Presentation "Leadership in the organization" on management - project, report. Presentation: Leadership in Social Groups Download Leader Presentation

  • 1. A social being formed in a certain system public relations-……..
  • 2. The totality of individual mental properties of a person, characterizing mainly by the speed of occurrence of feelings and their strength- ……… ..
  • 3. The totality of individual stable mental characteristics of a person, manifested in his behavior, activity - …………
  • 4. Individual characteristics of a person, which are manifested in the ability to do something, in a tendency to certain occupations and professions - …………… ..
  • 5. Movement, development, internal energy, this is mobility, variability, efficiency, tension - …………………
  • 6.Person's idea of ​​their value, assessment own qualities, advantages and disadvantages - ………………………
  • 7. Plays a large role in the formation of personality - ……………………….


Social Science Presentation Grade 7 Theme:

Leader and his qualities

Ismailova A.K.

history and social studies teacher

MOAU "School No. 1 named after A.S. Makarenko", Orsk

  • - to give an idea of ​​the qualities necessary for the leader;
  • - what is the art of communication;
  • -develop the ability to communicate.

  • - prove that the art of communication helps in the formation of leadership

  • A leader can inspire others to succeed, help channel energy, make the best use of the time and place, and the opportunities of those with whom he works.
  • The relationship between those with whom each of you works, knowledge of interests and opportunities is very important. To get to know you better, each group receives a "Tell me about yourself" business card, deciphering of names, achievements, desires, and a favorite pastime. That is, you inform about the group quite fully and convincingly.

Petal number 2. "Involves everyone in the work"

  • Every person wants to take part in the decision. Leaders choose the best option.

As a result, trust in each other grows and makes better decisions. And the task will be called "The Council of the Wise". This form of work was addressed by the kings and princes, try to compose teachings for those who have to go through the big road for a lifetime.

  • The whole group monitors the actions and words of the leader. The leader's demeanor creates an atmosphere conducive to activating everyone to cooperate. Each person has his own happiness and joy, but I am convinced that they have their soul, their own face, their own way. Happiness and joy cannot be bought. But they can be donated, which I propose to do.
  • On the sheet, I propose to draw everyone how he imagines joy.

  • Good leaders talk to the group about ways to achieve results. This planning is needed to achieve the goal. The leader knows what the participant wants to achieve, in the process of observation, listening, communication, the leader contributes to the achievement of the result.
  • I suggest that you develop the “Rules of a Happy Person

Petal number 5 "The leader knows how to create good mood»

  • Every leader must instantly find the right solutions by choosing best option... So, groups are offered solutions to life situations.

  • Here are leaflets on them elements of leadership: According to the English writer S. Northcote Parkinson, there are 6 basic elements of leadership that you can acquire or develop in yourself through study and practice

  • 1. IMAGINATION - the ability to imagine non-existent.
  • 2.KNOWLEDGE - The path to achieving the goal, gives the leader confidence.
  • 3. TALENT - Ability to organize, assemble a team and lead a talented person keeps the situation under control
  • 4. RESOLUTION - Desire to be successful
  • 5. RIGIDITY - Few are ready to make this decision, but experience shows that you can achieve success if you are ruthless to ill-wishers, idlers
  • 6. ATTRACTION - The leader should be a magnet to which others are drawn.

  • LEADERSHIP formula:
  • LEADER = "Inspires" + "Involves everyone in the work" + "The leader teaches cooperation" + "The leader achieves results" + "The leader knows how to create a good mood" + "The leader makes the right decisions" + "Involves everyone in the work"
  • If you are always ahead

in the mass of life, in the thick of things,

And others are ready to lead,

then you are a LEADER by nature!



  • 1.Paragraph 9 (basic concepts)
  • 2.Table in a notebook
  • 3.Page 63 Workshop No. 3.

Qualities (traits) of leadership

How are they expressed

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The concept of a leader means a person who plays a dominant role in the structure of interpersonal relations.

Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or groups of individuals to achieve their goals. Leadership is the most important factor in the control system organizational management

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Signs of leaders:

is highly active and proactive in solving the main tasks of the group; able to influence other members of the group; well informed about the task at hand, about the members of the group and about the situation in general; behavior corresponds to social attitudes, values ​​and norms adopted in this group; has personal qualities that are reference for this group; able to go beyond recognized norms and reference value orientations.

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A leader is a person who can have a real impact on employee behavior. Unlike a leader, a leader is an official, vested with authority and associated with the organization of the main activities of the group. The formal leader is not always the leader. Leader promotion is influenced by objective and subjective factors

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Types of leadership

Leader-organizer (the ability to quickly find effective ways and means of solving problems); Leader-creator (attracts to himself by the ability to see new things, to tackle problems that may seem insurmountable) Leader-fighter (strong-willed, self-confident person. Ready to defend what he believes in, and not inclined to concessions relies on excellent knowledge of the situation, is aware of gossip and gossip and therefore knows well who and how to influence) Leader-comforter (ready to support in difficult times)

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Leadership types according to the content of leadership activities

1. Business leadership. It is typical for groups that arise on the basis of production goals. It is based on such qualities as high competence, the ability to solve organizational problems better than others, business authority, experience, etc. Business leadership has the greatest impact on leadership effectiveness. 2. Emotional leadership. It arises in socio-psychological groups on the basis of human sympathy, the attractiveness of interpersonal communication. An emotional leader inspires confidence in people, radiates warmth, instills confidence, relieves psychological tension, and creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort. 3. Informational leadership (the brain of the group) everyone asks questions, because he is erudite, knows everything, can explain and help find necessary information.

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Leadership theories

Trait Theory Charismatic Leadership Concepts Behavioral Approach Situational Approach Modern Approach

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1. Trait theory: leaders are born, not made

R. Stogdill (1948) identified 5 main qualities: intelligence or intellectual abilities; domination or predominance over others; self confidence; activity and energy; knowledge of the matter.

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Trait theory has several disadvantages:

First, the list of potentially important leadership qualities was virtually endless. For this reason, it became impossible to create the "only correct" image of the leader. Secondly, it was not possible to establish a close connection between the considered qualities and leadership and to help the practical identification of the latter.

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Napoleon (161-162 cm) Lenin (162 cm) Stalin (164 cm) Yuri Gagarin (157 cm) Hitler (158 cm) Denis De Vito (152 cm) Dmitry Medvedev (162 cm) Nikita Khrushchev (166 cm.)

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2. Concepts of charismatic leadership

Charisma is a form of influencing others through personal attractiveness that evokes support and recognition of leadership, which gives the owner of charisma power over followers. Many believe that gaining charisma is associated with the leader's ability to find his admirers and admirers and even change their composition depending on the situation. Others define charisma as a set of specific leadership qualities and leader behavior. Charismatic is the leader who, by virtue of his personal qualities able to have a profound impact on followers. Leaders of this type have a high need for power, have a strong need for action, and are convinced of the moral correctness of what they believe.

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Charismatic leadership concepts

Research suggests that there is a negative side to charisma, associated with the usurpation of personal power or the complete focus of a leader on himself, and a positive side, associated with an emphasis on shared power and a tendency to delegate some to its followers. This helps explain the difference between leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and the likes of Sakharov, Martin Luther King and the like. In general, a charismatic leader is credited with having self-confidence, high sensitivity to the external environment, a vision of solving a problem outside the status quo, the ability to reduce this vision to a level that is understandable to followers and encourages them to take action; extraordinary behavior in realizing your vision.

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3. Behavioral approach (1940-50s) focuses on leadership style

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Kurt Lewin (German psychologist)

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Table 2. Contents of three leadership styles K. Levin conducted experiments in three groups of ten-year-olds for four months.

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Douglas McGregor

Theory X: Disgusted with work; needs control, coercion, guidance and the threat of punishment; avoids responsibility. Theory Y: refers to labor as a way of self-realization of one's creative powers; is able to use his experience and skills in solving problems of the organization; knows how to take responsibility and, under certain conditions, strives for it.

