Retail automation is an option for a small store. Small Point of Sale Automation Small Business Automation System Industrial Goods Trade

Trade automation tools are being implemented in seven stores out of ten. This implementation is not always deliberate. Is automating a clothing store different from automating a beer store? How to organize automated accounting in a grocery store? In the article we answer questions and give turnkey solutions.

Store automation

More and more representatives retail decides to automate trading operations. But few retail outlet owners realize how much easier in-store retail automation can make life if you approach it wisely.

If the store is automated simply because “the neighbor” has already set up this process, the work will not be effective.

There are two rules:

    it is necessary to approach the process of automation, being aware of the tasks to be solved (and not because “all the stores in the district have abandoned the counter trade, we need to do this too”);

    equipment and software package are selected for specific requests.

choose that software, which has flexible settings. The solution from "Business.Ru" suits any type of retail trade precisely because of its extended functionality.

We list the tasks that automation of trade in the store can solve:

    theft by staff;

    reducing queues at the checkout;

    inventory errors and arrears issues;

    saving money on a commodity manager (when an individual entrepreneur cannot cope with the purchase of goods on his own);

    forecast of demand for goods (based on previous purchase volumes);

    increasing the number of goods offered, by opening access to products for customers by organizing boxes with cash desks at the exit from the hall.

Can automation fail to solve some of the problems? Yes, if the difficulties in the store are related to systemic market problems.

For example, in the city where the store is located, a large factory closed and more than 1,000 people were laid off. The store will have a demand problem that analytics and inventory cannot solve. After all, demand will gradually fall for all positions, since some people will not be able to find a job and will move to another city.

Will automation solve the problem if next to a small grocery store open "Pyaterochka"? Partly yes, because a special cash register program connected to the system commodity accounting will help:

  • identify the most popular categories to focus on;
  • launch a loyalty program and introduce bonus cards (with accumulation of points).

Store automation equipment

How much an entrepreneur will spend on equipment for store automation is one of the main questions of an individual entrepreneur who decided to introduce a barcode reading system at the checkout.

Equipment required for store automation:

    personal computer or laptop (from 15 thousand rubles - used);

    fiscal registrar (online cash desk) with a fiscal drive (from 15 thousand rubles);

    barcode scanner (from 4-7 thousand rubles).

You will also need software (not necessarily all of the following):

    software that will keep inventory;

    CRM for managing the client base and setting tasks for managers;

    cash register program for quick counting of goods at the checkout and management of promotions and bonus programs.

Software costs vary. Free programs do not provide all the necessary functionality. A program for automation “out of the box” with a license can cost from 3.5 thousand rubles (truncated functionality) one-time.

The cost of cloud solutions starts from 300-390 rubles per month. Cloud programs are usually easier and more convenient to use.

Additional equipment for store automation:

    scales with label printing (from 40 thousand rubles);

    a data collection terminal with a built-in barcode scanner (from 25-35 thousand rubles).

Ready-made store automation solutions

Let's present ready-made solutions for automating retail stores and approximate prices for hardware and software for each of the options.

For convenience, we will divide the store into several zones and tell you what automation solutions are available:

    at the checkout;

    in warehouse;

    in the trading floor.

In our review, we will show what solution we have for automation:

    grocery store;

    beer shop;

    small outlet or an island in a shopping center;

    butcher shop;

    clothing store;

    online sales, etc.

Grocery store automation

Checkout area

Using a computer, laptop in conjunction with an online cash register and cash register program, a barcode scanner is the first step towards automating trade in a store.

For simple store automation, it is better to choose a fiscal registrar as an online cash register. It is easier to connect it to a PC or laptop (compared to a standalone online cash register)

If a retail store sells alcohol, it is necessary to install a scanner that can recognize EGAIS codes (2-D scanner). It is also necessary to configure the exchange of EGAIS data with computer program. For example, "Business.Ru" has a special solution for EGAIS and commodity accounting.

The second option is to install an expensive POS system protected from moisture and dust, which is able to work without failures 7 days a week for 24 hours, instead of a computer and a cash register. The POS system already includes a computer, an online cash register, and has ports for connecting additional equipment (a keyboard that can be programmed for the needs of a particular store and a scanner).

The only downside of a POS system is the price. The lower limit of the cost (a system with a small screen) is 60 thousand rubles.

Whatever type of online cash desk is, using the cash program () you can manage promotions and print the number of bonus points in each check (when implementing the cash program).

