Vacancies of the company "Sibur, a group of companies. Vacancies at Sibur, a group of companies Is distance learning planned


Close-knit team

By pooling our talents, we complement each other's skills and solve unique challenges together. We are different, but each is aimed at revealing and increasing the joint potential to achieve common purpose. When we are together, there are no barriers for us.

mutual respect

We create an environment for the development of everyone, respecting each other, regardless of position and place of work.
Justice is at the core of our culture.

Getting better every day

We evolve to create a better future. Ahead of the challenges of tomorrow, we are always on the lookout for cutting-edge ideas, knowledge and technology to have a solution today. We improve every day to multiply our contribution to improving the quality of people's lives.

Smart result

Our goal is to achieve the most effective way. In search of the best solution, we apply cutting-edge innovative approaches and technologies, benefiting people and preserving environment. Our achievements inspire us to conquer new heights.


We create open partnerships with our clients, built on respect and understanding of the challenges they face. Collaboration ensures our overall growth.

Security without compromise

Safety is our priority, we strictly follow the rules. We preserve the health and life of people, help preserve nature for future generations.


SIBUR for a healthy lifestyle!

Every year, the holding hosts a variety of sports competitions: the SIBUR Spartakiad, the Volga Autumn, the SIBUR Ski Track, the New Year's Open Chess Tournament, the hockey tournament, and the International Football Tournament.

SIBUR teams also participate in external sports competitions.

The company provides all the conditions for employees to lead a healthy lifestyle. Trainings in football, volleyball, hockey, chess and other sports are organized for employees.

A modern health-improving center "Sibur-South" in Anapa was opened for the children of the company's employees.

The complex is located on the first line of the sea and has its own beach. In spring and autumn, SIBUR employees can take part in a wellness program for adults or in the Mother and Child program.

From September to June, the complex is also used for recreation for veterans, training, sports and other corporate events.


Corporate holidays occupy a special place in the life of the company.

The largest of them are SIBUR's birthday in July and New Year's celebrations in December. Here guests are always waiting for interesting master classes and entertainment games, performances of stars, communication with colleagues. The key event of the evening is the awarding the best employees companies. And the main professional holiday for us is Chemist's Day.

SIBUR also holds contests and festivals in which any employee can take part, including: the Best in Profession contest, the KVN festival, and the amateur art festival.

And by the New Year, all children of employees under the age of 14 receive gifts from the company.

Every year we hold a competition of children's creativity "I am a SIBURENOK". More than 150 children's works participate in the final stage: painting, drawing, graphics, photographs.

We have been cooperating with Framex since 2011. Our cooperation began with the development of a menu of developing activities for project team managers. The consultants took a creative approach to this task: they conducted interviews with project managers, used their experience in the topic individual plans development (IPR). The result is a document that is unparalleled: I have seen many menus of developmental activities for managers involved in process repetitive activities, but I have never seen a list of developmental activities for project workers.

Subsequently, Framex consultants held meetings with the heads of our production facilities to compile the IWP, and also corrected the plans that our heads made on their own.

In the last year and a half, together with Framex, we have implemented more than 5 large projects. The most significant project was the project manager development program. Company trainers developed and conducted a series of trainings for managers, and one of the programs was developed by consultants in partnership with another consulting company. The trainings conducted were highly appreciated by the leaders, for example, the participants rated the work of the trainer at 3.88 (on a 4-point scale).

I would especially like to note the exact correspondence of the adaptable programs to our requests and all the nuances of the work of project participants at enterprises.

I wish good luck to Framex and recommend it to everyone potential clients who are interested in high-quality processing of any request.

For the first acquaintance with a corporate university, I would like to ask three main questions: in what mode will it work, what will it teach, and how can one get into the student bench?

In December 2011, at the governing council of the university, the proposals that we made on the composition of the programs, the participation of company leaders in training programs, the recruitment of groups, the number of teaching hours and days for the next year, were considered and approved with minor adjustments. The plan for 2012 has been formed, and we have started its implementation.

To understand how the university works and why it works the way it does, let's start with how we see our audience and what we are going to teach them.


