Turnout number management. Total number of staff. Headcount management

"Personnel officer. Personnel management", 2007, N 10

51.3% of managers out of 200 respondents refer to the problems of functioning of organizational structures of enterprise management as an irrational number of administrative and managerial personnel. For this purpose, it seems necessary to determine the optimal number of administrative and managerial workers and their rational distribution among structural divisions.

Restructuring an enterprise is a complex process in which, in order to achieve the set goals, a change in the organizational structure of the enterprise is required. The object of organizational restructuring of the enterprise is organizational structure enterprise management, representing one of the elements internal environment the functioning of a construction enterprise and is the mechanism by which a coordinated and coordinated activity of all employees and structural units is achieved in the direction of achieving the set goals and implementing the chosen strategy. The organizational structure has a significant impact on the possibility of making changes in key areas of activity for a construction company, acting as a factor that stimulates or hinders the achievement of goals.

In this regard, in the context of the transition to a market economy, the role of restructuring as an important reserve for improving the main indicators of construction production increases.

To identify the problems of the functioning of enterprises of the construction complex of the Penza region and the development of organizational management structures, a questionnaire survey of 200 respondents was conducted construction organizations - these are mainly top managers and middle managers holding the positions of director, deputy director, head of department, chief engineer, chief accountant, head of section, foreman, specialist and others. As far as possible, the questionnaire was supplemented by interviews, which made it possible to obtain more complete answers to the questionnaire questions and to increase the reliability of their assessment. The first block of the developed questionnaire included questions on the status, type of enterprise and organizational structure of management. The second contained questions about the position of the respondent in the structure of the organization and his interaction with subordinates. The next block reflected the issues of assessing the labor intensity of management and the use of managers' working time. The final block is the personal information of the respondents.

The distribution of the organizations that participated in the survey by status and type is as follows (Table 1).

Table 1

Distribution of organizations that participated in the survey,

by status and type

The distribution of interviewed respondents by managerial positions is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Distribution of executives interviewed

by position

As a result of the questionnaire survey, a positive fact was revealed that 56.3% of the interviewed executives clearly imagine the general organizational structure of their organization's management, information about which they receive from the documents distributed in the organization. According to 45% of respondents, the main document governing the construction of the organizational structure of management is the charter, although ideally this is not entirely true.

When assessing the existing organizational structure at enterprises, 37.5% of the respondents found that their structure cannot be called optimal, since it is not effective enough in the real market conditions. The respondents note that the possibilities for its restructuring at the moment are quite real and justified (55% of the respondents). It should be noted that in 60 cases out of a hundred during the operation of enterprises, changes in the organizational structure were carried out in the direction of its complication. 37% of the respondents noted that these changes did not lead to an increase in the results of the enterprise and were not efficient enough, since they were carried out on their own, i.e. no external management consultants were involved.

The main problem of the ineffective functioning of the organizational structure, 51.3% of managers refer to the irrational number of administrative and managerial personnel due to the lack of personnel of the required qualifications and the lack of specialists of the required profile with a sufficient level of knowledge. Most of the respondents agreed that along with the increase in the number of administrative and managerial personnel, the costs of its maintenance increase, the quality of work performed deteriorates, and labor productivity decreases. An unjustified increase in the staff of managers with an insufficient number of workers indicates a rather unstable managerial staff, staff turnover, which is a consequence of an insufficiently high level of labor motivation, causes an irrational organization of labor, leads to an incorrect distribution and centralization of managerial functions, increases the level of links and multistage management structure.

Personnel Management Dictionary. Administrative and managerial personnel - employees of the management apparatus, employees included in the administration of a firm, enterprise, organization, office workers, directorate of enterprises and institutions.

A necessary condition for the creation of an economical management apparatus is the establishment of the optimal number of administrative and managerial personnel and their rational distribution among structural units performing certain management functions based on the regulation of administrative and managerial labor, which will avoid both an unreasonable increase and an arbitrary reduction in the management apparatus, improve the use of working hours and reduce management costs.

The most developed method of rationing administrative and managerial labor is the method of consolidated standards that establish the dependence of labor costs not on direct factors (the volume of processed information, the level of organization and mechanization of labor), but on indirect factors that are correlated with direct ones, but are more stable. and easier to account for. As such factors are taken, as a rule, the technical and economic indicators of the organization.

To determine the factors affecting the number of administrative and managerial personnel, the method of expert estimates was applied.

As experts, 18 managers were involved. Among them: directors, heads of departments and services of construction enterprises, chief accountants and others management workers... The experts were presented with 13 factors listed in Table 3, which affect the number of AUP for 10 names of control subsystems.

Table 3

List of factors determining the number

administrative and management personnel by subsystem



Annual volume of work performed by our own

Annual volume of work performed by subcontractors

Annual number of facilities under construction

Number of employees in construction

The number of workers in construction

Number of customers

The cost of the active part of the main
production assets

Number of functional and production

Number of control levels

Average headcount

Number of jobs in main production

Average headcount of management

In determining the factors, we proceeded from the following basic provisions: it is advisable to use factors whose numerical value is formalized; it is recommended to use factors that reflect the specifics of the control subsystem; when choosing factors, it is advisable to take as the main those of them, the numerical value of which can be accurately determined from the accounting documentation.

Based on data on the actual number of employees by management functions H and the numerical values \u200b\u200bof factors in basic organizations, the following dependences of the number of management personnel by management subsystems on influencing factors were obtained by the method of regression analysis:

1. General (administrative) management:

H \u003d 6.023 + 0.011x - 0.0012x,

x - annual volume of work performed by subcontractors


2. Planning of production and economic activities:

H \u003d 1.45 + 0.0004x + 0.065x,

where x is the annual volume of work performed on our own;

3. Organization of labor and wages:

H \u003d 3.147 + 0.059x + 0.00001x,

where x is the annual number of facilities under construction;

4. Technical preparation of construction production:

H \u003d 2.668 + 0.022x - 0.005x,

where x is the annual volume of work performed on our own;

x - the annual number of facilities under construction.

5. Occupational health and safety:

H \u003d - 3.415 + 0.279x + 0.045x,

where x is the number of people employed in construction;

x - average headcount staff.

6. Recruitment and training of personnel:

H \u003d - 0.747 + 0.166x + 0.246x,


7. Material and technical supply management:

H \u003d 2.85 + 0.015x + 0.014x,

where x is the annual volume of work performed on our own;

x - the annual number of facilities under construction.

8. Mechanization of construction and installation works and management of energy services:

H \u003d 8.169 - 0.047x + 0.042x,


where x is the number of customers;

x - the cost of the active part of the main production

9. Housekeeping and general office work:

H \u003d - 10.239 + 0.654x + 2.97x,

where x is the number of functional and production


x is the number of control levels.

10. Accounting and financial activities:

H \u003d - 0.104 + 0.21x + 0.016x,

where x is the number of functional and production


x is the average headcount.

The total number of administrative and managerial personnel can be obtained as the sum of the number of employees by management subsystems:

H \u003d H + H + H + H + H + H + H +

general Adm Plan OTiZP Tech OTiTB KiPK UMTS


Comparison of the normative and actual number of management personnel by management subsystems for a number of enterprises (Table 4) revealed significant deviations in these values. We regard this fact as proof of the need for a set of measures to restructure these enterprises.

Table 4

Results of calculating the rational number of employees

by control subsystems


The number of administrative and management personnel by management subsystems




Labour Organization
and salary

Occupational Safety and Health
and technique

and preparation

materially -

Mechanization of construction and installation work
and leadership

and general
office work

accounting and financial












construction "

LLC "Kedr"

LLC "Remstroy"


LLC "Kedr-2"

LLC "Standard"

N 2 "

Obviously, this process is not identical to a mechanical increase or decrease in the staff of organizations, but implies measures to improve management systems as a whole through the development and subsequent implementation of organizational projects.

The above equations can be used not only to determine the required number of administrative and managerial personnel. The analysis of the parameters of the equations makes it possible to reveal the influence of various reasons on the formation of the management apparatus and the change in its number, can be used to conduct an economic analysis of organizational structures.

This will ensure a rational organization of the work of the management apparatus, contributing to the development of optimal management decisions in terms of reliability, and will also contribute to the effective distribution of working time. Increasing labor productivity by improving communication processes and information exchange, improving qualifications, as well as improving the overall performance of the enterprise management structure will allow the existing scope of work to be carried out with a smaller number of employees, which will reduce the cost of labor resources of enterprises and the cost of construction products and services.


1. Ivanov Yu.V., Kolesnikova S.V., Kholodova L.N. Rationalization of the number of personnel of a state enterprise // Personnel management. 2007. N 4.P. 50 - 52.

2. Kibanov A.Ya., Mamed-Zade G.A., Rodkina T.A. Personnel Management. Labor regulation / Edited by D.E. D., Professor Kibanov A.Ya. - M .: Exam, 1999.

1 -1

There is nothing more useless than doing work efficiently that you don't need to do at all.
Peter F. Drucker

The article discusses the methodology for managing the number of office workers in regulated labor (accounting, HR workflow, clerks, etc.). The key difference between the proposed methodology is the absence of labor rationing.

Sometimes we have to do work that needs to be done, but we really don't want to. I think many will agree with me that one of these jobs is labor rationing. Rationing can be used for various purposes, but most often it can be used to manage the number of employees. Let me remind you how this is usually done using the example of the problem of excavators.

One excavator digs a 1 meter long trench in one hour. How many diggers do you need to dig a 45 meter long trench every day if the digger's working day lasts 8 hours. The answer is 5.625. Right? Arithmetically - yes, but in fact - not a fact. First, different excavators can dig the trench at different speeds. Secondly, we do not know if 1 meter per hour is good or bad. Perhaps, if you teach a digger, he can dig at a speed of 1.5 meters per hour. Then you need only 3.75 digger. Or, conversely, 1 meter per hour is too fast, so the trench turns out to be bad and you need to dig more slowly. Thus, the main thing is to correctly determine the standards. But this is precisely the main problem.

Typically, the definition of standards is carried out using the Photographing of the Working Day (FRD). The normalizer (HR manager), armed with a stopwatch and a piece of paper, sits down next to the employee and records all the actions he performs, while simultaneously measuring their duration. Then the measurement results are entered into a computer, for example, in MS Excel, and statistically processed (most often they are simply averaged). Agree, the work is not difficult, but psychologically not very pleasant. Therefore, by the way, many HR-managers try not to do it themselves, but invite consulting companies for this. (They can be understood, they can then work with these people) But the problem is not only that.