In the room

If you want to reduce the number of staff in the hall thanks to the automation of trade in the store, you can install:

    electronic scales that can print barcode labels;

    price checker (cost from 35 thousand rubles).

The buyer will not contact the sellers to weigh the goods and clarify the price if the price tag has gone astray.

In the warehouse

Working in a grocery store means receiving goods daily. For prompt acceptance, you can hand over the data collection terminal to the merchandiser or manager.

With the help of a manual terminal, not only acceptance, but also inventory is carried out.

In the warehouse, scales with barcode printing for those goods that are sold by weight will be useful. You can also use the scales in the warehouse to check the weight of the goods brought from the supplier. For example, if grocery store sells vegetables.

Flower shop automation

There are several reasons for automating the trade of a flower shop:

    this is a chain of flower shops, and the owner wants to control the work of sellers;

    keep track of how many flowers (the goods quickly deteriorate) are left in order to place an order to the supplier with an accuracy of one piece;

According to Federal Law 54, any flower shop must have an online checkout. We recommend choosing a fiscal registrar that can be connected to a laptop. The second option is Evotor, a smart terminal that is already being sold with a tablet.

Simply print barcodes on a piece of paper so that the seller simply scans the required code with a scanner when buying. This makes it easier to work, especially during peak hours or March 8th.

Whichever checkout option you choose, you need a cash register program that not only transmits sales data, but also analyzes how much product is left in the store. Moreover, access to Personal Area the owner of the flower shop should have the program, regardless of where he is located - in the office or replaces the seller in another store.

The solution from "Business.Ru" is suitable for flower shops, as it is a cloud service that includes the ability to account for goods and software for an online checkout.

Clothing store automation

Checkout area

The main thing for a clothing store is to have a program that could check the availability of all sizes of a model in a warehouse and in other stores (if it is a network). This should be able to do the accounting program. For example, the size check function is implemented in .

Also a useful “chip” for increasing customer loyalty is a bonus card for a regular customer with the accrual of discount points or the accumulation of discount percentages. Promotions are registered in the program for the cash register. This functionality is in the service.

In addition, the Business.Ru solution will automatically calculate the “contribution” of each seller to the common cause: which of the consultants should be awarded a bonus, and which should not.

clothing store sales floor

A large clothing store has to reprint price tags before sales. Therefore, it is desirable to have a small label printer right on the sales floor.

If there are few consultants on the trading floor, you can install one price checker in a conspicuous place, which will display not only the price of a dress or T-shirt, but also the availability of sizes.

Warehouse or utility room

A printer for the manufacture of price tags and labels will be required in a warehouse or in a company office.

You can automate the acceptance of clothes if you implement a data collection terminal. But it costs from 35 thousand rubles.

Another option is to install another laptop with a barcode scanner connected to it in order to keep inventory records and implement it in the store.

The head of a clothing store will be able to monitor the work of one or several stores through the Business.Ru Retail program, upload purchase figures or give instructions to marketers about promotions and price reductions (if necessary).

CRM, access to which is available for all subscribers, helps to maintain a database regular customers and contractors to congratulate them on the holidays, send out newsletters and remind them of themselves.

Butcher shop automation

Butcher shop checkout

Each butcher shop must operate according to 54-FZ, so the owner of the butcher shop needs to install a cash register. It is better if it is a laptop or a computer with a fiscal registrar. A cash program is installed on the PC, which can:

    print checks with information about promotions (this way you can sell goods that are slightly stale on the shelves at a reduced price);

    give analytics about the best-selling products;

    make discounts for regular customers (incentivizing them to go to this particular store).

Warehouse or utility room

By law, a butcher's shop must have a warehouse or utility room where carcasses are cut. Electronic veterinary certificates are also canceled here (as it is written in the article “How to open a butcher shop”).

Thus, in stock computer - required attribute so that the butcher shop does not violate the law on electronic veterinary certification.

If this computer is connected to, then you can automate several processes at once:

    residue monitoring;

    printing of price tags (they quickly get dirty and need to be updated);

    document flow with suppliers;

    calculation of the performance of each seller.

Beer store automation

Beer shop checkout

It is necessary to install a computer with a fiscal registrar at the checkout to comply with 54-FZ and automated accounting. For a beer store, a 2D barcode scanner is not necessary. According to the law, when selling, it is not required to keep records in the EGAIS of each bottle.

