An example of an entry in a labor service of your own free will. How to correctly make an entry in the work book about the dismissal of an employee. General rules for registration of activities

One of the most important documents for a Russian is his work record book. It is necessary not only for the duration of a working career.

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After retirement, payments are calculated based on the entries made in it. Therefore, it is so important to thoroughly know all the nuances regarding correct and accurate filling.

Normative base

It is also determined there that the work book is filled in in Russian, with the exception of special cases when double filling is allowed for residents of republics that have their own national language.

The algorithm for filling out the form is indicated in a special one.

Who is responsible for maintaining, recording and storing?

Draw up and fill out work books according to the rules current legislation Russian Federation only organizations and private entrepreneurs can.

After starting work, the work book is transferred to the personnel department of the employing enterprise, and during the entire time a private person works at this enterprise, it is his employees who are responsible for storing the form, filling it out in a timely manner.

Upon dismissal, the work book is handed over to the employee, and, thereby, he is responsible for the document until he gets a job at a new place of work.

At the same time, he must sign in the accounting book of the enterprise.

He has no right to fill out the pages of the form on his own.

The personnel department in a large company is responsible for keeping records of workers' work books. In a smaller enterprise, such powers may be vested in an accountant, secretary or other executive, officially authorized to do so by order.

Who fills in if there is no HR officer?

If the company does not have a personnel department or a person specially authorized to perform such actions, the registration, filling in and the necessary correction of the data in the work book is carried out directly by the director of the organization or an officially authorized person with the necessary qualifications.

When does it open?

The work record book must be opened at the time of applying for the first official job.

In this case, an application should be written to the employer asking for a form to be completed in the name of the new employee.

The first filling of a new book is made within one week after submitting an application in any form.

It should be carried out only in the presence of the person for whom the document is being drawn up, since at this moment all the basic personal information is entered, and they must be drawn up correctly.

A sample of filling out a work book in 2020

Now let's take a look at the main points for filling out a work book.

Instructions and basic rules

The registration of the work book is carried out according to the special instructions of the Ministry of Labor. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with its main provisions in order not to make mistakes, as well as to make sure that the form is maintained in accordance with all the rules.

When filling out the work for the first time, the following data must be transferred to the title page:

  • Full name of the employee, as they are recorded in the presented ID.
  • Full date of birth.
  • Education data
  • If a person has a specialist diploma, then, on the basis of this document, information about the profession and specialty is entered.

Labor service serves as the most complete and relevant reflection of the employee's working path, therefore, all significant changes in his work and social life should be recorded on the pages of the form.

The following points are necessarily reflected:

  • the fact of admission of an employee to the state with an indication of the exact name of the position held at the moment;
  • the fact of transfer to another position, demotion or reinstatement in the previous position;
  • transfer to another enterprise;
  • violation of the rules of the enterprise, the established working regime;
  • bonuses for special merits;
  • change of surname and first name;
  • additional education, courses;
  • changes in the name of the employer's organization;
  • the fact of dismissal with an indication of the reason.

The columns of the work book are filled in in a strict order:

  1. Each column, with the exception of the section "Information about the employer", is assigned a serial number.
  2. In accordance with the order for making changes, the date is put in the format day / month / year.
  3. The information is entered directly.
  4. Indicate the number and details, the date of issue of the order to amend the employee's form.

Which pen should I fill?

According to paragraph 1.1 of the instructions, entries are made in black, blue, purple ink.

Inks of other colors are not permitted under any circumstances.

Is it possible to fill work book gel pen? Yes. When filling out pages, it is permissible to use a ballpoint, fountain pen, as well as a gel pen.

All other writing materials are not suitable for the registration of the form and will lead to its deterioration.


The numbering of information in the work book, according to the established rules, is carried out strictly in chronological order and nothing else.

Can I write in block letters?

Filling in the columns with data is carried out in capital letters. There is one exception, namely: when affixing the signature of an employee on the title page, you can indicate your full name and do it in block letters, in order to avoid possible questions and confusion.

This must be done carefully, without mistakes and blots.

The entry is made without abbreviations, all words must be indicated clearly and legibly. The information required for entry must be indicated in the appropriate columns according to the filling rules, certified by the signature of the person making the changes and the seal of the HR department, or the seal of the enterprise.

