Statement of the head of resignation of his own free will. Features and procedure for dismissing the head of an organization or enterprise at their own request. Calling a general meeting and notifying participants about the dismissal of the CEO

Have you ever wondered what the concept of "success" means to you? Most likely, the answer will be universal and acceptable for everyone: "Success is a successful lifestyle." For some, this is an opportunity to succeed in what they love, for someone - a house that can be called a full cup, for someone - harmony in relationships with loved ones.

But just for some reason, some, as they say, were born "with a golden spoon in their mouth," and do not even think about how to become a successful person, while others have been trying to catch bluebird happiness, but they just can't.

In order to succeed in any field of activity practically from scratch, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm. Here are its main steps:

  • Step one... Determine what activities are your most favorite, and start working in this direction. The essence of this step is love for your work. You can never become successful if you just “play days” at work, you need to constantly strive to improve your professional knowledge and skills, to keep abreast of the latest achievements in this industry.

How to become a successful person if you have no idea where to start. The psychology of the unconscious can give you such advice: turn to your inner “I” with a request to help you find your place in life. You will definitely receive an answer in the form of a premonition, a tendency outlined in your life, an intuitive silent response.

  • Step two... In the work you have chosen, you need to strive to rise to a higher level, to get ahead of everyone else, to get one step higher.

For example, if the profession of a teacher was chosen by a girl, then you need to participate in professional competitions, communicate with colleagues from communities in other regions, participate in all kinds of internships, constantly grow. The authority among colleagues, students and their parents as a result of such activities will only increase.

A young man who has become a doctor should not calm down by hanging his diploma on the wall of his office. By attending professional conferences, studying scientific publications, he will be constantly informed about advanced medical technologies. By attaching interest to the patient's needs to knowledge, the young doctor will become a brilliant professional.

  • Step three- foremost. Let it be said a little loudly, but you should work not only for yourself, your beloved, but also try to benefit people. Such a desire to bring prosperity to people through their work will close the full circle of the algorithm for achieving success.

Everything else will follow: your idea will receive a brilliant embodiment, as it were, by itself, you will become a financially independent person, you will become happy from the fact that your work brings, in addition to success, spiritual satisfaction. If you decide to do successful life in order to gain your own well-being - these tips will not work for you. Moreover, instead of a vicious circle, a short circuit will turn out, fraught with disease and all kinds of restrictions.

From dream to prosperity

Will psychology and its advice help in striving to become financially independent person? How to become rich and successful without any start-up capital? In this regard, there is a system aimed at making it available for everyone to make their life successful almost from scratch. It can be used by anyone: a young man or girl, a middle-aged man or woman, an elderly person - the knowledge of how to be successful will be useful to everyone.

Do you know what a loser mind is? Of course, you know, otherwise you would not read now articles on how to become rich and successful, but would dive in the azure sea for crabs somewhere in the Dominican Republic. Its main features:

  • A person with the consciousness of a failure sees everywhere only shortcomings and limitations instead of opportunities.
  • It seems to him that life is heading towards poverty and hard times.

If a person has this type of thinking, he will never learn about how to become a successful person. One must get rid of such consciousness immediately, replace its principles with completely opposite ones.

Four Steps to Believing in Success

The psychology of the unconscious assumes getting excellent results from laying the following beliefs in your consciousness:

  • In our world, there is no need to compete with competitors to achieve the same goals, there is plenty of everything in the Universe. The lack of opportunity exists only in your mind.
  • Life brings only satisfaction and joy to all of us. If she poses problems for a woman or a man, they should be viewed as a challenge or new opportunity.
  • Life provides all of us with a huge number of opportunities to become happy: to maintain good health, to build new relationships with a beloved woman or beloved man, to communicate with family, in order to become successful in work, in order to make our own life is exciting, in order to become financially independent.
  • Everything that happens to me, including success, depends only on me.

