1s integrated automation 2.0 user manual. Earnings certificates for calculating benefits for laid-off employees

1C Company announces the release of edition 2.0 of the Integrated Automation configuration.

The functional composition of the product is methodologically consistent with the capabilities of the 1C solution: ERP Management enterprise 2 and uses the same structure of reference data with it.

The product meets the needs for automation of enterprises of various industries and activities. Its use will be most effective in the growing business of small and medium-sized enterprises, whose management processes require clear coordination and coordinated actions of several performers.

Edition 2.0 of the Integrated Automation configuration was developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new features:

  • support for working in thin client and web client
  • new possibilities for managing the interface of the program and individual forms;
  • transfer of the main computing load to the server and economical use of client resources.

Edition 2.0 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration supports working via the Internet in the service model.

New in version 2.0 compared to version 1.1
Financial management

Development of management capabilities in cash and control of financial liabilities:

  • accounting for loans, deposits and loans;
  • acquiring (payment cards);
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar;
  • routes for approving applications;
  • analytical reporting on cash flow;
  • inventory of mutual settlements;
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters;
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.

Problem solving financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis by budget management tools:

  • customizable types of budgets;
  • modeling in the context of scenarios;
  • support for multiple currencies;
  • tabular forms of data entry and correction;
  • analysis of the achievement of planned indicators;
  • the financial analysis.
Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators

Tools for monitoring and analyzing the activities of the enterprise by target indicators:

  • building a hierarchical model of goals and targets;
  • creation of various variants of indicators with the possibility of comparison;
  • monitoring of targets with transcripts initial data;
  • advanced analysis financial results on activities;
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports;
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone);
  • supplied demo for the metrics model.
Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automation of accounting and tax accounting:

  • single plan tax accounts and accounting
  • accounting of facts economic activity deferred holding with control of the relevance of the reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, leased, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for capital construction and R&D expenses;
  • service 1C-Reporting for the delivery of accounting, tax, statistical reporting to the regulatory authorities.
Personnel management and billing wages

Regulated personnel records and payroll are unified with the configuration Payroll and personnel management, edition 3.0. Among the new features:

  • calculation of salaries according to the output of employees;
  • set of settlements with personnel;
  • flexibility reflecting wages in financial and regulated accounting.
Production Management

Production accounting for actual releases:

  • description production processes manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and performance of work;
  • support for releases that are separate for customer orders;
  • accounting for the performance of employees.
Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce costs:

  • separate accounting of costs for separate issues (for the purpose of use);
  • calculation of the cost price for batches of release;
  • analysis of the structure of the production cost;
  • distribution of other expenses and incomes by lines of business;
  • scheduled closing of the reporting period (month).
Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:

  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume-calendar conditions of sales;
  • formation of price lists with information about the balance of goods;
  • using regulated sales processes, managing complex sales;
  • advanced customer order management, generic and individual rules sales, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different formats of stores;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for "Intercampani" schemes;
  • conducting marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic debt limit control.
Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support for all stages of working with clients - from the first contact to after-sales service:

  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with customers;
  • dossier of the client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring the execution of transactions;
  • BCG analysis;
  • advanced analysis of performance indicators of managers.
Purchasing management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:

  • control procurement activities;
  • complex procurement business processes;
  • control of delivery conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers by prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of acquiring goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of meeting the needs in the nomenclature.
Warehouse and Inventory Management

Development of inventory management mechanisms and organization of storage facilities:

  • cellular warehouse management;
  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • goods movement management;
  • support of the order scheme of document flow;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting of reusable containers;
  • statistical analysis of stocks, storage of the results of ABC / XYZ-analysis;
  • calculation of forecasted demand;
  • goods in warehouses by expiration dates.
Improving the usability

The default configuration uses the Taxi interface, which is maximally adapted to work on any mobile devices and low-resolution screens. Along with the Taxi interface, the configuration supports the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 interface (in tabs and in separate windows). The user can choose the type of interface in the program settings.

Accounting detail setting is performed in the user's work mode by selecting functional options.

Seamless integration with the 1C: Document Management configuration is provided, which allows using business process mechanisms to coordinate decisions and documents, save files in the 1C: Document Management information base.

To prepare the infobase for work, a wide range of initial filling tools is provided, including the Assistant for filling in settings and directories.

The set of documents for entering initial balances at the time of system launch has been significantly expanded.

To reflect economic activity, specialized jobs are used, which allows you to perform targeted tasks with the ability to quick search and access to the information required to make a decision.

The economic activity of the enterprise is reflected within the operational contour with the possibility of its further presentation in accounting and tax accounting through deferred reflection.

New products 1C: Integrated automation, edition 2

A new edition of the product has been introduced into the 1C price list since 10/12/2015 with separate headings:

Prices for new products are the same as those for deliveries that include the Complete Automation Revision 1.1 configurations. Prices for the products listed in the table may increase in the future.

