I will give a valid business under control. I will give the gift of business ideas. How to choose a place whether you need to buy furniture

Which is interested in anyone interested, and in vain could become a new zuckerberg, or even more abruptly.
But still, I decided to give you another business idea. And even two, and one mega idea. From her and start.

1. This is not just an idea, but the idea for the production of ideas. Different startup incubators work on one, very inefficient scheme. Some geniuses are missed from themselves. Sometimes it succeeds (for example, straw for cocktails or hula-hup), but for the most part there are no. Further, when someone came up with some brilliant nonsense, it remains as small - to convince people that they can't do without it. My proposal would allow how to effectively produce ideas and facilitate the distribution of the product.
The essence is that it is necessary to make a site on which consumers would formulate their requests more or less clearly. That is, the person who is not satisfied with something on the market, writes that he needs specifically. Then, those who want to organize a business simply looks at this information, chooses the idea and forth to him. Moreover, this product will be expected, the need to impose the consumer will disappear.

2. But just an idea, at the same time illustrating the first. I tried to find on the Internet where you can buy cigarettes with small wholesale. She spent at least an hour, just from sports interest. So for an hour I could not find anything like that. So people who would organize something similar did not have competitors. Of course, it can be assumed that there is no demand for it. At every corner of the kiosks, the price of cigarettes is rather low, why is unnecessary trouble? But the price of cigarettes, though alone, is constantly growing (cigarettes that I buy are 25 percent more than a month ago), and in the foreseeable future it will jump several times, while the kiosks will be closed. If it is easier to buy a pack in the kiosk for 50 rubles. Than to take in bulk for 40, then when the pack will cost 250 (i.e., on a pack on the day, it turns out 7,500, the average pension in RF), and salaries are rather reduced So demand will be. By the way, you can invest in cigarettes now, and after the rise in price increases the amount several times (which is also relevant, since now it seems there are no such attachments such methods that guarantees income exceeding inflation).

And by the way, the question is: Do you buy (buy) small cigarettes in small wholesale? If you buy, then where?
Yes, and if anyone wants to give his business ideas for nothing, plz in comments.

The UPS recently met with a philologist from Italy, she smokes tobacco, folding cigarettes. For us, tobacco is a bourgeois attitude attribute, and we were very surprised when I learned that she did it because so cheaper. They, in Italy, crisis ...

A new direction in the "deliverance" from business appeared in the business segment. This is the exchange of existing business on property, both movable and immovable. The idea of \u200b\u200bBarter is gaining more and more fans. So, for example, Ulyanovsk entrepreneurs are ready to change their car wash, a sports club, a cafe for residential space, cars and land. What caused such a tendency and why no time successful people Prefer to get out of the game and give your business for the apartments? Of course, investing in real estate is distinguished by stability, in contrast to the troubled situation in commercial activity. Permanent oscillations of demand, changes in legislation, "unhealthy" economic conditions.

For an apartment in the city - cows and 250 hectares of land in addition

Farm activities in the villages of the Ulyanovsk region is a matter of unprofitable according to the approval of local "agricultural businessmen." Either for the most grabs and enterprising. There is no support from the authorities, so rustic merchants are ready to fleelessly and give all their farms for a symbolic fee. In particular, in Karsunsky district, the businessman agrees to give a farm, 250 hectares of land, cows, equipment for breeding horned animals and milk production in exchange for real estate in Ulyanovsk or any other city. In addition to all of the above, Barter provides a "bonus" in the form of a two-storey house, with an area of \u200b\u200b200 sq. M., Baths and courtyard buildings. Apparently, the support of the village and domestic producers, about which officials are stifled does not justify the expectations of the Agrarians. Grow and develop in this segment becomes simply unprofitable. However, not only in agricultural sectors depressing the situation, the owners from other areas of business are solved for desperate actions.

Car wash and beer at the price of a used car

Restaurant business also experiences difficulties. People began to attend less pleasure and prefer their home food to culinary delights. From the hopelessness, the owners of small cafes and bars agree to give the institution practically "Thank you": for the initial contribution of the mortgage or supported car. So the master of the beer bar "Cheerful Emel" in Ulyanovsk changes cafes of 40 sq.m. from all necessary equipment per car cost 300 thousand rubles or initial mortgage fee.

Save consumers and care for cars. Or require high quality in the provision of services and "crystal purity". Therefore, there is a thorough physical work here or have to leave this business in the absence of it. What made the owner of one car wash. And he is ready to give his "oiling" business for supported by Mazda 6.

And these are not all examples of barters. Businessmen lower hands and do not want to save their job and fight. Although, "the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing." But, apparently, there are no prospects for further development, or simply no desire to see them.

Colleagues, there are a lot of ways to "survive" for businessmen: the right marketing movesIf demand has decreased, or, if we really set taxes, you can legally reduce them. The main thing is to be desire and desire.

(No ratings no)

A new direction in the "deliverance" from business appeared in the business segment. This is the exchange of existing business on property, both movable and immovable. The idea of \u200b\u200bBarter is gaining more and more fans. So, for example, Ulyanovsk entrepreneurs are ready to change their car wash, a sports club, a cafe for living space, cars and land. What caused such a trend and why are there no time successful people prefer to get out of the game and give their business for the apartments? Of course, the investment in real estate is distinguished by stability, in contrast to the troubled situation in commercial activities. Permanent oscillations of demand, changes in legislation, "unhealthy" economic conditions.