Founding documents

These are documents that serve as the basis for making additions and changes to the work book.

These include:

  • personal documents of the employee (identity card, certificate of marriage / divorce, education);
  • internal work documents (orders for employment, dismissal, promotion, transfer, etc.).

Title page

The title of the work book should be filled out with great care. If there are any mistakes and corrections, this page is considered invalid, the book must be written off and replaced.

The first page contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. completely, as indicated in the passport;
  • date of birth, day and year are written in Arabic numerals, month - in words;
  • on the basis of a document on completed or continuing education, its level is recorded;
  • the exact name of the profession and specialty is entered, also based on information from the education documents;
  • at the very end of the sheet, the date is put in the format indicated above and the personal signature of the owner of the work book, confirming the accuracy of all the specified data;
  • the signature of the person in charge, the seal of the organization or the personnel department is mandatory.



When an employee is dismissed, the reason for the dismissal is indicated in column 3, the details of the order are recorded, on the basis of which the action was carried out.

Records made during work in the organization must be certified by the signature and seal of the head before labor document will be handed over to the worker.


Upon dismissal due to staff redundancy, an employee's reduction is recorded in the labor form on the basis of an order with the details of this document.

Reinstatement in office

If an employee challenges the decision to dismiss him in court, then, upon passing a favorable verdict, he must be reinstated in his last position immediately.

Refusal to execute a court decision leads to administrative liability.

In this case, an entry is made in the work book, on the basis of which the record of dismissal should be considered invalid. The details of the writ of execution are indicated as the document-basis.

Death of an employee

In the event of the death of an employee, the head of the enterprise issues a decree on termination of the employment contract on the basis of the fact of death.

After that, a detailed entry is made in the labor book based on the documents:

  • The deceased's identity card (passport).
  • Death certificate.
  • Statutory documents of the enterprise.
  • Documents provided by the HR department.
  • Accounting.

Penalties and reprimands

Records about disciplinary action cannot be entered in the labor book by law. The form can be filled with a record of the termination of employment, indicating the reason, which may be a disciplinary violation.

Changes and fixes

How do you make changes and corrections to outdated information? Let's figure it out.

When changing the surname and assigning qualifications

If there is a change in the surname, name, qualifications of an employee, then, in accordance with clause 2.3 of the Instructions, the changes are made as follows: the existing entry is crossed out with one line, new information is inserted over it.

Its authenticity is confirmed by the name and number of the document on the basis of which the change was made (for example, a marriage certificate). The corrective is certified by the signature of the employee and the seal of the enterprise.

Renaming an organization

Although the change in the name of the employer's organization does not in any way affect the change in the working conditions of the employee, according to paragraph 2.2 of the Instruction, this information must be entered in the work book.

This is done as follows:

  • the first and second columns of the record remain blank;
  • in the third column, information on the change in the name of the organization is entered, where the previous and present name is indicated in full and abbreviated form;
  • in the fourth column, the date and details of the document on the basis of which it is made are put down.

Record is invalid

If you need to correct an entry made in the "job details" section, remember that you cannot cross it out.

After an entry containing an error, the next entry in numbering is made, the date of entry is put down, and in column 3 it is written: "entry No. ... to be considered invalid", followed by a corrected, correct entry.

Column 4 is filled in with two options:

  • a footnote is given again to the number and date of the order that became the basis for the invalid entry;
  • indicate the number and date of the order issued for the purpose of making changes.

How to make a missed

If, for some reason, a record of the changes made was not made in the work book in a timely manner, the employee can apply to the employer by submitting an official document confirming the event that has occurred, which must be recorded.

When this entry is made, the actual date of the event is indicated. The rest of the TC is filled in according to the standard sample.

If the employer refuses to make changes retroactively, you should file a complaint with the labor inspectorate.

Oral statements cannot be used as a basis for retroactive recording.

Filled in retroactively

What are the risks of retroactive recording? For the employee, this can have negative consequences, since it affects his seniority and, accordingly, the accrual of pension later may not be in his favor. Such situations should be avoided whenever possible.

How to fill in the insert

When filling out all blank pages in the TC, the subsequent data is entered on an insert form, which is additionally paid by the employee:

  • The insert is completed by the employer.
  • The date is stamped on the title.
  • Up-to-date information concerning the worker is added.
  • The entry is certified by the personal signature of the person who filled it in and the seal.