In addition to the Total Automation configuration, the product delivery includes the following: applied solutions:

  • Accounting department of the PROF enterprise, edition 3.0;
  • Payroll and personnel management, edition 3.0;
  • Trade management, edition 11.2.

The delivery also includes documentation on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and related application solutions.

Products based on the End-to-End Automation 8. Edition 2.0 configuration are shipped with software protection and can be used with existing hardware-protected licenses.


New products can be upgraded from all deliveries of 1C:Enterprise versions 7.5 and 7.7, as well as from earlier 1C programs designed to automate business activities.

In addition, you can upgrade from the following 1C:Enterprise 8 products:

  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF;
  • 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users;
  • 1C: Accounting 8. Basic version;
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 8;
  • 1C: Entrepreneur 2015;
  • 1C: Simplified 8;
  • 1C: Salary and personnel management 8;
  • 1C: Salary and personnel management 8. Basic version;
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management;
  • 1C: Trade management 8 Basic version;
  • 1C:Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions for 5 users;
  • 1C: Taxpayer 8;
  • 1C: Payment documents 8.

New upgrade products can be purchased separately or bundled with client and server licenses.

The upgrade price is calculated according to the general formula: the cost of the purchased set of 1C:Enterprise 8 products minus the cost of the returned product plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set.

To perform the upgrade, you must return registration cards and license agreements for the delivered software products to 1C. Distributions, books and security keys, with the exception of 1C: Enterprise 8 security keys, remain for users to complete work in old program and transfer of information bases to new products.

Switching to edition 2.0 from edition 1.1

Edition 2.0 is available to registered users of the Integrated Automation Edition 1.1 configuration at no additional charge.

The transfer from the information base of edition 1.1 to the new information base of the following data is provided:

  • program settings;
  • regulatory and reference information on the main sections of accounting;
  • balances on the main sections of accounting.

Edition 2.0 of the Integrated Automation configuration requires the version of the 1C:Enterprise platform 8.3.6 and higher.

Version 1.1 support

In version 1.1, it is planned to support current changes in legislation and correct detected errors until 04/01/2019. The development of the functionality of the applied solution is expected only in edition 2.0.

It is planned to sell software products that include edition 1.1 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration until approximately 01/01/2018.

Firm "1C" notifies users and partners about the release of edition 2.4 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration. The RG-Soft company recommends starting the implementation of the transition from version 1.1 right now. We remind you that support for current changes in legislation ends on April 01, 2019, and the development of the functionality of the applied solution is carried out only in version 2.0.

Transition from "1C: Integrated Automation" 1.1 to edition 2.4

When implementing version 2.4 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration, the goal is to minimize improvements, preserve typical functionality and maximize its use. Accordingly, the transition/implementation includes the following steps:

1. Express - examination.
Collection of data necessary and sufficient to draw up a plan and start modeling. It is assumed that the missing data can be quickly obtained from the Customer in the process of compiling end-to-end examples.

2. Drawing up a simulation plan.
List of blocks/processes with an estimate in hours. All processes in blocks that require modeling (boundaries) should be registered.

3. Modeling.
Preparation of an example / solution for a block / process in the system, description in the Diagrams. Modeling will be introduced in blocks / sections, iterations, with active feedback from the Customer: creation of a solution / model - demonstration - correction of the model - decision making. At the modeling stage, the maximum use of typical functionality is shown (in some cases this prompts the Customer to partially rebuild their business processes for typical functionality), a list of improvements to the solution is determined.

4. Evaluation of data migration and implementation.
Elaboration of objects and methods of transfer. Description of the contents of the data transfer and initial balances. Calculation of labor intensity and terms of implementation, taking into account the preparation of documentation and staff training.

5. Correction and layout of the document Conceptual design (FTT).
Includes a description of decisions on processes and improvements, a description of the content of data migration and initial balances (may include a description of access rights for user groups, various applications). The Conceptual Design document reflects some agreed state in the movement towards implementation between the Customer and the Contractor, is the initial document for implementation, which:

  • a) describes "how-to" solutions;
  • b) contains information for setting tasks for improvement;
  • c) defines indicators, stages of data transfer and implementation.

Thus, he is in fact terms of reference for later implementation.

An approximate list of further implementation works is as follows:

  • 1. Installation of the system at the Customer.
  • 2. System setting according to decisions taken reflected in the Concept Design document.
  • 3. Development (if necessary). (Includes the development of configuration changes according to a specific list of improvements, testing of improvements, delivery to the Customer).
  • 4. Data transfer (if necessary). (Includes the development of data transfer mechanisms (transfer rules or processing) in accordance with the decisions made, testing, delivery to the Customer).
  • 5. Definition and description of access rights for groups of Users (if it is not defined in the Concept Design/FTT document). (Includes survey, modeling, description, agreement).
  • 6. Setting up user rights in accordance with the decisions made (if necessary, creating new roles).
  • 7. Formation of instructions. By groups of Users in accordance with the accepted scheme of work in the system.
  • 8. Personnel training (by groups of Users).
  • 9. Consulting users during trial operation.

