4 social orientation and planning efficiency brief. Planning for social development in the organization. The essence of social planning in the enterprise

Planning- this is a management function, including the following set of works: analysis of situations and environmental factors; forecasting, evaluation and optimization of alternative options for achieving goals formulated at the stage of strategic marketing; plan development; implementation of the plan. Maintenance plans can be problematic, complex or local; strategic, tactical (as a rule, annual) or operational.

The most difficult direction in the development of the economy is development based on the intensification of innovation activity, which is characterized by great uncertainty.

Accordingly, planning for these conditions will be the most difficult, and planning tasks will be the most difficult to implement. Here are the main tasks planning the activities of the production system (company):

  1. selection of the optimal strategy of the company: for the future, based on forecasts of alternative options for strategic marketing;
  2. ensuring the sustainability of the functioning and development of the company;
  3. formation of an optimal portfolio of innovations and innovations in terms of nomenclature and assortment using scientific approaches;
  4. structuring the goals of innovation;
  5. comprehensive support for the implementation of plans;
  6. formation of organizational, technical and socio-economic measures that ensure the implementation of plans;
  7. coordination of the implementation of plans for tasks, performers, resources, deadlines, place and quality of work;
  8. stimulating the implementation of plans.

Main principles planning consists of:

  • continuity of strategic and tactical plans;
  • social orientation of the plan;
  • ranking of planning objects according to their importance;
  • adequacy of planned indicators;
  • consistency of the plan with the parameters of the external environment of the control system;
  • plan variability;
  • balance of the plan (subject to the provision of a reserve for the most important indicators);
  • economic feasibility of the plan;
  • planning system automation;
  • providing feedback to the planning system.

Let us briefly consider the content of the listed planning principles. Continuity strategic and current plans provides that the composition of current plans or sections of the business plan should repeat the main sections of the company's strategy. The number of planned indicators in sections of the business plan should be greater than in sections of the company's strategy. The shorter the planning horizon, the greater the number of planned indicators. The indicators of the business plan should not contradict the approved indicators of the company's strategy, they can only be more stringent and beneficial to the company at the current moment.

social orientation The plan provides (along with technical and economic problems) solving the problems of ensuring compliance with international requirements for environmental friendliness, safety and ergonomics of manufactured goods and the functioning of the company, as well as indicators of the social development of the team in accordance with the requirements of the international standard SA 8000.

Object ranking planning according to their importance must be carried out for the rational distribution of available resources. For example, if manufactured goods have approximately the same level of competitiveness, then it is first necessary to direct resources to increase the competitiveness of the product that has the largest share (by value of sales) in the company's program. With a different level of competitiveness of goods, the priorities for the distribution of resources are determined according to the methodology described in the author's textbook "Strategic Management".

Adequacy planned indicators of reality is provided, firstly, by an increase in the number of factors taken into account when forecasting alternative planned indicators, and secondly, by reducing the approximation error or increasing the accuracy of forecasts.

Consistency plan with the parameters of the external environment of the control system is established by analyzing the dynamics of environmental factors and studying the influence of these factors on planned indicators.

variance The plan is associated with the development of at least three alternative options for achieving the same goal and choosing the best option that ensures the achievement of the planned goal at the lowest cost.

balance the plan is ensured by the continuity of the balance of indicators along the hierarchy, for example, the functional model of the object, the cost model (when conducting a functional cost analysis), the balance of receipt and distribution of resources, etc. At the same time, it is planned to create a reserve for the most important indicators.

Economic feasibility plan is one of the most important principles of planning. The final choice of a variant of planned indicators should be carried out only after a system analysis, forecasting, optimization and business case alternative options. This planning principle is discussed in detail in the author's textbook "Management Decisions".

Automation of the planning system is one of the methods of planning that requires the use of modern information technologies and computer technology, providing information coding based on its classification, unity and consistency of information on the stages of the life cycle of the planning object in accordance with the principles of information technology CALS, operational processing, reliable storage and transfer of information.

The principle of planning - providing feedback to the planning system - implies the possibility for the plan executor (output of the planning system) to submit proposals for changing (correcting) the plan to its developer.

It is very difficult to apply all the considered principles. This is only possible for large firms with qualified personnel, modern information technologies and the necessary resources. Therefore, the number of applied principles is determined by the complexity and quantity of manufactured goods and services, the image and stability of the company. It should be noted that in the conditions of fierce competition, the following trends in planning are observed: reducing the duration of the development of plans, increasing their validity and quality, using modern information technologies (for example, CALS), relying on the results of strategic marketing.

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in the discipline "Sociology of Management"

on the topic "Social planning at the enterprise"



1.1 The essence of social planning in the enterprise


2.1 General characteristics of ORtrans LLC




Social planning implies the timely identification of problems in the development of the social structure, the assessment of the main indicators of its state, the collection of information, the determination of the actual state of affairs, the establishment of the priority of solving social problems, i.e. defining the goals and objectives of the plan, developing a draft plan, as well as determining the resources for its implementation. Social planning is necessary in every organization for the effective functioning of social processes.

The relevance of the implementation of social planning in enterprises at the present stage is associated with a number of reasons. Firstly, this is due to competition and the appearance on the market of enterprises with foreign capital, where the owners offer their Russian employees social programs that are more attractive in comparison with domestic competitors. Among Russian enterprises, there is an awareness that it is possible to compete in the labor market not only in terms of wages, but also in terms of the volume and content of social packages. There is an incentive for the management of enterprises to introduce modern systems to increase the motivation of employees.

Secondly, the problem of planning social programs at Russian enterprises arises in connection with the problems of attracting qualified personnel and rejuvenating labor collectives. In this regard, the creation of an attractive social package is associated not only with the mechanisms for attracting young workers, but also with the mechanisms for the painless release of former personnel into retirement.

The object of the research is social processes and social relations in the labor collective of ORtrans LLC. The subject of the research is the features of social planning at the enterprise.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the features and development of social planning at the enterprise, study the social structure of employees, develop a social development plan for ORtrans LLC and consider areas for improvement.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

To study the theoretical aspects of social planning;

To study the essence of social planning at the enterprise;

To study the theoretical aspects of the labor collective;

Assess the level of social development of the staff of ORtrans LLC;

Develop a social development plan for ORtrans LLC;

The main tasks of social planning are the development of a comprehensive system for the development of each member of the team in the spirit of communist consciousness, the creation of conditions for the elimination of heavy, physical labor, the improvement of professional qualifications, the general educational and cultural level, and the growth of material well-being.

The paper presents the following research methods: the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of comparison and generalization, the method of classification, a systematic approach to the object of study.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, list of references.

In the process of writing this term paper, textbooks were used: Grazhdan V.D., Bukhalkov M.I., Veselova N.G., Vorozheikin I.E., Kutyrev B.P.


1.1 The essence of social planning in the enterprise

The first mention of the term "social planning" is attributed to the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when he carried out reforms in connection with overcoming the consequences of the crisis of the 1930s. .

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the foundations of the theory and practice of planning social processes were first tested in the early years of Soviet power, in the late 1920s. and the first five-year plan, containing a special section "Socio-economic problems", as well as measures to address them and various social programs (eliminating illiteracy and homelessness in the country, etc.).

In Russian sociology in the 1960s and 1970s, Leningrad researchers made a great contribution to the development of social planning problems: V.M. Elmeev, D.A. Kerimov, B.Ya. Lyashenko, A.S. Pashkov, V.R. Polozov. Their searches in their works were supported by N.A. Aitov, Yu.E. Volkov, V.I. Gerchikov, N.I. Lapin, P.P. Luzan, Yu.L. Namer, L.A. Oleskevich, Zh.T. Toshchenko, S.F. Frolov and others.

The literature review revealed the following essential characteristics of social planning:

1) orientation of planning to goals arising from objective trends in the organization of people's lives and providing for the satisfaction of current and future needs of people, their coordination among themselves and measures to enhance the creative activity of the person himself and the social institutions of society .;

2) the use within the framework of social planning of indicators of the effectiveness of achieving the set goal (terms, volumes, levels, rates, proportions, degree of achievement of the planned milestones)

3) social planning involves the development and research of means to achieve the set development goals in the form of benefits (restrictions) or the creation of conditions for the rational and optimal development of the planned social process;

4) social planning is continuous process cognitive and transformative activity.

An essential point in social planning is to take into account the interests social groups, including the workforce.

Based on the essential characteristics, we can say that social planning is a scientifically based determination of goals, indicators and tasks for the development of social processes and the main means of their implementation in the interests of society, social institutions or enterprises.

In the interests of society, long-term plans are being developed for solving the most significant social problems that determine its viability and sustainability.

In the interests of social institutions at the regional level, social planning is aimed at solving the social problems of the republic, region (territory), other regional entity in terms of equalizing the levels of social development in the territorial context; regulation of migration flows; rational use of labor resources; development of national relations; distribution and consumption of cultural values.

In the interests of enterprises (labor collectives), social planning involves the realization of the awakening of a person to creative work, the provision of conditions for his working and everyday life. At this level, it is envisaged to solve the problems of improving the conditions and content of labor; vocational training; prestige of the spheres of application of labor; structure of working and free time; satisfaction of material and spiritual needs; participation in political and public life.

The forms of social planning at all levels include:

Targeted (direct) planning - development and justification of a system of tasks to achieve a certain level of development of social groups. This concerns rational correlations in the development of social processes that reflect their real state, trends in change, the level of use of science and technology, and people's needs;

Social (indirect) planning. When planning social processes and phenomena with the help of indirect economic and social levers, the elements of the implementation mechanism are the specific conditions, capabilities and needs of the object itself, as well as its elements (components).

The duality of planning allows us to consider the methods of its implementation as ways: a) implementation of programs and tasks (planning as an activity); b) their development (planning as a science).

General methods of planning are characterized by what objective laws of social development the possible ways of realizing the goals and objectives are based on, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms they are embodied.

The leading method of planning is the balance method (or a method of providing links between the needs of a social group and its capabilities with limited resources).

The requirements of the normative method in social planning are the basis for the compilation of indicators (standards) of social development at various levels of the social organization of society and ensure its scientific character.

The essence of the analytical method in social planning is the division of the social process into its constituent parts and the determination of directions for the implementation of the intended program of action.

The essence of the method of variants (variant approximations) is to determine several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information.

The program-target (complex) method in social planning is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors (material, financial, economic and social), with the definition of performers and deadlines.

The problem-target method involves the solution of priority tasks of social development through appropriate development programs and plans.

To assess the compliance of the actual situation with scientifically based requirements in social planning, social indicators are used - quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state, trends and directions of social development:

a) general, when it is necessary to establish the level of development (lag, advance, correspondence) of the process under study in a particular society and take measures for the appropriate impact;

b) regulatory, when it is necessary to determine the compliance of the process under study with scientifically based requirements.

Experts argue that social management is effective if several groups of indicators are used:

· indicators that take into account the experience of planning social development in the form of quantitative characteristics and therefore allow themselves to be projected for the future;

· indicators on the qualitative characteristics of individual social processes and phenomena;

· indicators-assessments of the effectiveness of measures taken after the end of the planning period.

It should be noted that the development, justification and application of social indicators are aimed at the adoption of evidence-based management decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of social planning and its effectiveness in solving both general and specific problems of social development.

Scientifically substantiated quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the optimal state of the social process (or one of its sides), obtained on the basis of taking into account the objective laws and possibilities of social development, are called social standards. They are aimed at maximum satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual; have a specific historical character, i.e. reflect the possibilities and needs of social development in this stage and, accordingly, may change in the future.

In the areas of social development, where the definition of standards is difficult, it is legitimate to introduce the concept of a social landmark into the practice of planning, by which it is necessary to understand the most possible rational value of the development of social processes, based on the established indicators of the development of similar phenomena

Based on the foregoing, we will make brief conclusions.

Social planning at the enterprise is a scientifically based definition of goals, indicators, tasks (terms, rates, proportions) for the development of the social environment of the organization and the main means of implementing social processes in the interests of the workforce.

The social environment of an organization is a combination of factors that determine the quality of the working life of employees: the social infrastructure of an organization, that is, a complex of facilities designed to provide life support for employees of an organization and their families, to meet social, cultural and intellectual needs; working conditions and labor protection; social protection of employees; socio-psychological climate of the team; material remuneration of labor and family budgets; after hours and use of leisure.

Social planning is carried out in a direct or indirect form using scientifically based methods, based on quantitative (social standards) and qualitative (social guidelines) characteristics.

It should be noted that in modern conditions, methods related to the existence of market relations are extremely important, when it is necessary to foresee the social consequences of decisions made, the ability to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformations. For this purpose, social development plans or social programs are developed.

1.2 Work collective: essence, functions

social planning work collective

In all economic systems, the main productive force is a person, the staff of organizations. Through his work he creates material and spiritual values. The higher the human capital and the potential for its development, the better it works for the benefit of its enterprise. Employees of the enterprise, closely related to each other in the process labor activity, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations, socially - labor spheres becomes the mainstay of life individual workers, and individual professional groups, entire production teams. The combination of personal and production motives for the activities of employees is one of the most important tasks of both social planning and, in general, the entire production management.

A psychologically developed team is considered to be such a small group in which a differentiated system of various business and personal relationships has developed, built on a high moral basis. Such relationships can be called collectivist. A small group, in order to be called a team, must meet very high requirements:

successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it (to be effective in relation to its main activity);

have high morals, good human relations;

create for each of its members the possibility of personal development;

· to be capable of creativity, that is, as a group to give people more than the sum of the same number of individuals working separately.

The group on the way to the team goes through several stages:

1) mutual orientation - this stage consists of self-presentation, observation of each other, attempts to understand for themselves the important properties of partners. This stage of the low performance of the group. Activities that shorten this phase - organizing a meeting outlining the purpose of the group and the functions of its members;

2) emotional upsurge - determined by the advantage of contacts, animated by the novelty of the situation;

3) a decline in psychological contact - occurs because people begin joint activities, in which not only advantages, but also disadvantages are revealed. Some mutual dissatisfaction is formed;

4) the rise of psychological contact.

So, the collective is a community of people, the life activity of which is based on the value-oriented unity of its members, and the main value orientations are socially significant.

The labor collective is the main unit of society, which unites all employees of an enterprise, institution, organization to achieve a certain specific goal of their joint labor activity.

All labor collectives have common properties:

the presence of a common goal, the unity of interests of the members of the labor collective;

Organizational formalization within the framework of a social institution;

social and political significance of the activity;

relations of comradely cooperation and mutual assistance;

· socio-psychological community and mutual assistance;


· the presence of a clearly defined structure of interactions and a certain range of responsibilities, rights and tasks.

The classification of labor collectives can be based on several criteria, according to which they can be subdivided as follows:

a) by forms of ownership (state, private, etc.);

b) by areas of activity (industrial and non-industrial);

c) by time of existence (temporary and permanent)

d) by stage of development (forming, stability, decaying);

e) by subordination (primary, primary, secondary).

Labor collectives are called upon to perform the following typical functions:

1. The function of production management is carried out through various formal collective management bodies, public organizations, special elected and appointed bodies, direct participation of workers in management.

