Read the book “Managing Change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life "online completely - Yitzhak Adizes - MyBook. Change management consists of two processes. Change management framework

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“It is not the strongest or the smartest species that survive, but the ones that adapt best to change,” said Charles Darwin. Dr. Yitzhak Adizes continues this thought: “We will stop facing problems only when complete absence changes, and this will happen only when we ... die. "

The Adizes methodology is based on a basic principle: any organization, like any living organism, is constantly changing and facing challenges. At every stage organizational development a specific set of changes awaits the company.

"Managing change" is not a miracle cure that cures all management problems. This book will teach you how to effectively diagnose an organization's “diseases” and “cure” them. You will learn how, using the internal energy of a company, you can independently produce four essential "vitamins" to keep the company healthy for a long time.

Who is this book for?

For those who want to make change manageable

From the author

I have studied management practice in many countries and observed what happens in different conditions. I was like the doctor who, after being on a British warship for a long time, could observe how people who are deficient in vitamin C develop scurvy. I have studied management in countries where certain managerial functions were prohibited by law, and have observed and analyzed the development of managerial "diseases". In the course of this work, I identified the necessary characteristics - those four "vitamins" I call "decision-making roles" that ensure the creation of a healthy organization that is effective and efficient in the short and long term. When any of these roles fail, the result is a corresponding generic mismanagement pattern. I can infer and predict the quality of a solution by knowing which roles were played and which were missing during the decision-making process.

I call this approach the Adizes Methodology. The Adizes methodology offers a holistic management theory, both therapeutic and preventive. For example, one company, using this methodology and other factors, managed to increase its turnover in ten years from $ 12 million to $ 750 million without “dilution” of capital through an additional issue of shares. Another company, also without issuing additional shares, increased its profit over ten years from $ 150 million to $ 2.5 billion.

“It’s not the strongest or the smartest species that survive, but the ones that adapt best to change,” said Charles Darwin. Yitzhak Adizes continues this thought: "We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we ... die."

The book is dedicated to the processes of acceptance management decisions in conditions constant changes occurring both inside and outside the organization. The problems arising from the changes, according to Adizes, are not only predictable, but also solvable. The author clearly shows how you can create and maintain the integrity of an organization if you master the art of high-quality management decision making and implementation.

From this book you will learn: why conflicts are inevitable and even necessary; how to make the conflict constructive; how to communicate with other people whose management styles are different from yours; how to recognize bad management; how to make quality decisions; how to predict if a solution will be implemented; how to organize teamwork; how to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; CAPI: The Key To Change Management.

First conversation
The meaning of control

Once I got into a conversation with one of my students. He was an intelligent and inquisitive young man. He wanted to find out what my special knowledge on management gave me the opportunity to teach and lecture around the world. So he asked if I would have time to talk to him on this topic. I liked his curiosity, and I agreed to answer his questions. As we walked with him in the park, exchanging questions and answers, the concept of this book gradually formed in my head.
I know that you have been studying management processes for over twenty years. What is it?
First of all, we need to define what the word rule means.