For an apartment in the city - cows and 250 hectares of land in addition

Farm activities in the villages of the Ulyanovsk region is a matter of unprofitable according to the approval of local "agricultural businessmen." Either for the most grabs and enterprising. There is no support from the authorities, so rustic merchants are ready to fleelessly and give all their farms for a symbolic fee. In particular, in Karsunsky district, the businessman agrees to give a farm, 250 hectares of land, cows, equipment for breeding horned animals and milk production in exchange for real estate in Ulyanovsk or any other city. In addition to all of the above, Barter provides a "bonus" in the form of a two-storey house, with an area of \u200b\u200b200 sq. M., Baths and courtyard buildings. Apparently, the support of the village and domestic producers, about which officials are stifled does not justify the expectations of the Agrarians. Grow and develop in this segment becomes simply unprofitable. However, not only in agricultural sectors depressing the situation, the owners from other areas of business are solved for desperate actions.

Car wash and beer at the price of a supported car

Restaurant business also experiences difficulties. People began to attend less pleasure and prefer their home food to culinary delights. From the hopelessness, the owners of small cafes and bars agree to give the institution practically "Thank you": for the initial contribution of the mortgage or supported car. So the master of the beer bar "Cheerful Emel" in Ulyanovsk changes cafes of 40 sq.m. With all the necessary equipment for the car worth 300 thousand rubles or the initial contribution of the mortgage.

Save consumers and care for cars. Or require high quality in the provision of services and "crystal purity". Therefore, there is a thorough physical work here or have to leave this business in the absence of it. What made the owner of one car wash. And he is ready to give his "oiling" business for supported by Mazda 6.

And these are not all examples of barters. Businessmen lower hands and do not want to save their job and fight. Although, "the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing." But, apparently, there are no prospects for further development, or simply no desire to see them.

Colleagues, there is a lot of ways to "survive" for businessmen: the right marketing moves, if the demand has decreased, or, if we have completely set taxes, you can legally reduce them. The main thing is to be desire and desire.

I will give business B. good hands. What is better to do in the crisis: make decisions yourself or hire the manager? Why one readily transmits the brazers of the board own companyand the other is not ready to share the powers - and who eventually wins, - told Svetlana Emelyanova, cEO Consulting center "Step".

With the topic of corporate governance, we had to face in the late 90s, when our first customers were growing prior to the transfer of business in the hands of hired managers. Then there were several reasons for this.

Causes of management transfer

First, the presence of several owners from many companies, which led to infinite debates on the topic "do so or that". For example, in one of wholesale businesseswhere four owners are in turn sitting on the chair of the management of the joint economy, got each other with a change of priorities, was decided to work with the manager and managers to work together with the management and managers of the company to actually build a system of tasks and control systems. .

Secondly, entrepreneurs who started their work in the 90s, by the end of the decade, were encountered with the ceiling of their managerial competencies. Not all this was immediately realized, but there were those who quickly realized that to develop a business and engage in a daily routine - not the same thing. And they decided to replace the position: they moved to the business owner chair, giving operational management trusted persons or professional managers. An example of this kind can serve as the owner of the manufacturing company, realizing that he is not interested in being in a shop every day, "and the benefits of it as a controller of processes and people a little.

And, finally, the third cause pushing at least the original corporate governance system was the desire of business owners to create and develop new assets and other businesses, which required large investments of time and personal energy. At the same time, engage in operating work in one business and creating others turned out to be not very real, and our customers chose the way of an entrepreneur or an investor, giving managerial work in hired hands.

Board of Directors: Where I got involved where not very

So it was in the late 90s. Did anything changed today? - Yes and no. All three of these circumstances are relevant and understood. In large and many medium-sized companies, there are no more and successfully advice on directors or observation councils. However, there are also such businesses where the individual owner still believes that he copes with everything itself and does not need a corporate governance system. Unfortunately, as we see from the experience of communicating with Russian customers, most of them only know the word "delegation", but they really do not know how to share decision-making powers with someone else and build an authoritarian control system and one His companies.

It is remembered here the wonderful statement of the founder of Barcley Corporation Leonid Kazinza: "I am often asked why I need a one-sole owner - I need the Board of Directors." He needs me to avoid mistakes. Business management in modern world It is so difficult that it is worth allowing one error - and the business will go under the slope. "And it is true: correctly formed and adequate current Council Directors are serious insurance against strategic mistakes, because people who are competent in it in their fields bring their expertise and make it possible to make decisions with the best of world and domestic practices.

Why do you need an independent team

That is why, in contrast to the 90s, in today's advice, directors and observation councils often invite independent directors (industry experts and investment experts, professionals in managing human potential, specialists in developing strategies, consultants). All these people, working as a "strategic" team, are prepared to approve business owners of proposals or independently make decisions that are powered by the CD. Of course, in private companies, there is no possibility to create large CDs, but 1-2 independent member / s business owners still attract, realizing the value of other experience and examination.

Two different options in the crisis

Coming heavy times for business times, as we see today, have already divided companies owners. Some of them often already introduced corporate governance In their companies, again takes all the authority to make decisions. As Mr. smoke said in one of his performances: "There is no time to make a decision in the crisis, there is no time for discussion." This position has the right to exist, but there is another look at today's businessmen: "It is in a crisis that in many questions is to choose from two bad options, and the amount of uncertainty has increased at times, I want to have someone from the outside to make decisions, not Only on the basis of the experience of one of his company. Therefore, independent members of the Board of Directors are very necessary. "

To argue about whose truth is better, we, of course, we will not. It is clear that what is ready concrete entrepreneur or the circle of owners will define the solutions that make them. However, whatever decision you have received, dear businessmen, sincerely wish you break through, survive and develop your business! After all, this is the main goal, to which we all strive.


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