The first problem is the influence of observers on the measurement results. At the beginning of the 20th century, General Electric investigated the influence of room lighting on the productivity of workers (relay assemblers). As part of the research (called the Hawthorne Studies, Hawthorne Studies), the assembly time of the relay was measured under various lighting conditions. First, the illumination was increased; as expected, assembly time decreased. Then the illumination was reduced, expecting that the assembly time would increase, but this did not happen. As a result, it was found that there is a more significant factor than illumination. This is the presence of observers. This factor affects labor productivity much more than the room illumination. This influence is called the Hawthorne Effect.

The second problem is the laboriousness of obtaining reliable information. Mathematicians know that to get a reliable estimate, the sample size must be at least 50 points. A good sample is 500 points. In other words, if you need to get a statistically reliable estimate of the execution time of an operation, then it must be measured at least 50 times, and better - 500 times. The results obtained are not enough just to average, they still need to be statistically processed, i.e. get the standard deviation, percentile, and other statistical estimates. If this is not done, you will get the same "average temperature in the hospital."

If the timed operation is, for example, tightening a nut, then it will not be difficult to obtain a reliable estimate. If, for example, the time to open a bank account or the time of an interview is measured, then this is much more difficult. If in this case we limit ourselves to only a few measurements, which are then averaged, then the practical value of the obtained estimate will be very low.

The third problem is the high requirements for the professionalism of the performers. The fact is that before you standardize something, you must first make sure that the process is organized correctly. For this, at least, you need to describe it. It is not difficult to describe the business process of an excavator; it is much more difficult for office personnel. After that, you need to determine the operations that should be normalized. This is also not an easy task. There are at least two possible approaches to its solution. The first is to standardize all actions of the personnel. This is called micronutrient rationing. The task is not very difficult, but very time consuming. The second way is factorial rationing. The essence of this method is as follows. The business process needs to be decomposed to the level of business operations in such a way that for each business operation a single factor that determines its labor costs can be distinguished. After that, normalize these labor costs. The task is not very laborious, but it requires a high level of professionalism.

It follows from what has been said that labor rationing is not only a psychologically not very pleasant task, but also not an easy one. Unfortunately, there is often no alternative to rationing. Often, but not always! If you need to manage the number of office workers whose work is computerized, then there is an alternative. In this case, you can use the method: "Examination of Actual Labor Costs" (EFT).

Required headcount \u003d F (Workload)

The required number is determined by the amount of work available. The workload of staff also depends on the amount of work available. Therefore, in order to determine the required number, it is enough to know the actual workload of staff. If it is above a certain threshold, then there are not enough workers (they work "for wear and tear") and the staff must be expanded. If lower, then there are too many workers and it is necessary to reduce. The concept of the method is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Concept of the method Examination of Actual Labor Costs

To obtain adequate results, the measurement of the actual workload should be carried out over a representative period of time, the assessment of the workload of personnel should be done no more often, for example, once a month or a quarter. Thus, it is easy to answer the question: "What to do - shrink, expand or leave everything as it is?"

Let me give you a simple example. Suppose that the actual workload of the bank's customer service specialists, with a staff of 30, is 90%. It is known that the normal workload (corresponding to the comfortable work of staff) should be in the range from 70% to 75%. What to do? It is logical to assume that in short periods the dependence of the workload on the volume of work is linear. Then, having solved a simple equation, it is easy to determine that in order to reduce the workload of personnel to 70-75%, the number of employees should be increased by 5-7 people.

For operational management number, this method of calculating the number is effective. But this is not the case for long-term headcount planning.

How many specialists will the bank need if the number of clients increases, for example, 3 times? Does this mean that the number of staff should also be increased by 3 times? It is not necessary at all, because on long intervals, the dependence of workload on the amount of work can be nonlinear. Therefore, in order to accurately answer this question, you need to do the following.

First, it is necessary to highlight the factors that affect the workload of the staff. This can be, for example, the number of contracts concluded by the bank. Secondly, the selected factors, according to a certain rule (through a system of coefficients), it is desirable to reduce to one, integrated factor. Third, based on historical data, it is necessary to build the dependence of the workload of personnel on the values \u200b\u200bof the integrated factor (as shown in Figure 1). This can be done using MS Excel or Retrospective Analysis. Having built the dependence of the workload of the personnel on the values \u200b\u200bof the integrated factor, it is easy to extrapolate the value of the workload of the personnel to other values \u200b\u200bof the integrated factor.

Effective Workload is an indicator of the actual workload of personnel

To manage something, you need to be able to measure it. What needs to be measured for headcount management? The answer is Effective Load. Effective Load is:

1. Share of Productive work (main parameter).

2. Evaluation of the efficiency of using working time when performing productive work (optional).

3. Assessment of the reliability of information on labor costs (optional).

Productive work is all actions performed by an employee, directly associated with achieving specific purpose or performing certain business functions. Let me explain this using the example of an accountant.

In the process of fulfilling his official duties, an accountant can perform various jobs. Using an accounting program (for example, 1C Accounting), the accountant prepares primary documents, makes postings, prepares reports, etc. If some information is missing, he looks for it using, for example, the Consultant Plus program. Also, the accountant solves various issues with contractors, communicates with colleagues, attends seminars, etc. Despite the fact that all work is important, only the first type of work should be attributed to Productive work, because only he directly related to the performance of a business function: accounting. All others - only indirectly. Agree that the purpose of searching for information, communicating with colleagues and contractors, attending seminars, etc. is the high-quality performance of the first type of work (primary, postings, reports, etc.).

Supportive work is also very important because it is impossible to do productive work without it. The ratio of Productive to Supportive Work depends on the technology used. The more the degree of automation of business processes, the less the share of Supporting work. For example, if the Bank-Client program is installed in the organization, then the share of auxiliary work for the accountant will be less, since he doesn't need to go to the bank.

Why is it important for headcount management to know the share of Productivity? Because it definitely depends on the amount of work available. If the accountant does not have primary documents, then there is nothing to take into account, so he will not have any productive work. In this case, he can communicate with colleagues, improve the level of professionalism, or do something else. Agree, you can search for information or communicate with colleagues in a few minutes or a few hours. It depends more on the personal qualities of the employee than on the amount of work available. Just like you can confer for one hour, or you can all day.

The second parameter of the Effective Workload is the assessment of the efficiency of using working time. This parameter should not be equated with employee efficiency, since an employee's performance is determined not only by how the employee uses his working time. More important are other indicators, such as how well he does his job. However, managing headcount effectively without considering labor productivity is ... perhaps, but not very correct. Sometimes one worker does as much in an hour as another does in a whole day. Therefore, there is always a choice: to make people work more productively or to increase their number.

To account for the fact that people work in different ways, the share of Productive work must be multiplied by the coefficient of labor productivity. We propose to use BPI (Basic Performance Indicator) as such a coefficient, which is calculated in the same way as KPI; see Figure 2. Metrics characterizing labor productivity can be, for example: the number of documents made, processed lines, contracts concluded, etc. But it is more convenient to use the integrated factor, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Calculation of BPI values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing the efficiency of working time use.

Someone, looking at Figure 2, might say that calculating BPI is the classic labor rationing. Indeed, there are metrics that characterize labor productivity, there are their actual indicators, planned indicators, percentage of plan fulfillment, etc. Why not use BPI to measure staff performance? Answer: for two reasons. First, because when calculating BPI, indicators of labor quality are not taken into account, for example, the number of mistakes made by employees. The fact is that BPI is calculated automatically (more on that below), and only a person can assess the quality. Secondly, and this is the main thing, it is not very correct to evaluate the work of office personnel on the basis of only quantitative metrics. As soon as you start doing this, employees, instead of thinking about how best to do their job, will think about how to "wind up" the metrics.

The third parameter of Effective Workload is the assessment of the reliability of information on labor costs. Obviously, a decision on the required number can be made only on the basis of reliable information. It is not always possible to get absolutely reliable information about labor costs. Therefore, it is very important to know to what extent the information available can be trusted. To do this, the reliability assessment must be digitized and when calculating the number, use only that information, the reliability of which is higher than a certain value. The rest of the information is discarded. To assess the reliability, a special coefficient (from 0 to 1) is used, called the Information Reliability Coefficient. How it is calculated will be discussed below.

You can only control what you can measure. Therefore, to manage Effective Load, you need to be able to measure it. Consider how to do this for regulated labor office workers (accounting, hR administration etc.).

How effective load is measured

The productive work of regulated office workers is, in most cases, automated. Therefore, to measure Effective Workload, it is necessary and sufficient to measure the proportion of time that employees perform business operations that correspond to specific business functions. Continuing with the accountant example above, this is the fraction of the time that the accountant takes postings, generates reports, and so on. Since this work is performed using a computer, we will call this time the Relative Time of Productive Work with a Computer (hereinafter - OVPRK).

To measure OVPRK, the Auto-timing method is used. The tool for performing Auto-timing is a special program, which we will call: Working Day Camera (FRD). The following programs are also used to manage the Effective Load: Probe, Expert System, Database, Cockpit; see Figure 3.

Figure 3. Solution architecture for measuring Effective Load.

FRD is installed on workers' computers and does the following:

1. Automatically determines, first, which business application a person is currently working with. Secondly, which window on his computer is currently active, i.e. is in the foreground. When working with a business application, a person can simultaneously open several windows, but only one of them is active at any given time (in the foreground). The program automatically detects the title of this window. If a person is working with a web application, then the program automatically detects the current URL.

2. Automatically detects which business operation the currently active window or current URL corresponds to, and also measures how long an employee has been performing this business operation. For example, if HR manager using MS web browser Internet Explorer, 30 minutes looked through the resume on the HeadHunter website, and then for another 20 minutes did the same on the SuperJob website, using the Firefox web browser, the program will automatically determine that the HR manager has been performing a business operation for 50 minutes: Search for a Resume. If then he went to the site of a store for 10 minutes to buy a bicycle for himself, then the program will not take into account this time. Previously, a catalog of business operations must be created in which a specific business operation is associated with each window or URL.

3. Automatically determines the intensity with which a person is currently working with the keyboard and mouse. This will allow separating periods of time when a person actually performs a business operation from periods of time when a program is running on his computer, and he himself is drinking tea at this time.