The legislation does not establish the maximum permissible number of inserts for one labor book.

Typically, the form is sewn under the cover at the end of the completed book.

It should be remembered that:

  • damage to the cover itself is unacceptable;
  • correction of errors is unacceptable, all records must be drawn up according to the rules for maintaining the TC;
  • without the labor book itself, the insert has no legal force;
  • when changes are made to the form, they are entered on all pages, including the pasted-in forms.

Date of data entry

It is affixed to the stamp at the top of the liner. It can also be affixed without a stamp. The place of date stamping in the document is not specified.

Making a duplicate

If the book is lost or damaged (when it becomes impossible to read the records on the pages) it is necessary.

If the loss or damage occurred at the time when the TC was in the hands of the employee, then to restore the document, you should contact the last employer.

For this, an application is submitted in the prescribed form, which is considered within 15 working days. Additionally, it may be required to provide all available information about previous locations work: certificates of enrollment, dismissal, career movements, orders.

In the new work book, the word "Duplicate" is put on the title page at the top, then the title is filled in according to the standard model.

On the first spread, the general work experience is affixed, then the specified information about the places of work based on the submitted certificates.

In the event that damage or loss of labor occurred through the fault of the current employer, he is responsible for collecting information and restoring information regarding the employee's labor history.


Like every other document, the labor book has its own design and filling nuances. Let's consider the main ones.

Are records made by an individual entrepreneur for themselves and employees?

The individual entrepreneur can enter data into the work book on himself in the event that he is registered as entity and received the appropriate status of the head of the organization.

This gives him the right to also make entries in the TC of his employees.

If an individual entrepreneur combines his activities with work at another enterprise, then in that company a form is kept for him as for an ordinary employee, which does not exempt the entrepreneur from the obligation to pay tax on private business.

When filling out the TC, instead of the name of the organization, "IP" is put down, then the full name of the employer is indicated.

What data is entered by a civil servant?

Upon admission to civil service the work book is filled in in the usual way, only instead of the name of the organization, column number 3 is indicated structural subdivision government body.

The title of the new employee's position is indicated in accordance with the register of positions in the state civil service.

Can I make notes myself?

According to the law, an individual does not have the right to make any changes and make new entries on his own. However, there is an exception.

If an employee was awarded by a third-party or a higher-level organization and received an order to enter a statement about this in the TC, but a record of this fact was not made before he left his last job, he has the right to make this record himself, guided by a sample.

Does it have to be a hologram?

A hologram is an additional means of protecting a document from counterfeiting. It is not necessary to paste it into the TC, but the employer can add this element to the form.

A clear place for pasting a hologram is not specified by the Legislation, however, most often it is entered on the title of a work book.

Is it possible to enter data without printing?

No, the seal of the personnel department must certify the record made without fail.

In 2020, the question has become relevant, is it exactly the seal of the enterprise that is needed? It's not obligatory. It can be put down in the event that there are no personnel officers in the organization. Then the record is certified by the personal seal of the director or the official - organization.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site.

Many workers mistakenly believe that there is nothing difficult in making a labor record. It would seem that it can be difficult to write the date of hiring and dismissal on the form.

But in fact, an employee of the HR department or an employer must know many nuances that relate to the introduction of each record. The very type of record will depend on the position of the employee and on many other factors that in one way or another affect the record being made.

The work of an employee of the personnel department should not be underestimated, therefore, to help novice personnel officers, as well as for general education of employees, in this article we consider different situations of making an entry in the labor book.

The procedure and rules for filling out a work book

Hiring an employee is a very responsible occupation. In addition to the fact that the new employee must be quickly brought up to date in order for him to fulfill his labor function, it is also necessary to correctly draw up his labor document.

Many employers or employees of the personnel department, for inaccuracy or due to lack of experience, often make erroneous entries when filling out the labor. Because of this, the employee has to change not only one work form, but also the entire book.

Therefore, especially if this is your first experience, you should treat filling out the work book as competently as possible.


In order to fill out a work book for employment, you first need to familiarize yourself with the title page. In this information, you must find a match with the employee's passport data and only then fill out the form.

But in the event that you register an employee with a labor due to the fact that this is his first workplace, you will need to fill out the cover page yourself. To do this, you must write in the prepared place the name, surname and patronymic of the employee, as well as his date of birth, information about education and specialization.

