Operational production planning of the enterprise. The essence of operational planning by production. Operational scheduling systems

Operational production planning concretizes and details the production program. It is organically linked to technical and economic planning and is based on natural indicators of the company's annual production program.

Operational and production planning is to develop

specific production tasks for short periods of time (month, decade, day, shift, hour) both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions, and in the operational regulation of production according to operational accounting and control data.

The task of operational and production planning is

organization of uniform, rhythmic and well-coordinated work of all production departments of the enterprise to ensure the timely release of products in the established volume and nomenclature

at the most effective use all production resources. The peculiarity of this type of planning is that the development

interrelated and interdependent planning tasks for all divisions of the enterprise is directly combined with the organization

their implementation. Operational production planning includes

Table- Influence operational planning on the economy of the enterprise

1) distribution of the annual (quarterly) production program

by months;

2) the development of scheduling standards and the preparation of calendar

production and release schedules;

3) development of nomenclature and calendar plans for the release of assemblies and parts on a monthly basis for the main workshops of the enterprise, volumetric calendar calculations;

4) development of monthly operational detailed programs for workshops and sections. Carrying out verification calculations of equipment loading and areas;

5) drawing up operational schedules (schedules) of manufacturing

products, units and parts by month, week, day, etc .;

6) organization of daily shift planning;

7) organization of operational accounting of the course of production;

8) control and regulation of the course of production (dispatching).

Each of the listed elements is based on the chain of the previous ones and is the starting point for the subsequent ones.

Operational planning is carried out both on a plant-wide scale and within individual shops, in connection with which it is divided into inter- and intra-shop.

Interdepartmental operational planning includes the establishment of interrelated production targets for the shops arising from the production program of the enterprise, and the coordination of the work of the shops for its implementation. Interdepartmental operational planning is carried out by the planning dispatch (PDO) or production planning (PPO) department.

Intrashop operational planning covers the organization of the implementation of production targets set by the shop, by bringing them to production sites and workplaces; development of scheduling schedules and operational tasks for short periods of time (ten-day, weekly, shift-daily), as well as current job on operational preparation of production, operational control and regulation of the course of production. This work is performed by the production dispatching bureau (PDB) of the shops, foremen and planners of the sections. The basis for operational planning is the development of an annual product release program, distributed over planning periods.

When forming the annual production schedule, it is necessary that the calendar distribution provides:

Fixed release and delivery dates finished products stipulated by contracts;

The ability to make adjustments due to fluctuations in demand;

Minimum work-in-progress by compaction production cycle manufacture of products;,

The maximum possible use of the production capacity of the shops in each month;

Creation of prerequisites for a well-coordinated and interconnected work of production departments and conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise as a whole.

The scheduling procedure depends on the organizational type and production conditions. At the same time, the timing of the end of technical preparation of production is taken into account, the parallel production of those types of products is ensured, which, on the one hand, have the maximum constructive and technical commonality, and on the other, complement each other in terms of labor intensity, providing in aggregate a sufficiently full load of equipment and labor.

When distributing the annual product release program by quarters

and months should widely use economic and mathematical methods, in particular, methods of linear programming, integral indicator and computers.

On the basis of the nomenclature-calendar plan for the release of products, the nomenclature-calendar plans (production tasks) interconnected by the nomenclature, volume and timing are established for the main production shops with a monthly breakdown.

The main stages in the formation of production assignments for workshops include:

1) establishment of the nomenclature of assemblies and parts for the planned period with a monthly breakdown;

2) calculation of the size of the task for each nomenclature item of the plan;

3) carrying out volumetric calculations performed to establish the correspondence of the tasks of the nomenclature-calendar plan of the production

workshops capacity;

4) redistribution of the nomenclature of units and parts produced by workshops according to planned periods in order to ensure uniform loading of equipment and subject to the fulfillment of contractual obligations to suppliers.

Nomenclature and calendar plans for workshops are developed as a whole for the year with a breakdown by quarters and by months in a detailed nomenclature.

Operational and production planning should be based on the principles:

A high scientific level of planning based on progressive standards and the search for optimal solutions;

Rhythm of production;

Completeness and minimization of work in progress;

Maximum reduction in interruptions in the movement of objects of labor through successive phases technological process;

Uniform loading of equipment and areas;

Continuity of the planned management, which presupposes complete continuity of the planned targets;

Compliance of the applied operational planning systems with the characteristics of various organizational types production;

Planning flexibility, i.e. a clear response to technical and nomenclature shifts in production caused by technological progress and changes in demand;

Development and support of the initiative of the enterprise team in organizing work on schedule.

