etc. drilling. etc. driller of operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas. Driller of operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation dated 11/14/2000 N 81

Driller of operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas

ยง 1. Driller of operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas

Job Description. Watch management. Perform preparatory work prior to drilling. Doing technological process drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals with deep drilling rigs and all related work in accordance with the geological and technical order, regime and technical map and technological regulations. Laying and assembly of drilling tools. Performing round-trip operations using automatic mechanisms. Performance of works on oriented drilling. Management of work on preparation, weighting and chemical treatment drilling fluids. Monitoring compliance with drilling fluid parameters and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during drilling. Equipment of the wellhead with blowout prevention equipment, application of blowout prevention equipment in case of emergency. Performance of work on the suppression of gas-water-oil shows, sealing the wellhead. Well control in gas-oil-water manifestations. Operational control over technical condition ground and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of control and measuring devices, automatic machines and safety devices, the condition of blowout prevention equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Elimination of complications and accidents during well drilling. Preparation of the well for the descent of reservoir testers and participation in reservoir testing. Core sampling in a given mode by all types of core sampling shells. Preparation of wells and equipment for running casing pipes. Supervision of work on laying and gaging of casing pipes, lowering casing pipes into the well. Participation in cementing of casing strings, installation of cement bridges, testing of strings for tightness. Performance of work on the development of production wells, testing of exploration wells. Performance of final work on the well. Preparation of drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in the preventive maintenance of drilling equipment, installation, dismantling, transportation of the drilling rig when the team moves with its own machine. Maintenance of primary documentation on the mode of drilling and drilling fluid parameters. When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling rigs (FDR), participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater blowout prevention equipment (BOP): preparation before launching the BOP complex or before lowering the BOP at the wellhead - a hydraulic power plant with a main control panel; driller's control panel; remote control remote control; control panels for multichannel hose reels; auxiliary hose reel control panel; choke manifold control panel; throttle remote control; ship unit of emergency acoustic control system for preventers; wellhead connector block; blowout prevention equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 of offshore riser tensioning system; guide rope control systems; divertor. Participation in the tightness test of the components of the air defense system when it is on the test pedestals, when it passes on the leaves of the mine opening; in pressure testing of the air defense system at the bench for operating pressure, functional testing of the air defense system at the bench: Stage I - checking the operation of all functions for both control systems from the driller's console, stage II - from the auxiliary console in the drilling foreman's station room, stage III - from the control panels of the multichannel drums a hose with control over the compliance of triggered functions on the block of preventers; Stage IV - checking all functions of the emergency acoustic control system of the preventer from the ship's acoustic system control unit and portable sensor. Descent of PPVO at the wellhead. Participation in the hydraulic testing of the WHP after the BOP has been mated with the casing head, after the casing has been cemented. Monthly checking the position of the valves of the choke manifold and adjustable nozzles, the throttle remote control, as well as checking the position of the valves of the killing and throttling lines, preventers, control of the accumulator charging pressure, air pressure, pilot pressure and control pressure of ram and universal preventers, pressure control seals of the telescopic compensator, light and sound alarm. Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): preparation of the open part of the wellbore for a long downtime (preservation); release of the wellhead from drill pipes; preparation of offshore riser tension systems for disconnection from the wellhead; dismantling of the deventor, telescopic compensator of the marine riser. Disconnection from the wellhead on alarm "Emergency undocking". Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Control over the position of the PBU above the wellhead and communication with the dynamic positioning service. Wiring technology control regarding project documentation, the actions of the members of the watch on the "Blowout" alarm, the fulfillment by the members of the watch of instructions during the direct liquidation of gas and oil and water manifestations (GNVP), maintaining the air defense and related devices in constant readiness. Fulfillment of the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTC) to take the technological parameters necessary for calculating the well killing, and take measures to seal the wellhead when a gas-oil injection is detected and when notified by the geological and technical control service. After each storm stay of the drilling vessel, participation in the preventive inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the working of the wire rope.

