What is the name of the hired worker in agriculture. Rural workers. Requirements for work

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    A, m. 1. The one who works, works. Then an academician, then the hero, then the navigator, then the carpenter, he was a comprehensive soul on the throne of the eternal worker. Pushkin, stons. As a worker, this young and strong man did not cost a penny. Next to force in ... ... Small academic Dictionary

    A, m. The hired agricultural worker in the landlord or kulatsky farm ... Small Academic Dictionary

    mutton -, a, m. The hired agricultural worker in the Kulack farm. Mas, t. 1, 65 ... Explanatory Language Sovildie

    Mutton - a hired agricultural worker, usually from impoverished peasants ... Legal encyclopedia

    Female worker for money salary. Russian True (Trinity SP., Art. 53) emphasizes especially role procurements, i.e., workers are arable, which, hired, rented sometimes the land of land and received agricultural equipment. Z. not a hob ...

    R. rural in their own sense called those persons who take direct participation in agriculture by their work by returning their workforce under the employment contract at the disposal of entrepreneurs of agricultural ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Public, "... Large groups of people who differ in their place in a historically defined system of social production, by their relationship (mostly enshrined and decorated in laws) to the means of production, by their role ...

    Social community grades allocated in relation to property and public division of labor. In the social class structure of society, the main (the existence of which directly follows from the dominant in this ... ... Wikipedia

    Estonia (Eesti NSV). I. General The Estonian SSR was formed on July 21, 1940. From August 6, 1940 as part of the USSR. Located on S. Z. European part of the USSR, on the Baltic Sea coast, between Finnish (on C.) and Riga ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Battle; m.
1. The hired agricultural worker in the private (usually landlord) economy. Hold Bathers. Raming a bar, in the bars.
2. Review About who are forced to perform whose Responsibilities to work for smb. (Usually a lot, without sparing forces).

Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • mutton

    sUT., Number of synonyms: 8 Bathers 1 Inkilino 2 Naimit 4 Peon 9 Publishing 5 Worker 64 Stradelnik 5 SHUDR 6

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • mutton

    A, m.
    The hired agricultural worker in the landlord or kulatsky farm.

    Small Academic Dictionary
  • mutton

    Brake, Bathers, Bathers, Batags, Bathers, Batrakam, Batraka, Batags, Bathers, Bathers, Bathers, Bathers

    Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • mutton

    Batroac, Batraka, · Husband. Agricultural worker employed by physical employment in Kulack or landlord.

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • mutton

    Brake, -A.

    Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • mutton

    Breakfast /.

    Morphemno-spell dictionary
  • mutton

    Minister, servant, servant, Nimit
    cf. !! serving, worker
    See \u003e\u003e servants, worker

    Dictionary of Synonyms Abramov
  • mutton

    Apparently, is borrowing from Tatar, where the battol has the same meaning.

    Etymological Dictionary of Krylova
  • Mutton

    Breakfast Brooron, Topper, Brubva, Flash, Gurt, milk, blackberry, strawberry, strawberry, to bed, fist, wonder, mirohed, annoyed, on Yuura, non-payer, clumsy, lean, find out, spider, plow, plowing, torn, sveset , sickly, nonsense. [...

    Etymological Dictionary
  • mutton

    "hired employee" (for field work); Hardly borrowing can be considered. From Tat. Batrak is the same, contrary to the burning (ES 13), the preob. (1, 19), because the last binding itself. from Russian Most likely, it is Russian. New formation from the Batyr, Dial.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Fasmer
  • mutton

    Paving breakfast, a, m. Hired agricultural worker. Name in the bars.
    | g. Bathers, and.
    | arr. Batracksky, Aya, OE and Bathedral, Aya, Oe.

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • Mutton

    In Tatar idle; So in ancient Russia was called idle peasants who did not have their own farms, and those who worked constantly from other peasants because of the fee or only because of the content. They were also called Bobyls, Boots and Heavers (see

  • mutton

    Bracker m. Batrachka Hired worker, Perse. in the village, for field work; Novg. Cossack and Cossachich, South. Nimit and Nairmite. Go to the bars, in other people's people, on earnings. Do not hope Popal on the Pop, hold your barekra (Cossack).

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • Batraki

    Working workers in capitalist agriculture. B. - part of the agricultural proletariat, having a small land put on or completely devoid of land.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • Batraki

    Batraki - Hired agricultural workers, usually impoverished peasants.

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • Batrakov

    Patronymic from an indercion male personal name Mutton: Ancestors Boyarin Batraka Veljaminov
    The beginning of the XVI century), from which Boyar surname went BatrakovOf course, not from batrakov - example
    from an indecorous male personal name Mutton: Ancestors Boyarin Batraka Veljaminova (beginning of XVI
    in.), from which Boyarskaya last name BatrakovOf course, not from batrakov - Example showing
    etc., definitely did not mean kestts, funerals, princes, graphs. (H). Mutton - a hired worker, and in Novgorod batrakom called the Cossack. (E).

    Dictionary of Russian surnames
  • batraki

    Hired agricultural workers, usually impoverished peasants.

    Big Law Dictionary
  • Batraki

    see Oktyabrsk

    Toponymic Dictionary
  • Batraki

    S. Syzransky. Symbirian lips, on the right bank of the Volga and on the railway (here Vyazem-Syzran Zan. Dor. Connects with Orenburg); 1331 LOVE.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • batrakov

    Cm. mutton

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • Batrakov, Egor

    Batrakov, Egor
    Deputy. Com. N. ul. 1767

  • Batrakov Provisory

    1: 100, - the inscription from the hands of the red ink of the new nominal "1 руб" on the Mark of Russia in 1 kopecks.

    Batrakov Provisory

    Filatelicotic dictionary
  • Batrakov, Nikolai Petrovich

    Batrakov, Nikolai Petrovich
    Director of the Technological Institute of Coal Engineering "Niet

    Large biographical encyclopedia
  • Bucket Ivan Andreevich

    (Nag. Fam. Kozlovsky; 1892-1938) - Rus. poet. Participants. in the roar. Movement. He started a button. In Truth (1913). Under the influence of D. Poor, he turned to the genre of Basni: Sat-ki "hoops and rivets" (1926), "Sokh and Tractor" (1928), "Spiders and Mukhi" (1931) and others translated Basni Ukr. and Belarusian. poets.

    Encyclopedic dictionary of pseudonyms
  • Batrakov, Sergey Aleksandrovich

    Batrakov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
    (1977 p.). Master of Sport international class (Sportiv

    Large biographical encyclopedia
  • babature

    Vagate that bathers; punish. Baby, do not want to be more in bathers.

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • battaracy

    rabbancy cf.
    1. Lesson, work batraka.
    || Stay in position batraka.
    2. Review The same batraki.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • batratsky

    batraski adj.
    1. Related by meaning. With land muttonassociated with it.
    2. Infestication batrakuCharacteristic to him.
    3. Belonging batraku.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • heat

    Heating whom, take, hire in batraki, in workers to the house. Walk, rank in batraki.