This technology for achieving success is proposed by John Kehoe, the world famous author of the brain power development program. His advice: when you become a financially independent person, a rich and successful woman, do not forget to send part of your income to help your friends, to charity, to those who start their journey from scratch. This will create huge flows financial energy, which will attract the same turbulent financially-filled rivers.

Steps towards abundance

So, the belief in success is practically ingrained in the minds, what next? How to become a successful person, what steps to take in this direction?

Abundance in your reality

And then you need to reprogram yourself for success, and for this you need to analyze your picture of the world and think about where you can feel abundance. A lot of time, friends, ideas, books, relatives, health, etc. Each person has something to say about this.

Success is everywhere around you

John Kehoe's developmental psychology, aimed at making you a financially independent woman or a financially secure man, suggests taking such a step on the path to success - learn to see it in everything. Standing in the city square, look around - each building represents success. The success of the architect, builders, building owner, those who rent these premises. And there are many such buildings in the city, and, therefore, success must be multiplied many times over.

Rejoice in other people's success, do not be envious man or woman. You will poison your luck with the poison of envy. Rejoicing in someone else's success, you acknowledge for yourself that it is possible in principle, and, therefore, you will fulfill your dream.

Be in the company of successful

Just as blues and depression are contagious, success is just as contagious. If you want to become financially independent, you need to spend as much time as possible in the society of successful people. This energy hovers there financial flows, the so-called "smell of money", where successful solutions are created, successful transactions are carried out. This energy will become yours too, it will be absorbed into you if you are in such a society.

Your success will benefit not only you, but also your loved ones, everyone associated with you, and the country's economy. You can help others by your example in the struggle for their success. Do not stop there, everyone needs your success!

One of the most important principles that make it possible to achieve success is self-discipline, victory over oneself, over one's own laziness, disorganization and failure. Before you get started, you must understand one very important principle: do not stop looking for freebies - do not get off the ground. Success is work!

But there are some ways you can get the results you want with much less effort.

Tells business coach Alexander Belanovsky.

So how do you get the best results?

We often hear from friends and colleagues the same phrase: "You are so lucky, but I'm unlucky, that's why I can't ... no money ... not enough time ..."

Is this luck? Not at all! The more we work, the more lucky we get. First of all, this is working on yourself, as well as using time with maximum efficiency... Self-discipline can help you. Use your time wisely! This is the basic rule of a successful person.

And here are a few other rules that help you achieve important goals:

1. Assistant is inevitable

No matter how you convince yourself that you are able to do all the work yourself, you will never be able to achieve results if you take on the whole heap of tasks.

Remember: if there are people, work time which is cheaper than yours, it is best to delegate responsibilities. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. Never do routine work, give it to someone who can cope without your participation, do routine tasks with someone else's hands.

2. Keep a list of tasks

When there is a mess in your head and your brain literally explodes from piled up problems and worries, you will not find a better assistant than paper and a pen.

Write down current and future affairs, unload the brain from an overabundance of information. Then it will be much easier to structure all matters, and accordingly, the process of self-discipline will go much more efficiently.

3. Deadlines are required!

In order to achieve a faster and more efficient achievement of the goal, you must definitely set yourself a time limit. Only a tough deadline will allow you to clearly complete the task. You don't have to go to bed if deadlines are tight. Don't let yourself relax until the task is completed.

4. How well do you prioritize?

In life and business, a lot depends on the sequence of actions with which you move towards your intended goal. If you do not take important steps on time, then you risk not getting another chance to carry out your plans, miss opportunities, benefits, or even worse - money.

So sit down and think about what to do this stage you need to decide first and which ones can wait.

5. Do not be distracted from important matters

If you go to your intended goal, then do not be distracted by nonsense. Set yourself up to not have time to chat on the phone, hang out on social media, or sit on the couch in front of the TV. Avoiding distractions is the key to self-discipline.

6. Make promises publicly!

In combination with rule number 3, the result will generally be almost lightning fast. Of course, there is a possibility of creating a stressful situation, but it is stress that will help you work even more efficiently. A public promise is the strongest motivator for completing tasks and meeting deadlines.