The probe is installed on a special computer (Server) and automatically imports from the application system (ERP, CRM, ...) quantitative metrics characterizing labor productivity: the number of documents processed, reports made, etc. All received information, both measured by FRD and imported from application systems, is automatically recorded in the Database located on the Server. The Expert System is also executed there, which automatically, according to certain rules, processes all the information received. The result of such processing is, for example, the following characteristics:

  • Average OVPRK. This is the fraction of the time that the employee (department) performed business operations corresponding to Productive Work. This indicator is calculated based on the data measured by the FRD.
  • Effective OVPRK. This is the Average OVPRK multiplied by the BPI value. Let me remind you that BPI (Basic Performance Indicator) characterizes the efficiency of using working time. BPI values \u200b\u200bare automatically calculated by the Expert System based on the data imported by the Probe from the application system (ERP, CRM).
  • Credible OVPRK... This is the Average OVPRK multiplied by the Information Confidence Factor (CDI). CDI values \u200b\u200bare automatically calculated by the Expert System based on information about the speed of a person's work with a keyboard and a computer mouse. CDI is the percentage of time during which, when performing a certain business operation, the speed of working with the keyboard and mouse was not less and not more than predetermined values. Suppose that on the accountant's computer the 1C Accounting application, corresponding to the “Accounting” business operation, was running for 6 hours. At the same time, the accountant actually worked with this application for 3 hours, spent 2 hours at a meeting, and then left work without turning off the computer and putting a book on the keyboard. In this case, the Average OVPRK will be 6 hours, and the Reliable OVPRK will be only three hours.
  • Subdivision Workload Index (DUI)... This is the fraction of the time that the OVPRK was above a certain threshold. In the Expert System, you can set five threshold values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the assessments: good, acceptable, requires attention, on the verge, bad. Therefore, not one IPI value is automatically calculated, but five. In this case, when calculating each IZP, all three types of OVPRK can be used: Average OVPRK, Effective OVPRK, Reliable OVPRK.

The scope of IAP is much broader than just headcount management. It is a management tool organizational effectiveness... Since this is a relative indicator (measured as a percentage), it can be used to compare the actual workload of different departments and different employees, which is difficult to do by other means. How, for example, can you compare the workload of the HR Service and IT Service, or the workload of an accountant and a personnel officer? By actual hours worked? Not indicative, since the structure of labor costs is unknown. And IZP solves this problem. It can help you quickly identify bottlenecks, understand where resources are being used inefficiently, see trends, assess the impact of new technology, and much more.

All estimates and metrics generated by the Expert System are displayed in the Cockpit. It is advisable to install the cockpit on the computers of line managers, HR managers and other employees responsible for organizational effectiveness. The cockpit supports several operating modes:

1. Operational Monitoring. This mode is designed to control the current workload of personnel. It includes monitoring activity and monitoring productivity staff. Real-time Activity Monitoring allows you to see in real time what business operations employees are currently performing, with what business applications they are working and with what intensity. Online Performance Monitoring is designed to monitor Effective Workloads over relatively short periods of time, from a few minutes to several days.

2. Retrospective Analysis and Expert Reports... Retrospective Analysis is designed to analyze the workload of personnel over the past periods of time. In this mode, information about the Effective Workload of employees and departments (organizational units) is presented in the form of strip charts and graphs "tied" to the general timeline. This allows you to compare the workload of different org. links, identify trends, identify interdependencies, etc. Expert Report is multipage documentcontaining the results of statistical processing and expert analysis of information on the workload of personnel. Reports can be created in various aspects: by employees, departments, business processes, projects, etc.

3. Headcount planning (Dynamic Headcount Model). This mode is designed to determine the required number of personnel, depending on the values \u200b\u200bof the integrated factor under certain restrictions. For example, how many workers will be needed if the value of the integrated factor is 37 points, provided that the efficiency of using working time should be at least 0.7, and the reliability of information should be at least 0.99? The input data are the values \u200b\u200bof the factor. Limitations are BPI and CDI values. As a result, we get the required number of personnel.

An important question: who and how sets up the Expert System, in particular, how the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the OVPRK are determined, corresponding to the estimates: good, acceptable, requires attention, etc. This task is solved by the Consultant or HR-manager on the basis of statistical processing of historical data on the workload of personnel. For this, the means of Retrospective Analysis are used. With their help, the HR manager can, firstly, compare the workload of different employees and departments with each other. Secondly, identify trends, see how the workload depends on the day of the week, time of day, season, etc. Third, to determine the relationship between the metrics that characterize labor productivity and metrics that characterize labor costs. And, finally, to determine the relationship between the achievements of personnel, on the one hand, and the structure of labor costs, on the other hand.

Three levels of organizational performance management

Headcount management is a process, not a one-off procedure. Headcount management should not be limited to just determining how many workers now necessary. Headcount management is not an end in itself. The goal is to improve organizational performance. The organization always has a choice - to increase the number or intensify work. Therefore, headcount management cannot be considered in isolation from other elements of organizational performance management, in particular, in isolation from achievement management and cost management, etc.

If an organization is compared to a car, business process performance indicators are compared to a speedometer or mileage counter, then Effective Load is a tachometer. (Obviously, the engine of business processes is personnel.) Just as when driving a car, the speedometer readings are analyzed in conjunction with the tachometer readings, so in business management, Effective Load should be analyzed in conjunction with other business indicators, both financial and leading.

Effective Workload should be used in at least three organizational performance management loops, see Figure 4. These loops are:

1. Contour of management of labor costs.

2. Achievement management loop.

3. Personnel cost control loop.

Figure 4. Multilevel headcount management system.

Labor control loop usually "tied" to the line manager. The responsibilities of managers (divisions of regulated labor) should include ensuring an even workload of personnel, preventing overloads, minimizing the misuse of working time. Frequent overloads indicate poor work organization and cause errors. Frequent smoke breaks, tea drinking, etc. indicate a lack of employee motivation, which ultimately affects the efficiency of the business. The line manager is responsible for all this. The tool for managing labor costs is Operational Monitoring.

Achievement management loop usually "tied" to the HR manager. Along with the Effective Load, this circuit uses information about the achievements of personnel. Effective Load in this case is used to solve at least two problems. First, to determine "fair" planned performance indicators (KPI). Secondly, to diagnose the failure of personnel to achieve planned performance indicators. The tools for solving these problems are Retrospective Analysis tools and Expert Reports. Analysis of achievements and labor costs should be carried out at least once a quarter.

Personnel cost management loop usually “tied” to the head of the compensation and benefits department and / or the director of development, planning the number of personnel. Along with the Effective Load, this circuit also uses information about the Factors affecting the number of personnel. The main tool for solving this problem is the Dynamic Population Model. The values \u200b\u200bof the Factors are used as input data for such a model. The output is information about standard labor costs. Staff planning should be done at least every six months.

Note that all three loops are independent of each other, each control loop uses Effective Load as input, any corrective action changes the Effective Load value.

Instead of a conclusion

We examined how to manage the number of regulated labor employees using the Examination of Actual Labor Costs method. The advantages of the method are: high accuracy, low labor intensity, relatively low total cost of use. The main thing is that now there is no need to stand behind the workers with a stopwatch. All measurements are made automatically, and not only measurements, but also processing of results. The limitation of this method is the possibility of its application only in those departments where business processes are computerized.

I foresee a question. In most organizations, the overwhelming majority are workers whose work is not strictly regulated. Let us call them workers of "creative" labor (quotation marks mean that there may not be anything creative in their work). Can the proposed solution be used to manage the number of such workers? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because general principles remain the same. No, because many things have to be done differently.

Managing the number of creative workers has two fundamental differences. First, the number of personnel depends not only on the amount of work, but also on the "tactics" of achieving goals. Secondly, for the timekeeping of the Productive work, it is not enough to measure only OVPRK, since most of the work can be done without using a computer. At least two conclusions follow from this. The first conclusion: to manage the number of workers in "creative" labor, Effective Workload needs to be measured differently. The second conclusion: in order to manage the headcount, it is important to know not only how intensively people work, but what exactly they are doing. In other words, the structure of labor is important.

Headcount management in the narrow sense of the word is the definition of the necessary and sufficient number of employees to perform a certain amount of work. This is the task of the HR department. Headcount management in a broad sense is the management of the value of an organization's key resource, which is personnel. In accordance with the Activity Based Costing method, the cost of this resource should be transferred not only wage and all social benefits, but also the cost of renting premises, the cost of computer equipment and other costs. Thus, headcount management in the broadest sense of the word is the task of the finance department.

The names of all programs are conditional. The real names of the programs differ from those used in the article.

All-Russian Research Institute
records management and archiving

Calculation method
the staffing of state archives
based on labor standards

Moscow, 2004

Methodology for calculating the number of staff in state archives based on labor standards/ Compiled by: Z.V. Bushmeleva (topic leader), V.E. Sobolev, L.P. Shotina, scientific editor V.D. Sploshnov. Moscow: VNIIDAD, Rosarkhiv, 2004.

This methodology is intended for calculating the staffing of specialists, administrative and managerial and junior maintenance personnel of archives of different levels, regardless of the types of stored documents.

"Methodology for calculating the staffing of state archives on the basis of labor standards" approved by order of the Federal Archives of 14.01.2004, No. 9.


The methodological basis for the preparation of the "Methodology for calculating the staffing of state archives based on labor standards" was the "Recommendations for determining the staffing of budgetary organizations based on labor standards." In them, “the staffing of employees of budgetary organizations is recommended to be established on the basis of intersectoral, sectoral and local labor regulations, which make it possible to determine the required number of functional divisions of the organization or individual performers. The number of employees of a budgetary organization is established by structural divisions, separately for managers, specialists and other employees, for production and service personnel (workers) ".

The calculation methodology allows you to determine the required staff number of employees: specialists in the main activity, as well as other specialists who provide this activity, administrative and managerial and junior service personnel of the archive, not only by functional divisions and individual groups of workers, but also by the archive as a whole, in individual areas his activities.

The methodology and formulas for calculating the required headcount are recommended for use in archives of different types, levels of subordination and regardless of the composition of documents.

The use of labor standards in the calculation is the most accurate method for determining the required number of workers and assessing the level of their labor productivity.

Under required staffing employees are understood as the number that allows you to effectively and efficiently complete work on the acquisition, accounting, ensuring the safety and use of documents in a specific archive, as well as organizational and managerial functions, subject to the observance of scientifically based work and rest regimes and the modern level of work organization.

Specialists in core business - these are specialists of higher and intermediate qualifications who perform work directly related to the main functions of archives: storage and preservation of documents, acquisition, accounting and use of documents, as well as those involved in consolidated planning and reporting on the results of these activities, organizing the work of the deliberative bodies of the archive.

Based on the specifics of the activities of archives, restorers, photographers, binders, operators of microfilming, copying and other reproducing equipment can be conditionally assigned to a special group of specialists in the main activity serving the most important areas of the archives' activities - ensuring the preservation and use of documents. These specialists usually have secondary specialized education or specialized training. Their number should be calculated according to the formula used to calculate the number of specialists in the main activity.