1. Blocks of operational accounting - Sales and CRM, Procurement and supply, Production, WMS warehouse, Volumetric scheduling, Management accounting and cost accounting.
2. Blocks Personnel, Salary also require partial modeling according to the processes agreed with the Customer. For example, for accrual and reflection of salaries in areas of activity, for non-standard accruals such as "bonus to salary", etc.
3. The Regulated accounting block takes data from the operational circuit, therefore it can be shifted in time relative to operational accounting. But almost all areas of regulated accounting must be modeled, carried out in accounting and tax accounting and demonstrated to the Customer, incl. on figures in standard reports.

The cost of upgrading to version 2.4 of the "Complex Automation" configuration

* the approximate cost is indicated, the final estimate is possible after express analysis

We present you the details about the features of edition 2.0 compared to edition 1.1 and what's new in edition 2.4 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration:


Financial management

Development of cash management capabilities and control of financial liabilities:
  • accounting for loans, deposits and loans,
  • acquiring (payment cards),
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar,
  • routes for approval of applications,
  • analytical reporting on cash flow,
  • inventory of mutual settlements,
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters,
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.


Solving the problems of financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis with budget management tools:
  • customizable types of budgets,
  • scenario modeling,
  • support for multiple currencies,
  • tabular forms for entering and correcting data,
  • analysis of the achievement of planned indicators,
  • the financial analysis.
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
Tools for monitoring and analyzing the activities of the enterprise by target indicators:
  • building a hierarchical model of goals and targets,
  • creation of various variants of indicators with the possibility of comparison,
  • monitoring of target indicators with decoding of initial data,
  • extended analysis of financial results by areas of activity,
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports,
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone),
  • supplied demo for the metrics model.

Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automating accounting and tax accounting, which ensures the preparation of regulated reporting in an organization:
  • unified chart of accounts for tax and accounting;
  • accounting for the facts of economic activity by deferred posting with control over the relevance of reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, leased, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for capital construction and R&D expenses;
  • use of the "1C-Reporting" service for the submission of accounting, tax, statistical reporting to regulatory authorities.

Human Resources and Payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll are unified with the configuration "Salary and personnel management", edition 3.0. Among the new features:
  • calculation of salaries according to the output of employees;
  • set of settlements with personnel;
  • flexible options for reflecting salaries in financial and regulated accounting.

Production Management

Production accounting for actual releases:
  • description of production processes for manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and performance of work;
  • support for releases that are separate for customer orders;
  • accounting for the performance of employees.

Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce the costs of economic activity:
  • separate accounting of costs for separate issues (for the purpose of use);
  • calculation of the cost price for batches of release;
  • analysis of the structure of the production cost;
  • distribution of other expenses and incomes by lines of business;
  • scheduled closing of the reporting period (month).

Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:
  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume-calendar conditions of sales;
  • formation of price lists with information about the balance of goods;
  • using regulated sales processes, managing complex sales;
  • advanced management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different formats of stores;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for "Intercampani" schemes;
  • conducting marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic debt limit control.

Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support for all stages of working with clients - from the first contact to after-sales service:
  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with customers;
  • dossier of the client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring the execution of transactions;
  • BCG analysis;
  • advanced analysis of performance indicators of managers.

Purchasing management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:
  • procurement management;
  • complex procurement business processes;
  • control of delivery conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers by prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of acquiring goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of meeting the needs in the nomenclature.

Warehouse and Inventory Management

  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • cellular warehouse management;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • goods movement management;
  • support of the order scheme of document flow;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting of reusable containers;
  • statistical analysis of stocks, storage of the results of ABC / XYZ-analysis;
  • calculation of forecasted demand;
  • goods in warehouses by expiration dates.

Improving the usability

The default configuration uses the "Taxi" interface, which is maximally adapted to work on any mobile devices and low-resolution screens. Along with the Taxi interface, the configuration supports the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 interface (in tabs and in separate windows). The user can choose the type of interface in the program settings.

Accounting detail setting is performed in the user's work mode by selecting functional options.

Seamless integration with the "1C: Document Management" configuration is provided, which allows using business process mechanisms to coordinate decisions and documents, save files in the "1C: Document Management" infobase.

To prepare the infobase for work, a wide range of initial filling tools is provided, including the "Assistant for filling in settings and directories".

The set of documents for entering initial balances at the time of system launch has been significantly expanded.

To reflect economic activity, specialized workplaces are used, which allows you to perform targeted tasks with the ability to quickly search and access the information required for making a decision.

The economic activity of the enterprise is reflected within the operational contour with the possibility of its further presentation in accounting and tax accounting through deferred reflection.



  • The mechanism for applying the relevance date when generating budget data has been clarified; in budget instances used to enter planned data, the user independently determines the need for the absence (presence) of later adjustments to plans in the budget instance.
  • Work has been carried out to optimize the performance of the main mechanisms of the subsystem.