2. Target - production, economic: the release of certain products, ensuring the economic efficiency of activities, etc.

3. Educational - carried out by methods of socio-psychological influence and through the governing bodies.

4. The function of stimulating effective labor behavior and responsible attitude to professional duties.

5. The function of the development of the team is the formation of skills and abilities of teamwork, the improvement of methods of activity.

6. Innovation and election support function.

From the content side, the labor collective is defined as such a community in which interpersonal relations are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities. With this understanding of the labor collective, its structure always (to varying degrees) contains three main elements: the leadership group, the core, and the peripheral part.

The leadership group is represented by members of the labor collective, who are functionally entrusted with the function of leadership, or a member of the collective, who, due to his personal qualities, enjoys authority among most of its other members.

The core consists of those members of the labor collective who have already established themselves in the collective, identified with it, that is, they are the bearers of the collective consciousness, norms and values.

The peripheral part of the structure of the labor collective is formed by those members who have either recently joined the system of collective relations and have not yet identified with it, or are present in the collective only functionally. It is this part of the team that is primarily the object of "manipulation" by the leader.

There are several areas of social development of the team (Fig. 1

1.3 Planning for social development in the enterprise

Social processes at the enterprise must be managed, these goals are served by social planning or planning of social development of labor collectives.

However, it should be noted that the socio-economic instability in society, typical for Russia in the 1990s, the struggle of enterprises for survival in the new market environment pushed the issues of planning social development at enterprises into the background. However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance. The strengthening of stabilization processes in the country will inevitably put the problems of managing social development among the priorities. This is evidenced by the experience of economically developed countries of the world. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing the management of social development in enterprises.

Social planning is a system of methods and means of systematic management of the development of the labor collective as a social community, purposeful regulation of social processes and the development of social relations at the level of collectives.

Social planning at the enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive sociological study of the workforce, the purpose of which may be to study the social structure of workers, identify its weak links and areas for improvement. The issues of people's attitude to work, the factors of attractiveness and unattractiveness of labor at the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions are subject to study.

Particular attention should be paid to studying the degree of content of labor, its conditions and the level of its payment, staff turnover, labor discipline, value orientations in the team.

The sociological study ends with the development of evidence-based recommendations for changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for various areas of work in the enterprise team. Such recommendations and proposals become the basis of social planning for the current period (a year) and for the future (3-5 years or more).

Social development plan - a set of evidence-based activities, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most efficient functioning of the team. At the center of them is not manufactured products, but a person as a producer and consumer, as a socially active person.

In planning the social development of work collectives, the determination of the goals and objectives of the plans being developed is of particular theoretical and practical importance. The direction of theoretical developments and the effectiveness of social planning in practice depend on how clearly the goal and objectives of achieving the goal are formulated. For their correct formation, it is important to take into account the relationship between the social and economic development of the team.

The relationship between social and economic development is manifested in the fact that the achievement of social goals is based on economic growth: the collective can set only those social tasks for which the material base has been created.

Economic development depends on the effective use of social factors, the reorientation of production towards the consumer, the success of overcoming chronic resistance to scientific and technical progress - on the full and comprehensive use of human capabilities.

Labor collectives are called upon to produce wealth but this is not an end in itself, but a means of creating favorable conditions for working people to work, study, rest, develop and make the best use of their abilities. Consequently, the goal of planning the social development of labor collectives is to maximize the use of opportunities and conditions for the comprehensive development of the social activity of a person's personality.

The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the solution of the following two groups of tasks:

maximum satisfaction of the reasonable needs of team members, increasing the content of work, creating favorable working conditions, study and recreation, which is the result of the implementation of technological, technical and organizational measures;

education of the personality of a member of the team, the formation of his proactive attitude to work, the improvement of relationships in the team.

When developing a plan for the social development of the production team, it is important not only to determine clear parameters: the indicators and timing of each event, the pace and proportions, but also to provide for restrictions on undesirable trends, to stimulate socially progressive ones. For this purpose, a whole system of levers and incentives is used (the prestige of the profession and the place of work, the traditions of the enterprise, etc.).

The most important principles of social development are complexity (planning of diverse social phenomena and processes in their unity) and democratic centralism (combination of centralized management with local solution of problems of social development of the team on a broad democratic basis).

Indicators of the social development of labor collectives are determined mainly by the collectives themselves, based on the availability of opportunities in the interests of development and increasing the efficiency of its activities.

At present, such principles as the principle of scientific validity and objectivity, the principle of specificity have not lost their relevance.

The plan for the social development of the labor collective has a directive character, and after approval it becomes mandatory for execution. On the basis of it, the activities of the team are organized to solve the planned social problems.

The development of a plan for the social development of the team includes four stages.

At the first - preparatory stage, a decision is made to develop a social development plan, working groups are formed, contracts are concluded with organizations involved in the development of the plan, the structure of the plan is specified, work schedules are drawn up, a program and methods for conducting research are determined based on specific production conditions; forms of working documentation are developed, the content of work is determined and functions are distributed among the performers (creative teams), the team is instructed and informed.

At the second - analytical stage, the degree of implementation of the previous social development plan is determined, the social structure, working conditions, living and recreation, wages, etc. are studied. The collected materials are compared with normative data, achievements of advanced experience in science and technology, which contributes to the scientific substantiation of the plan. Primary social information is collected, specific sociological research is being carried out. The results of this stage (identified general trends, patterns) are documented in an analytical note.

At the third - development stage, activities, proposals and recommendations are designed, indicators of the social development of the team are determined, which should be specific and realistically feasible. An initial version (draft) of the plan is drawn up by sections, the economic and social efficiency of the proposed measures is determined. These activities are coordinated with the functional services and transferred to the working group, which forms a consolidated draft plan. The latter is agreed with the chief specialists of the enterprise and the head of the enterprise.

At the fourth - control stage, a system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan is being developed, which includes the system of accounting, control and reporting that has developed at the enterprise.

In terms of social development, it is advisable to single out the following sections and areas of work:

Improving the social structure of the team. This section focuses on the reduction or complete elimination of hard and unhealthy work, the reduction of the share of low-skilled labor, the increase in educational and qualification levels workers, to change (if necessary) the gender and age structure of the team. The work of women, adolescents, and the elderly is considered separately, indicating the structural changes that it is advisable to carry out among these categories of workers.

Social factors of production development and increase of its economic efficiency. Here, measures are planned related to the technical re-equipment of production, with the introduction of new equipment and technology. Among such measures are the design of progressive forms of organization and remuneration of labor, the reduction of its monotony. The saturation of production with high-performance equipment exacerbates the problem of releasing workers and ensuring employment of the enterprise's personnel. It is advisable to use various forms of employment: part-time work, flexible working hours, home work for women and pensioners, etc. It is important that the plan reflects the issues of overcoming inflation and raising real wages for workers. In the context of the growth of the technical equipment of the enterprise, it is necessary to support in every possible way on-the-job training. It is also necessary to envisage measures to stimulate rationalization and invention.

Improving the working and living conditions of workers. The plan should highlight areas and subdivisions with unfavorable working conditions, for which it is necessary to provide for measures to improve the working environment, to replace equipment that is a source of increasing harmfulness and danger, or to reliably isolate such equipment. Measures are also envisaged to comply with sanitary and technical norms, labor safety standards, to organize well-equipped change houses at the enterprise, food service points, washing overalls, repairing shoes, delivering food and industrial goods orders to workers through the tables, etc. Special attention is paid to providing workers with housing, children preschool institutions, recreation areas, etc.

Education of labor discipline, development of labor activity and creative initiative. The measures of this section of the plan are developed on the basis of an analysis of the value orientations of workers and should be aimed at stimulating high labor and production discipline, at developing various forms of involving workers in improving production.

In parallel with the plan for the social development of the collective, many enterprises developed the so-called social passports of enterprises. This experience is expedient to use at the present time.

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It characterizes the social structure of the enterprise team, its functions, working conditions, the provision of workers with housing, preschool institutions, social infrastructure units at the enterprise itself. The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of employees and other issues. Data from the social passport is used in the development of a social development plan.

In addition to social development plans, specialized social programs can be developed, such as "Health", "Women's Labor", "Youth", "Housing", etc.

Planning for the social development of labor collectives ensures the growth of social efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.


2.1 General characteristics of ORtrans LLC

ORtrans LLC was established on October 16, 2000 in accordance with Russian legislation. Its founders are individuals.

This limited liability company is located at the address: Orenburg, 460021, st. Piketnaya, 73 a

According to the Charter, the Company carries out transportation of goods by road, transportation of passengers, transportation of oversized cargo.

To achieve the objectives of the activity, ORtrans LLC has built a linear-functional management system with block differentiation of functional links, when links of a functional-linear type are introduced (deputy managers for a set of functions) and differentiation of functional links is carried out for these blocks. The peculiarity of such an organizational structure of management is the differentiation of relationships between linear and functional subordination, which makes the system adaptive to changes. environment, flexible in using the potential of professionalism and in the temporary organization of its functioning.

According to the accounting financial statements as of 01/05/2010. average headcount employees of OOO "ORtrans" amounted to 274 people, the volume of trade in 2009 was 104,242 thousand rubles, the average annual value of fixed assets was 40,011.5 thousand rubles. Based on the above data, ORtrans LLC is a medium-sized entrepreneurial company.

The analysis of the economic activity of the company under study is carried out on the basis of the indicators of the annual accounting (financial) statements for 2008-2009.

Let's start the analysis with an analysis of the enterprise's labor force in 2007-2009. (Table 1)

Table 1 Composition and structure of employees of the enterprise by categories of LLC "ORtrans"

Average annual number, pers.

Changes in the structure in 2009 by 2007 (+,-)

Workers employed in the main production

working constants


of which: leaders


Service workers

working constants


of which: leaders


So, in the structure of employees of the enterprise by categories of LLC "ORtrans" during the study period, the share of employees employed in the main production increased by 1.20% due to the opening of the international direction of cargo transportation. The share of employees employed in service services decreased by 1.20%, respectively, despite the fact that in absolute terms the share of permanent workers increased by 5 people, and employees - by 3.

In order to give a more complete economic description of the organization's activities, we will analyze the composition and structure of fixed assets of ORtrans LLC (Table 2).

Table 2 Composition and structure of fixed assets of ORtrans LLC

Types of fixed assets

Amount at the end of the year, thousand rubles

Structure %

Structure changes

Machinery and equipment


Production and household inventory

Other types of fixed assets

Land plots and nature management objects

In the structure of fixed assets, machinery and equipment dominated - more than 50% throughout the entire period, but it tends to decrease, so in 2007 their share was 66.96%, then in 2009 - 52.29% , which is 14.67% lower. Land plots and nature management facilities also have a high share and their share is increasing, so in 2007 they occupied 22.43% in the structure of fixed assets, then in 2009 - already 44.19%, which is 21.76% higher. For other groups, the share in the structure is insignificant (less than three percent) and, moreover, tends to decrease.

2.2 Assessment of the state of social development of the team of ORtrans LLC

The social development of the team is a multidimensional concept that includes a number of indicators that characterize the conditions, nature and content of labor; team structure; incentives to work; satisfaction of the social, physical and spiritual needs of workers, the moral and psychological climate in the team, social activity, etc. In our opinion, for a complete and reliable assessment of the level of social development of the team, it is necessary to determine indicators that would make it possible to unambiguously assess the level of social development of the company's team.

An analysis of existing research in this direction, conducted by E. N. Pshenichnaya, made it possible to identify more than sixty indicators for assessing the level of social development of the enterprise team. Such a large variety of indicators leads to significant difficulties in assessing the social development of the enterprise team. Therefore, based on the research of E. N. Pshenichnaya, we systematized these indicators and identified seven groups on the basis of homogeneity: 1) conditions, nature and content of labor; 2) the structure of the team; 3) incentives to work; 4) satisfaction of social and household needs; 5) satisfaction of physical and spiritual needs; 6) moral and psychological climate in the team; 7) social activity. At the same time, we took into account the nature of the influence of each of them on the level of social development of the enterprise staff. The indicators that stimulate the social development of the enterprise team, and the indicators that slow down this process, include the indicators presented in Table 3.

Table 3

The system of indicators of the social development of the team


stimulating the social development of the enterprise team

inhibiting social

team development

Indicators characterizing

character and


1.1. Provision of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment

1.2 Passing medical examinations, examinations of employees, especially those employees who are responsible for traffic safety

1.1 Frequency of accidents

1.2.Degree of severity


1.3. The proportion of employees employed

1.3. The amount of payments, benefits and compensations for unfavorable working conditions relative to the average wage per employee

1.4. The degree of compliance of sanitary and hygienic working conditions with the applicable standards

1.5. Specific weight of workers working in comfortable air, temperature and other environments

1.6. Share of employees working on a flexible work schedule

1.7. The share of workers involved in production


1.8. Share of workers combining professions

in hard and hazardous work

2. Indicators characterizing



2.1. Skill level (middle class of workers)

2.2. Qualification level of management and employees

2.3. Frame stability level

2.4. Share of workers with secondary education

2.2. Share of employees with higher education

2.6. The share of employees who have completed a professional


2.7. Composition of employees by age

2.1. Staff turnover rate

3. Indicators characterizing

labor incentives

3.1. The amount of bonuses relative to the average salary,

attributable to one employee of the enterprise

3.2. The share of employees who received material remuneration for their work

3.3. The proportion of workers who received moral rewards for their work

3.4. The share of pensioners who received a one-time assistance upon retirement

3.5. Share of employees involved in management


3.6. The coefficient of excess of the real wages of one worker

enterprises above par

3.7. Pension supplement coefficient for retirees who work


social and household

needs of workers

4.1. Provision of employees of the enterprise with living space

4.2. Provision of transportation to the place of work by specially allocated buses

4.3. Voucher coverage ratio

4.4. Nutrition ratio

4.5. Utilities compensation ratio

4.6. Compensation coefficient for increasing the subsistence level

4.1. Specific gravity

time spent by employees on the road to and from work in the total duration of work



and spiritual

needs of workers

5.1. Share of employees participating in sports competitions

5.2. The proportion of employees using library

funds in total strength personnel

5.3. Share of employees visiting cultural institutions at least once a month

5.4. Share of employees visiting cultural institutions at least once every six months

5.5. Provision of the team with sports clubs

5.6. Provision of amateur art circles for employees of the enterprise

5.1. Disease frequency

5.2. Incidence rate

5.3. The share of smoking employees in the total number of employees

6. Morally



6.1. The degree of satisfaction with relationships in the team

6.2. The degree of satisfaction with the relationship with management

6.5. Share of overcoming conflict situations

6.6. The level of moral and psychological climate in the team

6.1. Level of complaints received from workers

6.2. Absenteeism rate (truancy rate)

6.3. Coefficient

absenteeism intensity

6.4. Coefficient

7. Social activity


7.1. Share of employees, members of creative and amateur groups

7.2. The share of employees participating in public

7.3. The degree of awareness of the affairs of the team

7.4. The proportion of innovators and inventors among

enterprise employees

As a way of obtaining information, we chose a combined source of information:

Documented and calculated (using calculations of special coefficients and the proportion of certain indicators): the necessary information is taken from the relevant standard registration forms for statistical data, financial statements, personnel documentation, standards;

Questionnaire and descriptive (qualitative information about the level of social development of the company): the necessary information was obtained using a questionnaire specially developed by us in the course of the study. This questionnaire allows, by means of a survey of managers and employees of ORtrans LLC, to identify their attitude to the state of social problems in the team, to calculate the proportion of certain categories of employees. In order to determine the level of social development of LLC "Ortrans", let's start with an assessment of the personnel of LLC "ORtrans" with their division by age and gender according to the records of the personnel department (Table 4).