Administrative and management personnel (AUP) - This is a category of managers and specialists who manage the archive by functions - general management, management of structural units, accounting, personnel and office support. AUP employees ensure the collection and processing of all management information, prepare, accept and implement management decisions, take part in practical solution scientific and industrial tasks.

Engineering and technical workers (ITR) - these are specialists of various profiles of higher or intermediate qualifications, who carry out maintenance of the archived film, photo, microfilming, restoration, copying equipment, precision optical equipment, personal computers and other computer equipment, as well as engineering maintenance of buildings and premises of the archive.

Workers and junior maintenance personnel (MOS) - employees who are not directly involved in the performance of the main functions of the archive, but serve them. These are cleaners of premises and territories, storekeepers, cloakroom attendants, elevators, workers who ensure the operation of engineering equipment of buildings (heating, water supply, sewerage, electric lighting), instrumentation and automatic devices installed on this equipment.

To calculate the required number of staff in the state archives, the following types of standards are used: time rate, production rate, controllability rate, service time rate and service rate.

Time rate - is the amount of labor time set for the performance of a unit of work by one employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate - this is a set amount of work that one employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications must perform per unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Controllability rate is the number of employees whose activities can be effectively managed by one manager under the given organizational and technical conditions.

Service rate - the required number of objects (pieces of equipment, workplaces, visitors, etc.), which one employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications must serve during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. The service rate is a derivative of the service time rate.

Service time rate is the amount of working time spent by one employee or a group of employees of the required qualifications for servicing a unit of an object (unit of equipment, area of \u200b\u200bpremises, number of visitors, etc.).

Calculations using labor standards (see appendix) can be carried out for various purposes: to determine or clarify the required staffing of the archive as a whole - both existing and newly created (projected), archive branch, specific division (s) of the archive; by directions of the archive; if necessary, ensure that the archive fulfills the measures provided for by intersectoral, sectoral and regional programs; with an actual or projected significant increase in the volume of picking and other types of work; when the structure of the archive changes; the need to redistribute staff between the divisions of the archive, when a new building is commissioned or the archive is reconstructed, etc.

1. Methodology for determining the required staffing of the archive as a whole

Calculations of the required number of employees in the archive as a whole are carried out for all types of work that are carried out or should be carried out (this is determined by the purpose of the calculation) in the archive, both for the main (archival) and for administrative and managerial, as well as engineering, technical, economic, auxiliary work (if it is determined that the engineering, technical and economic maintenance of the archive should be carried out by its regular employees).

It is advisable to make calculations separately by categories of workers: specialists in core activities, managers in core activities, specialists in administrative and managerial personnel, engineering and technical workers, workers, junior service personnel, managers in non-core activities.

This work is recommended to be carried out in the following order. First, it is advisable to calculate the required number of employees for the main activity. To do this, a list of all functions for the main activity and all archival work should be compiled that the archive must perform in order to implement its tasks and functions determined by archival and related legislation (federal and regional), the Basic rules for the work of the state archives of the Russian Federation, the rules for the work of state archives with scientific and technical and cinematographic and video documents, regulations, other industry normative and methodological documents, as well as federal and regional programs and plans for the development of archiving, the charter of this archive (regulations on the archive).

The list includes standardized and non-standardized work.

Then the volume of each of the works that the archive is obliged to carry out annually for each of the main activities in a certain period of time (for example, in the next five years) is determined. The calculation of the required amount of work is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the state and results of the archive's activities in recent years, with the obligatory consideration of the current federal and regional programs and plans for the development of archival affairs, recommendations of the management bodies archival affairs - federal and regional (a given subject of the Russian Federation), available from the archive of their own forecasts, programs and development plans.

This work will differ from the current planning of the archive's activities in that usually, when planning the archives, they proceed from the approved staffing level, and not necessary. Since the staffing of many archives is insufficient, when planning and carrying out work on the main activity, the archives are often forced to violate the established or standard deadlines for their implementation, exceed the time and production standards, work using simplified technologies (often at the expense of quality), or generally postpone certain types of work. indefinitely.

When carrying out calculations to justify the required staffing of the main personnel state archive calculations should be based on the scope of work, in which such factors as the volume and state of preservation of the archive funds are taken into account as fully as possible; availability of secret, unique and especially valuable documents, as well as cinematographic and phono documents and microforms that require separate storage and special accounting; the necessary measures to ensure the safety of documents, the creation of an insurance fund and a fund for use (which requires the creation of laboratories or groups for the restoration and microfilming of documents in a number of archives); the number and composition of sources of acquisition of the archive, the volume, composition and condition of documents (including documents on personnel) held in departmental archives and subject to transfer to the state archive; projected annual volumes of acquisition of the state archive; availability and volume of documents of the state archive subject to declassification and full description; intensity of use of archive documents, projected requirements for information on archive documents of various categories of users; the level of computerization of the archive, its technical equipment in general; placement of the archive in one building or in several separate territories; the nearest prospects for the commissioning of new archive premises, new equipment, etc.

At the same time, one should take into account the factors that objectively limit the scope of work, as well as the growth of the staff of the archive. For example, due to the lack of sufficient reserves of space in the archives, as well as the prospects for their expansion in the coming years, it is impossible to plan an increase in the annual volumes of archive acquisition; the lack of special equipment and the lack of funds for its purchase will not allow increasing the volume of the insurance fund; the real possibilities of the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation as a whole restrain the growth of the staff of budgetary organizations, etc. The main condition for the effectiveness of work to determine the required staffing is to proceed from the urgent and at the same time real scope of work, not to include in the calculations the entire scope of work that, for one reason or another, has not been performed for a long time.

After compiling a list and determining the required annual volumes of each of the works, calculations are made of the labor costs and staffs required to perform these works.

Labor costs are calculated for each type of work using labor standards - intersectoral, sectoral (typical) or local. It is most expedient for a particular archive to use local norms developed on the basis of standard norms, a classification list of works, accounting and reporting documents of the archive, as well as the results of checks on the implementation of norms. Model Norms are used in the absence of local regulations, cross-sectoral - when determining labor costs for engineering and technical work, maintenance of equipment, work of junior maintenance personnel, etc. If the archived local regulations are based on a 41-hour working week, it is possible to recommend the use of a multiplying factor of 0.025 when determining labor costs. For example, if, according to the norms established for a 41-hour working week, it is necessary to spend 162 working days with a duration of 8 hours 12 minutes each for the organization of six exhibitions of documents, then under the conditions of a 40-hour working week, 166 8-hour working days will be required to carry out this work. (162 x 0.025 \u003d 166.05).

Labor costs T on rationing work and operations are defined in two ways.

1. Through the norms of time:

where N
H vr - the rate of time per unit of work, days.

For example, if during the year it is planned to organize four exhibitions of documents up to 100 exhibits each at a rate of 27.7 working days per exhibition (based on a 40-hour working week), then the annual labor costs for this work will be:

T \u003d 4 x 27.7 \u003d 110.8 person days

2. Through production rates:

T \u003d N / H exp,

where N - the amount of work (work) in units of measurement per year;

H exp - the production rate in units of measurement per specialist per day.

So, if within a year, according to the documents of the archive, it is planned to execute 2600 requests of a social and legal nature at the rate of three requests per working day, then the annual labor costs will be:

T \u003d 2600/3 \u003d 866.7 person days

After calculating the labor costs for the implementation of standardized work, the labor costs for performing non-standardized work are determined - based on the reporting data, the calculated parts of the plans-reports of the archive and its divisions for previous years, in which the labor costs for carrying out such work are recorded, and in some cases - by expert means.

Further, the reserve of working time is determined for the execution of unscheduled tasks and work associated with unforeseen situations. The reserve is also calculated on the basis of the reporting data, the calculated parts of the plans-reports of the archive for previous years, but it cannot be more than 3% of the total useful budget of working time for the archive.

After that, the total labor costs are calculated by summing the labor costs received for the entire range of work on the main activity covered by the norms, as well as labor costs for irregular work and a reserve of working time for performing unplanned tasks and work related to unforeseen situations.

Total costs T o for all work on the main activity in the archive are the basis for calculating the required total staffing of specialists for the main activity according to the formula (1):

, (1)

where H w - number of staff (estimated);

T o - total labor costs (useful working time) for the amount of work (works), days or hours; total labor costs are obtained by summing up labor costs T for standardized and non-standardized work (operations), as well as unscheduled tasks and work associated with unforeseen situations;

F n - the normative fund of working time per employee (in this case, a specialist) per year, conditionally assumed to be 2000 hours or 250 work. days ;

To n - the coefficient taking into account the planned absenteeism of workers, regulated by labor legislation, - the main (next) and additional vacations, including leave for employees with irregular working hours, leave for temporary disability, leave for students, leave without pay for veterans and pensioners, etc.). The coefficient is determined by the formula

The minimum percentage of planned absenteeism usually applied for budget organizations is 10% of working time.

Thus, in this case and in the following examples

K n \u003d 1 + 10/100 \u003d 1.1.

In case of specific calculations of the required number of staff in the archives, the percentage of planned absenteeism should be displayed based on the accounting data of the archive for which the calculations are made, or, if this method cannot be applied (for example, for a newly created archive), you can use the corresponding data obtained in a similar archive ... The methodology for determining planned absenteeism regulated by legislation is set out in the guidelines of the USSR Glavarchiv for calculating useful (effective) working time in archives, when using which one should be guided by changes in the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As practice shows, in the state archives, absenteeism regulated by the current labor legislation and confirmed by accounting data is more than 10%. For example, if the percentage of absenteeism regulated by labor law for a given archive is 15%, then the coefficient taking into account the planned absenteeism will be

K n \u003d 1 + 15/100 \u003d 1.15.

After calculating the required headcount of specialists in the main activity, the required headcount of administrative and managerial personnel, engineering and technical workers, workers and junior service personnel, as well as managers of the archive and its structural divisions, is determined according to the methodology described in section. 3-5.

The total required headcount of the archive as a whole can be obtained by summing up the required headcount of all categories of employees.

If the archive has structural divisions with a clear delineation of functions, it is advisable to make these calculations within each structural division (department, laboratory), then the data obtained for specific divisions on the required staffing are summarized in the overall total for the archive, to which the positions of the head of the archive are added and deputies.

In order to efficiently and qualitatively perform the scope of work for which the number of performers will be calculated, it is advisable to bring organizational and technical working conditions (organization of workplaces, adherence to the technology of work, use of automation and mechanization of labor) in accordance with the requirements laid down in the current work rules state archives and in industry normative and methodological developments.

