Geography presentation slide. Search for presentations. Techniques for working with a digital map in geography lessons "playing with scales". "Play by scale". Scale play can be used to define geographic

The presentation presents intellectual game for a general lesson on the topic "Western macroregion or European Russia". A variety of tasks are aimed at preparing students for the OGE. The exam requires the ability to identify economic regions or regions of Russia by characteristic features nature, specialization of the area or region.
Therefore, in the lesson, students are offered tasks to identify areas according to their short description, on excerpts from nature from feature films, and to consolidate knowledge, answers to tasks are supplemented with photographs and excerpts from documentaries. At the end of the lesson, students will be asked to do one-to-one testing.

The development of territories beyond the Urals began in the 16th century, and in tsarist Russia it was assumed that these lands were a reserve and a guarantee of a comfortable existence for Russia in the future. As long as there were necessary reserves in the European part, there was no need to develop and develop deposits on a large scale, or build good roads. Times are changing now. Far East in ten to twenty years it will become the center of Russia's economic life. The countries of the Asia-Pacific region are now experiencing a powerful economic recovery. The Russian Far East, due to its geographic location, is involved in the process of cooperation with China, Japan, South and North Korea.

The target audience: for grade 9

"Kizhi" - the state historical, architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve, located in the Republic of Karelia Russian Federation... The territory of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve has the status of lands of historical and cultural significance. On the island there is a museum of traditional peasant culture of the Russian North, one of the largest and most famous open-air museum-reserves in Russia. It contains architectural monuments, icon painting and household items that were created in Karelian, Vepsian and Russian villages over the centuries.
The presentation is intended for students in grades 8-9.

Millionaire cities in Russia are the most important places of concentration and attraction of human, labor, industrial, cultural, economic resources and centers of socio-economic development both for their region and usually for several surrounding regions at once. Their importance in this capacity depends not only on the number of residents, but also on a number of other factors, the most important of which are the level of income of the population, the accumulated economic and cultural potential, as well as the specifics of neighboring regions, for which millionaire cities are centers of transport. higher education, trade, logistics, culture, etc.

Target audience: for grade 8

The presentation "Animals of the Red Data Book of Russia. Predatory" is intended for using this material in geography lessons in the study of the regional component, as well as for the ability to apply one's knowledge in life, translate it into concrete actions, and conduct educational work among the population. The goal is to get acquainted with rare and endangered species predatory Russia included in the Red Book.

Target audience: for grade 8

In his diaries, Robert Scott repeatedly mentions the musher Dmitry (in Scott's diary he sometimes appears as Geroff).

In 1969, the compiler of the Russian edition of the book "The Last Expedition of Robert Scott" N. Ya. Bolotnikov, journalist, polar explorer, historian of the Arctic in the journal "Science and Life" first published the name of the Russian Dmitry Gireyev, who was enlisted as a musher in the expedition and in January 1911 became one of the first Russians to land on the mainland Antarctica.

Girev accompanied Scott's expedition to 84 ° South latitude, then with most of the expedition remained in Antarctica and participated in the search for Scott's group.

In December 1912, as part of the expedition, R. Priestley climbed to the highest point of Antarctica - the Erebus volcano.

Target audience: for grade 7

The presentation contains data on the development of geographical ideas, cartography, astronomy and other sciences. It tells about the geographical picture of the world. Considered the most ancient civilizations in the world, such as Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient India. Provides detailed information about the development of civilizations, their territorial affiliation, culture and art. The presentation is accompanied by a large amount of cartographic material. The work is distinguished by the graphic and illustrative clarity of the presented material.

Target audience: for grade 5

This presentation designed for grade 8 students. It is used at the end of the academic year to summarize knowledge on the subject "Geography" in the form of a quiz. The presentation consists of four sections: "Hydrography of Russia", "Geographical definitions", "Natural zones, animals of natural zones", "Mountain peaks".

Annotation to the material

Geography presentations are used in the modern lesson by the teacher as often as a map and a globe. This unique guide allows you to easily explain the most difficult topics, from grade 5 to grade 11. There is no material that the student cannot understand. There is no topic in the lesson that would be uninteresting. You just need to be able to present the material in an accessible and convincing way, and a presentation on the topic of geography will help in this.

Experienced teachers note that for some reason the interest of children in education begins to wane. This sad fate did not escape one of the most interesting subjects - geography, where you can learn about the secrets of the discovery of the earth, about the planets and different countries, about the climate and processes taking place in the earth's crust. If you don't want geography to wither, try to change the situation. To do this, you do not need to look for new topics for the lesson, it is enough to find a new approach to the presentation of the material. An excellent way out of the situation - download presentation on geography and conduct the lesson vividly, clearly, confirming each word with vivid pictures from slides, accurate numbers, convincing diagrams that students see in front of them and remember.

Geographic presentations allow the teacher to fill the lesson with new content, to make it different from yesterday's, where the teacher had only a map, a pointer and a piece of chalk. Vivid clarity, demonstrated on the screen with the help of a computer, makes the lesson modern and in demand. Computer techologies really gave great opportunities to lessons and this is not denied even by psychologists, who have always recommended to acquaint with any material visually. Now, when talking about Africa or America, you don’t need to look for at least one picture somewhere in order to carry it around the rows and show the students to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the region. It's enough to download for free ready presentation on any topic of a geography lesson and go with this material to an open lesson, without fear that students will not show interest in studying the topic or colleagues will find the lesson out of date.

