The father and son of the Gabrelyanovs are involved in the raider takeover of the company. - What are your next steps?

Laid out by Anonymous International. former owner of this business - Alexander Kazachenko - studied the materials of the correspondence, and found in it confirmation of the fact that with such difficulty he managed to prove in court.

The published new materials (in the part that is known to me and which concerns Gabrelyanov's zeolite business) shed new light on a number of episodes about the illegal activities of this group of persons. We also have information that this Cypriot offshore TIJ represents the interests of Gabrelyanov and we have access to the financial documentation of this offshore, confirming that he is the owner of the zeolite business seized from us. At the same time, Mushkin in the courts in every possible way refused to be involved in this offshore, refused to name its real beneficiaries. Bagdasarov also claims in the courts that this offshore company is not the owner of the zeolite business. However, in these letters, Mushkin confirms that Aram Gabrelyanov and his son Ashot are the owners of the Trust behind these Cypriot offshore companies.

The following figures look especially indicative: Bagdasarov, using fake documents, seized these assets from Alsico at a price of 1.8 million rubles and immediately resold them to the Gabrelyan offshore, but at a price of $2 million. Further, in the letter, Mushkin consults with Gabrelyanov whether to sell these assets to Deko Minerals at a price of $35 million. This is if they sell immediately, and then, in the future, the price will be more expensive.

like this profitable business it turns out: "buy" an asset at a price of 1.8 million rubles, and sell it at a price of 35 million dollars!

From this correspondence between Gabrelyanov and Mushkin, it clearly and obviously follows that they finance Bagdasarov (they call him by his patronymic - Rachikovich). Mushkin directly writes that "resources for the war" are needed and that "the case is open and the skating rink has begun." It is clear what kind of war resources are needed and it is clear what open case in question - just before the date of this letter, a criminal case against Alsiko was initiated at the request of Bagdasarov. Bagdasarov boasted in front of witnesses how he manages the investigation. Also, in my opinion, Mushkin's phrase says a lot about that "until the passenger has landed" - the money will not be paid to Rachikovich and that Bagdasarov, "according to the concepts, should swallow it." The fact is that some time after the date of this letter, I was attacked by persons of Caucasian appearance, with the aim of stealing documents compromising this entire group of people. It has not yet been possible to prove the direct involvement of Gabrelyanov and Bagdasarov in this, but I do not believe in coincidences of this kind. In my opinion, in this letter, Mushkin reports to Gabrelyanov about the work done and asks to allocate money for further illegal activities, apparently also carried out "according to concepts."

In general, our business has progressed, but not as far as we would like. We win many court cases on clear and obvious violations of the law by our opponents, but they file in the highest courts and there many of our winning cases are canceled and the courts return to the first instance and everything goes around again.

At the same time, a number of court decisions taken against us are clearly and obviously illegal. And nothing can be done about it. Judges, without raising their eyes, make decisions in which they reject or do not notice obvious arguments, and they answer our indignations in the same way: “If you don’t like it, complain!” Complaining, as we have already understood, is useless, we have already reached several times Supreme Court and up to the Chairman of the Supreme Court - no one, in fact, wants to understand anything, the materials are not studied, there are only replies, without explanation and analysis of the reasons for the decisions taken against us.

In fact, the court lured the original documents from us under the pretext of an examination

For example, Bagdasarov, in one of the trials, falsely accused us of allegedly stealing Alsiko shares from him. He needed this lie in order to initiate a criminal case against us and cover up his illegal acts of seizing our property. We, in order to prove our position, provided a large number of documents, but the court demanded that we submit all these documents in the original, promising to conduct their examination. After we submitted all the originals to the court, the court confiscated them from us, but did not appoint an expert examination, and made the decision against us. In fact, he lured the original documents from us under the pretext of an examination, and made the decision contrary to these documents. And what is especially significant is that the court does not return these documents back (it says - “Complain!”), And without these originals, we cannot prove our case.