Must know: current rules and instructions on technology, technique and organization of production; basic information on the geology of deposits and technology for the extraction of oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals; geological and technical order and regime-technological map; geological section of the area being drilled, information about the design of wells; offshore drilling regimes; purpose, device and specifications drilling and power equipment, air defense systems, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; installation of electric drills and turbodrills; ways to eliminate possible malfunctions of the turbodrill, electric drill and current supply; device and purpose of the tools and fixtures used, methods of lowering and orienting pipes, electric drills and turbodrills with deflectors in directional and horizontal drilling wells; arrangement of small-scale mechanization devices used, instrumentation, drilling mud cleaning systems; physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluid, methods for its preparation, recovery and reuse; ways to control parameters and ways to reduce the consumption of weighting agents and chemical reagents; standard sizes and principles of rational use of applied bits; causes of accidents and complications during well drilling, measures for their prevention and elimination; permissible loads on the equipment used; design, purpose and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread marking, strength characteristics of casing, drill and tubing pipes; requirements for preparing wells for casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from pollution during drilling and cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions that ensure the quality of cementing and tightness of casing strings; consumption rates of the materials used; purpose, arrangement of formation testers, packers of various designs; technical requirements preparation of wells for the descent of reservoir testers and geophysical surveys; strapping schemes and designs of sealing devices; technology and methods of work on the development of production and testing of exploration wells; arrangement and use of surface equipment for flowing and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in the conditions of work in water areas; rules for rejection of the working tool, used control and measuring tools and safety devices; special rules safety when working at deposits containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, directives and other governing documents that ensure labor safety when drilling wells; Charter of service on sea vessels.

Average required professional education.

When drilling wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells with a depth of up to 2000 m inclusive, directional wells with a depth of more than 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption of drilling fluid, rock falls, narrowing wellbore, gas-oil and water manifestations, subject to the use of weighted drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g / cu. cm and above - 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 5000 m, horizontal wells with a depth of more than 2000 m or when drilling wells with a PBU - the 8th category.

Characteristics of works. Drilling holes with hand and core drills, electric drills, points, hand drills. Control of self-propelled drilling rigs in the process of drilling and drilling holes, moving and installing them in the face. Management of hydraulic arrows, regulation and adjustment of the automatic feeder. Preparation of drilling mechanisms and drilling rigs for work. Participation in rod mount pairing mine workings. Marking the location of holes in accordance with the passport of drilling and blasting. Grounding check. Connection of drilling mechanisms to the power grid. Purging, washing of holes, change of drills and bits in the process of drilling. Selection of drills, chisels, crowns. Harvesting and driving plugs into drilled holes. Scaffolding, installation of pneumatic and other supporting devices. Inspection of the place of work, keeping it in a safe condition, participation in the frilling of the sides and roof. Installation of temporary support. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of drilling mechanisms and drilling rigs. Maintenance of drilling mechanisms and installations, lubrication of their rubbing units. Participation in building pneumatic lines, water supply and ventilation systems.

Must know: arrangement of serviced drilling mechanisms and drilling rigs; the principle of operation of the hydraulic system of drives, gearboxes, pneumatic motors, diesel engines and other components of serviced drilling rigs, the procedure for their disassembly and assembly; rules for transporting drilling rigs through mine workings; schemes of rational arrangement of holes and their depth; content and procedure for filling out the passport of drilling and blasting operations; requirements for the quality of filling drilling tools, depending on the properties of the drilled rocks; order and methods of work on sharpening crowns; properties of rocks and the nature of their occurrence; name and location of mine workings; external features that distinguish a mineral from waste rock; dust control measures during drilling; lubrication system and grades of oils used for engines, chassis and hydraulic lines; rules for replacement and maintenance of drilling tools; schemes of ventilation and supply of the workplace with compressed air and water; device and scheme of the energy network; basic information on electrical engineering, geology, exploration of mineral deposits; methods of elimination of leaks in electric networks; methods of installing temporary lining and troubleshooting in the operation of drilling mechanisms and drilling rigs; rules and methods of blasting.

When drilling holes by hand - 3rd category;

when drilling holes with manual and core drills and electric drills weighing up to 35 kg (weight is indicated together with pneumatic support) on open works - 4th category;

when drilling: holes with manual and core drills and electric drills weighing more than 35 kg in open works and up to 35 kg in underground workings, adits, pits; holes by drilling rigs, except those equipped with diesel engines - 5th category;

when drilling: holes with manual and core drills and electric drills weighing more than 35 kg in underground workings, galleries, pits; holes by self-propelled drilling rigs with diesel engine; boreholes in underwater work - 6th category;

when drilling holes and boreholes in special wells with perforators, drilling rigs, electric drills and breaking rock mass with jackhammers to measure the thickness of a productive layer of a mineral, testing rocks for drillability, breaking and to determine the optimal parameters of drilling and blasting - 7th grade.