Table 4 Demographic structure of the team of ORtrans LLC


in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

45 years and above

in % of the total

Sociological studies confirm that a same-sex team is less effective than a heterosexual one: in the organization under study, only 10.64% of women are accountants, economists and dispatchers, the rest are men. At the same time, the largest share belongs to young specialists (6.38%) and women of pre-retirement age (3.83%), which negatively affects the social and psychological climate of the team.

The combination of age groups is also of great importance. The predominance of older people (39.15%) is characterized by high labor discipline, but at the same time, elements of conservatism increase in the implementation of innovations, the level of loss of working time due to increased morbidity of workers rises, there is a threat of retirement, etc. The predominance of young people is also characterized by specific manifestations (19.57%) - a faster reaction to innovations, but at the same time, due to their youth, such employees easily relate to a change in the environment and are looking for ways to realize their career ambitions, and also do not have sufficient professional experience.

In ORtrans LLC, the number of male employees with a productive working age of 35-45 years and 25-35 years is 29.79% and 11.49%, respectively. Such employees are valuable because they have not only academic knowledge, but professional experience and practical knowledge. At the same time, they require increased material motivation due to family and personal circumstances. An analysis of the demographic structure of the ORtrans LLC team showed that “psychological mistakes” were made during its formation, which lead to conflict situations in the team, disunity of interests of its members, which in turn leads to the loss of: the ability to coordinate actions; initiative and independence of group members; desire for cooperation, etc. This conclusion is confirmed by the answers from the questionnaire. So, to the question “Are you satisfied with the relationship in the team, 75% of the employees answered “No”, to the question “Are you satisfied with the relationship with the management” - 64% of the employees. To the question “Do you consider the level of moral and psychological climate in the team to be high?” 72% of employees responded negatively. At the same time, the highest percentage of dissatisfaction was found among employees. Of no small importance for the analysis of the social development of the team is the factor of education. General indicator of educational level - the share of the total number of employees of those who have higher and secondary vocational education.

This indicator is also interesting for groups - managers, specialists, workers. The content of the activities of employees of these categories should be taken into account. For example, science requires a high educational level. The less meaningful the sphere of work (for example, a loader, a cleaner) - the more preferable is the low level of education of workers. Employees with a high educational status also have a higher level of claims, and this leads to dissatisfaction and a decrease in motivation when they are engaged in intellectually empty work. An analysis of the structure of the team of ORtrans LLC, depending on the educational level, according to the credentials of the personnel department, is presented in Table 5.

Table 5. The structure of the team of ORtrans LLC depending on the educational level



in % of the total

in % of the total


in % of the total

Incomplete higher

in % of the total

to general IT

The analysis showed that among employees a large share is occupied by employees with higher education - 62.13% and with secondary specialized education - 25.53%. Slightly less is the number of employees with incomplete higher education - 11.06%. The smallest share belongs to employees with secondary education - 1.28%. At the same time, 7.66% of 10.64% of women have higher education and 1.28% - incomplete higher education; among men, 54.47 out of 89.36% have higher education, and 9.79% have incomplete higher education.

For professional activities, higher education is the most preferable, but here it must be borne in mind that a person with a higher education has higher life aspirations, desire career development according to their education, high ambitions, etc. It is more difficult to motivate such people to non-intellectual work. The specifics of the activity of ORtrans LLC allows the use of specialists with secondary specialized education both in the main and in service production, which the management of ORtrans LLC did not use. In my opinion, the predominance of employees with higher education negatively affects the social development of the team, since dissatisfaction with professional ambitions leads to dissatisfaction with one's activities, to social tension, which, accordingly, is a prerequisite for an increase in staff turnover.

An analysis of the results of the survey confirmed our conclusions: for example, people with higher and incomplete higher education (69%) answered the question with almost all working conditions at the workplace with a “minus” sign, with secondary specialized education - only 1% marked all conditions with a “minus” sign ”, and 2% - one or two factors.

Also, it was employees with higher education who rated the category of the severity of their work at the third and fourth levels, and the workload as overestimated and excessively overestimated, while employees with secondary and secondary specialized education tended to believe that their work by category belongs to mainly to the first and second groups, the workload is normal. We also note that among the respondents who rated relations in the team and with management as unsatisfactory, the proportion of employees with higher education is higher. To assess the social development of the team, one of the most important criteria is staff turnover, which evaluates the quality of all aspects of work with personnel. Staff turnover is understood as the dismissal of employees at their own request, that is, this does not include layoffs due to staff reductions, in connection with retirement or conscription into the Armed Forces. Table 6 presents an analysis of staff turnover according to the accounting data of the personnel department for 2007-2009.

Table 6

Personnel turnover of ORtrans LLC for the period 2007-2009

Resigned employees

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

in % of the total

45 years and above

in % of the total

secondary special

incomplete higher

secondary special

incomplete higher

For the period 2007-2009. resigned from ORtrans LLC 46 s...

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The main distinguishing feature of the activities of non-profit organizations is a high degree of social orientation, which leaves the basis of their organizational culture and consists in the desire to provide services that are important to society, but often do not bring profit due to the lack of solvent demand or the impossibility of setting prices and charging for them.

In other words, non-profit organizations produce public goods, which cannot be effectively produced by commercial organizations, since the activity for their production does not pay off. The key goal of the functioning of non-profit organizations is not to make a profit, but to achieve a social mission. Social orientation of non-profit organizations includes the following six behavioral components:

  • 1. Beneficiaries, or recipients of services of non-profit organizations, as a rule, are in a crisis situation and adverse economic, social and political conditions. The activity of non-profit organizations is aimed at understanding their situation and needs and developing programs and activities that are valuable to them.
  • 2. Sponsors and resource providers provide often non-profit organizations with financial support and are usually donating private and public representatives. Non-profit organizations conduct certain activities in order to retain current sponsors and attract new financial resources.
  • 3. Volunteers and employees of non-profit organizations are involved in the strategic process of obtaining and retaining motivated staff, taking into account their perception and proposal for planning the activities of non-profit organizations, where volunteers are a unique and key resource.
  • 4. Learning and social entrepreneurship refers to the organizational capacity of non-profit organizations, reflecting the general capacity of their productivity and ability to adapt to environmental changes, through the creation and implementation of innovations.
  • 5. Interfunctional coordination ensures the emergence of a synergy effect in non-profit organizations, which contributes to the achievement of the organizational mission. This implies consistent planning and information sharing.

The high social orientation of the activities of non-profit organizations and the lack of focus on making a profit necessitates the use non-traditional methods to measure their performance and efficiency. Performance score plays important role when planning non-profit organizations and making decisions for the following reasons:

  • - this allows you to get feedback and identify the change in the performance of a non-profit organization over time;
  • - this allows you to set standards and use them for comparison as benchmarks for the organization itself and form an information base for organizational decision-making;
  • - the results of this assessment serve as a signal to the public and stakeholders of the activities of non-profit organizations.

The most used indicators in the non-profit sector are financial. The goals of non-profit organizations are more complex than those of commercial organizations, because their success or failure cannot be measured strictly in financial terms. In the non-profit sector, financial performance is only one of the goals pursued. The main purpose of the activities of non-profit organizations is the production of the required quantity and quality of social goods and services.

Some non-profit organizations aim to maximize the use of certain types of resources as inputs rather than outputs, others may seek to maximize revenues. Still others focus on lobbying for social issues aimed at maximizing political impact. Numerous objectives of non-profit organizations necessitate multidimensional measurement of their performance.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the activities of a non-profit organization is understood as a social orientation and the degree of satisfaction of stakeholders in its activities, the achievement of stakeholder expectations, organizational values ​​and mission. In order to capture the interests of multiple stakeholders in the activities of a nonprofit organization and provide a solid basis for assessing the performance of a nonprofit organization and making decisions, six dimensions of the performance of nonprofit organizations are distinguished. These include:

  • - satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services - is determined by the completeness and timeliness of the non-profit organization's satisfaction of their needs for social services;
  • - the amount of financial and other resources attracted by the organization - reflects the financial and other resources available to the non-profit organization, the degree of satisfaction of sponsors with its activities and determines its capabilities in the implementation of its social functions;
  • - satisfaction of the organization's employees and volunteers - is determined by the quality of management and motivation, the development of the organization's social capital and determines the organization's ability to attract new employees and volunteers;
  • - long-term results and intermediate results of activities - reflect the degree of achievement of the goals and mission of the non-profit organization;
  • - the overall efficiency of the organization - reflects the payback of social projects, the level of profit and profitability, similar to the efficiency of a commercial organization.

In practice, some non-profit organizations may focus more on just one, two, or even a few types of social orientation, which increases the degree of their organizational effectiveness. Some not-for-profit organizations may focus on sponsorship alone or on fundraising and investment, which can lead to increased financial flexibility and better social service delivery to consumers.

Another example is the orientation of a non-profit organization towards the interests of volunteer employees, which in turn can serve the interests of sponsors and attract additional financial and other resources to the organization. Non-profit organizations that are able to meet the interests and needs of several stakeholder groups at once are more efficient and effective in various organizational aspects.

Performance indicators for each type of stakeholder should be tailored to the specific conditions of the non-profit organization and be consistent with the desired results of its activities, its mission and values. Ideally, one should strive to satisfy the interests of all interested parties.

In table. 5.1 provides the components of social orientation and indicators of productivity and efficiency of a non-profit organization.

Based on the data in Table. 5.1, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization to beneficiaries (consumers of social services), the higher the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services, the satisfaction of employees of the organization and volunteers, long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization's activities;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization to attract financial resources from sponsors, the higher the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of social services, the satisfaction of employees of the organization and volunteers, long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization on the interests and motivation of volunteers and employees, the higher the long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall effectiveness of the organization's activities;
  • - the higher the non-profit organization's orientation towards training and running a socially responsible business, the higher the long-term results and intermediate results of activities and the overall efficiency of the organization's activities;
  • - the higher the orientation of a non-profit organization towards interfunctional coordination and internal synergy, the higher the overall efficiency of the organization's activities.

The influence of the social orientation of a non-profit organization on the performance indicators of its activities

Type of social orientation of a non-profit organization

Organization performance indicator

Satisfaction of needs of consumers of social services

The amount of financial and other resources attracted by the organization

Satisfaction of employees of the organization and volunteers

Long-term results and intermediate results


Overall performance of the organization

Focus on beneficiaries (consumers of social services)

Focus on attracting financial resources from sponsors

Focus on the interests and motivation of volunteers and employees

Orientation to training and maintaining social

responsible business

Focus on interfunctional coordination and internal synergy

Thus, we can conclude that the most preferred type of social orientation of a non-profit organization is the orientation towards beneficiaries (consumers of social services), since it provides an increase in four out of five identified indicators of its productivity and efficiency.

Department of "Social Psychology of Management"

(project topic)

course project

in the discipline "Management of social development of the organization"

Explanatory note

DM M311. ПЗ

Head Designed

teacher student gr. ________

________________ __________________

(signature) (signature)

_____________ __________

(check date) (date of submission for verification)

Brief review:









( defense clearance record)

________________________________ _________________________________

(assessment based on the results of the defense) (signatures of teachers)

Federal Agency for Railway Transport

Siberian State Transport University

Department of "Social Psychology of Management"

student _______________________. Group (code) ______________. Option number ______.

Initial data common to all options:

Initial data determined (selected) by option number:

  1. Theoretical part

Essence of social planning.

Levels of social planning

Forms of social planning

Methods of social planning

Indicators and criteria of social development

The structure of the social development plan of the team

Sociological service as a subject of planning

Tasks and structure of management of social development of the organization

The main functions of the social service

Resources and reserves of social planning

  1. Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise

Content, volume, labor intensity and execution schedule

Title of document and section


niya (weeks)

quantity note pages,


execution bone in hours

1. Selection of literature, drawing up a plan

2. Theoretical section

3. Development of draft documents on the social development of the organization

4. Introduction, conclusion

5. Project design

General labor intensity

Deadlines for verification: December 18 -23, 2006 . Terms of protection: December 25 - 29, 2006

Main literature:

1.Volchkova L.G. Planning for socio-economic development. SPb. 1999 - 60s.

2. Vorozheikin I.E. Management of the social development of an organization: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M., 2001-176 p.

3. Kurbatov V.I., Kurbatova O.V. Social design: account. Allowance. - Rostov-on-Don, 2001 - 416 p.


1.Theoretical foundations of social planning

1.1. The essence of social planning……………………………………………………….7

1.1.1. Levels of social planning ………………………………………….…………...7

1.1.2. Forms of social planning…………………………….……………………….9

1.1.3. Methods of social planning………………………………………………………………11

1.1.4.Indicators and criteria of social development…………….………………………...14

1.2. The structure of the plan for the social development of the team ……………………………………..... 16

1.3. Sociological service as a subject of planning …………………..…………………..24

1.3.1. Tasks and structure of management of social development of the organization ……………..24

1.3.2. The main functions of the social service ……………………………………………….….33

1.4. Resources and reserves of social planning………………………………………….….41

2.Practical part

2.1.Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise………………………………………………45

2.2. Staffing of the enterprise………………………………………………………………..49

2.3. Structure of the social development plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




The issue of planning the social development of an organization in modern society and specifically in organizations plays a huge role. Social planning implies the timely identification of problems in the development of the social structure, the assessment of the main indicators of its state, the collection of information, the determination of the actual state of affairs, the prioritization of the solution of social problems, i.e. the determination of the goals and objectives of the plan, the development of a draft plan, as well as the identification of resources for its execution. Social planning is necessary in every organization for the effective functioning of social processes.

The object of my research is social development. Then the subject of research was the planning of social development.

In conducting the study, I set myself such a goal as to identify the main features of social development planning that need to be taken into account when developing a plan.

In the process of research, in order to achieve this goal, I performed the following tasks:

1) to study the theoretical foundations of social planning;

2) conduct a comparative analysis of performance indicators and the real state;

4) to study the structure of the social passport of the organization;

5) conducting practical research on the example of an existing specific organization (draw up a plan for the social development of the team).

In the first part of my term paper, I considered the theoretical foundations and principles of social planning. It also describes the essence and problems of the theory and practice of social planning.

The second part describes a practical study on the chosen topic, using the example of a branch organization of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk railway. After analyzing the enterprise according to the points of the social passport, we developed a plan for the social development of this enterprise. Based on the information provided in the form of graphs and tables, we also made conclusions and forecasts on the development of the labor potential of the organization.

1. Theoretical foundations of social planning.

1. 1. The essence of social planning.

The development of society should not be spontaneous and unpredictable. Historical practice suggests that society can purposefully change when it systematically, on the basis of scientific data, plans its change. This suggests that the optimal scientific management of social life requires considering social planning as a unity of cognitive and social transformation activities, as well as seeing its specificity in all spheres of public life — economics, social sphere, politics, spiritual life, etc.