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William Ouchi Theory Z

responsibility of the manager for the fate of the employee and, therefore, long-term recruitment of personnel; group decision making; slow staff assessment and moderate promotion; informal control by clear methods; a non-specialized career that takes into account the internal interests and inclinations of the employee. Selection of work for an employee, not an employee for work; individual responsibility for a group decision; comprehensive care of employees based on knowledge of their interests and needs.

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4. The situational approach (early 1960s) argues that situational factors play a decisive role for the effectiveness of leadership, while not rejecting the importance of personal and behavioral characteristics.

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F. Fiedler's Leadership Model (Leadership Style and Situation) Three factors influencing the leader's behavior: - relations between the leader and subordinates (the degree of trust and respect); - task structure (labor regulation); - the authority of the head (the scope of official powers).

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Theory life cycle P. Gersi and C. Blanchard. This theory argues that an effective leadership style should always be different depending on the maturity of the performers and the nature of the management situation. Maturity is determined by the qualifications, abilities and experience of employees, the willingness to take responsibility, the desire to achieve the set goal, i.e. is a characteristic of a particular situation.

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The theory establishes four leadership styles corresponding to the level of maturity of the staff: high focus on the task and low on people (give directions); equally high focus on the task and people (sell); low focus on the task and high on people (to participate); equally low focus on the task and people (delegate).

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Practical significance of situational leadership theories:

the plurality of optimal leadership styles depending on the situation indicate the absence of a single universal style of management; they establish the effectiveness of leadership depending on situational factors, the manager must be able to show flexibility and find the optimal solution, not relying only on intuition or habitual demeanor, but adapting to the requirements of a particular situation. Currently, the opinion is firmly established that the effectiveness of leadership is situational and depends on the preferences, personal qualities of subordinates, the degree of their faith in their own strengths and the ability to influence the situation.

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5. Modern approaches(1990s) - Effectiveness of Reality-Oriented Adaptive Leadership. It means the application of all known management styles, methods and ways of influencing people, in accordance with specific situation

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Differences between a leader and a leader:

the leader is mainly called upon to regulate interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader regulates the official relations of the group as some social organization; leadership can be stated in a microenvironment (which is a small group), leadership is an element of the macroenvironment, i.e. it is associated with the entire system of social relations; leadership arises spontaneously, the leader of any real social group is either appointed or elected; the phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader depends to a large extent on the mood of the group, while leadership is a more stable phenomenon; leadership of subordinates, in contrast to leadership, has a much more definite system of various sanctions, which are not in the hands of the leader; the leader's decision-making process is much more complex and mediated by many different circumstances and considerations, while the leader makes more direct decisions regarding group activities; the leader's sphere of activity is mainly a small group, where he is the leader, the leader's sphere of activity is wider, since he represents small group in a wider social system

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Manager or leader?

Does the right thing Adore people Rely on people Uses only arguments Controls Trust Supports the movement Works according to the goals of others Entrusts the Plan - the basis of action Gives impetus to the movement Professional Enthusiast Respect Does the right thing Administrator Innovator Works according to his goals Relying on the system Vision - the basis of action Uses both arguments and and emotion Inspires

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Manager Administrator Assigns Works according to the goals of others The plan is the basis for actions Rely on the system Uses only arguments Controls Supports movement Professional Respect Does the right thing Leader Innovator Inspires Works according to his goals Vision is the basis for actions Rely on people Uses both arguments and emotions Trust Gives impetus to the movement Enthusiast Love Does the right thing

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Presentation Description Presentation 1 The Nature and Essence of Slide Leadership

PLAN 1. The phenomenon of leadership 2. Leadership and management 3. Types, functions and styles of leadership 4. The main components of leadership

331. The Phenomenon of Leadership “The path of the leader is the path of testing. People of this sort are bored without risk - they like the taste of victory. These are innate qualities, and you cannot teach them. " Elena Evgrafova, editor of the magazine Harvard business Review Russia "I know that the responsibility will fall on me, but I sacrifice myself for the good of the Fatherland ...". Field Marshal M. Kutuzov "Leaders do not react to events, but get ahead of them: they themselves generate ideas, and do not assimilate others." Abraham Zaleznik, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School

441. The phenomenon of leadership LEADERSHIP (eng.) - the behavior of the leader, prompting subordinates to mobilize their strength and abilities to achieve the task

551. The Phenomenon of Leadership DOMESTIC PSYCHOLOGY A LEADER is a member of a group who, in significant situations, is able to exert a significant influence on the behavior of other participants.

