If the item has not cleared customs. Customs delayed the parcel from Aliexpress: what to do? What to do if the customs does not miss the parcel with Aliexpress: how to win the dispute? Outcomes of the dispute due to "the goods did not pass customs"

All parcels are shipped from China. Accordingly, there are many features that everyone should be aware of. Some users may have problems with customs for various reasons and have to. Let's find out in which cases it is worth doing and how not to be a loser.

In what cases is it worth opening a dispute on Aliexpress in case of problems with customs?

When should I open a dispute on Aliexpress?

According to the rules of the post office, until the parcel is received, it is considered the property of the sender. Accordingly, all responsibility regarding paperwork, search in case of loss, and so on, rests with the seller.

Moreover, according to the rules, if the client has not received the goods, then he has the right to demand a full refund. Also, if the need for the ordered item disappears, then after 30 days the purchase will be sent from the post office to the sender, and the buyer can make a return through. There were no problems before, if the goods did not pass customs control, it did not even matter for what reason. It was enough to send a screenshot that the parcel was returned back and Aliexpress transferred money.

Although, certain difficulties began to arise more often for those whose parcel was sent back or who do not want to pay the fee. If you open a dispute because of problems with customs, then you will have to choose one of the possible reasons.

For example, if the purchase does not have an invoice, license, certificate, it is counterfeit or the price of the goods is greatly underestimated, then the seller is responsible for this. But the buyer must ensure that the goods are allowed for import and, if necessary, pay the state duty. Thus, if you do not want to pay a fee or draw up documents at customs, then the money can be returned to you, but only the shipping fee will be deducted.

If you decide, then you will have to collect evidence within seven days that the parcel could not pass control due to the fault of the seller.

Street note what to collect required documents during this time it is very difficult, because only the request is registered within three days, and the documents themselves can be prepared up to 30 days. That is, it is extremely difficult to fit into the framework and not even through the fault of the buyer.

At the same time, it is not a fact that the seller has nothing to do with it. It happened that the seller did not fill out customs declaration or by chance the cost of the goods indicated much higher and the purchase went beyond the limits and had to pay a large state duty. In addition, it also happens that the seller sends a copy of the brand, for example, a smartphone, but customs does not let it pass, since it is counterfeit. Or, the value may be greatly underestimated, which is obvious to customs officials.

Unfortunately, practice shows that less and less buyers win disputes when returning goods from customs to the seller. Basically, when a dispute escalates, people attach a screenshot, which goods are coming to the seller and write that it is not their fault. But the mediators stand their ground and ask for a document with a seal.

The letters state that in the absence of the necessary evidence, a refund will be received, but the cost of delivery will be deducted. Although it also happens that the seller receives the funds in full, even if the purchase was detained at customs or a state duty must be paid for it. In the end, people are left without a purchase and without money, which is rather sad.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress due to "Problems with customs"?

Dispute on Aliexpress - "problems with customs"

First of all, take your time. Please wait until the item is returned to China first. Then the seller Aliexpress he will see that the package is going to him and it will be much easier for him to agree to return the money.

Also, don't rush. Better try to resolve the situation directly with the seller. If you are sure that the package is being returned because of you, then agree to a return without shipping costs.

If the seller is to blame, then send a request in advance for a document that the goods didn't miss through your fault and only then start. So you can meet the allotted seven-day period to obtain evidence of the seller's guilt.

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress if there are problems at customs?

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?

On one of the forums, a visitor claims to have won a dispute on Aliexpress in the following way:

  1. To begin with, he sent a letter to the mediators that he lives very far away and he will have to wait a month for an official answer. At the same time, according to the universal postal convention, until the moment the order is received, all responsibility rests with the sender, and customs and postal agents did not notify the return in any way.
  2. Screenshots have been added:
  • Order from personal account with dedicated address
  • Information from the tracking service, which shows that the purchase was held up by customs
  • Also, a screenshot of Google maps was additionally attached, where the distance of the city of customs and the city of residence was marked

As a result, the aggravated dispute was won and no additional documents had to be provided. Remember, if you find yourself in a difficult situation and you do not have the opportunity to request the necessary documents, then try to repeat a similar scheme.