The outlined methodology is also applicable for determining the required staffing of a newly created (projected) archive. In this case, a list of functions envisaged for the projected archive is also drawn up, as well as the work that must be carried out by the archive to implement these functions (both for the main and non-main activities).

The estimated scope of work is determined taking into account the main factors listed in section. 1, with the necessary amendments (depending on the specific situation). For example, if the projected archive will not immediately have documents for storage, then for the first time a minimum staff of the document preservation service is provided for it.

For calculations, local, as well as standard industry and intersectoral labor standards are used (see Appendix).

2. Calculation of the required staffing
core business specialists

Calculations of the required headcount of specialists for the main activity, determined on the basis of the norms of time and production, can be carried out in various versions: as a whole for the archive (see Section 1), as well as within the structural divisions of the archive (Table 1), for individual directions of its activity or groups of works (tab. 2).

All calculations are carried out according to the formula (1).

The calculation of the required headcount of specialists for the main activity of a structural unit is given on the example of the department for ensuring the preservation of documents in an archive storing documents on a paper basis (Table 1).

Table 1

Calculation of the required staffing of specialists
for the main activity of the functional structural unit of the archive

Job title

unit of measurement

Time rate, slave. days

Production rate per 1 slave. days

Scope of work

Labor costs T, people days

Checking the availability and state of affairs:

Storage unit

The Soviet period;

Pre-Soviet period

Registration of the results of checking the availability and state of affairs

Checking the availability of microfilms of the insurance fund and the use fund

Registration of the results of checking the availability of microfilms of the insurance fund and the fund of use

Preparing cases for microfilming

Placement of orders for microfilming cases

Storage unit

Preparation of cases for binding and restoration

Storage unit

Reception of cases after microfilming, restoration and binding

Storage unit

Marking of microfilming

Descriptive article in inventory

Quality control of microfilms of insurance fund, use fund

File management documentation files (manually)

Storage unit

Minor repair cases

Issuance or acceptance of inventories after use in the reading room and archive departments

Issuance or acceptance of cases after use in the reading room and archive departments

Storage unit

Checking the correctness of the lining of files after issuance to the reading room and archive departments

Storage unit

Issuing or receiving microfilms after use

Numbering of sheets in files (up to 150 liters)

Numbering of sheets in cases with visual materials

Checking the numbering of sheets in the affairs of the Soviet period

Placing codes on the covers of cases after processing funds

Storage unit

Declassification marking

Identification of especially valuable documents of management documentation

Document title

Marking "OTs" on cases

Storage unit

Receiving cases for permanent storage in archives

Storage unit

Stamping box labels

Labeling boxes

Cardboarding cases

Storage unit

Re-cartoning cases

Storage unit

Moving cases inside the archive

Dust removal of boxes and racks

Running meter

Control over the temperature and humidity conditions of document storage


Maintaining a book of records of receipts of documents

Receipt of documents

Drawing up sheets of funds

Fund sheet

Changes to the lists of funds

Fund sheet

Drawing up fund cards

Fund card

Entering data into information about changes in the composition and volume of funds

Changes to fund cards

10 cards

Maintaining a stock topographic index


Maintaining registers of inventories

Management of funds

Fund case

Maintaining passports of archives

Irregular work

Drawing up an archive passport

Irregular work

Training regulatory documents and methodological developments on the issues of ensuring the safety of documents

Printed sheet

Clarification of the regulations on the department


Irregular work

Development of job descriptions for department employees

Job description

Irregular work

Participation in the economic analysis of the effectiveness of using the budget of working time, meeting time standards and working out

Irregular work

Professional development of department employees

1 employee / 1 workshop

12 employees x 12 workshops

Drawing up a department plan for the year

12-worker plan

Drawing up a report on the implementation of the department plan for the year

Report for 12 workers

Drawing up a report on the implementation of the department plan for the quarter

Drafting individual plans and reports


12 employees

Preparation of a report on the results of the department's work for the year

Participation in the preparation and work of the scientific and advisory bodies of the archive


2 employees x 12 meetings

Conducting operational service meetings in the department


Consulting on ensuring the safety of documents


Business trips

Business trip

Total labor costs

Time reserve for unscheduled tasks and unforeseen work (in the amount of 3%)

Total labor T about

In this example, total labor would be increased by a factor of 0.025 because it was derived primarily from the (1988) model rates for a 41-hour work week.

Thus, the total labor costs are equal:

T about \u003d 2828.9 x 0.025 \u003d 2899.6 people. days

Based on the received total labor costs and the coefficient of planned absenteeism, the required headcount for the execution of the work planned by the department will be

H w \u003d 2899.6 / 250 x 1.1 \u003d 12.8 \u003d 13 specialists.

The headcount ratio will increase if the planned absenteeism rate in a particular department (archive) is higher than in this example.

Note. If in this archive any specific work on the main activity is carried out (or is supposed to be carried out) not only by executing specialists, but also by managers (for example, heads of structural divisions), then when calculating the staffing of specialists, the labor required to perform these works by managers are deducted from the total labor costs of specialists, and the required staffing of specialists is correspondingly reduced.

table 2

Calculation of the required headcount of specialists in the main activity,
necessary to complete the work on the acquisition of the archive
management documentation and documents of personal origin,
based on time and production rates

Job title

unit of measurement

Time rate, slave. days

Production rate per 1 slave. days

Scope of work

Labor costs T, people days

Compiling a list of institutions whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Maintaining a list of institutions whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Checking the physical and sanitary-hygienic state of affairs with management documentation, subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive

Storage unit

Receiving cases with management documentation for permanent storage in the archive:

Storage unit

Without checking the number of sheets in files;

With spot check of the number of sheets in files

Compiling a list of persons whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Maintaining a list of persons whose documents are subject to acceptance for permanent storage in the archive


Establishing relationships with holders of personal documents

Negotiating the transfer of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Drawing up a memo on documents of personal origin


Temporary registration of documents of personal origin


Examination of the value of documents of personal origin in the acquisition process


Drawing up a delivery list for documents of personal origin

Descriptive Inventory Article

Acceptance of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Registration of acceptance of documents of personal origin for permanent storage in the archive


Total labor costs by type of work

Time reserve for unscheduled tasks and unforeseen work

Total labor costs (T o)

As in the previous example, the total labor costs are increased by a multiplying factor of 0.025 and will be

T about \u003d 240.7 x 0.025 \u003d 246.7 people. days

The required number of staff for these works, taking into account the total labor costs and the coefficient of planned absenteeism (1.1), will be

H w \u003d 246.7 / 250 x 1.1 \u003d 1 specialist.

3. Methodology for calculating the required number of staff
engineering and technical workers

Calculations of the required headcount of specialists providing engineering and technical maintenance of buildings, premises and various equipment archive, can be carried out on the basis of professional, cross-industry and industry standards of time, service standards, service time standards. For this, use the formula (2)

, (2)

where T about - total labor costs for the amount of work (works) per year, days or hours;
F n
To n - coefficient taking into account the planned absenteeism of specialists;
TO - a correction factor (equal to 1.08), taking into account the specifics of the work of this category of specialists, which consists in the probable performance of non-standardized and one-time work, as well as work related to unforeseen situations.

Table Figure 3 shows an example of calculating the number of specialists providing PC maintenance.

Table 3

An example of calculating the number of specialists in the maintenance of personal computers

Type of work performed

unit of measurement


Time rate per unit of measurement, h

Time spent on the amount of work, h

Weekly service:

Checking the performance of devices on tests in accelerated mode

1 device

Checking and removing computer viruses on external memory devices

Defragmenting hard disk drives

1 drive

Checking Local Area Network (LAN) Lines and Devices with Offline Tests

Labor costs per week

Effort per year (52 weeks)

Monthly maintenance:

Full testing of all PC devices with the issuance of a protocol, including LAN, identification and correction of errors in the allocation of disk space

Delivery of updated antivirus programs and full scan of disk memory for viruses

Lubrication of mechanical devices of the vehicle (NGMD, streamers, printers)

1 device

Cleaning the internal volumes of a personal computer from dust (with the removal of the case)

Cleaning screens of video monitors from dust and dirt, adjustment and adjustment, cleaning internal volumes from dust

1 video monitor

Cleaning and flushing the dot matrix and inkjet printheads

1 printer

Cleaning of unused toner of laser printers, cleaning and rinsing optics, timely refilling of toner

1 printer

Dust removal and flushing of the reading element in scanners, lubrication of mechanical parts

Labor costs per month

Labor costs per year (12 months)

Half-year maintenance for PC and peripheral equipment:

Cleaning of dust from internal volumes of PC power supplies, cleaning and lubrication of fans

Cleaning the screens of video monitors and LCD panels from dust and dirt, adjustment and adjustment

1 video monitor

Labor costs for half a year

Labor costs per year

The total labor costs for PC maintenance will be

T о \u003d 598.0 + 422.4 + 20.4 \u003d 1040.8 people. days

The staffing number of specialists employed in servicing ten PCs will thus be equal to

H w \u003d 1040.8 / 2000 x 1.1 x 1.08 \u003d 0.62 people. \u003d 1 specialist.

Using the time norms, you can similarly calculate the staffing of other specialists in this category.

4. Methodology for calculating the required number of staff
administrative and management personnel of the archive

The number of the administrative and managerial personnel of the archive depends on the nature, volume and complexity of the work performed and should be limited.

The approximate number of the specified personnel can be set based on the percentage of the total number of employees in the archive. Recommended not less than 16% of the total.

This category of employees can have the following structure: from 15, but not more than 20% - director of the archive and his deputies; from 60, but not more than 70% - heads of departments, their deputies, economists, accountants, personnel service employees; from 15, but not more than 20% - technical workers (manager's secretary, typist, clerk, cashier, secretary-typist).

For example, in the archive, with a total staffing of 150 people, the AUP will be 16%, i.e. 24 people. Of these: 4 people (16.6%) - director and his deputies; 16 people (66.7%) - heads of departments and their deputies, personnel service, accounting employees, etc .; 4 people - technical performers.

To calculate the number of managers at different levels, it is also advisable to apply control standards. For managers (including structural divisions), the number of direct subordinates can be from 5 people, but no more than 10 people.