661. The Phenomenon of Leadership WESTERN PSYCHOLOGY A LEADER is an individual in a group tasked with leading and coordinating group activities or who, in the absence of a designated leader, is primarily responsible for getting the job done. (F. Fiedler) Leader (HOW to do) = Manager-manager (WHAT to do) LEADERSHIP is the ability to force people to do what they do not want, without causing hatred either to themselves or to the work they do.

772. Leadership and management DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANAGERS AND LEADERS MANAGER LEADER Leader, administrator Innovator Delegates, entrusts Inspires Works according to the goals of others Works according to his goals Plan is the basis for actions Vision is the basis for actions Relies on the system Relies on people Uses arguments Uses reasons Uses Gives impetus to the movement Professional Enthusiast Makes decisions Turns decisions into reality Does the right thing Do the right thing Do the right thing Respect We adore

882. Leadership and management Characteristics of a manager Characteristics of a leader Mind Soul Rationalism Foresight (ability to see the future) Consulting, giving advice Ability to creativity Persistence Flexibility Ability to solve problems Ability to inspire Wits Courage Ability to structure Rich imagination Thoughtfulness, caution Striving for experimentation Formality, reliance on regulations Passion Stabilization of the situation Ability to initiate change Official authority Personal authority

992. Leadership and Management Leadership differs from management (management) or administration in that leaders create and change cultures, while managers and administrators function in them. (E. Shane). The main difference between managers and leaders is their deepest understanding of chaos and order. Leaders easily put up with a lack of order. By contrast, managers strive for stability and control. (Abraham Zaleznik)

10103. Types, functions and styles of leadership Types of leaders Leader - organizer; The leader is the creator; The leader is a fighter; The leader is a diplomat; The leader is the comforter;

11113. Types, functions and styles of leadership Negative informal leaders Leader-organizer; Leader is a communicator; Informal leaders; business leader; information leader; emotional leader.

12123. Types, functions and styles of leadership Types of leaders according to OV Bukharkova and EG Gorshkova Charismatic: presentation skills, communication; Transformational "mastermind": speaker, introvert, shaper organizational culture, communication skills

13133. Types, functions and styles of leadership Leader functions control over behavior; planning funds; policy formulation; implementation of expert functions; acting as a representative of the group; arbitrator; reference; group symbol; bearer of responsibility; performance of the "fatherly role";

15153. Types, functions and styles of leadership Democratic style "+" "-" joint decision-making correct decisions activeness, initiative of employees cohesion taking into account the interests and needs of group members High intellectual, organizational. psychological and communicative qualities of a leader

16163. Types, functions and styles of leadership Permissive style "+" "-" "maximum democracy" "minimum control" low work results dissatisfaction with the work dissatisfaction with the leader Dissatisfaction with the IPC

17173. Types, functions and styles of leadership 6 leadership styles according to Daniel Goleman: Dictatorial style Authoritative style Partnership style Method of work Style motto Key characteristics of "emotional intelligence" Optimal conditions for application General impact on the climate Requires full and immediate execution Inspires subordinates to work, setting out his ideas Creates an atmosphere of peace and harmony, establishes friendly relations “Do as I said! " " All over me! "" The most important thing is people! "Striving to achieve a result, initiative, self-control Self-confidence, empathy, striving for change Empathy, communication, attitude The state of crisis, the need for drastic changes, interaction with" difficult "subordinates When new ideas are needed for change, when it is necessary to change the general course When it is necessary to close cracks "in the team or find new motivation Negative Extremely positive Positive