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • Oktyabrsk

    City, Samara region. In the past it is d. Mutton; Name from anthroponym: a number of persons Mutton, Batrakov
    Mentioned in the sources of the XVI century. Later form name Batraki. In 1956 Batraki and adjacent

    Toponymic Dictionary
  • batrachka

    Cm. mutton

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • batrachikhin

    Cm. mutton

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • batrauccin

    Cm. mutton

    Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  • bare

    Agricultural worker is a hired farming worker who works under the leadership of a brigadier or farmer. Currently, agricultural workers are occupied mainly in large farmoh. A good agricultural worker has professional skills and works with an initiative.

    Labor duties

    The duties of the agricultural worker includes field and forestry work, sometimes also care for animals. Types of work varies depending on the production profile of the farm and the season. After spring sowing work, sowing is needed, then haymaking, harvesting and the necessary autumn work. In winter - processing of harvest, forestry work on the farms' lands, as well as various works related to repair and maintenance. Also an agricultural worker can participate in construction and repair production premises. It works throughout the farm in the submission of a farmer or a brigadier. Depending on the type of work performed, various agricultural machines and equipment are used, as well as tools. Work is done during the daytime, but working hours varies depending on the season and peak of employment.

    Places of work

    Farm farms.

    Requirements for work

    The worker should be initiative and possess extensive knowledge in different types of work and their stages due to the fact that the types of work in the farm often change. It is necessary to be able to use the necessary machines, equipment and tools.

    The agricultural worker should be in good shape, as some types of work require a certain physical force. Especially hard are forestry work in winter. Working in crop production, sometimes you have to raise and move heavy cargo when making fertilizers in the soil and sowing, as well as during harvesting and processing it. Agricultural worker sometimes has to work in an uncomfortable posture and in difficult conditions depending on the machines and equipment used. From noise, vibration, dust, heat and cold, you can protect yourself using good tools and various protective devices.


    To obtain the profession of agricultural worker, the commissioning of the basic exam is in the specialty Agriculture. In addition, the exam can be handed over to training in the workplace on a training contract or in the form of a demonstration exam. A worker who owns labor skills can pass in the form of a demonstration exam, for example, a professional exam in the specialty of the farmer. Besides, educational establishments Commerize short-term professional training courses.

    The salary

    When paying the work of agricultural workers, apply the salary recommendations contained in the collective labor agreement "Entrepreneurship in rural areas." The salary varies depending on the responsibility of the work, experience and professional skills.

    Information about the labor market

    (Information about the labor market concerns the entire professional sphere, it is not limited to the profession described above.)

    Agricultural industry

    The agricultural industry is an important employer in rural areas. In agriculture, about 90,000 people are directly occupied, of which are about 80,000 entrepreneurs or their family members. Fashing workers are about 10,000. In addition to primary production, agriculture indirectly provides employment in the entire food chain, especially in the food industry, trade and transport.

    With a quantitative measurement of employment, agricultural farms are the largest employers, then farms specializing in milk animal husbandry and gardening. The number of farms working on farms, especially livestock, as well as in agriculture in recent decades, has significantly decreased, while the size of farms and labor productivity has grown.

    Additional workers would be needed to replace during holidays, as well as for work in gardening and gardening. Contractures provide employment during sowing, harvesting of silo, throat, and, for example, when collecting energy and chip production.

    The number of workers in agriculture continues to decrease. On the other hand, there is a high age age working in agriculture, and therefore need new workforce to replace entrepreneurs who retire. Due to the age structure of the rural population deteriorates the situation with the presence of labor.

    The number of farms that ensure fixed assets to existence continues to decline, and an increasing part of the income of farms is income from other activities, not from agriculture. New employment opportunities give multidisciplinary farms, contract work, sublinks and other entrepreneurship activities.