Check carefully every entry you leave. Necessarily, especially if this is your first experience, and also use samples when filling out.

Now that the entry on the title page has been left, you can proceed to the next paragraphs.

How to correctly make an entry in a work record for a job?

To correctly make a record of the employee's appointment at all new job you will need two documents. The first is the employee's employment contract, and the second document is an order issued by the organization.

In the leftmost column, indicate the ordinal number of the record, and if it was preceded by another one, back out exactly one line.

Next, you need to write a serial number. In the next column, you leave the date the entry was made.

Now you can already write what position the employee is hired for, as well as indicate the name of the organization that accepts the employee into its ranks.

Now you need to enter the order number, as well as the date of its publication.

Only then can you affix the seal of the organization and ask the employer to leave your signature. Only after that, the employee is considered officially employed and payments will begin to be immediately deducted for him.

What is the date?

If we talk about the date of hiring, then, as a rule, the official date is the date of the conclusion of a direct employment contract between specific employee and the employer. But besides this, the official date can also be considered the day on which the employment contract comes into force, for example, after the weekend, starting from Monday.

Is there a stamp?

When applying for a job, a seal is mandatory in the labor book. This is proved by the fact that the employee did not write this record for himself, but actually performed the labor function.

Sometimes a seal in a labor book is accompanied by a hologram sticker. As many personnel officers say, this is an additional protection against unscrupulous workers.

Is there a rate?

The work book does not indicate such information as the amount of salary, the size of the salary and other similar information.

But many employers mistakenly enter these data in the work book form, thereby creating the possibility of a complete replacement of the work book, which is very unprofitable for the employee.

Hiring CEO

When applying for a job general director information on the date and position of such an employee is also entered into the labor document, however, the documentary basis for acceptance will not be an order, but a decision of the founders of the company.

The record in the work book about the employment of the general director of an LLC is a sample.


If you are recruiting driver, then it is not necessary to enter into the labor brand of the car on which he will carry out his work. It is much more important before hiring to look at the results of the medical commission passed by him and only after that start filling out the labor in the general order.

Temporary job

If a citizen is hired temporarily, this record must also be in the work book. Many people believe that this is not necessary, because the work has its own term, but despite this, temporary work should be reflected in labor.

A sample of filling (registration) of a work book for a job is temporary.

Without work book

Is it obligatory to have a work book when applying for a job? Often employers accept workers without labor. To do this, it is necessary to get the employee a labor, because he is just starting his way in the world of work.

The costs of buying a work book are borne by the organization who accepted the employee. The cover sheet is filled out in accordance with the employee's documents. The data is checked, a record of employment is made and the labor is sent to a personal file.

How to make a recording correctly?

If the employment contract is urgent this should also be noted on the job record. On the line where you must write information about the work, you must indicate the name of the organization, position and at the end of the entry indicate that you are accepted to a certain position under a fixed-term employment contract.

Hiring by transfer

If you have been transferred to a position, this is reflected by the entry in the labor book in the job details column. You must indicate your new position, the organization to which you were transferred and inform that this is a transfer. If you were transferred within the organization, then there is no need to write its name.

Record in the work record for employment in the order of translation sample.


Is a way of working in which an employee combines several types of employment. We will talk about exactly how to make an entry in the labor book in the next paragraph.

In the work book, when applying for a part-time job, we make an entry of the following nature: it must contain a serial number, the date of hiring, as well as a mention of part-time work. It is also necessary to have an issued order.

How to correct the recording correctly?

If you made a mistake in the employment contract, for example, the date of employment is incorrectly indicated, do not despair. Labor law allows for small ones. But if you have an incorrect entry - in no case should you use a corrector, a brush or an eraser. You will have to restore the employee's work book on new forms, therefore, as soon as you make a mistake, notify the employer and the employee about it.

How to fix the mistake in the appointment date?

If an error is made in a one-digit date, it can be corrected by crossing out and entering a new one... If the error goes in more than two digits, the labor book will have to be changed. Some people also admit this method. They put the next serial number on the record that the previous record is incorrect and then rewrite the correct version.

How do I cancel a job appointment?

In order to cancel an appointment for a job, it is enough to write in the following paragraph that the previous entry is not true.