18183. Types, functions and styles of leadership 6 styles of leadership according to Daniel Goleman: Democratic style Exemplary style Mentoring style Method of work Style motto Key characteristics of "emotional intelligence" Optimal conditions for application General impact on climate Reaches agreement, including everyone in the work process Sets high standards productivity Develops, prepares employees for the future “What do you say? " " Do as I do! Now! " " Try this! »Collaboration, collective leadership, communication Consciousness, striving for results, initiative Encouraging the development of others, empathy, introspection valuable employees When you need to quickly achieve results from a highly motivated, competent team When you need to help an employee increase productivity, develop skills and individual qualities Positive. Negative

19194. The main components of leadership Focuses of influence according to S. Covey: Proactive focus - - positive energy increases the circle of influence Reactive focus - - negative energy reduces the circle of influence

20204. The main components of leadership Techniques of active leadership: Mindfulness due to clarity of ideas. Significance due to the suggestion of their ideas. Trust through pursuing your line. Self-affirmation through a positive mindset.

21214. The main components of leadership Components of leader behavior: Vision. Enthusiasm. Striving for the truth. Flexibility. Risk. Team spirit. Action. Time planning and prioritization. Self-organization.

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Presentation slides

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Leadership in the organization

Prepared by: Fox Irina Denis Trofimov

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A leader is a person for whom all other members of the group recognize the right to make the most responsible decisions that affect their interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group.

Key qualities for understanding leadership: - Perspective. - Persuasiveness. - Passion. They "infect" others with their enthusiasm. - Perseverance. - Patience.

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There are other classifications of leadership, depending on the type of leader. Types (roles) of a leader: 1. leader-organizer (performs the function of group integration); leader-initiator (dominates in solving new problems, puts forward ideas); 2. leader-generator of emotional mood (dominates in the formation of the mood of the group); 3. erudite leader (distinguished by the vastness of knowledge); the standard leader (is the center of emotional attraction, corresponds to the role of the "star", serves as a model, ideal); 4. leader-master, skilled worker (specialist in some kind of activity). In terms of content, there are: 1. Leaders-inspirers who develop and propose a program of behavior; 2. leaders-executors, organizers of the implementation of an already set program; 3. leaders who are both inspirers and organizers.

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Distinguish by style: Authoritarian. monopoly power. individually determines and formulates goals and ways to achieve them. communication between group members is kept to a minimum. the main weapon - "iron exactingness", the threat of punishment, a sense of fear .. the psychological climate in the group is characterized by a lack of goodwill and mutual respect between the leader and his followers. Democratic. such leaders initiate the maximum participation of everyone in the activities of the group, create an atmosphere of cooperation. information is not monopolized by the leader. The passive tries to evade responsibility, shifting it onto subordinates. The leader avoids conflicts with people and is removed from the analysis of conflict cases.

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Company's mission. We have a positive view on the prospects for the Russian stock market. The level of ambition of our Elemte team is high. Our plans are to take a leading position in the investment market together with our partners. We have chosen the right mission, which is expressed in the fact that our company, our team are professional financial consultants providing information and consulting support to private investors. We may seem too ambitious, but based on the latest results of our work, we are sure: Elemte is moving towards becoming a professional participant No. 1 on the stock market in Privolzhskoe federal district and in our republic. And our federal partners are helping us in this!

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Let's highlight the main qualities that Elem considers necessary for a leader: 1. a strong desire for responsibility and completion of the case; 2. energy and perseverance in achieving goals, riskiness and originality in solving problems; 3. initiative; 4. self-confidence; 5. the ability to influence the behavior of others, to structure social relationships; 6. desire to take on all the consequences of actions and decisions; 7. the ability to resist frustration and group breakdown. Among the "leaders" of this company, a focus on the task prevails; they pay less attention to relationships.

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Let us single out a number of the following principles of effective team functioning, which are used in Elemme: 1. Identification of personal and group goals and interests by team members, mutual responsibility for the actions of each of them. At the same time, a synergistic effect arises, in which the physical and intellectual efforts of one Elemme employee are multiplied by the efforts of others, and a close-knit team is able to solve problems that are beyond the strength of an ordinary working group specialists. The division of labor in a team is carried out depending on the prevailing conditions of activity: in each problem situation, the task of performing work operations is entrusted to the one who is able to do it in the best way. Having a team helps to simplify the linear-functional hierarchy and make the structure of the organization more dynamic. 2. The congruence of the structures of the team of the company "Elemte", in which the canonical organizational structure management coincides with the informal structure of business interpersonal relations. In practice, this principle is difficult to implement, so they try to ensure that the team leader is also its informal leader. Optimal size team, providing the rate of control. Traditionally, the norm of manageability is the presence of five to eight subordinates in a team - such an optimal number of team members ensures higher efficiency in decision-making and interaction than a team that is too small or too large in size.

