Presentation "Little friends of nature. SUMMARY OF ECOLOGICAL EVENT "We are friends of nature Presentation We are friends of nature for children

Denisenko Zhanna NikolaevnaMBOU SOSH №21 MineTeacher primary classes

Ecological event

"We are friends of nature"

purpose: Formation of a responsible attitude towards nature.


    to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe inseparable communication of a person with nature, to form knowledge of the norms of proper behavior in nature;

2. The development of the environmental educational student;

3. To educate the love of wildlife, careful attitude towards all living things and a sense of responsibility for their behavior in nature.

Registration: multimedia projector, presentation, video, drawings

Event flow

Teacher:- Guys, look at each other, smile, Give each other smiles. - Look back, greet our guests with a smile.
Now guess the riddles and then I think you will understand what we are talking about today.1) I often ask me, wait, but will appear, and it will begin to hide. What is it? (Rain) 2) Well, who of you answer: Not fire, but hurts, and not a baker, but bake? (Sun) (slide) 3) on planet wonders:
Oceans and forests,
Oxygen is in the atmosphere,
People breathe them and beasts. (planet Earth) Teacher:- Guys what is it all? Pupils: - Nature. Teacher: Yes, this is nature
Teacher: Today we gathered on an environmental lesson, which is called "We are friends of nature." We will try to find out and answer the question: "Why lovely love and protect the nature." 2013 declared the year of ecology. What is ecology? Russia has the All-Russian Society for Nature Protection. Every child can take part in her work, who is not indifferent to the fate of his native land. They completely completely forgot about the fact that nature is their mother. You, children must remind them that it is necessary to think about it. Everyone is necessary for all of nature. Only Nature itself, it turns out, no one needs. And she, where slowly, where a little faster, dies Student: I look at the globe - a bowl of earth. And he suddenly sighed, like a living. And whisper to me the continents: "You take care of us, take care." In the alarm of groves and forests. Alarm on herbs, like a tears. And quietly asked Spring Us, take care. "Stopped a deer of his jog:" Be a man, a man "in you we believe, do not lines," you take care of us, take care. "
Teacher: Planet Earth, on which we live, huge and beautiful!

But she is in danger. There are many sick places on it. It turned out because people built many enterprises that pollute the air with their smoke, gas; Waste merge into the rivers, the sea and pollute them; Oil from tankers during accidents is spilled in the water of the seas and oceans. So, our land is contaminated. Animals, plants, people suffer from this pollution. Festing nature. To help her, you need to learn to love nature, love it since childhood, learn to understand how all living beings live. Each person can help nature, help his actions, his mind, with his kindness.

We live on earth. She is our big house. But we must not forget that we are not alone on Earth: together with us there are plants and animals here. Cosmonauts say that the earth is blue. And from each of us directly depends, so that it remains the same beautiful, which cosmonauts see it: so that there are blue lakes, and not dirty puddles; Green forests and beautiful meadows, not the garbage mountains. To tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we could say: "Good day!" It is very important to take care of our shared house - the land and everyone who lives on it.

View clip on the motive "in the world of animals"

1st readerLet's be friends with each other like a bird - with the sky, like a field - with Lugomakak wind - with the sea, grass - with rains, as the sun is friends with all of us. 2nd readersLet's be aspired to love us and the beast, and the birds trusted everywhere to us. How faithful to my friends 3rd readersLet's take care of the planet. In the whole universe there is no one, in the whole universe it is completely alone. What will she do without us?

Teacher Today we will travel to the path of nature. We will visit such stations as: "Forest", "Flower", "Pernaya", "mushroom", "ears, paws and tails",

The first station is "Forest".

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear River slow speech ...

All this is called nature.

Let us always take care of her!

Teacher A wonderful writer and a big lover of Nature Mikhail Privhanin wrote: "We are the owners of our nature, and she is a storage room with great treasures of life for us. Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beast - Forest and Mountains. And man needs homeland. And to protect nature - it means to guard the homeland. "

Competition "Name the proverb about nature conservation."
Who knows how to be kind to be - that nature will not be ruined. The nature of nature is the one who does not fuck the forest goes - under the feet of looked. My forest is not a ruffee, little forests - take care, and no forest - put. Loby forest, love nature Forever Mil people. Maptits, Beasts Oberegi - Never Obsey. Sles - Wealth and Beauty, take care of your forests. Drain - Decoration of the Earth. Drain price - by fruits, and man - by works.