It is the same with criminal cases: on the false statement of Bagdasarov, who is an accomplice of Gabrelyanov, a criminal case was opened in the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow. At the same time, they did not hide his ordered character (they spoke openly about this in front of witnesses), and when it became clear that we were not involved in this case, but that Bagdasarov himself was involved in it, this case was immediately suspended, but another case was opened. The only thing that was done fairly: when the facts of Bagdasarov’s personal relations with the investigation in the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow became known, the criminal case was taken from the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District and transferred for investigation to the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, and the investigator from the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District , who initiated this criminal case, was removed and transferred from the Department of Internal Affairs in the Central Administrative District - to the Lefortovo department of the SEAD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

The investigation into the illegal actions of Gabrelyanov's people committed against us is not conducted at all, materials are constantly transferred from one unit to another and back. After numerous complaints to all instances (in particular, after two complaints to Prosecutor General's Office and one complaint to the Presidential Administration) - the Moscow Prosecutor's Office finally answered us that the head of the Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow had been issued a submission (like, a remark was made) for the delay in responding to us. That is, in fact - nothing!

It’s probably hard for a normal person to believe this, but the main reason for the numerous refusals to initiate criminal cases against these raiders is the impossibility for operatives of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow to find and interrogate Bagdasarov and his accomplices who participated in the seizure of our assets! This is such a difficult task for the investigation! Although, Bagdasarov is not hiding from anyone, moreover, together with the operational work of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow, he himself participates in searches in the Alsiko office and directly tells them where and what to look for!

Gabrelyanov's accomplices behave extremely impudently - they obviously falsify documents, forge the signatures of the company's shareholders, forge extracts from their register of shareholders ...

At the same time, Gabrelyanov's accomplices behave extremely impudently. They openly and obviously falsify documents, forge the signatures of the company's shareholders, forge extracts from their register of shareholders, forge mail notifications when scheduling meetings of shareholders, use a fake seal and letterhead of the company. I'm not talking about mass cases of giving false testimony in courts and in the investigation, and this is despite their signature on criminal liability for such acts. Almost all of these facts have been proven by the courts, many of which our opponents failed to cancel. We assume that, after all, it is expensive for them to cancel all court decisions, they cancel only part of the courts, selectively. According to some high-profile lawyers, these kinds of clearly wrongful judgments, and even at a high level, which are brought against us, are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for each decision. Indeed, after all, these decisions are openly signed by judges who “in the name of Russian Federation» publicly pervert the law. This is obvious and understandable to everyone who reads these decisions, so that the country knows these "heroes".

Also law enforcement they do not see the elements of a crime in the obvious raider seizures of the Alsico enterprises. The Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow simply cannot find any of the attackers, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow unsubscribed that there was no objective confirmation of criminal actions, and the Investigative Committee simply does not want to do anything - the investigator directly says that he is very busy with other matters and will only work if he is released from these cases.

The facts of direct pressure of Gabrelyanov's people (in particular, Bagdasarov and his representatives) on witnesses, attempts to bribe them and threats in order to obtain the testimony they need were revealed

Additionally, the facts of direct pressure of Gabrelyanov's people (in particular, Bagdasarov and his representatives) on witnesses, attempts to bribe them and threats in order to obtain the testimony they need were revealed. Recently, with the participation of Bagdasarov and some law enforcement officials, another fake corporate documents have been fabricated and thrown into the trial. We hope that the court, nevertheless, will appoint an examination on these documents, and we also hope that it will be objective and convict them of yet another falsification.

The unprincipled LifeNews propagandist Aram Gabrelyanov found himself at the epicenter of a rather amusing scandal. In fact, this is not even a scandal, but a childish response. Flowers... Unfortunately for Mr. "propagandist" - the berries will come later. Whether Aram Gabrelyanov himself will suffer from the correspondence opened by hackers is unlikely, whether LifeNews will lose – definitely.