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    Material from Vikival

    Rural workers

    R. rural in their own sense called those persons who are directly involved in agriculture by their work by returning their workforce under the employment contract at the disposal of the Agricultural Industry Entrepreneurs for a specific fee, the latter is exceptional or at least the main source of funds for them to existence. With these signs, rural R. differs from the slave and serf, working on the landowner forceding, from an independent peasant who lives on income from his own site, and from the worker's handicraft and the factory proletarian, employed in other industries than agriculture. From the above definition, it also follows that rural R. by its social status ( wage - The main source of food) should be considered only as one of the divisions of the working class in general. In addition to rural R. in his own sense, in many countries there is still an extensive contingent of individuals who, although they resort to agricultural employments on hiring, but, owning the land and lease areas themselves, look at wages only as an entry source of income, And not as the main one. This category of persons belonging to rural R. in a broad sense represents the transitional group between quite independent peasants and rural R. in close sense. Time occurrence Rural workers as a special public class should be attributed in most countries by the time of the fall of the fortress relations, in which landlords, using subanely labor, almost did not need hired workers, and almost every farmer was endowed with the famous amount of land. Only since the abolition of serfdom is made possible to monitor the part of the peasantry (see Peasants) - on the one hand, and the development of farms with hired labor - on the other. He contributed to the other and fast after the liberation of the peasants, the change in economic relations: the development of a large industry, decline in rural fishery, a decrease in local additional, non-targeting earnings. Distribution of rural workers for individual categories On various features, it seems not so sharp and defined as the distribution of industrial workers. Insignificance of labor separation and division of classes In agriculture, it often leads to the fact that the same faces are among the same farms and the same persons are engaged in turns, in robberry, luriology, horse breeding, large-scale breeding cattle, sheep, pig breeding, gardening and gardening, and sometimes in the processing of various agricultural products (cheeseing, oil and oorny, etc.). However, this state of affairs begins to change lately. Separate industries are distinguished not only from the same farm, but also separated by geographically (Tekhas cattle breeding, wheat fields of Dakota, Australian Sheepdogs, strawberry fields near New York, Dolland dairy farms, oil factory in Canada, etc.). In accordance with this, the situation of rural R. is changing, beginning to be grouped into special professional categories. Many changes contributed and also contributes to the increasing application of machines in agriculture. Non-uniform need in hired labor by time of year (See R. time in agriculture) determines the separation of R. rural under the terms of hiring. Permanent or Shootingemployees (Bathers) are hired for a more or less long term, live in the economy, receive the premises, food and a certain agreement from the latter, the amount of money for the year or for the period of work, obliging, on their part, to fulfill all the work entrusted by the economy. The relative number of dead r. The farm depends mainly on the size of the economy and greater or less rationality of its maintenance. Usually permanent workers are held mainly to care for livestock, and all stubborn works are executed by temporary workers. A special type of short work is made up sewaged workers: They get a room for a family, a known amount of land under the garden, potatoes, flax and the right to keep a cow on the stern of the host, obliges to be on all the work for a contract for a certain contract for the settlement of her husband, wife and idle worker who must contain in his family Sedden R. This kind of hiring is common in Germany; In Russia, he is almost never found. All those hand work, for the production of which the farms are insufficient R., are performed by temporary workers, pieceworkor distinct. Faceted R. Nature preferably before databases mainly for work, easily controlled by a score or measure (cleaning of bread, sealing, harvesting of roots, sunflower, corn, dancers, shearing sheep, transportation on a skot belonging to the workers themselves). Rowershaving rewarded for the time of work, they are obliged to execute all the work on the instructions of the host for a certain number of hours per day: from 10 to 12 in the summer and from 6 to 8 in winter. The need for this type of workers in the ownership of farms is mainly due to emergency accumulation into some, short, deadlines for work requiring urgent performance (hay and cleaning of bread). The main contingent of the suitable workers consists of ordinary of neighboring small-earth peasants; Therefore, in most cases, feeders receive fees only with money, on their food. The special type of feeders are submitted in incomplete localities promotional R., which are from more populated places to the time of reinforced work. So, from Central Russia R. go to the south and for the Volga for the cleaning of the hay and breads and for other works. Rhine R. go for a time in the Black Forest; In Eastern Prussia R. come from Russia. When hiring such workers and the absence of a nearby settlement, the farm needled by their harches and supply to the room. In the southern climate, you can keep a significant number of permanent workers; In the northern, where the period of work is shorter, in the spring and autumn is necessary for a suitable hiring in large sizes. Abundant yield It also causes an extraordinary need for temporary workers, and the importance of this factor seems to be the greater that with the current state of meteorological knowledge Nor R. nor entrepreneurs can be predicted to predict in which locality and in what quantity more workers will need. Many of the villages. R. (in a broad sense) possess small land plots on the right of ownership or lease. Hence the distribution of rural R. in the category of complete "hosts", sideless, landless, homeless, stray. General conditions affecting height wages In general (see wages), they are complicated in agriculture by oscillations in the height of demand for the labor of rural workers, due to the time of the year, climate and harvest, as well as in cash from many of the workers of their own economy. The influence of the latter factor is considered by some researchers as a circumstance favorable for rural workers due to their smaller economic dependence on the employer at the conclusion of a legally free agreement. According to others, wages in most such cases decreases for the entire amount that the worker can refine on its own site, and the connection with its own push makes it difficult to choose the choice of a more profitable employer, forcing them to sell their workforce to local owners. The third factor due to the level of wages in agriculture is the extremely low level of the needs of the rural worker. Suitable application in the agricultural industry natural The boards also do not remain without much influence on the height of all wages and moreover, due to the low level of working demands rather, the side unfavorable for him than in profitable. For years favorable for landowners, when prices for agricultural products are high, employers detect the desire to move towards payments; During the years of low bread prices, the opposite phenomenon is noticed. Forms of natural wages - supply of workers by food, room, and sometimes independent small farm. Lyudovsky defines the following number of main items of food, which is commonly relying in rationally leading farms Batags per year: rye bread 500-650 FN., Other types of grain (wheat, buckwheat, barley, pea) 150-220 FN., Potatoes 400-1000 FN ., Meat and fish 50-100 pn., Sala and various oils 16-50 FN., Salts 20-50 FN. per person (except milk, vegetables, etc.). In most cases, food is far below this norm, especially for temporary workers. One of the forms of genuine fees is a remuneration from a fraction Product. Normal is considered to be the following remuneration: for the complete cleaning of bread, without throat - from 1/15 to 1/9 yields; Through the throat - from 1/9 to 1/15 of the granted grain; For the complete cleaning of the hay of mediocre meadows, 30-40% of the assembled, good meadows - 25%; For cleaning potatoes from 1/12 to 1/15 tubers. Introduction agricultural machinery He strongly lowered the demand for workforce and wages. According to the calculations of French agronomists, the use of machines reduces labor costs in France by 25 Fr. a year with hectare. The introduction of machine treatment begins to destroy the difference between the position and nature of labor in agriculture and in factories.

    Legal and public situation Rural workers are in less favorable conditions than the same position of the industrial proletariat. Legislation, regulating relations between employers and workers in agriculture, was created almost everywhere under the influence of completely different conditions, rather than the legislation of the factory. It seeks not so much to protect economically the weakest side In the contract of hiring, how much to establish guarantees of compliance with the prisoner. This remark applies to the last of the legislative projects of this kind - the Hungarian, caused by the bombing strike of the reapers, which covered in the summer of 1897 a significant part of Hungary. According to the observation of the criticism of this project, Krejcsi, the requirements of rural workers, declared on their congress in February 1897 (accurate setting of the length of the working day, legislative cancellation of piecework work, reversion of the fee, insurance against diseases and accidents, the establishment of a Sunday recreation, an agricultural institution Inspections by analogy with the inspection of the factory, etc.) are satisfied with the project only in the most inflated measure.

    The situation of rural workers in Western Europe. In England The position of small landowners and tenants who turned into hired workers, until half of the XIX century. It was extremely poorly. In 1863, it was officially recognized that free rural R. Food is incomparably worse than criminals devoid of freedoms. The weekly number of foods of those and others turned out to be the following content (by K. Marx):

    The further economic development of England has led already in the early 80s to a significant improvement in the conditions of the existence of rural R. The weekly fee of rural R., equal to in 1770, on average 7 shill. 3 PEN., Rose to 1850 to 9 shill. 7 PEN., And in 1880 - to 14 shill; Surface with 8 Pen. In 1870, it reached 1 shill. 5 Pen. In 1850 and up to 2 shill. In 1880, together with the improvement of the position of R. Rural, there was numerical decreases:

    All sat down. R. Including
    Under. slave Batter. Sheep. Paste.
    1851 1253786 952997 288272 12517
    1861 1188786 958268 204962 25559
    1871 980178 798087 188856 23335

    In subsequent periods, the number of R. rural continued to decrease. In 1881, they were numbered only 870798 people, including 40346 ...., and in 1891 - 780707 people, of which 756557 mzhch. and 24150 zhby. In 1891, the Commission was formed in England for the study of the workers, including rural. According to the data collected by it, the average weekly fee was equal in 1892 13 shilling. 5 2/3 Pens., That is, below, rather than in 1880, but higher than in the 50s. Since the price of the necessary food products has decreased compared with the previous period:

    1872 - 82 1882 - 92
    Wheat (Quart.) 45 w. 0 p. 32 w. 2 p.
    Barley (Quart.) 81 w. 1 p. 27 w. 4 p.
    Oats (Quart.) 22 w. 7 p. 18 w. 7 p.
    1878 - 80 1886 - 90
    Beef (pound) 6 1/2 w. 8 3/4 p. 4 w. 7 1/4 P
    Lamb (pound) 7 w. 10 1/4 p. 5 1/2 w. 9 p.
    Pork (pound) 6 w. 7 1/2 p. 5 3/4 w. 6 1/2 p.

    then you can recognize that real fee Above the same.

