Who is Eychar. When cadres decide everything: who are HRs and why are they needed? Personal and professional competencies

HR manager (often called and written HR manager) is the modern name for an employee of the personnel department who is engaged in the selection and development of employees. HR translates as: "human recourses" human resources... That is, we can say that the HR manager's job is to manage human resources.

V Russian companies love to adopt Western experience. This is probably why more and more familiar positions are acquired by the HR prefix. HR directors are called HR directors. The head of the HR department can be called the head of HR projects.

The role of an HR manager in business

Cadres decide everything - this saying will probably be relevant always and everywhere. And people who can effectively search for and retain staff will be even more in demand. The main tasks of HR managers are the search and retention of personnel.

Staff recruitment

The fact is that it is not difficult to find an employee, it is difficult to find a suitable person for this particular position within the set time frame. When I say “the right person,” I mean the following criteria:

  1. The candidate has the necessary (as a rule, in large companies created, for all positions);
  2. The candidate must meet the requirements set by the immediate supervisor. Sometimes the management sets very strict criteria that significantly limit the choice;
  3. The willingness of the person to work for you. There's a lot good specialists, but for them to go to work for you, you need to stand out among competitors and the HR manager takes, important role in this process;
  4. For vacancies that require massive recruitment of employees, you need to be able to create the desired flow and maintain a recruitment funnel;
  5. Suitable for the specifics of the company. Many companies have their own corporate culture, and many employees will not be able to get along with it, this is also an important criterion for personnel search;

As we can see from the HR manager, there are quite a few parameters by which you need to search for personnel. It should be said once that only the basic search parameters are listed, in fact there are many more of them.

Staff retention

Moreover, if you find earlier new job it was difficult enough. Now, in a large city, a line of companies ready to offer good conditions labor. To find a job, you just need to post your resume on a special website and go for an interview. In such a harsh environment, HRs are tasked with helping to retain staff.

To retain staff, HRs use a number of established practices. Most of the employee retention tools came from the West and began to be introduced in Russia in the last decade. But the most important thing is that the task of the HR service is to use these tools as a system.

Analysis tools

To identify and identify problems with personnel, HR uses the following analysis tools.

  • Termination surveys, both written and oral interviews;
  • Compilation of loyalty indices, for example;
  • Grade managerial competencies management (as you know, people come to the company, and leave the leaders);
  • Various employee surveys. As a rule, on the subject that you are missing;
  • Comparison of the company with competitors in terms of basic working conditions

Retention tools

To retain staff, HRs work in several directions:

  • Creation of hygienic factors - stable salary, social package, good workplace etc. You can read more in the article about;
  • Development of managerial competencies. The more competent the managers are, the less staff turnover will be;
  • Creation corporate culture and identification of the company in the market. It is important to distinguish the company from competitors, make the staff love the company;
  • Preparation of personnel development programs. Each employee should feel that the company develops him and moves him forward;
  • ... There are a lot of options from corporate events to various trainings. For example - .

HR manager in Russia

It should be noted that the tasks of an HR manager in Russia and in the West are quite different. In the west, the HR department is a link aimed at finding and developing personnel. Much attention is paid to working with employees who are already working. In Russia, the situation is very different, basically an HR manager is a personnel officer and a recruiter in one bottle, and in small companies this employee can perform functions from a secretary to a business coach or coach.

HR manager

In Russia, the authority of HR specialists has not been definitively defined. Highlighted, as a rule, the following differentiation of them according to functional responsibilities:

  • HR Administrator for Human Resources (Supporting Role);
  • HR specialist (participation in all aspects of personnel management);
  • HR business partner (close interaction with line managers);
  • HR strategist (active influence on personnel policy organizations).


  • The role and status of an HR manager in the company Human Resources of Russia

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See what "HR manager" is in other dictionaries:

    Manager (English manager): A manager is a leader or manager responsible for a certain direction of the enterprise (HR manager, investment manager, public relations manager, Financial Manager... Wikipedia

    - (English project portfolio manager) is an employee of the project management office with a set of knowledge in the field of portfolio management and project management and is responsible for the analysis, ranking and coordination of existing projects, ... ... Wikipedia

    Password manager software that helps the user to work with passwords and PIN codes. Similar software usually there is a local database or files that contain encrypted password data. ... ... Wikipedia