Social planning is a scientifically substantiated definition of goals, indicators, tasks (terms, rates, proportions) for the development of social processes and the main means of their implementation in the interests of the entire population.

1.1.1. Levels of social planning

It is customary to distinguish levels of social planning in connection with the level of social organization at which this or that social change or social transformation is carried out.

The first level of planning is the planning of the social development of labor collectives. Different types of production teams require different methods when planning their development. The accumulated experience shows that at the level of the labor collective the plans based on the following principles turned out to be the most effective.

Principle 1. What and to what extent the employee is able to do to successful development production and how it will change under the influence of scientific, technological and social progress.

Principle 2 . The effectiveness of social development plans depends on the conditions that a collective can create for a person, the specific advantages that he can receive in the process of distributing material and spiritual benefits. The essence of the issue is to ensure the unity of the efforts undertaken by the state to improve the standard of living of workers and the opportunities that a particular production or region has. The most important aspect of the implementation of this principle is the improvement of material and moral incentives. In recent years, many proposals have been made and a number of experiments have been carried out to increase people's interest in the final results of labor.

Principle 3. The processes of human interaction with a production organization, city or district (and, consequently, with the whole society) should not proceed spontaneously, accidentally, spontaneously, but should be an expression of conscious activity, the participation of members of labor collectives in the management of these processes.

At the regional level, social planning is a special form of purposeful regulation of social processes at the level of the republic, region (territory), economic region and other administrative divisions. To solve the problems of the effective functioning of the entire social organism, it is of great importance to equalize the levels of social development in the territorial context, and especially the regulation of migration flows, the rational use of labor resources, the development of national relations, the distribution and consumption of cultural values. As experience has shown, the main target for regional social planning is the creation of favorable conditions for work and everyday life.

Planning at the level of economic regions must necessarily take into account that each of the social processes - the development of the nation, the improvement of the living standards of peoples, the migration of the population, the improvement of the education system - requires finding what characterizes its essence and specificity in a given region. In addition, when studying the social process, it is clarified what distinguishes it from similar processes in other regions of the country. One of the main conditions is the optimal combination of sectoral and regional planning in the interests of the effective functioning of society. A feature of regional planning for economic regions is also the observance of the principle of consistency, determined by a set of indicators. In addition, the problems facing a republic or region do not always coincide in their relevance with national ones.

1.1.2. Forms of social planning

Forms of social planning differ, first of all, as follows: firstly, by targeted planning, and secondly, by planning with the help of indirect (economic and social) levers.

Specific, or, as it is now customary to say, targeted, planning includes the development and justification of a system of tasks, which is brought to the attention of various state or public organizations. At this level, tasks are set upon reaching a certain level of social development. It is important that, first of all, it concerns the rational correlation, proportions in the development of social processes. Such ratios reflect the real state of society, the trends of its progress, the level of achievements in science and technology, and the needs of people.

At its core, social planning is associated with the determination of the time required to complete the task. Obviously, the more complex the goal, the more time is required not only for a comprehensive scientific substantiation of the decision being made, but also for its implementation. The time span of the planning period cannot be given a priori and must be based on the unity of qualitative and quantitative indicators. It should be noted that the experience of targeted planning has largely discredited itself, because it gave scope to command methods, ignoring the scientific basis for determining the guidelines for social development and change.

When planning social processes with the help of indirect levers, specific conditions, opportunities and needs are studied in detail. At the next stage, it is determined which elements, components are not amenable to state and public regulation. In relation to them, the task is to quantify and predict them in order to make appropriate decisions in order to mitigate or neutralize the negative consequences and negative results.

In reality, the planning process itself also reveals those variables that can be influenced and which, in fact, are the objects of social planning and regulation. In order to minimize the amount of labor costs that do not require qualifications or hard physical labor, in addition to planning technical progress, it is necessary to regulate the growth of workers' qualifications. Plans for raising their pro-union level presuppose, first of all, the elimination of certain types of labor. Then they should reflect the change in the content of labor in many professions. And finally, and this is especially important, many of the specialties are to be preserved only as a stage in a person's labor activity.

Many social processes are characterized by the fact that they have limited conditions in their development. Planning for these conditions is necessary to define the area of ​​freedom. This is due to the fact that social planning, on the one hand, relies on the availability of material, financial, and labor resources. But, on the other hand, any social process is interconnected with other phenomena, and therefore it is impossible not to take into account what impact the measures taken will have on adjacent areas of social development.

It is very important in social planning to take into account the interests of specific social groups. In solving economic problems, the interests of the entire people and individual social groups basically coincide, but this cannot be said about other spheres of public life. So, the goal in the sphere of production is the minimum cost in the implementation of the task. To achieve the minimization of costs when planning social processes means deliberately infringing on the interests of certain social groups. The maximum social result is not always achieved by minimizing costs. And this is one of the most important goals of social planning.

It should be noted that these two forms of planning in their pure form do not exist. However, planning through indirect levers has become particularly relevant in connection with the implementation of economic reform in the country.

1.3. Methods of social planning

Planning methods are conditioned by those specific tasks that are set in the development of social relations and social structures. General methods of planning are characterized by what objective laws of the development of society are based on possible ways to achieve goals, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms they are embodied.

For a long time, the leading planning method was the balance one, which arose as a way to ensure links between the needs of society and its capabilities with limited resources. Currently, methods related to the existence of market relations are coming to the fore, when it is especially important to see the social consequences of decisions made, to be able to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformations, providing them with favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative activity.

The scientific nature and validity of social planning largely depends on the use of the normative method. Requirements this method serve as the basis for compiling indicators of social development at various levels of the social organization of society. It is the standards that make it possible to carry out calculations and substantiate the reality of planned targets, to determine guidelines for the development of many social processes and relations.

Let us highlight some generally applicable methods of social planning that allow planning at various levels.

but. Analytical Method social planning.

The analytical method combines analysis and generalization. Its essence boils down to the fact that in the course of planning social progress is divided into its component parts and on this basis the directions for the implementation of the planned program are determined.

The method of options is becoming increasingly important, the essence of which is to determine several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information. Its variation is the method of variant approximations: first, on the basis of the available initial data, possible path in the order of the first approximation, and then successive refinements are made. The application of this method is associated with the search for the optimal solution to a particular social problem, with the right choice of priorities.

b. Integrated method of social planning.

An integrated method is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors: material, financial and labor resources, performers, deadlines. Its application presupposes compliance with the following requirements: determination of the pace and proportions of the development of the social process, its statistical and dynamic model, and the development of the main indicators of the plan.

In social planning, all dashes began to apply the problem-target method , which is usually associated with the solution of urgent key tasks of public spillage, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

Widely accepted social experiment , during which the mechanism of action of objective laws and the features of their manifestation on the basis of one or more social institutions are specified. The conclusions obtained help to correct the course of development of the planned process, to check in practice the predicted provisions and conclusions.

in. Economic and mathematical methods.

The name of the group of these methods is rather conditional. In fact, we are talking about a different amount of analysis when using the planning methods already listed above. Mathematical methods do not cancel social analysis, but rely on it and, in turn, influence its further improvement.

Currently, quantitative analysis is based on such methods as linear programming, modeling, multivariate analysis, game theory, etc. But all these formal-logical quantitative procedures play the role of a specific tool needed to solve various problems.

In the theory and methodology of planning, it is important to be able to apply quantitative characteristics. Quantitative analysis must always be compared with common sense, so that there is no absolutization of quantitative characteristics. Thus, quantitative analysis and economic and mathematical tools play an important, but not self-sufficient role in planning. They need constant development and improvement, in the constant correlation of their results with the social goals of society.

1.4. Indicators and criteria of social development

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the level of development, state, tendencies and directions of social dynamics used in planning to assess the compliance of the actual situation with scientifically substantiated requirements are called social indicators. In the most complete form, indicators of all spheres of public life, primarily scientific, technical and economic development, are determined and calculated on the basis of statistical data. To identify all the main parameters of social processes, special studies are carried out to assess their state at the level of society, region or sectors of the national economy.

When identifying the level of development, two more important indicators: a) general, by which it is possible to establish whether the process and phenomenon under study in a given republic, region, city, district can be established, lags behind, ahead of or is at its level, after which measures are taken to strengthen or stagnate the impact; b) normative, on the basis of which compliance with scientifically based requirements is also determined. These indicators may not coincide with those existing both in the country and in the region, but they characterize the degree of development or perfection of this phenomenon. Sometimes actual indicators of social development of similar objects are taken for comparison. The use and comparison of indicators makes it possible to determine the place of the process or phenomenon under study within the framework of the whole society.

Social indicators of development also characterize the objectively developing directions of development and indicate favorable trends or, conversely, the action of negative factors. In this regard, it is very important to use development indicators for a five-year, ten-year and longer period, by which it is possible to establish the degree of achievement of the goals set, the possibility of their refinement based on the specific situation. Based on the characterization of the state and the definition of development problems, measures are developed to stimulate the processes in which society is interested, and at the same time to limit the phenomena that are the subject of concern, or to stabilize conditions that, in general, can correspond to urgent social needs.

In the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the spheres of public life, indicators are used that can be measured and which can be given a quantitative and qualitative interpretation. Much attention is paid to the infrastructure (material base) of social development, which is calculated per 10,000 population or the number of settlements (in rural areas). A similar technique is used to calculate another type of indicators - staffing.

It is obvious that the development, justification and application of social indicators are aimed at making scientifically based management conclusions aimed at improving the efficiency of social planning and its effectiveness in solving both general and specific problems of social development.

1.2. The structure of the social development plan of the team

When developing the social sections of the plans, the focus is on improving working conditions for all categories of personnel, creating a social service sector directly at work, developing social infrastructure and providing conditions for a healthy life, recreation, not only for workers, but also for their families.

The labor collective undertakes to help strengthen the family, create favorable conditions for women, allowing them to successfully combine motherhood with participation in work and social life, take care of war and labor veterans, pensioners and children, allocating their own earned funds for this.

Such important issues as the training and retraining of personnel, the improvement of their professional qualifications, and the involvement of all working people, and above all young people, in an active social life are not left without attention.

The area of ​​social planning includes the effective use of free time by members of the labor collective, the development of each worker as an individual, the creation of a normal moral and psychological climate in all areas of production, the implementation of communist education and spiritual progress in the labor collective, the formation healthy lifestyle life.

The fundamental principles of planning were formulated by V. I. Lenin. The most important of these are the interconnection and consistency of plans, their scientific validity, a combination of long-term and current planning, comprehensive accounting and control over the implementation of plans. All these principles are used in social planning.

The comprehensive dynamic interdependence of technical, economic and social factors, the interconnection of the interests and needs of the individual, groups, teams and society as a whole predetermine the complex nature of social planning.

An integrated approach makes it possible to link the social development of the collective with the overall socio-economic development of the region and industry, to accurately determine its role in the joint actions of enterprises, industries and local councils of people's deputies aimed at achieving social progress. This makes it possible to avoid the dispersion of material, financial and other resources; more successfully address the issues of improving the skills of workers, redistributing them according to areas of employment, providing housing, transport, trade, consumer and cultural services, organizing leisure and recreation.

One of the important features of social planning is its optimality. From the variety of options for the planned solution of social problems, one should always choose the option that, with the available opportunities and resources, allows to the greatest extent and in the shortest possible time to satisfy the needs of the working people.

The practical significance of social planning is realized only if the specificity and targeting of its content are observed. In many industries and enterprises, methodological recommendations on social planning have been developed, which are very diverse and differ significantly from each other in content and methodological approach.

Based on the generalization of the experience of drawing up social development plans, the Trade Data Center issued methodological recommendations for planning the social development of the collective of a production association (enterprise). They are exemplary and can be used as a supplement to the standard methodology for developing a five-year plan for the economic and social development of an association (enterprise), taking into account the needs and capabilities of specific labor collectives.

The methodological recommendations reveal the essence of the social development of the enterprise team, give a method of social planning, consider the issues of organizing the development and implementation of a plan for the social development of the team.

Of particular interest are the appendices to these guidelines. In particular, the five-year plans propose to significantly expand the number of basic indicators of the social development of the collectives of production associations. The appendix comprehensively considers the social infrastructure of the enterprise, gives specific indicators, units of measurement. Also included is a program and tools for basic and local sociological research. The methodological recommendations reveal the content of individual targeted programs, technology of their development. The list of social standards for all sections of the plan proposed in the methodological recommendations is of great importance for the practice of social planning.

These guidelines contain a large set of indicators that can be successfully used in determining the ways of social development of a particular team. At the same time, many issues, including those arising from the Law on State Enterprise (Association), remained undisclosed or fell out of the view of the compilers of the recommendations.

This necessitates further work to improve the structure and content of the social development plan of the enterprise. The content and indicators of this plan should more fully reflect the social changes in the team, be more closely linked with the plans of other enterprises located in the same region.

When developing a social development plan, it is necessary to rely on the initial information and target programs for solving certain issues of social, technical and economic development of the enterprise.

The plan for the social development of the enterprise team is an interconnected set of indicators that characterize a scientifically based system of measures provided with the necessary resources aimed at the comprehensive development of all members of the team based on the implementation of progressive changes in the social composition of workers, improving living conditions, forming and most fully satisfying the material and spiritual needs of members team. The practice of social planning recommends the following structural elements of the plan:

1. Planning for improving the social structure of the production team. The content of this section is developed in close conjunction with the plan for labor and personnel, as well as with the plan for technical development and labor organization. Particular attention is paid to changes in the number and structure of employees due to the mechanization and informatics of production processes, improving the organization of production and labor. The share of unskilled labor in the total volume of labor costs, the reduction in the number of workers employed in jobs with harmful working conditions are taken into account. Improvement of the social and qualification sphere of the production team is revealed as numerous indicators characterizing the number and social composition of employees, the level of education and qualifications.

2. Planning for improving working conditions and labor protection, improving the health of workers. The choice of a priority direction and the sequence of measures to improve conditions and labor protection, improve the health of workers depends on the specifics of production. For the analysis and development of the plan, general, technical, sanitary and hygienic, psychophysiological indicators, as well as indicators of labor safety conditions and the prevention of accidents and possible occupational diseases are widely used.

3. Planning to improve the living and social and cultural conditions of workers and their families.

4. Planning educational work in the team and increasing the labor and social activity of workers. The development of this section of the social development plan should be aimed at ensuring the close unity of all types of educational work (ideological and political, labor, economic, moral, legal, aesthetic, physical education) in order to achieve an increase in the social activity of workers, improve social relations in the labor collective. Planning of educational work should be carried out in stages:

Analysis of her condition

Identification of trends and problems of its development

Determination of ways (forms, methods) for the implementation of educational work

The main sources for the analysis of educational work are the data of the administration of public organizations, the results of sociological and other special studies.

The social development plan is the main means of managing social processes in the enterprise. The possibilities of meeting the needs of the collective in social benefits are determined by the final results of the work of the enterprise, the self-supporting income of the collective. Therefore, the development of a plan for social development is the business of the whole team.

The head units responsible for developing a social development plan at the enterprise are the planning and economic department and the social development service, which coordinate the activities of all departments of the enterprise in compiling five-year and annual plans.