The other day, Anonymous International posted a new batch of letters from the array of Aram Gabrelyanov, from which we learn some new details about his raider seizure of business, foreign real estate, Navalny's hacked correspondence and some other stories.

Aram Gabrelyanov was at the center of a scandal because of an attempt to illegally seize a large mining enterprise in the Oryol region. The opened correspondence of the LifeNews slave sheds light on some of the details of this case.

Recall that in January 2013, the owners of the management of Alsico discovered that their shares subsidiary"Tseomax" with the use of forged documents and bypassing the procedures established by law were sold for a pittance to Gabrelyanov's structure. A company with two valuable assets (OJSC Melor and OJSC Promzeolite) associated with the extraction and processing of zeolite ore were sold 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market value - for only 1.8 million rubles, then there is a price for which you can not buy even one excavator. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over to his side two members of the board of directors of Tseomax LLC - (Valery Bagdasarova and former CEO"Tseomax" by Alexei Tarasov).

Documents approving the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by the son of Gabrelyanov Aram - Ashot Gabrelyanov (for a long time it was believed that the Kremlin project would pass to him) and financial director structures of Aram Gabrelyanov - Andrey Mushkin.

The director of Alsico, Alexander Kazachenko, began to sue the share thieves and, on the eve of an important court hearing, he was attacked by two unknown persons, beat him and stole a briefcase with a laptop and documents related to this case. Nevertheless, Kazachenko won the court - on July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and Promzeolite OJSC from the balance of Tseomax LLC to Bagdasarov and his relatives were declared invalid. The decision of the court entered into force.

In the correspondence posted by the "Anonymous International" you can find several details of this case. For example, in August, CFO Mushkin offered Gabrelyanov to sell their zeolite business for $35 million. This is 777 times more expensive than the price at which Gabrelyanov himself took possession of the shares a few months earlier.

And here is another letter, from which it follows that Gabrelyanov also "threw" Valery Bagdasarov, who helped him in the scam with the alienation of shares (Rachikovich is his patronymic):

Another plot is connected with the penthouse, which Gabrelyanov was looking for for himself on Cap Antibes ... We will tell about this soon.

The other day, Anonymous International posted a new portion of letters from the Aram Gabrelyanov array (details about the first portion), from which we learn some new details about his raider seizure of business, foreign real estate, Navalny's hacked correspondence and some other stories.

Interview with a businessman who became a victim of this raider takeover.

Another story is connected with the penthouse, which Gabrelyanov was looking for himself on Cap Antibes (as follows from the correspondence). Then Gabrelyanov reacted to the publication, saying what the penthouse will give to whoever finds it. He also wrote that it was “wife’s correspondence with a travel agent who selected a villa in Antibes for the grandchildren’s summer vacation”. But, based on other letters, it follows that it was a sale, and the cost ranged from 2 to 6 million euros.

Moreover, he, along with his wife, looked after another apartment in another NATO country - in the USA. More specifically, in California, for 3.9 million euros:

On Twitter, Gabrelyanov replies to someone, “By the way, I don’t have real estate abroad! Why should I be afraid, what have I stolen? And on Facebook he formulates more streamlined: “I earned a lot, I pay all taxes. So put the subtext, luxury real estate abroad shove yourself ... "

Even if we assume that Gabrelyanov did not buy an apartment either on the Cote d'Azur or in California, he still has foreign real estate. As follows from one letter, he has an apartment in Paris, registered offshore:

Despite all this, Gabrelyanov poses as a great patriot: “If you find a compromise where I betrayed my family, children, Motherland, my president, those whom I consider my true friends, write.” The Russian president, as you know, is also a big fan of luxury real estate, so in this sense, Aram Gabrelyanov and Vladimir Putin really have no differences. But still, the luxurious official and unofficial residences of the president are located in Russia, and not in those countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia and which are regularly criticized by Gabrelyan's publications.