    Update Manager ... Wikipedia

    Manager of a company, bank, financial institution, and their structural divisions; a professional in his field, endowed with executive power. Dictionary of financial terms. Manager Manager, Forecasting Market Cash Manager ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Memory manager part computer program(both an application and an operating system) that processes requests for the allocation and release of RAM or (for some computer architectures) requests to include a given area of ​​memory ... Wikipedia

    - (English). Director in English theaters. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. MANAGER [English. manager Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The X Window System Window Manager is an application that runs on top of the X Window System and defines the interface and user interaction. On Unix like operating systems the user can choose any window manager according to his own ... ... Wikipedia

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    - (Investment Manager; Cash Regulatory Manager; Portfolio Manager; Portfolio Manager) An employee of a bank or other financial and credit company managing a portfolio or investments (on behalf of clients ... ... Business glossary

    service manager- service manager The manager responsible for managing the end-to-end life cycle one or more IT services. The term is also used to refer to any manager within an IT service provider. Most often used in relation to ... Technical translator's guide


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People working in the HR industry are familiar with the anxiety that people around them feel about their profession, and anxiety is not the worst feeling. Many HRs simply hate it. When I started working as an HR person, - says the author of the material, - I was outraged by this situation, but over time I grew to understand the deep causes of this hatred.

5. Employees don't understand HRs- It's no secret that people tend to be afraid of what they do not understand and hate what they are afraid of. And since most of the work done by HRs remains in vain, and most of the company's employees have never worked in HR, it is not surprising that the visible veil of secrecy hiding the activities of this department creates in the eyes of employees an image akin to a secret sect.

4. Eichars are the same teachers- With all due respect to your school teachers or university professors, most people have a latent distrust of the profession. Largely because all the years of study, teachers were endowed with the power that pupils and students were deprived of. It's fair to say that, as a rule, this is the motivation of negligent students. But think about it - these C grade students grow up and sometimes become very successful employees of companies. It would seem that they freed themselves from the oppression of teachers, but that was not the case. HRs are replacing teachers at work. These employees hate HRs as much as they hated teachers and principals. educational institutions and as in previous years, they do not hesitate to share their feelings with colleagues at work.

3. Eichars violate own rules - People are contemptuous of bigotry, and rely on the fact that once established rules will be strictly followed. HRs and managers form the internal policy of the company, and it is HRs who force employees to abide by these rules. Unfortunately, employees can often see how these very rules, by the way, accepted by many as a restriction of personal freedom, work selectively. It is enough for the staff to find out that one employee has been extended sick leave by a week, and the other has not, and the effect will be similar to a nuclear explosion.

2. Managers love to blame HRs- Many managers do not want to appear as bad guys, and moreover, they are interested in looking like their own on the board in the eyes of their subordinates. Therefore, when it comes to disciplinary action or that the employee will not receive a raise, it is very convenient for the manager to make the HR the scapegoat. “Listen, Vasya,” he says, “I would love to raise your salary, but these guys from the HR department are against it. You know what kind of goons they are! " Needless to say, such "revelations" do not bring additional popularity to the HR department.

1. Eichars - others“I,” writes the author, have heard from employees that I’m not like other HRs. I will not argue that I was pleased to hear this, firstly, because it is always nice to stand out against the general background, and, secondly, because I perfectly understand what kind of HRs and feelings towards them were discussed. " For various reasons, the motives forcing people to go to HR seem strange to those around them. Suffice it to recall the HR functions: they fire people, fine them, come up with "idiotic" rules, operate with bonuses. Despite the fact that all these things are not entirely within the competence of HRs, and, in addition, HRs are engaged in a lot of useful and interesting things, many people simply do not understand why people go into this profession. “Are they having perverse pleasure in firing people? Needless to say, the guys have a strange motivation! " This, of course, is a superficial view of things, but, alas, it is widespread.

What to do with all this, the author does not know. He sees the purpose of his publication in alerting colleagues in the shop about what employees think of them. For me, the way out of the situation lies on the surface. Eichars must do everything to remove the same veil of secrecy from their work. Communicate more with all employees of the company, and not lock themselves in their offices, meet with employees not only about hiring or firing them. In fact, the way out of the situation lies in the field of internal corporate PR, with the help of which HRs will be able to tell people more about their work and strengthen their authority in the organization.

Yuri Neskorodov

Based on materials from General HR

Order resume (for applicant)

Companies clearly assess their need for personnel and plan the costs of finding employees.