Teacher When we talk about our homeland, we cannot present it without shady taming, bright birch groves, majestic forests of Siberia. What is the meaning of the forest?
pupilsForest is our wealth! The forest is a green outfit of our Earth! Where the forest is always clean air! Forest is a house for animals and birds! Forest is our friend: holding down moisture, he helps a person to grow a good harvest. Pantry, generously giving his gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms. Presentation "Forest"
Scene "Savage in the forest" (Crying ants appear) Leading: What happened, ants? 1st ant: We were offended by an evil boy. 2-way ants: He gave us the paws. 3rd ants: The anthill ruined the crying butterfly. Leading:Butterfly - Beauty, what happened in the forest? Tell me, what kind of grief to you happened? Butterfly:The boy evil caught me, I broke me a wing. I can now fly. But I don't grieve. Leading: What is the name of an evil boy who offended you? Ants: Egor! Leading: And where to find it? 1st ant: He lies under the bush, listening music. For a bush lies the boy, next to him the tape recorder, around the torn flowers, garbage. Leading:Go here Egor, a serious conversation will be a conversation. My misfortunes you did: The anthill ruined the Polyana flowers, broke the bushes in the forest, the butterfly wing broke. And you are no longer small! We do not let you go to the forest, go out of our places! Ants, butterflies (together): Get out of our forest! Egor: Do not drive me! I do not know how to behave in the forest. Leading: Guys, let's teach Egor to the rules of behavior in the forest.
Children are built up by a semicircle. In their hands, they have drawings with a graphic designation of rules of behavior in the forest. Children in turn call the rules and explain them. Rules of behavior in the forest:

    Do not shout, do not turn on loud music - do not scare wild animals. Do not RVI, do not hook flowers, follow you hundreds of people will go, they will also be pleasantly seeing flowers. If they are destroyed, they may disappear forever. Flowers are food for insects and animals. Do not break the trees, do not make tenderloin on them, they dry and die. Do not catch for fun butterflies, ants and other animals. Do not sail in the forest. Clean the garbage and glassware. Fire in the forest may occur from abandoned glass. Do not divide in the woods of the fire near the trees. It is better to breed a fire on the banks of the river, the stream, where the fire was already. Running to remove, put the place of stones. It is impossible to leave empty coals. Coals need to pour or fall asleep earth, then put in place, pre-removed the rod. When collecting fruits and seeds, you need to leave part in the forest, for breeding plants, bird feed, animals. Do not ruin the bird nests, anthills.
Egor:Expensive butterfly, you I regret the wing of breathing Sogrey. And you, Muraviki-workers, I am a house again gather. And garbage and safests home I'll take a garbage. I collect trash and torn flowers. You forgive me, forgive me, I will not destroy the nature! And only In the forest, as a visit, I will go to the beasts.
Let's say on a farewell forest: "Goodbye, you grow to joy to people, we will love you, the Dark Forest, a wonderful forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!"
Station Environmental ChastushkiYou are listening now, and we are welcome with the guys. We will analyze ecology with you.
It was time: Solovypel all evening under the window, and now only only motors a dust post.
It is said that in our ratchbweb fish pond pond, and now even a frog, our river is not found.
Where the forest was green, now the Factory smokes, in the river black rortektichnechon runs.
If you do not solve the problem, it can be a black river black, and from the clouds black cares to drip down.
What kind of wilderness is? What a miracle is wonderful? I saw the emerald in the emission.
But if it is better to see, you will see the glass, fragments of broken jackets from the bottles of the neck.
We sang you a chastushki. This is not at all. We want to make planets beautiful and clean.
Station "Pernaya".
TeacherBirds we are expensive not only by their benefits, but also as decorating our extensive, wonderful homeland. To create good conditions Our pennate friends, you need to take an active part in the gardening of our village. We must do everything that the feathers constantly feel our concern.

Birds live in all corners of the globe. Amazing creatures, and for their sobs, and in their structure.

It sings in spring beautifully, ringing, fun, playfully! Guess-ka as soon as possible, what kind of bird? ...


