Job search tactics. Organization of job search includes not only determining the places where. Okay, we've talked about the mistakes that applicants make. Let's say a few tips, a few life hacks that can make life easier when looking for a

"Employment and Unemployment" - Forms wages... Unemployment. Causes of unemployment. Wage. Forms of unemployment. The sphere of demand generation. Labor market. Human capital. The consequences of unemployment. Factors. Human activities. Types of unemployment. Living wage. Negative underutilization of economic potential.

"Types of unemployment" - Statistics. Unemployment among foreigners. For a long time. Voluntary unemployment. The presence of hidden quantitative unemployment. Latent forms of unemployment. National concepts accounting for unemployment. Present time. Low odds. Frictional unemployment. Specificity of Russian unemployment. Socio-economic phenomenon.

"Forms and consequences of unemployment" - The role of the state in providing employment. Types of unemployment. Looking for a job. Types and forms of unemployment. Population of the country. The consequences of unemployment. Situation in the economy. Acquaintance of students with the phenomenon of unemployment. Satellite market economy... Unemployment. Forced character. Good. Causes of unemployment. Command economy.

"Essence and types of unemployment" - Scheme of the labor market. Macroeconomics. Accelerating inflation. Actual and natural unemployment rate. Total number work force. Busy. Frictional unemployment rate. Natural growth factors. Reverse formula. Unemployed. Okun's Law. Work force. Population structure. Potential GDP.

“Labor market and unemployment” - Place in the labor market. Inflation. Unemployment. Natural unemployment rate. A report from the creative group on professions in demand and unclaimed. Blitz survey. Work. Employment of young people. Unemployment rate. The man has lost his job. What is a resume. Judgments about the unemployed. Professional education.

"Inflation and unemployment" - Phillips curve. The "rule of magnitude 70". Who can be recognized as unemployed under Russian law? Government regulation prices. Inflation reasons. Inflation. Topic 3. Disturbances in macroeconomic equilibrium: inflation and unemployment. Social consequences. Types of open inflation. Types of inflation.

There are 14 presentations in total

The education and professional experience of the applicant are of fundamental importance for obtaining a prestigious and highly paid job. However, all other things being equal, a person who has competently built a job search strategy will select a suitable vacancy faster and with less cost. Obviously, it will be different depending on the education, specialty, specialization, qualifications of the applicant.

Common ways to find a job include: 1. Search through friends and relatives.

2. Search through job advertisements in newspapers.

3. Placement of your mini-resume in specialized periodicals.

5. Search through the Internet.

6. Direct proactive appeal to a potential employer.

7. Search through recruiting agencies.

8. Search through government employment centers and their job fairs.

9. Search through the structures of universities, dealing with the employment of students and graduates and their job fairs. Search through acquaintances

The method is especially good for those who have a wide network of professional and personal contacts. The main thing here is to provide your resume to those who agreed to help you. Your acquaintances will have specific information to promote your candidacy to a potential employer. Search through newspaper ads

To find suitable job, buy newspapers with job advertisements, carefully choose more or less suitable vacancies (do not be alarmed that the ad contains work experience of 3 years and more and an age range of 28-30 years, because it will be enough for an employer to find experienced young specialists difficult) and send your resume. Today practically all newspapers in the region publish information about vacant jobs. There are also specialized editions, for example, the newspaper "Work for You", the weekly "Vacancy". Placement of resume in periodicals

This method of job search is used quite actively. Of course, you should not post your resume in any newspaper or magazine, but in a specialized source of information. It is possible to post your resume on the websites of recruiting agencies. Moreover, unlike the first option, there is no fee for posting a resume on the agency's website and a minimum of time is spent.