7. Order on the table - order in the head

Periodically raking from the rubble workplace, you will be able to reach 100 points on the self-discipline scale. Run an experiment and you will notice how much more productive it is when everything is in order.

So, if you have a goal that has not yet been achieved, but you really want to get to the finish line as soon as possible, once again analyze everything that you have just read, and immediately start following the rules. Self-discipline is a serious work on yourself that you need to start right now!

Without earning a ruble, you will not earn a million

First, become realistic and stop dreaming about goldfish, magic wands and other fabulous helpers. At the heart of any success is not some special magic button, but your own work. Stories about great businessmen who have achieved unprecedented heights from scratch are very popular, but there are only a few in a million. Moreover, daily hard work has always been at the forefront there.

Either you degrade, or you develop

A person learns all his life. Therefore, those who read the last book at school or institute, and now think that this is nothing, deceive themselves. Moreover, if you work in the sales business or in the service sector - thematic literature is a must. After all, these are not empty words, but specific examples actions leading to success. In addition, the reading person always stands out favorably against the rest.

Do not neglect someone else's experience

The same applies to professional seminars and conferences. It is surprising when a company pays its employees to participate in training programs, and they turn up their noses and think about the wasted time. Of course, not all seminars are perfect, but in each one can find absolutely useful knowledge and skills. And then successfully apply them in daily work, increasing your performance.

Know how to turn out of the way

It is very important not only to follow your own path to your goal, but also the ability to turn off it. And even step back if you see that something is not working out. Good examplewhen a promising employee becomes a manager, but cannot cope with duties and has to be demoted again. Many do not withstand such maneuvers and quit. But those who accept this career turn and stay, work several times more efficiently. It’s hard, but it’s a 100% win compared to people who quit.

Patience and tempering

If you are an outsider and come to the company as the head of a department, and you are told that you will have to work for a couple of months in a regular position first, what will you do? It would be a mistake to "bend your fingers" and boast of your work experience. And many do so, even choosing as a result an organization with a lower salary, but with a guaranteed seat of a little boss. And no growth prospects. Growth that always means patience and courage.

Help newbies

When Maxim Batyrev started working in the sales department, he didn't even know how to send a fax. And he was ashamed to ask. Therefore, when it was necessary to send an invoice to a client, he went to him himself on the other side of the city. The misunderstanding, of course, was quickly resolved, but since then he personally instructs each employee. After all, what one can do is not necessarily another can.

Don't mess with weaklings

When you play chess with an inept opponent, you can never play better. And of course, it is very difficult to win against the pros, but each game will be worth its weight in gold. This is what happens in life. So it is at work. There are many whiners and lazy people, and everyone will want your communication, because they always need free ears. But what good is this friendship to you? Stick with real hard workers and leaders - they always have something to learn.

Play by the rules

Every company has norms and laws - from ethics and discipline to business rules - that must not be violated. And the point is not so much that you can get a fine or a reprimand, but in an honest attitude towards the authorities and colleagues. Even the most honored employee can be fired if he ceases to adhere to common values. Of course, everyone can make mistakes. But you need to clearly understand that if the first time was an accident, and the second was a coincidence, then most likely there will be no third forgiveness.

Don't sit on the leader's neck

There are many subtle psychological moments in boss-subordinate communication. One of them, a very common one, is an example of mutual error. This often happens when a manager from a former subordinate is just taking up a position. He begins to do all the work for them, sincerely believing that he understands everything much better, otherwise he would not have been promoted to the chief. In the end, this leads to a drop in all indicators of the department.

Therefore, the responsible employee should try to do all his work himself. And even more so not to manipulate the boss with phrases: "You will do it much better" or "Show us an example, otherwise we will not be able to cope without you."