Happy sleeps, at night flies,
Passersby scares.
Spicy, chickens! In the sky, the crystal shadow is circling ... (Hawk).
Who in the forest we gadeti about your life knows everything? Burns, you will calculate how much you know to live! Bird, gray girlfriend, and her name is ... (cuckoo)
All the time knocks, trees fucking.
But they are not crippled, but only heals. (woodpecker)
Catches every rustle
And how shouting will be terribly
Wheards the sleepy grass.
It fears ... (Owl)

Teacher What would we do without birds? With his singing, they warmly warm our soul. Invaluable benefit that birds bring agriculture, destroying insect pests and rodents. I think it will be fair if we at least take care of them: feed in a harsh hungry winter.

The game " Birds flew»

I will call only birds now, but if you suddenly get used, and you will hear something else, then you need to clap.

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

Mukhi. and haircuts ...

/ Children clap /

Vedas What's wrong?

Children. Flies.

Vedas And flies - who is?

Children. Insects.

Vedas You're right. Well, will continue:

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

Storks, crows,

Daws pasta! / Clap /

Vedas We start again!

Birds flew:

Pigeons, cute! / Clap /

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

Ostrises read ... / clap /

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

CHIBISS, read,

Sparrows, stripes,

Storks, cuckoo,

Even scoop-Splushki. / Clap /

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

CHIBISS, read,

Talk and haircuts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoo. / Clap /

Birds flew:

Pigeons, Tits,

CHIBISS, read,

Talk and haircuts,

Storks, cuckoo,

Even scoop-spin

Swans, Skvorts ...

All you are well done!

And now guess the riddle:
It looks like an umbrella,
Only less per hundred times.
Kohl Thunderstorm on the horizon,
It is very happy.
If the rain and warm
He believes - lucky! (Mushrooms.)
We at the Mushroom Station.
Teacher The fact that mushrooms grow in the forest, you certainly remember. And how well you understand the mushrooms, we will check now. You need mushrooms to decompose in 2 baskets. Just remember, different mushrooms grow in the forest. View clip "Mushrooms"
And now we are at the station, which is called "Ears, paws and tails."Report of the studentMost modern people They live far from the world of wild animals, and rare meetings with them do not give us the opportunity to seriously think about all the complexity and variety of their lives. It is today that when wild animals on earth are becoming less and less, and some species either disappeared, or rare, we need to know more about them.
The number of species of wild animals, vital for a person, increases. Animals are used in medicine to test drugs. This is a source of protein for us. More and more development takes Science - Bionics, exploring the possibility of applying biological principles in the technique.
With each disappeared view of the animals, a whole range of wonderful deposits, codes and mechanisms that a person will never know will irrevocably disappear.
The problem of animal protection is becoming increasingly urgent. At the same time, a significant number of wild animals is hunting.

Competition "Guess the riddle

/ On the board attached picture with the image of Soroki, the puzzles are attached to the tail /

Belobokaya Soroka

Frequently found

Did not say where it was

But she, guys,

Very cunning riddles

We brought us on the tail.

Presentation of animal riddles

Scene two hedgehogs

- We will show a small scene "Two Hedgehogs."LeadingOnce two boys caught two hedgehogs in the forest. A few days passed. Friends met and set aside who loves her hedgehog.
1 boy - I love my hedgehog very much, I feed it with milk, I gave him a bed from different leaves in Saraj. Even the needles is ready to clean it. What did you do for your hedgehog?
2 boy "I took it to the forest and released to the will."
Leading. Who came from the boys right?
Station "Floral".
Teacher Flowers give us joy, decorate and color a multitude of paints peace. They learned how to talk for us and understand all the thoughts of people. The currents - creations, causing a storm of positive emotions in people. In the east, ancient times enjoy special flower therapy techniques based on contemplation of flowering plants. Let's look at our world through the eyes of the colors!

Flowers and herbs help us to breathe, treat various diseases - in a word, plants are life. From early spring and to late autumn in the forests, many colors blooms in glazes; Only the snow became, and flowers are already blooming in the forest. What kind of flowers do you know?

(Children's responses.)