In practice, the centralization of operational planning is successfully combined with broad democracy, with the involvement of shop workers in management, which allows for operational management and continuous control over the course of production.

Operational and production planning consists in the development of specific production targets for certain periods of time (month, decade, day, shift, hour) both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions, and in the regulation of production according to operational accounting and control data.

Operational production planning includes:

    distribution of the annual (quarterly) product release program by months;

    development of schedules and schedules for the manufacture and release of products;

    development of nomenclature and calendar plans for the release of units and parts in a monthly section for the main workshops of the enterprise, volumetric calendar calculations;

    development of monthly operational detailed programs for workshops and sections. Carrying out verification calculations of equipment loading and areas;

    drawing up operational schedules (schedules) for the manufacture of products, assemblies and parts in the context of a month, week, day, etc .;

    organization of daily shift planning;

    organization of operational accounting of the course of production;

    control and regulation of the course of production.

Each of the listed elements builds on the purpose of the previous ones and is the starting point for the subsequent ones.

Operational planning is carried out both on a plant-wide scale and within individual shops, in connection with which it is divided into inter- and intra-shop.

The main task of operational and production planning is the organization of uniform, rhythmic and coordinated work of all production divisions of the enterprise to ensure the timely release of products in the prescribed volume and range with the most efficient use of all production resources.

In conditions market economy the role of uniform release and sale of finished products taking into account the needs of the consumer. Under uniform release means strict adherence to the schedule of production and delivery of products to consumers in order to meet their needs in a timely manner.

Uniform output of products is ensured by the rhythmic work of the enterprise. Under rhythmic work an enterprise is understood as the systematic implementation by all divisions of the enterprise of the plan for the release of products of the appropriate range and quality according to a predetermined schedule, which provides for compliance with the terms of production, the uninterrupted flow of the production process and full use production resources.

Irregularly operating enterprises are characterized by: significant downtime of equipment and workers due to improper organization of production (materials and components were not supplied on time, technical documentation was not prepared, failure of tools and technological equipment, equipment malfunction, etc.); frequent violation of technological and production discipline; deviation of the quality parameters of the materials used, manufactured products from those established in the technical documentation and the appearance of defects. Rhythmic work testifies to the coordinated organization of all divisions of the enterprise and the high culture of production.

Operational planning production is the final link planned work at the enterprise. It is often also called operational production(OPP). The operational planning process includes the development of planned targets and the organization of their implementation.

Operational and production planning is a continuation of strategic and tactical planning and is aimed at detailing the production plan of the enterprise and its divisions. Operational plans are developed on the basis of the company's annual production program, i.e. at OPP, the planning services of the enterprise develop detailed planning tasks for each production unit (workshop, site, brigade, workplace) for a quarter, month, day, shift. Also, during operational planning, the current management of the production process of manufacturing products and daily control of the fulfillment of the task by each production unit of the enterprise are carried out.

The main functions OPP:

  • ? development of production schedules;
  • ? development of product launch-release calendar schedules;
  • ? establishment of operational production targets production units enterprises (workshops, teams, sites, workplaces);
  • ? carrying out volumetric calculations (for example, loading equipment and production areas);
  • ? drawing up operational programs for the main production shops,
  • ? implementation of operational accounting and control over the progress of their implementation;
  • ? control over the state of work in progress in workshops and interdepartmental warehouses;
  • ? operational regulation of the production process, identification of deviations and the implementation of measures to eliminate them (dispatching);
  • ? control over the provision of shops with scarce materials, tools, containers, purchased products, transport;
  • ? preparation and conduct of dispatch meetings, etc.

The main task of operational planning is to ensure the fulfillment of the finished product production plan based on the coordinated and rhythmic work of each workplace, site, workshop, enterprise as a whole, ensuring the most optimal use of equipment and workplaces, minimizing the duration of the production cycle and the volume of work in progress.