Treasury Department

  • A new payment offset option has been implemented, in which the payment document can act as an object of settlements and be included in invoices.
  • When offsetting the unused advance, it is possible to change the rate of offsetting the payment to the one required in the current situation; the exchange rate can be changed both in the currency of regulated accounting and in the currency management accounting.
  • Implemented group execution of payment documents according to several orders.


  • The scheme of work for "rolling" planning has been optimized, the ability to edit the values ​​of previous plans and maintain plans up to date for certain periods of time has been implemented; replacement of plans of the corresponding periods is provided with the subsequent preservation of information about replaced and replacing plans.
  • In the documents of production plans, the ability to analyze the results of planning by the dates of launching products into production has been added.


  • New features have been added to the "Sales Assistant" workplace: displaying information about the client (partner's dossier), creating requests for the return of goods from the client, quickly filling in goods by product segment, predicting the recommended number of sales to the client, controlling the minimum order amount as part of the deviation from terms of sale.
  • To organize and simplify work on the preparation of documents for the movement of goods between organizations, a specialized workplace, combined all the documents drawn up according to the "Intercampani" scheme, with the possibility of a quick transition to the workplaces for processing documents on the basis of issued orders.
  • Filling in the assignment for work, separated by line of business or customer order, in the document of the certificate of completion is provided.
  • Support was provided for the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ.


  • The procedure for creating agreements on the provision of agency services with the principal (supplier) has been supplemented.
  • Improved purchasing tools.
  • For purchased materials and goods, the accounting of the "Goods on the way" scheme is supported.
  • A mechanism has been provided for reflecting uninvoiced deliveries of goods when making purchases.

Warehouse and delivery

Development of inventory management mechanisms and organization of storage facilities:
  • to set the prices of goods in a currency other than the currency of management accounting, a currency selection has been added to the documents of internal goods movement;
  • the list of scenarios for registering the delivery of goods has been expanded;
  • improved setting of serial accounting material assets in warehouses;
  • it is possible to register the shipment of goods in an amount exceeding the quantity according to the picking task and the issue note for goods, but within the allowable deviation;
  • the procedure for determining the CCD numbers of components when registering the assembly (disassembly) of goods has been changed;
  • control over the status of execution of instructions for issuing invoices was introduced;
  • a mechanism was implemented to accept goods for safekeeping with the right to sell and use in production.
tolling scheme
  • Unified work with documents to reflect the tolling scheme using a common document log.
  • A unified form of selection by orders/orders has been implemented in receipt and transfer invoices, as well as in documents for transferring materials to production.
  • When placing orders to the processor, the filling of costing items is organized, which are used later when filling out reports to the processors.
  • The possibilities for providing materials for the production of products with the involvement of third-party processors have been expanded using the pegging option within the framework of a give-and-take production scheme.
Financial result and controlling
Improved tools for accounting and distribution of costs, expanded the mechanism for calculating the cost:
  • independent distribution of itemized expenses in managerial and regulated accounting was supported;
  • for options for the distribution of itemized costs, the procedure for choosing accounting analytics has been clarified;
  • expanded options for classifying itemized costs (fixed and variable) for a clearer distribution of them in the cost of production;
  • implemented the possibility of independent calculation of the cost in the currency of management accounting;
  • separate formation of management reporting for the enterprise and management reporting for the organization in the currency of management accounting is provided;
  • transactions were added to the month-end closing procedure that take into account the procedure for calculating the cost of fixed assets and intangible assets accepted for accounting or modernized in the current period;
  • expanded diagnostics of scheduled monthly closing tasks.
Regulated accounting
  • Possibility to specify an identification number (tax number) is provided legal entity outside the Russian Federation.
  • It is supported to store the details of the TIN and KPP of the counterparty in the received invoices.
  • The mechanism for reflecting information on registration with the tax authorities of separate divisions of the organization, allocated to a separate balance sheet, has been improved.
  • The registration of a special taxation procedure for property tax has been changed.
  • Updated forms of declaration and calculation of property tax advances.
  • Supported VAT accounting for the export of commodities.
  • Defined new order setting accounts when recording transactions of settlements with counterparties using the parameters of HFC settlements.
  • The procedure for setting up accounts within the workplace "Setting up the reflection of documents in regulated accounting" has been improved.
  • Separate accounting for contracts has been implemented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 275-FZ.
  • The mechanism for accounting for non-current assets in managerial and regulated types of accounting has been improved, all types of accounting for non-current assets are based on operational contour data.
  • The depreciation calculation mechanism has been optimized for carrying out calculations with a large number of accounting objects.
Human Resources and Payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll are unified with the configuration "Salary and personnel management PROF", edition 3.1.3.