Let's start with programs in terms of developing managerial skills and leadership. Target groups here were formed based on job levels. We have identified the following steps: "Manage yourself" (specialists, experts - about 5,000 people), "Manage others" (line managers - 2,000 people), "Manage teams" (middle level - 600 people), "Manage the function" ( ZGD, heads of departments of the corporate center - 250 people), "Manage business" (the highest level of managers).

In 2012, the main focus will be on target audience program "Manage the function". This category includes managers who occupy positions from 17th to 19th grade. This is a large group consisting of deputy general directors of enterprises, chief engineers, production deputies, technical and financial heads of enterprises and heads of departments of the corporate center. It so happened that this group of managers was the least involved in all kinds of programs, both corporate and local. We aim to ensure that they are not only professionals, but also full-fledged conductors of the company's culture, its policies in the technical and management areas, and the changes that are now taking place throughout the company. We are currently developing a program for this target audience.

- Will all efforts be focused on this group in 2012?

We don’t forget the rest either, it’s just that training programs for line managers and middle managers have been operating since 2011, and now they are united within the corporate university and we regularly monitor how participants’ knowledge changes based on test results.

- So you can say that they are already studying at a corporate university?

Yes, the “Manage Teams” middle management program consists of two five-day modules and is conducted in Moscow for groups of 15 people. Groups are formed from employees from different enterprises. These are rich sessions, there are both theoretical and practical parts, business cases and business simulations. They compete with each other, and this not only creates healthy competition, but also lays down an understanding of how colleagues act.

Groups of the "Manage Others" program, aimed at line managers, are formed and learned at their enterprises. Some have already completed the training, analysis of the results shows that there has been an increase in knowledge, and now it is important for these employees and their managers to direct efforts to ensure that all this is applied and used in everyday work.

As for the “Manage Yourself” audience, this is the level of specialists and experts, here we are not yet striving for mass participation. The next task is running programs. This year we will have very few groups, but the principle is the same - we are preparing tomorrow's shift.

The participants of all these groups start their training from their own level, which is determined depending on the grade and position, bypassing what they should already know, that is, the previous levels of training?

So far, it happens that, according to their position, people fall into the training group without having been trained at the previous level. For them, we are preparing special distance learning courses, after which they will be able to systematize their knowledge and fill in the gaps. Thus, we will eliminate the situation when an employee begins to study algebra without familiarizing himself with arithmetic.

The second large block of programs is functional training, that is, the transfer of professional knowledge. Are the address groups narrower here?

Yes, professional knowledge is transferred in a targeted manner. They are specific to different functions. These are not mass programs.

- Doesn't this direction fall within the sphere of responsibility of competence centers?

Competence centers will eventually play a leading role here, and they will be responsible for the dissemination and development of this knowledge. We have already started working with technical centers competencies are mechanics, power engineers, metrologists, everything related to production efficiency. Together we develop principles and conceptual approaches, establish the audience for specific programs. We argue a lot on this topic, but the argument is productive for both sides.

- That is, mechanics will train mechanics, power engineers - power engineers, metrologists - metrologists?

Not certainly in that way. We communicate with managers at enterprises in order to understand what knowledge, for example, in the field of energy, non-industrial personnel or line production personnel need, so that these employees competently approach own business. For example, the plant manager must understand the role energy costs play in the economics of the enterprise, what is the role of the energy manager and how to interact with him. Just like mechanics. When they tell the staff about the equipment, its reliability and methods for improving it, then this is not training in the correct operation of the equipment, but general issues of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.


Let's move on to the structure of the university. How does it compare with the traditional university structure?

The activities of the university are regulated by the governing board. The chairman of the council is CEO SIBUR Dmitry Konov.

Education at the corporate university will be implemented through faculties. Only, unlike a traditional university, our faculty is a virtual structure. The faculty is responsible for developing a specific set of functions and competencies in the company. Each faculty has its own head, that is, the dean.

- Can the dean be chosen only from among the company's leaders?

Yes, because he should be empowered to determine the direction of development of "his core" competence in the company.

