Robert Kaden: Guerrilla Marketing Research. Guerrilla marketing research

What is this book about

Jay Levinson's theory of guerrilla marketing, created back in 1984, has found its continuation in a new form, in marketing research.

Research is a useful tool for future planning and assessment current activities companies of any size. They are expensive, or rather, very expensive. But if you can't afford the expensive pros, don't despair. Thanks to this book, you will understand all the intricacies of primary marketing research and can get very useful results on your own.

Who is this book for

For those who are just starting their way in business and marketing, and those who have long mastered the intricacies and need new ideas.

Why we decided to publish this book

Another useful book on marketing is a good contribution to our readers' business. After all, effective tools are needed and available to companies of any level!

Trick book

Jay Levinson's Proven Theory + Bob Kaden's Proven Knowledge \u003d Less money + More information.

Lack of knowledge about marketing research can do great harm to any company, lead to reduced sales and lost opportunities.

The book you hold in your hand contains details not only about the troubles that await you if you cannot do the appropriate research. You will also learn about the joy that can be experienced by looking through the profit and loss statements if you appreciate this knowledge.

Guerrilla marketing attack is a ten-step process leading from ignorance and passivity to action and profitability. What do you think is the first step of the strategy? If you answer: "Marketing research", then you understand what is driving force attacks. Marketing without research is like a groping journey through the United States of America. You will be very lucky if you do not fall blindly into the Grand Canyon.

Who thinks research is boring? In the pages of this book, research is presented as exciting and engaging as the science of space travel.

Robert KadenIs a marketing specialist with over thirty years of experience. Before you organize own company, engaged in marketing research, worked in the largest firms in Chicago.

Everything is stated in an accessible simple language. Easy to read in one evening. The book perfectly systematized the existing knowledge on marketing research. For beginner marketing analysts, it is a must, the rules for drawing up questionnaires are very well laid out. Helped when giving lectures to college students, as textbooks with mathematics are too complicated for them, and there is usually little practical material in them.

The book gave me an understanding of what is marketing research and how they can be done on their own. Before reading this book, I had no understanding of marketing research. The book describes marketing research based on primary information.

Valery 0

The overall impression of the book is positive. Why did I buy this book? There was a need to refresh your knowledge. At the institute, I was not impressed by the course on marketing research, everything was somehow "academic" and boring. On the contrary, the book is quite lively and practical. Contains a large number of tips for conducting focus groups and writing questionnaires. For a novice "researcher" there are plenty of ideas and advice on the correct "acquisition" of primary information. The only drawback is that little time is devoted to statistical methods of information processing. In general, I liked the book, even though I mostly work with secondary information.

What is this book about

Who is this book for

Trick book
Jay Levinson's Proven Theory + Bob Kaden's Proven Knowledge \u003d ...

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What is this book about
Jay Levinson's theory of guerrilla marketing, created back in 1984, has found its continuation in a new form, in marketing research.
Research is a useful tool for planning the future and evaluating the current performance of a company of any size. They are expensive, or rather, very expensive. But if you can't afford the expensive pros, don't despair. Thanks to this book, you will understand all the intricacies of primary marketing research and can get very useful results on your own.
Who is this book for
For those who are just starting their way in business and marketing, and those who have long mastered the intricacies and need new ideas.
Why we decided to publish this book
Another useful book on marketing is a good contribution to our readers' business. After all, effective tools are needed and available to companies of any level!
Trick book
Jay Levinson's Proven Theory + Bob Kaden's Proven Knowledge \u003d Less Money + More Information.
From the author
Lack of knowledge about marketing research can do great harm to any company, lead to reduced sales and lost opportunities.
The book you hold in your hand contains details not only about the troubles that await you if you cannot do the appropriate research. You will also learn about the joy that can be experienced by looking through the profit and loss statements if you appreciate this knowledge.
Guerrilla marketing attack is a ten-step process leading from ignorance and passivity to action and profitability. What do you think is the first step of the strategy? If your answer is “Marketing Research,” then you understand what the driving force of the attack is. Marketing without research is like a groping journey through the United States of America. You will be very lucky if you do not fall blindly into the Grand Canyon.
Who thinks research is boring? In the pages of this book, research is presented as exciting and engaging as the science of space travel.


There is an opinion that only large companies can afford to conduct market research to expand and strengthen their market share. For small firms, however, such surveys will cost a pretty penny, they are too complicated or simply will not give new answers. book author Robert J. Kaden believes that in fact, small business leaders and private entrepreneurs are hindered only by their own stubbornness. The American expert argues that even small firms can conduct such research, spending only a tiny fraction of the budget spent by the giants.

“Instead of using the services of expensive marketing research specialists, guerrilla methods involve the use of their time and energy and limited financial resources to obtain the same - or even better - results that can provide a greater increase in profits ", - the specialist writes. A kind of "do it yourself" in the field of marketing, simply put.

Robert Caden is very scrupulous, like in a school textbook, examines each stage - from setting the correct goals, formulating questions to analyzing and using the results. Each chapter is divided into short sections, in which all the nuances of the research are explained step by step and in detail, up to how to read the non-verbal language of focus group participants and thank respondents for their cooperation.

Personally, I was particularly interested in the section on focus groups (Chapter 9) - how to create, structure, and get the most out of the participants. By the way, this chapter will be useful not only for moderators, but also for coaches conducting trainings for staff. In particular, there are recommendations for solving a number of problems that may arise during group discussions, for developing a script and following it during a discussion, as well as for how to prepare, “warm up” the participants and keep them “in line”. Chapter 10 is also interesting, which lists the basic rules for brainstorming and explains how not to turn them into a useless talking room.

The book is written in simple language and is abundantly supplied with examples from the author's practice. And Kaden clearly knows his business. Having started his career back in the 1970s as an employee of research departments advertising agencies, he conducted marketing research for companies in the field retail, banks and credit organizations, healthcare institutions, education and so on. His entire life and career has been spent in Chicago.

Actually, it is precisely this circumstance that explains why the book is so ... american... If your business is based in the United States, this tutorial will really provide you with useful knowledge on how to conduct custom market research in a professional manner or use the results to promote your business and create new opportunities. However, a significant disadvantage of this work is that it is poorly adapted to the realities of other countries. For example, phrases “It is very easy to work with organizations that provide focus group services (...) It is worth opening a telephone directory, choosing and calling the most convenient from your point of view or having highest rating local organizations " - make our man smile. And the advice to get back 10% of the contingency expenses from the research service provider is just homeric laughter. Chapters 5 and 6 (on the cost of marketing research and attracting specialists) can be read only for overall development - to know how it's done there and how much it costs.

And, despite the fact that in the title and preamble to the book, training in guerrilla marketing research is declared (that is, free research of secondary information from libraries or the Internet, as well as by studying marketing activities its competitors), there are vanishingly few “partisan” techniques in it. This is mainly about professional research. And the author himself, promising the reader to teach him to conduct research on his own, gently, but persistently leads to the idea that they should be ordered from professionals. However, after reading the book "Guerrilla Marketing Research", you will at least know what and why you need and will be able to speak with experts in the same language.


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