Sample correction (cancellation) of an entry in a work record for a job.

Recruiting for an individual entrepreneur

How to fill out a work book correctly when applying for a job for an individual entrepreneur? If you apply for a job for individual entrepreneur , you first of all need to ask if he had any experience in registering labor. Be sure to look at the labor sheet after filling out. Filling out the labor book in the organization and for the individual entrepreneur should not differ, except that the name of the place of work.

An example (sample) of registration of an entry in a work book when applying for a job for an individual entrepreneur.

What if the employee did not provide his labor book when applying for a job?

If the employee did not provide labor due to the fact that he has never received it, give him a new one if he simply cannot find it or lost it, send it to the pension fund to issue a duplicate of the labor.

Useful video

Watch a useful video on how to fill out a labor book:


As you can see, filling out the labor document is not at all difficult if you rely on generally accepted rules and be attentive.

a) surname, name, patronymic, date of birth (day, month, year) - on the basis of a passport or other identity document;

b) education, profession, specialty - on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or availability of special knowledge (when applying for a job requiring special knowledge or special training).

10. All records of work performed, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal, as well as the awards made by the employer, are entered in the work book on the basis of the relevant order (order) of the employer no later than a week, and upon dismissal - on the day of dismissal and must exactly correspond to the text of the order (order).

11. All entries in the work book are made without any abbreviations and have their own serial number within the relevant section.

12. The employer is obliged to familiarize the owner with each entry in the work book about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job and dismissal, against signature in his personal card, which repeats the entry made in the work book.

(see text in previous edition)

13. The work book is filled in in the manner approved by the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation.

(see text in previous edition)

14. Entries in the work book about the reasons for the termination of the employment contract are made in strict accordance with the wording of the Labor Code

15. Upon termination of an employment contract on the grounds provided for in Article 77 Labor Code Of the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases of termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer and due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties (paragraphs 4 and of this article)), an entry is made in the work book about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of the first part indicated articles.

(see text in previous edition)

16. Upon termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the employer, an entry is made in the work book about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 81

17. Upon termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, an entry is made in the work book about the grounds for termination of the employment contract with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

18. Upon termination of an employment contract on other grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, a record of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book with reference to the relevant article, clause of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law.

19. Upon termination of an employment contract with an employee convicted in accordance with a court sentence to deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities and those who have not served a sentence, an entry is made in the work book on the basis on which, for how long and what position he is deprived of the right to occupy (what activities he is deprived of the right to engage in).

20. Information about part-time work (about dismissal from this job), at the request of the employee, is entered at the place of the main job in the work book on the basis of a document confirming the part-time work.

21. An entry is also made in the work book at the place of work, indicating the relevant documents:

A) on the time of military service in accordance with the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", as well as on the time of service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, institutions and the bodies of the penal system, the tax police, the bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities;

(see text in previous edition)

22. Relevant entries made in the work book of persons dismissed from work (position) in connection with unlawful conviction or dismissed from office in connection with unlawful prosecution, established, respectively, by an acquittal or a resolution (ruling) to terminate a criminal case for absence the events of the crime, due to the absence of corpus delicti in the act or due to lack of evidence of their participation in the commission of the crime, shall be recognized as invalid. The employer, upon a written application from the employee, issues him a duplicate of the work record book without a record recognized as invalid. A duplicate of the work book is issued to the specified persons in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

In the work books of persons who have served correctional labor without imprisonment, an entry is made at the place of work that the time of work during this period is not counted in the continuous length of service. This entry is made in the work books at the end of the actual term of serving the sentence, which is established according to the certificates of the internal affairs bodies.

) contains information about the termination of the contract. Termination of its validity and registration of a work book upon dismissal at the employee's own request is considered in article 80, at the initiative of the employer - in article 81... The grounds are presented in article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

  • v federal laws... For example, for civil servants, the issue of dismissal is regulated.
  • It should be remembered that for selected categories employees, for example:

    • Foreigners;
    • athletes;
    • scientists

    grounds for termination labor relations provided by separate provisions.

    Grounds for dismissal

    The most popular reasons for dismissal are:

    • of their own free will;
    • in order of translation;
    • due to staff reduction;
    • in connection with retirement;
    • in connection with conscription for military service;
    • in connection with violation of labor laws.