However, after posting your resume in a newspaper or on a website, there is no need to stop there. Today, the number of people looking for work is so great that personnel officers, often, simply do not have time to look through all resumes. Internet search

There are a number of common job sites and mini-resumes on the Internet. Recently, more and more specialists find themselves jobs through the Internet. In addition, today many organizations have their own web servers, on which they post information about vacant jobs, as well as an e-mail address to receive a specialist's resume. Some organizations provide an opportunity for applicants to fill out an electronic form. The information contained in the questionnaire is automatically distributed in the organization's electronic database. Corporate sites may be of interest to job seekers interested in getting a job in a particular firm or a number of firms. There are Internet resources dedicated directly to young professionals. This resource covers a range of issues in the field of employment and professional growth that arise among students and graduates. On the sites you can find:

News and events in the field of professional growth and job search;

Programs for graduates, vacancies, internships in Russia and abroad;

Information about employing companies focused on attracting young professionals;

Legal aspects of work and job search;

Articles, research and other analytical materials on Graduate Recruitment. Direct proactive appeal to a potential employer As a rule, CVs are sent to the addresses of companies whose vacancies have been pre-selected. However, you can go the other way. If you want to find a job in a specific specialty in a specific company - send your resume to the addressee. Even if you don't get a job right away, there is a high probability that you will be picked up and invited for an interview when you open a suitable vacancy. The rotation of personnel is inevitable. The only question is the waiting time.

Such tactics can be used by young specialists who have no work experience, but who expect to get a job in a reputable company. The only problem is that according to statistics, for a hundred resumes sent out in this way, 2 - 3 answers come. Thus, if you have chosen the tactics of direct mailing, then there should be a lot of enterprises - addressees. However, don't apply for multiple jobs at the same time. Your resume should be directed to one vacancy. Otherwise, the employer may doubt your professionalism.

Search through government employment centers and their job fairs

There are always a lot of vacancies here. However, in most cases these are blue-collar jobs or vacancies with low wages... For a young specialist, a more productive way to find a job is through job fairs held directly at the university . Search through recruiting agencies

Sending a resume to agencies, you should understand that job search is a probabilistic process. It is necessary that there was a vacancy for which you were qualified. Recruitment agencies most often receive applications from prestigious organizations. This explains the high level of requirements for the applicant. The agency, after studying the employer's requirements, searches and selects candidates, where three most suitable applicants with work experience are recommended for the first proposal.

As practice shows, only really qualified and experienced workers have a real chance to find a job through recruiting agencies. The rest, including young professionals, are usually included in the agency's database.

Credit Broker INTERFINANCE ( invites agents for the sale of banking products in Moscow and the Moscow region. Details on the website


Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

The purpose of your job search is, first of all, to find work conditions that would satisfy your expectations. In order for this to take place, it is necessary, as accurately as possible, to determine those components of the working conditions, its main and secondary parts, the achievement of which, in your understanding, is such a goal of the job search process. Therefore, only when the goal is formulated, you can start its practical implementation. In this regard, the question should be asked - "why"? To which to give a reasoned answer. Why do I need it? !! To maintain life - this is understandable, but then why? For food, for freedom, for communication, for influence and power, for what ?! By answering this question, you will be able to more clearly imagine where you should start in your job search, those priorities that are the main and decisive ones for you when choosing a new job in the organization.

As a result, taking into account your life and professional experience, reflections on this matter will detail your interest in working conditions, building it into a specific system of your views. From which it will further be clear what your priority is - the level of salary, the position of the organization in the market, the position held or the work performed, the relationship in the team or the relationship with the immediate manager, the presence or absence of creativity in work, or other similar options.

When looking for a job, it is advisable to conduct an assessment of the life situation, which will allow you to more clearly define your requirements for working conditions, the abbreviated version of which boils down to answering the following questions:

Do I have an idea about the desired job or not;

Why is this my job, and not someone else's, explain to yourself;

Why do I need it, to achieve what goals;

What can I get from such work, what I will succeed in, what it will help me in;

Is it worth spending so much time looking for it;

Is it realistic to get such a job in this particular organization or not;

Is it worth it to suffer so much about this or is it better to go to work there that the first of the proposals will turn up at hand;

Where to start in looking for a job if it became clear what I needed in such a job.