Application "1C: Integrated Automation" can meet the needs for automation of enterprises in various industries and activities. The application is implemented in a single architecture with new generation application solutions "ERP Enterprise Management 2" and "Trade Management" edition 11. In this line, "Complex Automation" in terms of functional content occupies an intermediate position between the configurations "Trade Management" and "ERP Enterprise Management 2" . When expanding the business or increasing the company's needs for automation, the functionality of the system can be increased in stages, moving from the "Trade Management" configuration to the "Complex Automation" configuration and then to "ERP Enterprise Management 2". Due to the high degree of unification of solutions, such a transition is carried out quickly, the data accumulated in the information database are preserved, and retraining of users is not required - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

Work in the service "1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet" is focused on:

  • to fast-growing small and medium enterprises that are willing and ready to use new technologies and who need a single end-to-end solution that works over the Internet.
  • on companies that currently use several separate local software products and want to optimize the accounting of their activities - to abandon the exchanges between products and keep records in one program. For example, for users working with complex configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform, as well as in the Trade Management, Enterprise Accounting, Payroll and Human Resources configurations.

Working with the application "1C: Integrated Automation" via the Internet is suitable for those enterprises that are suitable for standard functionality without modifications or with minor modifications. The partner can supplement the functionality of the application in accordance with the features and business needs of its users by adding additional processing and extensions. For more information about the functionality of the application, as well as the procedure for upgrading to version 2.2, see the information letter N21909 dated 09/22/2016.

To connect to the "1C: Integrated Automation" application, you need to contact the partner that provides access to the application - select from the list https://1cfresh.com/articles/ka_partners . Partners can provide users with a test rate for up to 30 days once.

To switch to paid use of the service, a new user needs to conclude a 1C: ITS or ITSaaS agreement with a partner.

2015: Complex automation edition 2.0

The functional composition of the "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 2.0 is methodologically consistent with the capabilities of the "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" solution and uses the same structure of reference data.

Configuration "Integrated Automation", edition 2.0 can meet the needs for automation of enterprises in various industries and activities. Its use will be most effective in the growing business of small and medium-sized enterprises, whose management processes require clear coordination and coordinated actions of several performers.

Using edition 2.0 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration, you can gradually develop an enterprise information system - from solving top-priority tasks based on individual sections to creating a single information system. This allows us to recommend the 2.0 edition:

  • companies that currently use several separate software products;
  • enterprises whose management and accounting needs have exceeded the capabilities of the information systems used.

The "Complex Automation" configuration, edition 2.0 may be of interest to users who have experience working with complex configurations on the "1C:Enterprise 7.7" platform, and users who work with separate infobases based on the configurations "Enterprise Accounting", "Trade Management", "Salary and personnel management".

Edition 2.0 of the "Integrated Automation" configuration is implemented in a single architecture with new-generation application solutions "ERP Enterprise Management 2" and "Trade Management", edition 11. The listed application solutions also have a uniform interface and a high degree of unification of metadata and configuration code, forming a single line software products. In this line, "Complex Automation" in terms of functional content occupies an intermediate position between the "Trade Management" and "ERP Enterprise Management 2" configurations. When expanding the business or increasing the company's needs for automation, the functionality of the system can be increased in stages, moving from the "Trade Management" configuration to the "Integrated Automation" configuration and then to "ERP Enterprise Management". Due to the high degree of unification of solutions, such a transition is carried out quickly, the data accumulated in the information database are preserved, and retraining of users is not required - they continue to work in the familiar software and information environment.

Edition 2.0 of the Integrated Automation configuration was developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new features:

support for working in the thin client and web client mode, new options for managing the program interface and individual forms,

Financial management

Development of cash management capabilities and control of financial liabilities:

  • accounting for loans, deposits and loans,
  • acquiring (payment cards),
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar,
  • routes for approval of applications,
  • analytical reporting on cash flow,
  • inventory of mutual settlements,
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters,
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.


Solving the problems of financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis with budget management tools:

  • customizable types of budgets,
  • scenario modeling,
  • support for multiple currencies,
  • tabular forms for entering and correcting data,
  • analysis of the achievement of planned indicators,
  • the financial analysis.

Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators

Tools for monitoring and analyzing the activities of the enterprise by target indicators:

  • building a hierarchical model of goals and targets,
  • creation of various variants of indicators with the possibility of comparison,
  • monitoring of target indicators with decoding of initial data,
  • extended analysis of financial results by areas of activity,
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports,
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone),
  • supplied demo for exponent model

Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automating accounting and tax accounting, which ensures the preparation of regulated reporting in an organization:

  • unified chart of accounts for tax and accounting;
  • accounting for the facts of economic activity by deferred posting with control over the relevance of reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, leased, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for capital construction and R&D expenses;
  • use of the "1C-Reporting" service for the submission of accounting, tax, statistical reporting to regulatory authorities

Human Resources and Payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll are unified with the configuration "Salary and personnel management", edition 3.0. Among the new features:

  • calculation of salaries according to the output of employees;
  • set of settlements with personnel;
  • flexible options for reflecting salaries in financial and regulated accounting

Production Management

Production accounting for actual releases:

  • description of production processes for manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and performance of work;
  • support for releases that are separate for customer orders;
  • employee performance accounting.

Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce the costs of economic activity:

  • separate accounting of costs for separate issues (for the purpose of use);
  • calculation of the cost price for batches of release;
  • analysis of the structure of the production cost;
  • distribution of other expenses and incomes by lines of business;
  • scheduled closing of the reporting period (month).

Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:

  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume-calendar conditions of sales;
  • formation of price lists with information about the balance of goods;
  • using regulated sales processes, managing complex sales;
  • advanced management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different formats of stores;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for "Intercampani" schemes;
  • conducting marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic debt limit control.

Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support for all stages of working with clients - from the first contact to after-sales service:

  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with customers;
  • dossier of the client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring the execution of transactions;
  • BCG analysis;
  • advanced analysis of the performance of managers

Purchasing management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:

  • procurement management;
  • complex procurement business processes;
  • control of delivery conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers by prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of acquiring goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of meeting the needs in the nomenclature

Warehouse and Inventory Management

Development of inventory management mechanisms and organization of storage facilities:

  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • cellular warehouse management;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • goods movement management;
  • support of the order scheme of document flow;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting of reusable containers;
  • statistical analysis of stocks, storage of the results of ABC / XYZ-analysis;
  • calculation of forecasted demand;
  • goods in warehouses by expiration dates.

1C: Integrated automation version 1.1.26

In accordance with Chapter 14.4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on June 29, 2012), the concept of controlled transactions is introduced and the obligation of organizations to provide notifications of controlled transactions. The program implements the ability to prepare a notification of controlled transactions in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 27, 2012 No. ММВ-7-13 / [email protected]

The Controlled Transactions Notification Preparation Assistant allows you to define a list of transactions, check information about transactions, upload a notification to in electronic format(interface "Accounting and tax accounting", menu "Accounting - Controlled transactions").

The following has been added to the regulated reporting forms:

  • Calculation of the accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood and for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as for the cost of paying insurance coverage (Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation) ( approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n) as amended by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 31, 2012 No. 152n. The form has the ability to upload in version 0.5 format.

Due to the fact that at the time of the release of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 152n dated August 31, 2012, the FSS of the Russian Federation plans to accept a report for the 3rd quarter of 2012 on current form, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n. When creating a new report Form-4 FSS, the current version of the form is proposed. Form-4 of the FSS as amended by Order 152n is available in the start report form by clicking the "Select Form" button. The new form should be used after the entry into force of order 152n.

statistics form No. 11 "Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) and other non-financial assets", approved by order of Rosstat No. 406 dated July 27, 2012;

  • statistics form No. 11 (short) "Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) non-profit organizations", approved by the order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2012 No. 406;
  • The form is applied starting from the reporting for 2012.
  • declaration on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol;
  • declaration on the volume of use of ethyl alcohol;
  • declaration on the volume of production and turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of use of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of supply of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of purchases of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of transportation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the transportation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the use of capacities for the production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products;
  • volume declaration retail alcoholic (excluding beer and beer drinks) and alcohol-containing products;
  • declaration on the volume of retail sales of beer and beer drinks;

approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 815 dated August 9, 2012.

Methodical changes

In Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 216n), control ratios are checked in accordance with the algorithms given in the order of the FSS of Russia dated March 14, 2012 No. 87.

Checking is performed either manually - by pressing the "Check" button in the top command panel of the report form, or automatically - in the process of unloading the form in electronic form or when preparing a printed form.

The results of the check are displayed in a separate window, which reflects both fulfilled and erroneous ratios.

In the form of Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance in Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance to the Federal Fund for Compulsory health insurance and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance by payers of insurance premiums, making payments and other remuneration individuals(form RSV-1 PFR), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 12, 2009 No. 894n, the possibility of entering negative indicators in lines 140-145 of section 1 has been implemented.

According to the letter Federal Service on supervision in the field of environmental management dated 07.12.2011 No. OD-06-01-32 / 15903, in the form of Calculation of fees for negative impact on environment, approved by the order of Rostekhnadzor dated 28.03.2008 No. 182, the possibility of adjusting the fee coefficients in sections 1, 3 and 4 is implemented while maintaining the substitution of default values ​​(5).

In the declaration on indirect taxes (value added tax and excises) when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Member States customs union(approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 7, 2010 No. 69n) amended in accordance with the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 20, 2012 No. ED-4-3 / [email protected]

1C: Integrated automation version 1.0.13

In accordance with Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006, as amended by Law No. 343-FZ of December 8, 2010 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 255-FZ), a new procedure for calculating and accounting for social insurance benefits has been implemented in a standard configuration. We draw the attention of all users to the fact that at the time of the release of the standard configuration, the necessary by-laws were not officially published (the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the features of the procedure for calculating benefits and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of earnings), therefore, the algorithms for calculating benefits and the form certificates were implemented according to the drafts of the relevant normative acts.