On the Poland, the river is proudly held by stalks, like porcelain cups, snow-white ... (chamomile)
When you go a trap, where neither look, the miracle whites on the fields - the balls on thin stalks. (dandelion)
It comes to the field of rye, there, in rye, you will find the flower, bright blue, fluffy, only a pity that not fragrant. (Cornflower)
Here is a rough stalk, in the middle of the corner, the petals shine like a varnish, blossomed red ... (poppy)
White peas on a green leg. (Lily of the valley)
Call me people queen flowers
For the color and smell, even though my bush is ready to hurt you, but who will not forgive me prickly colors?
(Rose flower)
Work in the creative workshop. « Decorate the planet with flowers. "Students cut out color paper flowers and glued them to a poster, which depicts the globe. Song sounds " Magic flower"," Collect the planet " Environmental Traffic game
Teacher: The signals of this traffic light means the same thing as on the passage of the road. Red Light - Nature Harm! Yellow - Caution! Light green - how beautiful! Sent to the forest "Thank you!"
So, the red light is ignited when a person's deeds bring harproinde. Azhely light - so that we comply with certain rules of behavior. Warely light is when we do good deeds for nature.
Teacher: Such a situation.
    The boy gathered in the forest and told that he took with himself in a backpack. Let's help him to figure out what to leave in a backpack, and what you need
be sure to lay out, since these things will harm nature. I will rebuild about things, and you "ignit" the desired traffic light signal. Male took:
    Rubber boots to resemble the shore of the lake. (Yellow Light) Knife to contempt Beresto with birch to incite a fire. (red
light) 3. Lighter, to when getting tired, sit by the fire. (Red Light) 4Magnetophone to listen to new records. (Red Light) 5 Small plastic bucket to pour a tree that ONPOSADIL last time on the edge of the ravine. (Green Light) 6 Package with bread, cereal for ducks living on the lake. (green light) 7 cuckle for catching butterflies. (Red Light) 8 Camera to take pictures of forest inhabitants. (Yellow Light) Teacher: Well done guys, you know what to take into the forest so as not to harm!
Conversation about the Red Book.

Why was she called red? Red color - danger signal. It seems to call all people: plants and animals in trouble, help them.

Red Book - Prohibiting Color: Stop, Stop! Next is so impossible. Red color is a danger signal.

Teacher Yes, guys, the nature of our patience, she forgives a lot, but also appeals about our help, protection. What makes us happy in nature? Of course, its beauty, clean air, silence of the forest, voices of birds and animals, rustling of foliage, murmur stream. So that other people see this beauty, you need to learn to communicate with nature.

Let's and we will listen to nature, listen, think and rejoice.

Clip "How beautiful this world"

(Students go to the scene one and read on one line of the poem, at the same time raise the card with the letter

C o x r and n and m p r and r about d u z e m and!)

FROM in the morning and until late evening

ABOUThaving a clearing pages,

H.falls in the book trusting

Razdolian music of birds ..

BUT maybe since that time

N.astupit is different time -

AND will be for a bird tribe

M.ilee is still a defector!

Pperflowed again again

Rwailed heart and rumor,

AND Mute will be demolished with feathers

Rdesign, and grove, and meadow.

ABOUTt Sky to the world of underwater

D.avay, how are the Motherland speech

W.mOM and soul noble

Z.dorovo Planets Bear!

E.dery variety

M.we will appreciate profit

L.juba and Europe, and Asia,

AND Our native places! I think that now are you ready to give a solemn promise to earth - to guard her nature?!

Let's talk together the words of the eats of young defenders of nature,
Oath …
The treasures of nature are entrusted to our conscience, justice, ugly and nobility, so
- I swear to guard nature, be her friend and defender!
- I swear!
- I swear to be an example of the right attitude towards the world around!
- I swear!
- I swear to strive for the knowledge of the laws of nature, its secrets and features!
- I swear in nature behave quietly and modestly, I will not destroy the plants without reason, I will be another other animals.
- I swear to guard Rods, rivers and ponds, I will take care of the purity ambient, I will promote the idea of \u200b\u200bnature conservation!
-How! I swear! I swear!
- I congratulate you on the decision to become young defenders of Nature!
(Song "Do not teach dogs")

Natalia Kostiy
Presentation "We-Friends of Nature"


Systematize the submission of children about the manifold nature..


