Production of corn sticks. Equipment for the production of corn sticks. Workshop room

Some sweets in many people are clearly associated with childhood. These are ice cream, lemonade and, of course, corn sticks. How this airy delicacy is made at the factory and whether it is possible to cook sticks at home, you will learn them from the presented article.

What are corn sticks made of?

Raw materials for production corn sticks arrives at the plant immediately in large quantities. It is brought to the enterprise literally in tons. The raw materials are made from durum corn, powdered sugar, salt and refined deodorized vegetable oil. These are all the ingredients that are required to make corn sticks, familiar to everyone since childhood.

The composition or with a different flavor is similar, but instead of powdered sugar, just salt or an appropriate flavoring is added, such as bacon, cheese, etc.

Equipment for making corn sticks

Part production line for the manufacture of corn sticks, several types of equipment are included at once: a mixer for preparing cereals, a mill for powdered sugar, an extruder, a coating complex, a powdered sugar dispenser and a device that packs corn sticks. How products are made at the factory and at home and to what extent depends on the power of the extruder. By the way, the same equipment is used in the production of other dry breakfasts.

The device for making sticks is small, medium and high power. It is suitable for small, medium business and large factories respectively. In the first case, the productivity will be 30 kg of products per hour, in the second - 100 kg per hour, in the third - 250 kg per hour.

Corn sticks: how they are made at the factory

Thus, the cost of equipment depends on the size of the enterprise. How are corn sticks made at the factory?

The entire technological process takes no more than 10 minutes. For an 8-hour shift in production, about three tons of sweet treats are received. The production process itself consists of several stages:

  1. First, corn grits are fed to an extruder, the temperature inside of which is from 40 to 150 degrees.
  2. Under the influence of high temperature and pressure, the raw material acquires the consistency of dough.
  3. The plastic mass falls on a special matrix with holes, when passing through which the dough increases dramatically in size, as if it explodes and acquires the structure of a corn stick. This is due to a sudden change in pressure. The shape and size of the holes on the die determine how the corn sticks will be: round, square, star-shaped, etc.

The sticks that come out of the extruder are too wet, so they do not have their own taste and do not crunch on the teeth yet. To do this, they need to be glazed and dried in a special drum.

How flavored corn sticks are made

At the next stage, after the products leave the extruder, they are dried in a special drum. Then the sticks go to the coating complex - this is a device resembling a long drum, with the help of which powdered flavors are applied to the products. At the same time, vegetable oil is fed through the sprinkler. It is heated inside the drum and sprayed evenly in a small amount on corn sticks. How are they glazed? Read on.

After the sticks are saturated with oil, they fall into the next compartment of the drum. Here they are sprinkled on all sides with powdered sugar. When it comes into contact with warm vegetable oil, it melts, forming a sweet glaze on top of the product. At the next stage, ready-made sticks come out of the drum. Then they are packed by special equipment in automatic mode. Finished sticks are packed and sent to the warehouse, and then directly to the wholesale buyer.

How to make corn sticks at home

Cooking corn sticks at home without special equipment will not work. Products acquire an air structure only when passing through an extruder, which provides the necessary sharp pressure drop. Neither a traditional auger meat grinder, nor even in this case, can replace professional equipment.

How to make corn sticks at home? Very fast with the availability of equipment and raw materials. First of all, this will require a special apparatus for the manufacture of UKP-M corn sticks. The productivity of the device is 15 kg of products per hour.

To prepare sticks, corn grits are first poured into a special funnel on the body, passed through a humidification system and subjected to thermoplastic processing. The whole process takes place almost instantly in a continuous mode. Then the mass at a certain speed is forced through a special matrix with cutting, which gives the necessary shape. finished product. The easiest corn sticks are ready! Now they need to be covered with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar, and you can serve.

In addition to corn sticks, the UKP-M device is used for the production of products from wheat, pearl barley, rice in the form of stars, tubules, etc.

Corn sticks are a product obtained by processing small corn grits in a special machine such as an extruder. They are a ready-to-eat product and do not require additional cooking.

Corn sticks are produced with various additives, which increases their taste and nutritional value. Sticks are also made without additives and are used instead of bread or croutons.

Corn sticks are produced by technological scheme shown in fig. 78.

1 - separator; 2 - bunker; 3 - screw conditioner; 4 - tempering bunker; 5 - machine for producing corn sticks MKP-70; 6 - conveyor; 7 and 7a - bunkers; 8 - continuously operating installation for applying additives; 9 - bunker; 10 - packaging machine; 11 - pump; 12 - tank; 13 - pump; 14, 14a and 146 - measuring tanks for vegetable oil; 15 - table; 16 - table scales; 17 - mixing machine; 18 - poppet dispenser; 19 - temperature machine; 20 - volumetric dispenser; 21 - coating boiler; 22 - conveyor; 23 - salt solvent; 24 - mixer; 25 - pump.

Corn groats are cleaned from impurities and ferrous impurities on a vibrating sieve and stored in hopper 2. As necessary, groats are conditioned for moisture in a screw conditioner 3, where finely crushed salt or saline is simultaneously fed. Moisture-conditioned cereals are kept in a tempering hopper 4, from where it enters a machine for making corn sticks 5. Ready corn sticks are sent by a conveyor 6 to hoppers 7 and 7a, from where they are fed through volumetric dispensers 20 to a continuously operating installation for applying additives 8 or a coating boiler 21.

Ready corn sticks enter the hopper 9 and from there to the filling machine 10.