The cash program installed on the computer can:

    support discount programs;

    automatically disconnect at a time when it is forbidden to trade by regional legislation (so that the store does not violate the law);

    give analytics of sales of beer and related products on individual days or for individual sellers, and so on.

In the warehouse

When accepting beer, a mark is made in the EGAIS system, so it is advisable to have a computer with a connected EGAIS in the warehouse. The quantity of beer on the bill of lading must be the same as the actual number of bottles received from the supplier. If the numbers do not match, it is necessary to note the discrepancy in the Unified State Automated Information System directly in the warehouse.

For more effective work beer store and simplify work in EGAIS, we recommend purchasing a barcode scanner for a computer in the warehouse in order to quickly enter all bottles of beer into the program and count them.

Auto Parts Store Automation

Automation at the checkout and when issuing goods

The equipment at the checkout of an auto parts store is similar to what is installed ... in a retail grocery store. This is a computer or laptop, a fiscal registrar and a barcode scanner.

The functionality of the software for an auto parts store is more complex than for a regular store. The computer must have not only a cash register, but also an accounting program (or one that includes both of these functions), integrated with the order processing system in the warehouse.

A barcode scanner is needed not only when working with motor oils (according to the law, their name must be written on the check), but also when working with samples. Typically, only product samples are displayed in the windows of an autogoods store, and a complete order is formed in a warehouse. Therefore, warehouse workers should receive notifications about the assembly of a new order using the program.

In addition, the cash program together with the accounting program can:

    show the best-selling goods and those that have already ended (in order to quickly order from the supplier);

    print documents for suppliers from a template;

    determine the most effective consultants of the month (week, day).

Automation in the trading floor of an auto parts store

On peak days, an auto parts store receives a number of customers that cannot be served by all sales assistants. Therefore, it is ideal if the trading floor has a computer with a database of goods in stock.

Using a computer or terminal, the buyer will be able to view information about the quantity of goods in the warehouse, about its price and, possibly, Additional information about accessories.

This computer can be equipped with a receipt printer to print out the guest bill - in this way, the buyer himself will be able to form an order, which will only be paid at the checkout.

Trade automation: an option for a small store

Do you need to automate the work of a small store? If the store has less than 50 products (for example, it is a fruit and vegetable store or an island in a shopping center), then it will be enough to install a cash register program on a laptop.

Analytics of the cash program (for example, "Business.Ru") will help:

    run shares and bonus system for regular customers;

    calculate the best-selling products and those that only occupy the shelves.

The program can also print price tags and generate document templates, for example, for interacting with suppliers.

Store network automation

The solution for automating a chain of stores practically does not differ from programs for a single store. However, there are nuances.

It is important that the program for the store helps:

    the owner or manager of the network to control several outlets;

    managers to see the remnants of goods in different stores (to solve the problem of a buyer who is looking for an already finished size of clothes or shoes);

    conduct promotions or work with discount cards in all stores of the network;

    keep uniform prices for goods throughout the network.

Automation of a small outlet (or automation of a small store) - an option for small tents, shops, pavilions, i.e. where the jobs of a merchandiser and a cashier are combined. The most budgetary option for the full automation of a small store.

Automation of a small store will require the following components:

  • - Computer or laptop with Windows ( provided by the customer);
  • - Software ( workplace the cashier and the workplace of the merchandiser are combined).

    Additionally selected for a specific store and purchased:

  • - Barcode scanner from 1500 rubles;
  • - Online fiscal registrar from 18,000 rubles or UTII receipt printer from 9,000 rubles (depending on the taxation system).
  • This is the minimum set of components for automating a small store. As you can see, there are very few positions. Moreover, no high performance computer is required, as the software is specialized and does not consume many resources.

    When does it make sense to turn to the automation of a small outlet? First of all, if you don't have structural units, remote warehouses, supply departments. In a word, if you have a small shopping room and a small warehouse, and the functions of the seller and the merchandiser are presented in a single person. In this case, the workplace of both the seller and the merchandiser are combined on one computer. This combination saves you a lot of money, as you only need one computer, one scanner. There is no need to create a network. All the necessary software will be installed on this single computer and, depending on what operation you are performing: selling or receiving goods, you will work either in the cashier program or in the merchandiser's working environment.

    The main advantage of such automation of a small store is minimum cost, no need for laying networks, stability of the software, because it is installed on one computer.