The search for employees is planned based on the company's objectives for the next few years of development. If the company is young, and its goal is not only to make a profit, but also to establish itself in the market and consolidate its positions, then very great attention should be paid to the selection and placement of personnel. From correct organization the Company's staff structure depends on the efficiency of its work and the achievement of the set goals and objectives.

The search for employees for work is narrowly regulated by the requirements for a specialist, the scope of the Company, the organization of work and the specifics of financing matters.
is a method of "screening out" unnecessary and uninteresting applicants, using various tools for assessing skills, experience and personal qualities employee.

Search for colleagues- this is a process of selection for the characteristics of the organization, the corporate culture of the Company and corporate standards. The principle of "friend or foe" works here. To what extent a candidate for a vacancy opened in the Company shares the standards adopted in it, how comfortable he will be to work with this or that manager, whether he will be able to quickly adapt to new working conditions and to a new team.

Now many companies are concerned about the problem of finding employees in Moscow. This happened after many firms began to appear new vacancies and the workforce has grown. The company has also increased its personnel search costs.

And this is quite an expensive pleasure. To quickly solve the problem of an acute shortage of personnel, it is necessary to use the services of job search sites such as hh.ru and Superjob. With their help, you can estimate how much it will cost to search for personnel in Moscow and the regions, as well as ensure an influx of candidates interested in working for your Company.

Personnel search is a way of providing the Company with qualified personnel and high-level specialists. The HR manager can not only assess the competence of the applicant, but also their loyalty to the company.

There are many ways to select and evaluate the performance of employees. But there are most popular selection methods and staff appraisals. Often the decisive factor when choosing a recruiting method is the budget that the Company allocates for finding the right specialist. Today, the method of recruiting personnel using Internet resources, that is, the most popular job sites, is very popular.

The company has the opportunity to place an advertisement for the vacancy of a specialist, and interested applicants will send their resume.

An organization can independently search for employees, in accordance with the requirements for the position and qualifications of a specialist.

But here the recruiting process can be delayed, as the number of responses can be very large and low-quality.

It takes a long time to call every candidate who has submitted a resume. Often large organizations use direct Headhunting- search for top managers and managers - executive search... TO modern methods recruiting can be attributed and the placement of advertisements in print media. This method is relatively inexpensive, it provides a quick response to ads, although it has one drawback - a large flow of people who do not meet the requirements for a specialist. Recruiting methods are ways of “closing” vacancies in a company using various resources. Many organizations use psychological selection of personnel, with the help of which it is possible to leave a psychological portrait of the candidate, based on the personal characteristics and qualities of the employee.


Today I agreed to write a commentary on an interesting survey conducted by the Research Center of the Superjob Company. They interviewed 500 CEOs, 500 HR managers and 1500 " ordinary people"(you have to understand employees who are not company executives or HR managers). If so, then I am a very unusual person, as I run companies. :-)

Published on the site the results of the survey are shown below. I believe that they can be viewed as a real picture of how the "ideal HR" is seen by the mass of managers, the mass of HR managers and the mass of employees of other categories. But this is not something that is the actual image of the ideal HR.

Pliny the Younger used to be very critical of the decision-making process in the Roman Senate. He wrote that there the votes are counted and not weighed, but God endowed different people different minds. So it is here. In order to more accurately represent the image of a successful and effective HR, you need to interview not all leaders in a row, but only those few of them who are themselves successful and effective. This also fully applies to the HR survey - it would be necessary to survey only successful and effective HR directors. And "ordinary people" should not be questioned to determine the image of an "ideal HR" - everyone should judge what he really understands.

I emphasize once again that I find this study interesting and useful. It is necessary to correctly imagine public opinion. But in order not to be mistaken in the interpretation of the survey results, it is necessary to correctly represent the meaning and content of the results.

I will definitely write a detailed commentary on the study and submit it to the Superjob company. I promised - I will. And following their ethical rules, will not post before Superjob has posted it. But as soon as I have such a right, I will post my full comment here.

V. Polyakov


At the end of March, the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru portal conducted a survey among HR managers, directors of enterprises and ordinary people in order to find out what an ideal HR manager should be like. The respondents were asked an open-ended question:

Eichar, or HR manager, is comparatively new profession not only for Russia, but also for Western countries... Of course, personnel officers, whose main task was to design employees, existed even before the fashionable term "human resources" appeared, but then their functionality was extremely compressed. Today HRs are not just administrators, but the real catchers of talent. In addition, a modern HR manager is directly involved in the formation of corporate culture, building relationships between management and employees. For this reason, HR is often "between a rock and a hard place", because he needs to take into account both the interests of the manager and ordinary employees, which do not always coincide. It seems that only an ideal HR manager can achieve success in this difficult business. How do ordinary Russians, enterprise managers and the representatives of this profession themselves see the ideal HR?