Of great importance in the development of social development plans is the scientifically based definition of social priorities, i.e. those social tasks that need to be solved in the enterprise team in the first place. The identification of social priorities is based on the analysis and forecast of the social and economic situation at the enterprise, taking into account the interests and needs of various social groups of workers and the collective as a whole.

The development of a social development plan provides for:

analysis of the socio-economic situation at the enterprise;

Determination of the priority of the solution of social

preparation of assignments for the development of activities; designing the creation of appropriate social and cultural facilities;

· discussion of the draft social development plan;

allocation of the necessary financial resources for implementation.

The system for monitoring the implementation of the social development plan mainly includes the established accounting, reporting and organization of analysis and control.

Of great importance for the improvement of social planning is the development of scientifically substantiated social standards.

Social standards - the requirements imposed by society (industry, region, team) to a certain side (direction) to the activities of the production team. They are expressed in specific values ​​of social indicators and fix the state (statics) or the pace of development (dynamics) of any aspect of the life of the team, which are necessary for its normal functioning and progressive development.

Social standards in social planning and management should perform the following basic functions:

1) planning tool, i.e. serve as a justification
control figures and planned targets for various
directions and indicators of social development of teams.

Social standards ensure mutual coordination of social programs and plans of various levels: the industry and its sub-sectors, associations and enterprises, the city and the enterprise, the enterprise and its divisions. One of the channels for such coordination is the specification of the standards established for a social object of a higher level, for objects of a lower level;

2) base for analysis to evaluate dynamics
social object, to compare different objects with each other.

Unlike economic planning, where the application of the normative approach is based on a developed theory and rich practice, in social planning there is significant experience in the design and use of only sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as standards for such indicators as the provision of housing, child care facilities, services health care, production areas, household premises, etc.. Specific standards for improving general and special education, developing spiritual and physical culture, creative, labor and social activity, optimizing staff turnover, and some others began to be determined only in recent years ..

The development and use of social standards in the planning and management of social facilities represent a deeper and more specific level of social planning. Only with their help is it possible to make a real transition in this area from practice based on past results to truly targeted planning that takes into account long-term tasks and the level of social development actually achieved, to turn it from the initiative of individual teams into a systematic nationwide activity within the framework of a comprehensive economic and social planning. Social standards should become a criterion for assessing the level of development of the social sphere and an important tool for allocating resources between sectors and regions, based on social priorities.

1. 3. Sociological service as a subject of planning

1.3.1. Tasks and structure of management of social development of the organization

The management of the social development of an organization, as emphasized in the first chapter, is a specific type of management and, at the same time, an integral part of personnel management, has its own area of ​​manifestation and its own object of managerial influence. As already mentioned, social management provides for the creation of favorable working and rest conditions for employees of the organization, remuneration and social protection of personnel, maintaining an optimal moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, ensuring social partnership and business cooperation. To him, attach the appropriate forms and methods, techniques, methods and rules that allow solving social problems on the basis of a predominantly scientific approach to regulating social processes in an organization.

The subject of social management is management units and a circle of officials designed to deal with the issues of social development of the organization and social services for its personnel, endowed with appropriate powers and bearing certain responsibility for solving social problems. The presence of a social service in an organization is all the more necessary because the changes in society, caused by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, lead to an increase in the role of the human factor in labor activity and the importance of the personal qualities of workers, and increase the need for social partnership.

In fact, at every large enterprise in foreign countries, especially those that follow the social orientation of the national economy, the management of social processes is separate and specialized. There are managerial units that work with personnel (human resources), regulate social and labor relations and relations with trade unions, provide social services to staff, and spend funds for charitable purposes.

In the Russian Federation, until recently, most enterprises, along with indispensable departments of personnel, labor and wages, had managerial services that dealt with issues of safety, medical and sanitary services, housing and communal services, work supplies, the provision of household services for organizing competitions, etc. . With the implementation of measures aimed at the transition from planned, super-centralized management to a socially oriented market economy, the purpose, formation and practical activities of these and other social services have changed markedly.

Under the new conditions, the functioning of such services is determined, on the one hand, by the form of ownership, scale, industry affiliation and location of the organization, and on the other hand, by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its personnel, the increased responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers of any level for the more complicated decision as production and economic, as well as social tasks. The definition of social services must now take into account the socio-economic consequences of the privatization of former state property; changes of a fundamental nature in the remuneration system, dictated by the establishment of market relations by the commercialization of the provision of an increasing range of social services; reforming various types of social insurance and social assistance; the withering away of a number of former social functions of the trade unions. We have to take into account the fact that the real concern for the social sphere is increasingly being shifted to non-state, primarily municipal, bodies and organizations themselves.

Depending on the specific situation, the management of social development is carried out either by the directorate of the organization itself, or by specially authorized persons, or by autonomous units that are elements of the personnel management structure, social services. A typical variant of the organized structure provides for the position of Deputy Director for Human Resources with subdivisions (divisions, sectors or groups) reporting to him and individual specialists in charge, in particular, of general

dews for the regulation of labor relations, safety and labor protection, labor motivation, social protection, the functioning of social infrastructure facilities.

If an organization has an extensive network of its own social infrastructure, it is usually managed separately. In this case, a variant of the structure is possible, providing for the position of deputy director for social and domestic issues, giving him subordinate management and officials in charge of housing and communal services, institutions of medical and preventive profile, education and culture, public catering and consumer services, and others. social facilities.

The tasks performed by the social service of the organization have their own characteristics, due to the ambiguity of the object of management and the nature of emerging social problems, the originality of methods for achieving social goals, the need for strict compliance with the requirements of social and labor legislation and ensuring close cooperation of all parties interested in social partnership. In Russian conditions, it is also necessary to take into account the current state of the domestic economy and social sphere, in which organizations and their personnel continue to experience the negative consequences of the recent significant decline in production and hyperinflation, and managers face serious obstacles, objective and subjective, in their efforts to increase wages and improve working conditions. and everyday life, to increase the interest of workers in new forms of management.

Since the social service, as a subject of management, deals exclusively with people, its primary task is to focus on the person, his intellectual and moral potential, the culture of communication and interaction of workers. Providing the desired changes in the social environment of the organization, social service specialists are forced not only to overcome economic and technical difficulties, but also mainly deal with socio-psychological, spiritual and moral problems related to people's attitudes to nature, scientific and technological achievements, labor and, of course, to each other.

The head of an organization, a professional manager, needs to have the necessary minimum of humanitarian and ethical knowledge, psychological and pedagogical tact, and the ability to choose the manner of behavior appropriate to the circumstances. To a certain extent, he should act as an educator who takes into account the psychological characteristics of individuals and social groups, and when choosing options for solving social issues, he should consult with those whose interests this problem affects.

Social service specialists are required to be extremely attentive to a person, to take maximum care of each employee of the organization, satisfying his requests, respecting rights and dignity. They are called upon, using the means at their disposal, to stimulate the interest of employees in business and highly productive work, to develop social activity, the desire of employees to effectively implement their knowledge, experience and skill. It is important to raise people's awareness of the importance of discipline, creative initiative and independence, individual and collective responsibility for the results of joint work.

Involvement in the management of social processes is associated with concern for improving the working and living conditions of people, with sincere responsiveness to the requests of employees for assistance in solving everyday problems, no matter how small they may seem, with a willingness to provide the necessary assistance. At the same time, discretion is needed in granting any privileges. Indulgences often divide the team, lead to conflict situations, confrontation. Of course, blind leveling is also contraindicated.

The most important task of managing social development is the use of various types of social, humanitarian technologies as a set of means for streamlining, reproducing and updating the social environment of an organization, as a kind of algorithm for obtaining the desired results in this matter. Such technologies, based on knowledge about a person, about the content and forms of social ties, are used in management activities with the aim of humanizing labor, creating conditions conducive to joint work, free and comprehensive development of the individual.

Humanitarian technologies in work with personnel are usually designed to give scope for the manifestation of individual and personal qualities of employees, optimize interpersonal relationships and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, stimulate professional growth, creative initiative and business partnerships. This takes into account the real possibilities of the organization, the sectoral specifics of its functioning, the socio-demographic characteristics of the city or region where it is located.

An indispensable component and, therefore, the task of modern, based on a scientific approach, the management of social development is the observance of social norms - established by society, the state, a separate organization of rules, techniques, patterns of behavior, principles of activity that correspond to generally accepted values ​​and moral ideals. They allow in a verified and accessible form to express both the main goals of changes in the social environment and the requirements that apply to staff.

In the literal sense, the concept of "norm" means the guiding
start, rule. Because the norm, the standard is a certain standard,
to be measured and by which to evaluate
certain events, objects, processes.

Social norms are quantitative, and in most
cases, a qualitative description of the requirements for conditions
human life, social groups. These include both legal norms enshrined in the laws of the country, as well as moral and ethical guidelines, regulated values ​​of social indicators.

The norms of the social sphere, as well as other areas of society, are formed as a result of the practical activities of people and social experience, scientific research, expert opinions of reputable specialists. They find expression in legislative acts, government decrees, sectoral instructions, regulations of regional governments, orders of local administration and other regulatory documents. Mandatory standards require strict implementation, and norms that are advisory in nature serve as a methodological guide in solving social problems.

In particular, Russian standards in the field of social and labor relations establish the duration of the working week and the duration of labor leave; the level of physical and intellectual requirements for representatives of certain professions; ergonomic and sanitary and hygienic working conditions; minimum wages, pensions and scholarships, compensation payments and benefits; limits of rational consumption of food products, non-food products and services; average indicators of provision with housing, amenities, healthcare, education, culture, etc.

The program of social reforms currently being carried out in the Russian Federation considers the formation of a system of state minimum social standards to be one of the most important measures to stabilize and improve the living standards of the population. Some of them have already been established - as already mentioned, the federal standard for the social norm of housing area is determined on the basis of 18 square meters. m of total housing area per family member, consisting of three people or more, 42 sq. m - for a family of two and 33 sq. m - for citizens living alone. Organs state power The subjects of the Federation establish regional standards, guided by federal ones.

Another federal standard is the cost of providing housing and communal services for the 1st quarter. m of total area of ​​housing - is calculated on the basis of a standard set of services for the maintenance and repair of housing, including major repairs, heat supply, sewerage, gas supply and electricity, taking into account the average prevailing consumption rates. The federal standard for the level of citizens' payments in relation to the level of costs for the maintenance and repair of housing, as well as utilities, fixes both the share of household payments in covering the costs of all types of housing and communal services, and the maximum allowable share of citizens' own expenses for housing and utilities. services in total household income. The ultimate goal of the reform is the full payment of housing and communal services by the population with the payment of subsidies to those families whose housing costs exceed 25% of their family income (in this case, of course, social norms for housing space and utility consumption standards are taken into account).

A kind of social standard is the indicator of the subsistence minimum. This value per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups should be determined quarterly based on the consumer basket and data from the State Statistics Committee on the level of consumer prices for food, non-food products and services, as well as the costs of mandatory payments and fees.

The social service of the organization is obliged to ensure the full implementation of social and labor legislation . This refers to the strict observance of the rules of law governing social and labor relations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other laws of the country.

The tasks of the social service of the organization include the development and implementation of activities that ensure social partnership mutually interested cooperation between employers and employees in solving social problems. The partners are, on the one hand, entrepreneurs and their associations, and on the other, labor collectives and trade unions. Such cooperation, as the experience of many countries shows, is carried out constantly, on a bilateral basis, mainly in the form of collective bargaining at the level of individual enterprises and sectors of the economy, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements.

It is equally important for the social service to achieve interaction and coordination of its activities with sectoral and regional structures for managing the social sphere, which represent state authorities and local self-government. Under certain conditions, especially when social tensions in a country or region are aggravated, they join the permanent participants in social partnership in order to combine efforts at the level of multilateral cooperation in settling disagreements on wages, incomes, social minimum, protection of the rights and freedoms of working citizens, to prevent through mutual understanding in the negotiations, the emergence of social and labor conflicts and bringing them to the extreme point - strikes.

Obviously, social partnership as an effective mechanism for regulating relations at all levels will be further developed. It should be based on the principles of voluntariness, equality and mutual responsibility of the parties, and serve as the most important tool for maintaining cooperation and improving its forms.

At the level of enterprises, as noted, the parties to social partnership are the employer (employers) and the labor collective, whose powers, according to Russian law, are exercised by the general meeting (conference) and its elected body - the council of the labor collective. The labor collective realizes the right of employees to participate in the management of an enterprise (organization), to make proposals for improving its work, as well as for socio-cultural and consumer services. He considers and resolves issues of concluding a collective agreement with the administration, self-government of the labor collective, and other issues in accordance with the collective agreement.

Participants in the negotiation process to regulate social and labor relations may be representatives of employers' associations - voluntary associations or unions of both individual citizens and legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Such associations are created to coordinate commercial activities, represent entrepreneurs, protect their common property and other interests.

The role of trade unions in establishing and implementing social partnerships is great.

1.3.2. The main functions of the social service

The functions and the management process itself constitute the content of a targeted impact on people engaged in joint activities, on their social ties and relationships. This refers not only to the functions of the social service, but also the specific forms, methods and incentives that are used to streamline and increase the effectiveness of jointly undertaken efforts. Being an indispensable link in the personnel management system, the social service has its own range of tasks and responsibilities, determined both by the general requirements for managing social processes and by the characteristics of the social environment of a given organization.

The functions of the social service include all known management elements: thoughtful planning based on predictive foresight, regulating and coordinating management, incentive motivation, corrective control and informing about the state of the social environment * The proper effect of social development can be obtained only if the social service performs all these functions. Let's consider them in more detail.

Social forecasting and planning the most important tool for managing social development. It involves a deep and versatile analysis of the state of the social environment of the organization; meaningful diagnostics, clarification and explanation of the relationships that develop between its individual parts; foresight of which option for solving an urgent social problem will be the most effective. This requires reliable sources of information, which, in particular, include statistical data characterizing the material base and other components of the social environment of the organization; data from the study of social and sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and rest, compliance with safety regulations for work, as well as public opinion and prevailing moods in the team; determination with the help of sociometric methods and sociograms of a more or less complete picture of the existing social ties and relationships of employees, their expectations and preferences in comparison with the real capabilities of the organization.

Only on the basis of accurate knowledge of specific circumstances
and the general situation, both within the organization and in the region,
industry and the country as a whole, you can assess the state of affairs in the social environment, see the prospect of changes in it, choose
appropriate methods for achieving change. The forecast should be
subjected to practical confirmation before becoming
a guideline in the development of targeted programs, planning, design and other management decisions proposed by the social service.

Planning, being a kind of rational-constructive activity, means both setting goals and choosing means and ways to achieve them. It will provide an opportunity to act on social processes in the organization with greater expediency and efficiency.

Examples of a systematic approach can be found in the practice of many countries - these are targeted programs to improve the quality of working life, which since the mid-70s. found distribution at the enterprises of the USA and a number of other states; relating to the 70-80s. plans for social development at enterprises of the former USSR; nationwide plans for socio-economic development in Japan, which since the mid-50s. large firms, corporations of this country are guided by the choice of priorities in the management and social sphere.