Generally operational planning tasks the enterprise should be aimed at:

  • ? implementation of the planned release of finished products in terms of time and assortment;
  • ? systematic loading of equipment and workplaces;
  • ? reducing the duration of the production cycle and reducing the amount of work in progress;
  • ? rhythmic release of finished products based on a uniform and complete course of production at each production site. To achieve a rhythmic work of the enterprise, an effective organization of the functioning of each workplace, team, workshop, production process is necessary.

It is wrong to equate the concept of the rhythm of production with its uniformity.

Uniformity of production means observance of the rhythm of release and work. At the same time, the amount of work performed for a certain time interval, in terms of quantity and composition, corresponds to the labor intensity of the products for this interval.

Rhythm- it is a complex characteristic of the organization and management of the production process; its formation is influenced by many factors of production. It is necessary to distinguish between the rhythm of release and the rhythm of work.

Rhythm of release means release of the same volume of products for equal intervals of time (months, decades, shifts, etc.).

The rhythm of work -is the performance of equal amounts of work in terms of quantity (in total in standard hours) and composition (types of work) for equal intervals of time.

You can determine the rhythm after calculating rhythm coefficient, most often, this coefficient is determined in the manner common in practice - the ratio of the amount of actually produced products within the plan to the planned output for a certain period of time:

where: K w- coefficient of rhythm;

In fact - the actual release of products in certain periods of time

within the planned target;

In the plan - a planned task for periods of time.

The rhythm coefficient tends to unity. It characterizes the degree of use of working time in the production process. The higher its value, the less interruptions in the movement of a batch of parts to the customer, the denser the production cycle and the more efficiently the economic resources and, first of all, the working time are spent.

Continuity of production provided at enterprises with the help of advance operational preparation and delivery to workplace in accordance with the calendar schedules of the necessary material resources, technical documentation and other means and objects of labor.

Operational planning must be consistently respected the principle of continuity, ensuring the interconnection of the functioning of three conjugate phases of the enterprise management process:

  • 1) calendar-operational planning of production movement with the optimization of standard parameters;
  • 2) accounting for the course of production;
  • 3) regulation (plan adjustments).

These phases of the manufacturing control process should be a closed loop.

Operational planning can be classified according to various criteria. Depending on on the content and duration operational and production planning is divided into two stage:

  • ? operational scheduling (OKP);
  • ? operational management production (OUP). PMO is the regulation of the production process, it is often called operational regulation, or dispatching. Let's consider these stages in more detail.

Operational scheduling includes distribution of annual planning tasks by production divisions and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific performers of work. With its help, shift-daily tasks are developed and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is coordinated. The initial data for the development of schedules are the annual volumes of production, the labor intensity of the work performed, the timing of the delivery of goods to the market, etc.

The main purpose of operational scheduling is the implementation of the production program according to the criteria of quantity, quality, timing and costs. The stages of the OKP are shown in Fig. 6.1.

After the above stages of operational scheduling, operational recording of progress

calendar plan - information on the actual implementation of the plan is collected, processed and transferred to the relevant services of the enterprise. Based on the information received, dispatching,consisting in identifying and eliminating deviations from the planned course of production, in taking measures to ensure the synchronization of production, the best use of working time and material resources, a high load of equipment and jobs.

Rice. 6.1.

Dispatching and operational scheduling are inseparable parts unified system operational planning of production. When drawing up schedules, the actual results of the implementation of the plan for the previous period are taken into account without fail according to the data of the dispatch service.

According to the scope or place of its implementation operational planning of production is divided into two level ",interdepartmental(at the enterprise level); intrashop(at the workshop level).

Interdepartmental operational planning is aimed at solving the following main issues: removal, replacement of products launched into production, inclusion in the program for the release of new products, provision of external supplies of components, use of internal material, labor and financial resources etc. In the implementation of interdepartmental operational planning, the rhythmic work of the main shops should be carried out, as well as ensuring their uninterrupted supply and maintenance by auxiliary shops and services.

In the process of interdepartmental operational planning, production assignments for workshops and sections of the main, auxiliary and service industries ( production programs with an indication of the range of products to be manufactured, their quantity, labor intensity and release dates, as well as schedules indicating the dates of launch and release of products) for short periods of time - a quarter and a month. In this case, the initial information is the data on the load and bandwidth equipment, areas and scheduling standards.

The essence in-house operational planning consists in coordinating the work of sections, teams, workplaces of the main and auxiliary industries. Planning at this level is aimed at the rhythmic implementation of the sections and their workplaces of the given monthly program.

