Download the protocol of the certification commission. Examples of minutes of the attestation commission meetings. Who draws up the document

A protocol of a meeting attestation commission for compliance with the position held - the most important document, on the correct execution of which the fate of certification and certified employees depends. Consider in the material what requirements for form and content it must meet.

Worker certification

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, certification, which confirmed the inconsistency of the employee with the position or work performed, is mentioned as a condition for his dismissal at the initiative of the employer (clause 3, part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in general outline only for researchers and teaching staff (Art. 336.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For the majority of employees, certification for compliance with the position held is not regulated by law.

This means that the employer decides whether it is necessary to carry it out independently. And only for some categories of employees, it is necessary by virtue of the instruction of the law (prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee, rescuers, aviation personnel, library workers, etc.).

Personnel certification is a verification by the employer professional qualities employees in order to identify the compliance of their qualifications with the positions held or the work performed. The following can be checked:

  • professional skills;
  • business qualities;
  • theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to apply them in labor practice.

Regulations on personnel certification

In order to be able to carry out certification in relation to employees for whom it is not mandatory, the organization must first of all develop and approve a regulation (or other document) on the procedure for conducting certification.

With this local regulation, stipulating its conditions and regulating procedural issues, it is necessary to familiarize employees against signature.

The certification itself is a complex procedure that must obey the order approved by the regulation. An important place in it is occupied by the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held.

After the certification, in case of confirmation of the employee's inconsistency with the position he holds (work performed) and rejection of another job offered by the employer, the employer has the right to start the dismissal procedure established by Art. Art. 81, 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an employee objects to dismissal and initiates a labor dispute in court, then a correctly drawn up minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission can prove the employer's correctness, since it will confirm the objectivity of the attestation results.

Statement of Attestation: Protocol Section

It is advisable to describe in detail in the regulation the procedure for keeping the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission.

It is advisable to present its form there, as well as regulate the procedure for approving the protocol by the members of the commission.

Usually one protocol is drawn up for each meeting of the commission.

At the same time, it is better to enter data for each employee into it separately, since when their answers are drawn up in solid text, it is difficult to correctly determine whose answer and evaluate it. Therefore, in the event of a labor dispute, such a protocol may not be recognized as evidence of the inadequacy of the employee's qualifications for the position held.

The minutes must contain obligatory details (name of the document, date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the commission, date and place of the meeting), as well as a list of those present, agenda, headings to parts of the meeting, the decision made by the commission and recommendations for the employer.

An appendix to it should be lists of questions asked with answers for each employee.

The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the attestation commission.

Those who are being certified sign for acquaintance with it.

The period during which such a protocol is kept is 15 years.

In order for the work of the certification commission and the certification carried out as a whole to have an effective completion, it is important to correctly draw up the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission for compliance with the position held. This is a very important document, and therefore there are requirements that the protocol must comply with.

We carry out certification without errors

Based on the results of certification, a decision may be made to dismiss the employee. Moreover, Labor Code The Russian Federation provides that, upon confirmation of the attestation of the employee's non-compliance with the requirements for his position or work performed, the employer may dismiss him under paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Personnel certification is a tool that allows you to check:

  • theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the employee;
  • the level of competence of the employee,
  • availability of the necessary qualifications and compliance with the requirements for the position held;
  • the business qualities of the employee.

We draw up the Regulation on certification

The document regulating the certification is the Regulation on certification. It is this document, which is a local regulatory act of the company, that describes the procedure for conducting the test. The developed Regulation is approved by the head of the organization. Employees should be familiarized with the approved Regulation under their signature.

In addition to the certification procedure, the Regulation contains samples required documents... Among them is the protocol of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held.

V general case, the procedure for conducting certification is established by the employer. No clear requirements for its implementation current legislature does not install. An exception was made for researchers and teaching staff (Article 336.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The correctness of its design is extremely important. Especially if the employee, having received a notice of dismissal based on the results of certification, decides to initiate a labor dispute. When submitting a case to the court, it is very important for an organization to have properly executed documents confirming the objectivity and impartiality of the attestation. One of the necessary documents is the Minutes of the 2018 meeting of the certification commission for compliance with the position held.

Protocol section

How to keep the protocol, you need to write in the Regulations. It is also necessary to prescribe the procedure for approving the protocol by the members of the attestation commission.