The use of presentations and ICT in geography is possible at any stage of the lesson:

  • When explaining the new material on the slides, you can place all the information on the topic in a thesis, add videos, tables, diagrams, graphs to the development
  • When consolidating the material, the teacher can use the test to test knowledge both for frontal work and for individual questioning
  • In preparation homework students themselves can create their own multimedia projects and bring them to the lesson to protect them in front of classmates

Today a modern geography lesson with Power presentation Point has a number of advantages:

  1. Saves the teacher's time for creating visual aids
  2. Allows you to carry out a comprehensive check of the studied material in various forms
  3. Increases students' interest in the subject, increases their motivation to study
  4. Allows you to organize in the lesson various forms activities, including independent work

From our collection, each teacher can download for free, without registration, presentations for open lessons and regular everyday training sessions from the experience of colleagues, borrow Power Point templates and backgrounds to design their own developments.

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Geography - Grade 6

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Geography - grade 8

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Geography - grade 9

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Techniques for working with a digital map in geography lessons "playing with scales". "Play by scale". "Play of scales" can be used to define geographic.

Techniques for working with a digital map in geography lessons "playing with scales". "Play by scale". The "game of scales" can be used to determine the geographic location of countries and regions of Russia. With the help of navigation, the scale of the territory changes from ...

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Geography Presentations: sections of geography, teaching geography, teaching materials in geography, lessons in geography, technology in geography, practical work geography, geography games, geography quizzes, map, globe, scale, area plan, orienteering, discoveries, great geographical discoveries, travelers, Russian travelers, travel.

Earth presentations: lithosphere, relief, plains, mountains, volcanoes, rocks, hydrosphere, oceans, ocean, ocean resources, oceans, seas, land waters, rivers, lakes, water, water value, atmosphere, wind, weather, climate, biosphere, soils, natural areas, forest, steppe, tundra, desert, Arctic.

Presentations about Russia: Russia and the world, CIS, nature of Russia, zones of Russia, Russian plain, mountains of Russia, specially protected natural areas, water resources of Russia, seas of Russia, rivers of Russia, lakes of Russia, Baikal, population of Russia, peoples of Russia, demography of Russia, economy of Russia , fuel and energy complex, Agriculture, transport, modes of transport, transport of Russia, tourism.

Presentations about regions of Russia: Center of Russia, Golden Ring, Moscow, Moscow culture, Yaroslavskaya oblast, North of Russia, Karelia, North-West of Russia, St. Petersburg, sights of St. Petersburg, Novgorod Region, Kaliningrad Region, Chernozemye, Volgo-Vyatsky District, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Volga region, Astrakhan region, Volgograd region, Saratov region, Tatarstan, North Caucasus, Kuban, Kuban culture, Cossacks, Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Ural, Ural region, the nature of the Urals, Bashkortostan, Perm region, Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Siberia, Western Siberia, Altai, Kemerovo region, Novosibirsk region, Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region, Far East, Khabarovsk Territory.

Presentations about the world: countries, political map, population, population, demography, race, ethnos, migration, urbanization, economy, Natural resources, minerals, culture, calendar.

Presentations about America: North America, nature North America, North American countries, USA, USA device, Canada, South America, South America nature, South American waters, South American countries.

Africa Presentations: nature of Africa, zones of Africa, water in Africa, population of Africa, African countries, North Africa.

Australia Presentations: Australia mainland, Australia country, Australia nature.

Antarctica Presentations.

Eurasia Presentations.

Presentations about Europe: Overseas Europe, Eastern Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, Ukrainian economy, Northern Europe, Great Britain, history of Great Britain, education in Great Britain, England, London, Western Europe, Germany, German language, cities of Germany, France, Southern Europe, Greece, Spain, Italy, Rome.

Asia Presentations: Western Asia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, nature of Kazakhstan, history of Kazakhstan, power in Kazakhstan, population of Kazakhstan, economy of Kazakhstan, culture of Kazakhstan, Asian countries, India, culture of India, China, culture of China, Japan, culture of Japan.

The geography presentations collected in this section will help students to understand the vast world around us. Continents, seas and countries, biographies of great people, and much more will make each lesson an exciting journey across our planet. All presentations contain a lot of useful information and colorful pictures, maps, music files and photos that will be useful additional information which will allow students to master this useful subject much better.

Geography presentations made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment of geography presentations that you can download absolutely free. To do this, go to the selected presentation and click on the "download" button. Before that, you can see each slide and view their description, you do not have to download the files first and only then realize that this is not quite what you need. If you have any difficulties with finding the topic you need, you can use the search for all presentations, enter a keyword and we will select the most suitable works for you.

Here you will find presentations on geography for both elementary grades and for high school students. Thanks to the clarity, colorfulness of the slides, correctly structured and divided into blocks of information, the audience will more easily perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.


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