Calculation of benefits

The new version of Law No. 255-FZ has changed: The composition of earnings, from which benefits are calculated for those working on employment contracts; The procedure for determining average earnings, on the basis of which benefits are calculated; Benefit limits.

Information about the earnings of other insurers

In accordance with articles 13 and 14 of the Law No. 255-FZ in the new edition, when calculating the average earnings for the payment of benefits, in some cases, the earnings of the previous employers of the employee who is receiving benefits are taken into account. In this case, the employee, in addition to other documents required for the assignment of benefits, provides certificates of earnings. Certificates of earnings received from other insurers are entered before calculating the benefits to the employee separately for each insured in the document “Certificate of another insurant on earnings” (interface “Payroll of organizations”, menu “Payroll” - “Absences” - “Certificates of other insurers about earnings").

Earnings certificates for calculating benefits for laid-off employees

In accordance with Article 4.1 of the Law No. 255-FZ in the new edition, all organizations are required to issue to the employee upon dismissal a certificate of the amount of earnings for the two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work and the current calendar year for which they were accrued insurance premiums. To generate such certificates, the configuration includes a special document “Earning certificate for calculating benefits” (interface “Payroll of organizations”, menu “Taxes and contributions” - “Earning certificates for calculating benefits”). To automatically fill in the section "Data on the insured" of the printed form of the certificate, it is recommended to enter the registration data of the organization (its separate division) in the FSS in the data about the organization on the tab "Payroll".

Accounting for expenses for the payment of insurance coverage

All organizations, regardless of the applicable tax regime and the type of insurance premium rate, from January 1, 2011, pay contributions to the FSS for temporary disability and maternity insurance. Therefore, from January 1, 2011, the procedure for accounting for social insurance benefits in organizations applying special tax regimes is changing - the amounts of benefits financed by the FSS will be reflected in the postings Dt 69.1 Kt 70.

Transition period

When calculating in 2011 benefits for temporary disability and for pregnancy and childbirth, which began in 2010 and continue after January 1, 2011, for the periods of 2011, the calculation is automatically performed both according to the "old" and "new" calculation procedures, while receive a large amount of benefit. If parental leave began before January 1, 2011 and continues in 2011, then in order to accrue child care allowance according to the rules of 2011, it is necessary to introduce a new document “Care leave”, in which January 1 is indicated as the start date of the leave 2011. Please note that according to the rules of 2011, benefits are accrued only if the average daily earnings increase.

Indexation of child benefits

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 13, 2010 No. 357-FZ "On the federal budget for 2011 and for the planning period of 2012 and 2013", indexation of state benefits for citizens with children was carried out, provided for in Article 4.2 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81 -FZ "On state benefits to citizens with children", from January 1, 2011 by 6.5%.

1C: Integrated automation version 1.0.12

Payroll and personnel management

At the request of users, the ability to manage the order of including holidays that fall on the period of the annual main and additional holidays, in the billing period when determining the average earnings for the payment of benefits social insurance: temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth and child care.

For those users to whom the FSS recommends not to include such holidays during the billing period, on the “Payroll” tab, check the box “When calculating sick leave, do not take into account holidays falling on the vacation period” (interface “Accounting Manager”, menu “Accounting Settings” - “Setting up payroll accounting and personnel management”).

Regulated accounting

When using advanced analytics, the procedure for writing off transportation costs for accounting data and permanent and temporary differences in their assessment has been changed. The share of expenses attributable to the balance not goods sold determined on the basis of tax accounting data in accordance with the requirements of Art. 320 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

VAT accounting

If in the accounting parameters settings the presentation of the seller's name in the invoice is set to "Full and abbreviated name" (the "Accounting Manager" interface, the "Accounting Settings - Accounting Settings" menu, the "VAT" tab), then in printed form“Invoice issued” displays the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with the details “Full name” and “Abbreviated name” of the directory “Organizations”, respectively.

Regulated reporting

The configuration includes a mechanism for submitting tax and accounting reports via telecommunication channels using electronic digital signature. The mechanism allows directly from the programs of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system to send tax and accounting reports to the server of a specialized telecom operator.

The configuration includes a mechanism for exchanging documents in electronic form via telecommunication channels between policyholders and territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using an electronic digital signature in a unified transport message format approved by the order of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 11, 2007 No. 190r. The new mechanism allows you to send reports to the server of a specialized telecom operator directly from the programs of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.

To use the new mechanism, it is necessary to connect to the reporting systems via communication channels in the Federal Tax Service and the FIU. At the moment, the possibility of reporting to the Federal Tax Service and the PFR via communication channels is provided only when using signature key certificates issued by certification centers authorized by 1C.

The configuration includes a mechanism for submitting reports in accordance with Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation in electronic form with an electronic digital signature. The mechanism allows you to directly from the configuration perform all actions to transfer the report in Form-4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation to the portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation according to the technology approved by order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2010 No. 19.