Secondary vocational education is required for a 7th grade hole driller.


Hole drillers' assistants, if they have the rights of a hole driller, are charged one category lower than the drillers with whom they work, in the absence of rights - two categories.

USSR State Committee
for work and social issues and AUCCTU
of January 16, 1986 N 13/2-36




The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 16, 1986 N 13 / 2-36.
Sections of this issue have been revised by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry in cooperation with the Ministry gas industry and the Central Bureau of Labor Standards.
These sections have been supplemented and amended in the content of most of the tariff-qualification characteristics and job titles. 10 professions are excluded from the issue and unified in the corresponding professions placed inside and in other issues of ETKS, for example: "Driller of mechanical rotary drilling of wells", "Driller of mechanical impact drilling of wells", "Driller of manual well drilling" and their assistants, etc. d.
Two new professions are included: "Machinist of units for maintenance of oil and gas equipment" and "Operator of the control panel in oil and gas production".
These sections of the ETKS contain 46 job titles instead of the current 54.
Tariff-qualification characteristics are obligatory for the tariffing of works and assignment qualification categories workers at enterprises, organizations and institutions of all branches of the national economy, regardless of departmental subordination, where there are production or types of work specified in these sections, except for specially stipulated cases.


The sections "Drilling wells", "Oil and gas production" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS) have been revised taking into account further improvement in the organization, regulation and stimulation of labor. In the sections, the tariffing of similar works has been improved, the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers' professions have been clarified in connection with changes in the content of labor under the influence of scientific and technological progress, increased requirements for product quality, qualifications, knowledge, general education and special training of workers.
The Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide contains tariff and qualification characteristics, grouped into sections by industries and types of work, regardless of which enterprises (organizations) of which ministry (department) have these industries or types of work.
These sections include the professions of workers specific to a given production or type of work.
The professions of workers that are not specific to any particular production or type of work are placed in the section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy."
The tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers are developed in relation to the six-digit tariff scale. The categories of work are set according to their complexity, as a rule, without taking into account working conditions.
In the "Must know" sections of the tariff and qualification characteristics in all professions, one should bear in mind the need for knowledge of safety regulations and fire safety, protection measures environment and bowels; in professions where it is necessary to drive a car or tractor, workers must have the appropriate rights.
Under the section "Drilling wells" the works and workers employed in the operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas and other minerals are charged; drilling of exploration, structural prospecting, hydrogeological, mapping and seismic exploration wells, drilling of wells for blasting, for fixing soil and rocks (cementation, silicotization, freezing, etc.), water supply (bu

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Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 6 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2000 N 81

Well drilling section
Driller of operational and exploratory drilling of wells for oil and gas
Rigid Welder
Tower assembler-electrician
Collector laboratory assistant
Drilling rig operator for oil and gas
Cementing machine operator
Cement-sand-mixing machine operator
Cementing control station operator
Well sampling (testing) operator
Well Cementing Operator
Pipe presser
Assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (first)
Assistant driller for operational and exploratory drilling of oil and gas wells (second)
Assistant driller for operational and exploratory drilling of wells during electric drilling
Mud maker
Drilling rig service technician
Tool joint installer
Drilling rig maintenance electrician

Section "Oil and gas production"
Workover driller
Driller of a floating drilling unit in the sea
Engineer of a floating drilling unit at sea
Well flow rate measurer
Engineer of units for maintenance of oil and gas equipment
The operator of the pumping station for pumping the working agent into the reservoir
Steam mobile dewaxing machine operator
Engineer of a steam generator plant for injection of steam into oil reservoirs
Mobile compressor operator
lift operator
washing machine operator
Dewatering and desalination plant operator
Hydraulic fracturing operator
Oil and gas production operator
well survey operator
Well preparation operator for workover and underground workover
Reservoir pressure maintenance operator
Underground well workover operator
Gas collection operator
Control room operator in oil and gas production
Well chemical treatment operator
Workover Driller Assistant
Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea
Locksmith for the installation and repair of offshore drilling bases and racks


This issue of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS) was developed on the basis of the previously existing ETKS, issue 6, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 16, 1986 N 13 / 2-36. Its development is caused by a change in production technology, an increase in the role of scientific and technological progress in production activities, increasing requirements for the level of qualifications, general education and special training of workers, quality, competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as changes in the content of labor.