Video: Dispute on AliExpress - how to WIN GUARANTEED? Examples of disputes from experience

Although aliexpress gives guarantees for the delivery of orders, nevertheless, a number of goods will never be delivered to the buyer, and there are a number of reasons for this. One of them may be that the parcel did not go through customs.

We have already talked about what products.

If the parcel has not passed customs control, it is returned back to the sender. And not always the problem with customs clearance can be associated with prohibited goods. The parcel may cause suspicion among customs officers for other reasons.

The goods being sent may not have a license or certificate, an invoice may be missing, the goods in the parcel may be recognized as counterfeit, or have a suspicion of a commercial batch. In the latter case, you can try to register the import of goods, but you will have to pay a fee.

The parcel from Aliexpress did not pass customs, what should I do?

Depending on whose fault the parcel with the order from the Aliexpress website did not go through customs, further actions depend.
One thing is clear - you will have to open a dispute.

If the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller, as additional documents dispute, please contact customs service and ask them for an official document stating that the parcel was returned due to violations on the part of the sender, attach screenshots to the dispute from the pages of the services where the parcel was tracked.

When opening a dispute, indicate that you did not receive the goods due to problems with customs (Customs problems), as the required refund amount - the cost of the order. Don't forget to attach your documents.

If the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller with Ali, the dispute will probably be completely settled in your favor. If you are at fault for not passing through customs, you may be deducted the cost of delivery. If the seller provides evidence on his part.

Will the money be returned if the parcel from aliexpress did not pass customs?

If your parcel with an order from aliexpress did not pass customs, after the dispute process is completed in your favor, you will be refunded the money for your purchase. Possibly minus shipping costs.
After the dispute is closed, the money is returned in standard terms - from 3 to 15 days.

In some cases, after the dispute is over, the money goes to the seller even if the buyer has not received the goods.
Most often this happens when the parcel is subject to customs duty.

Each package is scanned by customs. If employees discover that mail unacceptable (prohibited) items are sent, it can be opened and examined.
If the customs officer doubts the declared value of the parcel, it can be opened and inspected.
If the customs officer sees a difference in the estimated cost of the parcel and the price of the goods in one of the catalogs (he can use the Internet), then he can re-evaluate the contents of the parcel himself.
In the event that customs officers have discovered an “overload” of the parcel or found out that the price of goods exceeds the duty-free limit, then the parcel is sent to the recipient in the post office in the same way. A customs notice will be attached to the shipment, which will indicate the amount payable for exceeding the norms (duty).

Every aliexpress seller is obliged to guarantee the timely delivery of the goods. If you purchased an item on AliExpress.com and did not receive it within the timeframe specified by the seller, you are eligible for a full refund.

The maximum guaranteed delivery time for an order with Aliexpress is 60 days (90 days for delivery to Russia, 120 days to Brazil). If you buy any product in this online store, your rights are protected in case of non-receipt of the goods within the specified time.

One of the reasons for the non-delivery of the parcel to the buyer may be that it did not pass customs.
Earlier in our article Aliexpress customs, we talked about what goods cannot be moved across the border, as well as about customs regulations and restrictions for Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

If the parcel has not passed customs control, it is returned back to the sender.
In this article, we will talk about what to do if, nevertheless, your parcel with an order from Aliexpress did not pass customs.

Reasons why the parcel does not go through customs
From the seller's side:
- lack of a license or certificate for the product;
- no invoice;
- counterfeit products.

From the buyer side:
- import of prohibited products (goods);
- in some cases non-payment customs fees(when exceeding the cost limits).

What if with the packagealiexpressdidn't get through customs?
Depending on whose fault the parcel with the order from the Aliexpress website did not go through customs, your further actions depend.
Before opening a dispute, wait until the parcel returns to China, so it will be easier for you to argue your arguments in the dispute.