Operational planning at the workshop level includes strict regulation of the execution of work in time for each position of the production program and the nomenclature-calendar plan, depending on the actual production situation. In this case, the work is carried out in real time, which does not allow interruptions in the process of manufacturing parts and assembling products.

When implementing intrashop operational planning, " production programs and shift-daily assignments to sections, brigades - work orders, workplaces - shift-daily assignments. Thus, at the intrashop level, through the OKP, the production sites are set operational tasks for a day and a shift in the form of a shift-daily task, which indicates the range and number of products (assemblies, parts) to be manufactured in the coming day based on the operating mode of the site.

The job assignment is set in the form of work orders, which indicate the part code, their quantity, the name of the operation, the time rate and the price.

Operational production planning for terms of validity in the shop it can be carried out monthly, in the sections (teams) and workplaces - weekly (and even in shifts), for the interdepartmental level, the planning period can be from 1 to 12 months.

Often functions of interdepartmental operational and production planning assigned to the planning and economic department (PEO) or the planning and dispatch (production and dispatch) department

(PDO) of the enterprise. The structure of the department and its number at each enterprise is determined independently and depends on the specifics of its activities, on the volume of production, the range of manufactured products, the number of industrial production personnel, etc.

Functions of the in-house OPP assigned to the planning and dispatching bureau (PDB) or the planning and distribution bureau (PRB) of the shop, section foremen.

Operational planning can be classified according to methods of developing plans ".

w on the volumetric(an example would be the calculation of a batch of processed products);

  • ? calendar(calculation of the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of a batch of items);
  • ? mixed(for example, drawing up plans, schedules).

The methods used to compile operational

plans, we will consider in the next paragraph.

  • The authors here use the terminology adopted in the Soviet period.
Planning at the enterprise: lecture notes Galina Afanasyevna Makhovikova

Lecture 12 Operational and production planning

The rhythmic output of products by each division of the enterprise is based on a single production strategy of the enterprise. Enterprises that operate irregularly significantly underutilize their production capacity. This manifests itself in production downtime, underloading of equipment or overloading it for a certain period of time, reduction of jobs or overtime work.

Scheduled work ensures the normal production and economic activities of the enterprise and creates favorable opportunities for the use of internal reserves.

Operational planning refers to the implementation current activities planning and economic services for a short period, for example, the development of an annual production program, the preparation of quarterly budgets of the enterprise, control and adjustment of the results.

Development of progressive scheduling standards;

Development of plans and schedules for the movement of objects of labor in time and space in the production process;

Bringing the developed schedules to workshops, sites and workplaces;

Control over the execution of the issued schedules;

Current coordination of the work of related workshops, sections and workplaces.

In the process of operational and production planning, tasks are developed and communicated to all departments for planned periods of time (quarter, month), that is, their activities are scheduled for scheduling. In addition, the progress of the plan is systematically monitored, deviations from the original plan are taken into account and operational regulation of production is carried out.

Depending on the content and terms of validity, operational planning is divided into two types: calendar and current.

Scheduling includes the distribution of annual planning targets by production divisions and deadlines, as well as bringing the established indicators to specific performers of work. With its help, shift-daily tasks are developed and the sequence of work performed by individual performers is coordinated.

Ongoing planning, or dispatching production envisages operational control and stroke control production processes, as well as accounting for production and consumption of various resources.

Depending on the scope of application, operational planning is subdivided into interdepartmental and intradepartmental.

Interdepartmental planning includes:

Development of production programs for the enterprise as a whole in terms of volume, nomenclature and timing;

Planning, regulation and control of the implementation of production programs by shops as a whole (or by sections with a shopless structure) as independent production units;

Coordination of the work of the main departments among themselves and their connection with auxiliary and other divisions and services of the enterprise.

Interdepartmental planning is designed to ensure the coordination of activities and the necessary proportions in production between the individual divisions of the enterprise, especially between the main and auxiliary, procurement and processing, processing and assembly.

In the process of interdepartmental planning, production programs are usually drawn up for a month. In mass production, programs can be developed quarterly by month. In these cases, monthly production programs are adjusted according to the previous month's performance.

Intrashop planning provides:

Development of production programs and schedules for sections, lines and individual workplaces;

Drawing up planned tasks for a month and shorter periods of time (ten days, weeks, days, shift);

Monitoring the implementation of planned tasks;

Coordination of the work of related areas, lines, workplaces;

Regulation of the work of the auxiliary services of the shop to ensure the main production.

When developing production programs, “ chain method», Which consists in the fact that the tasks are set in the reverse order of the technological process, ie from the delivery and assembly of finished products to procurement and determination of the need for materials, raw materials and semi-finished products.

Operational planning systems differ in planning and accounting objects. A product, a set of parts included in the product, a part and a technological operation can be used as a planning and accounting unit. In accordance with the varieties of planning and accounting units, there are several operational planning systems: custom-made, complete-nodal, complete-group, detailed, continuous planning system. The choice and scope of each operational planning system depends on the type of production (mass, serial, individual) and the nature of the products.

The calculation base of operational planning systems is the scheduling standards: the sizes of batches of parts, the duration of the production cycle of a batch of parts, the size of work in progress, etc. The range of schedule standards used is determined by the type of production for which these standards are established. So, in conditions of mass production, the main initial scheduling standard is the rhythm of production, in batch production - the frequency of launch and release of products, in single production - the duration of the order cycle in production.

Scheduled standards are calculated for a comparatively long time, which covers the entire production time of the given product under the conditions of single, small-scale and serial production with irregular repeatability of the series. With a stable range of products, the standards are determined, as a rule, for a year, less often for several years. Therefore, they must be adjusted in accordance with the development of technology, technology and organization of production, and in any case at least once a year.

Based on the selected planning system and calculated scheduling standards planning department(in some cases, the production and dispatch department) develops production programs for individual divisions for the release of products for a quarter, broken down by months. In accordance with the selected planning and accounting unit, a quantitative task for the production of products is established by a separate department, which at the stage of intrashop planning is concretized by areas and brought to each workplace.

The main characteristics of any operational planning system include the methods of completing calendar classes by divisions of the enterprise, the procedure for coordinating and interconnecting the work of workshops and sections, the selected planning and accounting unit, the duration of the planning period, methods and techniques for calculating planned indicators, the composition of the accompanying documentation, etc. another system of operational planning in market conditions is mainly determined by the volume of demand for products and services, costs and results of planning, the scale and type of production, organizational structure enterprises and other factors.

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Operational and production planning consists in the development of specific production targets for certain periods of time (month, decade, day, shift, hour) both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions, and in the regulation of production according to operational accounting and control data.

Operational production planning includes:

    distribution of the annual (quarterly) product release program by months;

    development of schedules and schedules for the manufacture and release of products;

    development of nomenclature and calendar plans for the release of units and parts in a monthly section for the main workshops of the enterprise, volumetric calendar calculations;

    development of monthly operational detailed programs for workshops and sections. Carrying out verification calculations of equipment loading and areas;

    drawing up operational schedules (schedules) for the manufacture of products, assemblies and parts in the context of a month, week, day, etc .;

    organization of daily shift planning;

    organization of operational accounting of the course of production;

    control and regulation of the course of production.

Each of the listed elements builds on the purpose of the previous ones and is the starting point for the subsequent ones.

Operational planning is carried out both on a plant-wide scale and within individual shops, in connection with which it is divided into inter- and intra-shop.

The main task of operational and production planning is the organization of uniform, rhythmic and coordinated work of all production divisions of the enterprise to ensure the timely release of products in the prescribed volume and range with the most efficient use of all production resources.

In a market economy, the role of uniform production and sale of finished products, taking into account the needs of the consumer, increases. Under uniform release means strict adherence to the schedule of production and delivery of products to consumers in order to meet their needs in a timely manner.

Uniform output of products is ensured by the rhythmic work of the enterprise. Under rhythmic work an enterprise is understood as the systematic implementation by all divisions of the enterprise of the plan for the release of products of the appropriate range and quality according to a predetermined schedule, which provides for compliance with the terms of production, the uninterrupted flow of the production process and the full use of production resources.

Irregularly operating enterprises are characterized by: significant downtime of equipment and workers due to improper organization of production (materials and components were not supplied on time, technical documentation was not prepared, failure of tools and technological equipment, equipment malfunction, etc.); frequent violation of technological and production discipline; deviation of the quality parameters of the materials used, manufactured products from those established in the technical documentation and the appearance of defects. Rhythmic work testifies to the coordinated organization of all divisions of the enterprise and the high culture of production.


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