    In France According to official data of 1883, from 18758011 people. The productive population in agriculture was employed 6915965 people. From among the latter there were 4046164 people. owners, 97835 people. Supreme employees and 2771966 people. workers. The average genuine fee of rural workers (in francs) is as follows:

    Male Women's
    Winter. Summer Winter. Summer
    On master harchas 1,08 1,82 0,62 1,13
    On their own Harchah 1,85 2,77 1,14 1,73

    The average annual boards of the bathers does not exceed 290 fr. For adult shepherd, 324 fr. For an adult boss, 235 Fr. for woman. Recently, in rural France, unemployment is noticed, due to the introduction of agricultural machines. As, however, no agricultural labor is paid in France at present, nevertheless, compared with the 60s, some improvement is noticed. So, according to Shmoller, from 1862 to 1882. The average summer-based food fee with food rural R. increased by 0.16 fr., Food fee - by 0.36, fee for the timing worker (annual bar) - on 60 - 70 FR. (20 - 26%), for workers - by 106 Fr. (80%).

    IN Germany, According to the field census of 1895, with a general decrease in the agricultural population, relatively since 1882 from 42.51% to 35.74% of the total population, the number of independent owners has absolutely increased from 2288033 to 2591725 people, while the number of workers decreased from 5881819 to 5619794 Souls. In 1882, rural R. amounted to 71.41% of the entire rural population, the owners of 27.78% and higher employees of 0.81%, in 1895 the same relations were expressed in numbers 67.77%, 30.07 and 1, sixteen%. With the introduction of a more rational culture and with the use of improved agricultural machines, a larger number of qualified employees is required. The work of simple workers to a certain extent replaced by the work of the machines. The use of the latter has increased very significantly:

    Comparative data for the main states of Germany show the following minima and maxima of the average annual fee:

    Male Women's
    Prussia 200-690 Mar. 120-480 Mar.
    Bavaria 300-600 Mar. 200-450 Mar.
    Saxony 360-570 Mar. 240-440 Mar.
    Baden 300-600 Mar. 240-450 Mar.

    If you take all the data showing the ratio in various countries of the number of employers and hired, approximately the same years as a percentage, then the following (Yanton) turns out:

    France 1882 Germany 1882 Austria 1880 Italy 1881 Sweden 1880
    Owners 58,5 27,2 38,4 32,3 54,9
    Openers and workers 41,5 72,2 61,5 67,7 45,1

    IN Russia The question is that more profitable for the landowner - serfdom or hired work, was raised at the end of the fortress era (see the peasants). With the liberation of peasants increased the proposal of labor; The left-handed peasant family laid in most cases turned out to be very scarce; I had to go hire a job to the landowner. However, the land was so long treated with peasants with their own inventory, which was not easy to move to an independent organization of hired labor. Hence the widespread distribution of the peasant rental of landlords. Later, the land prices began to rise: rental prices rose and leases, and the shooting of the land was only the wealthy peasants. An increase in the proposal of labor was led and a change in economic relations in the depths of the village itself. The weakening of one farms was the foundation of the reinforcement of others; Strengthening the latter, back, led to even more weakening the first. Performed and nestowext remained only to look for an extraneous earnings, especially since local handicrafts where they existed - they began to fall. Hired work in the middle black earth gubnia fell in price; The landowner who did not have time to pass his land for rent for a more or less high price was more profitable to process it by hired labor. At the same time, the need for hired labor was growing in the south and south-east, where extensive land spaces began to break down, which served before for cattle breeding. In the late 60s at the beginning of the 70s, the real workshot began there; Prices for labor in the "critical moments" of agriculture rose to the fabulous height, and the crowds of poor people were attracted from the Central Russia. This movement did not weaken in subsequent years, but took a more uniform character. Then the rural working question appeared in Russia. Together with the specified movement of workers, the south was the further development of the rural proletariat and in his homeland, in Central and Northern Russia. Each hunger, every batch, every case of livestock was undersonsted by many peasants-owners, deprived of their living inventory, had to do their work, strengthened their monetary need. A significant role in the process of formation of a rural proletariat has been played after the fall of the fortification relations, the seduction due to sections of a large furnace community. It was one word, an extensive class of hired workers, of which the majority receives means food not only from the sale of their workforce, but also from their own small sections of the Earth, not always paying for the subsidy lying on it. More or less accurate data on the number of rural R. in Russia is not available. Based on Zemsky residential censuses belonging to 81, the province, one of the Zemsky Statisticals, S. F. Rudnev, is made, however, an attempt to determine the total number of workers for all Russia. In 25 black earthly provinces there are all working age men about 10731483; It can be assumed that 25% of them are 2682870 people. - hired on agricultural work. In the 26 non-sinnamine provinces there are about 7124640 mzhch. working age; About 1/10 part of them, or 712400 people, usually hired on rural works. Thus, the total number of rural R. approximately equals 3395,000 people. Percentage distribution of the 81 percentage of 81 trees as follows:

    On 100 working age men accounted for agricultural workers:

    Ekaterinoslavskaya 39,7%
    Poltava 29,9%
    Chernigovskaya 29,8%
    Voronezh 27,0%
    Saratovskaya 25,2%
    Kursk 20,5%
    Tambovskaya 19,3%
    Orlovskaya 16,9%
    Samara 13,5%
    Unbarginous province
    S.-Petersburg 10,9%
    Tverskaya 9,1%
    Vyatka 9%
    Smolenskaya 6%

    R. These are divided into terminology of the Zemstvo censuses, mainly on the battles, deputy and shepherds, subsidiaries and piecemen R. Bathers, or street R., in accordance with the duration of the employment period are divided into annual and semi-annual (Other flyers, Numbered for 5-7 months, from spring to autumn). The named categories of Batrakov, in turn, are divided into local which are always close to the house and travelers unable to take in the suffering time to participate in their farm. Own farms of families excreasing bathers are far below the middle peasant farms.

    Peasant farms are 9 counties of Voronezh province.