More precisely, the number of staff and the composition of administrative and managerial personnel can be determined by the functions performed (taking into account the established limits), including for calculating the number of specialists (personnel, accounting, office support) - based on time or production rates. In order to ensure the implementation of the statutory functions of the archive, its structure is formed, in accordance with which the number of heads of structural divisions, as well as their deputies, is determined. To substantiate and optimize the composition and number of heads of structural divisions (in particular, when creating new archives), it is recommended to use the "Approximate Provisions on Departments of the State Archives, Documentation Storage Center" (Rosarkhiv order of 11.07.94 No. 57); "Approximate regulations on structural divisions of federal archives" (order of the Federal Archives of 05/07/98 No. 34); "Approximate provision on the archives of the state archive" (order of Rosarkhiv dated 13.02.2001 No. 12).

For employees of accounting, clerical and personnel services, the calculation of the staffing level can be carried out on the basis of time norms or production norms. For this, the formula (1) is used:


where T about - total labor costs for the amount of work (work), h;
F n - standard fund of working time of one specialist per year;
To n - coefficient that takes into account the planned absenteeism.

An example of calculating the number of employees in the accounting department
to perform the operation "Accounting for fixed assets"

    for the year, labor costs for the operation were 1770 h;

    the normative fund of working time of one employee is conventionally taken as 2000 h in year;

    K n \u003d 1.1.

H w \u003d 1770/2000 x 1.1 \u003d 0.97 \u003d 1 person.

The required number of employees in the accounting department is calculated in a similar way to perform other works, operations and procedures. Summarizing the data obtained, the required number is determined as a whole for the volume of the proposed work per year.

When using service standards, the number of employees is determined according to the "material and technical supply" function. So, the service of economic and material-technical supply is assigned one storekeeper with the cost of the stored values \u200b\u200bover 100 thousand rubles. per year or one warehouse manager (farm manager) with the number of employees in the organization up to 200 people.

5. Methodology for calculating the required number of staff
workers and junior staff of the archive

It is advisable to calculate the required number of this category of workers by profession (disinfectants, cleaners, cloakroom attendants, lifters, workers).

The required headcount of workers and junior maintenance personnel can be calculated using the service time norms according to the formula (3):

, (3)

where T about - total labor intensity of work (per year, month, working day) for a given service area;
N about - the standard of service time for a unit of work (area, m 2, number of visitors, etc.);
To n - coefficient of planned absenteeism.

Service time rates are set taking into account the time spent on the performance of basic and additional functions by employees.

The calculation of the required number of junior service personnel is given using the example of room cleaners, taking into account four service areas: 1) office premises, 2) archives, 3) staircases and 4) sanitary facilities.

The main functions performed by this category of workers include all cleaning work. Additional functions include delivery of cleaning products and accessories at the beginning of the working day to the place of work and at the end of the working day to the place designated for their storage. The time for the delivery of cleaning products and auxiliary materials is taken into account at a distance of up to 100 m. Service standards are set taking into account one-time cleaning during the working day.

Since in practice the premises are not cleaned daily, the frequency of cleaning is determined by each archive independently.

Table 4

Service standards for cleaners

If there are carpets on the staircase, the following coefficients are applied to the service time norm:

    stairwells in a building from 2 to 5 floors without an elevator, K \u003d 1.6;

    stairwells in the building from 2 to 5 floors with an elevator, K \u003d 1.7;

    stairwells in a building over 5 floors with an elevator, K \u003d 1.75.

Calculation example

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe archive premises is 6900 m 2, including:

    office space - 1602 m 2;

    archives - 5000 m 2;

    stairwells in a building up to 5 floors with an elevator - 248 m 2, while K \u003d 1.7;

    sanitary facilities - 5 units, their total area is 50 m 2.

Applying the service standards from table. 4, we get:

    Total labor intensity of service premises:

    1602 m 2 x 0.025 h \u003d 40.0 pers. h.

    40.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 \u003d 5.5 pers.

    The total complexity of maintaining archives

    5000 m 2 x 0.016 h \u003d 80.0 people h.

    Required number of cleaners:

    80.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 \u003d 11.0 pers.

    The total labor intensity for the maintenance of staircases:

    248 m 2 x 0.03 h x 1.7 \u003d 12.65 pers. h.

    Required staffing levels:

    12.65 people h / 8 h x 1.1 \u003d 1.7 pers.

    Total labor intensity of sanitary facilities maintenance:

    50 m 2 x 0.04 h \u003d 2.0 pers. h.

    Required staffing levels:

    2.0 people h / 8 h x 1.1 \u003d 0.3 pers.

Required headcount in four service areas:

H w \u003d 5.5 + 11.0 + 1.7 + 0.3 \u003d 18 people.

To calculate the required number of cloakroom attendants, lifters and workers it is recommended to use service rates. Thus, one person per shift is required to service one wardrobe up to 200 places.

Number of lifters determined by the number of lifts and the shift in their work:

    when escorting the elevator car per shift, one elevator is required;

    with independent use of the elevator per shift per post - one person.

The number of workers engaged in the maintenance and repair of engineering equipment of buildings... This group includes the following professions: plumber, electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment, electrician for repair of electrical equipment, fitter for instrumentation and automation, fitter for repair and maintenance of ventilation, heating and air conditioning equipment.

There are two ways to determine the number of workers in the specified group of professions.

First way:

It is necessary:

For instance:

    the number of units of repair complexity of electrical equipment in the archive is 402 units;

    the maintenance standard for an electrician is 500 units repair complexity per day;

    the planned absenteeism rate is 1,1 .

The number is equal to:

402/500 x 1.1 \u003d 0.88 \u003d 1 person per day

Second way:

Based on the table. 5 establish the required number of workers engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment, depending on the number of units of equipment repair complexity and the number of jobs in the archive.

Table 5

The number of workers employed in the maintenance and repair of equipment

recommended for use when calculating
the staffing of state archives

    Qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees: 3rd officer. add. ed. / Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. M., 2001.

    Comprehensive norms for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on documents of the GAF of the USSR, carried out in state archives storing management documents and documents of personal origin / VNIIDAD. M., 1990.

    Comprehensive time norms for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on documents of the GAF of the USSR, carried out in state archives that store management documents, documents of personal origin, soundtracks. Part 2 / VNIIDAD. M., 1991.

    Comprehensive time norms for work on the preparation of publications of documents and reference books on the documents of the archival funds of the Russian Federation, performed in state archives that store management documentation, documents of personal origin. Part 3 / VNIIDAD. M., 1992.

    Interindustry normative materials for the regulation of labor of workers for cleaning territories and premises / TsBNT. M., 1992.

    Interindustry standards of time for work on scientific and technical information. M., 1990.

    Cross-sectoral standards for the number of workers in the labor protection service in organizations / TsBNT. M., 2001.

    Interindustry standard time norms for work on service maintenance of personal computers and organizational equipment and maintenance of software / TsBNT. M., 1998.

    Interindustry consolidated time standards for accounting work and financial activities in budgetary organizations / CBNT. M., 1995.

    Interindustry consolidated standards of time for work on documentation support of management / TsBNT. M., 1995.

    Interindustry consolidated time standards for recruiting and personnel accounting. M., 1991.

    Inter-sectoral consolidated norms of time for work with scientific and technical documentation in the archives of institutions, organizations and enterprises / VNIIDAD; TsBNT. M., 1993.

    Time standards for work performed by economists financial work... Moscow: Economics, 1990.

    Time standards for cleaning service and cultural and household premises / TsBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of associations of the hotel industry and hotels / CBNT. M., 1985.

    Standards for the number of employees in the personnel training department (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of employees of the legal service / CBNT. M., 1990.

    Standards for the number of workers employed in the maintenance of public buildings / TsBNT. M., 1988.

    Standards for the number of workers for hotel maintenance / CBNT. M., 1984.

    Time rates for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies / CBNT. M., 1993.

    Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies / Central Bank of Science and Technology. M., 2002.

    Service standards for workers engaged in sanitary maintenance of households. M., 1996.

    Approximate provision on the archives of the state archive: Order of 13.02.2001 N 12 / Rosarkhiv.

    Approximate provisions on the departments of the state archive, the center for storing documents: Order of 11.07.1994 N 57 / Rosarchiv.

    Approximate provisions on structural divisions of federal archives: Order of 05/07/1998 N 34 / Rosarchiv.

    Calculation of the useful (effective) fund of working time in the planning period: Method. recommendations / Main Archive of the USSR. M., 1982.

    Typical norms of time and production for the main types of work performed in the state archives / VNIIDAD. M., 1988.

    Typical norms of time and output for work and services performed in state archives using a PC / VNIIDAD. M., 2001.

    Typical norms of time and production for the main types of work performed in state archives that store film and photo documents / VNIIDAD. M., 1984.

    Typical norms of time and production for the main types of work performed in state archives storing scientific and technical documentation. M., 1984.

    Typical norms of time and production for the main types of work performed in state archives storing phono documents / VNIIDAD. M., 1983.

    Standard production rates for the main types of work performed by laboratories for micro-photocopying and restoration of documents of state archives / Glavarchiv of the USSR. M., 1981.

    Typical production rates for bookbinding and cartoning. Moscow: Economics, 1990.

    Typical norms of time for work on copying and reproduction of documents / TsBNT. M., 1990.

    The enlarged norms of time for polishing and glass cleaning works. M., 1991.

    The enlarged norms of time for work performed in the united archives storing documents on the personnel of institutions, organizations and enterprises / VNIIDAD; TsBNT. M., 1992.

List of used literature

    Grebnev E.T. Rationing of administrative labor / E.T. Grebnev, K.A. Smirnov. M., 1980.

    Klyuev V.K. Economic support for the activities of libraries / V.K. Klyuev, A.M. Chukaev. M., 1991.

    Scientific organization of managerial work in the apparatus of ministries and departments: Interuniversity. Sat. / MGIAI. M., 1985.

    M.I. Nedostupov Labor rationing: Textbook. allowance. T. 1 / M.I. Nedostupov, V.N. Godionenko, A.V. Chirkov; St. Petersburg, University of Economics and Finance. SPb, 1995.

    Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor in state archives: Method. recommendations / VNIIDAD. M., 1986.

    Labor economics. Book. 1, 2 / Saint Petersburg, University of Economics and Finance. SPb, 1993.

The time and production rates for the main types of work performed in the state archives, as a rule, are designed for the performance of each work, operation by one performer.

Local norms can be aggregated or calculated by type of work and operations and set for a work week of 40 hours. The rates should take into account the time for preparatory and final, auxiliary work, organizational and technical maintenance of workplaces, rest and personal needs of performers. The procedure for the development of time norms and development is set out in the guidelines: Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor in state archives / Glavarchiv of the USSR; VNIIDAD. M., 1986.