In modern Russia, the strategic direction of forecasting and planning the social development of enterprises and other commercial organizations is determined by the Constitution of the country, which characterizes the Russian Federation as a social state striving to create conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of its citizens, guaranteeing their rights and freedoms. This common purpose the ongoing reforms to liberalize the economy, establish market relations, and streamline the social sphere are subordinated. At the same time, social forecasting and planning is hampered by a protracted decline in production and a sharp decline in investment, a decline in the standard of living of a significant part of the population, as well as the slow progress of socio-economic transformations at the enterprise level.

Obstacles to the effective functioning of enterprises in the establishment of market regulation are primarily due to financial costs resulting from the recent (1998) hyperinflation, the ill-conceived large-scale privatization of the former "national" property, gaps in legislation, burdensome for enterprises to maintain objects of social security in a market economy. cultural purpose and housing and communal services, a relatively low level of managerial skills. The process of a reasoned choice of social goals and means of achieving them, as well as public control over the implementation of the planned measures, is hindered by the lack of reliable information about the actual capabilities of an organization.

Organizational, administrative and coordinating functions provide material, financial, personnel support for the implementation of targeted programs and plans for social development. development of the organization, the use of appropriate social technologies, as well as interaction with related management structures, trade unions and other public associations, state authorities and local governments involved in the social sphere. It is necessary to prepare draft decisions, orders, regulations, instructions, recommendations and other documents on social issues, of course, corresponding to the requirements of the current social and labor legislation, established social standards, federal and regional standards.

The main thing in the performance of these functions is personnel, business and ethical training of workers involved in solving social problems: they must have a high degree of competence, combining general and professional knowledge with the desire to take into account life realities.

The development and implementation of notorious programs to improve the quality of working life at US enterprises was accompanied by the involvement of specialists from research and training centers in this activity, the popularization of the experience of successful companies, the inclusion of new sections on the management of social processes in textbooks on the basics of management. These events were actively supported by the administrations of a number of states and many municipalities.

In the former USSR, with the widespread dissemination of plans for social development, the training of workers in the social services of enterprises and the improvement of their qualifications were also not ignored. In addition to standard methods of social planning, specially designed training programs were offered, seminars were held, and short courses were organized. The students were introduced to the scientific foundations of the increasing role of the human factor in social production, the possibilities of applying the achievements of sociological and psychological sciences to the management of social processes in labor collectives, the content of the social policy of the state of that time, and the experience of organizing the work of social services directly at the best enterprises.

When implementing the administrative functions of the social service, it must be taken into account that the definition of goals and objectives, principles, directions and mechanisms for the social development of any economic organization significantly depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, which limits the degree of state influence that regulates the impact on commercial organizations. This circumstance, characteristic of the new economic conditions, makes intolerable lack of initiative and a low level of responsibility of enterprise managers, including in solving social problems.

Incentive stimulation involves involvement in active work on the implementation of social programs and plans, ensuring high efficiency of the solidarity efforts of employees, encouraging those who take the initiative and set a good example for others, implementing the role of the labor collective council and other representative bodies of employees in the changed conditions. The administration of the enterprise (organization), the social service are obliged to create appropriate conditions for the activities of trade unions, to use their support in solving common tasks and issues related in one way or another to the improvement of working and living conditions, social services for workers.

It is very important to take into account that the system of labor motivation in general and social motivation in particular is an indispensable part of the complex of conditions that ensure the effective operation of all personnel and the development of each individual. It is necessary to reckon with the mechanism of human activity, which is a chain of needs, interests, motives, actions and goals, achieving one or another degree of satisfaction of needs, the impact of the achieved result on the socio-economic environment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the human psyche: people usually overestimate their needs, most often they tend to desire not less, but more.

Social programs, as a rule, are carried out in the order of planned work, according to the established schedule. However, sometimes the relevant events are held on the initiative of the collective, on an amateur basis - for example, subbotniks for the improvement of the territory of enterprises, residential microdistricts and suburban recreation areas. Participation in such works, being a manifestation of the initiative and enthusiasm of people, serves as an effective incentive for their social activity.

Continuous monitoring of the implementation of planned activitiesand informing the team about changes in the social environmentde is interconnected with obtaining, analyzing and summarizing various information about the social environment of the organization, the changes that occur in it, correlating them with the implementation of the approved plan and targeted social programs. The social service must have a system of coordinates for the life of the enterprise with indicators of its social development, i.e. something like a “social passport” (by analogy with a technical and economic passport) as an orientation tool in solving social problems.

Control is unthinkable without an examination of the working and living conditions of employees, their compliance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, social standards and state minimum standards. And this, in turn, involves turning to monitoring (observation, evaluation, forecasting) of social processes, which allows you to identify and prevent negative trends, as well as to social audit - a specific form of revision of the conditions of the social environment of a given organization in order to identify social risk factors and developing proposals to reduce their negative impact.

It is equally important to ensure that staff are kept up to date on the state of the social environment, the improvements made in it, as well as problems that remain unresolved. Full-fledged information support of social development requires the study of public opinion and the mood of workers, the identification of issues that cause increased attention and the greatest interest.

A special approach deserves the assessment of the results of the implementation of social measures, summing up what has been done in terms of the improvements achieved in the social environment, and determining their economic and social effectiveness. A number of fundamentally important provisions must be kept in mind here.

It is obvious that the effectiveness of the development of the social environment can be legitimately considered as a certain proportion of the overall effectiveness of the organization, as part of the total effect of the work of the staff. It follows that the final results of the organization's activities, characterizing its economic growth, production and sale of products, profit, etc., may well serve as significant indicators of the effectiveness of social measures.

If the overall efficiency is determined based on the goals set as a mathematical correspondence (function) of the results achieved to the funds spent on this, then the effectiveness of social development is nothing more than the ratio between the impact of the social sphere on personnel and the material, financial and other costs of introducing new social technologies, implementation of social activities. Usually, indicators of both economic and social efficiency are singled out.

Cost effectiveness means achieving measurable changes for the better in the social environment of an organization at the lowest possible cost. It can be qualitatively defined and quantified, it can be expressed by statistical data and corresponding indices characterizing, in particular, the growth of labor productivity, improving the quality of goods and services provided, increasing profits, staff turnover, the level of discipline, etc. The results of economic activity are indicators of the social effect, compliance with the social goals of this organization and society as a whole. The social effectiveness of changes in the social environment of the organization, its definition is based mainly on the recognition of the priority of social goals: the more this or that event contributes to the solution of specific social problems, the more socially effective this action is. It is not always possible to express the measure of the social effect in figures - qualitative indicators recorded in official documents, the results of polls, questionnaires and other social studies are more often used. They determine the scale and useful impact of changes in the social environment of a given organization, including the implementation of targeted social programs, advanced training and professional competence of employees, the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, the degree of satisfaction with work, its material and moral rewards, the level of development of social partnership.

In practice, socio-economic efficiency has a generalized form. Often, especially when resources are limited, there are contradictions, inconsistencies in achieving economic and social goals. In such cases, it is important for officials to observe social priorities, to give priority to those benefits and social services that determine the business mood and material well-being of employees.

1.4. Resources and reserves of social planning

The fact that the planned economic system has somewhat exhausted itself and is being replaced by a market and competitive system may give the impression that social planning is no longer used as a tool for organized social change. Of course, the possibilities that society had at its disposal under the planned economic system have been largely exhausted. It is obvious that the next stage in its development is necessary, the opening of deep reserves. Social standards can breathe new life into social planning, representing scientifically based quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the optimal state of the social process (or one of its sides), obtained on the basis of taking into account the objective laws of social development and the capabilities of society and aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual . Their specific historical character lies in the fact that they reflect the possibilities and needs of social development at a given stage and, accordingly, can (and should) change in the future. At their core, they have a clear quantitative and qualitative certainty, which is a value that characterizes the ideal (desired) goal of the development of the planned process. According to this, in order to establish the most effective balance of needs and opportunities in social development, standards are usually tested first experimentally, and then en masse (for example, the minimum consumer budget).

It is extremely important that social standards be coordinated with each other, because their disharmony leads to no less costs than their absence. Social standards, reflecting general patterns, are differentiated depending on specific national, natural, socio-demographic characteristics and cannot remain unchanged. They involve the use of coefficients, the use of which is especially important in areas of new development, in difficult natural and climatic conditions, in regions with different sex and age structure of the population.

Rationing, as one of the forms of social planning, has affected many aspects of human life: work, culture, life, but it has little effect on socio-political activities, social and interpersonal communication. Together with some non-standardized aspects of labor activity, activities in the field of culture, family and life, this is the area of ​​technical public relations which have hardly been quantified. Due to the fact that in many areas the definition of standards is difficult, it is legitimate to introduce the concept of “social benchmark” into the practice of planning, which expresses the most possible rational value of the development of social processes, based on the prevailing indicators of the development of similar phenomena. In reality, in practice, the following method is often used: the best indicators of a number of production organizations and associations are taken as the optimal value. They become, in a certain sense, a standard, that is, a guideline. Such better results can be taken in a particular situation as the so-called working optimum.

Social norms and guidelines are classified according to various grounds. Traditional and generally accepted is the classification of social guidelines and standards for the spheres of human life (labor, social and political life, culture, life, interpersonal communication). First, they reflect the availability of material resources per 10,000 people. The practical application of this approach makes it possible to assess the lag, advance or compliance with the level of development of social processes in a region or country in comparison with regulatory requirements.

Secondly, social norms can be expressed in the requirements for urban and rural settlements. These standards are associated with architectural and planning solutions and the need to organize a rational life of the population. These standards include the provision of rural settlements with schools, cinemas, bus service, trade establishments, etc. As applied to cities, this is the equipment and provision of microdistricts of cities with everything necessary for everyday life, or a description of the regulatory requirements relating to each citizen, for example, the standard for the placement of green spaces.

Thirdly, there are norms associated with the use of the "man-man" system. In other words, how many persons of one profession or another account for 1 thousand of the population, for example, salespeople, teachers, cultural workers, etc. Practice shows that the smaller this ratio, the more complaints about the quality of their work, efficiency, maneuverability, and the socio-psychological climate. A certain modification of this requirement may be the availability of personnel per 1,000 population by profession.

Social norms and guidelines can be developed for different levels of the social organization of society. Some of them are used for comparison throughout the country, others - only in a certain region, the third - in the national economy, the fourth - in a small group of organizations, including primary ones. Social norms and guidelines can be differentiated depending on the social structure of society, because there is no doubt that, for example, the problems of advanced training and education in the normative aspect will be different depending on the specifics of each of the socio-demographic groups. And finally, social norms and guidelines are changing and will change at each stage of development not only of society, but also of each region, each production. The social map of the region and the social passport of the organization, which state the diversity of social processes and changes at these levels, have large and not yet fully used opportunities for improving planning. Such documents allow continuous analysis and comparison between planning objects. This is especially evident when planning the social development of a large region, when considering the state of social infrastructure. A social card or a social passport involves the use of various coefficients, which is caused by the objective need to take into account the different demographic structure of the population, natural and climatic conditions or national characteristics. Their use in new buildings, in young cities clearly reveals this contradiction and shows what measures can be taken to solve the problems posed.

The established experience of social planning shows that usually the social composition of the population, the demographic situation, and then the indicators of the labor, socio-political, cultural and family spheres are usually characterized in the social map or passport. Often they reflect the staffing of social development and its material and technical base, which can be considered and analyzed both in the spheres of public life and independently. Such data are supplemented by characteristics obtained in the course of sociological research.

2. Practical part

2.1.1. The departmental security branch of the Krasnoyarsk Railway is headed by a director appointed to and dismissed by the Director General of the Departmental Security FGP of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

The director of the branch ensures the training and retraining of a contingent of employees sufficient for the volume of work performed, as well as the implementation of the program to promote the employment of laid-off workers. He also concludes and terminates employment contracts with employees, determines their job responsibilities. The head of the branch, within his competence, issues orders and gives instructions that are binding on all employees, applies incentives and imposes disciplinary sanctions on them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Deputy directors of the branch, heads of departmental security units act on behalf of the director, represent the interests of the organization in state bodies and enterprises, make transactions and other legal actions within the limits of their powers. official duties, legislative and legal acts.

The management structure of the FGP departmental security branch of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Railway can be represented in the form of an organizational and functional diagram (Figure 1):

Figure 1 - The management structure of the departmental security branch

Krasnoyarsk railway

2.1.2. not found

2.1.3,2.1.4. The payroll fund in 2004 amounted to 223,758 thousand rubles, having increased by 111.4% compared to 2003. Compared to 2002, the payroll increased by 142%. The average monthly salary increased by 110.9% compared to the level of 2003. Wage growth is shown in table 1.

Table 1 - Average monthly salary in departmental security

The balance sheet profit in 2004 amounted to 1,800 thousand rubles, which is 128.6% more than in 2003. There is an increase in the increase in profits by reducing the costs of the organization. The profitability of the organization for 2004 was 0.5%. Accounts receivable for 2004 amounted to 700 thousand rubles. due to increased income and untimely fulfillment of obligations of other organizations. Accounts payable in the amount of 30243 thousand rubles. received at the expense of non-payment of wages for December 2003. The unified social tax (UST) amounted to 5438 thousand rubles, taxes to the budget - 2315 thousand rubles, others - 607 thousand rubles.

Savings on accrual for social development of departmental security amounted to 77 thousand rubles. compared to the plan.

The consumption of materials in 2004 amounted to 3130 thousand rubles. with a plan of 3150 thousand rubles. Savings against the plan amounted to 20 thousand rubles.

Fuel savings amounted to 7 thousand rubles, gasoline consumption decreased by 3.1 thousand rubles compared to 2003, coal consumption decreased by 4.2 tons.

Electricity consumption for own needs in 2004 amounted to 936 thousand kW. hour, and in 2003 - 931 thousand kW. hour. In comparison with 2003, the consumption of el. energy increased by 5 thousand kW. hour due to transfer to e-mail. heating of the rifle team st. Red Cordon.

Depreciation of the main fund in 2004 was charged in the amount of 1943 thousand rubles. with a plan of 1902 thousand rubles. Compared to 2003, depreciation was charged more in the amount of 41 thousand rubles. based on indications of the value of the main fund.

Other material costs in 2004 amounted to 736 thousand rubles. with a plan of 950 thousand rubles. Compared to 2003, the savings amounted to 214 thousand rubles. Other expenses in 2004 amounted to 5,013 thousand rubles. with a plan of 6025 thousand rubles, the savings amounted to 1012 thousand rubles.

Profit is determined by the difference between the income received from ancillary activities (APA), non-operating profit. Indicators and dynamics of income of departmental security for 2002 - 2004 are shown in table 2.

Table 2 - Profit from the Departmental Security Service for 2002 - 2004





PVD income

thousand roubles.





LDPE costs

thousand roubles.






thousand roubles.





A profit in the amount of 821 thousand rubles was received from auxiliary and auxiliary activities in the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk Railway. when setting 570 thousand rubles. Overfulfillment amounted to 251 thousand rubles. or 144% of the plan and 134% of the corresponding period last year. An analysis of the financial and economic activities of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk Railway showed that the organization works profitably, stably and achieves good results. This is achieved through effective management, the right direction of personnel policy, the creation of a combat-ready productive team of managers at all levels, team cohesion, the maintenance and improvement of the socio-psychological climate in departments to achieve the tasks set.