    The disadvantage of such automation is that it is not possible to receive goods and carry out sales at the same time. In addition, in the event of a computer failure, the entire system fails. In the future, in case of expanding the store, you will have to organize an additional place for a merchandiser, because. automation of a small outlet still imposes certain restrictions on the process of trade and warehouse operations.

    Many owners of small stores have become more likely to use the services of our company, which automates small and big stores, service and catering enterprises.

    Accounting automation services in small stores

    Why choose ours from dozens of companies? Apparently because small shop automation offered by our company is a comprehensive service for affordable prices, which includes the selection, delivery, installation, adjustment of equipment and installation of software that is simple and understandable to any user. System products Set Retail and Atol Frontol sold by us are popular in Russian market, are recommended for EGAIS and perfectly solve all problems small business, contributing to its rapid development and increased profits.

    Tasks solved by the implementation of the management system

    We offer the latest store automation products. Set Retail and Atol Frontol, which are distinguished by improved applications that take into account the errors of previous versions and in the process of work they demonstrate themselves as stable and effective. Moreover, they are easily configured by the user, without the involvement of programmers and other specialists, and are perfectly compatible with an extended list of POS equipment. Software improves the business, eliminates errors, simplifies its management and exercises control over the personnel of the cash zone.

    The main tasks solved by automation and the control system in the inventory system and at the cash point

    In the inventory system, the issues of managing purchases, sales, product balances are solved, price optimization, monitoring the profitability of the store, management financial flows and etc.

    With the help of a cash register program installed directly on the cash register, you can achieve accurate accounting of goods and sales volumes. The cashier does not have any difficulties when settling accounts with clients, the functions of loading prices at the cash desks, opening and closing shifts, and printing price tags are easily performed. The program automates and monitors the sales of individual product groups.

    Main features of the automation system

    Using software package Set Retail or Atol Frontol, trade automation - a good option for a small store that will enable:

    • keep accurate records of goods and finances;
    • control driving dynamics Money, goods;
    • prevent theft and various kinds of fraud on the part of personnel.

    As you can see, the whole system is based on strict control and accounting, which are carried out with the help of the operational part installed at the cash register and the accounting part installed at the place of the accountant.

    The operational part provides:

    The accounting part provides:

    • control of purchases, deliveries, movements, balances, stocks of goods;
    • formation of margins on goods with minimal human participation;
    • control of financial flows;
    • control of mutual settlements with suppliers;
    • creation of a full-fledged commodity base, a base of purchase and selling prices;
    • formation of applications for goods;
    • quick inventory, accounting and revaluation of goods;
    • printing of price tags, all necessary payment, financial, tax, shipping and loading documents;
    • maintaining separate accounting for different categories of goods;
    • automatic control of actions of cashiers;
    • control of sales histories, changes in selling prices.

    Basic set of equipment for automation

    To automate small stores, a basic set of equipment and simple software Set Retail and Atol Frontol, developed by Russian companies, with the ability to replace legacy applications with new ones.

    • POS-terminal or system unit and monitor;
    • cash machine;
    • multi-plane barcode scanner;
    • banknote detector;
    • programmable POS keyboard;
    • fiscal registrar;
    • electronic balance;
    • money box;
    • Set Retail software or Atol Frontol;
    • cash tape;
    • check tape.

    After installing inexpensive but functional equipment and the best software, the store owner receives effective method control of your business. The system minimizes the number of errors, excludes abuse of personnel. The reports generated by the program cannot be corrected or deleted without being noticed. Automation is incorruptible and records every action of the personnel.


    Trading is currently unthinkable without automation. Even in a small store, it allows you to solve a number of important tasks: it reduces costs, simplifies the work of service personnel, ensures a high level of financial, commodity and management accounting, controls work with suppliers, optimizes the trading process, increases customer loyalty, ensures quality and fast service customers and attract more buyers. Each buyer wants to be well and quickly served, not cheated, not sold low-quality goods.

    If you do not know how to automate trading in a small store, then entrust this matter to specialists from our company. Taking into account all the requirements, wishes, financial opportunities customer, our company provides professional services store automation different levels- from small shops to markets. The entire automation process takes several days from the moment you contact the company. At the same time, we guarantee high quality work at affordable prices, staff training, warranty service and round-the-clock support.