Watch your appearance

Working in any field, a person communicates with other people. Moreover, if it is big companythen appearance each employee is part of her image. In the piggy bank of Maxim Batyrev there is such an "extreme" case. One new employee exuded an unpleasant odor, but did not notice it himself. They made hints to him, but did not dare to say directly. This seemingly comical incident broke every working day for several months, until the boss himself decided to have an important conversation - and the problem was resolved.

You can hover in any higher realms, but you definitely should not neglect how other people see you. Intelligence and ability are the most valuable qualities, but do not forget the saying about what is always met by dress.

Move towards success and read even more super tips from Maxim Batyrev in the book “

Each person understands success differently. If you have ambitions, dreams, or goals, all you need to succeed is right attitude and aspirations. Don't lose your focus and motivation for a minute. In case of failure, pull yourself together and continue the work you started. Time and effort will allow you to achieve success as you imagine it.


Set goals

  1. Define success. It is impossible to be successful if you do not understand what it means to you. Everyone perceives success differently. True success is the realization of those ideas that bring you joy. Define your personal measure of success and start setting meaningful goals.

    • Write down your definition of success. Is it a certain income level, a dwelling in a specific area, or a happy family? Will success allow you to travel, save savings, or lead an active social life?
    • When you're in trouble, think about what makes you happy. Family time, travel, hobbies, or something else? What would you be doing if you didn't have to think about money? Then determine what you need to live that happy life.
  2. Define your ultimate goal. Draw a circle of favorite activities that give you satisfaction. Use this information to find your purpose or purpose in life.

    • Activities you love will become your source of motivation. It is much easier for a person to persistently move towards a goal if such a goal gives him pleasure.
    • Think about where you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years. What should be done to accelerate the approach of your dreams?
    • If you are unable to define a clear goal, contact a specialist in vocational guidance or a psychologist.
    • Your goals should be measurable. For example, instead of a goal to develop as a professional, set yourself a benchmark: "Increase productivity by 30% and be late for work no more than five times a year."
  3. Divide goals into sub-tasks. Streamline your ideas and define what you need to do to achieve your goal. If you compose step by step plan, then it will be much easier for you to cope with the task.

    • For example, does the goal of starting a technology company seem out of reach? Divide it into smaller tasks. Such tasks may include developing a business plan, finding investors, obtaining a loan, or analyzing ideas for new products.
    • Required set goals for the SMART system ... According to such a system, your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-limited. Make sure each goal meets these criteria.
  4. Set deadlines. This is a challenging but doable task. Give yourself plenty of time for each small step. It is not always possible to appear in a comedy show on a national channel in a year, but it is quite possible to hold a humorous event with an audience of at least 20 people.

    • Be sure to set deadlines for smaller tasks. For example, set a goal to be in an improvisation ensemble by the end of the month, or to perform on an open mic three months later.
  5. Determine the required resources. These can include tools, lessons, a budget, and other resources to help you achieve your goals. You may need certain skills like public speaking or assistants in the form of staff and consultants.

    • For example, you need a bank loan to set up your company. A loan requires a good credit rating and a reliable bank.
    • If you want to become a musician, you will need to invest in an instrument, your website and music.

    Manage time and productivity

    1. Make a schedule. Write a to-do list for each day. For long term projects, set yourself daily goals to help you complete the task. Cross off every completed task from the list to stay motivated. A schedule can help you structure your time even on days when you lack motivation.

      • Use a calendar app on your smartphone, or write tasks in a day planner. Be clear about all deadlines.
      • If you often forget different nuances, then set reminders or alarms.
      • Realistically estimate the time it will take to complete a task. Plan your time well.
    2. Eliminate distractions. No one is able to stay 100% focused on a goal 100% of the time, but distractions reduce efficiency. Periodic pauses are appropriate, but if you are distracted to the detriment of goals, then the situation needs to be corrected.