    Total number Not cultivating land Without working cattle Without livestock
    abs. % abs. % abs. % abs. %
    All farms 247995 100 23245 9,4 57006 23,0 27737 11,2
    Supply Batrakov 30549 100 4516 14,8 11787 38,5 6470 21,1

    Thus, there are more common families between families that deliver Batrakov, without working cattle and without any livestock. In the Poltava province of Batrakov, even more disadvantaged families supply; According to the Mirgorod district, for example, from the total number of 2110 Batrakov, 45% came out of families at all of the paшны, 26.9% of the families that have less than 3 dec., 24.8% of families with a pashney amount from 3 to 6 . And only 3.4% of families having 6 and more dec. Pashnya. The number of persons in the bars, 76 cavities of the studied provinces as follows:

    Gubernia Total number In a percentage of the whole number of working age men
    Kurskaya (9 counties) 26920 10,9
    Orlovskaya (5) 15752 10,0
    Poltava (14) 39678 8,7
    Voronezh (10) 37900 8,3
    Samara (7) 40416 8,7
    Saratov (2) 3245 6,0
    Tambov (10) 24652 6,0
    Rostov-on-Don County 1095 4,3
    Vyatka (4) 7538 4,0
    S.-Petersburg (5) 3670 3,8
    Smolensk (2) 1603 3,3
    Tverskaya (7) 7343 3,2

    A larger number of battresses come out, therefore, from the central black earth provinces, less from the provinces with developed non-neutrocelter and handicrafts. Inside the same province, significant vibrations on the county are noticed. The total number of battresses, or time workers, can be assumed for all Russia in 1096,000, including 840000 people. On 25 black earth provinces and 256,000 people. on 25 non-sinnamines. As kos!registered by Zemstvo statisticians, those from rural R., who go out of the Middle and Northern in Novorossiysk and Chernozem Steppe provinces, mainly at the time of the bowels of herbs and breads - "cops". These exhaust R. are in the absence of 2 1/2 to 4 months, so they are approaching the summer barracks. On this kind of work goes or from large families, or renting their land - the poorest. According to DPT. Agriculture and rural industries, Kosari are mainly from the province of Poltava, Kiev, Podolskaya, Chernihiv, Voronezh, Orlovskaya, Kursk, Tambov, Ryazan and Tula. Less significant number of such R. give lips. Smolenskaya, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. Cosaries are directed mainly in the lips. Ekaterinoslav, Kherson, Tavrichesky, Stavropol and in the area of \u200b\u200bDon and Kuban troops. According to the data collected by the provincial meetings on the revision of the law on June 12, 1886 (see N. Brazzky), it should also include the Samara lips., Where it comes to 400 of the reached R. to determine at least with an approximate accuracy of such a changing value For years of contingent R., as "Kosari", it seems impossible. According to Zemskoye administration, in the southern trees of the Kherson lips. comes now on summer work up to 100,000 people; Meanwhile, from Alexandria and Elisavetgrad OU. The same lips. It takes up to 40,000 people. However, in these data they do not distinguish "Cosaries" from the Batrakov. Makers could be called, together with S. F. Rudnev, Spare element temporary rural r. In addition to the barracks and deposits, in a group of rural r. Zemskaya statistics still notes shepherds Numbered in most cases not to individual masters, but to rural societies (with the domination of community land tenure, each village has its herd). The shepherd usually hires himself more subpastes Watching the magnitude of the herd. From the supervised provinces, the highest number of shepherd gives the Tver lips. (7.2 per 100 yards), the smallest - Poltava (0.5), secondary - Saratovskaya (3,1). The total number of shepherds of 73 counties is determined approximately 53 thousand in the southern provinces there are special types of shepherds - shepherds, Gurtopravay, Tabunchiki; The owners hand themselves with the whole of huge states - Otara sheep, guurtle cattle, herds of horses. In addition to the battles, deposits, shepherds that make up in various areas from 60 to 96% of all rural workers, which are usually working on hiring, there are still Subseniers and piecework R. In this category, the Zemskiy Statisticals were entered by persons for whom the occupation of a sub-aunt and piecework is ordinary, and not only the fishery at an independent economy. According to the testimony of Kursk statisticians, this kind of feeders are distributed among the poorest and least secured part of the population. Behind these R. in his own sense, there is an extensive class of small and medium farmers who, who, or for lack of incident, or as a result of other conditions, are engaged in employment in neighboring landowners in the form of auxiliary classes, sometimes only for their livestock and runs for their livestock. They, judging by the DPT data. Agriculture and according to the provincial meetings, the Earth's landlord is also processed. In the near future, they will probably move, or (most) in the category of Batrakov, Kohareas, etc., or (minority) in the discharge of the prosperous peasantry. The need for R. of one or another category is far from the same in separate areas, being dependent on the peasant population, the size of the culture (Baltic lips.), The number of ownership of land, the development of waste to non-nucleic fishery, etc. centralthe provinces of the Black Eurmonary band of European Russia in the nasional r. There is no need, most of the work is fulfilled by local forces; It is noticed only by the transmission movement of the hired R. depending on the conditions of land use and the degree of crop of this year. Owned lands are processed by the advantage not only by local peasants, but also their inventory. This processing occurs or by renting for money, or is excited, or for the workout (piece), or by hiring for a cash fee. When hiring is widely practiced, according to the testimony of provincial meetings, the following method. Poor from local peasants are hired to neighboring landowners from autumn, during the collection of filters, or in winter, to get any money in a particularly difficult time for them, in the form of a deposit. Because of the last work is sold not only at a significantly reduced price, but also on more difficult conditions than in ordinary time. In Tambov for processing 1 dec., with cleaning and delivery of bread on aimno, with a timely hiring, it is paid from 8 to 12 p.; When hiring in winter, the same work is estimated in 4 p. 50 k. - 5 rubles. In Elatomsky. In the summer, 5-7 rubles paid for Znivo. from tithing; When hiring from the fall, 3-4 r., and sometimes 2 rubles. 