    Retail automation using our program provides reliable registration of sales and receipt printing, as well as constant access to up-to-date statistics in the context of outlets, product groups and specific products. It can work without an Internet connection, which is especially convenient for shopping facilities with a small area, where it is not always possible to provide uninterrupted access to the network. Our program, similar to 1C, is compatible with various types of commercial and warehouse equipment, in particular:

    • With fiscal registrars;
    • with barcode scanners;
    • with printers that print labels and checks.

    Doing business with our program, which is similar to 1C, will help you free up time and resources for new projects without losing control over current activities.

    Retail store automation: maximum possibilities

    The program with which retail automation is carried out, as well as 1C, solves many problems. The application with which the automation of business processes is carried out provides the ability to perform the following actions:

    • receive sales reports online. To get up-to-date information in real time, it is enough to connect to the Internet.
    • Control revenue and analyze sales dynamics from anywhere in the world where there is a network connection. In addition, the program, like 1C, provides the manager with all the information about the balance of goods, the number of products sold, as well as about unprofitable or, conversely, profitable positions.
    • Equip the store with everything necessary for efficient operation. The seller is able to master the program for retail within 15 minutes - it has an intuitive interface and is a kind of virtual cash register, where everything is thought out and convenient. Full automation of all cash and trade operations will save staff time and labor costs.
    • Print receipts and register sales even when you are offline.

    The use of the system from the MySklad service, as well as the 1C program, is relevant, not only in retail, but also in wholesale trade. The application, which automates many processes, will provide the user with maximum reliable information about the quantity of goods and their movement in the warehouse. Just like the 1C service, our program helps to print various primary documents, edit prices. Moreover, it already contains ready-made templates, which are enough to fill in the required details of the company.

    Wanting to start own business, each entrepreneur makes maximum efforts, including creative and intellectual ones. It is important to find exactly the main idea that will contribute to ensuring stable income for the longest possible period of time. However, most future businessmen understand that the most creative ideas cannot be realized without the appropriate hardware and software.

    Features of process automation in modern trade

    Modern trade is based on global process automation. At the same time, functional and convenient system internal accounting is necessary even in the most modest-sized store. It is important not only, but also to build efficient model collection and storage of information for the purpose of its subsequent generalization and transfer to regulatory authorities, or making management decisions.

    Domestic market: innovative automation systems for small businesses

    Trade is one of the most dynamically developing economic spheres. Gradually aging cash registers are being replaced by multifunctional and highly efficient POS systems.
    Manufacturers try to adhere to the principle of focusing on a certain specificity and scale of business: be it a hypermarket, a medium-sized store or a small fashion boutique.

    Modern innovative solutions for small shops deserve special attention. Systems have already become available based on the familiar ones used by most people in Everyday life, Android devices. The system provides the entrepreneur with:

    • maximum freedom of action;
    • significant savings in time and money.

    It should be noted that in the domestic market there are a number of noteworthy innovative developments.

    Trade automation: an option for a small store from the company's website

    The site company offers a unique option - a compact and functional POS system ATOL Own EGAIS store. This is the perfect way to automate a small point of sale with least cost. The system is especially in demand in grocery minimarkets that sell alcohol at retail.

    System configuration

    • mobile device based on Android;
    • convenient fiscal registrar;
    • functional barcode scanner.

    At the same time, an inexpensive tablet or smartphone is quite suitable for effective and full control of the system. The total costs are half the cost of existing analogues, consisting of traditional POS systems and inventory software with a separate workplace.

    Main advantages

    Even a beginner can work with it - it is enough to have minimal experience in using mobile devices.

    So for successful start a small store needs the main thing - creative idea. Everything else will be done for you by special software used in conjunction with the appropriate equipment.

    The user of the system Your store gets the opportunity to:

    • formation of an almost full-fledged commodity accounting system at a small trading enterprise;
    • independent participation in work with clients: conducting cash transactions and printing of sales receipts;
    • remote control of sales;
    • establishing an effective process of data exchange with such global systems as EGAIS and 1C.

    With such an automation system, the owner of a small store will not only provide his personal needs for stable profits - he will be able to control the work of sellers without being in the store personally. The material interests of the entrepreneur will be protected as much as possible, because the access of sellers to the system is regulated by him.

    It is also important to timely account for warehouse stocks in order to constantly maintain the desired assortment and avoid regrading. The system allows you to create convenient for analysis current activities and planning reports.

    No less convenient for convenience stores can be ready system automation ATOL Shop near the house. Highly qualified specialists of the site company are always ready to help both beginners and more experienced entrepreneurs in matters of automating business processes.


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