You should start with drawing up a real - Job search plan, which should be simultaneously edited for the tactics of job search. Because in what capacity you are: you work and want to move to a better position in the same organization; are working and want to go to the best place work in another organization; you work outside the regular staff of the organization and want to move to its state; unemployed and with significant continuous work experience; in what specialty do you want to get a job, in a new one or in an old, well-known one; whether it is done or not. It is important to take into account these factors, as well as those that actually take place, in order to clear the Job Search Plan from real waste of time, stress and conflicts, to bring it closer to those options that can actually take place.

7.1. Job search tactics

The manager is a hired manager, the boss!

If you have no subordinates, you are not a manager,

but a maximum of a specialist!

(Denis Shevchuk) (

Job search tactics are the nature of your actions in solving this issue taking into account the influence of various circumstances:

If you have been out of work for a long time (more than six months), then it is more likely that the tactics of finding a job should be set so that the main goal will be to get a job in general and with good wages in particular. At the same time, you should not be scrupulous about your qualifications, work experience and others professional qualities, which may not be taken into account when determining your salary level or position. On the contrary, being unemployed, one should constantly remember the axiom where the factor of time determines everything and everyone, and not our desires and moods. It is he who, just: destroys the continuity of experience and calls into question professional competence... Therefore, the tactics of finding a job should proceed from the real state of your affairs. Therefore, in the beginning - employment as such, and after adaptation to a new workplace, it will be possible to substantively understand your prospects in this organization.

If you work in one organization and want to move to work in another organization. Of course, here you should show maximum attention to your prospects. The basic rule is "to move from organization to organization, you should prepare in advance, and not at the last moment, when it comes down to it." In this regard, it is advisable not so much to independently analyze information on the labor market, but to choose a certain recruiting agency (and more than one) for yourself, that is, an organization that will professionally begin to address this issue. Thus, staging this work will allow you to: cover a wide range of proposals from employers, navigate the working conditions in various organizations in your specialty and compare market offers with your. This approach will optimize your search options and achieve clear or positive results.

If you have not worked until now and decided to get a job. First, you need to clarify your position: it is one thing if you have just graduated educational institution; it's another matter if you immediately found yourself in maternity leave and it didn't work out; third, if life did not work out in a timely manner, and the present situation forces this; fourth, if you become or become disabled. Naturally, these options can "intertwine". To understand your prospects here, you should start by carefully reviewing all your official documents: about education, about refresher courses, various certificates, and so on. At the same time, in one direction, you should postpone what in your opinion (and for this, check the labor market information) is still relevant, and in the other direction, what in your opinion is outdated or you are no longer interested. If at least one official document falls under the relevance, then do not mope, and act through a recruiting agency, as well as on your own. If there is a failure with the current documents, then focus on self-employment and take on any job, even not in your specialty. Because, in market conditions, one should first decide on the financial situation, and then only think about resolving the situation in principle. Therefore, especially for students is topical receipt work experience in the specialty during the period of internship, which should be properly documented in accordance with applicable law. Having even a little practical experience (of several months) will fundamentally distinguish you from your colleagues in study or a similar position, which will increase your chances of finding work conditions that are acceptable to you.

If you want to improve your official position in the same organization, that is, to advance in position, first of all, you should strengthen the rear and relations with colleagues and direct supervisors (managers) of divisions (departments, workshops) of the organization. At the same time, also initially, it is advisable to clarify for yourself what is more acceptable for you - the position of a manager (manager) or a leading specialist, possibly with an equivalent salary, but also with a greater production load. If you decide to take on a higher position, worry in advance about your successor, who will definitely consult with you, and become your own in advance for managers of a similar level of management in the organization so that they do not expect any unpredictable surprises from you. If you nevertheless decided to stay in your previous position, then try to make sure that as many of the organization's personnel as possible find out about this and, as compensation, achieve the maximum official salary and other incentive payments. This will be positively received by your colleagues and colleagues, which will seriously increase your business reputation.

The plan for finding a job in an organization can be represented as specific stages or stages of search work:

Indicate the beginning of the search, where to formulate the main tasks to achieve the goal.