2.2.1,2.2.2,2.2.4. As of January 01, 2004, the number of departmental security personnel is 2068 people, the actual number is 2038 people. The shortage of workers is 30 people - this is due to the natural outflow of employees, and the ban on hiring.

As of January 1, 2005, the staff of departmental security workers is 2082 people, the actual number is 2022 people. Shortage of workers is 60 people. (the reason is the same as last year - the natural outflow of employees and the ban on hiring).

Table 3 - Analysis of departmental security personnel by age


Number of persons

Percentage of staff by age

As can be seen from the table, 35.3% of departmental security workers are between the ages of 30 and 40 - this is the most significant group, the groups under the age of 30 and 40 to 50 are approximately equal.

Let's analyze the structure of personnel by length of service (Table 4)

Table 4 - Analysis of departmental security personnel by length of service

Most of the departmental security personnel have a work experience of 10 years, only 138 people have a work experience of more than 20 years.

Consider the average number of employees of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk railway for 2002 - 2004. (table 5).

Table 5 - The average number of departmental security personnel

In connection with a decrease in the number of dismissed workers, an increase in the number of personnel for PD, the average number of employees of departmental security is growing.

2.2.3. An analysis of the staffing level of the departmental guards of the Krasnoyarsk Railway is shown in Table 6:

Table 6 - Analysis of the staffing of departmental security personnel.





2.2.5. According to Table 3, it can be revealed that the percentage of personnel of pre-retirement age is small (about 8.8%). Therefore, in the next 10 years, no additional recruitment or renewal is planned.

2.2.6. Let us analyze the ratio of employed and dismissed employees of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk Railway (Table 7).

Table 7 - Analysis of hired and dismissed employees of departmental security

The number of hired and dismissed employees of departmental security is declining. In 2004, 101 people were admitted, which is 29 people less than in 2003, or 3.5%. The decrease in the number of people hired is explained by the fact that the wage fund is limited and hiring from outside is prohibited (except for transfers from other road enterprises due to a reduction in the number and from the Siberian Department of Internal Affairs in Transport).

2.3 Social development plan

2.3.1. Data from points 2.2.1-2.2.4.

2.3.2,2.3.4. The motivation of employees of departmental security is also manifested in people's confidence in the future, a sense of social security in the sections of the Collective Agreement, in the Regulation on the provision of material assistance, the allocation of vouchers for rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment of the working personnel of the organization and members their families.

Insurance of all employees of departmental security against industrial accidents in the ZHASO Insurance Company also affects the motivation for labor activity in the organization.

During the research it was revealed:

The level of social protection will not particularly increase in connection with the reform of railway transport;

The social security of the laid-off workers is at the proper level;

In general, the organization has created normal working conditions, although some employees believe that these conditions need to be improved, and 2 people. answered in the negative and the conditions for work are insufficient;

An increase in wages is necessary and at the same time there will be more interest in work, but a sharp and rapid increase in labor productivity will not occur;

The increase in wages should be doubled and then there is an opportunity to increase labor productivity and efficiency in the work of the organization;

The majority of employees are not opposed to using the services of the Krasnoyarsk railway dispensaries, but would like to increase the efficiency in the work of these enterprises;

It is necessary to revise the organizational measures to improve the work of the railway polyclinic and the road hospital;

Advanced training and the study of social issues are best done before the age of 40, thereby providing an opportunity for career growth, interest in work, achieving goals in life;

Participation in solving social problems in the organization should take the maximum number of employees;

Relationships on social security in the team have developed normal, although the solution of some problems needs to be considered together at general meetings and come to a consensus;

The conditions for cultural, educational, health-improving and sports work in the team are not sufficient, there are no targeted measures to solve these problems, everything happens spontaneously

Insufficiency of the amount of financial assistance for the burial of an employee, close relative or non-working pensioner;

It is necessary to increase the activity of the management of the organization and the trade union organization in solving the problem of social protection of workers and raising these issues to the proper level.

2.3.3. The branch of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk Railway has a tariff system of remuneration based on the approved “Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the FGP departmental security of the Ministry of Railways of Russia”, which is a set of standards that regulate the wages of various categories of personnel. The constituent elements of the tariff system are tariff rates, qualification categories, official salaries, qualification categories.

The tariff rate is the amount of wages earned by a worker per unit of working time, expressed in monetary terms. In departmental security, hourly tariff rates apply. The tariff rate serves as the basis for determining the wages of all categories of workers. Rates for remuneration of time workers are calculated based on the assigned category and hours worked.

In departmental security, it is time wages that are used, since it is not possible to normalize labor costs and wages are calculated based on the number of hours worked and the qualifications of the employee, determined using the tariff rate or official salary.

The regulation on remuneration in force in the organization is aimed at:

Implementation of a coordinated unified policy of the FGP departmental security of the Ministry of Railways of Russia in the field of labor and wages;

Implementation of the principle of equal pay for equal work;

Stimulating the contribution of each employee to improving the performance of departmental security;

Increasing the importance of wages in ensuring the social protection of workers.

The remuneration of workers at the enterprise is carried out at hourly tariff rates according to the time-bonus form of organization of remuneration.

Shooters and guides (leaders) of service dogs directly involved in the escort and protection of goods on trains and in the parks of railway stations, as well as in the protection of funds, during transportation (transportation) and storage, tariff coefficients increase by 10%.

Employees of specialized fire trains for the time of work related to the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations are paid five times the amount.

The remuneration of labor of managers, specialists and employees is made according to monthly official salaries, determined on the basis of the minimum wage established in the industry, tariff coefficients of the OETS of the corresponding level of management. The level of tariff coefficients for the remuneration of managers and specialists is determined on the basis of the functions of economic and operational management performed.

In order to stimulate the increase professional excellence workers, strengthening their material interest and responsibility for the quality of work and the fulfillment of production tasks, differentiated allowances can be established for tariff rates by qualification categories: 3rd category in the amount of up to 12%, 4th category - up to 16%, 5th category - up to 20%, 6th and higher categories - up to 24% of the corresponding tariff rate.

Specialists who directly develop and implement progressive forms of labor organization in the workplace and who have achieved high results in reducing labor costs and increasing efficiency are paid a one-time incentive by saving the wage fund.

Salary allowances may be established for managers and specialists:

For high achievements in work;

For the performance of particularly important work for the duration of its implementation;

For the development of related specialties, obtaining additional

education with a corresponding expansion of functional


For performing the duties of an unreleased group leader

workers in one or more areas of work.

Systems of material incentives for employees (payment of bonuses, incentives, remunerations) are introduced in order to stimulate an increase in the efficiency and quality of work, an increase in labor productivity, and the achievement of positive financial and economic results of departmental security activities.

Bonuses for employees for the main performance results are carried out on the basis of the Regulations on bonuses and established bonus indicators, depending on the level of performance, overfulfillment (improvement) of specific performance indicators of the enterprise, structural divisions of departmental security and individual employees.

The current bonuses to workers are carried out for ensuring the safety of transported goods, the safety of protected facilities, ensuring fire safety, carrying out preventive work, increasing labor productivity for shooters in escorting trains with protected goods, ensuring labor safety, compliance with regulatory and legal documents regulating the escort of goods, the protection of facilities and fire safety. Current bonuses for managers, specialists and employees are carried out for ensuring the efficiency and quality of work, increasing labor productivity, and achieving positive financial and economic results of the enterprise.

Stimulation of the mode of saving and rational use of material, fuel and energy resources, reducing maintenance costs, ensuring the fulfillment of tasks for increasing labor productivity, introducing new technology is carried out according to a special bonus system that takes into account the specific contribution of employees to achieving positive results in certain types activity of the enterprise (subdivision).

Analysis of labor and wages in 2004 in the departmental security branch is as follows:

  • The average number of employees was 2063 people.
  • The average monthly salary is 9015 rubles:

According to the arrows on the protection of objects - 8195 rubles.

For cargo escort - 9327 rubles.

For firefighters - 8134 rubles.

  • By categories of employees, the average monthly salary was distributed as follows: managers - 14,133 rubles; specialists - 13195 rubles; employees - 12986 rubles; workers - 8565 rubles.

The share of the tariff (salary) in wages is on average 28.1%, the average percentage of the bonus for the main results of work to the salary (tariff rate) was 38.8%.

Compared to 2002, the average monthly wage grew by 10.9% mainly due to the transfer of employees to the new industry-wide unified wage scale (OETS) and wage indexation in the industry.

Thus, in departmental security, according to the “Regulations on bonus pay for employees”, the percentage of bonus payment for the fulfillment of basic production indicators is set, for example, for shooters for the protection of objects - up to 30%, for shooters for train escort - up to 40%. When fulfilling the indicators, all employees of departmental security, regardless of their personal contribution to the common cause, receive a bonus of 30 or 40%, although they work differently and receive the same remuneration.

The effectiveness of incentives within the team depends on the ideological and moral content of incentives, on internal dependence and consistency between employees, on their compliance with the needs, interests and motives of individuals. Fair incentives create a certain socio-psychological atmosphere that favorably influences or, on the contrary, hinders the implementation of moral and other requirements. moral stimulation in the team should be considered not as another company, but as an essential permanent feature and feature of its life, as an integral system that begins to operate already with the admission of new employees.

Evaluation of the personal contribution of an employee should be objective, pedagogically focused, educate and intensify his work. The effectiveness of the assessment is determined, first of all, by its objectivity, and the degree of “fairness” of the assessment depends on:

From the completeness and accuracy of information;

From the social significance of moral, moral principles and criteria applied in a particular case.

In the team of the departmental security branch of the Krasnoyarsk Railway, for the first time, “Diagnostics of the socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational and need-based sphere” was carried out for the first time according to the method of O. F. Potemkina.

The purpose of this study was to study the socio-psychological attitudes of the staff in motivating labor activity, aimed at "altruism - selfishness" (altruism - the desire to help people) and identifying attitudes towards the "process of activity" or "result of activity".

Carrying out such diagnostics allows you to have an idea about the orientation of any labor collective of departmental security in socio-psychological attitudes in the motivational and need-based sphere, especially when mutual support and mutual assistance are constantly required in the performance of official duties.

State of labor and executive discipline in subdivisions in 2004 made it possible to fulfill the tasks facing the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk Railway in full. The state of service and labor discipline in comparison with previous years is characterized by the data presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - The state of labor discipline in departmental security units for 2002 - 2004


Total Violations

Showing up at work drunk

Total penalties imposed

Encouraged employees

Dismissed for violation of labor discipline

Staff turnover

The above indicators of the state of labor discipline indicate a downward trend in cases of violations. However, cases such as absenteeism, appearing at work in a state of intoxication have not yet been eliminated.


Our study proved that social planning was an essential element in managing the development of any organization. This is an effective form of managing social processes, an important means of systematic use of social factors and social reserves of economic development in the interests of the individual, which is most clearly and definitely at the enterprise level. It includes various ways of allocating resources for the effective or optimal solution of specific social problems, the gradual solution of priority tasks for achieving the public good.

The main task of social planning is to optimize the processes of social development. The object of social planning is social relations at all levels, including:

Social differentiation, social structure;

The quality and standard of living of personnel, incl. the level of real incomes as a whole

Quality and level of consumption; availability of housing, its comfort;

Provision with the most important types of goods and services;

Development of education, healthcare, culture;

Determination of the volume of these services provided to employees on a paid and free basis, etc.

It turns out that the plan of the enterprise should be, on the one hand, detailed enough to anticipate and solve emerging problems in time, as well as to coordinate the efforts of various departments and specialists. On the other hand, the plan must be flexible enough to allow specialists to respond to unexpected perturbations from the external environment and to take advantage of chance opportunities.

Planning works well in a stable, clear, formalized and predictable environment. In this case, planning allows you to anticipate all major upcoming events in advance and take all useful measures in time, including the efficient allocation and use of resources.

However, planning can be used not only in a stable, clear, formalized and predictable environment, but also in a turbulent, fuzzy and poorly predictable environment. Therefore, the problem of correct and effective planning of the social development of the organization is very relevant at the present time.

After analyzing the social development of the organization on the example of a branch of the departmental security of the Krasnoyarsk railway, we identified the main features of planning:

  • A social development plan can be drawn up for the short, medium and long term
  • The social development plan may include all social processes in the organization, or only those that are most problematic
  • Planning should be based on the results and assessment of indicators of the state of social development of the organization
  • The plan must be clear and effective, as well as consistent with the resources available for its implementation.
  • Activities to implement the plan should be constantly monitored and adjusted depending on the results.

So, I have completed my task. After studying the theoretical foundations of planning and conducting practical research, I realized the importance of effective social planning in an organization in modern society.


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The functional orientation of planning for the long-term development of a specific socio-economic system in its content should, in our opinion, include not only the desire to achieve its economic and social results established on a prognostic basis through the implementation of a set of resource-provided measures of an economic, financial, innovative, marketing, structural and organizational nature, but also neutralize, level out the significant influence of negative factors of external and internal environments, achieve the intended goal based on the principles of planned and proportional development to the extent that they are observed, which is possible within the framework of the interaction of the planning function with other elements in the management system of the socio-economic development of an enterprise, industry and the economy as a whole.

Proportional and planned development of the socio-economic system, developing on the basis of the implementation of an indicative (recommendatory, oriented) plan, is possible in a combination of current, prospective and strategic planning, their systemic interaction at various levels of management of the development of socio-economic systems (enterprise, industry, complex, national economy). At the same time, planning under the conditions of a significant influence of factors of an unstable external environment in an indefinite time should be given a coordinating role in the coordinated implementation of comprehensive measures and actions within a specific socio-economic system in order to achieve the greatest efficiency and effectiveness in the production of products and the provision of services.

At the same time, the achievement of that proportionality in the development of the socio-economic system, which is possible in conditions of significant changes in the external environment, can be expressed not only in ensuring appropriate growth rates in the volume of products, services, and cost reductions that allow maintaining the level of competitiveness necessary for professional market participants, occupied (priority, leading) place in the market, but also in the organization of mutually coordinated activities of all structural components of the national economy, industry, divisions of the enterprise. At the same time, the mutual consistency and rationalization of existing relations should be regulated by both management bodies and the market.

Planning with its functional orientation should be focused on solving such problems of development proportionality as

determination and regulation of the appropriate level and nature of subordination, the priority of investment, the production of certain types of products, the provision of services, the performance of work, the preference and pre-eminence of the development of individual structural components, the resource potentials of socio-economic systems.

The need for innovative and investment development of economic entities, the structural components of the production and social spheres of the national economy, which determine the levels of their competitiveness, the efficiency of resource use, the quality of services, the complication and development of production relationships between structural components, enterprises of the national economy, in the context of the transition to a developed market in a significant the measure depends on: the effectiveness and significance of planning justifications for achieving the greatest economic and social results, the minimum costs for the consumption of labor, financial, information resources, fixed assets, material elements of working capital; increasing the degree of regularity in the processes of production, provision of services, performance of work in accordance with the target orientation of development in the medium and long term.

Increasing the role of planning in the activities of the structural components of the national economy, enterprises largely depends on the degree of compliance with indicativeness and responsibility of managers in the process of implementing the plans drawn up for the current and prospective (medium, long-term) periods of time for achieving planned economic and social results, levels efficiency and use of resources, on the degree of rationalization of mechanisms for stimulating labor, organizing production, and the process of providing services.