    In different cases, entries in the work book are made in different ways. We have prepared a sample employment record upon dismissal of our own free will for 2020. But still, we will describe in detail how to make the correct entry in the work book upon dismissal, what and how to write in each column.

    Recording rules

    By, all entries in the columns of the form must be made on the basis of the order of the employer. This rule also applies to information on termination of the contract. The content of the entries in the columns must repeat the wording from the order (paragraph 14 of the Rules). Information about the termination of the contract is entered in the form of the dismissed employee on the day of his departure from the organization.

    The procedure for making entries in the form is discussed in detail in. Consider the sequence in which an entry on the termination of working relations should be entered into the form (clauses 5.1-5.6 of the Instructions):

    1. In the first column of the "Job Information" section, the number of the record is put in order (you can use the sample work book below with a record of dismissal of your own free will).
    2. In the second, Arabic numerals indicate the date (day, month, year) of entering information about the termination of the contract.
    3. The third indicates the grounds for terminating the contract with reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An example of an entry in a work book about a dismissal of his own free will reads as follows: “Dismissed of his own free will, paragraph 3 of part one Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation».
    4. In the fourth, it is necessary to indicate the details of the order on the termination of working relations.
    5. The information entered in the employee's form during his work in the organization is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization (if any).
    6. As a sign of familiarization with the record, the employee puts his signature and indicates his surname with initials.

    Based on the sample dismissal record in the work book, you can make the correct entry on the employee's form.

    Dismissal in the order of transfer: enrollment in labor

    Labor contract the employee is sometimes terminated in connection with his transfer to work to another employer (clause 5 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee can transfer to work for another employer:

    • of their own free will;
    • on the initiative of the employer (both current and potential), in this case, dismissal by transfer is made out only with the written consent of the employee.

    We offer a sample of how to make an entry in the work book about dismissal when transferring to another place of work:

    How to fire at the initiative of an employee

    Filling out a work book upon dismissal of one's own free will in 2020 has a number of nuances. When it is required to make an entry in the work book upon dismissal of one's own free will, the wording in column 3 "terminated employment contract" is appropriate, and not "dismissed at will." Some lawyers recommend, when recording upon dismissal of their own free will in the work record book, write: "on the initiative of the employee", as it corresponds to the wording given in the law. We offer you to look at several examples of filling out a work book upon dismissal of your own free will.

    Dismissal due to retirement

    In this case, the following sample of an entry in the employment record for dismissal of our own free will apply:

    Dismissal at the initiative of the employer

    If an employee leaves for a violation labor discipline, then a sample of an entry in the labor force for dismissal of one's own free will will not work, the following wording must be made:

    When documents are issued to an employee

    A frequent question of employees: when should they return the work book upon dismissal? The deadline for issuing a work book to a dismissed employee is clearly established: after an entry is made in the work record of dismissal (of his own free will or not - it does not matter), the employer is obliged to hand the form to the citizen on the last day of work.

    Sending a work book by mail upon termination of employment is possible only with the consent of its owner, which should be drawn up in writing. This is practiced if the employee warns the employer in advance that he will not be able to be present at the workplace on the day of termination of the contract. This is used if the main office of the company is located at a considerable distance from the unit in which the person works.

    The form must be returned to the owner on time. What to do if the dismissed employee does not appear for him in due time? Failure to issue a work book upon dismissal threatens the employer with troubles in the form of a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. To protect yourself, the head of the company should send by mail former employee notification with a request to pick up the form from the personnel department of the enterprise or agree to send it by mail. This must be done on the last working day of the leaving employee.

    If the employee does not come for the form on his own, he has the right to ask for help from a person he trusts - a close relative or colleague. After issuing a power of attorney from a notary, an acquaintance will be able to receive his document from the HR department.

    Only after the dismissed employee received his work book with a record of the dismissal in the appropriate column, they put an end to this difficult matter.

    Introducing ready samples filling out work books in 2020, which are prepared in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Trudoviks began to fine accountants and personnel officers for errors in filling out work books. The Simplified Journal will help you correct mistakes without penalties:

    Rules for filling out a work book in 2020

    Instructions for filling out work books approved by the Ministry of Labor social development RF dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

    According to Instructions:

    • records of dates in all sections should be made in Arabic numerals (day and month - two-digit, year - four-digit).