To start the search, taking into account the peculiarities of the action of various factors of the labor market.

Provide options and schemes for job search, including - features of searching through the Internet, as well as independently, through an order or in combination.

Decide how to maintain personal safety while searching.

Determine control over the work carried out and an operational assessment of its results.

7.2. Start your job search

It is noticed that many people do not know the basic rules of the Russian language, for example:

1. The number of quotes should always be even, like parentheses in mathematics.

Nearby quotes can be of two types - "..." and "..." (paws and herringbones).

Correct: "words" words "or" words "words" "

Incorrect: "words" and "words"

These errors are found even in the names of large companies and in some articles and books.

2. If there is information in brackets at the end of a sentence, a full stop is placed after the brackets, not before the brackets, and inside before the closing bracket.

That's right: words (words).

Wrong: words. (the words.)

The start of your job search is associated, first of all, with the definition of the main priorities among the conditions of employment, to achieve which, as to specific tasks, your actions will be focused. Before formulating such priorities, all your requirements for conditions future work it is better to present in the form of several groups of indicators, which will allow a systematic and practical approach to solving this life problem.

Credit Broker INTERFINANCE ( invites agents for the sale of banking products in Moscow and the Moscow Region. Details on the website

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Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

Deputy general director, Vice President of INTERFINANCE Credit Broker


The following options may take place:

Remuneration: the level of wages on which it depends; social package and its contents; size, regularity and reason for awarding; conditions of the procedure for deductions and penalties, how often they are practiced and for what; whether overtime is paid or is it at the discretion of the organization's administration.

The nature of the work: what kind of work is to be done, complex or monotonous, creative or only performing; what constitutes the workload, whether it corresponds to the level of wages and the requirements for such qualifications.

Position of the organization: what is the regional and sectoral position of the organization in the market, who are the organization's business partners and main customers; the organization's share in the sale of its products or services on the market; the growth rate of its profit (for the quarter and year); staff turnover rate; business reputation and image of the organization.

Relations with personnel: relationships with colleagues, subordinates and the management of the organization, the nature of such relationships from the formal and informal side; what are the relationships among the personnel of this organization as a whole, their priorities and business philosophy, corporate culture; is there job promotionwhat is the order and time of its execution; whether you have to take into account someone's habits or kinks.

Service: the location of the organization, how to get to it and how long it will take; what time the beginning and end of work, are there any breaks in work; is there any unscheduled work and unregulated time; are there any business trips and what is the order of their execution.

7.3. Organization of job search

Organization of job search includes not only determining the places where you can find an acceptable job option, but also the methods and ways with which you can carry out this process, choosing acceptable options, considering them from different angles, taking into account the time factor. This will allow you to systematize your actions in this direction, take into account the requirements and desires in accordance with priorities and determine a chain of successive events.

For example: salary level, nature of work, service, relationships. Or else: the nature of the job, the level of wages, relationships and service. Or else: the position of the organization, the level of wages, attitude and service, the nature of the work.

Thus, depending on the variant of priorities, a proper job search is organized. At the same time, it is important to use the necessary techniques and methods to bring the search to a successful result.

7.4. Job search forms

There are active and passive forms of job search. The active form involves the direct participation of the customer in finding a job for himself through independent consideration of various options, through the coordination of such a search between employment centers based on the terms of his order, through determining the order of viewing possible options and comparing them. The passive form assumes making a final decision, based on the data of any employment center, where the order was sent with the terms of job search. Here, active work one of the employment centers is directly involved, and the customer only makes the final decision and does not participate in the direct search. Targeted job search involves options that are determined by the customer in specific areas in the industry or region, by specialty or by official position... An arbitrary job search involves unsystematic work, from time to time, with breaks and again with a short search, which is not clearly planned and not regular.

7.5. Job search options:

Independent, when a job search is carried out directly by you, independently, based on information from the media, including the Internet, from relatives or friends, as well as as a result of a coincidence.

Custom, when a job search is carried out by any employment center on commercial basis by a specific customer conditions.

