center from the Rubin MTZ.

The Hotins moved to Moscow in the late 1990s, when people from the Belarusian power structures began to slowly move there, saving their money from Batka. Including the former managing director of the president of the republic Ivan Titenkov. Naturally, Belarusian officials had good connections with Russian government agencies, which helped develop business in Russia. Most likely, the Khotins built their business on the money that they managed to withdraw from Belarus. Proof of the Belarusian source of the Khotins' funds is the fact that a certain Lagvinets has been appointed the general director of their oil company Dulisma - the same friend of Ivan Titenkov, the owner of Konto Holdings, against whom a high-profile criminal case was opened in Belarus. Because of this, they both left for Russia, where they created several companies with Belarusian money of clearly criminal origin.

The Khotin and Podlisetskiy have a long-standing partnership: back in 1997, Podlisetskiy became the manager of a cosmetics factory owned by the Khotin. He held the position of general director at the Moscow soap factory, which the Khotins captured as a result of a raider operation. In the business community, Sergei Podlisetskiy is openly considered the capital "wallet" of Belarusian businessmen. He himself claims that he made his fortune on commercial real estate, but it is well known that the father and son of Khotina constantly provided him with money to buy assets. They allegedly "loaned" Podlisetsky to buy Gorbushka, the cost of which at that time was about $ 400 million. Now the zits director for some reason sold the shopping center - an extremely liquid asset, which almost never had financial problems and problems with leasing premises, even during the crisis, the shopping center worked without any particular shocks. According to some sources, the deal could be worth about $ 500 million.

In fact, Mr. Podlisetsky is just a nominal owner of "his" assets, all his "business activities" are clearly correlated with the interests and affairs of the Khotins, who own little directly. Sly Belarusians are one of the most non-public businessmen and successfully hide even from the cameras of journalists. As Rucriminal.com has repeatedly said, their business is based on the takeover and raider seizures of Moscow factories and plants, which then turn into shopping and business centers. These assets are managed by the firms "Kub", "Art-vising", "Center-T", New life group and others, which are usually headed by Sergey Podlisetskiy. In the same way, he became the head of the oil company "Rus Oil", the money for the purchase of which was given by the same Khotins.

Now the "successful businessman" Sergei Podlisetskiy is forced to urgently sell "his" assets, which, in fact, do not belong to him, but to the Khotin family. Zits-Chairman Podlisetskiy is just one of the shadow managers with dozens of companies registered to save the Khotin family's business empire after the collapse of the Yugra Bank. This connection is obvious even without bank documents, from which it follows that all of Podlisetskiy's oil companies (Rus Oil, Dulisma Oil Company, Exillon Energy) were fueled by money withdrawn from Yugra under the guise of loans. Now the fate of this "fake" businessman completely depends on the decision of the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies in relation to "Ugra".

Image copyright Svetlana Kholyavchuk / Tass Image caption The controlling shareholder of the bank "Yugra" is a mysterious native of Belarus Alexei Khotin

The Central Bank has introduced a temporary administration in the bank "Yugra", which is one of the twenty largest Russian banks in terms of attracted deposits from the population. The regulator estimated the amount of deposits at 180 billion rubles. This is the largest insured event in the history of Russian banks.

The central bank of Russia said on Monday it had found signs of asset stripping, deposit fraud and misreporting at Yugra Bank, which is controlled by non-public businessman Alexei Khotin.

The introduction of a temporary administration for six months means that the powers of the bank's shareholders and management have been suspended.

Usually, the tasks of the interim administration include assessing the "hole" in the bank's capital, that is, the difference between the bank's assets and its liabilities. Practice shows that if the size of this "hole" turns out to be relatively small, then the bank will be sanitized. Otherwise, Ugra may lose its license.

In addition to the introduction of a temporary administration, a moratorium on settlements with creditors was introduced in the bank.

According to the law, the moratorium is an insured event, that is, depositors in July will be able to apply to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) for payments. The maximum amount of insurance indemnity is 1.4 million rubles.

"The volume of deposits is more than 180 billion rubles, most of these deposits are insured - as of June 1, almost 170 billion rubles of deposits are insured, that is, they fall under the deposit insurance system," Vasily Pozdyshev, deputy chairman of the Central Bank, told reporters.

There have never been such payments in the history of the DIA. The BBC's Russian service tells what the Choline Bank is known for and how it came to the brink of collapse.

What is known about Ugrae"

  • one of the largest Russian banks

According to data from banki.ru, Ugra ranks 30th in Russia in terms of assets. The bank ranked 16th in terms of loans: Yugra's loan portfolio amounted to 262 billion rubles as of May 2017.