Along with this, the dominant role of the planning function in the management system of structural components, service enterprises lies in the fact that the preparation and implementation of plans are designed to ensure a proportional, balanced development of economic entities, structural components of the service sector, as well as an equilibrium state of demand and supply emerging in the market for services, works, products of various sectoral components of the social sphere. At the same time, ensuring the appropriate planned development of structural components, business entities in the service sector, in our opinion, also largely depends on the diversity and rational combination of planning methods and the use of labor and material and technical resources, on the planning and calculation substantiation of the determined values ​​of economic and social results, efficiency activities of enterprises, sectoral components of the service sector.

Compliance with the functional orientation of long-term planning of business entities in the service sector in the face of a significant negative impact of factors of an unstable external environment is possible on the basis of not only the established volumes of consumption of all types of resources that are necessary

to ensure the process of providing services to consumers, manufacturing products, but also determining, observing the minimum size (norms) of resource consumption attributable to the provision of one individual or complex service, a unit of manufactured products, which are an important factor influencing the increase in the efficiency of the use of all types of resources. Otherwise, the indicative plan being formed with the requirements to comply with the principles of proportionality, regularity and balance of the current functioning and prospective development of enterprises, structural components of the service sector, loses its functional orientation, target orientation towards achieving the established (necessary) economic and social results in a transitive (transitional) economy , the influence of negative environmental factors. At the same time, the price of achieving planned and calculated results, the volume of resources consumed can be prohibitively high.

The functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components and enterprises in the service sector to maintain balance, regularity and proportionality of development in the prospective period of time can be sufficiently ensured on the basis of such use of labor, material, technical and other resources, in which in dynamics over a number of time periods (years), an increase in the ratio of economic results to costs is achieved, which contributes not only to intensification, an increase in the generalizing efficiency of production, the provision of services, but also to an increase in the level of competitiveness of the organizational and legal structures of the service sector. In turn, the achievement of high planned and estimated performance in the service sector, in our opinion, is possible if the normative consumption of labor and material and technical resources is observed, which positive influence both to increase economic results and to reduce the growth rate of costs.

The planned and calculated functional orientation of the structural components and enterprises of the service sector, therefore, should, on the basis of the necessary resource supply, provide such an economic result (the cost of services rendered, production, profit), the growth dynamics of which outpaces the growth rate of the total costs for the consumption of all types of resources. In this regard, the position of a number of economists who believe that the proportionality, regularity and balance of the process of providing services, manufacturing products in the social sphere, and performance are possible mainly on the basis of an extensive growth in the volume of fixed and working capital, their better use .

However, it seems to us that the legitimacy of posing the problem of increasing the average annual volume of fixed assets, material elements of working capital and the efficiency of their use does not exclude, but rather requires the intensification of the process of providing services, production in the social sphere, its structural components, at enterprises.

At the same time, it should be noted that the functional orientation of planning in the management system of socio-economic systems can take into account at a certain stage of development (for example, at the stage of renewal, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets) a significant increase in the volume of resource potentials. But as production efficiency increases, the growth rates of fixed and working capital can reach those optimal volumes at which the cost results of current activities and the prospective development of structural components and business entities of the service sector in terms of growth rates and absolute values ​​in dynamics over time will outpace the growth rates of cost volumes. resource potentials.

At the same time, in the functional orientation of planning, one should take into account the fact that an increase in the generalizing level of efficiency in the use of all types of available resources in the prospective period of time is not yet evidence of a rational ratio of results and costs in the current conditions of the negative influence of environmental factors, since the optimality of these ratios is very conditional on the basis of compliance with the established norms and standards for the consumption of all types of available resources, their compliance with the organizational, economic, innovative, technical capabilities of business entities in the service sector to save labor and material and technical resources with a planned increase in the growth rate of the value of the provision of services, manufactured products.

The normative functional orientation of planning in the management system for the prospective development of structural components, social enterprises, in accordance with our ideas, reflects to a certain extent the balance level of compliance of the planned cost volume of the provision of services, manufactured products with the available resource potentials formed by the subject of management.

In addition, the balance, normative compliance of economic results and resource provision in the prospective period is determined based on the current need for the provision of services, the release of products in the markets of services, goods, the need to bring demand and supply into an equilibrium state. At the same time, for the functional orientation of planning to achieve the greatest economic results and, on a regulatory basis, the lowest costs in the prospective period, an important basis for planning and calculation justifications is the actual value of the services rendered, the production of goods in the social sphere, the planned increments to which, as realistically achievable values, are possible in prospective period on the basis of compliance with the norms and standards of resource consumption, differentiated as the technical, innovative and organizational and economic levels of resource potentials, economic entities as a whole and the structural components of the service sector change.

A proportional, balanced and systematic functional orientation of planning, in our opinion, should be subordinated to the orientation towards achieving such economic results, the regulatory regulation of which would meet the desire of economic entities, structural components of the service sector to use resources efficiently.

The logical-verbal presentation of the functional orientation of the planning of current activities and the prospective development of enterprises, the structural components of the service sector, provides an opportunity for multi-level management bodies in the social sphere to increase the degree of objectivity and significance of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the levels of resource consumption efficiency established on a prognostic basis, economic results.

The functional orientation of planning towards achieving the established economic, social and other results, in our opinion, can also be ensured by increasing the level of their objectivity. The main tool for planning and calculation justifications for achieving economic results in the prospective period, the efficiency of the resources used in the service sector is socio-economic forecasting, in accordance with which the existing trends in the development of an economic entity or, in general, the structural component of the service sector are transferred from the retrospective (past) period to future.

Forecast estimates obtained by economic and mathematical methods, the level of their adequacy of actual values ​​to forecast (planning) is confirmed, as a rule, by statistical parameters of the significance of the created forecasting model (equation), the practical use of which in the formed plan for the prospective development of an economic entity or a structural component of the service sector consists in that the predicted values ​​of economic results or performance efficiency, after agreement with the resource provision for the prospective period, be taken as planned or, after some adjustments in forecast estimates, a decision is made to approve them as benchmarks for achieving economic results, efficiency of resource use, the numerical values ​​of which are in the range of economically acceptable quantities.

In this regard, it should be noted that the forecast estimates of economic and other results of the prospective development of economic entities, the structural components of the service sector, in their accuracy and objectivity, correspond to the prevailing trends of retrospective changes, to actual or comparable prices, to the chosen time interval within which the forecast was made. The accuracy of estimates of the forecast of economic results and the efficiency of the use of all types of enterprise resources, the structural component of the social sphere, also depends on the ratio of the number of members of the dynamic series and estimates of the forecast over time.

In our opinion, the functional orientation of planning the development of socio-economic systems in the service sector should correspond to the accuracy of predictive estimates of their economic results and the efficiency of resource consumption in the medium term (2-3 years), since forecast errors in the long term (5-6 years) increase significantly in the absence of statistical proportionality of the members of the dynamic series and forecast estimates. In the event that the composition of the members of the dynamic series is with the number of estimates of the forecast in a ratio of 2: 1 with a high statistical significance of the prognostic equation, then such a forecast can serve as a basis for increasing the objectivity of planning and calculation justifications for achieving the necessary economic results, levels of efficiency in the development of the structural components of the sphere services in the future period.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the objectivity of the functional orientation of planning towards achieving the set goal, economic results and levels of efficiency in the use of resource potentials depends on a complex of various factors that directly or indirectly affect the accuracy of planned estimates of economic and social development of economic entities, structural components of the service sector. Such factors, for example, along with the above, are changes in: the external and internal environment associated with significant fluctuations in the service market; legal regulations; levels of competitiveness of professional participants in the market of services, goods of social enterprises; distribution channels for services, products, logistics; degree of product diversification, volume borrowed money for financing investment project, issue of shares, bonds.

Therefore, the adequacy of the calculated economic indicators established in the current (one year) or long-term (2-5 years) plans for the socio-economic development of the structural component, service enterprises based on forecast estimates, cannot be fully observed without taking into account and rationalizing the interaction of the current, long-term and strategic plans, in their functional orientation, focused not only on taking into account the possible and at the same time significant influences of factors, but also on their leveling, neutralization and localization in case of significant changes in the state of the external and internal environment.

The functional orientation and role of planning in the management system of industry components and service enterprises largely depends on the interaction with such functions of managing socio-economic systems as organization, regulation, control and accounting. Each of the functions, having an individual focus on achieving specific economic, social and other results in the management system of the structural components of the service sector of the national economy, at the same time, in interaction with other management functions, is aimed in systemic unity at achieving the main goal - ensuring environmental protection.

economic growth and increase in the efficiency of production, provision of services in the current activities and prospective development of the structural components of the service sector.

So, for example, the functional orientation of the organization of the process of rendering services, the production of products at a service sector enterprise is associated with the rationalization of the interaction of personnel with fixed and working capital - the material and technical components of the activity of an economic entity. At the same time, the interaction of all types of resource potential of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector on the basis of the measures taken within the framework of the function of organizing the production of products, the provision of services should ensure the achievement of planned economic and other indicators in the prospective period.

At the same time, it should be noted that the implemented set of economic, social, marketing and innovative measures as part of the planning function determines the reality of achieving economic results only in cooperation with other management functions.

In this regard, it is advisable to separate the goals of the service enterprise management system and the goals of the economic entity itself, which is a socio-economic system. The main target orientation of the socio-economic system, in our opinion, can be expressed by such a criterion definition as maximizing economic results and minimizing the cost of consuming all types of resources in the process of providing consumers with individual or complex services, production. At the same time, the main economic results as the output characteristics of this system can be expressed in value or in kind.

In a rationalized system for managing current activities and prospective development of enterprises and structural components of the service sector, the output parameters are the gains in manageability and economic results due to the rationalization of the interaction of the elements of this system. The purpose of the operation of this management system is to increase the level of controllability of the socio-economic system, its observance of the target orientation towards achieving those economic results that correspond to the criteria-based focus of this system (for example, achieving the optimal cost volume of providing services to consumers, selling products corresponding to the normative consumption of resources).

However, the role of the planning function in the management system of the organizational and legal structure of the service sector, in our opinion, is to ensure a balance, proportionality and regularity of socio-economic development through the implementation of a set of innovative, technical, economic, social, marketing, financial and other measures. aimed at achieving those paces economic growth and efficiency in the use of resources that conserve or

expand the occupied (ordinary for mass professional participants or priority, leading) place in a certain market segment by an economic entity, increase its level of competitiveness, its products, services.

Therefore, the functional orientation and the role of planning in the system for managing the development of the structural components of the service sector, in our opinion, can be identified with the achievement by the socio-economic system of those economic results that are established in the current and long-term plans on a resource-provided, balanced and predictive basis.

The implementation of the functional orientation of planning, its purposefulness and increase in importance in the context of the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors on the structural components of the service sector should be facilitated by the clarification and classification assignment of certain sectoral components of the service sector to the corresponding groups integrated by the nature of the provision of services.

In the economic literature there is no unity with the definition of the concepts of the social sphere, the service sector, the service sector. In our opinion, these are synonymous concepts, despite some statistical and semantic differences from each other. So, for example, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat) divides statistical data on the development of the national economy and refers to the production and social spheres, highlighting in them various structural components and complexes called industries. At the same time, the State Statistics Committee refers to the main structural components (industries) of the social sphere: transport (freight and passenger); connection; wholesale, retail trade and public catering; information and computing services; housing and communal services, non-productive types of consumer services; healthcare; physical culture and social security; education; culture and art; science and scientific service; finance, credit, insurance, pension provision; control.

However, the list of branches of the social sphere of the State Statistics Committee does not include such structural components as tourist-excursion, sanatorium-and-spa, hotel complexes. Therefore, in our opinion, identifying the concepts of the social sphere and the service sector, in order to increase the level of functional orientation of planning as part of the management system of the structural components (industries) of the service sector, bringing them together on a synonymous basis, it is necessary to clarify the sectoral affiliation of certain structural components, several detail generalizing groups of industries and give a single grouping of complexes and industries.

In general, the service sector (social sphere) can include such sectoral (complex) components as: passenger transport; telecommunications complex; trade and purchasing complex; catering;

hotel, sanatorium and resort, tourist and excursion complexes; sports and recreation complex; scientific and innovative complex; financial and credit complex; housing and communal complex; non-productive consumer services; cultural and leisure complex; information and computing service; healthcare; education.

Each of the structural components of the service sector, in turn, should be detailed by the relevant sub-sectors in order to classify each of them as classification industry groups in the service sector. So, for example, the structure of the structural component of the service sector (social sphere) includes such sub-sectoral groups as education: preschool, general, basic general, secondary (complete) general; primary, secondary special, higher professional; postgraduate professional; additional.

At the same time, the cultural and leisure complex of the service sector (social sphere) should include all types of cinema, theater, library, circus, zoo, music, variety and entertainment, museum services. Clarification of the sub-sector composition is also necessary in the financial and credit complex, which is one of the main objects and complexes of the market infrastructure, including banking, insurance, trust services, pensions, services provided by the commodity, stock and currency exchanges.

As for the concept of "service sector", the author joins the opinion of those scientists-economists who attribute these types of services to sub-industry types of consumer services for the population. At the same time, the allocation of housing and communal, non-productive household services in the service sector as service ones indicates the integrated orientation of this industry, which includes a wide range of household services provided to citizens, for example, in such business entities as hairdressing salons, post office, baths, water pools, solariums, shoe repair shops, clothing, electronics, household appliances.

This complex type of service sector industry can be called the service sector (service maintenance), but it cannot be identified with the service sector in terms of its content essence and the comprehensive focus of the services provided, since it is its integrated structural component.

At the same time, despite the proposed identification and synonymy of the use of the concepts of the social sphere and the service sector, for the purposes of clarifying the functional orientation of planning in the management system of structural components (industries) and service enterprises, the sectoral dimension and social purpose of the social sphere, as we see it, should be be considered somewhat broader than the content of the service sector.

A broader interpretation of the social sphere of the national economy in comparison with the service sector is due to the fact that in the social sphere not only

all types of services are provided for individuals within the framework of the national economy, but work is also performed, products are produced that are vital for the protection of public order, social security, and the protection of the economic interests of citizens abroad and in their own country. Some of the indicated works, services, types of products of the social sphere can be classified as sectoral and sub-sectoral components of the service sector (for example, services of federal, regional and municipal administration).

At the same time, other types of work, services and non-industry products that are characteristic of the life support of society (environmental protection, social security activities, the implementation of a set of measures for economic, social and other security), in our opinion, can be attributed to the social sphere. . But since these types of services, works are not considered grouped according to a specific industry, it is possible to synonymize the provision of statistically recorded volumes of services that are the same in proportion to the social sphere and the service sector.


1. Indicative planning: theory and ways of improvement / Petrov A.N., Demidova L.G., Klimov S.M. etc. St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2000.

2. Mozgolina L.V. Resource potential of the service sector: Preprint. St. Petersburg: Nestor Publishing House, 2004.

3. Social status and the standard of living of the population of Russia. 2003. Stat. Sat. / Goskomstat of Russia. M., 2003.

YALUNER ELENA VASILEVNA - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Service and Economics.


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