Traditional control theory

I found that in some languages, such as Swedish, French and Serbo-Croatian, the verb to manage does not have a literal translation. In these languages, verbs such as direct, direct, or command are more often used instead. When people who speak these languages ​​want to say what Americans mean by using the verb to manage, they usually use that English word as well. For example, in Spanish, the verb manejar - the literal translation of to manage - is closer in meaning to the verb to handle and is used only with reference to horses or cars. When the Spaniards want to use a word close to to manage in the American sense, they say "manage" or "do business."
But isn't the management process universal?
No. In some countries, the process of management as it is carried out in the United States and taught in American business schools is prohibited by law. In the system of "self-government" in the former Yugoslavia, the head of an enterprise who made an economic decision unilaterally could find himself on trial. Such an action would be construed as a violation of democracy. Instead, the plant manager had to “propose” a solution, and the workers could accept or reject it. In Israel, the head of a kibbutz, who actually occupies the position of manager, is regularly re-elected so that no one person can claim permanent leadership of other people.
Are you saying that the head of the kibbutz leads the people for a while and then returns to the farm to milk the cows?
Or cooking, or washing dishes. In this organization, no leader is elected forever, just as the government in democratic countries is not elected forever. Otherwise it would violate the principles of democracy. The head of a kibbutz is not a profession.
What should be understood by the word to manage, if in some languages ​​it does not have a direct translation, and in some socio-political systems the activity designated by it is considered unnecessary or even prohibited?
What synonyms would you suggest?
Decide, act, plan, control, organize, dominate, achieve goals, lead, motivate, complete ...
Some dictionaries offer the same synonyms for "manage" as you do. But there are also other intriguing synonyms, such as dominate or rule, that are found in the American Collegiate Dictionary. The Oxford Dictionary adds the verbs to manipulate and condone to this list. It is interesting to note that none of the dictionaries I reviewed used the verbs to lead or to motivate as synonyms.
I don't like synonyms to condone or manipulate.
And there is a good reason for this. To understand what it is, let's define the "common denominator" of all the synonyms mentioned above, with the exception of lead and manipulate. Imagine the process each of these words describes. Animate their meaning. Can you now determine the common denominator? Act ... plan ... control ... organize ... achieve ... complete.
They all describe a one-way process. The leader tells those he leads what they should do. The leader determines what needs to be done, and his subordinates become instruments for achieving the set goal.
This is why we call the manager the “head” of the unit and his most capable subordinate the “right hand”. Right hand does exactly what her head tells her to do, while her left hand behaves as if she can act of her own accord. Her behavior is not completely controllable.

May 27, 2017

Managing change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life Yitzhak Adizes

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Title: Driving Change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life
Author: Yitzhak Adizes
Year: 1992
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign psychology, Corporate culture, About business popular, Social psychology, Management, recruiting

About the book “Managing Change. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life "Yitzhak Adizes

“It’s not the strongest or the smartest species that survive, but the ones that adapt best to change,” said Charles Darwin. Yitzhak Adizes continues this thought: "We will stop facing problems only if there is no change at all, and this will happen only when we ... die."

The book is devoted to the processes of making management decisions in the face of constant changes taking place both inside and outside the organization. The problems arising from the changes, according to Adizes, are not only predictable, but also solvable. The author clearly shows how you can create and maintain the integrity of an organization if you master the art of high-quality management decision making and implementation.

From this book you will learn: why conflicts are inevitable and even necessary; how to make the conflict constructive; how to communicate with other people whose management styles are different from yours; how to recognize bad management; how to make quality decisions; how to predict if a solution will be implemented; how to organize teamwork; how to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; CAPI: The Key To Change Management.

The book has been translated into Hebrew, Macedonian, Spanish and other languages.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read the online book “Managing changes. How to effectively manage changes in society, business and personal life ”Yitzhak Adizes in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For aspiring writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Daria Molchanova,
psychologist, HR specialist

Today many companies in Russia are experiencing development difficulties. The whole country is in the process of change and transformation. Business in Russia is growing out of "short pants" and requires new approaches to management.

The market is becoming more and more competitive, the client is "capricious", the staff is "lazy" and demanding. In order to achieve the previous results, more and more costs are required - financial, energy, emotional and intellectual.

Today, old proven methods are no longer working. Hierarchical, authoritarian systems of government are withering away. The habitual change of people in key positions, contrary to expectations, does not bring the desired changes.

Together with the "old" leaders, valuable information goes about the problems in the organization, which remain unresolved. “Young and energetic” newcomers, unlike their predecessors, who did not spare their belly for a common cause, for some reason do not want to “burn at work”.

Increasing pressure on employees is ineffective. Funds invested in personnel development do not pay off. All the effort spent leads only to short-term, unsystematic improvement.