  • one of the most active players in the deposit market

The bank held almost 182 billion rubles of individuals' deposits - this is the 15th place in Russia in terms of household deposits.

In recent years, the bank has been actively attracting deposits. For example, in 2015, deposits of the population in Ugra increased by 137%. For comparison, over the same period, deposits of individuals at Sberbank increased by only 29%, at VTB - by 36%.

The active activity of "Yugra" in the market of households' deposits attracted the attention of the Central Bank, because the bank accepted deposits at rates higher than market rates. In March, the bank limited the attraction of deposits from the population, it was a restrictive measure on the part of the Central Bank, Vedomosti wrote.

  • one of the leaders in business growth

2012 to 2017 authorized capital bank grew from 170 million rubles to almost 13 billion rubles, said the president of "Ugra" Alexei Nefedov at a forum in St. Petersburg.

"In a short time, the bank made a radical breakthrough. From a small financial institution in the Tyumen Megion, a city where only 40 thousand people live, Ugra has become one of the top 30 largest Russian banks. This is the merit of the entire team, primarily the shareholders," - said Nefedov.

  • the bank lent to the owners' business

More than half of Yugra's loan portfolio falls on loans to the bank's shareholders, Central Bank Deputy Chairman Pozdyshev said after the introduction of the provisional administration.

“We have sent appeals to law enforcement agencies,” he said.

The bank invested all the funds raised in Russian companies in different sectors of the economy, said the president of "Ugra" Nefedov.

What is known about the shareholders of "Yugra"

  • controllingthbank shareholder- Belarusian-born businessman Aleksey Khotin

Alexey Khotin appeared in the list of Yugra shareholders in January 2016. At that time, as indicated in the bank's documents, he owned 0.48% of the bank's shares. Another 52.4% of the shares belonged to Swiss company Radamant Financial AG, of which Khotin is the beneficiary.

According to Forbes magazine, the structures of Alexei Khotin and his father Yuri Khotin bought the financial organization in 2012. The magazine estimates the fortune of Alexei Khotin at $ 950 million. In the ranking of the richest businessmen in 2017, he ranks 110th.

“The owner of the bank“ Yugra ”Aleksey Khotin plans to support the bank until the full financial recovery - the main thing is that we should be given such an opportunity,” said bank president Nefedov, whose words were conveyed to journalists by the press service of “Yugra”.

  • kings of Russian real estate

Alexey and Yuri Khotin are regularly included in the rating of the rentiers of the Russian Forbes. In 2017, father and son ranked eighth on the list. According to the magazine, they rent out almost 1.3 million sq. m of retail and office real estate.

Rental income in 2016 was $ 295 million, according to Forbes. The magazine wrote that the Hotins own shopping complex Gorbushkin Dvor, the Four Seasons Hotel near Red Square and other real estate in Moscow.

But in April 2017, businessman Sergei Podlisetsky told Lenta.ru that he was the owner of Gorbushkin Dvor, and Alexei Khotin only lent him part of the funds for the purchase. In June of this year, the Kommersant newspaper wrote that a friend of the Khotin family, Podlisetskiy, had sold the shopping center to the main owner of Pharmstandard, Viktor Kharitonin.

In addition, the Khotin family is believed to have an oil business. The total oil reserves in the fields developed by the Khotin structures are estimated at 215 million tons (for comparison, Rosneft produced 203 million tons of oil in 2015).

  • ties with Belarus

Forbes wrote that the business of the Khotin family acquired "a different scale" after the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Naumov, who fell into disgrace, moved to Moscow.

According to the sources of the publication, in Russia the former minister began to help fellow countrymen, allegedly using his connections. In particular, the magazine wrote, Khotin is well acquainted with the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and ex-speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov.

Also, the media reported that Viktor Lagvinets, an associate of the former manager of the President of Belarus Ivan Titenkov, works in the structures of the Khotin family. In the late 90s, Lagvinets was detained on charges of abuse of office, and then released.

  • sponsor of Putin's Night Hockey League

Since 2013, Yugra Bank has been a sponsor of the Night Hockey League (NHL), an amateur sports organization created in 2011 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin (then he was prime minister).

Putin regularly participates in NHL matches and scores several goals in each game.

It is not yet known who will be the partner of the league instead of Ugra. "While the situation is not clear, it has not been discussed. But life does not end there, there will be another partner," a member of the NHL board Sergei Babinov told Interfax.

The general director of the league, Igor Bakhmutov, told TASS that the bank's problems would not affect its financial position.

  • avoid publicity

Journalists have repeatedly tried to find out what Alexey and Yury Khotin look like, but they cannot be photographed. Businessmen don't appear in public.


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