The categories of work are established according to their complexity without taking into account working conditions (with the exception of extreme cases that affect the level of complexity of work and increase the requirements for the qualifications of the performer).

The tariff-qualification characteristic of each profession has two sections.
The "Job Specification" section contains a description of the work that the worker must be able to perform.
The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for the worker with regard to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulations, instructions and other guidance materials, methods and means that the worker must apply.

The tariff and qualification characteristics provide a list of jobs that are most typical for a given category of the worker's profession. This list does not exhaust all the work that a worker can and should perform. The administration of the organization may develop and approve, in agreement with the trade union committee or other representative body authorized by employees, an additional list of works corresponding in complexity to those contained in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the professions of workers of the corresponding categories.

In addition to the work provided for in the "Characteristics of work" section, the worker must perform work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition, maintaining established technical documentation.

Along with the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge contained in the "Must know" section, the worker must know: rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety; rules for the use of personal protective equipment; requirements for the quality of work (services) performed; types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it; production signaling; requirements for rational organization labor in the workplace.

These sections include the professions of workers specific to the production of well drilling and oil and gas production, which require knowledge of the rules for carrying out measures to protect the environment and subsoil. Workers whose professions involve driving a car, tractor or other transport must have the appropriate documents.

A worker of a higher qualification, in addition to the work listed in his tariff and qualification characteristics, must be able to perform the work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of workers of a lower qualification, as well as supervise workers of lower ranks of the same profession. In this regard, the works given in the tariff-qualification characteristics of lower ranks, as a rule, are not given in the characteristics of higher ranks.

When filling work book working, as well as when changing tariff category the name of his profession is recorded in accordance with the ETCS.

Characteristics of works. Watch management. Perform preparatory work prior to drilling. Conducting the technological process of drilling wells for oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals with deep drilling rigs and all related work in accordance with the geological and technical lineup, regime and technical map and technological regulations. Laying and assembly of drilling tools. Performing round-trip operations using automatic mechanisms. Performance of works on oriented drilling. Management of work on the preparation, weighting and chemical treatment of drilling fluids. Monitoring compliance with drilling fluid parameters and the operation of the drilling fluid cleaning system during drilling. Equipment of the wellhead with blowout prevention equipment, application of blowout prevention equipment in case of an emergency. Performance of work on the suppression of gas-water-oil shows, sealing the wellhead. Well control in gas-oil-water manifestations. operational control for the technical condition of surface and underground drilling equipment. Checking the operation of control and measuring devices, automatic machines and safety devices, the condition of blowout prevention equipment. Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Elimination of complications and accidents during well drilling. Preparation of the well for the descent of reservoir testers and participation in reservoir testing. Core sampling in a given mode by all types of core sampling shells. Preparation of wells and equipment for running casing pipes. Supervision of work on laying and gaging of casing pipes, lowering casing pipes into the well. Participation in cementing of casing strings, installation of cement bridges, testing of strings for tightness. Performance of work on the development of production wells, testing of exploration wells. Performance of final work on the well. Preparation of drilling equipment for transportation. Participation in the preventive maintenance of drilling equipment, installation, dismantling, transportation of the drilling rig when the team moves with its own machine. Maintenance of primary documentation on the mode of drilling and drilling fluid parameters. When drilling offshore wells from floating drilling rigs (FDR), participation in the installation and operation of a complex of underwater blowout prevention equipment (BOP): preparation before launching the BOP complex or before lowering the BOP at the wellhead - a hydraulic power plant with a main control panel; driller's control panel; remote control; control panels for multichannel hose reels; auxiliary hose reel control panel; choke manifold control panel; throttle remote control; ship unit of emergency acoustic control system for preventers; wellhead connector block; blowout prevention equipment OP540x210, OP350x700 of offshore riser tensioning system; guide rope control systems; divertor. Participation in the tightness test of the components of the air defense system when it is on the test pedestals, when it passes on the leaves of the mine opening; in pressure testing of the air defense system at the bench for operating pressure, functional testing of the air defense system at the bench: Stage I - checking the operation of all functions for both control systems from the driller's console, stage II - from the auxiliary console in the drilling foreman's station room, stage III - from the control panels of the multichannel drums a hose with control over the compliance of triggered functions on the block of preventers; Stage IV - checking all functions of the emergency acoustic control system of the preventer from the ship's acoustic system control unit and portable sensor. Descent of PPVO at the wellhead. Participation in the hydraulic testing of the WHP after the BOP has been mated with the casing head, after the casing has been cemented. Monthly checking the position of the valves of the choke manifold and adjustable nozzles, the throttle remote control, as well as checking the position of the valves of the killing and throttling lines, preventers, control of the accumulator charging pressure, air pressure, pilot pressure and control pressure of ram and universal preventers, pressure control seals of the telescopic compensator, light and sound alarm. Disconnection from the wellhead in extreme situations (hydrometeorological, technical): preparation of the open part of the wellbore for a long downtime (preservation); release of the wellhead from drill pipes; preparation of offshore riser tension systems for disconnection from the wellhead; dismantling of the deventor, telescopic compensator of the marine riser. Disconnection from the wellhead on alarm "Emergency undocking". Preparation of wells for geophysical surveys and participation in their implementation. Control over the position of the PBU above the wellhead and communication with the dynamic positioning service. Control over the wiring technology in relation to the project documentation, the actions of the members of the watch on the "Blowout" alarm, the fulfillment by the members of the watch of instructions during the direct liquidation of gas, oil and water manifestations (GNVP), maintaining the air defense and related devices in constant readiness. Fulfillment of the requirements of the geological and technical control service (GTK) for the removal technological parameters required to calculate the well killing, and taking measures to seal the wellhead upon detection of gas oil and gas and upon notification by the geological and technical control service. After each storm stay of the drilling vessel, participation in the preventive inspection of the drilling rig. Control over the working of the wire rope.