Calculation of the useful (effective) fund of working time in the planning period: Method. recommendations / Main Archive of the USSR. M., 1982.S. 1-6; Adj. 1; nn. 4.1-4.8. (Classes in civil defense are currently not included in the number of absenteeism, and the time required for their conduct is taken into account in the total labor costs, along with classes to improve the qualifications of archive workers).

In the examples of the calculation, the "Typical norms of time and output for the main types of work performed in the state archives" (M., 1988), as well as the norms of the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA), the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and the Russian the state archive of the economy (RGAE).

Standards for the number of workers employed in the maintenance of public buildings / TsBNT. M., 1988.S. 5.

Standards for the number of workers employed in the maintenance of public buildings / TsBNT. M., 1988.S. 11.

For the names of the equipment, the definition of the category of its complexity and repair, see: Standards for the number of workers for hotel maintenance / TsBNT. M., 1984.S. 44-53.

Standards for the number of workers for hotel maintenance / CBNT. M., 1984.S. 27.

What is the headcount of a company or an enterprise? Further, we will understand in detail all aspects of this issue, including what this definition means. The essence of this concept is determined by the nature of the company's activities, how laborious and complex its production processes are. The headcount indicators should be influenced by such factors as the degree of mechanization and automation of these processes.

It is on the basis of these indicators that the planned is set, i.e. normative, the number of employees of the enterprise. In reality, it is extremely problematic to provide it. The characteristics and exact figures of the so-called payroll will be more objective. In other words, here we are talking about the actual number, i.e. on the number of employees officially registered in the organization. In this case, the total number of employees is divided into three main categories.

What are the categories of company employees?

They can be divided into the following types.

  1. Permanent employees. That is, these are those workers who were hired for a period of at least a year under a contract, and most often for an unlimited period.
  2. Temporary. These are the employees who have been hired for up to 2 months. This can also include people taken to the organization to replace an employee who is absent for any reason. In this case, they are accepted for up to 4 months. It usually does not make sense for such employees to be included in the statistics of the number of employees.
  3. Seasonal. Employed by the state to perform seasonal work for up to six months. These workers are especially often employed by agricultural enterprises. Usually in summer their number of employees increases significantly, in winter it decreases.

There are also unscheduled employees. This group includes external part-time workers, as well as employees who were involved for special or one-time jobs, or those with whom civil law contracts were concluded. And also those who receive a scholarship from the enterprise or were sent from it to study. Some other employees are also considered non-listed employees.

The payroll headcount can also be used to determine this average over a specific period, such as a month or a year. At the same time, the statistical study of the number determines the indicator of the turnout number. This is actually legitimate, because often not all employees visit their workplace daily. Therefore, the turnout figure is the most objective. If you need to record the number of employees according to the most accurate indicators, you should use the latter method.

The importance of headcount management

For any company, whatever its size or business profile, employee management is essential. Without good specialists, no organization simply will be able to achieve its goals and successfully continue its activities, therefore people management is the most important, if not the most important, aspect of the theory and practice of management. In our time, many new principles of production organization have appeared. Many of them are really noteworthy and, along with optimal systems and procedures, play an important role in the work of any organization.

But the implementation of all these possibilities directly depends on the employees of the enterprise, i.e. from living people. The most important role is played by their competence, knowledge, qualifications, the ability to solve problems as quickly as possible, learn and improve their qualifications. For example, in order to manage new technology, the employee must thoroughly know how the old one works. And that's at least. For success in competitive struggle it is important that each employee of the company has sufficient knowledge. Themselves as workers should be a sufficient number for the successful solution of the tasks.

By predicting supply and demand for workers, absolutely any company can at least approximately understand how many people it needs to achieve the goal, what their qualifications should be, how to make the most reasonable placement of personnel.

All other things being equal, the larger the figure can be called, speaking about the number of personnel of the enterprise, the greater the volume of production as a result.

Who is the object of the company's headcount management?

Managing people wisely is critical to their success. This concept close in meaning to the concept of human resource management. The control object is the same in both cases. The only difference is in the approach to each employee and his workforce. And it is known to be the main resource.

The object of managing the number of personnel is the employee himself. In addition, when managing the number of employees of a company, their totality is also studied, that is, the work collective. The collective can be understood as the entire personnel of the company, as well as the composition of one of its structural units, for example, a shop or department. It depends on the specifics of the company. A production unit (such as a team) can also be an object of study.

A feature of a group of company employees, when they act as an object of management, is their relationship. It is she who makes them a single team, and it is formed due to the fact that this group of people in their work pursues common goals.

The subjects of headcount management are personnel department employees and managers, and at absolutely all possible levels.

A large number of issues are involved in headcount management systems. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

About the headcount management system

In what cases is it necessary to deal with the management of the number of employees of the organization and in general the indicators of the number of employees? This is especially true in the following cases:

  1. When production volumes change significantly, both in the direction of decreasing and increasing.
  2. When the organization has significant financial problems.
  3. If the owner who owns the organization changes.
  4. If the organizational structure of management changes.
  5. If an IPO is being held.
  6. If foreigners appear among the investors or owners of the company.
  7. When new IT technologies are introduced into control systems.
  8. If competition in the industry of the company increases in the region.

Let's take a closer look at each of these cases:

Financial problems and significant changes in production volumes.

In this case, planning the number of workers is the most important task. The problem of exceeding the number of employees is especially relevant for companies, the demand for whose products is rather seasonal, and the rest of the time it is very low. This problem is especially important in our time, when competition is growing in almost all areas, this reduces the demand even for the products of companies, which cannot be called relevant only in some seasons. This, in turn, causes a decrease in production. And the company, in order to achieve success, must increase profits. What is needed for this? Increase production volumes, while reducing production costs. How can you reduce the cost? Only by optimizing the number of employees. In some cases, it also includes a reduction in the number of personnel in the organization.

The size of the workforce should be optimal. If there are too many employees, this increases the cost of their maintenance. If not enough, it does not allow you to create as many products as you need to meet demand and generate profit.

If the reason for optimization is complex financial position organization, then you must first determine how the volume of production (and hence, financial indicators, since one depends on the other) depends on the number of personnel.

IPO, change of ownership, foreign investors.

All these factors directly affect the change in the number of employees of the organization, because they are usually followed by significant changes in the management of the company, working conditions, remuneration. Often this happens when a new management team comes to work in the organization. They want to study all aspects related to the company's activities and, if necessary, make changes. Diagnostics of the system of the number of working staff is one of the main questions that interests them.

Increased competition.

If competition rises in the area in which the company operates, it becomes necessary to make the company and its work more competitive. Improving the labor and production system is one of the most important issues in this case. For example, in the main part of Russian companies, the system of auxiliary personnel (for example, maintenance personnel) is poorly developed, only a small number of such employees are officially registered, or forms of collective labor organization are poorly used, although such forms help to reduce the number of employees and, accordingly, the costs of their maintenance.

Besides, in russian companies (in any case, in the main part of them) labor rationing has not been sufficiently introduced. Of course, there are norms. The only problem is that most of them are outdated and are at the level of the 80s of the last century. These were just a few of the factors affecting the number of employees.

What methods are used for headcount management?

Often, in the formation of management systems for the number of employees of an enterprise or company, standard methods of expert consultation are used. This can be expert and setting interviews, data collection, analysis of enterprise documents, setting diagrams and modeling the necessary business processes. The latter is carried out using various techniques. An example of such a technique can be one that is built on the basis of functional analysis.

Most often, these methods are used in the following order:

  1. Conducting initial interviews, that is, the products or services that the business is producing are specified, the key functions responsible for the business processes of the unit.
  2. The analysis of documents is usually carried out at the second stage.
  3. This is followed by interviews with the heads of departments. They relate to the content of business procedures, standards for their implementation, quality assessment. The result of these interviews is, among other things, recommendations for optimizing the number of personnel.
  4. At the last stage, the analysis of the economic efficiency of the enterprise is carried out, and recommendations for its improvement are given.

Determination of the number of personnel

The calculations of the number of employees should not be simplified, since they determine the subsequent work on the staffing of the enterprise. For this reason, when determining the need for labor, they are not limited to formal calculations using generally accepted formulas, but additional analytical calculations are carried out in order to identify the features of the production situation.

So, in practice, the planning methodology "from the achieved level" is often used. In accordance with this approach, the number of workers in the planning period (PP) is calculated as follows:

Chpl \u003d Chb (Iq / Iw), where Chb is the average number of employees in the base period, people; Iq - index of changes in the volume of production in the planning period; Iw - labor productivity growth index.

However, in this case, there is a danger of automatically transferring shortcomings in the use of workers in the reporting period to the planning period. Therefore, the calculations should be supplemented with an analysis of the use of the working time fund of workers, based on it, draw up a plan of measures aimed at better use of labor, which should be reflected in the index of growth in labor productivity.

This kind of analysis is especially necessary in cases where the personnel policy of the enterprise is focused on saving labor costs, on the intensive path of production development.

Since calculations of the required number according to generally accepted formulas allow us to obtain an average annual indicator, it is necessary to analyze whether there are fluctuations in the demand for labor in certain periods relative to this average annual indicator, caused by differences in output.

Moreover, the range of fluctuations can be especially significant if analyzed from a professional perspective.

Planned number production workers on standardized work is determined based on the labor intensity of the product:Chpl \u003d Tpn / (Fr.v * Kv.n), where Tpn is the planned standard labor intensity, standard hours;
FR.v - useful annual fund of time of one worker, h; Kv.n - the planned rate of implementation of the norms.

The normative labor intensity of production (the number of the formula) is a total indicator, it does not take into account how evenly labor intensity is distributed over months or quarters of the year in accordance with fluctuations in production volumes. And these fluctuations can be quite significant.

Therefore, having calculated the average annual indicator according to the formula, in certain periods of time an enterprise may experience either a shortage of staff or its surplus.

However, it is important to know not only the range of fluctuations in the number of workers (from the maximum need to the minimum), but also the duration of the period, which is characterized by surplus or undersupply of the number. Only then can the issue of recruiting personnel be resolved in accordance with the average annual need and methods of regulating the arising discrepancies.

It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the relationship between changes in the volume of production and the number of employees: how these two processes are linked in time, is there always a proportional change in the number immediately after a decline (or growth) in production or a change in the indicator of the number occurs after a certain period of time, i.e. with a certain time shift.