50 kopecks The needy peasant in difficult time is often hired at several owners at once and takes all the deposits; Then, when there is a suffer time, he will not have time to cope with the entire recruited work, makes it somehow or not at all. Knowing that others are working next to him on half a higher price - especially during the harvest, it does not consider himself morally associated with the employer and often in the hottest time goes to another owner who has proposed a higher fee. The disadvantage of such a procedure of things is confined, judging by the data of the provincial meetings, the employers themselves, especially those who begin to understand the need to move to a more rational, requiring and more thorough labor culture. Low-price local small-earth peasants are much lowering the fee of real rural R. Batrakov. In the provinces of Central non-sinnames before the needs in the eligible R. did not notice due to the insignificance of crops from the owners; But now, with the development of waste in these provinces for non-nuclear fishing, sometimes even necessary for local agriculture of the working forces, the need be felt in them. According to Yarosl. lips. Statistics, Committee, from many local areas of the Yaroslavl lips. Local workable peasants go to the city and in the factory, and their place even in their own farms are occupied by the sucked hired R. from Tver, Vologda and Arkhangelsk lips. IN southern steppe Gubernia permanent work Personal R. (Bathers) and local r.; But in the sufferment, as already mentioned, here is a lot of prosperous workers from the medium-sized provinces. Special markets for agricultural wage were formed, among which MST are especially allocated. Kakhovka and pos. Dzhanka Tavric Lip. At the first during the Nikolsky Fair, on May 9, up to 24,000 workers of both sexes, and in the second from May 1 to 15 - up to 5,000. Uninterested here disagree here on secondary markets (railway stations, bazaars). Organizations do not have these markets; Established only (Kherson Zemson) Sanitary supervision of the arrivals R. Recently, in some southern provisions (Kherson, Tauride), there are hiring for piecework works of those local peasants who have their own hazelines and harvest machines or steam hammers. After graduating from you, these peasants are hired to clean and brand bread in large savings or other peasants. IN eastern steppes Behind the Volga, Batags and Sodes R. enjoy rarely; The sucked R. are hired in most cases partly. In provinces privislyanskyand baltic Owning farms are conducted almost exclusively by battreachable labor with a full master's live and dead inventory. IN southwestern Province Most of the work is performed by local rural R. in the Volyn lips. It is practiced by hiring on the summer work of the lower ranks quartered in a given area of \u200b\u200btroops, which is convenient for landowners, but significantly knocks out the prices for labor for R.-peasants. In the counties, border with Austria-Hungary, are found in some economies of R. from Galicia. Driving R. in the area are often engaged in winter time, on sugar factories. Rather Methods Rural R. The following: 1) P. themselves are in savings and ask for work (mainly in central black earth provinces), 2) hiring is made by clerks and managers (South-Zap. lips) or so calling. economic agents (Kharkiv lips.), Which on holidays after the dinner, usually near the Church, hire R. or drive around for this purpose on the villages, especially inadmissive, and where there are hiring markets, come to these markets; 3) any of the more prosperous local peasants takes in savings contract On the well-known work and for its execution already hires other peasants. This method of hiring began to be observed only at the very last time (Tambov lips.). Sometimes suppliers of rural ripples at the time of grinding breads are the peasants of the hosts hired steam hammers (Tavrichesky lips.). When hiring the workers, passports are selected, sometimes outerwear. Contracts are concluded usually verbally. About wages Rural R. There is a thorough and well-designed material, especially in relation to the remedy. The Department of Agriculture and the rural industry annually collects through its correspondents and publishes information about the charges of the harness and walking worker (and a worker). Information about the annual and summer board was collected by the same department and were developed by S. A. Kolegan. For piece prices was collected by the Department and, according to A. F. Fortunatov, was carefully designed under the leadership of A. A. Schulza, a rich material about the cost of production of main bread. The summary of all these data is made by the Chancellery of the Committee of Ministers. According to the summary of this last edition, for 1882 -91. The highest average annual fee of R. on the master harches was in the Tavrician lips. (104 r.), In St. Petersburg lips. (102 r., With the exception of three counties - St. Petersburg, Tsarskoselsky and Peterhof), in the region. Donors' troops (90 rubles) and in the Kurland lips. (90 r.), And the lowest lips. Volynskaya (80 rubles), Grodno (37 r.), Kovenskaya (43 p.) And Podolskaya (44 p.). With the transfer of food to the cash value, the highest fee falls on the St. Petersburg lips., With the exception of 3 of these counties (102 r. Den. Pl. + 65 r. The average cost of food \u003d 167 p.), Then lips. Tauride (163 p.), Liflyand and Estland (140 r.); The smallest - to Volynskaya (70 p.), Podolskaya (77 p. 50 kopecks) and Grodno (84 p.). Fee female employee (on master harches) in the Tavrician lips. (54 r.), The smallest - in the Grodno, Vilensk, Orenburg and Volynskaya (25 1/2); With the transfer of food to the cash fee, the highest fee was in St. Petersburg lips. (115 r. In 3 called ou. And 125 p. In the rest). Thus, the highest average for 10 years by Takery R. turned out in the southern steppe strip, where there is a particularly strong demand for hired R., and then in the Baltic provinces, where labor offer is not enough. In the worst conditions, R. Western and South-Western band turns out, where the railway tracks of the communication and the manufacturing industry are developed under the thickness of the population. According to the Department of Agriculture, in the Kullynd Lip. For the satisfaction of the needs of local agriculture remains, eg, only 86987 people, whereas in the Koven lips. This residue is 295327 people, and in the first factory-factory industry almost 2 1/2 times more developed than in the second. In addition, the developed, skillful Courlyanbaguka (i.e., the rural worker in his own sense, who, moreover, does not make a detrimental competition, the neighboring peasant-owner), according to the testimony of the owners, everyone will be paid to pay more expensive than at least a low-speed Koven Litvin (semi-rolling, having fun) . The average annual fee of R. throughout Russia is 61 rubles, the cost of the content of R. is determined on average at 46 rubles. Summer The fee does not hesitate to the localities as annual. In the Western and South-Western, such a fee varies not many of the annual, that is, winter work is appreciated little: the opposite appearance is noticed in the lips. Southern and Baltic.