- The leaders of the company will participate in the work of the university, and if so, in what capacity?

In previous years, top managers studied a lot and were included in development programs. At the governing council, it was decided to involve them in the processes and training programs in the role of "speakers" - people who partially lead these programs. They will talk about SIBUR, its strategy, growth patterns, how we would like to see a SIBUR person, what is corporate culture. This is very important because people in the enterprises will feel ownership and involvement, and it is useful for people from the corporate center to communicate with a large, diverse audience in order to better understand their expectations and needs.

- What faculties are already working?

Now the Faculty of Leadership and Management Skills (I have already spoken about it), the Faculty of Marketing and Sales, and the Faculty of Project Management are actively operating.

Another very important faculty is in its infancy - production efficiency. We spend a lot of effort to create the programs of this faculty, but I think these efforts are quite justified. Competence centers are actively working in this direction.

In the near future - the faculty of corporate services, responsible for the development of expertise in the functions of finance, IT, personnel management, logistics, procurement. The financial and economic block has already developed high-quality teaching traditions that will form the basis and be offered as a model: how to develop knowledge, how to give it, how to manage continuity and rotation. This practice will spread.

- Who develops corporate university programs and how?

The main principle is that the shift supervisor in Tomsk should receive the same training as the shift supervisor in Nizhnevartovsk or Gubkinsky. In this sense, our task is standardization. But this is not borrowed, but our own standard. We strive to make programs tailored to our current tasks and needs, one of the main principles of the programs is the inclusion of Sibur topics and cases in order to provide not abstract knowledge, but an understanding of how problems were solved or not solved at SIBUR, what this led to and how they were corrected errors. We set such a task even for external providers.

On the this stage in most cases, we will use external providers to develop programs and transfer expertise, but at the same time we plan to develop internal expertise as well. Each company has unique features, business specifics, and only specialists working in the company and knowing its business from the inside can show these nuances. That is why we will involve the company's internal experts to customize programs, as well as to conduct a number of key topics.

- What kind of organizations act as external software developers - providers, which you mentioned?

Since corporate university programs are long-term, it is important for us to work with companies and experts that we can trust in terms of quality and readiness to meet our needs.

Among external experts, preference will be given to well-known providers of educational and development programs that have been on the market for a long time and have a good reputation, having successful experience of cooperation with major Russian and foreign companies. These are both leading business schools and training companies.

If we are talking about management schools, then this is both Skolkovo and the Stockholm Business School of Economics. These are our leading business schools providing business education and training. Our partner company Zest Leadership, headed by Pavel Kiryukhantsev, solves many problems that concern the senior management team. As for functional training, this is a wider range.

- Including specialized research institutes?

Universities and former institutes for advanced training are more involved in the development of expertise than research institutes. We also intend to use suppliers and equipment manufacturers. They strive to develop in our market, and it is a sin not to use their motivation, the desire to tell how this or that equipment is used.

- The system of internal expertise and internal teachers - how will it be set up?

Whereas in 2011 almost all courses were taught by external trainers (this is not cheap, and I strongly advise business leaders to control attendance in groups in order to make the most of what we have already paid for), now we have begun training internal trainers. A lot of preparatory work has been carried out, the selection has passed. Of the 100 people, 10 made it to the finals, of which less than half remained, because people had personal circumstances that were not compatible with intensive coaching. We will most likely have 6-7 internal trainers aimed at mass audiences.

- In what status will they work?

Internal trainers will be employees of the corporate university. At each large enterprise we will have a trainer. They are not part-timers, this is their direct work. This is a common practice in the world today.

- What kind of people are they? What job level?

it different people, among them there is a deputy head of the workshop, there are experts. It was announced that everyone can offer their candidacy for the position of coach. In addition to desire, there must be certain personal qualities, charisma, the ability to explain and effectively interact with the audience. We will control the level of their training, the material will change, competencies will develop, and the set of trainings will increase.

- What groups will internal coaches work with?

They will work with Manage Others groups. At the same time, we synchronize our activity with implementation work. production system SIBUR and try to take into account plans for its deployment, so that people at enterprises take our training programs, taking into account those pilot units where this system is being implemented.