And now, when the ideas of the owners and top management of the company stop working, when more and more often there is a persistent feeling that something is not going as it should, the administration decides to invite consultants.

Seeking support "outside" is becoming more and more popular. And this is quite logical. After all, when we fall ill, we do not self-medicate, but we turn to a professional for help.

A business consultant is a doctor, not only for people, but for companies. It helps the organization and its top managers see the system "from the outside", find sources of problems and their new solutions, prevent possible negative consequences of the implementation of certain ideas, activate the creative potential of the team, establish business relationship with new partners, to attract clients, etc. That is, consultants help the company to reach a new level of development.

The result depends on the specific situation in the company, on the willingness and willingness of the owners to cooperate with the consultant, and, of course, on the professionalism of the consultant himself.

Modern market consulting services is rich in suggestions, but I want to tell you about one of the most interesting and popular approaches to managing change in an organization today - the Adizes methodology.

Dr. Itzhak Calderon Adizes is a recognized management guru, founder and director of the institution of the same name in Los Angeles, since 1975 has been developing a methodology for implementing organizational change.

Over the years, Adizes has worked with vastly different organizations ranging from 30 to 150,000 employees. His methods have helped commercial and non-profit companies in more than forty countries around the world achieve high results and take leading positions in a variety of industries, from banking to food retail.

Dr. Adizes is a consultant to six governments. Over the past three years, the Adizes Institute has been actively working in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Among his clients in our country are such well-known companies as Sberbank and Sibur Corporation. The Adizes methodology is based on the principles of process consulting.

Unlike expert consulting, where “doctors” give the customer a “diagnosis” and prescribe a “treatment”, the main idea of ​​process consulting is that the top managers of the customer's company know it better than any external consultant and are responsible for any decisions taken and their implementation in any case remains with them.

The consultant has no right to substitute himself for the management team. Its task is to help the customer to understand the existing problems. I have tried to summarize for you the main ideas of this methodology. I am sure you will find them interesting.

1. Formula for success. The success of any organization depends on the presence in it of an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, primarily in management team... In a favorable climate, you can always turn your backs on each other and know that you will not be let down, and having yielded in something, you can count on a reciprocal concession.

If the company lacks such values ​​as respect and trust, then most of its energy is spent on non-constructive internal conflicts, fruitless attempts to agree, selling obvious ideas. In such an environment, there is simply not enough energy for clients and business development.

2. Method of production, decision making and implementation. Since changes are constantly occurring in any system, which in turn inevitably give rise to problems that need to be solved, management is about making good decisions and implementing them.

A good solution requires the participation of everyone who can help or hinder their future implementation. This requires the so-called CAPI (Coalesced Authority, Power and Influence - a collection of people with authority, power and influence). Through a well-organized democratic decision-making process, we get a product - a solution that can be easily and consistently implemented.

It is important that the person responsible for the implementation, as a rule, the leader, is no more than a full-fledged participant in the development process and does not have the opportunity to put pressure on the group with his authority. But at the stage of implementation of the decision, the dictatorship rules the ball - everyone obeys the main responsible. Therefore, the process of developing and implementing a solution in the Adizes methodology is controlled by the so-called democracy.

3. The purpose of management in the Adizes methodology is the achievement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in the short and long term. But in the company, some managers, due to their psychological characteristics, are more concerned with getting rid of risks, while others are seeking to increase its performance, because they are focused on opportunities. Some prefer to solve current problems, others - strategic. According to the theory of organizational vitamins Adizes, the company makes healthy, which means successful execution 4 management functions.

4. Functional approach. Organizational vitamins. The four management functions are like a set of "vitamins" - they are all essential for the health of the organization in the short and long term. If even one vitamin is lacking, the organization is threatened with a disease with certain symptoms.

Conversely, skillfully feeding the organization with the missing "vitamin", you can improve its performance and make it healthier in the short and long term.

    Vitamin P. The first function that management must perform in any organization is Producing, that is, producing results that ensure the organization's performance in the short term. An organization must meet the needs of the customers for which it exists. You should always remember why people turn to your company, why they need you, what services they need. The manufacturer's job is to meet their needs. You can measure the success of this feature in your organization by looking at the number of customers who return to purchase your company's products or services.

    Vitamin A. The second function - Administrating (administration) - is needed in order to maintain order in organizational processes. The task of the administrator is to ensure efficiency in the short term.

    Vitamin E. For an organization to be successful in the long term, it is necessary to “see through the fog”, to guess the course that the company should follow. A person capable of performing this function is ready to act in the face of constant changes, to take risks. This is the Entrepreneur function - entrepreneurship, which provides the company with long-term performance. If this function is successful, the organization's services and / or products will be in demand from future, changed customers.

  • Vitamin I. In order for an organization to function as a single organism, to be effective in the long term, it is necessary to create a value system that will stimulate employees to act together and will not make anyone irreplaceable. This is the Integration function - integration. Figure 1 shows schematically the 4 management functions.

    Management styles.

    No manager can perform all of the above functions to the same superlative degree, which is why there are no ideal managers in the world. This is just a utopia. All vitamins must be present in the "body" of a "healthy" manager, but in different proportions.

    The dominant role always belongs to one function, rarely two. Moreover, they are not compatible at the same time. The ability to successfully perform one function will necessarily interfere with the performance of another.

    We all know managers who are able to come up with great ideas, but cannot keep track of the details of their implementation. Other talented integrators are empathetic, able to put themselves in the shoes of another, but they are not strong in making tough decisions and are often weak in administration.

    The four functions are incompatible in any combination. An entrepreneur always conflicts with an administrator, and a manufacturer with an entrepreneur. How often are we ourselves, being carried away current activities, we do not find time to think about future perspective... Our mind is designed in such a way that it is able to focus on either nearby or distant objects.

    Complementary team.

    So, if there are no ideal “book” managers in nature, then the conclusion suggests itself. For successful work a complementary team is needed, in which everyone is a value. Often, when forming a team, the leader tries to attract people who are similar to himself. But such a team of "clones" cannot be successful. Members of the Adizes team should not copy, but complement each other not in knowledge, but in temperament and character. They must be different.

    Differing opinions and views on the same situation is the main advantage of teamwork. The only reason for the typical avoidance of a variety of styles is their conflict, because each of them has a special manner of communication, and the same words in the mouths of speakers of different styles often have the opposite meaning.

    All this leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Man, instinctively wishing to avoid conflict, is again looking for his own kind.

    The ingredients for a good manager's success.

    There are no ideal managers, but all the same, Adizes has a vision of a good manager who is able to integrate a team and be its leader. He must have the following qualities.

  • Awareness and conscientiousness of actions. A manager knows his own characteristics, his style, understands the meaning and consequences of his actions and knows how his actions affect the behavior of other people.
  • Good manager has versatile abilities, i.e. there are no dashes in its PAEI code.
  • A good manager knows where he is unique, knows his strengths and weak sides, and this helps him to select the team of those who can complement him
  • He accepts his merits and demerits. Human energy resources are limited: if a leader spends energy on rejection of himself, they will not be left to change for the better.
  • A good manager is able to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of other people. And not just to evaluate, but to accept differences as a value, because subordinates will inevitably surpass their leader in certain qualities.
  • A good manager knows how to slow down and relax in a difficult situation. To become a good manager, you need to be able to object without hurting.
  • A good manager creates an environment in which conflict is resolved in an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect, and becomes a learning tool.

    The life cycle of an organization.

    Concept life cycle- the part most known to a wide circle
    Adizes methodology. According to this concept, any organization is born, grows up, matures, flourishes, grows old and dies. But if mismanaged, aging and death can occur much prematurely, even in infancy.

    The very essence of Adizes consulting, the so-called organizational therapy, is to teach the organization to remain in the most productive stage of the life cycle - the “Flourishing” stage for as long as possible.

    Let's take a quick look at the stages in the life of an organization.

    Stage 1. "Nursing".

    This stage consists in the fact that the founder of the organization gathers around him people who gradually accept it and agree to take the risk of trying to translate the idea into reality.

    Stage 2. "Infancy".

    On this stage the company does not have a clear structure and system of distribution of powers and responsibilities.

    During this period, the process of organization begins, the transition from ideas to concrete deeds. During this time, the focus is on production results and customer satisfaction.

    Stage 3. "Childhood" ("come on")

    The organization begins to work more and more effectively, overcoming obstacles, including the main thing - a lack Money... People realize that the "idea" has worked and can be cost effective.

    Based on this, people’s perception of the future of the organization changes. The vision of the future expands at times to extraordinary proportions. In a rapidly growing company, there is still no clear structure, order of subordination, prescribed functional responsibilities etc.

    Stage 4. "Youth".

    The organization is changing a lot. The most significant event in her life is that the founder realizes the impossibility of running a growing business alone. There is a need to change the structure of the organization and delegate authority.

    Professional managers appear in the company, who begin to change the structure, the system of motivation and control.

    The arrival of new people inevitably leads to a conflict of two cultures: old-timers and new specialists.

    Stage 5. "Flourishing".

    At the flourishing stage, the organization has a fairly clear structure, prescribed functions, reward and punishment systems. The success of the organization is assessed in terms of the factors of customer satisfaction and achievement of the set goals.

    The ability to foresee the future is valued. Often, at this stage, the organization opens several subsidiaries, which go through all stages from the very beginning.

    Stage 6. "Stabilization".

    The aging of the organization begins. It is gradually moving away from development policies, capturing new markets and increasing its share in existing ones.

    At this stage, the desire for change, development disappears. More importance is attached to interpersonal relationships in the team, rather than business prospects.

    Stage 7. "Aristocracy".

    The organization owns significant financial resources that are spent on strengthening the existing control system and arranging its own activities. Unspoken formal rules are being strengthened, primarily related to the style of clothing and other traditions.

    At this stage, organizations often “buy” new products and ideas, acquire or take over other organizations in earlier stages of development.

    Stage 8. "Early bureaucratization".

    The company gradually plunges into a series of complex and sometimes insoluble conflicts related to the structure of the organization, which it tries to solve by firing people, but without changing the structure. Gradually, internal red tape and conflict increasingly alienate the organization from meeting the needs of the client.

    Stage 9. "Late bureaucratization".

    The organization focuses entirely on itself, on internal unsolvable problems, trying to follow all procedures, processes and instructions in the hope that this will help in solving problems.

    The company is ruled by result-oriented structures that are increasingly confusing internal organization... There is no desire to improve efficiency, change, focus on customer needs. Bulky and a complex system control over activities that require employees to first of all comply with rules and procedures, and not to work efficiently.

    Stage 10. "Death".

    The death of a customer-centric organization occurs as soon as customers massively stop using the organization's services. If this does not happen due to the fact that the organization provides a monopoly product or is supported by the state, then its death may be delayed in time.

    In this case, the degree of bureaucratization will increase and in the end it will still reach its climax, which will lead the organization to inevitable destruction.

    The goal of the methodology is for the organization to adopt a lifestyle that allows it to remain in the “Bloom” stage for as long as possible. To do this, coming to the company, Adizes consultants consistently guide it through 11 transformation steps.

    Having completed this path, the organization must immediately return to the first step and begin to move in a new circle. Yitzhak Adizes explains this by the fact that on average the cycle lasts a year. During this time, new challenges and opportunities inevitably appear in the company, requiring renewed mission, strategy and structure.

    This approach allows the company to identify difficulties in a timely manner, before they develop into a crisis, and to be constantly young. This is the essence of the methodology.


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