Combined, when the search for a job is carried out in parallel in two directions, both independently and on the basis of an order with the involvement of any employment center. This approach significantly speeds up the solution of this issue and allows you to choose the most acceptable option through comparison.

7.6. Working conditions

Working conditions serve as an object special attention, both on the part of the employer and on the part of the employed (candidate for a job). Between these parties there is a business discussion of the future working conditions, which they are trying to build in a certain sequence, than to confirm their priority or significant positions for themselves. Here, often there are: the level of wages for an established position, the complexity of the work performed, the level of qualification of a specialist for performing a specific job, the level of established (direct) and necessary additional remuneration, actual work time, relationships in the team and between subordinates and their immediate supervisors, quality and the management style of management in the organization. The combination of such priorities allows us to speak about the individual views of any specialist or manager. In the process of discussing working conditions, priorities often change places, which reflects a certain compromise between the employer and the candidate for the job. It is good when such working conditions are based on argumentation, which allows them to be presented as a kind of value system for both the employer and the candidate for a job. The presence of such a system of values \u200b\u200bmeans, first of all, a conscious nature of decision-making, and not a tribute to fashion, imitation or the like, which characterizes the business independence of a candidate for work, his confidence and professional experience in his actions.

Anyone who dreams of high-quality employment (search for an ideal position according to the priority criteria for themselves) or a change of place of work and actively acts in this direction, it is important to decide on the most effective way realization of such a goal. The methods themselves are few, they are traditional and known to everyone. So.

  1. Protection, that is, the involvement of friends and relatives in the process of their own employment. This is informing them of their intentions and asking for assistance or, at least, a hint that the place is vacated, the company is expanding, etc.

On the one hand, the method is quite effective and allows access to “closed” vacancies and offers, i.e. those that are not communicated by employers either to employment centers, or to recruitment agencies, or relevant directories.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of nuances in this approach, which makes it insufficiently effective for most situations. This is the inability to control the course of events, fuzzy time parameters, protection can play against the applicant (not all employers are impressed by such tactics of searching, recruiting and checking personnel), etc. In other words, the method has the character of “being in the right place and the right time". And if high-quality, good, promising work interests the applicant in the near future, then it will be more effective to use the method of "patronage" in combination with other tactics of employment.

2. Contacting a specialized agency is one of the most popular and common tactics.

There are a lot of advantages that make this method quite effective. It is an opportunity to set clear criteria, goals and time frames. Further, the help of recruiting companies is not limited to processing and analyzing open databases with proposals from employers. This is also assistance in the aspect of writing a resume, preparing for an interview, determining your optimal specialization, etc. You can also count on offers from the so-called “closed” bases, which are often at the disposal of personnel companies, as a result of their direct cooperation with a number of employers.

There are also nuances. So, it is very important to find a truly professional, reliable, correct profile company. And also "his" specialist in it, who will clearly understand and feel the priorities of the candidate, his goals and abilities.

3. Independent search. He, perhaps, can be called really the most productive. The reason for this is the strict control of all stages, as well as those modern opportunities that are at the disposal of the applicant, from specialized portals to the ability to track vacancies on the representative websites of firms.

To make your choice, you must take into account the qualities that you possess today and understand what type of staff you belong to. Correct definition your type will allow you to get serious competitive advantage in the labor market, because with such an installation you have every chance of becoming the best in your field.

Practical advice

The first and most important step to a successful career is right choice your path, the professional field where you will realize your potential.

If you are attracted by some other role - for example, you want to work in an area where the corporate people are most successful - then first of all assess what you will need to do to acquire not only external attributes, but also the internal essence of the corporate person ". If you are already in a situation of a certain choice and have started your professional path, then you also need to understand what type of people in your chosen profession are the most successful. Then you need to evaluate yourself, understand what type of employee you belong to, and based on this develop and build your career.

In business, only rare people, depending on the situation and the goals set, are able to move from one type to another. They are the most successful employees of the company and most often become leaders.