It is better to enter the data on the certification of each specific employee in the protocol separately, so that in the event of a trial by the court, there are no difficulties in identifying the answers of the dismissed employee. Otherwise, when the employees' answers are entered into the protocol in solid text, such a document may not be recognized as evidence of the employee's inadequacy for the position held. That is why it is important to correctly maintain, for example, the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission at the preschool educational institution for compliance with the position held.

Among the mandatory details of the protocol:

  • information on the date of the attestation meeting;
  • list of participants of the certification commission;
  • agenda;
  • decision of the commission and recommendations for the head of the organization.

After drawing up the document, the protocol of the meeting of the commission is signed by the chairman of the commission and the secretary. Certified employees sign in a special separate protocol of acquaintance.

Especially for the readers, our specialists have prepared the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission.

It is important not only to carry out a kind of "knowledge cut" for your employees, but also to correctly formulate its results. After all, there can always be disgruntled persons who will threaten not only the labor inspection, but also the prosecutor's office, the court. We will help you to protect yourself from negative consequences.

Role of the document

Hardly any of the leaders of organizations, workers personnel services it is necessary to convince of the need for the impeccable execution of attestation documents. This is required not only by periodic inspections of the labor inspection, but by the existing threat of conflict situations with an employee who has undergone disciplinary action challenging the employer's actions. Including an incorrect (from his point of view) change in the category, qualification.

The courts, most often, take the side of the employee. In order to prove the legality of their actions, the representative of the employer must demonstrate compliance with all existing regulations. Especially often conflicts arise on the basis of the attestation carried out. At the same time, it plays an important role, which records all stages of the work of this body.

General requirements of business document management

The requirements for the nomenclature of cases, regardless of the form of ownership and type of activity of the organization, differ little. Therefore, the standard minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission are drawn up uniformly. Its form is approved by order of the head of the enterprise. It serves as an appendix to the regulation or instructions for the commission. The same order is used to appoint:

  • the chairman;
  • deputy chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

Obligatory requisites are the name of the organization, date, place of the meeting, list of those present. On the last sheet minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission for compliance with the position held signed by the presiding officer and the secretary.

Usually, if more than 15 people take part in the event, then their list is not given on the first sheet, but taken out in a separate application.

Mandatory little things and wording

To facilitate the assimilation of the essence and giving standard view certification protocol for compliance with the position held contains:

  • agenda items starting with the words "About ..." or "About ...";
  • part of the discussion beginning with “Listened ...” or “Speaked ...”;
  • summing up the results, formulated as "Decided ..." or "Decided ...".

The first speaker is executive, which prepared a testimonial for the certified employee.

Do not forget to attach to the minutes a list of the questions asked and the answers to them. How much detail to state all this - decide for yourself.

Features of certification of teachers

The work of the attestation commission in pedagogical collectives has its own characteristics. Based on its results, the administration can be given recommendations for the appointment of an employee to a position that does not correspond to his work experience or qualifying rank... This information contains minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission teaching staff .

Certification for obtaining qualification category is carried out at the request of the teacher in a declarative manner, which must be documented. In this case, the commission is appointed not by the employer, but by the authority, according to the subordination of the educational institution.

Unlike qualifications - confirmation of the position held when certification committee protocol is a secret for outsiders, information on the assignment of a new qualification is made public by issuing an administrative act of the authority.

Familiarization of employees with the results of the audit

Because common protocol contains information about the certification of several employees at once, to get acquainted with the individual results, they make extract from the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission... On it, no later than within 3 working days, the certified specialist must leave his signature. This document contains:

  • full name, surname, patronymic of the person being certified;
  • his position with an indication of the department in which he works;
  • date of certification;
  • the final result of voting by the members of the commission;
  • the verbatim decision of the attestation commission.

An extract confirming the fact that the employee is familiar with it is kept in the personal file.

In conclusion, you can advise not to engage in unnecessary creativity, making out employee certification protocol (sample can always be found on the legal side of the Internet). This will only lead to confusion, non-compliance, violations HR administration... Such actions may even entail the imposition of an administrative penalty and other troubles.

Many enterprises and organizations use periodic certification of employees in their work. Different employees can be subject to this kind of checks, regardless of their specialty, skill level and other parameters.

For the correct conduct of the procedure, a special commission is involved, the work of which is recorded in a separate document.


Role of attestation

Timely and regular check of employees makes it possible to determine the degree of their vocational training, evaluate their theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills and abilities.

In the certification process, it is determined how this or that employee corresponds to the position held at a given point in time.