And here is another interesting letter in which Aram Gabrelyanov discusses the hacking of Yulia Navalnaya's mailbox with MIT CEO Alexander Shelukhin (who also served as a volunteer adviser to Vice Mayor Alexander Gorbenko). It was MIT, commissioned by the mayor’s office, that became the organizer in support of the mayor’s office in dozens of different media (including Gabrelyanov’s), which, however, did not prevent Gabrelyanov from later placing in his publications an “order” from the Presidential Administration against Gorbenko himself (including the story about how , as the mayor's office allegedly sponsored Navalny). But in 2013, it was still good between Gabrelyanov and Gorbenko, Navalny was their main common enemy. Anonymous International suggests that it was MIT that could be behind the hacking of Navalny's mail (implemented, it is believed, in Germany by hacker Sergei Maximov, who poetically called himself "hacker Hell"). True, there is no evidence that the mayor's office was involved in this hack, and the hack itself took place back in 2011, long before the elections, when Sobyanin was hardly interested in Navalny's mail.

There are other interesting details in the new portion of the correspondence. It turns out that during the mayoral election campaign in Moscow in 2013, notes on behalf of the candidate Nikolai Levichev (who for some time replaced Sergei Mironov as chairman of A Just Russia) were written by Gabrelyanov's ex-employee Samvel Nalbandyan, and Gabrelyanov gave him wise advice: less criticize Sobyanin and more - Navalny. It is difficult to say how these wise advice influenced the result, but in the end, Levichev then took the last place and lost his chairmanship in the party.

So far, only one bet of 10 bitcoins (about $6.5 thousand) has been made on the lot with Gabrelyanov’s correspondence, and Gabrelyanov himself promised 1,000 bitcoins for reliable information about those behind Anonymous International. This amount is equivalent to $645,000, and the willingness to part with it so easily only adds credibility to the information published in this array.

The original of this material
© The Insider, 10/17/2014, Billion scam: why the Gabrelyanovs can get a criminal sentence, Photo, illustrations: via The Insider

As it became known to The Insider, the CEO of the publishing house "News Media" Aram Gabrelyanov, his son Ashot, as well as a number of his partners were involved in the case of the illegal alienation of shares in a mining company market value over a billion rubles. The arbitration court has already recognized the fact of "illegal alienation of shares" and now investigators are working on a criminal case in which the participants may face a criminal sentence.

The plot of this story is very simple. In 2009, the Gabrelyanovs TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, registered in Cyprus, bought a 49% stake in Tseomax LLC, an enterprise that mines zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and main) owner of Tseomax was Russian company- industrial group "Alsiko".

Ceomax had 2 main assets:

  • OAO Melor is a mining company. The main asset is a license for the Khotynets zeolite deposit, as well as a large number of various equipment(tractors, bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, etc.). The market valuation of 100% of the company's shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 889.5 million rubles.
  • JSC "Promzeolite" is a plant that processes zeolite ore mined by JSC "Melor" and produces finished products(pet products, fertilizers, Construction Materials). The enterprise includes several production and storage buildings, many industrial equipment, technology. The market valuation of 100% of the company's shares as of August 2012 (Otsenshchik LLC) is 121.7 million rubles.
  • After some time, Aram Gabrelyanov, representing the Cypriot company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, began to resent the fact that the company was not making a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Alsico Industrial Group with a proposal to either buy out his share, or, conversely, transfer the company to him in management and ownership of the shares, for which he promised to pay off in 5 years (letter on the buyout of the share:,; transfer of shares: , , ). He claimed that he could manage industrial assets much more successfully. Both of these options did not suit the Alsiko Industrial Group - there were no funds to buy out Gabrelyanov’s share (and Alsiko did not take such obligations on itself), but to transfer the company to him in ownership and management, without any specific obligations and guarantees, Alsiko also found it unacceptable. Representatives of Alsiko tried to find a compromise - they offered to directly head Zeomax LLC and even give the majority on the board of directors of Zeomax LLC, but, nevertheless, not to give their share in ownership. These compromises did not suit Gabrelyanov, he wanted to be the owner.