1. Fasten the knowledge of children about nature, about careful and caring attitude to nature

2. Remove knowledge about birds, insects, animals, trees

3. Secure the rules of conduct in nature

4. Educating the ability to listen carefully to the educator and peers, a sense of responsibility to its team

Leading: Guys, you know how rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse amazing world nature..

And what is: nature?

Children: It's around us peace: Air, water, plants, animals.

Leading: What do you think could people live without nature.? (Answers)

True, a person cannot live without air and water, and in fact air and water - part nature.. A person cannot live without food, and food gives us plants and animals. People cannot live without clothes, housing, furniture, dishes. Material for their manufacture is obtained in nature. IN nature Everything is interesting I. interconnected: From a small bug to the sun.

Publications on the topic:

"We-friends of nature" Abstract of direct-educational activities on ecology in senior group "We are friends of nature" Goal: Creating conditions for systematization.

Love for nature, conscious, careful and interested attitudes to her every person should be brought up from early childhood. Nature.

KVN Abstract "We are friends of nature" Type of OOD: generalization and systematization of children's knowledge. Form of carrying out: KVN entertainment Subject: "We are friends of nature" goal: consolidate the knowledge of children.

Thanks to your site for the templates (download here, I added fantasy and that's what I got) Cover 2 Page "Red Animals.

Project "We are friends of nature" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type number 34. Yeisk municipality.

Project activities "We-Friends of Nature" Municipal budget pre-school educational institution « Kindergarten No. 80 "Cities Cheboksary Chuvash Republic Project "We.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of my page. I present to your attention the wallpaper "Friends of Nature", made together with.

Scenario quiz "We are friends of nature" Gaming leisure "We are friends of nature." Objectives: consolidate the knowledge of children about nature. Develop the ability to quickly find the correct answer. Raise

1. There is just a temple

There is a temple of science,

And there are still nature of the temple

With forests, pulling hands,

Towards the sun and winds.

2.On holy at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and smean,

Come here, be your heart a bit,

Do not defile him shrines.

Love to native nature - The precious quality of the character of a person who is aspanded in it from an early age. And hesitated not by calls. You can love nature only gradually, communicating with her, thinking about her secrets and solving them, protecting nature, putting their work in her decoration.

And in order to embody these words to life in 1990 in the Wholesale high School Children's organization "Young Friends of Nature" was born. ( slide)

Who are you guys?

We guys-yoody!

Why did they come here?

We are in the case, as always.

What are you doing?

Very important, big.

Assist the beasts and birds.

Old brought water.

Relax and play.

Here is our rhe.

We, Members of Nature Society,

And at least few years

Do we want to understand

Her laws are performed.

The laws of these exactly five.

We want them now to call.

1. Three trends in nature are: water, earth and air.

And we are given a great honor - to keep her bases.

2.Mal forest - not Ruby,

little forests-take care, no forest-plan.

3. Cartman give animals - glorious inhabitants of the Earth.

4. Thebeget of birds are always - they are faithful friends.

5.If you earthwoman real, so get used to the land answer.

As an apple on a dish we have the earth alone.

Do not hurry people to embrace everything to the bottom.

The guys of the schools of our everywhere the motto will be introduced:

"Protect and take care of the Blue Pearl of Earth."


In November 1991, we have developed the Charter of YUDP \u200b\u200b( slide).

According to this, the charter the main objectiveour organization is to develop love guys to nature big and malaya Motherland, contributing to moral improvement.

Tasks children's organization is:

1) Expand the representation of the guys about the animal and the plant world.

2) promote the development of the guys of the desire to help the whole living, using the intelligence and friends as organizing activities.

3) Maintain the interest of the guys to the game, developing their cognitive interest, creative opportunities, organizational abilities, improving group and individual relationships.

4) bring up the desire of the guys to be healthy, hardened and hardy.

At the heart of the Children's Organization program, "young friends of nature" are 4 major interests of the guys.

I -The first interest.

Children - Interest in nature.

I - Direction of activity.

Children - Window in nature.

Purpose: Grow in love and harmony with nature, learning and guarding it.

This is: ECADP fees, contests, environmental information, work . (Slides)

Children: We created the Red Book of Hills.