So, every fifth Russian (20%) named the main quality of an ideal HR manager benevolence. Many respondents noted that depending on the recruiter's behavior during the interview, they get an impression of the company itself. It's no secret that successful work An HR manager largely depends on his ability to establish contact with the team, to find an approach to each employee. For all this, communication skills are important, which were named by 15% of Russians. The same number of respondents (15%) believe that HR managers, first of all, should be good psychologists... It should be noted that their views are fully consistent with the statistics data: most often those who graduated from a university with a degree in psychology or teacher become HR managers (28% and 25%, respectively).

In turn, the top officials of the companies focused on the intellectual component. According to 15% of executives, HR managers should have an analytical mindset, the ability to think strategically, and a broad outlook. They give second place to benevolence and knowledge of the basics of psychology (13% each), followed by competence (11%) and the ability to recognize a high-class specialist among dozens of candidates (10%), but the director's well-hung language is valued somewhat less - communication skills were mentioned by 9% of the total number of company executives.

Personnel managers themselves called sociability (32%), benevolence (28%) and intuition (17%) as the main qualities of an ideal representative of their profession. HR specialists know firsthand about a large number of explicit and hidden stressful situations that accompany work with people, so it is not surprising that among the main they indicated such quality as stress resistance, that is, the ability to control their emotions and maintain self-control (17%) ... According to psychologists, women are more emotionally resilient than men. This is probably one of the reasons that in the field of personnel management there are so few representatives of the strong half of humanity (only 11%). Every tenth HR manager believes that the main characteristic of an ideal HR manager is competence, and not only in the field of personnel management, but also in other business processes taking place in the company. Diplomacy won the same number of votes (10%). HRs also highly appreciate such qualities as responsibility and attentiveness (10% each). It is curious that among directors of enterprises these qualities were noted by a few - 1% and 5%, respectively.

As follows from the survey results, HR is a profession that implies a high level of competence, knowledge of human psychology, and the ability to resolve conflicts. Amid all this, attractive appearance not so important: 5% of representatives of the profession, 3% of ordinary people and only 2% of managers indicated him as a fundamental characteristic of a successful HR manager. In addition, objectivity, purposefulness, activity and, oddly enough, work experience turned out to be the least valuable qualities for the HR.

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Time: March 24-27, 2009
Study population: the economically active population of Russia over 18 years old
Sample size: 1,500 ordinary people, 500 HR managers, 500 executives

"What traits do you think an ideal HR manager should have?"

The respondents' answers were distributed as follows (the respondents had the opportunity to indicate several answer options):

Answer options HR managers CEOs of companies Ordinary people
Sociability 32% 9% 15%
Benevolence, politeness 28% 13% 20%
Intuition 17% 10% 7%
Stress tolerance 17% 5% 6%
Intelligence, mind 11% 15% 7%
Competence 10% 11% 9%
Diplomacy, tact 10% 7% 7%
A responsibility 10% 1% 5%
Attentiveness 10% 5% 5%
Knowledge of psychology 8% 13% 15%
Professionalism 8% 4% 6%
Ability to competently build communication 8% 4% 4%
Humanism, philanthropy 6% 6% 3%
Attractive appearance 5% 2% 3%
Decency, honesty 4% 3% 4%
Listening skills 4% 4% 3%
Activity 4% 4% 2%
Purposefulness 4% 4% 2%
An experience 2% 4% 3%
Objectivity 2% 0% 3%
Other 50% 18% 46%
I am at a loss / do not want to answer 9% 22% 20%
Diploma specialty
Psychologist 28%
Educator 25%
Manager 16%
Personnel Management 11%
Economy 10%
Engineer, technical specialties 9%
Lawyer 8%
Sociology 4%
Psychology of management 4%
Financier 3%
Accountant 3%
Specialist in social work 3%
Interpreter 2%
Philologist 2%
Others (event organizer,
food technologist, clothing designer,
PR manager, tourism manager,
philosopher, patent scientist, biologist, political scientist,
methodist, bibliographer, doctor, musician,
marketer, historian, journalist,
clerk, culturologist)


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