    In January 2013, Alsico management suddenly discovered that the shares of two industrial enterprises- JSC "Melor" and JSC "Promzeolit" - no longer belong to their subsidiary - LLC "Tseomax". As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over to his side two members of the board of directors of Tseomax LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former general director of Tseomax Alexei Tarasov), and then crank up the scheme when (according to Alsiko) using fake documents and bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold at 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market value. Two industrial enterprises with equipment and real estate were sold for 1.8 million rubles - you can’t even buy one excavator for that kind of money. First, the shares were sold to Bagdasarov and his closest relatives (daughter and mother-in-law), and then resold to Gabrelyanov's company - TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Documents on the approval of the alienation of shares were signed (except for Bagdasarov and Tarasov) by the son of Aram Gabrelyanov - Ashot Gabrelyanov and the financial director of Aram Gabrelyanov's structures - Andrey Mushkin.

    According to Alisko, at the same time the same group of persons (Tarasov, Bagdasarov and Andrey Mushkin) made a number of attempts to alienate other property of Alsiko (patents, trademarks, cash, cars) - in total, in the amount of about 120 million rubles. Assistance in attempts to alienate trademarks from Rospatent was provided by a high-ranking employee of the Presidential Administration - Anatoly Emelianenko, who, by an amazing coincidence, also turned out to be the godfather of Bagdasarov's grandson.

    A number of assets were transferred by the attackers to Russian structure- Zeotreydresurs LLC, which belongs to - Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, presumably Gabrelyanov's sister (the one who, according to extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Gabrelyanov's media business is registered - News Media OJSC). Many employees of Alsiko were transferred to the same structure, including the former general director Tarasov, and it was announced by the financial director of Gabrelyanov's structures, the same Andrey Mushkin, who took an active part in the alienation of property from Alsiko to the Cypriot company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Thus, the entire zeolite business of Alsico was under the control of structures associated with Gabrelyanov.

    The leadership of Alsico cites all these defendants confirming the preliminary collusion. On the evening of February 5, 2013, at a meeting of another structure of the Alsiko Industrial Group, Alsiko-Resource LLC, a new one was appointed to replace Tarasov CEO and the very next morning, Alsico received access to all the documentation and managed to partially transfer it to another office. At the same time, according to Alsico, documents were uncovered that unequivocally confirm the preliminary conspiracy of the above-mentioned group of persons to seize the assets of Alsico (preparation for which began almost six months after the events described). Two days later, on February 7, the company's office was forcibly seized by Alfa-Sigma private security company. The video from the surveillance cameras of this capture has been preserved and the leadership of Alsico claims that it is clearly visible on it that Bagdasarov and Tarasov personally led the capture. Alsico assumes that these incriminating documents were the real purpose of the capture. It is also curious that Samvel Mirzoyan was present in the seized Alsiko office (it is believed that Gabrelyanov’s nephew, the son of his sister Sofia Ashotovna Mirzoyan, who once worked in the Life newspaper. In Alsiko, with reference to Gabrelyanov’s friends, they say that he is a former boxer , but this is doubtful, because in the show "King of the Ring" Samvel Mirzoyan suffered a crushing defeat from Nikita Dzhigurda). Samvel Mirzoyan, in a private conversation, offered the programmer "Alsiko" Volnov V.I. connect the electronic payment systems of the company (during the capture of the company, they managed to block them in order to prevent theft of funds from current accounts). The programmer refused, after which the invaders began to make payments by contacting banks directly. In this way, during the seizure in a few days, Tarasov withdrew about 6.73 million rubles from the company's accounts, including 5.47 million rubles. to the accounts of Melor OJSC and Promzeolite OJSC, whose shares had already been transferred to Gabrelyanov's structures by that time.