    For example, if an employee was hired on December 25, 2020, an entry is made in the work book: "12/25/2020"

    • use a black, blue or purple fountain pen, gel pen or ballpoint pen to make notes
    • no reductions allowed

    For example, "ave." instead of "order", etc.

    • in the sections "Information about the work" and "Information about the award" it is not allowed to cross out entries made earlier (even if they are invalid)

    Even a small typo in the work is a reason for the FIU not to count the length of service of the employee, see what mistakes can be dangerous in the article.

    How to fix a mistake in a work book

    If it is necessary to change any record, it is necessary after the last of them to indicate the subsequent serial number, the date of the new record, and then write in column 3: "The record under the number is invalid."

    After that, you need to enter the data as required. For example: "Admitted to such and such a profession (position)." Then, in column 4, the date and number of the order (order) or other decision of the employer is repeated, the entry from which was incorrectly entered in the work book, or the date and number of the order (order) or other decision of the employer, on the basis of which the correct entry is made, is indicated.

    In the same manner, the record of the transfer to another job, etc., is invalidated.

    If the record of dismissal in the work book is invalid

    If there is an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another permanent job, which was subsequently declared invalid, a duplicate of the work book is issued at the written request of the employee without making an entry recognized as invalid.

    In this case, the inscription: "Duplicate" is made in the upper right corner of the first page of the duplicate work book.

    On the first page (title page) of the previous work book, it is written: "A duplicate has been issued in exchange" with an indication of its series and number.

    Electronic work books

    The idea of ​​switching to electronic work books has been discussed for a long time, because it is obvious that the work book on hard copy inconvenient for both the employee and the employer. Moreover, Pension Fund The RF annually spends a huge amount of time in order to transfer information from the labor market and process it. Based on the above, we came to the conclusion that electronic document a really good solution.

    The Government of the Russian Federation intends to allow the use of both "ordinary" and electronic work books. In any case, the transition will be carried out gradually, and filling out work books on paper will still remain topical issue in 2020.

    Samples of filling out a work book in 2020

    The seal in the labor office is placed only if available.

    How to write wording in a work book

    RIGHT: Dismissed due to the reduction of the staff of the organization, paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    WRONG: Dismissed due to the reduction of the staff of the organization, paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    Cover page decoration

    The title page is filled in by the organization (IP), the work in which for the employee was the first in his life. On the title page, you need to write the full name of the employee, date of birth, education, profession, date of filling out the work book, the signature of the employee and the signature of the person who maintains personnel records in the company (personnel officer, accountant, manager or individual entrepreneur).

    Changes to the title page

    To make changes on the title page, cross out the incorrect one and write the correct inscription on the right according to our sample. Date and sign.


    Hiring is done as follows. In the left column, put the record number and date. In the column "information about the hiring ..." write the full name and abbreviated organization or individual entrepreneur.


    • Society with limited liability"Alpha" (LLC "Alpha")
    • Individual entrepreneur A.A. Petrov (IP A.A. Petrov)

    Transfer to another position

    Transfer to another position is made out by order. See below for a sample book.

    Dismissal at the employee's own request

    Dismissal is formalized in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, you need to write on the basis of which article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employee was dismissed. If you make a mistake here, then the employee can challenge the dismissal in court. You cannot shorten the inscription.

    The wording should be as follows: The employment contract was terminated on the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Below this inscription is the signature of the personnel officer and the signature of the employee.

    Please note that upon dismissal, the signature of the personnel officer and the employee is put in the book.

    Dismissal due to staff reduction

    For dismissal on staff reduction, the wording must be as follows: Dismissed due to reduction of the staff of the organization, paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    Company name error

    In the work book, you indicate the full and abbreviated name of the company in the form of a title - before the employment record (Instruction No. 69). Inconsistencies in the name need to be corrected so that the FIU does not deprive the employee of work experience in your company. The name in the book may differ from the charter if the company has made changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or has erroneously written the information.

    The company changed its name. Write that the organization has been renamed, and indicate the details of the document on the basis of which the company changed its name.

    You are mistaken in the name. If you filled in the wrong name before the job application, cancel the record. To do this, make an unnumbered entry that there was a mistake in the name (see sample 6 below). An incorrect name cannot be crossed out.


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