      • Try to work in a calm place. When noise gets in the way, use headphones or ear plugs.
      • Ask family and friends not to disturb you while you work. Tell them that you are very busy right now. You can also turn off the phone or put it in a drawer.
      • Take a 5 minute break every hour to stay focused. At this time, you should take a walk, have a snack or do exercises.
      • Avoid multitasking. If you perform several tasks at the same time, then productivity decreases. Better to focus entirely on one thing.
    3. Get other people involved. Use outside resources to better plan your time. You can think of yourself as a superman, but the capabilities of each of us are limited. It is important to learn how to transfer less important tasks to other people in order to free up time for complex and necessary tasks.

      • If you are writing a novel, ask a friend or editor to proofread the text. They can edit for you and make suggestions for the storyline.
      • If you need a website for a company, then hire a web designer. This way you don't have to learn web design yourself to get a great website.
    4. Let people do their job. It is difficult to achieve success if you do not trust others at all. For success, you need to gather a team of like-minded people around you. If you cannot entrust people with certain tasks, then you are unlikely to be able to achieve success in your business.

      • Consider various factors to determine who can be trusted with a task. Consider the person's qualifications, experience, references, and past behavior.
      • Trust people, because trust inspires. If you trust a person, he will definitely want to show himself with better sideto live up to your trust. This is a strong motivation.
      • Trust people as needed. Don't try to do everything yourself, but delegate authority to other professionals.
      • Also remember to trust yourself!
    5. Find a mentor. A mentor is a person, usually more experienced, who understands your industry, provides advice, and helps you move towards your goal. Ask a boss, teacher, older relative, or friend to mentor you. Mentors are gratified that their recommendations help you succeed. A mentor will help you understand the following aspects:

      • Useful links - this is acquaintance with people who are familiar with useful people. Such cooperation is mutually beneficial. People share experiences, opinions and opportunities.
      • Eliminating errors is the ability to make an idea work in difficult situations. Your mentor will help you understand what needs to be changed to make your plans a reality.
      • Strategic thinking - The mentor has a deeper understanding of the situation due to his extensive experience of success and failure, since he has been working in this field longer than you. Start using his experience and knowledge to strategically plan for the future.
    6. Keep learning. Don't stop collecting new information. You never know at what point the epiphany will come! Listen to others, acquire new skills, strive to expand horizons. The new information will help you find connections between ideas and better apply those ideas to achieve success.

      • Read books, watch documentaries and video tutorials to expand your knowledge. Study interesting subjects and acquire the necessary skills.
      • Gather all the information you can about your industry, company, hobby, or goal. What has helped successful people in your field of business to make their goals a reality?
    7. Take calculated risks . Successful people think and act big. Don't expect favorable conditions. Step out of your comfort zone and find opportunities. Research the risks, assess your chances and take a step forward.

      • Whether you're a marathon runner or a server solutions developer for high-tech companies, partnerships with competitors can help you pool resources, motivate you to work hard, and expand your dating circle.
      • Lead, not follow others. Take the liberty of doing otherwise.
      • Not all of your ideas will be brilliant, but that won't stop you from successfully completing projects. So, choose projects that will bring you some success, even if they do not make you rich and famous.
    8. Try solve problems. Take a look around and think about how to make the world a better place. What difficulties do people have, what do they complain about? How can you effectively improve their lives? Are you able to create a product or provide a service to fill a critical gap? Common problems:

      • Social problems... Think about some social problem that needs new ideas. For example, social networks changed the way people communicate.
      • Technological problems... Help people use technology to get things done. For example, tech companies are making smaller and more powerful processors for computers to improve the usability of a product.
      • Strategic issues... Help others solve strategic problems. Consultants help other companies and individuals increase productivity and profitability.
      • Interpersonal problems... Help other people find common ground. So, psychologists or family psychologists help solve problems in personal relationships.
    9. Technology should be helpful, not distracting. Technology is incredibly powerful, although it can consume your strength and productivity. Use technology fruitfully and never let it lead you astray.