    And that is not all. Alsico, of course, began to seek the return of assets through the courts. On November 1, 2013, Alsico had an important court hearing with Gabrelyan's offshore TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Getting ready for court session On October 31, the director of Alsico took home some of the documents in this case, including the originals, to present them to the court for review. When he drove up to the house and got out of the car, two unidentified men attacked him, beat him and stole a briefcase with a laptop and documents related to this case. A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the attack under the article “robbery”, but the perpetrators have not yet been found, and some of the original documents have been lost. The connection between the attackers and Gabrelyanov has not yet been established, but Alsico does not believe in the “random” nature of this event.

    Separately, I want to emphasize that our situation should not be perceived politically as an attack on the progressive and patriotic leaders of News Media OJSC - there is no politics in this situation, we have always been far from this and the patriots themselves, no less than some.

    - What are your next steps?

    By law, members of the Board of Directors of the Company, as individuals, if their decisions have caused damage to the Company, they are obliged to compensate for the losses caused to the Company. Among those who illegally voted for the alienation of the assets of Ceomax LLC at a price almost 600 times lower than the market price are Ashot Gabrelyanov, Andrei Mushkin, Valery Bagdasarov and Alexei Tarasov. Now they should be ready for billions of dollars in lawsuits, and we are actually preparing these lawsuits.

    Aram Gabrelyanov refused to comment on the situation with the illegal alienation of shares to The Insider, citing the fact that he had been “not at all involved” for a long time and suggesting calling Andrei Mushkin. Andrei Mushkin at first declared his readiness to comment on the situation, but since Monday (October 13) he could not send any explanations, and on Friday (October 17) he stated that he would not give any comments, except that he considered “all sounding accusations are false ”And that he has evidence of this, but he does not want to provide them and is only ready to contact law enforcement agencies if the material contains false information. The Insider is ready to supplement the material with the commentary of the accused party as soon as it deigns to provide it.

    The CEO of News Media publishing house Aram Gabrelyanov, his son Ashot, and a number of his partners were involved in the case of the illegal alienation of shares in a mining company with a market value of more than a billion rubles. The arbitration court has already recognized the fact of "illegal alienation of shares" and now investigators are working on a criminal case in which the participants may face a criminal sentence.

    In 2009, the Gabrelyanovs TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, registered in Cyprus, bought a 49% stake in Tseomax LLC, an enterprise that mines zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and main) owner of Tseomax was a Russian company - the Alsiko industrial group, reports The Insider.

    After some time, Aram Gabrelyanov, representing the Cypriot company TIG Mineral Resources Company Ltd, began to resent the fact that the company was not making a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Alsico Industrial Group with a proposal to either buy out his share, or, conversely, transfer the company to him and the shares to his property, for which he promised to pay off in 5 years. He claimed that he could manage industrial assets much more successfully. Both of these options did not suit the Alsiko Industrial Group.

    In January 2013, the management of Alsiko suddenly discovered that the shares of two industrial enterprises - Melor OJSC and Promzeolite OJSC - no longer belong to their subsidiary, Tseomax LLC. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to win over to his side two members of the board of directors of Tseomax LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former general director of Tseomax Alexei Tarasov), and then crank up the scheme when (according to Alsico) using fake documents and bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold at 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market value.

    The Alsiko company began to seek the return of assets through the courts. Solution The Court of Appeal of Moscow dated July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of OAO Melor and OAO Promzeolite from the balance sheet of Tseomax LLC to Bagdasarov and his relatives were declared invalid. The decision of the court entered into force.

    In addition, "Alsico" more than a year sought to open a criminal case. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow repeatedly refused, citing that they could not find and interview the above-mentioned persons involved in the alienation of Alsiko's property (although they did not hide, it was well known where they lived and worked).

    In the end, "Alsico" managed to achieve that a criminal case regarding the theft of shares was nevertheless initiated. But the same ATC is leading him around the Central Administrative District, without giving him any movement.

    If, nevertheless, the criminal case is brought to court, then it will no longer be just about the illegal alienation of shares (which has already been proven), but about raiding and real terms may threaten participants.


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