To use the new mechanism, the following must be installed on the user's computer:

  • a means of cryptographic information protection (CIPF) that meets the requirements of the order of the FSS of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2010 No. 19;
  • the root certificate of the CA of the FSS of the Russian Federation and the certificate of the public key of the signature of the authorized person of the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • Signature key certificates (SKP) issued by the Certification Center of the FSS of the Russian Federation or any other Certification Authority that has a trusted relationship with the CA of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

In the declaration for single tax on imputed income for certain types activity, the deflator coefficient for 2011 was added, established by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2010 N 519.

In the calculation of the fee for the negative impact on the environment (as amended by Rostekhnadzor Order No. 182 dated March 28, 2008) in the section "Calculating the amount of payment ..." in the list for indicating the BCC in line 010, the code 49811201000010000120 was replaced by 04811201000010000120, established by Federal Law dated 3 November 2010 No. 278-FZ “On Amendments to the federal law"On the federal budget for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012".

Unloading in electronic form of declarations on the volumes of production, turnover and use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/26/2010 No. 26) is implemented in version 3.05 format, approved by order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie of 01.10.2010 No. 210.

The mechanism for submitting tax and accounting reports to the tax authorities via telecommunication channels using an electronic digital signature has been revised in accordance with the requirements of the orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:

  • dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]“On Approval of the Unified Transport Container Format for Information Interaction with Receiving Complexes of Tax Authorities via Telecommunication Channels Using an Electronic Digital Signature”;
  • dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]"On approval of the formats used in electronic document management when submitting tax declarations (calculations) in electronic form (based on XML) (version 5)";
  • dated 02.11.2009 No. ММ-7-6/ [email protected]"About approval methodological recommendations organization electronic document management when submitting tax declarations (calculations) in electronic form via telecommunication channels”.

The configuration is adapted for use with the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. The transition instructions are contained in the file 1cv8upd.htm

, UT 11

This article begins a series of materials on the settings for 1C Integrated Automation 2 and Trade Management 11.

I warn at once the most courageous and fearless. Those who plan to figure everything out on their own, on a whim. Setting up Integrated Automation 2.0 (and higher) and Trade Management 11 is not a trivial task. There are more and more different flags and switches from version to version.

Here, at least, you need to figure out what ideas the developer had, what logic 1C put into the program and its settings.

Therefore, even if you, having read and seen enough of the Internet, resolutely start setting up Complex 2 yourself, after you have set everything up to your taste, spend money and invite a franchisee specialist to check.

Working in an incorrectly configured program can lead to serious additional expenses for the restoration of accounting. Do you know the proverb - a miser pays twice?

On the other hand, good news: if you do not have any special, personal, commitment to the old versions of 1C, then these, more modern ones, are easier and more convenient in everyday use.


Program settings moved to the menu item NSI and administration. Although, as we will see later, some of the settings are performed directly in the accounting sections.

We start with the section:

Setting up master data and sections - Enterprise

1. Work schedule

Here we need to fill in the Schedule of the enterprise. It is used in the program in many places, so resolve this issue immediately.

In the new database, one default chart has already been created - " the Russian Federation". It is already filled as a standard five-day period. If it suits you, then choose it.

If your company has a special work schedule, then we create a new schedule.

The schedule is filled according to the production calendar according to the weekly template. Fill in the company's weekly work schedule and the program will automatically multiply it for the whole year.

In the context help of Integrated Automation (question in the upper right corner of the window), this is described in great detail, I will not repeat it here.

2. Organizations

The next block of flags is dedicated to the number of organizations:

If you have multiple organizations, then obviously you need to check the appropriate box. Otherwise, the documents will not even have such a prop.

Also, setting up multiple organizations is required if you have separate divisions on a separate balance.

But, several organizations should also be installed if you plan to conduct operations under the Management Organization.

Management organization- what is this animal? So in the new 1C configurations, the issue with the possible presence of operations that are taken into account solely for the purposes of management accounting is resolved.

The subtlety is that the issues of differences in the economic meaning of the same operations for the purposes of a particular accounting are resolved in the program at the level of operations analytics. This does not require a Management Organization. The managerial organization allows you to take into account operations that should not be reflected in regulated accounting at all.

Think about this aspect of your accounting for yourself - whether you need it or not, and we move on.

3. Classification of debt

The next block defines the ability to classify overdue accounts receivable different ways.

For example, here is how debt is supposed to be classified by default:

Not suitable for everyone. As a rule, it may be necessary for different users to detail the debt in different ways. That's why I always check the box.

4. Currencies

The last block is responsible for currencies. By default, multi-currency accounting is not set. The currency of regulated and managerial accounting is the ruble and it cannot be changed - there is nothing.

If another currency is required - for any purpose:

  • export and import operations
  • calculations in conventional units
  • separate management accounting currency

then in these cases, set the Multiple currencies flag. You can also enter the currencies themselves here. But you can do it later, when the need arises.

Unlike the previous generation of 1C programs, the management accounting currency can also be changed if there are documents in the database. Complex 2, although it will be indignant, will allow you to change the currency. True, the responsibility for the consequences of such a change remains with the users.


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