    Average for 10 years, in 1882-91, reinforce The fee is:

    Summer fee with a working man (in kopecks) for 1882-91:

    Areas On your own harches during: On master harches during:
    weight. pos. Senk. UB. chill weight. pos. Senk. UB. chill
    South 45 77 102 33 57 85
    Medium chernozem 35 53 65 26 42 53
    Northern Chernozem 35 52 55 26 39 43
    East and Southeast 39 56 64 30 45 51
    Southwestern 33 49 55 25 36 45
    West 36 50 49 29 38 40
    Baltic 58 70 65 41 51 49
    Northwestern 51 70 62 36 55 47
    Northern 55 69 61 39 50 45
    Industrial 48 65 61 36 52 46
    Meshnevian and Zavolzhsky 43 54 51 33 42 39
    In European Russia in general 42 59 62 31 46 49

    Whole below the reimbursement during the spring sowing. In all the black earth provinces, the work of the worker during the harvest of breads is the most highly appreciated, and in all non-black-earth - during Senokosa. Above average price in the Baltic, southern, steppe and northwestern lips.; The smallest fees are distinguished by lips. Southeast, Western and Northern Chernozem. Spring fees are more stable than fees during hay and bread cleaning. In some cases, the greatest fluctuations in the films in the southern steppe lips were observed. (from 1 5 to. up to 5 r., On with. Harches). Filed fees in 10-15 K. are considered hungry fees and meet the cost of cheap food intake, as it shows the difference between fees for working with their own harches of workers and under shops. This difference on average for the whole of Russia during the spring sowing is 11 k., And during hay and cleaning bread, when the mass of labor is spent due to gravity and hurry, - 13 k. Hire on their harches in some areas, especially in Western , prevails on hiring with business harches. Women's The replacement fee on the master harches represents geographical oscillations similar to the fluctuations of the male board. The attitude of the female female female female in the non-black-earth Russia is higher than in the black earth. In general, it rarely exceeds 2/3 men's fees. Comparison of boards with a fee fee stubborn Employees show that the latter exceeds the first approximately the magnitude of the payment of horsepower. According to the latest published DPT data. Earth. and rural. Prom., The highest right fee is a working man while cleaning bread in the summer of 1898 self Harchah was in Novorossiysk provinces: Ekaterinoslavskaya - 1 r. 36 to., Kherson - 1 r. 19 to., Don region - 1 r. 12 to. And Tavrichesky - 1 p. 1 to. The smallest fee: lips. Kazan - 39 k., Ufa and Grodno - 41 k., Simbirskaya and Vilensk - 43 k., Volyn and Vyatskaya - 47 k., Minsk - 48 k., Penza - 49 k.; In the rest of the provinces, the board oscillated between 1 r. and 50 kopecks. The highest average fee for walking on masters Harchah was in the provinces: Ekaterinoslavskaya - 1 rub. 18 to., Kherson - 1 r., Donskaya - 90 k., Tavricic - 80 k.; The smallest - in the provinces: Kazan - 30 kopecks, Ufa - 33 cop., Simbirskaya and Vilensk - 34 kopecks, Volyn and Vyatskaya - 35 k., Oryol, Penza and Grodno - 40 k.; In the rest of the provinces, prices ranged between 80 and 40 k. Piecework Salary is especially common in applying bread cleaning, but is also of great importance and when hiring for processing; It fluctuates widely depending on the terms of place and time. On average, for the complete treatment of one tenth to refinery, with sowing, 6 r is paid. 81 to. (5 p. 81 to. In the blackness. Lips., 8 r. 4 kopecks. In the lamp.). The cleaning of oblique spring sowing is cheaper than everything is paid in the Kazan and Ryazan lips. (1 r. 65 k. Per tenth) and above all in Bessarabsk (5 rubles 50 to.) And Saratovskaya (5 p.); For cleaning, the lower fee is also in the Kazan lips., Higher - in Liflanda (5 p. 73 to.). For cleaning the Sherry Sickle Lowest fee in Kaluga (2 p. 50 k.), Higher in Arkhangelsk (6 p.), Winter - lowest in Mogilev (3 r. 45 to.), Higher in Tverskaya, Arkhangelsk and Estland (6 p. ). Information about the prevalence of agricultural machines during the harvest is the following (see ed. Khanz. Comm. Min., Tab. VIII): The largest percentage of arable land on which cars are used, gives Orenburg lips. (50%), then Ekaterinoslavskaya (40%), Podolskaya (38%), TAURIC (37.8%), Poltava (17%), Kharkiv (16%), Saratov (10%), Kherson (9%); In the rest, it is even lower. These data, however, only approximate, and relative to some lips. (For example, the region. V. Donsk.) There is no data at all.

    Attempts legislative regulationthe relations between R. rural and tenants begin shortly after the abolition of serfdom. Already in 1863 issued temporary rules For hiring on rural works, which introduced the so-called workbook, But it remained almost without use. In the 70s Project was drawn up general About hiring R. In general, including rural, but he did not receive the law of the law. On June 12, 1886, "Regulations on hiring on agricultural work" was approved (sv. XII T. I.), existing and currently (it is used only when hiring urgent workers). This "position" provides employers and workers enter into an agreement or verbally, or in writing; In the latter case, the penalty for violation of the contract is determined by the Regulation, in the first - common civil laws (see Personal Nam). In addition to recovery from a commercially departed work remuneration in the amount of a 3-month salary, the employer can require the return of the worker through the police; In the event of the recent reluctance, this requirement is criminalized (under Art. 51 2 of the mouth. On NAK. Mount. World. Court.). Criminal liability is established by the "Regulation" of 1886 and for the employer, but not for violation of the contract with workers, but for losing the workers from another employer, and to the employer who adopted a worker associated with another Agreement may be claimed for damages. According to the testimony of the provincial meetings, the provision of 1886 is used very little. R., being in most cases illiterate, is afraid to conclude written contracts. The civilian recovers with R., according to the owners, "there is nothing to take", and the criminal prosecution represents only a number of hassle for the employer, and the worker given by the police gives the work of the lowest quality. Since 1886, the issue of a change in recruitment of hiring did not fall out of the queue: it was discussed in different societies, at the All-Russian agricultural congress (1896), then in special provincial meetings and in May 1898 entered the Agricultural Council under the Ministry of Agriculture and Gosud . Property. Here, the majority in favor of the general legislative regulation of relations for hiring rural R., but at the same time a huge majority was rejected by the introduction of a common working book. Partial introduction of contractual books For some types of hiring, the Council also did not recognize as desirable, since it would not be possible to simultaneously enter into a contract with several employers. The Council recognized as desirable to establish criminal liability for both parties for violation of the contract and consideration of cases of such violations not only by volost courts, but also by other judicial institutions and more accelerated. It should be noticed that now the nature of the relationship between the employers and the workers is somewhat different than in the 70s and 80s. Then for the employers, especially in the southern provinces, there was a strong need for workers and dependence on the latter in the suffering time. Now the south settled, the cars significantly reduced the demand for labor; Meanwhile, the supply of labor not only did not decrease, but significantly increased, and the violations of verbal and written contracts are made of the exception, as the provincial meetings witnessed. Such violations occur usually at the specified method of hiring forward for an insignificant fee and in general, by the fault of the tenants themselves, which sometimes poorly feed the worker or delay the issuance of the board. IN common relationship Between the hosts and R. accepted such a character when the loss for the worker is unfavorable to comply with even the contract unfavorable for him.