In case of revealing the fact of non-compliance, the administration of the enterprise can take measures aimed at solving this problem, for example, by downgrading an employee in position, or by sending him to advanced training or retraining courses. The option of dismissing those personnel representatives who have not passed certification is also not excluded.

Mandatory or voluntary

There are a number of specialists who undergo mandatory certification from time to time. These are mainly "state employees":

  • doctors,
  • teachers,
  • some technical and other narrow-profile workers.

Most of the employees working for commercial companies, are subject to checks based on the desires and needs of the administration of the company.

Is it possible to refuse certification

An employee has the right to refuse to undergo certification, but only if he does not belong to those categories of specialists who are required to pass given view control by law. However, it should not be forgotten that the management of the enterprise may find a reason to dismiss such an employee.

Who shouldn't be tested

There are certain groups of employees who cannot be tested for prof. suitability. These include:

  • pregnant workers,
  • those who work in their specialty for less than one year,
  • mothers caring for children under the age of three,
  • people on sick leave (exceeding the 14-day period),
  • full-time students.

All other employees, including those who have various scientific degrees, long-term experience and other regalia, may be subject to verification at any time.

Order of conduct

  1. In order to carry out the certification of employees in accordance with all the rules, the first thing the company issues is a corresponding order. It specifies the employees who will be checked.
  2. A commission is appointed by a separate order. It can include both company employees and outside experts.
  3. Further, an attestation meeting is held, during which the members of the commission study the materials provided by the checked specialists and ask them questions in their specialty.
  4. Based on the results of the audit, the commission makes a decision on each employee for the suitability of his position. These data are recorded in the certification sheets of employees, and the whole process is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission.

What is the protocol for?

The role of the document is extremely important. He accurately records the entire procedure for the meeting of the attestation commission, which further limits the employer from unfounded claims from employees who are dissatisfied with the results of the audit and control structures. That is why the preparation of the document must be treated with the utmost care, not excluding the possibility that at some point it may become a legally significant paper that is in demand for submission to the court.

Who draws up the document

A secretary is selected to keep the minutes. He may be a member of the commission, and may be outside it. In any case, it must be a person with a sufficient level of knowledge and education in order to correctly draw up this document.

Rules for drawing up the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission

There is no unified sample of the certification commission protocol, so enterprises and organizations can write it in free form or according to a template developed within the company and approved in its accounting policy. The protocol must necessarily contain certain information:

  • the name of the organization whose employees are being tested,
  • information about the members of the attestation commission,
  • and tested workers,
  • the result of control actions.

The list of questions asked in the attestation process can be included directly in the protocol, or can be attached to the document by a separate application.

Protocol registration rules

You can keep the document by hand, or print on a computer using a simple A4 sheet, or company letterhead.

Regardless of how exactly the protocol will be drawn up, it must contain the original signatures of all members of the commission, as well as the secretary who issued it.

A protocol is being drawn up in several copies: one for each stakeholder. After registration and approval, one copy is transferred to the archive of the enterprise, which contains the time set for this kind of documents.

  1. First, the full name of the document is written in the middle of the line, then the date of its compilation is indicated.
  2. After that, a reference is made to the form in the order that served as the basis for the certification of employees (its number and date) and the full name of the company.
  3. The next thing to note in the minutes: issues on the agenda. In this case, this is the certification of employees of the enterprise - here you need to indicate their surnames, names, patronymics, positions, as well as an assessment of their compliance with the positions held.
  4. Further, the certification results for each specific employee, and also the fact of passing the check is recorded.
  5. In conclusion, the protocol must be signed by the chairman, as well as members of the attestation commission and the secretary, who thus certify that all the information entered into it is correct.

Attended by:

Full name - Deputy Director for BP;

Name - teacher primary grades, head of the MO of primary school teachers;

Full name - teacher of the Russian language and literature, head of the Ministry of Education of the teachers of the philological cycle;

Name - teacher of English language, head of school class teachers.


    Duties of the members of the attestation commission.

    Approval of the work plan and topics of the commission meetings.

HEARD: Chairman of the FI Certification Commission. about the duties of the members of the attestation commission.

DECIDED: To impose the following duties on the members of the certification commission:

Conducting certification documentation - full name, secretary of the certification commission;

Control and assistance in matters of professional discipline - full name, chairman of the PC, deputy chairman of the attestation commission;

Control and assistance to teachers on issues educational work- FULL NAME;

Control and assistance to primary school teachers - full name;

Control and assistance in working with gifted children - full name;

Control and assistance for extracurricular activities - full name;

HEARD: Secretary of the Attestation Commission Full Name on the approval of the plan and topics of the meetings.

SPEAKED: Full name with a proposal to make adjustments to the work plan as necessary.

DECIDED: To approve the work plan of the attestation commission for 2016-2017.

Commission members:


05.10.2016 No. 2

Attended by:

Chairman of the attestation commission - full name, school director

Deputy chairman of the attestation commission - full name, chairman of the PC, teacher of mathematics, computer science.

Secretary of the Attestation Commission - Full Name, Deputy Director for OIA

Members of the attestation commission:

Full name. - primary school teacher, head of the MO of primary school teachers;

Full name - teacher of Russian language and literature, head of the Ministry of Education of teachers of the philological cycle;


    On passing the certification of school teachers in the 2016/2017 academic year.

Full nameon the certification of school teachers in the 2016/2017 academic year.


    In accordance with Federal law RF dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation", Guided by clause 5-23 of section 2 of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations that carry out educational activities approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 07, 2014. No. 276 "On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities", pursuant to the order of the Ministry of Education of Crimea dated November 24, 2014 No. 01-14 / 1884 "On guidelines for the certification of teaching staff, in order to confirm compliance with the position held "with the aim of legal regulation of relations in the field of education and stimulation of purposeful, continuous improvement of the qualifications of teaching staff, their methodological culture, to approve the list of teachers subject to certification in the 2016/2017 academic year:

    1. Full name - chemistry teacher;

      Full name - English teacher;

      Full name - primary school teacher.

Chairman of the attestation commission: full name

Secretary of the Attestation Commission: Full name

Commission members:


attestation commission meetings

03/17/2017 No. 3

Attended by:

Chairman of the attestation commission - full name, school director

Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission-TFIO, Chairman of the PC, teacher of mathematics, computer science.

Secretary of the Attestation Commission - Full Name, Deputy Director for OIA

Members of the attestation commission:

Full name - Deputy Director for BP;

Mironova E. N. - primary school teacher, head of the MO of primary school teachers;

Full name - teacher of Russian language and literature, head of the Ministry of Education of teachers of the philological cycle;

Full name - English teacher, head of classroom teachers.

Certified teaching staff -Full namechemistry teacher;


Certification of teaching staff of the MOU "Medvedevskaya School" for the purpose of

confirmation of the conformity of teaching staff to their positions on the basis of an assessment of their professional activity:

Full name... - chemistry teacher;

Full name - English teacher;

Full name - primary school teacher

HEARD: Chairman of the Attestation Commission, HeadmasterFull nameon the results of certification of an English teacherFull name

Full name.,

Full name- member of the attestation commission. In her speech, she focused on the fact thatFull nameconstantly working to improve his professional level. He conducts lessons at a good organizational and pedagogical level. Works in accordance with the requirements of the second generation FSES.

Abibullaev A.Sh.Full name - Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission. In his speech, he pointed out that the full name in his lessons actively uses innovative teaching methods.

DECIDED:Full namean English teacher is appropriate for the position held.

HEARD: Chairman of the Attestation Commission, HeadmasterFull nameon the results of certification of primary school teachersFull name

SPEAKERS: Secretary of the Attestation CommissionFull namewhich introduced the members of the commission to the course of certification.

Full name- member of the attestation commission. In her speech, she pointed out what teacher implements a differentiated approach in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics. Half

the students taught by it have a sufficient and high level of educational achievements.

Full nameFull nameorganizes extracurricular work on subjects: Olympiads, subject weeks.

DECIDED:Full nameprimary school teacher, corresponding to the position held.

LISTENED: Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission, teacher of mathematics, computer scienceFull nameon the results of certification of a chemistry teacherFull name

SPEAKERS: Secretary of the Attestation CommissionFull namewhich introduced the members of the commission to the course of certification.

Full name- member of the attestation commission. In her speech, she said thatFull nameis fluent in the methodology of a modern lesson. Skillfully combines traditional and innovative educational technologies... When conducting lessons, it takes into account the peculiarities of the educational material and the abilities of students.

Full name- member of the attestation commission. In her speech, she pointed out thatFull nameprovides practical assistance to colleagues. Makes proposals for improving the educational process at school.

DECIDED:Full namechemistry teacher, corresponds to the position held.

Chairman of the attestation commission: full name

Secretary of the Attestation Commission: Full name

Commission members:





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