If the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller , as additional documents to the dispute, contact the customs service (find out by number hotline) and ask them for an official document stating that the package was returned due to violations on the part of the seller, and you can additionally attach screenshots from the pages of the services where it was tracked.

1. In the "My Orders" section on the Aliexpress website, find the order that you did not receive due to the fact that it did not go through customs.
Next to the product description, click the "Open a dispute" button:

2. After clicking the "Open Dispute" button, you will see a window where you will be offered "Return only" or "Return of goods and money". In our case, we press the button "Only return":

You should see such a window in which you need to fill out a small questionnaire:
To the question "Did you receive the goods"? we answer - "Not".

Problems with the delivery of goods (Logistics tracking problem)
- Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way
- Transport company returned the order
- No tracking information (this item is often gray and unavailable due to the fact that the seller seems to have given a track, so if the package is not tracked, it is better to choose the first item, i.e. Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way)

Customs problems
- The customs duty is too high, I don't want to pay

- The seller sent the order to the wrong address.

We indicate the refund amount (order value) and indicate the details why you want to return the money (the reason for the dispute must be described in English, if you do not know English, then I advise you to use an online translator).

Also, as evidence, I advise you to attach a screenshot from the page where you can see the tracking route, as well as, if available, a response from the customs service.
After filling out this short questionnaire, click the "Submit" button.

All disputes are open.

3. According to the rules of Aliexpress, the seller has 5 days for which he can accept your dispute or offer his own solution to the dispute and can attach his evidence, and if the seller does not respond in any way, the dispute will automatically close in your favor.
If you come to an agreement, the dispute will be closed and you will need to wait for a refund for the purchase.

If the package did not pass customs due to the fault of the buyer , then you will be deducted the cost of delivery since the package with the order will be returned back to the seller in China, but in this case, the seller of the dispute must also argue for such a recovery. The seller himself must, as they say, take the initiative and then, after considering the aggravated dispute, you will be refunded either the full cost of the order or taking into account the deduction of postage.

If negotiations in a dispute do not lead to anything, then the dispute will escalate. If the dispute escalates, it goes to the representatives of the administration of the Aliexpress website.
An aggravated dispute is usually considered within a week and its decision can be both in favor of the buyer and in favor of the seller, it all depends on the reasons and arguments.

Will I get my money back if the parcel from Aliexpress did not go through customs?

If your package with an order from Aliexpress did not pass customs, then after the dispute process is completed in your favor, you will be refunded the money for your purchase.
After the dispute is closed, the money is returned in standard terms from 3 to 15 days to the place where you paid for your order from (to your wallet or bank card).

If your package with an order from Aliexpress did not go through customs due to the fact that you did not pay the customs duty, then after the dispute is over, you will most likely be refunded will deduct the shipping cost.
In some cases, after the dispute is over, the money goes to the seller, even if the buyer has not received the goods.
Most often this happens when the parcel is subject to customs duty.

Interesting facts about parcels at customs

  • Each parcel is passed through a special X-ray machine (scanned), with which its contents are viewed. If employees discover that the mailing contains unacceptable (prohibited) items, it can be opened and inspected.
  • If the customs officer doubts the declared value of the parcel, they can open it and inspect it. If the customs officer sees a difference in the estimated cost of the parcel and the price of the goods in one of the catalogs (he can use the Internet), then he can overestimate the contents of the parcel.
  • In the event that customs officers have discovered an "overload" of the parcel or found out that the price of goods exceeds the duty-free limit, then the parcel is sent to the recipient in the post office in the same way. A customs notice will be attached to the shipment, which will indicate the amount payable for exceeding the norms (duty).

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  • According to postal rules, it is considered that until the parcel is delivered to the recipient, it belongs to the sender. Therefore, all responsibility for correct filling postal documents, search in case of loss, obtaining compensation in case of theft, etc. lies on the shoulders of the seller.