    Literature. A. BUCHENBERGER, "AGRARWESEN UND AGRARPOLITIK" (I t., 1892, in A. Wagner "S" Lehr- und Handbuch d. P. Oek. ", III); A. Lyudogovsky," The Basics of Agriculture. Savings "(1875); Yu. Yanon," Comparative statistics of the population "(1892); N. Kestukov," Question of workers in agriculture "(1884); its own," On the conditions of the development of peasant farm in Russia "(1898) ; FR. Engels, "Die Lage Der Arbeitenden Klassen IU England" (1892); Marx, "Capital" (t. I); T. Kebbel, "The Agricultural Labourr" (1887); W. Hasbach, "Die English Landarbeiter In Den Letzten Hundert Lahren "(1894, in" Schrift. d. Ver. F ü R Soc. pol. ", Lix);" Royal Commission of Labour. The Agricultural Labourr "; de Ruzier," Professional R. Unions in England "(1898); F. Reitzenslein U. E. Nasse," Agrarische Zustä NDE in Frankreich U. England "(1884, in" SEHR. D. V. F. SPL. ", XXVII);" Statistique Agricole de La France. R ésultats Généraux de Fenquête Décennale de 1882 "; J. Jaurè S," Socialisme et paysans "(1897); F. Knapp," Slavery and freedom in rural labor "(application. K ed. M. I. Waterozozova," History labor ", from the conrad" s "handw ö rterbuch"); O. Gekk, "Distribution of the Population of Germany for classes according to the correspondence of 1882 and 1895." (in the national team. N. Garina "from the economic life of the Zap. Europe", Vol. I); I. Schmidt, "Economic Story of Bavaria according to 1882-92." (ibid); Th. GOLTZ, "DIE L ÄNDLICHE ARBEITERKLASSE U. DER PREUSSISH. STAAT" (1893); M. Weber, "Die Verhä Ltnisse der Landarbeiter in Ostelbischen Deutschland" (1892, in "Schr. D. V. I. Socio L.", LV); "Verhandlungen des Vereins f. Socialpolitik Über des Landliche ArbeiterFrage" (1895, "Schriften d. V.", LVIII); "Berufs- und Gewerbe Zä Hlung Von 14 Juni 1895. Die Landwirtschaft Im Deutsch. Reiche" (1898, "Statistik D. Deutsch. Reiches"; described J. conrad "Ohm in its" JAHRB. F. N. U. S. ", 1898), K. Frankenstein," Die ArbeiterFrage In Den Deutschen Landwirtschaft "(1897); Eheberg," Agrarische Zust ä NDE in Italien "(1886, in" Sehr. D. V. F. SOCP. ", XXIX) ; E. Kreicsi, "Gesetzentwurf Üb. Die Regelung d. Rechtsverhä Ltnisse ZWISChen Den Arbeitgebern U. Den Landwirtsch. Arbeitern "(in Braun" s "Archiv f. Soc. Gesetzgeb.", XII, T. I, 1898); P. Fahlberck. "Die L L Ä Ndliche ArbeiterFrage In Schweden" (1894, "SCHR. D. V. F. SPL.", LIX); D. Zinner, "Profess. Statistics of Switzerland" (in Sat. Garina); L. Krzhivitsky, "Capitalization of agriculture. Industry" ("Mir of God", 1898, II-X); S. A. Korolenko, "Winnonable work in farms owners and movement of workers" (1892, "agricultural. and statists. Information ", ed. Earth. Earth. and rural. Prom., Vol. V);" The cost of production of main bread in Europe. Russia "(1890, the same ed., Vol. III);" Materials on the issue of land processing in Europe. Russia "(1889," BP. Center. Statistical. Kom. ", Nos. 10 and 12);" Earnings of peasants and emigration in America "(1891," Works Warcha. Statist. Com. ", Vol. V);" Compare. Statistics of earnings of rural. population and emigration to America "(1892, Ibid, vol. VIII);" Athletic of statistical materials concerning rural. Poor. Europe. Russia "(ed. Kanz. Comm. Ministers, 1894); H. Blagoveshchensky," Common Statistical. Collection of farms. Information on Zemsk. Locks. Correspondies. T. I. Peasant farm"(1893); A. Fortunate," Agriculture. Statistics "(1893); S. Rudnev," Cereals of Europe crafts. Russia "(1894, nationals. Sarat. Lips. Zemstvo);" A collection of conclusions on issues related to the revision of the provision on June 12, 1886 on hiring on rural work "(1898); the presentation of the content of this collection is made by N. Brazzky," Employers and workers in agriculture "(" RUSSIAN. ECONOM. LOOK ", 1898, X); N. Karyshev," labor, its role and conditions of application in production (1897); kn. N. Shakhovskaya, "Agricultural Fatherfields" (1896); I. Gurvich, "Economic Region of the Russian Village" (1896); N. Tezyakov, "Agricultural workers in general and seizible in particular in the Kherson lips. In sanitation" ("the national team. Kherson.", 1891, 8); M. Uvarov, "Program for the research of the proselid workers" (ibid); L. Kirillov, "Fatherfields of the peasants of the Yaroslavl lips." (Section I: "Overview of the Yaroslavl Lip.", Ed. Yaroslavl provincial statistical committee; II, ed. A. Swirlshevsky); I. Reva, "Kiev Peasant and His economy" (1893); M. TUGAN-BARANOWSKY, "ALBEITERSCHUTZGESTZGEBUNG IN RUSSLAND" (1898, in "Conrad" S H Andwö Rterb. ", 2nd ed.). Many instructions on articles about rural R. in periodic. Literature, see EM Dementiev, "Factory" (bibliographic application, p. 14). Indications on literature on the conclusion of a contract of hires by villagers, see E. I. Yakushkin, "Normal Law" (Vol. II, 486). See also peasants, fatteners , Hired.

    In times of pre-revolutionary Russia and the Soviet period. In the Novgorod dialect, they were called "Cossack" and "Cossack", in the southern regions - "Naimit" and "Nimit". Who are such bars? What does this concept mean? What is the story of his origin? This will be discussed in the article.

    The meaning of the word "breaker"

    In the sensible dictionary of the Russian language Efremova given two definitions to the term:

    • this is a hired worker in agriculture;
    • the hired worker (most often used in colloquial speech).

    In the dictionary of Ozhegov, the definition: this is a hired worker engaged in agriculture landowners or fists.

    In the Ushakov dictionary, the expression "Who is such a battle" is given is an agricultural worker hired by a fist or landlord for physical work in the farm.

    The meaning of the Dalla dictionary is in the village, for the implementation of field work. "Go to the Bathers" means going to earnings to someone else's people.

    From this term there were single-handed words:

    • bathedral (work) - which means severe physical labor;
    • bathers work - severe hired job;
    • bare - be hired;
    • racheness - occupation, condition, human title.

    In the Ephron and Brockhause, the concept means at the Tatar - idle. So in ancient Russia were called idle and did not have their own farms in the peasants who were forced to work with others for a fee or for the content. Such people were also called Bobylemi, Teparians, Boots. Currently, in Russian, these terms have lost themselves and practically do not apply, only the name "Brake" remains, which is used to designate a person of peasant origin working on others.

    The origin of the concept

    There is a version that the word "breaker" comes from the Tatar word "idle". And indeed, until the XVII century, idle peasants were called on the territory of Russia, who worked for others.

    According to another version, the word "breaker" occurred from the Turkic word "Batyr" - which is engaged in severe physical labor, it works for hiring at the landlord or a wealthy fist.

    There is another version, according to which the word happened from the Turkic Badrak, so called the XV-XVI century of the Conguest, strong warriors from the Guard of Crimean Khanov, which came from Polovetsky tribes and did not have their land plots. After the formation of the Crimean Khanate, they became a privileged military estate.

    In the XIX century, the bathers called people who were forced to go to earnings and hire a job in the farm.

    Over time, the concept began to denote the dysfunction worker and displaced the word "Nimit", which was used in the southern part of Russia.

    Who is such a flower currently? Nowadays, the term in its primary meaning is practically not applied in Russian speech, used only for the name of a person, as a rule, peasant origin that works hired employee, or engaged in severe physical labor, and which is a cheap labor.

    Instead of imprisonment

    So, who is a person who is a hired employee in the agricultural industry in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR, often poor, devoid of land and property. This is a peasant who is busy with severe physical labor receiving salary or maintenance.


    Perhaps it will be useful to read: