Revoke the order for disciplinary action. Registration rules and a sample order for the lifting of a disciplinary sanction. Sample order for the lifting of a disciplinary sanction in the form of a reprimand

Penalties are designed to increase a sense of responsibility for their own actions and clearly argue the need for compliance labor discipline... They are usually used as a last resort in relation to malicious violators. The first remark serves as a kind of warning, which, if ignored, leads to the application of other, more stringent measures.

As a rule, the presence of a penalty is reflected in the amount of wages. This encourages the employee to improve performance in order to have a reason to apply for the removal of the punishment. Since the imposition of disciplinary measures is not some kind of irreversible act, which is its positive side.


Violation of the labor schedule provides for three types of punishments (Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Comment.
  2. Rebuke:
    • usual;
    • strict.
  3. Dismissal. Applies in case:
    • an offense that entailed grave consequences;
    • repeated violation, when the perpetrator already has no withdrawn penalty.

Imposing a disciplinary measure

Disciplinary actions are not recorded in work book... They are registered in the T-2 card, indicating the order number. When making a claim, you must make sure that the norms of the Labor Code are observed:

  1. The violation did not result in more than one punitive measure.
  2. The employee is aware of the internal regulations of the company, as evidenced by his signature on the documents.
  3. It took no more than 6 months from the moment of the offense to the issuance of the order.
  4. The date of issue of the order for the imposition of a penalty does not fall within the period:
    • temporary disability;
    • holidays;
    • being in public service.
  5. The employee was familiarized with the order.
  6. The intruder provided an explanation. In case of his refusal, an appropriate act has been drawn up.
  7. The terms of validity and extension of punishments correspond to those specified in the legislation.
  8. Other.

If the offender decides to appeal the penalty, non-compliance with the above provisions may lead to a decision in his favor, since the investigating person will consider the employee's guilt unproven.


The disciplinary sanction is considered lifted if a year has passed since the issuance of the order. If, before the expiration of this period, the offender was subjected to a second punishment, the period of the first is reset to zero and starts counting again from the date of imposition of the second (comments to Art. 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, two penalties will already be recorded on the employee's account, which gives grounds to attribute them to repeated violations.

Some facts

With early withdrawal disciplinary action the employer needs to issue an order. If the foreclosure is canceled "automatically" after the expiration of the "shelf life", then registration is not required.

This circumstance provides the head with the opportunity to take advantage of an extreme measure of influence - dismissal (clause 5 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is clear that dismissal under the article is reflected in the most negative way on an employee's career.

The change of position does not affect the course of the term. If an employee is transferred to another job within the same enterprise, the punishment is not canceled. The problem of how to remove a disciplinary sanction ahead of schedule is resolved in the event of dismissal, when all unlifted punishments cease to be effective, since the influence of the leader extends only within the organization under his control.

Automatic cancellation

The expiration of the term of the punitive measure means its automatic elimination, which does not require official registration - the issuance of an order, as well as notifying the employee. For it to occur, it is necessary to strictly observe the internal regulations throughout the entire period and, as a result, the absence of repeated penalties (clause 1 of article 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Automatic withdrawal does not depend on whether the employee is at work or on vacation. This applies only to the first two types of disciplinary actions: remarks and reprimands, dismissal cannot be canceled.

The withdrawn penalty does not leave behind any consequences. Namely, it cannot be taken into account when the employee commits a new violation, which will be considered the first. At the same time, the use of incentive measures is resumed. For example, when calculating wages, bonuses and remunerations are again taken into account, or an interrupted countdown of time required for the assignment of the next rank continues.

Automatic removal of a remark / reprimand for violation of labor discipline occurs if the employee, within a year from the time the order of punishment was issued, does not repeatedly violate the code internal regulations enterprises.

Early withdrawal

The Labor Code does not regulate early withdrawal of a disciplinary sanction. In this situation, you can focus on Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, presenting the conscientious performance of duties as a sufficient reason for giving incentives. It is in this capacity that cancellation of punishment can be used before its expiration date.

The legislation does not specify a minimum period for its initiation, which leaves this decision at the discretion of the head.


The offender is able to make atonement:

  • perfect work for a long time;
  • exceeding planned indicators;
  • active participation in community service;
  • the invention of innovative methods that contribute to the rationalization of the work process;
  • preventing emergency or an accident.


Early withdrawal of a foreclosure may be initiated:

  • the director of the organization;
  • the violator;
  • the immediate supervisor of the employee;
  • the chairman of the trade union;
  • a representative of the labor collective.

Withdrawal clearance

If the decision to eliminate the punishment is made by the director, for its implementation it is enough to issue an appropriate order. In all other cases, a petition is first submitted to his name.

Memorandum on lifting a disciplinary penalty, sample:

The order must be familiarized with:

  • employee;
  • author of the petition;
  • hR officer.

The fact of cancellation of the penalty is reflected in the T-2 card. In this case, the number of the order and the date of its publication are indicated. If the employee commits a new offense after the order has been issued, the withdrawn penalty will not be extended. Also, it is not taken into account when determining the recurrence of the violation.

About disciplinary actions in detail in the video below


The petition is written in the name of the director, whose position and F&O are indicated in the upper right corner. Its content mentions:

  • the reason for the disciplinary action;
  • grounds for the liquidation of the penalty;
  • a request to annul the punishment;
  • F And About the employee;
  • the number and date of the order that imposed the penalty.

The application is certified by signatures:

  1. The immediate superior (foreman, foreman).
  2. Chairman of the trade union committee. It is supported by the number of the minutes of the meeting and the date of its holding.
  3. The representative of the labor collective, selected as a result of voting on general meeting... The number and date of the protocol are also indicated.


There is no standard order form; its execution is carried out in accordance with the company's internal rules. It should contain:

  • number and release date;
  • company name;
  • F And About the employee, his position, the name of the department;
  • grounds for annulling the punishment;
  • head visa;
  • introductory line.


As Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who does not agree with the decision of the head has the right to appeal it against:

  1. The labor dispute commission established at the enterprise. Its composition includes officials and employees in equal proportions.
  2. State Labor Inspectorate.
  3. Court.

A copy of the application marked with acceptance remains with the employee. It is better if he provides convincing arguments in favor of his point of view, supported by specific articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, it is the employer's responsibility to justify the penalty imposed. At least a month is allotted for the investigation of the case, during which the punishment is suspended. As a result, two options are possible:

  1. Refusal to satisfy the complaint for the absence of violations of the Labor Code.
  2. An order to the company to cancel the collection.

Enterprise sanctions

If the court decides to grant the worker's claim, the legal costs will be borne by the organization. When using the last measure of punishment - dismissal, the employee must be reinstated. You will also have to reimburse him wages for all the time lost as a result of the forced absence. Given the duration court hearings, this can take up to several months.

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Disciplinary responsibility is one of the forms of legal responsibility. This measure is extreme for the employer, is considered a punishment, but the employee always has time and opportunities to protect himself. How to remove early foreclosure? How can you improve your reputation without waiting for one year? This article is devoted to this.

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How is it published

By general rule, the expiry date of the disciplinary sanction is exactly one year. As article 194 of the Labor Code describes, if an employee of the organization is not noticed in repeated violations, then the "disciplinarian" is removed automatically. There is no need to publish the order of the chief.

The order to lift the disciplinary sanction is relevant in cases where the innocence of the punished person has been proven with written confirmation, or when the once guilty employee has defenders in the person of other people and bodies.

This can happen as soon as the day after the disciplinary action is issued. This circumstance may also occur several days before the automatic removal of the penalty.

The decision to exclude an employee from the list of guilty persons is not taken by itself.

Objective reasons for initiating the process are as follows:

  • The manager (representative of the employer) changed his decision about the guilty person;
  • A written petition “in defense” was submitted by the head of the structural unit in which the employee directly works. This official is well aware of the personality characteristics and behavioral aspects of the guilty person;
  • The manager (representative of the employer) received and reviewed the written statement from the employee himself. If this document is drawn up with reference to the normative acts and really confirms the innocence of the employee, then disciplinary liability is removed;
  • The employer received a written message from the trade union body demanding that the penalty be lifted.

Video: The court makes decisions


An order to impose a disciplinary sanction is drawn up lawfully when one of three events occurs:

  • In case of violation by the employee of the Internal Labor Regulations;
  • In case of non-fulfillment or improper non-fulfillment of the job description;
  • In case of violation of safety measures during the organization of work, labor protection requirements.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the employer is obliged to introduce the new employee about his obligations, that is, to familiarize him with job description, the schedule of rest and work, as well as instruct on labor protection.

The last event ends with a corresponding entry in the induction journal.

To remove disciplinary responsibility on your own, you need to contact one of the authorities:

  • The local labor inspectorate;
  • To the labor dispute commission;
  • To the judicial authority by drawing up a statement of claim.

The employee is given three months to carry out all procedures. An appeal against dismissal as a capital punishment is possible only within one month expelled from the last working day.

Labour Inspectorate

The Labor Inspectorate is interested in all issues when the rights of an individual employee are violated.

On-site inspectors go to the enterprise and check:

  • Whether the order for collection has been properly executed;
  • Whether the terms have been violated;
  • Is the time taken into account when the offending person was on sick leave or on vacation;
  • Has this disciplinary sanction been repeated, has the person been punished twice for the same offense.

Labor Dispute Commission

Labor inspectors often suggest that a person with an official sanction should file a controversial issue with an individual labor dispute committee.

This commission is created at the place of work, but it includes representatives from control authorities, researchers of higher institutions, specialists of the labor inspection. Upon completion of the meeting of the commission, the employee will be familiarized with the minutes of the meeting and its decision.

Judicial authority

If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the labor dispute committee and the authoritative opinion of the labor inspectorate, then he has the right to send a statement of claim to the court.

The choice of court depends on the nature of the issue:

When submitting an application to the court, the following must be indicated: 1) the number and date of the order on the imposition of disciplinary liability; 2) the exact reason for the announcement of the official penalty; 3) compelling arguments about the illegality of the punishment.

A labor lawyer is hired to successfully resolve the dispute. Only he can list the violated norms of labor, administrative, civil law both in the course of legal proceedings and in the process of writing a statement of claim.

Order to lift a disciplinary penalty

The issue of removing the "disciplinary" is not regulated by the Labor Code. Therefore, the reason for the early withdrawal of guilt may be specific circumstances and positive behavior of the responsible person.

If the employee in the last month, the quarter provided high rates his work, then his immediate superior draws up a memo. It sets out the reason why disciplinary liability can be removed.

An example of such a document:

To the HR department ...

Director ...

Service note.

The driver Semyonov repeatedly violated labor discipline, being late for work, for which he was reprimanded by an order from .... No. ...

Nevertheless, over the past three months Semenov has shown himself to be a responsible employee: he has never violated the Internal Regulations adopted at the enterprise. Semyonov conscientiously fulfills his labor duties.

In connection with the above, I ask you to remove the disciplinary sanction imposed on Semenov ahead of schedule.


After registering a memo at the enterprise, the director examines it. It is in his will to satisfy the decision of the shop manager or not. As a rule, the immediate superior knows best. And the head of the enterprise puts a resolution on the document: "In order."

An order to lift a disciplinary penalty is being prepared personnel service enterprises. In this case, the basis is considered to be a memo from the head of the shop.

general characteristics

The decision to remove the fault from the employee is not made spontaneously, but in a motivated way.

Several conditions for this:

  • The employee's biography must be "clean"
  • He is obliged to prove himself from the good side,
  • During the term of the service contract, no other sanctions were applied to him.

Thus, the order to lift the disciplinary sanction includes wording such as “taking into account the good faith attitude to work”.

The document template can be easily downloaded from the Internet. It looks like this:


LLC "Perspektiva"

On lifting a disciplinary penalty

and measures of material impact

Based on a petition (memo from ..), taking into account the good faith execution job duties and guided by article 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

  1. To remove the official penalty in the form of a reprimand (remarks) imposed by order (number, number) from the full name, position in full.
  2. Remove the measure of material impact in the form of non-payment of bonuses based on the results of work for ... with full name, full position.
  3. The clerk of the personnel department, full name send a copy of the order within one working day to the accounting department of the accounting department, to the personnel department.
  4. The head of the department (shop) shall acquaint the employee with the full name, position, and the order against receipt within three working days.

Head ______________________________ (signature) (transcript)

Is early withdrawal possible?

It turns out that the early lifting of a disciplinary sanction is a legal action. After all, the Labor Code protects not only the rights of the employer, but also the rights of the employee himself.

If changes in behavior are obvious, labor efficiency has increased significantly, then it is most likely the employer's responsibility to cancel the order to impose a disciplinary sanction. After all, only those who do nothing are not mistaken.

An order to lift an official penalty is the document that gives the right to the rehabilitation of an employee during the period of the official penalty, that is, up to one year. Od gives preferential rights to the employee, since when imposing a second penalty, we are talking about his dismissal. Let's live risk-free!


Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists three types of disciplinary sanctions: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal on appropriate grounds. How do I appeal a disciplinary action? If an employee sees injustice and a clear disproportionate punishment, then of course, he must solve the issue in court, demanding in a number of cases compensation for damage, including moral. The question arises about applying to the prosecutor's office for protection labor rights... We would recommend this in two cases - with a clear violation of the law and in the area (for example, rural) where there is no territorial deployment of labor bodies. Conference of YurKluba For committing a misdemeanor, the employer brings the employee to justice and applies discipl. in the form of a reprimand. The employee is familiar with the order in two weeks.

Order to lift a disciplinary penalty - sample

Every person who finds a job takes on certain obligations:

  • observe the working day regimen;
  • fulfill official duties;
  • not violate labor discipline;
  • obey the requirements approved by the local documents of the enterprise and the basic norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to hold an employee accountable, it is necessary, first of all, that he was familiarized with the main provisions, charter, conditions collective agreement... With the employer employment contract the basic rights and obligations of the parties, responsibility for improper performance or ignorance of performance are also prescribed. Let's see what the law says about disciplinary punishments.
In accordance with the provisions of Art.

Order to lift a disciplinary sanction in the form of a comment

Therefore, if, for example, you were brought to justice:

  • for work when you refused to perform on the orders of the management, if it is not due to your obligation by the terms of the employment contract;
  • if you were verbally suspended from work, without giving any written orders, and without requiring an explanation, subsequently registering your absence from work for more than four hours as a truancy;
  • when there was no direct fault, why the required amount of work was not completed;
  • and other situations that have their own nuances in each specific case, it makes sense to appeal against a disciplinary punishment, especially since in the case of bonus payments, as a rule, enshrined in the provisions, employees who have been reprimanded before it is removed are not entitled to rewards.

For civil servants, the existence of penalties can significantly affect future careers.

Cancellation of disciplinary orders time limits

The punished employee, as a rule, tries to prevent new violations of the labor regulations. If there are no claims to it, you can cancel the imposed penalty. How to do this and how to draw up the required order? Why the penalty is removed Unrequited punishment can serve as a basis for deprivation, or rather, not accruing a bonus, failure to provide other incentives from the employer.
But the most serious of the consequences is that if the offense is repeated, the perpetrator can be fired. This will be legal within a year from the date of the penalty. If we take as a basis a sample of an order to lift a disciplinary penalty, it will be considered withdrawn and will not lead to dismissal for repeated violations.
IMPORTANT! The punishment will be considered lifted in a year from the date of imposition, even if no order has been issued, after a year it will be lifted automatically.

What are the chances of getting the disciplinary action canceled?


Then the name of the document is written with a short designation of its meaning (here: "on the lifting of a disciplinary penalty"), its number is put according to the internal document flow of the company, as well as the position and surname with the initials of the employee for whom it is issued. The line below indicates the date of the order, as well as localitywhere the company operates. Further, the order includes the reasons for lifting the disciplinary sanction:

  • the document that served as the impetus for the procedure,
  • as well as specific actions that became the reason for the mitigation of punishment.