As practice shows, the change in the indicators of the volume of production and the number of employees does not occur synchronously: the reaction to a change in the volume of production is not immediate. The fact is that production labor intensity in conditions of growth (or decline) of production is formed under the influence, first of all, of factors related to the organization of the production process at the enterprise.
Justification of the growth of labor productivity at many operating Russian enterprises is based on factors. In this case, the calculation is carried out based on the need to save the number of workers for all factors of growth in labor productivity. In this case, the number of employees of the enterprise in the planning period can be determined by the following formula:Chpl \u003d Chb * Iq + E, where Chpl is the average planned number of employees, people. E - general change (decrease - "minus", increase - "plus") of the initial number of employees, people.

This method of calculating the total labor demand of an enterprise can only be applied to operating enterprises with a stable, smooth change in the production program. It is not applicable for newly created enterprises and facilities, as well as for enterprises with significant fluctuations in the production program and structure of employees. More accurate and justified, including for newly created enterprises and facilities, is the method for determining the planned number of employees of an enterprise in a direct way.
The most common are the following basic methods:

determining the need for workers;

labor intensity of work;

by production rates;

by workplaces on the basis of maintenance standards for machines and assemblies, and control over the technological process.

When planning the number of workers, the turnout and average payroll are determined. The apparent number of workers per shift (Chyav) is the normative number of workers for fulfilling a production shift task for the production of products:Chav \u003d Tr / (Tcm * Dn * S * Kvn), where Tr is the labor intensity of the production program, standard hours; Tcm - the duration of a work shift or shift fund of working time of one worker, hours; S is the number of work shifts per day; Dn is the number of days of operation of the enterprise in the planning period.
To calculate the required average number of workers, two main methods can be used: calculation by the average payroll ratio and by the planned percentage of absenteeism:

Chsp \u003d Chav * Ksp, where Ksp is the coefficient of the average payroll. This ratio is calculated as:

Ksp \u003d Fn / f, Where Fn is the nominal fund of working time (number of calendar working days);f - the actual fund of working time of one worker (planned number of working days).

Planning the number of auxiliary ones performing work for which there are service standards is reduced to determining the total number of service objects, taking into account the shift of work. The quotient from dividing this number by the service rate is the actual number of workers.
The number of employees can be determined based on the analysis of industry average data, and in their absence - according to the standards developed by the enterprise. Headcount standards, depending on their purpose, can be developed not only for each individual management function, groups of functions, the enterprise as a whole, but also for individual types of work (accounting, graphic, computing, etc.), as well as for positions (designers, technologists, economists, etc.). The number of service personnel can be determined by the consolidated service standards. For example, the number of cleaners - by the number of square meters of floor space, cloakroom attendants - by the number of people served, etc.

The number of managers can be determined taking into account the norms of manageability and a number of other factors.

Professional staff planning

Changes in production volumes, equipment and technology, in the range of products affect not only the total number, but also the professional and qualification structure of workers. Various approaches and methods are used for its planning. So, you can calculate the number for each profession (professional group), and on the basis of this, by summing up, the total number of workers is determined, and then the share of each professional group in the total number.
The calculation can be performed in another way: first, the total number of workers is determined, and then it is distributed in accordance with the existing (or given or predicted) structure by profession (professional group).

In the first case, there is a danger that the total number of occupations, calculated for each of them on the basis of its own methodology, will not correspond to the total number calculated in an aggregated way, and the differences can be very significant.
In the second case, the calculation accuracy depends on correct definition the most professional structure in the coming period. There are at least three methods for calculating the structure. The first of them is based on the use of the extrapolation method: comparing the professional structure of workers in an enterprise over a long period (a number of years), identifying emerging trends and spreading them to the future period.

As the results of surveys of the professional composition of workers in industry, periodically carried out by statistical bodies, have shown that the professional structure is quite stable: significant changes are detected only over a long period (5-10 years). True, these conclusions were related to the conditions of a planned economy and relatively stable operating enterprises. Therefore, an approach based on extrapolation of data, in a "pure" form, is hardly justified at the level of an enterprise operating in market conditions. The structure of workers obtained using this method should be adjusted taking into account the introduction of technology, the planned restructuring of production, changes in the specialization of the enterprise in the production of products.

Another approach to calculating the prospective structure of workers by occupation is based on an analysis of changes in the level of labor productivity by occupational groups. The higher the labor productivity, the smaller the number required to perform the same amount of work. A prerequisite for the application of this method of calculating the future professional structure of workers is the organization of accounting for changes in the level of labor productivity not in general for all workers, but for workers of the most widespread professions. In addition, an increase in labor productivity should be accompanied by the release of excess numbers, and hence a change in the share of this professional group of workers in the total number.

When predicting the professional structure of personnel, one can use the apparatus of Markov processes. This method is based on assessing the likelihood of interprofessional transfers due to reasons of turnover (including returning to the previous group after being fired) and extrapolating the prevailing trends. The easiest way to estimate the transition probabilities in the Markov model can be obtained as particulars of the corresponding transitions. However, when using this method, an important requirement should be observed: the prevailing directionality and intensity professional movement workers at the enterprise must be to a certain extent stable and inertial, which is revealed by the appropriate preliminary analysis.

At the same time, an analysis of the rationality of the use of labor is of great importance, since an increase in the need for new workers can often be offset by more full use hired labor.

When carrying out planned calculations of the required number of personnel by structural divisions, their leaders should be involved in this work.

Features of the modern stage of personnel management

Talking about the present stage evolution of personnel management, more and more often talk about the transition from personnel management to human resource management.

Human resource management is characterized by the consideration of personnel as one of the most important resources of the organization, necessary to achieve its goals. Employees are the most important resource of the organization, which must be preserved, developed and used in the competition. Effective use of all other resources depends on the staff.

The integration of personnel management into the overall strategy of the organization is the most important difference between human resource management and personnel management.

Modern trends in the evolution of human resource management, in addition to those indicated above, are as follows:

the transition from fragmented service personnel activities to the integration of management functions and personnel functions;

professionalization of the human resource management function;

internationalization of the function of human resource management;

an increase in the proportion of the function of deepening social partnership and regulation of labor relations in human resource management;

the transition from advanced training to the development of human resources.

As for Russia, for decades a technocratic approach to management has dominated in our country. The focus was on plans, budgets, structures, etc.

Ideologized personnel policy was the prerogative of state and party bodies. Monopoly in the world of work led to a narrowing of labor motivation and low productivity.

At present, with the transition to the market, the situation is changing. Practice shows that human capabilities are decisive in achieving any goals. The main potential of any enterprise is its personnel. Managing people is essential for all organizations without exception.

Most experts agree with the statement that there are five main functions that managers perform: planning, organizing, recruiting, directing, and controlling. Together, these functions constitute what is commonly referred to as the control process.

Meanwhile, the force of inertia is great. Not all heads of enterprises have realized the need to abandon the traditional personnel policy (based on authoritarian principles, administrative methods) and move to a policy of human resource management.

Nowadays, every organization needs a department that deals with personnel management. The name and structure of this sub-division may be different (personnel management service, human resources, HR department, etc.). Modern personnel services it is not enough, as it was before, only to issue orders for employees and store personnel information - This unit should carry out personnel management in accordance with the goals of the organization's activities, should be constantly improved, updated in accordance with changes in the organization's goals.

HR managers should have knowledge in the field of personnel management in organizational and managerial, legal, accounting and documentation, pedagogical, social, psychological, sociological and other aspects that would allow them to carry out the entire cycle of work with personnel.

Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" was absent in management practice. True, the management system of each organization had a functional subsystem of personnel management and social development of the team, but most of the work on personnel management was performed by the line heads of departments.

The main structural unit for personnel management in the organization is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing employees, as well as organizing their training, advanced training and retraining. To perform the latter functions, training departments or technical training departments are often created.

Personnel departments are neither methodical, nor informational, nor a coordinating center for personnel work. They are structurally disconnected from the departments of labor organization and wages, departments of labor protection and safety, legal departments and other departments that perform the functions of personnel management. To solve social problems in organizations, social research and service services are created.

Personnel management services, as a rule, have a low organizational status, are weak in professional terms. Because of this, they do not perform a number of tasks to manage personnel and ensure normal working conditions.

Among them are such important ones as:

socio-psychological diagnostics;

analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, relations between the leader and subordinates, management of industrial and social conflicts and stresses;

information support of the system personnel management; employment management;

assessment and selection of candidates for vacancies, analysis of human resources and staffing needs; HR marketing;

business career planning and control;

professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees;

labor motivation management;

regulation of legal issues of labor relations;

compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of work.

If earlier, in the conditions of the command-administrative system, these tasks were considered secondary, then during the transition to the market they came to the fore, and each organization is interested in their solution.

The basis of the concept of personnel management of an organization at the present time is the growing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

The situation that has developed in our country, changes in the economic and political systems simultaneously carry both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the stability of his existence, introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into the life of almost every person.

Personnel management in modern socio-economic conditions is of particular importance: it allows you to generalize and implement a whole range of issues of adaptation of an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization's personnel management system. There are three factors that affect people in an organization.

The first is the hierarchical structure of the organization, where the main means of influence is the power-subordination relationship, pressure on a person from above with the help of coercion, control over the distribution of material wealth.

The second is culture, i.e. joint values, social norms, behavioral attitudes that are developed by a society, an organization, a group of people, which regulate the actions of the individual, force the individual to behave this way and not otherwise without visible compulsion.

The third is the market - a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, property relations, balance of interests of the seller and the buyer


For the effective functioning of any organization, high-quality personnel management is necessary. People management includes ensuring cooperation between all members of the workforce, personnel policy, training, informing, motivating employees and other important components of the manager's work.

Personnel management is a systematic, systematically organized impact with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for using the labor qualities of an employee (labor force) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and all-round development of the workers employed in it.

Planning for staffing needs includes: assessing available capacity labor resources; assessment of future needs; development of personnel development programs.

The most common are the following basic methods of personnel planning: determining the need for workforce; labor intensity of work; by production rates; by workplaces on the basis of maintenance standards for machines and assemblies, and control over the technological process.


Gerchikova I. N. Management. - M., 2004 - 498 p .;

Genkin B.M. Fundamentals of personnel management. 2001 - 439 p.

Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management. - M., 2001 - 357 p .;

Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel Management. - M., 2001 - 407 p .;

Fundamentals of personnel management. Textbook ed. Genkina B.M., - M., 2001 - 290 p .;

Sedegov R.S. Personnel management: employees as a factor of enterprise success - Minsk, 2001 - 463 p.

Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. 2001 - 437 p.

Tarasov V. K. Personnel-technology: selection and training of managers. -L: "Mechanical engineering", 2001 - 354 p. ...

Personnel Management. Tutorial. Ed. V.Yu. Serbinsky, 2002.


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