    Plus, on Aliexpress, according to the buyer protection rules, if the buyer has not received the package, then he can get back the entire amount that he paid for the order. Moreover, buyers who no longer needed the goods could simply not pick up the parcel from the post office and after 30 days it went back to China, and the buyer opened a dispute and returned the money. Moreover, there were no problems if suddenly the parcel did not go through customs. And it did not matter for what reasons: whether it was a product prohibited for import, or stolen goods, or the need to pay customs duties. Previously, it was easy to open a dispute, attach a screen of the tracking system, where it was clear that the parcel did not pass customs and went to the seller. In almost 100% of cases, the dispute was resolved in favor of the buyer. After all, he did not receive the parcel.

    But, recently, problems have begun for those whose parcel was unwrapped at customs or if the buyer does not want to pay the duty. When opening a dispute due to "Problems with customs" you will see a list of reasons why customs usually holds packages. Such reasons as: lack of an invoice, licenses or certificates, underestimation of the cost of goods, counterfeit goods are the responsibility of the seller. And goods prohibited for import and the need to pay customs fees are on the shoulders of the buyer. That is now, if you are not ready to do customs clearance and pay the fee, then you will be refunded minus the cost of shipping the goods.

    If you escalate the dispute for a reason "Problems with customs", then most likely the Aliexpress administration will ask you to provide documents within 7 days stating that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller.

    The buyer receives a message with the following content:

    “Please confirm with your local customs and provide official documents from them to clarify the exact delayed reason to AliExpress within 7 calendar days.

    If we haven’t received the official document from customs during this time, we would assume that you’re responsible for the shipping fee and compensate seller for the freight.”

    (Please contact your customs office and provide official documents within 7 days explaining the reason for the delay of the package. If we do not receive an official document from customs within this time, we will assume that you are responsible for the cost of shipping the goods and compensate her seller"

    But this requirement is very difficult to fulfill within 7 days. Since the standard time for registering a request for a document is 3 business days. And the document itself can be prepared by customs officers within 30 days. That is, it is extremely difficult to meet the allotted time and the result does not depend on the buyer, but on other persons.

    Moreover, the fault may be entirely of the seller. There were situations when the seller forgot to fill out the customs declaration, when he accidentally wrote in the cost of sending the amount one order of magnitude more than the real value and the goods did not fit into the norms and it was necessary to pay a substantial amount of duty. There were cases when the seller sent copies of tablets and phones that did not go through customs due to being counterfeit. Or significantly underestimated the cost of the goods, which was clearly visible at the customs.

    Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, we have not yet seen a single positive outcome of the escalated dispute due to "Problems with customs". In all these cases, when opening a dispute, buyers attached screenshots of the tracking service, where it was clear that the parcel was going back to the seller. And they described the situation in detail, that it was not their fault. Unfortunately, mediators require a document with a signature and seal.

    Outcomes of the dispute due to "the goods did not pass customs"

    In the letter, the mediators inform that if there is no evidence that the parcel did not pass customs through the fault of the seller, the buyer will receive a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

    But there are also situations when the money goes completely to the seller, although the buyer has not received the goods. Most often, if the goods are detained by customs or subject to payment of customs duties.

    That is, buyers end up without money and without goods. Which is very embarrassing.

    How to open a dispute due to "Problems with customs".

    First of all, you do not need to rush to open a dispute. Wait until the package arrives in China. Then the seller will see that he will now receive his goods back and it will be easier for him to agree to a return.

    Secondly, do not rush to aggravate the dispute. Try to arrange a refund with the seller first. If the reason is clearly in you, then agree to a refund minus the cost of shipping the goods.

    If the reason is the seller, then you can request a document in advance, even before opening a dispute, that the package was deployed through no fault of yours. Then you will definitely be able to meet the required 7 days to provide evidence of the reason for the delay in the parcel.

    Status on Aliexpress "Customs clearance failed"

    Since the end of April 2018, strange statuses began to appear in the tracking of parcels on the Aliexpress website, saying that "Customs clearance has not been passed." Of course, buyers are very worried when they see that their package has been detained at customs.

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