- How to get into the corporate university?

Now it is quite easy to get to us, because if a person is in a certain position and is motivated to develop, then, taking into account the calendar, he somehow gets into one or another program. This is done specifically to ensure that all our managers have standard knowledge in the field of managerial and leadership skills. This is the first stage that we will pass in 2012-2013. It makes sense to ask in which group who was included, and so special efforts not required to apply.

The only thing worth noting is that employees will not be enrolled in the programs for probationary period and employees with a low assessment of behavioral competencies (general level of development of competencies below 2 (“below expectations”), or one of the competencies 0 (“unacceptable”).

If 5,000 people study at the first stage, 2,000 at the second, 600 at the third, and 250 at the fourth, it means that not everyone who has passed the previous stage will move to the next, even if there is a desire. What is the selection system?

The main idea is that we ourselves will train personnel for ourselves, educating and training them, starting from the very first stage. An employee who has proven himself, demonstrates high efficiency in achieving goals, a high level of development of competencies and the potential for further growth, we will include in advance in a higher-level training program in order to prepare him for the next position. Training will give him the opportunity to interact with those people who already occupy this position, to see how they think, how they behave in work processes, how they make decisions, just to establish human contacts.

Exists certifying commission that gives advice on how to move a person to the next level?

Starting this year, SIBUR will launch a regular evaluation system, which will be distributed twice a year to almost all managers. Based on the results of these assessments, a decision will be made on which of the employees to include in the training. Most likely in the form of a recommendation to managers.

It's about evaluation professional competencies or measuring other qualities, the ability to develop, for example?

Professional and managerial qualities, as well as how a person maintains and develops corporate culture. Each manager will have to evaluate his subordinate. To exclude subjectivity, coordination with a higher manager is provided. This system will make it possible to give recommendations to a group of people who have received good grades and have demonstrated the ability to develop at a higher stage - with the prospect of taking a higher position.

And yet, if a person wants to study at a corporate university, but encounters obstacles, can he get an education?

Of course, evaluation should underlie the conclusion about how a person will progress. And yet my desire is that people themselves strive to learn. At least in companies with developed training systems, it is the desire of the employee to learn and develop that is the main factor. Show a desire - and you will get to us.

- Is it planned distance learning?

Many big companies not one year already have such systems. Formally, we have distance courses, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them and they are available only in the corporate center. We want to expand the audience and range of these courses. Transfer many types of advanced training or additional training to a distance format. It will be much easier for a person to get extra education in the area that interests him. Interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge is an indicator of the importance of the topic.

There will be courses aimed at developing personal effectiveness, developing managerial and functional skills, and functional expertise. Distance learning is not only textual material, but also formats where visual perception and hearing. This helps a person to absorb the maximum amount of information.

All material will be on the server, where everyone will apply, get access and then the necessary material, study it, take tests and go to the next level if the testing is successful. In case of unsuccessful testing, the course will have to be repeated. Upon completion of the training, the person will receive a notification that the training was completed successfully.

- Will such training take place during non-working hours?

I wouldn't lay it out clearly. We will see how much time he spent on such and such a course, and draw conclusions. I am in favor of doing this from a home computer, observing the principles of information security.

- If a person enters a university, how long will he be out of work?

Each program has its own duration, it depends on the purpose of the program and the amount of knowledge and skills developed in it. As a rule, our programs consist of several modules. The largest module is 5 days (from Monday to Friday) for 8 hours. There can be no more than two such modules per year. There will be more internships. Internships are provided for research engineers, process engineers. These business trips should give them the opportunity to take a fresh look at traditional things. Internships can last more than 5 days, especially if it is related to research.

- How will the quality of the university's work be assessed?

We will ask ourselves specific targets expressed quantitatively. But it is important that we all get the output. It's not just about the increase in the percentage of correct answers to tests. For us, the evaluation of a graduate by his supervisor is of fundamental importance. Did he get good knowledge? How does he use this knowledge? Did he work better and understand the processes in which he is involved more deeply? What has changed in it? That's what's important.


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