After that, in the middle of the line, the word "I order" is written and a corresponding order is made to cancel the penalty.

Order to lift a disciplinary penalty

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the order to issue a reprimand has been issued; can it be canceled. It is to issue an order to cancel the order of reprimand, and not to remove the disciplinary sanction on the reprimand from the employee. Minimize Victoria Dymova Support employee Try to look here:

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"revocation of disciplinary action"

You can contact the bodies authorized to resolve individual labor disputes:

  1. write an application to the labor dispute commission operating within the enterprise;
  2. file a complaint with the territorial labor inspectorate that monitors the activities of your organization and compliance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other legal acts in the field of labor relations;
  3. directly go to court with claims, especially since this does not require evidence of attempts at pre-trial settlement of the conflict.

In a situation where you were treated unfairly, there is no need to delay the time with the appeal, especially since it has its own framework established by law. You need to contact the labor dispute commission or the district court within three months from the moment when they were violated, or you should have learned about the actions of the employer that violate your rights (Article 386, Article 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to reverse a disciplinary action

We draw up a document The important points that should contain a sample order for the early lifting of a disciplinary sanction include:

  • name of the order;
  • reason for withdrawal;
  • surname and name of the employee;
  • withdrawal date;
  • basis of the decision.

The reason for making such a decision may be high performance in work, the absence of facts of non-compliance with the work schedule. The reason is the manager's petition or the employee's own statement with a request to cancel the decision on his punishment. It is convenient to have a sample order to cancel a disciplinary penalty on hand in case the situation recurs.

download The use of disciplinary measures is often the cause of litigation, so it is important to correctly formalize all stages of punishment. Service and memoranda, explanatory notes must be drawn up taking into account time constraints.

Statement of Claim for Cancellation of a Disciplinary Order

In this case, he is not considered punished (Article 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Until the specified moment, re-imposing a penalty increases the risk of losing his job for the violating employee. Important! Item 5, Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employer to part with the employee if he did not perform his labor duties again (with the existing previous penalty) and did not give any logical explanations.
Regulatory restrictions on the content of this order, its form and mandatory conditions compilation is not provided. Art. 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation testifies to the sufficiency of the employer's desire for issuing such an order. In addition, the employee himself or other interested persons (the head of the department in which the offender works, or the representative of the firm's trade union) may ask for the removal of the penalty.

Order to revoke an order to impose a disciplinary sanction

Only if really valid reasons (for example, treatment in an inpatient setting) prevented the filing of a complaint in a timely manner and there is documentary evidence, this period can be extended by submitting an additional request to restore the period for considering the appeal. What are the employer's mistakes that will increase the likelihood of a foreclosure canceled? Often the manager acts contrary to the norms of labor laws, which only increases the chances of winning a dispute and being reinstated. The main mistakes that you should pay attention to: 1.

You were brought to responsibility for violation of labor discipline, which actually did not exist.


It could be

  • personal decision of the director, who considered that the employee fully atoned for his guilt,
  • a request from the immediate supervisor of the employee who was subject to collection,
  • the trade union committee has the right to apply for the cancellation of the order (if any at the enterprise)
  • or the employee himself (in this case, a personal written statement is required).

It should be noted that such requests are not a guarantee that the company's management will meet the delinquent employee halfway - in this case, the mutual consent of the parties plays a role. When to ask for the cancellation of a collection order There are no specific deadlines for filing such an application. An employee can be released from punishment after a month, and after three, and closer to the end of the year from the date of entry into force of the punishment.

Order to revoke an order to impose a disciplinary sanction sample

In any case, the document must contain the original signature of the head of the company, as well as the autograph of the employee for whom the order was drawn up (in this way the employee certifies the fact of familiarization with the document). The order can be certified by a seal, but since 2016, the presence of a stamp or seal at legal entities is not required by law. After the order is issued, the employee is considered not to have been subject to collection.