I: Young friends of nature enter the animals and plants of our villages that need protection.

Children: Created a plaintive book of Nature.

I: In her, Yedepyat enters all the shares, operations, landings carried out on environmental intelligence signals.

Children: Created the alphabet of a young environmentalist.

I: The alphabet contains words from A to Z associated with the affairs of young friends of nature. Here in this work and is the direction "Window in nature"

I: Interest the second.

Children: Interest in useful things.

I: Direction of activity.

Children. School of environmental rescuers. ( slide)

Purpose: grow in kindness, developing independence and humanity.

I: According to the results of the intelligence, ecological landings were carried out ( slide), stocks ( slide), operations ( slide).

I: The interest is the third.

Children: Interest in the game.

I: Direction of activity,

Children: The game is a serious thing. (slide)

purpose: Grow in the game, trying your own strength, coordinating your actions with comrades in the game.

I: These are military sports games ( slide), Health hours. (

slide), Competitions, Charging, Cheerful Starts.

I: Interest fourth.

Children: Interest in yourself, your health, communication with comrades.

I: Direction of activity.

Children: Together we have fun in the expanses. ( slide)

Purpose: grow healthy, cheerful, hardy. Preparing for a future life.

I: These are excursions, expeditions, hiking, and of course research local historical activities. In our village there is a wonderful, unprecedented beauty of the lake .(slide) And this year we are all working together environmental projectwho called "What factors affect the reproduction of fish in the lake village of Uta)

Questions guiding project.

The fundamental question.

What varieties of fish live in a lake? (slide)


When did fish appear in our lake?

What parts is the body of fish? What are their functions?

What are the useful fish?

What are cooking from fish in the family?

Young friends of Nature All questions were distributed between classes.

Classes have begun work on the project. Product activities during the project will be: presentations, exhibitions of drawings, crafts. Project defense is planned in October of this year.

You will probably be surprised that we are so small and give the tasks of high school students.

The fact is that in 2008. Our organization "Young Friends of Nature" has become part of the children's school association "Patriot", which unites all school students. That is so communicating with nature, thinking about it, protecting and studying it. Helping her, we bring up in our children love for our native nature and their edge.

In November 1994 As a collection of YUDP, the song "Forest Marsh" sounded. She became a hymn youde. We still have it so far and these anthem end our performance. ( slide)

The formation of a subjective attitude towards nature is one of the main and important tasks of the formation of the ecological culture among the younger generation. Pre-school age is a sensitive period for the development of a subjective attitude towards nature. In children preschool age Attitude towards nature is only laid and manifested in its actions, in a directional activity, in emotions and feelings. In the formation of subjective attitude towards nature, the role of emotional identification and empathy mechanisms is very great. This is due to the fact that the person passes the difficult path from the primary perception of the natural object to establishing any relationship with it. It is very important that acquaintance with the natural object causes positive emotions, as a positive emotional state is the basis of a benevolent relationship and readiness for communication.

The purpose of the presentation:

Formation of subjective attitude towards nature in children of senior preschool age.

Tasks presentation Corresponds to the tasks of the lesson "Little Friends of Nature".

Form of holding: Group, subgroup.

Slides 2 - 6. Images will take spring.

Slide 7. Riddle of ants.

Slides 8 - 13. Pictures depicting ants.

Slides 14. Riddle of bees.

Slides 15 - 19. Pictures depicting bees.

Slide 20. Riddle of butterflies.

Slides 21 - 24. Pictures depicting bees.

Slide 25. Riddle of God's Cow.

Slides 26 - 32. Pictures depicting ladybugs.

Slide 33. Riddle of the rainworm.

Slides 34 - 38. Pictures depicting rainworms.

Slides 39 - 41. Insect manifold - nature of nature.

Slides 42 - 47. Signs warning situations of potentially dangerous behavior for the world around the world.

Slide 48. Acquaintance with prohibition signs.

Slide 49. Reading a poem.

Slide 50. References.

Efficiency and practical significance:

The presentation is created to help educators for implementation. educational regions "Cognition", "Security". The use of a presentation at the lesson makes it possible to enrich the emotional and sensual sphere of children in the process of expanding knowledge of wildlife. The brightness, the harmony of the presentation develops an aesthetic perception in children, teaches to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: