Development and implementation of an enterprise development plan. Business plan organizational plan. What tasks does the enterprise development plan fulfill?

The situation with the approval of ambitious plans for the development of the company sometimes resembles an anecdote from the Soviet times, in which the workers of the plant, having familiarized themselves with the order on compulsory hanging at a meeting, after a gloomy silence, asked only one question: "Should I bring the rope or will the trade union provide?"

At the same time, the development of an annual development plan can and should become in the company a procedure for constructive interaction between owners and employees, despite the obvious difference in their interests. The article describes the logic and sequence of this procedure using the example of a trading company operating on the B2B market.

Approval meeting annual plans, went on as usual. The director of the company enthusiastically talked about plans to double sales, managers commercial departments looked grimly at the polishing of the table. The enthusiasm of the main shareholder of the company was understandable: having estimated the planned marginal profit, he had already given the necessary orders to resume construction of the cottage, frozen in the end of the year.

The mood of the merchants was explained by the dependence of their bonus on the degree of fulfillment of the plan. The pride of the marketer was also understandable, who cleverly distributed the sales set by the director across product lines and distribution channels. It was incomprehensible the excitement of the financial director, throwing bewildered glances at the general and nervously drawing intricate ornaments in the diary.

Finally, the director finished his inspiring speech and swept the audience with a triumphant gaze. The financial one could not resist immediately: “If we are going to double the implementation, it is necessary to calculate the required working capital and find sources of funding. Considering that we have not found reserves for improving the turnover of money, and credit opportunities have been exhausted, what funds are we counting on? " Not fully understanding the financial reasons, but feeling the last opportunity to defend their incomes before the verdict, the sales managers perked up: “ Hot product in short supply, purchase prices are high, the warehouse is a mess, the marketer does not know life, but yesterday the Internet did not work! " The head of the purchasing department, the marketer and the warehouse manager did not go into their pockets for a word, and the meeting revived. As an experienced leader, director in accordance with the principle of "Divide and Conquer!" he gave the participants of the meeting to express their opinion, and then announced that all private issues would be considered by him individually, at which the meeting ended.

A year later, opening the next meeting devoted to the approval of annual plans, the director was forced to admit that the company in the ending year experienced constant financing difficulties, was forced to reduce the implementation plan three times, and annual volume sales grew by only 15%, which is in line with the growth rate of the market. At the same time, expenses somehow imperceptibly increased by 20%. The director did not talk about the construction of the cottage, which had been stopped once again. “But next year,” the general continued, “we plan to double our sales,” and invited the brilliant marketer to report to the meeting on the distribution of the plan by product group and distribution channel.

The meeting proceeded as usual

At the same time, the development of an annual development plan can and should become in the company a procedure for constructive interaction between owners and employees, despite the obvious difference in their interests. Let's consider the logic and sequence of this procedure using the example of the Kubarik trading company, which supplies stationery legal entities.

Goal setting

The presence of a "correct", formulated and approved goal is the most important condition for the successful operation of an enterprise. As you know, the "correct" goal is an intention that has the properties of ambition, realism, measurability, and specificity.

Having a goal gives the company the following opportunities:

  • development of a strategy adequate to the market and its own capabilities,
  • resource planning - financial, human, informational, logistic, etc.,
  • concentration of all resources in the most effective areas,
  • periodically checking the dynamics of movement towards the goal and developing corrective management decisions,
  • formation of staff motivation.
The decisive word in determining medium and long-term goals belongs to the owner, not only by virtue of his natural right, but also taking into account the risks associated with this decision.

In theory, the owner may want 100% of the market for his company, but must be prepared for fantastic investments and constant loss. Therefore, it is more practical when the owner's ambitions, already at the stage of goal-setting, are limited by the realities of the market presented by marketers, and financial capacity companies.

In general, the statement of purpose should include:

  • defining target markets,
  • product definition for each of the markets,
  • list of targets,
  • target values ​​of indicators in target markets.
Appropriate marketing preparation for goal setting is carried out based on the analysis of the market and the company's activities in the previous period.

The company "Kubarik" approached the issue of goal-setting with all possible seriousness and determined its goals in the form of market shares, provided that the margin was maintained


Marketing analysis and economic calculations carried out in our company led to the conclusion that the most effective positioning strategy would be to supply Chinese consumer goods at a minimum low prices... But this activity did not arouse the slightest enthusiasm among the owner of the company. On the contrary, on the issue of competition strategy, he leaned towards the option of differentiation, wanting to supply only quality products to the market and provide customers with the highest level of service in the industry.

This example illustrates the fact that in determining the positioning, the will of the owner is also decisive, since his life values may come into conflict with economic feasibility.


After defining goals, managers should develop marketing strategy and a set of measures to support it in other functional areas - financial, informational, logistics, personnel, that is, a description of what actually needs to be done to achieve the set goals within the formulated positioning.

It is at this moment that the heads of all departments are obliged to recall all the company's problems and propose ways to solve them, to determine internal reserves and ways to mobilize them, to identify market opportunities and provide for ways to use them.

The technique involves the development of:

  • List of initiatives to implement the strategy,
  • The hierarchy of the company's goals,
  • Scorecards,
  • Performance plans,
  • Distribution of responsibility for the achievement of indicators,
  • Action plans aimed at achieving indicators.
During the planning of events, the managers responsible for the indicators must and have the right to formulate the requirements for additional resources necessary to implement the chosen strategy and achieve the approved goals. It is the ambitious marketing goals that are the basis for planning recruitment, increasing office and warehouse space, purchasing equipment, planning promotional activities, transport development programs, IT tools, training programs and other additional costs.

In our company, the heads of divisions, on the one hand, were vitally interested in increasing the scale of activities, since their base rates directly depended on the absolute value of the main indicators for which they were responsible. On the other hand, while minimizing their risks, they, of course, tried to work out a program for the implementation of the chosen strategy at the highest level, without being embarrassed in spending. As a result, the list of measures for the creation of the institute of trade representatives (TP) turned out to be as follows:

  1. A recruitment program for ten TPs by a human resources agency.
  2. Preparation of a program for introducing TP to the market and their training on the company's product by the marketing department.
  3. Organization of training for TP on the practice of negotiating in a training company.
  4. Purchase of five vehicles for TP.
  5. Development and approval of the regulation of compensation for the use of TP of personal cars.
  6. By the forces of third-party IS implementers
    • Implementation in the IS of a subsystem for the formation of operational plans of TP and their reporting,
    • Organization of remote access of TP to IS.
7. Plan for the purchase of remote terminals for TP.

8. Revision of the inventory management system (TS) and its standards in connection with the beginning of the TP. In particular, it was proposed to increase the technical assignment by 20% and to increase the standard of its turnover from 30 to 45 days.

9. Forces consulting company

  • Development of materials for methodological support of TP: books of sales scenarios, methods for assessing customer needs and others.
  • Development of regulatory documents: job descriptions, TP activity standards, regulations and formats for setting goals, regulations and reporting formats.
  • Development of a system of TP indicators, plans for indicators, control regulations.
  • Systems development material incentives and intangible motivation TP.
  • Development of regulations for attestation and assessment of TP.
  • Reengineering of existing and development of new business processes related to TP activities.
10. Plan of measures to increase the area of ​​storage facilities.

11. Plan of equipping workplaces for new employees.

5. Financial planning

If the owner of our company liked the idea of ​​creating a TP institute, then the costs associated with its implementation, proposed by the heads of departments, made us think. In any case, to assess the financial result and risks of the chosen strategy, it was required to develop budgets. The revenue plans prepared by the marketer and the incremental cost plans were passed on to the CFO. By adding your data on statistics of expenses in the past period and plans for investment and financial activities, CFO formed the budget of income and expenses, the budget of the movement Money, forecast balance and calculation financial ratios, moreover, the turnover rates for the warehouse, accounts receivable and payable participated in this budget system as parameters.

Planned financial results unpleasantly struck the owner of the company. Of course, even without budgets, he understood that the conceived strategy would yield results only in the fall, and he would have to invest at the beginning of the year, but only looking at the budgets, he estimated the scale of investments and the profitability of the planned business. Together with FD, they began to look for reserves to improve the planned financial result and reduce investment risks and, of course, found them. It was decided:

  • improve the sluggish dynamics of the TA plans, increase the plans for the implementation of the TA after the adaptation stage. This decision made it possible to reduce the number of TP staff from ten to 5 without reducing general plan implementation,
  • reduce the number of purchased cars and equipped jobs,
  • reduce the planned commodity stock and improve its turnover,
  • set the procurement department to receive additional discounts and delays from suppliers, taking into account ambitious plans to increase procurement volumes,
  • reduce costs for external contractors by completing part of the work on organizing the work of the TP on our own.
As a result, company leaders were ready for a meeting to approve the annual plan.

Of course, this meeting was not very similar to what we described above. In fact, there was a bargaining between the owner, who wants to get an acceptable financial result with minimal risks, and managers interested in minimizing the risks of non-fulfillment of plans.

At the same time, the owner understood that by unjustifiably cutting costs on the implementation of an agreed business development strategy, he would increase the risks of non-fulfillment of income plans, and managers knew that their proposed costs were overestimated and suggested the degree of their competence. Thus, there was an objective basis for reaching a compromise and an information field (budgets) for modeling a compromise option.

Let's leave the reader an opportunity to fantasize about the results of this meeting and the company's success in the planned year. Personally, the situation gives me some optimism. Either because it was so conceived according to the script of the article, or because I happened to be a participant in both meetings. What version of the meeting to approve the annual plan would you prefer?

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The topic of organization planning as a management function is one of the topical topics in management, therefore it is necessary to study this topic in depth.

The planning function as one of the main management functions has now acquired qualitatively new features and characteristics; planning has received a fundamentally new content, since the need for it is due to the scale of the socialization of production. Expanding planning horizons means that it fulfills not only operational tasks, but also tasks perspective development, which is a new moment of planning. Its purpose as a management function is to strive as early as possible to take into account all internal and external factors providing favorable conditions for the normal functioning and development of the enterprise.

Planning is an attempt to look into the future, it helps to assess the scale of the organization, identify competitors, find your niche in the market, determine the paths and goals of the organization's strategic achievements. The plans reflect all production and economic activities of the enterprise. Based on plans, managers determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, analyze them and develop tactics for their actions, assess the situation in the field of finance, marketing, production and other areas. Figuratively speaking, we are talking here about the definition of "where we are at the present time, where we want to move and how we are going to do it."

The development of the economic system is not a simple increase in its production capacity, but a movement towards a specific purpose... In the process of development, the unity of actions of the individual elements of the system is required - this is what can be ensured by planning all the activities of the enterprise. Planning is not only an active and conscious striving for the future, but also the concept of purposeful behavior.

The purpose term paper is the disclosure of the topic of planning an organization as a function of management.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set in the work:

Study the essence, types, principles, forms and effectiveness of planning;

Analyze the mechanism and process of planning;

Study the system of plans at the enterprise and their relationship.

1. Planration as a control function:types and principles

1.1 The essence of planning

Planning is the development of a plan that prescribes the goals of the organization and what members of the organization must do to achieve those goals, i.e. who? what? using what resources? When should you complete it in order to achieve the organisation's goal?

The basis of the planning process is the development of documents containing goals and objectives (that is, a list of what needs to be done), defining the sequence, resources and timing of work required to achieve the goals.

Planning as a management process includes:

· Setting goals and objectives;

· Development of strategies, programs and plans to achieve the set goals;

· Determination of the required resources and their distribution;

· Determination of the time frame (terms) for the implementation of the set indicators, tasks, goals;

· Definition of the main indicators (indicators), allowing to monitor and evaluate the implementation of tasks;

· Communicating plans to everyone who must carry them out and who is responsible for their implementation.

The result of the execution of the planning function are various plans: the work plan of the enterprise for the year (quarter), the business plan, the work plan of the shop (department) for the month, individual plan employee work.

The management approach to planning can be carried out by setting criteria and planning tasks, defining planning tools, methods of coordinating plans, directions and methods of planning.

It should be clearly defined:

Planning object (what is planned?);

Planning subject (who plans?);

Period (horizon) of planning (for how long?);

Planning tools;

Planning methodology (how to plan?);

Coordination of plans (what? With whom? Under what conditions?).

1.2 Planning types

There are three types of management planning:

1. Strategic planning;

2. Tactical planning;

3. Operational planning.

Strategic planning is an attempt to look in the long term at the fundamental components of an organization (goals, objectives, structure, technology), to assess what trends will be observed in its environment, what will be the most likely behavior of competitors, consumer needs. Strategic planning determines the course of development of the organization for a long period (more than 5 years).

Strategic planning is based on the concept of strategy. It reflects the main goals of the company, such as expanding market share, increasing profits, conducting advanced scientific and technical research, ensuring high competitiveness, etc. According to A. Chandler's formulation, the strategy is the definition of the main long-term goals and objectives of the organization, the adoption of a course of action and the allocation of the resources needed to meet these goals.

A strategic plan meets its purpose if it provides the ability to maintain maximum elasticity of the firm's behavior. It forms a general idea of ​​the future without affecting its details and components.

Strategic planning represents the process of modeling the future, including the definition of goals and the formulation of a concept for long-term development. It can also be viewed as an element of the management process aimed at creating and maintaining a strategic balance between the goals of the firm, its potentialities and likely development prospects.

The strategic plan is flexible and allows for:

a) regular adjustments to planned targets;

b) revision of the system of measures for the implementation of these plans based on continuous monitoring and assessment of ongoing changes in the firm's activities.

The strategic plan should provide for the provision of the following types of resources:

1) financial, which are necessary for the formation of capital and current assets; businesses use sources such as share capital, bank loans, sale of bonds;

2) by human resourses represented by workers with vocational training; they provide an increase in the profitability of manufactured products and carry out the management process (marketers, managers, engineering personnel and other employees); the source of these resources is the labor market;

3) material resources - land, buildings, industrial premises, equipment, inventories, etc .;

4) intellectual resources - know-how, patents, licenses, brands, patented designs, logos, secret formulas and recipes, commercial communication networks, databases, etc.

The basis of the strategic plan is the definition of the mission of the enterprise, its general goals and global programs of activity. The goals of the strategic level relate to the enterprise as a whole, by their nature they are general in nature, are formed based on the meaning of the enterprise's existence and determine its place in the business environment.

In conditions market economy strategic planning should be carried out taking into account the impact of the external environment, which is characterized by various kinds of rapid changes: market conditions, the level of saturation of sales markets, the emergence of new goods (services). These fluctuations create a high degree of uncertainty for the enterprise when making decisions. Thus, business risks increase.

Only if there is a strategic plan can you avoid such negative phenomena as a situation in which each structural unit of the company begins to look for its own ways of solving problems that are not coordinated with common activities enterprises. For example, in the absence of a single strategic plan, there may be a mismatch between the goals of different structural units.

There is always a danger of turning a strategic plan into a formal document of a bureaucratic process, when its potential capabilities do not manifest itself, and the participation of the company's personnel in its implementation becomes mechanical, without the creative achievement of goals by specific performers. To prevent such a course of events, it is necessary to take appropriate preventive measures at all stages of strategic planning.

The value of strategic planning methods is especially high when:

a) the complex internal structure and variety of activities of the enterprise;

b) significant uncertainty and intense dynamics of the external environment.

Strategic planning allows for more targeted and interrelated resource management, reducing material and financial losses in achieving goals.

The planning process is presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Planning process

Tactical planning determines intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives. This type of planning is determined for a medium-term period (from 1 to 5 years). Tactical planning means clarification, correction, addition, in a word, concretization of the strategy.

Tactical planning is understood as planning actions that should represent the most effective ways achieving strategic goals. In other words, tactics is a form of strategy expression. Strategy and tactics, in general, have related goals and their essence is to determine the means by which the enterprise seeks to achieve its goals and objectives. Tactical planning is the detailed planning, definition and development of issues within technical lines.

In tactical planning, detailed planning takes place. Tactical planning decision-makers are numerous mid-level executives. In tactical planning, homogeneous problems are solved and a fixed timetable is adopted.

Operational planning is planning for the near future (up to 1 year), managers of the lower management level are envisaged. Operational planning is what a manager does on a daily basis. This includes planning the work of an enterprise for a short period of time. It depends on the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

Process operational planning consists of several stages:

· Identification of the problem;

· Identification of possible actions;

· Pre-selection of one of certain possible actions;

· Analysis of possible consequences;

· The final choice of action.

Moreover, the manager must be able to see not only this moment but also to anticipate the impact of the decision on the future time period. He must be able to compose strategic plans, organize tactical planning and engage in ongoing planning.

Planning can be classified according to several criteria:

By the degree of coverage (general and partial);

The subject (object) of planning (equipment, materials, finances, information, etc.);

Areas of operation (production, marketing, R&D, finance;)

Terms (short, medium, long term);

Rigid and flexible.

1.3 Planning principles

Planning is carried out in accordance with a number of principles, that is, rules. The main one today is considered to be the participation of the maximum number of employees of the organization in the work on the plan already at the very early stages of its preparation.

The reason is that people are more likely and more willing to perform those tasks that they have set for themselves, as closer and more understandable.

Continuity due to the appropriate nature is considered another principle. economic activity... In accordance with this, it is carried out not as a single action, but as a constantly repeating process. Within its framework, all current plans are developed taking into account the implementation and the fact that they themselves will serve as the basis for drawing up plans in the future. This ensures their certain continuity. Continuity of planning requires adherence to the principle of flexibility, which implies the need to adjust or revise at any time previously made decisions in accordance with changing circumstances. To ensure flexibility, so-called "pillows" are laid in the plans, that is, zones in which indicators can deviate from the specified values, which provides freedom of maneuver.

The unity and interconnectedness of individual parts of the organization requires adherence to such a principle as the coordination of plans. It is realized through coordination and integration. Coordination is carried out "horizontally", that is, between subdivisions of the same level, and integration - "vertically" between higher and lower levels.

An important principle of planning is economy, which requires that the costs of drawing up a plan be less than the effect brought by its implementation. When assessing the cost-effectiveness of planning, you should consider its usefulness (which is usually difficult) and the costs of planning.

Finally, one of the principles of planning is to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the plan. The principles listed above are universal, suitable for different levels of management; at the same time, each of them can also apply its own specific principles.

For example, when planning at the workshop level important role the principle of bottleneck plays, according to which the output must be determined based on the capabilities of the piece of equipment with the lowest productivity. At the same time, at the enterprise and environment level. On this basis, goals are set, strategies are developed and a combination of tools is determined that allows them to be most effectively implemented.

Based on this, the planning principles are:

§ completeness (it is required to take into account everything),

§ detailing (its depth is determined planning purpose),

§ accuracy,

§ simplicity and clarity,

§ continuity,

§ elasticity and flexibility (using planned reserves, taking into account the multiplicity of possible alternatives, postponing planning details until the situation is clarified, variability),

§ alignment when planning (taking into account bottlenecks),

§ efficiency.

Planning is systematized according to a number of characteristics. The planning characteristic indicates the area of ​​activity to which the result specified by the target belongs. Consequently, the scale of the goal characterizes the level at which planning development should be carried out:

1.sequential planning (a new plan is drawn up after the expiration of the previous one),

2. rolling planning (after the expiration of a part of the validity period of the previous plan, it is revised for the remaining period and a new one is drawn up for the period after the end of the entire period of the previous one, etc.),

3. rigid planning (all goals and activities are specified), flexible planning (the possibility of ambiguous conditions and revision of the plan taking into account them is taken into account).

1.4 Planning forms

The methodological feature of planning is the widespread use of the program-target approach, which provides for the need to accurately formulate the company's goals and link them to resources. Typically, goals are developed for the long term and determine the main directions of the company's development program. At the same time, clear objectives of each division of the firm are formulated and its place and role in achieving common goals are determined. In particular, not only the total amount of profit and the rate of return are determined, but also various normative indicators associated with the implementation of the functions of marketing, financing, etc.

Thus, in the plans developed by firms, both strategic and current, the main tasks of economic policy for a certain period and specific ways of solving them are formed: the material and financial resources necessary for this are determined, as well as the methods of their most effective use taking into account the prevailing conditions on an international scale. In other words, the planning methodology focuses on ensuring the alignment of goals with resources, determining the sequence of funds and the method of the most effective achievement of the goals and the resulting tasks within each business unit of the entire firm.

Organizationally, the process of central planning for most of the largest firms is carried out "top down".

Such an organization of the planning process testifies to the centralization of the most important planning decisions at the top management of the company and provides a certain independence to production departments in the development of schedules based on indicators that are uniform for the entire company.

Nearly all large companies have central planning services. However, organizationally and structurally, the central service can be built in different ways and differ in the nature of the functions performed. In some companies, the central planning function is performed by planning departments that are part of other central services. In the production departments, the planning apparatus is represented by the planning department, whose functions include the preparation of monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual, summary and current production plans by department as a whole. Typically, these plans summarize the metrics received from each department.

1.5 Effectiveness of planning

Effective planning requires:

receipt of information about the main external conditions of influence and past achievements;

determination of the optimal structure of the organization and the provision of services at any given moment in time, taking into account scientific and technological progress;

operational accounting of available resources and flexible maneuvering by them;

establishing control over the implementation of plans and their timely correction, if necessary.

Planning is a responsible and difficult part of the work to organize effective management.

It is extremely difficult to determine the goals, opportunities, problems and alternatives associated with the formulation of goals, the final choice of the direction of activity in conditions of uncertainty caused by the system of the market economy, as well as the complexity of the implementation of plans due to the need to clarify and adjust them due to the variability of the market environment.

The stability and success of any business entity can only be ensured by effective planning of its activities. Planning, as the central link of management, encompasses a system of principles, methods, forms and methods of regulation, to increase the efficiency of achieving the objectives and goals of the organization as a whole.

When organizing a planning system, it is very important to determine the relationship between tasks and steps to achieve them, to provide a system for monitoring the organization's work and the necessary adjustments.

The tasks (which are also an order) of planning, as a process of practical activity, include:

Justification of the proposed strategies, goals and objectives that the company plans to implement in the coming period, design the desired future of the organization;

Planning the main means of achieving the goals and objectives, choosing or creating the necessary means to get closer to the desired future;

Determining the need for resources, planning the volume and structure of the required resources and the timing of their receipt;

Designing the implementation of the developed plans and monitoring their implementation.

2. Enterprise planning system

2.1 Planning engine

The planning mechanism is understood as a set of means and methods by which planning decisions are made and their implementation is ensured. If the organizational structure reflects external structure planning system, its form, then the mechanism reveals internal structure and the content of the planning system.

The planning mechanism includes: the apparatus for the development of goals and objectives of the functioning; planning functions; planning methods.

The listed components of the planning mechanism are interdependent as elements of one system. The logic of this connection is as follows: the laws of development (including economic laws, laws of engineering and technology, cybernetics, laws of the development of society, etc.) give rise to the goals and objectives of the functioning of the organization; goals and objectives define the planning functions that determine the appropriate planning methods.

Now let's take a closer look at these components.

a) Goal setting.

V general view goal setting can be defined as a planning decision-making process that precedes future action. The objectives of the activity should be linked to each other.

Only senior management is able to ensure that the individual goals and objectives are optimally combined with common goals activities.

Connecting goals and objectives to achieve them constitutes a strategy.

The goal system depends on five components:

External opportunities and limitations (the nature of the external environment, which in relation to goals can be structured into economic, technological and legal)

Internal capabilities and limitations (to be determined labor resources financial resources, material resources)

Risk appetite

The system of performance objectives must meet the following requirements:

They must be functional so that managers at different levels can easily transform goals set at a higher level into tasks for lower levels;

A temporary link must be established between long-term and short-term goals;

Objectives should be reviewed periodically to ensure that internal capabilities are consistent with existing conditions;

Objectives should ensure the necessary concentration of resources and efforts;

It is always necessary to set a system of goals, and not a single goal;

Objectives should cover all areas of activity.

Successful implementation of goals depends on how they are divided into subgoals and tasks in the planning process.

b) Planning functions.

Planning functions are understood as isolated activities generated by the division of labor within the planning process, that is, any work, any action performed in the process of forming a plan and aimed at changing the state of the organization.

Planning includes the following functions:

1) Reducing complexity - overcoming the real complexity of the planned objects and processes.

2) Motivation - initiation of effective use of material and intellectual potential.

3) Forecasting - by systematic analysis of all factors of the state of external and internal environment allows you to calculate possible development and the implementation of the development of an action plan. The quality of the forecast also determines the quality of the plan.

Ensuring safety - refers to the need to take into account the risk factor in order to avoid or reduce it.

Optimization - establishes the choice of acceptable and best alternatives for the use of resources.

6) The function of coordination and integration - creates an unification of people, both in the process of developing a plan, and in the process of its implementation. It should also prevent conflicts, take into account the integration of various areas of the organization.

Sequence function - creates a uniform order of actions.

8) Control function - implements the establishment of an effective control system for activities, analysis of the process of execution of assigned tasks.

Documentation function - captures a view of the progress of the activity.

10) The function of education and training - has an educational effect through patterns of rational action and allows you to learn from mistakes.

c) Methods of planning.

They are understood as a way of implementing planning, that is, a way of implementing a planned idea.

The planning method depends on the specific form of planning and includes two aspects: direction of planning; means of justifying the planned parameters.

In planning practice, three areas of planning can be distinguished:

Progressive planning (bottom-up method) - planning is carried out from the lowest levels to the highest. Here, the lower structural divisions themselves draw up detailed plans for their work, which are subsequently integrated at the upper level, forming a general plan.

Retrograde method ("Top down") - planning is carried out on the basis of the general plan, by detailing its indicators from top to bottom in the hierarchy. At the same time, the performers must transform the plans of higher levels that come to them into their own plans, with the specification of the tasks set.

The circular method (counter planning) is a synthesis of the methods discussed above. The circular method involves developing a plan in two stages. At the first stage (from top to bottom), current planning is carried out, according to the main goals. At the second stage (from bottom to top), a final plan is drawn up, according to a system of detailed indicators. In this case, the plans include the most successful solutions.

2.2 The planning process

Like any expedient human activity, the planning process has its own technology, which represents the sequence of work performed when drawing up a plan.

The planning process contains the following steps:

1) Determination of the purpose of planning, the establishment of forms and methods of planning. They also determine the criteria for making planning decisions and monitoring the progress of their implementation.

2) Analysis of the problem - determination of the initial situation at the time of drawing up the plan and the formation of the final situation.

3) Search for alternatives, which implies the search for suitable actions among possible ways to resolve the problem situation.

4) Forecasting, which forms an idea of ​​the development of the planned situation.

5) Evaluation - Optimizing calculations are performed to select the best alternative.

6) Adoption and execution of a single planning decision.

Planning tools enable you to automate technological process developing a plan from collecting information to making and implementing planning decisions. This includes technical, informational, software, organizational and linguistic support.

The complex use of these tools allows you to create an automated system planned calculations(ASPR).

Planning as an integral part of the management process can have organizational forms with centralized and decentralized planning functions.

In accordance with these forms, a system of planning bodies of a specific economic entity is being built.

In an organization with centralized planning functions, senior management creates special service planning, called the planning and control department. She reports directly to the top manager, is engaged in the development of promising and current plans and monitors the progress of their implementation. At centralized system planning easier to coordinate work. However, with the expansion of the scale of activity, the strengthening of the diversification process and the emergence of diversified concerns, it becomes impossible to plan their work from one center.

In a decentralized system, planning work is carried out at three levels. At the senior management level, there is a central planning service that only prepares long-range plans. Each department has its own planning department that draws up the current plan.

In this option, the centralization of long-term planning and the decentralization of the current one helps to increase the initiative of the offices in using the available opportunities. The main planning work is concentrated in individual links, and is built taking into account the specifics of their work.

The degree of decentralization of planning functions in organizations varies. For example, forward planning may not always focus on the highest level alone. In this case, the planning service is entrusted with the functions of developing a general organization strategy, coordinating and monitoring the work of the planning services of departments, checking the status running costs branches and enterprises.

The current structure of planning services is fundamentally different from the structure common in enterprises. the former USSR... The difference lies in the fact that in modern practice all these functions are performed in various functional departments, for example, in the department of labor and wages, the planning and economic department, etc.

2.3 The system of plans at the enterprise and their relationship

In the economic practice of domestic enterprises, it is generally recognized that there are two main systems or types of market planning: technical and economic and operational and production.

Technical and economic planning provides for the development of an integral system of indicators for the development of technology and the economy of the enterprise in their unity and interdependence both in place and in time of action. During this planning stage, the optimal production volumes are substantiated based on taking into account the interaction of supply and demand for products and services, the necessary production resources are selected and rational norms for their use are established, the final financial and economic indicators are determined, etc.

Operational production planning is a consequence of technical and economic and represents its subsequent development and completion. On the this stage current production targets are established by a separate workshop, section and workplace, various organizational and managerial influences are carried out in order to adjust the production process.

The system of plans at the enterprise can be systematized according to such basic classification criteria as:

according to the level of management, depending on the number of line links in the enterprise, such types are distinguished as corporate and factory - at the highest level of management. At the middle level, a workshop planning system is used, at the lower level, a production system, which covers sections, teams and a workplace;

according to the methods of justification, the system of market, indicative and administrative or centralized planning is used;

in terms of coverage time, planning can be short-term or current (one year, quarter, decade or week), medium-term within (1-3 years) and long-term or long-term (from 3 to 10 years);

according to the scope of application, planning is subdivided into interdepartmental, intrashop, brigade and individual;

by stages of development, planning is preliminary, at the stage of which draft plans are developed, and final;

according to the degree of accuracy, planning is refined and enlarged. The accuracy of the plans mainly depends on the methods used, normative materials, planning timeframes and the skill level of the planners;

according to the types of goals, planning can be operational, tactical, strategic and normative.

In foreign science and practice in planning the future of a corporation, it is customary to distinguish four main types of orientation or technology for drawing up plans.

According to the classification of R.L. Ackoff, planning is reactive, inactive, preactive and interactive.

Reactive planning is based on an analysis of previous experience and the history of production development and most often relies on old organizational forms and established traditions. Such planning considers production problems separately, and not as a corresponding system, and therefore does not take into account the interaction of the whole and its separate parts. In addition, it is based on the misconception that if you get rid of the unnecessary, you will get the desired result. This planning begins as a low-level manager with a checklist of what needs to be foreseen for the change ahead. Then a project is developed to find and eliminate the cause of the deficiencies, the costs and benefits of each project are assessed and the necessary priorities are set. Next, a project is selected, which usually involves the expenditure of more resources than is required in real conditions.

The selected draft plan is transferred to the immediate supervisor, who, after adjusting it, sends it to the next level of management. The transfer of the project continues until the master plans reach the highest level of management, where the final choice of option takes place, which marks the end of the analytical process of developing the in-house plan. Past-oriented reactive planning very often leads to the displacement of the products and services of these corporations not only from the external, but also the internal market, since other firms are better at planning and mastering competitive products.

Inactive planning focuses on the existing state of the enterprise and does not provide for both returning to the previous state and moving forward. Its main goals are the survival and stability of production. Inactive organizations value their style, traditions and rules more than the economy or efficiency of planning and production activities. The best of all are those enterprises with an inactive management style, in which their survival does not depend on labor productivity. Many examples of inactive planning can be found at state enterprises, in administrative offices, budgetary organizations as well as in service departments and functional services various enterprises(firms). Present-centered inactive planning is not conducive to economic growth and the development of domestic enterprises.

Preactive planning is aimed at implementing continuous changes in various areas of activity of enterprises (firms). In their striving for the best, preactivists rely on all the achievements of science and technology, widely use experiment and forecasting, but make little use of the accumulated experience. This planning consists of forecasting and preparing for the future and is carried out in enterprises "from the top down".

It begins with forecasting external conditions, then the most important goals of the enterprise and its strategy are formulated as an integral program for their achievement. The main difficulty of preactive planning stems from the fact that the further into the future the forecast penetrates, the greater the probability of error. Therefore, effective preparation is possible at best for the relatively near future. Therefore, proactive planning based on forecasts can only be effective for a relatively short period.

Interactive planning is to design the desired future and find ways to build it. Such planning therefore focuses rather on improving performance over time, aiming to maximize its ability to learn and adapt or develop. Accelerating socio-economic change makes learning and adaptation key points interactive planning. Not a single problem, both for the economy or society as a whole, and for an individual enterprise (firm) can be solved forever or for a long time, and therefore, as the changes accelerate, the period of validity of planning and management decisions decreases. Moreover, solving one problem creates new ones, sometimes more difficult than the solved ones. Progress economic science, for example, is defined as much by the transition from simple problems to complex ones as from complex solutions to simple ones. Interactive planning, focused on the interaction of the past, present and future, is aimed at increasing the level of individual, organizational and social development enterprises and the whole country and improving the quality of life of people.

Any planning as a process of practical activity usually includes several stages or stages, the main purpose of which is as follows:

formulation of the composition of the upcoming planning problems, determination of the system of expected hazards or anticipated opportunities for the development of an enterprise or firm;

justification of the strategies put forward, goals and objectives that the company plans to implement in the coming period, designing the desired future of the organization;

planning the main means of achieving the set goals and objectives, choosing or creating the necessary means to get closer to the desired future;

determining the need for resources, planning the volume and structure of the required resources and the timing of their receipt;

designing the implementation of the developed plans and monitoring their implementation.

The above planning procedure is widespread in American firms. Domestic enterprises also use a similar planning technology, which contains three main stages of practical activity:

drawing up plans, making decisions about the future goals of the organization and how to achieve them;

organizing the implementation of planned decisions, assessing the real performance of the enterprise;

control and analysis of final results, correction of actual indicators and improvement of the enterprise.

The goal-based management system should be developed taking into account the characteristic properties and specifics of the organization. There is no such thing as a "clean" or generic model that can be used for all situations and in any organization. Here is one of the schemes used in various organizations to achieve a goal.

Step 1. The highest level of management develops the main goals of the organization for the forthcoming (planned) period. This usually happens while the annual budget is being developed. Top managers must define the main goals for the coming period in terms of such indicators as sales volume, production, prices, profitability level, team development, etc. Although the goals of an organization may be indicative in nature, they generally reflect the specific characteristics inherent in the goals of all the main divisions and branches of the organization. This means that the highest level of management has coordinated them with managers of all other levels. And in the end they came to a consensus on the chosen goals, which are quite realistic and achievable for all structural divisions.

Step 2. For each manager, responsible executor, a specific task is drawn up. This creates confidence in the scope of authority and limits of responsibility distributed among employees who know exactly what they have to accomplish. Careful personal distribution of duties and rights allows avoiding "white spots" where work is not specified.

Step 3. This stage is designed to determine the specific characteristics of each area of ​​work in close relationship with the overall goals of the organization. Each employee prepares a list of goals (from six to ten) that should ensure the achievement of the desired results within their areas of activity.

Step 4. It is imperative that a meeting be held between the employee and his manager to discuss the target. Particularly important is the primary level of management, at which all goals, broken down into sub-goals and tasks, reach their specific performer precisely at this level; employees are very critical in evaluating tasks and developing a joint agreement with managers. Both sides seek to work out agreement on selected targets based on realistic and achievable conditions. Priorities can be set if necessary.

Step 5. For periodic reports on the progress of the work performed in accordance with the planned volumes, a certain time is provided. Many experts suggest using the quarterly reporting form as the main one. Following regular reporting, goals can be adjusted either downward or upward if necessary.

Step 6. The final stage, which analyzes the results of achieving the set goals and develops a report at the end of the year. A very useful method of developing reports is for each employee to include individual self-assessment reports of their performance in accordance with the stated goals. At this stage, managers need to be more self-critical and celebrate their mistakes without waiting for their upline managers to do so. Then it is usually carried out general meeting, which discusses the personal contribution of employees under the guidance of a superior manager to production achievements.

2.4 Improving the organization of planning in the enterprise

In practice, enterprises use various types of planning, and most often a combination of them. The aggregate different types planning, applied simultaneously to a specific economic entity, is called a form of planning.

The choice of one form or another of planning depends on many factors.
The dominant position among them is occupied by the specifics of the enterprise.
For example, a clothing company plans its products for no more than 1-2 years, and a shipyard for at least 5-10 years.

Among the many factors affecting the planning form, three main ones can be distinguished: Factors due to the specifics of the firm (concentration of capital, the level of mechanization and automation of the firm's management, the geographic location of the firm, etc.)

The most important of the factors determining intra-firm planning is the concentration of capital. For example, the minimum size of fixed assets in a number of industries American industry amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. Capital concentration is enhanced by the processes of diversification and internationalization of capital.

The impact of scientific and technological progress on manufacturing process and its management is expressed in the complication of the division of labor and the manufactured product and, as a result, the complication of the organizational and technical structure of the enterprise and association.

In structure largest companies there are dozens of scientific laboratories, hundreds production units, a complex system logistics and marketing of finished products, including sales agents and businesses Maintenance consumers of their products. This puts forward stringent requirements for the coordination of production participants, the need to plan their joint efforts. planning management management

Mechanization and automation of management has a significant impact on the process of intrafirm planning, which is reflected in the forms and methods of planning. Since it allows you to improve the degree of consistency and balance of plans for various functional areas of production and economic activities and structural divisions of the enterprise, it increases the overall culture planned work etc. The external environment influences the form of planning through two groups of factors: direct and indirect impact.

The group of factors of direct influence includes such factors that determine the direct influence on the planned decisions in the form of various conditions and constraints. The subjects of such influence can be suppliers and consumers, competitors trade unions, central and local authorities state power etc.

The group of indirect impact includes factors that do not have an unambiguous effect on the planning decision. But, nevertheless, they can affect the implementation of the decision by indirectly influencing the interests of the participants in the implementation of the decision, changing the conditions for its implementation, etc. this includes the state of the economy, international events, political factors, scientific and technological progress, socio-cultural factors, etc.

The number of factors to which business entities are required to respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor, make up the complexity of the external environment, which can have different dynamics of change. The mobility of the environment is the rate of change in the environment of the enterprise. Criteria due to the specifics of the planning process.

In whatever economic entities the planning process is carried out, it always has the same structure, must comply with standard requirements, which also applies to the choice of specific forms of planning.

The criterion for the effectiveness of intra-firm planning is also the degree of its use in practice as a guide to action.
Many managers and professionals often point out that the enterprise plan "does not work." Upon careful analysis, it turns out that they cannot work. This is mainly because plans span too long a period, spread to very large systems, and face a huge number of random processes and events. Therefore, in the system of internal planning, it is necessary to have an organizational structure that ensures the constant adjustment of plans in accordance with changes in the external environment and internal conditions.

And so the factors considered have a significant impact on the methods and organization of intrafirm planning, which is manifested in the following.

1. There is a need to separate functions in enterprise management and planning of its activities. The division of labor is carried out in the direction of separating the functions of strategic planning from operational current planned work, separating R&D planning from the development and implementation of production plans and product sales.

In the organization of planning and control over the implementation of plans, the principles of the division of labor and the management hierarchy operate to a greater extent, the stages of which are determined by the organizational structure of enterprise management (OSU). The organizational structure of enterprise management is the key to understanding the methodology, tasks and organization of internal planning.

2. The complexity of the plan increases. It becomes a complex of various indicators, activities, different in nature, timing, performers.
The planning period is growing, in which it is possible to fit the beginning and end of work on the development and mastering of a new product, the acquisition and use of new technology... In this regard, the role of long-term long-term plans is increasing and the need to coordinate them with medium-term and current plans.

3. Planning turns into a special sphere of economic activity, which can be carried out under certain economic, material conditions. She becomes necessary condition the functioning of the company at the current level of socialization of production. But the complication of the planning process leads to the fact that it can only be carried out by a large firm, which has the appropriate specialists, technology and information for this. Intra-firm planning services are becoming a kind of capital concentration and control tool. Thus, planning, being largely the result of the concentration of capital, turns into the most important factor in the centralization of capital.

In terms of its content, the enterprise plan is a set of interrelated measures to increase profits by increasing the efficiency of using all the resources used and selling products. The success and effectiveness of the planning system is largely determined by the level of its organization, which is aimed at a systematic combination of the main elements of the planning system:

Planned personnel formed into an organizational structure;

Planning mechanism;

The process of justifying, making and implementing planning decisions (planning process);

Means that support the planning process (information, technical, mathematical software, organizational and linguistic support).

The entire planning organization system should be aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for improving production processes and enterprise management. If planning theory reveals the patterns and principles of justifying planning decisions, then the planning organization examines the process-structural aspect.

Planned personnel include all specialists who, to one degree or another, perform planning functions. Moreover, for some of them, planning functions can be the main activity (for example, for employees of the planning and economic department), and for others, it can be combined with other types of activities (for example, specialists in the design department can, along with planning design preparation for production, be engaged in the design of new products) HR workers have to solve a wide variety of tasks: to set up and balance short and long-term enterprises, to determine what is more important - to increase their market share or increase the productivity of invested capital

The growing role of planned workers in management can be explained by the following reasons:

1. The growth of the investment and science-intensive nature of modern production;

2. Strengthening the priority of quality and scientific and technical level of products in a competitive environment.

3. Increasing the importance of the creative work of all employees;

4. Strengthening the collective nature of labor, due to the increase in the complexity of technology and technology.

The listed factors pose a very acute problem of increasing the level of organization of planned work, taking into account the individual qualities of planners, their personal attitudes and psychological preferences, and a deep interest in the final results of labor in the work of the enterprise. In order to successfully perform their functions, the planner-manager, in addition to high professional qualifications, must have the ability to learn, communicate and cooperate.

The apparatus of new employees at the enterprise functions in the form of an appropriate organizational structure (OCI), which establishes required amount planning personnel and their distribution by divisions of the management apparatus, determines the composition of planning bodies, regulates linear, functional and informational links between planned workers and divisions, establishes the rights, duties and responsibilities of planners, determines the requirements for their professional level, etc.

Each company approaches the choice of the organizational planning structure strictly individually. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish groups of enterprises with the most typical schemes of such structures.

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In order for the process of enterprise development to be constant and effective, this process must be planned. You need an annual work plan for the development of the company.

Remembering business planning

The firm's annual plan is a business plan. It can be aimed at different key goals. Improvement of goods or modernization of production, access to new market sales or deeper consolidation in existing positions.

Like the process of drawing up a business plan for a new venture, the work of an annual enterprise development planning begins with an idea. Next, they collect and analyze information, analyze various options for implementing the project.

This process can take several months, so all work begins in advance. Already in September, after the summer holidays, you can begin to prepare a plan for the development of the company.

Where to get an idea

From the strategy. Analyze your strategy and concept first. The idea of ​​development can follow from the concept of the enterprise, or from the direction of strategic development. Or maybe you've come up with something new that can propel your firm forward. But the idea must correspond to the concept of the company, its essence.

If you are engaged in the production of mushroom products, then you should not direct the development of the enterprise towards implementation. transport services the population. This is not your concept, not your profile. Better to look for other ways to grow the firm.

Extension - or new business?

But there may be exceptions. If your business concept has run its course and you want to change it. In such a case, you can create new concept more acceptable for existing conditions. This will be a new business, not development and expansion.

But still think, is it worth it to radically change the field of activity?

Until now, you have specialized in growing fresh oyster mushroom, for example. You can develop through production volumes. Build new workshops, expand. Or diversify your assortment. Canned mushroom, dried, fresh - give customers a choice.

But you can switch to related activities. Mycelium production - how do you like this?

What do you do with the waste mushroom blocks? Are you renting out for processing? Are you briquetting? And if we expand these options to certain types business? Moreover, you have already worked out the technology.

Economic justification of the idea

As with drawing up a business plan, you need to calculate everything. Your idea must be effective. It should bring you income. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the costs and compare with the planned returns. Is it worth it? Did you manage to take into account and forecast everything? From what sources will you finance your project?

Make a marketing plan

Any expansion presupposes either an increase in production volumes, or the development of new markets, or the improvement of goods.

Are you sure that your product is needed by your consumers? Will they buy it? Have you done a market analysis? Can you guarantee that there is a demand for your products? How do you plan to drive demand and attract customers? How will your product reach your customer's door?

Be consistent

The most main mistake many entrepreneurs are scattered. Therefore, do not try to embrace the immensity. Don't plan a lot. You only need one direction of growth, one project, one business, one point of application.

Be consistent and do one thing at a time. By biting too much, you run the risk of not chewing and spitting it out.

The work of drawing up an annual enterprise development plan is part of the business planning process. It is carried out according to the same rules as drawing up a business plan. But it is aimed at the development and improvement of the company. And it is carried out in accordance with the concept of your company.

Enterprise development planning- the most important condition for its survival in a market economy. No matter how the system of relations in society changes, planning for the development of an enterprise remains, another thing is that the forms of documentation, its content, methods of substantiating decisions, the procedure for making them, etc. will change. Summarizing the experience of developing business plans for the operation of enterprises, the following directions of planning their development can be distinguished:

Creation and development of new products, improving the quality of products;

Introduction of new technologies, mechanization and automation of production;

Improvement of management and organization of production;

Improving the organization of work;

Decrease in material consumption and energy consumption of products;

Social development of the team;

Nature protection and rational use of natural resources.

It is obvious that the development plan of the enterprise is complex and consists of a number of plans for the specified areas of work. Let's consider their summary.

1. Plan for the creation and development of new products, improving the quality of products. It provides for activities in the following areas:

Creation of new types of products and their development in production;

Organization of production under licenses;

Modernization of manufactured products;

Development and implementation of new progressive standards and technical specifications;

Removal from production of obsolete types of products.

2. Plan for the introduction of new technologies, mechanization and automation of production.

The plan includes activities such as

Implementation of advanced technological processes;

Translation into a stream, automation of individual operations;

Mechanization of production processes, including complex mechanization;

Mechanization of heavy physical labor - equipping workplaces with devices, mechanization of loading and unloading and other heavy work;

Production automation;

Modernization of equipment, tooling, tools.

These measures increase labor productivity, save raw materials, and more efficiently use technological equipment, tooling, and tools. Here, measures are planned to eliminate bottlenecks in production.

3. Plan for improving the management and organization of production. The plan includes activities for the following indicators:

Improving the organizational structure of management;

Creation of new forms and control systems;

Improving the production structure;

Development of auxiliary and service shops;

Improvement of systems for the technique of economic and operational-production planning:

Improvement of forms and methods of in-plant cost accounting;

Improvement of material and technical support, etc.

4. Plan for improving the organization of labor. The plan provides for measures aimed at achieving the optimal combination of living labor with the means and objects of labor, these include measures that include:

Improvement of forms of division and cooperation of labor, expansion of multi-station services, introduction of collective forms of labor organization, wider combination of professions;

Improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;

Study of advanced techniques and methods of labor;

Improving labor rationing.

5. Plan of measures for saving raw materials, materials, fuel and energy. It provides for activities in the following areas:

Introduction of waste-free technologies;

Replacement of scarce and expensive materials;

Full compliance with the economy, etc.

However, it should be borne in mind that the main part of the saving of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy is achieved as a result of measures for the development of new, more advanced types of products, as well as as a result of the introduction of progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production.

6. Plan of social development of the team. The plan is a system of activities, including:

Improving the socio-demographic structure of the team (composition and structure of employees by age, sex, qualifications, education, work experience, social status);

Improvement of working conditions and safety, strengthening of workers' health;

Improving the social, cultural and living conditions of workers;

Increasing the labor activity of workers, expanding their participation in production management.

7. Action plan for nature protection and rational use of natural resources. It is being developed in the following areas:

Protection and rational use of water resources;

Air basin protection;

Protection and rational use of land.

At the enterprises of the extractive industries, measures are also provided for the protection and rational use of mineral resources (extraction of minerals from the subsoil during mining, from extracted raw materials, associated components, the use of production waste, etc.).

Each of these development plans has its own development features, due to the nature of the activities. At the same time, the general target orientation and interrelation of technical, organizational and environmental protection measures, an integrated approach to their development require unified system management of these processes. The following planning technology seems to be the most effective. The development of the plan is conditionally divided into three stages:

1. Preparation of initial data.

2. Drawing up a draft plan.

3. Discussion, clarification of the draft plan, its final design and approval.

To develop the plan, an all-plant commission and commissions in the structural divisions of the enterprise are created. The general plant commission is headed by the chief engineer, and the work of the commissions of the structural divisions is led by the heads of shops and departments.

The plant-wide commission consists of the heads of the functional services of the enterprise, heads of shops and representatives of public organizations. It performs the following functions:

General methodological guidance for the development of a plan as a whole for the enterprise;

Determination of the list of the most important technical, organizational and environmental issues that must be resolved in terms of enterprise development;

Establishment of control figures for workshops and departments to reduce material consumption, labor intensity, saving fuel, energy, etc .;

Development of an off-site event.

Commissions of structural divisions, which include bureau chiefs (in workshops, this commission also includes foremen), leading specialists, representatives of the public, etc., direct the preparation of plans to increase the production efficiency of workshops (departments).

All departments and services of the plant (PEO, OTiZ, OGT, BRIZ, OGK, etc.) take part in the preparation of the necessary information for the development of the plan. To solve the most complex scientific and technical problems facing the enterprise, special creative teams are created.

To develop a draft plan, the workshop and departments of the enterprise receive preliminary assignments to improve production efficiency, increase labor productivity, reduce costs, which should ensure the fulfillment of indicators of other plans of the enterprise. These tasks determine the minimum value of the required effect from the implementation of the planned activities.

When drawing up a draft plan, priority should be given to activities that have a significant impact on improving production efficiency. Minor activities that do not require a lot of time and money for implementation are carried out by the employees of the enterprise in the course of their daily activities.

The draft plan for each workshop includes activities that affect the performance of the workshop and, therefore, should be implemented in it. If the results of an event affect the performance of several workshops or the performance of the entire enterprise, such activities are considered by the plant-wide commission and included in the draft factory plan. The plan of the enterprise also includes activities that require significant one-time costs and the participation of several structural divisions in their implementation.

Including activities developed both by the workshop itself and by the functional structural divisions of the enterprise for implementation in this workshop.

Each event included in the draft plan is concretized (the place of implementation, performers, terms of development and implementation, implementation costs, economic effect are indicated). For complex events requiring lengthy preparation and a significant number of performers, phased schedules are developed and approved, covering the implementation of the entire range of works.

The draft shop plans, approved by the shop commissions, are discussed at production meetings of the shops, after which they are submitted to the departments of the plant management (to coordinate the work of various departments and to monitor the implementation of the delivered tasks). Plant management departments can make proposals for the revision of individual measures, for changing the timing of their implementation, etc. After the conclusion of the relevant departments, the draft shop plans together with the plant-wide draft plan are considered by the factory commission and the technical council of the enterprise. The development plan of the enterprise is approved by the chief engineer. It is mandatory for all workshops, departments, services and serves as the basis for drawing up quarterly and monthly schedules for the implementation of individual activities.

All technical and organizational measures proposed for implementation must be economically justified. Central to such a business case is the calculation of their economic efficiency. It is necessary to select the most effective measures, to determine their impact on the performance of the enterprise in the planning period. When calculating the annual economic effect, natural indicators are also determined, such as a decrease in labor intensity, savings in raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, etc. The data obtained is then incorporated into the capacity calculations, the logistics plan, the labor plan and wages etc.

When drawing up a plan for the development of an enterprise, the amount of expenses necessary for the implementation of activities (by developing estimates), as well as the sources of their financing, are determined.

One of the most important conditions for the successful implementation of the enterprise development plan is the accounting, control and analysis of measures taken for implementation in production.

Control over the implementation of measures is carried out by the management of the enterprise, shop. The implementation of each event is formalized by an act signed by the responsible executors and the relevant officials. The act indicates the content of the work performed, the actual savings obtained and the amount of implementation costs, this allows, if necessary, a detailed analysis of the implementation of the plan by the number of activities, by areas, by economic effect, etc.

For large events requiring significant financial costs, it is possible to develop business plans for investment projects.


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