All previously taken measures and restrictions in relation to him are canceled. The order is drawn up in a single copy and, after its acceptance, as a guide to action, is sent to the archive of the company for storage, which contains the time set for this kind of documents. A sample of drawing up an order to lift a disciplinary penalty First, the order indicates the full name of the enterprise (in accordance with the constituent documents).

Order to lift a disciplinary sanction - a sample of it will be provided for download in this article and can be used in cases where the employer does not see the need to maintain disciplinary measures against specific employee... The features and grounds for issuing such an order will also be covered further.

Early lifting of a disciplinary sanction: general provisions

You can read more about disciplinary liability and the issuance of an order to bring to disciplinary liability in our articles by following the links:

  • At what age does disciplinary responsibility begin? ;
  • Which bodies are disciplined? ;
  • Disciplinary order.

In this article, we will consider how the collection is removed from an employee.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 194 Labor Code Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), if after the moment the employee was brought to justice, 1 year has passed and he was no longer held liable, then it is considered that he does not have a disciplinary penalty.

IMPORTANT! After a year from the moment of bringing to responsibility, the employer can no longer refer to this case, for example, on the repeated failure of the employee to fulfill his labor duties (appellate determination of the Samara Regional Court dated 18.04.2017 No. 33-5204 / 2017).

How to overturn a disciplinary order

A sample order for the early lifting of a disciplinary sanction can be downloaded from the link: Order to lift a disciplinary penalty - sample... The submitted sample of an order to lift a disciplinary penalty can be used in all cases of early removal of penalties from an employee with the correction of the relevant factual circumstances, data on employees and the reasons for issuing the order.

A model for how to reverse a disciplinary order is important, but not the only one. It should also be borne in mind what circumstances may serve as grounds for lifting the penalty.

The order to abolish the disciplinary sanction cited a trade union petition as a basis.

However, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the petition of the representative body, the grounds for lifting the penalty may be:

  • own initiative of the employing company;
  • the request of the employee himself;
  • a petition from the immediate superior of the employee prosecuted.

After consideration of these applications or by own initiative the employer issues an order to lift the penalty, with which the employee must be familiarized with the signature.

So, as a general rule, an employee is considered to be held liable within 1 year from the date of the issuance of the corresponding order. At the same time, the employer may, before the expiration of the specified period, issue an order that will remove the penalty from the employee. Removal is carried out both at the request of third parties (trade union, immediate supervisor), and at the initiative of the company itself, or if the employee asked for it and the request was granted.

Disciplinary sanctions can be of the following types: reprimand, reprimand, dismissal (Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Art. 194 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, disciplinary sanctions imposed on an employee in the form of a remark or reprimand can be removed. This procedure can be carried out in two scenarios:

  • automatically, that is, after a year has passed from the date of application of the punishment, if the employee has not committed any more violations.
  • ahead of schedule, that is, before the expiration of a year from the date of application.

With automatic withdrawal, no personnel documents need to be drawn up. In case of pre-term, you will need to draw up a sample order to lift the disciplinary sanction.

An ordering document can be issued at the initiative of the employer, at the request of the employee, at the request of the immediate supervisor or at the request of the representative body of workers.

Contents of an order for early lifting of a disciplinary sanction

A sample order to lift a disciplinary penalty in the form of a comment is drawn up arbitrarily, since it does not have a unified form. As a rule, the document contains the following data:

  • date and number;
  • Name, position, structural subdivision, employee's personnel number;
  • type of punishment (remark, reprimand);
  • the number and date of the order to impose a disciplinary sanction;
  • the motive for the removal of the punishment (for example: conscientious performance of labor duties, compliance with the rules of the internal labor schedule, etc.);
  • basis for withdrawal (application, petition).

An order to lift a disciplinary sanction in the form of a remark or a reprimand acquires legal force after being signed by the head of the organization. The employee must familiarize himself with the document and put his signature on it.

After the issuance of an order to lift the disciplinary penalty ahead of schedule, the employee needs to pay all bonuses and other payments, if in local regulations the organization stipulates that these payments in the presence of outstanding disciplinary sanctions are not made.

This pattern is often used with:


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