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Leadership is not management. Management focuses on getting people to do the right thing, and leadership on getting people to do the right thing.

the leader mainly regulates interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader - the official relations of the group as some kind of social organization; leadership can be stated in the microenvironment (which is a small group), leadership is an element of the macroenvironment, i.e. it is connected with the entire system of social relations; leadership emerges spontaneously; the leader of a real social group is either appointed or elected, but one way or another this process is not spontaneous, but, on the contrary, purposeful, carried out under the control of elements of the social structure;

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the phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader depends to a large extent on the mood of the group, while leadership is a more stable phenomenon; leadership of subordinates, in contrast to leadership, has a much more definite system of sanctions, which are not in the hands of the leader; the decision-making process by the leader (and in general in the leadership system) is more complex and mediated by many circumstances and considerations, not necessarily related to the interests of this group, while the leader makes decisions regarding group activities; the leader's sphere of activity is basically a small group, where he is a leader, the leader's sphere of activity is wider, since he “represents” a small group in a wider social system.

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The external and internal conditions of leadership are gradually changing, determining new needs for the appropriate leadership qualities. Factors in the evolution of the qualities of a leader can be considered: change in external conditions; the emergence of new problems; internal changes in the organization; changes in individual and group expectations and interests in the organization; changing the expectations and interests of the leader himself.

  • The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, as well as choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • How to identify a leader in a classroom? What qualities should a leader have? How to develop leadership skills during adolescence? The presentation "Leadership and Leadership" will help you to answer these questions, which can be used to conduct a lesson with training elements with adolescents.



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    Slide captions:

    School of Leaders Galyonkovskaya secondary school Leader and leadership Educator-psychologist MOBU "Galyonkovskaya secondary school" Basos Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

    Laws of the Leader's School Law "Zero-zero". We start everything on time. The law of a raised hand. It is necessary to listen to the person who raised his hand. The law of the matter. If necessary, then it is necessary! If we do, then conscientiously! The law of respect. If you want to be respected - respect others! Friendship law. Don't die yourself, but help your comrade out! The law of the word. He gave his word - keep it! The law of good. Be kind to your neighbor and goodness will return to you! The law of honor. Remember your physical strength only when you are alone. Remember your spiritual strength, duty, nobility.

    Warm up

    acquaintance Exercise "Training name" Badge design Your task is to choose a training participant and tell him about yourself in 1 minute. In this message, you tell about what you love, willingly do, your hobbies, current interests and activities. Introduce the participant to the group.

    A leader is a person for whom all other members of the group recognize the right to make the most responsible decisions that affect their interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group.

    A leader must have such qualities as self-confidence, a sharp and flexible mind, competence as a thorough knowledge of his business, a strong will, the ability to understand the peculiarities of human psychology, organizational skills. Imagination Knowledge Talent Rigidity Attraction Superiority over others Communication skills (sociability) Energy Influence, expressing the readiness to follow the goal

    Leader's motives 1. More good for society. 2. A sense of responsibility for the partnership. 3. Social gains. 4. Desire to test yourself.

    Leadership Communication Styles Liberal is a style where friendships take precedence over public ones. Autocratic - a style when a bossy tone is found, laconic, intolerant of objection. Democratic - the style when the powers are transferred to the team.

    Exercise "The Leader and His Team" Divide into three groups and identify a leader in each group. The task is the same for all teams: you, led by the leaders, have to create a gallery of portraits in 15 minutes different types leaders and after this period to present to us this gallery in the form of live scenes.

    Exercise "Sense of Time"

    Exercise "Shipwreck"

    Psychogeometric test


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