Should know: current rules and instructions on technology, technique and organization of production; basic information on the geology of deposits and technology for the extraction of oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals; geological and technical order and regime-technological map; geological section of the area being drilled, information about the design of wells; offshore drilling regimes; purpose, design and technical characteristics of drilling and power equipment, air defense systems, automatic mechanisms, safety devices; installation of electric drills and turbodrills; ways to eliminate possible malfunctions of the turbodrill, electric drill and current supply; device and purpose of the tools and fixtures used, methods of running and orienting pipes, electric drills and turbodrills with deflectors in directional and horizontal well drilling; arrangement of small-scale mechanization devices used, instrumentation, drilling mud cleaning systems; physical and chemical properties of drilling fluids and chemical reagents for the preparation and processing of drilling fluid, methods for its preparation, recovery and reuse; ways to control parameters and ways to reduce the consumption of weighting agents and chemical reagents; standard sizes and principles of rational use of applied bits; causes of accidents and complications during well drilling, measures for their prevention and elimination; permissible loads on the equipment used; design, purpose and use of fishing tools; type, dimensions, thread marking, strength characteristics of casing, drill and tubing pipes; requirements for preparing wells for casing and cementing; methods and means of protecting the productive horizon from pollution during drilling and cementing columns; well cementing technology and conditions that ensure the quality of cementing and tightness of casing strings; consumption rates of the materials used; purpose, arrangement of formation testers, packers of various designs; technical requirements for preparing wells for running formation testers and conducting geophysical surveys; strapping schemes and designs of sealing devices; technology and methods of work on the development of production and testing of exploration wells; arrangement and use of surface equipment for flowing and pumping wells; surface and underwater equipment, measures taken in the event of storms in the conditions of work in water areas; rules for rejection of the working tool, used control and measuring tools and safety devices; special safety rules when working at deposits containing hydrogen sulfide; orders, directives and other governing documents that ensure labor safety when drilling wells; Charter of service on sea vessels.

Requires secondary vocational education.

When drilling wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 5th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 1500 m and up to 4000 m inclusive, as well as when drilling directional wells with a depth of up to 1500 m inclusive - 6th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 4000 m and up to 5000 m inclusive, horizontal wells with a depth of up to 2000 m inclusive, directional wells with a depth of more than 1500 m with complicated geological conditions, during the drilling of which technical measures are used to prevent the absorption of drilling fluid, rock falls, narrowing wellbore, gas-oil and water manifestations, subject to the use of weighted drilling fluid with a density of 1.6 g / cu. cm and above - 7th category;

when drilling wells with a depth of more than 5000 m, horizontal wells with a depth of more than 2000 m or when drilling wells with a PBU - the 8th category.


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