      • Use online services and apps to plan things, record daily goals, appointments and tasks. Cross out completed tasks to stay motivated.
      • Music often distracts people from work. If you can't live without music, then include calm jazz or classical music for less distraction.
      • Communicate personally with your boss and employees to avoid drowning in the sea emails... Set up your mailbox so that spam and unimportant emails are sent to a separate folder.

    Develop the right attitude

    1. Imagine success. The more accurately and visually you represent your success, the easier it will be for you to follow your goal. In case of problems or setbacks, remind yourself that you will still make your dream a reality.

      • Take a few minutes a day to present your success. Imagine yourself as the hero of a movie that has achieved success. What do you do? How is your success expressed? Taste success and motivate yourself with those feelings.
      • Create a success visualization board. Use a variety of motivating photos and quotes from magazines or websites to create a visualization board. Place your board in a prominent place like a kitchen or study.
      • Visualize success and cultivate healthy motivation. All successful people believe in themselves and their mission.
    2. Be curious. Many successful people have an insatiable curiosity. If they do not understand the principles of a certain process or do not know the answer to a question, they are eager to find out. This often contributes to the process of self-discovery, in which the path to the goal is as important as the goal itself.

      • Try to ask questions about everything. For example, ask your veterinarian how dogs are fundamentally different from humans, or discuss gardening work with your neighbor.
      • Explore new topics and subjects. What can they teach you?
      • Talk to people about their experiences and successes. Perhaps you will get to know a long-familiar person from a new perspective.
      • Curiosity helps you find surprise and joy in everything. It is much more fun to make discoveries than to work on a daily basis to achieve the ultimate goal.
    3. Surround yourself with successful people. Active and successful people charge with their activity. They can inspire new ideas, introduce you to other people, motivate, and provide support.

      • Study famous people through their books, lectures and biographies. Try to use their approaches according to your circumstances. Such knowledge is free and effective.
      • Take a look around. Do you know people who have achieved exactly the kind of success that you imagine? What are they doing? How is life viewed? Ask them for advice.
      • Avoid people who discourage you or get in the way of your goal. They will only become a hindrance to success.
    4. Try to balance your expectations with reality. There is a well-known statement in business that you need unshakable self-confidence to be successful, but make sure that your expectations are real and achievable. Expectations that are too high will only complicate the path to success and prevent you from coping with failure.

      • Take a flexible approach. For example, instead of expecting guaranteed success in a new job, it is better to reason like this: “It will take me some time to adjust. If all else fails, then I can always find a new job. "
      • There are always aspects outside of your control. At the same time, you can always control your reaction to the situation. For example, if there are unexpected expenses, then tell yourself that this is only a temporary obstacle.
      • Pay attention to outside opinions. It can be difficult to accept at times, but constructive criticism can help identify areas that you still need to work on.
      • Don't make excuses. Do not shift the blame on others to explain your failure. Learn to accept your mistakes. They will show you how to change and become better.
      • Learn from your mistakes. Every mistake is a new experience. If you do not learn from your mistakes, they will repeat themselves over and over again. Try not to waste time on this and learn from the first try.
    5. Don't dwell on mistakes and failures. Life isn't fair, that's a fact. Don't dwell on this injustice. Think about how to make the world a better place. How to use the situation to your advantage?

      • For example, if your environment isn't the best at work, take the initiative to become a support for your employees. Remind them of their successes and find the necessary motivation.
      • Sometimes unforeseen events occur that prevent you from moving towards your goal. Damage can prevent you from participating in the marathon. Set yourself new goals or find alternative paths to your dream. For example, do moderate-stress sports like swimming, or set a goal to recover with physical therapy.
        • Not everyone will support your goals. People can be cynical and insecure. Be prepared for this development of events and strive to surround yourself with people who give you joy and support in all your endeavors.
        • Willpower alone is not enough for success. It also requires constancy and dedication. A single action has little impact on a global scale, but multiple repetitions can be successful.
        • Always stick to your idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess. Don't let others force their ideas of success and happiness on you.


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