The effectiveness of your job search depends on your activity. It is important on which path you will lead your search.

Job search paths:

1. Addressing friends and relatives.

2. Continuous telephone calls to firms.

3. Reading special editions.

4. Contacting recruiting agencies and employment services.

(Employment agencies should be distinguished from recruiting agencies (recruiting agencies).

Employment agencies apply for jobs. Recruiting agencies are looking for workers by order of firms - employers.

5. "Gspodin's case."

Organizations, institutions, companies, firms increasingly prefer open competitive selection other ways of finding an employee, including hiring on the recommendation of friends or relatives. Many conduct long interviews and psychological testing with applicants.

The most effective way to find a job can be considered to use the opportunities of your parents, their acquaintances, as well as the parents and acquaintances of your friends and classmates. Try to inform everyone who can really help you about your plans and intentions.

Give up the idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping your plans secret from your parents. Consultations during employment with older family members are essential. Firstly, when applying for a job in some organizations, the written permission of the parents is required, and secondly, at the first stage you may need certain financial investments. For example, payment for services recruiting agency to assist in finding a job.

Finding a job in our time is not easy even for highly qualified specialists.

Dealing with the problems of your own employment, you will understand how it is customary to communicate and behave in a business environment, get acquainted with the offices and principles of work of various organizations, learn to comply with the agreements reached, as well as to be punctual and organized. If you have the habit of being late or not coming at all, if you think that others should delve into your problems, the employment process will quickly relieve illusions and force you to seriously engage in self-education.

In the business world, such tricks do not work on the first try, since no one will teach if you don’t know how, and force, if you don’t want, too. One, two delays, solving personal problems at the expense of working time - and the proposal follows to leave forever. Many reputable companies do this in relation to their employees without discounts on age, professional and life experience. So your employment, regardless of its results, will teach you to independently solve your problems.

3. Self-marketing.

To reach potential employers, you need

competently and effectively conduct self-marketing (promotion).

Goal setting.

Types of goals when looking for a job.


2. Financial.

3. Social.

(Napoleon Hill's method according to the book "Think and Grow Rich").

One and the same person can receive different offers from employers - on the position, on the content and working conditions, on his payment.

How to assess yourself correctly without understating or overstating your price?

To find out the correct "product price", start selling it.

"I am the Product", "I am the Seller".

The main stages of self-marketing:

Define goals in your job search;

Intensively carry out work to bring information about yourself to potential employers;

Competently write a resume;

During telephone and personal contact with a potential employer, try to present yourself favorably as a future employee;

Competently negotiate and bargain on favorable terms of work;

Going to work, do everything necessary to gain a foothold and be a good specialist.

4. Preparation of a resume.

Most business letters Is a request or a statement.

The SUMMARY that you send to employers is also a kind of request.

Personal resume is yours business cardcontaining information about your professional merits, qualifications and work biography.

This is an essay on the topic "I am the best candidate for a lice vacancy."

The purpose of the resume.

The purpose of the resume is to interest the employer and get an invitation for a personal interview.

Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the information is comprehensive. There is no single standard for writing a resume.

Employers prefer to see a short, one-page resume, structured chronologically.

In order to present in a favorable light the professional merits, involvement in work that may interest the employer.

Do not forget - the role of a resume is quite large: you will not have a "second chance to make a first impression" on the employer!

Your resume should stand out in the general flow of information. If you are talking with the employer personally, then your resume will help him quickly find out what kind of specialist is in front of him.

Rules for writing a resume.

Exist different ways resume writing. But in any case, the rules must be followed:

For a vacancy and every time a new one;

Brevity (this is not an autobiography or an extract of them work book)

Accuracy and literacy;

Achievement orientation;

Information is supplied in blocks,

The goal is clearly defined;

You can't lie.

Resume style.

On average, it takes no more than one minute to read a resume, so it is very important to immediately attract the employer's attention, interest him and encourage him to schedule an interview for you.

It is a summary of the most important facts about your background for a potential employer, mainly related to your work experience, skills and knowledge.


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