In a continuously operating additive application plant, corn sticks are enriched with powdered sugar, cinnamon, vanillin and garlic powder, which are prepared using a 15 table, 16 scales and a 17 mixing machine. The prepared additive mixture is sent to the machine through a 18 plate dispenser.

The peanut supplement is prepared in a 19 temperature machine, where icing sugar, peanut mass and vegetable oil are placed through a measuring tank 146.

The finished peanut additive is sent to the coating pan 21, where, in addition to corn sticks, vegetable oil is also added from the measuring tank 14a.

Vegetable oil from the tank truck is poured into tank 12, from where it is pumped by pump 13 to measuring tanks 14, 14a and 146, if necessary.

Salt solution is prepared in a special salt solvent 23, from where it is sent through a mixer 24 by a pump 25 to a screw conditioner 3.

The main processes for the production of corn sticks are the processes of preparing grits, processing it in a machine for the production of corn sticks and applying additives.

Before organizing any business, it is worth finding out if it is relevant on consumer market or not. The production of corn sticks may not be very current business, as the products are not among the necessary products for every day. At the same time, the market for the consumption of this product is growing steadily, it is in demand, children and adults are willing to buy it.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: up to 1 million rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:from 100 thousand people
Situation in the industry:average competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: up to 1.5 years

Children love them as a tasty, sweet dessert, adults use them as a snack with milk or kefir. Corn sticks as dry breakfasts are familiar in our country for more than one generation, since their production began in the USSR. Even then, this product was very popular.

Starting with small capacities, over time, an entrepreneur can expand the range and produce additionally similar products from the breakfast cereal category. The main factor successful development of this business is the presence of stable distribution channels and 100% utilization of production capacities.

To organize a business for the production of corn breakfasts, you need reliable information about the product sales market, reliable suppliers of raw materials, the required amount start-up capital. You can collect and analyze information through a business plan. It must reflect both the state of the local and regional market in relation to products and competitors and real opportunities to find your niche in this business.

The business plan needs to work out each stage:

  • business registration;
  • selection of premises and its preparation;
  • purchase and installation of the necessary equipment;
  • selection of specialists and workers for production maintenance;
  • justification of the chosen technology;
  • marketing, establishing sales channels for products;
  • calculation of costs and payback of production.

Business registration

The best option for registering a business is an individual entrepreneur, with OKVED codes - 52.27.39; 52.1. The manufacture of products in the form of corn sticks is not subject to compulsory licensing. But it is required to obtain the appropriate certificates for the manufactured products, so it is necessary to have a package of documents on technical specifications. For the implementation of the technological process, permits from the sanitary and fire services are required.

Workshop room

The best option for locating a workshop may be production areas that previously operated various food shops. Premises adapted for food production are also suitable.

No less attractive is the option of building your own pre-fabricated industrial building from sandwich panels. The cost of this construction quickly pays off and own premises become more profitable than renting the same space.

For a production workshop, with a small capacity of up to 30 kg of products per hour, a room of 60 m² is enough. For warehouse you need another 30 m², for utility rooms - 20 m². For all premises, it is necessary to bring all communications, starting with plumbing and ending with ventilation.

The essence of the technological process for obtaining corn sticks is the processing of small cereals in a special unit called an extruder. In addition to this machine, the production line includes other equipment:

  • mixer for corn grits;
  • powdered sugar mill;
  • dispensers;
  • overpass;
  • oil supply apparatus;
  • screening plant;
  • drageeing drum;
  • apparatus for packaging products;
  • band conveyer.

The production capacity and cost of the entire production line mainly depends on the options of extruders:

  • unit with a capacity of up to 30 kg of corn products per hour;
  • single screw extruder producing up to 100 kg of product per hour;
  • twin screw extruder, with a capacity of up to 250 kg of product per hour.

On the Russian market presented both domestic and imported equipment.

Production technology

In accordance with technological stages, the process of making sticks from corn grits looks like this:

  • groats are cleaned on a vibrating tray.
  • Then salt is added to it (1% of the total amount of the mixture).
  • With a small percentage of moisture, water is added to the cereal and the entire volume is mixed.
  • The resulting mixture enters the extruder, heated to 170°C-190°C. The mixture, under the influence of temperature and steam pressure, increases in volume, turning into a plastic mass. It is squeezed out under pressure into the outlet of the extruder, turning into a foamy mass, repeatedly increased in volume. The knife, adjusted to periodic movements, cuts off the extruded air sticks, which are carried away by the air current into the receiver, where they are dried.
  • Ready sticks are moved to the coating plant for adding additives: powdered sugar, cinnamon, vanillin, vegetable oil.
  • Then comes the last stage - packing the sticks into packages using a filling machine.

To obtain one ton of corn products, the following main ingredients are needed:

  • corn grits - 720 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 130 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 130 kg;
  • salt - 7 kg.

Attention! Despite the simple recipe and fast technological process, there are some nuances in the production of sticks. Great importance has the ratio of the products included in the recipes for their preparation. Their taste depends on this. Therefore, it is important that this process be under the control of an experienced specialist - a technologist.

Supply of raw materials

Quality finished products directly depends on the quality of corn grits. In order for the supply of raw materials to be constant, it is necessary to establish cooperation with producers of corn grits. In Russia, the production of corn and corn grits is carried out in the southern regions: Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, in the Chernozem Regions.


In the technological process of a small workshop, several specialists must be involved:

  • extruder operators - 3 people for shift work.
  • Technologist.
  • Production line mechanics.
  • Warehouse workers.
  • Packers.
  • Car driver.

In addition to these employees, the company's staff requires: an accountant, a sales manager, a marketer, a production manager.

Marketing and distribution channels

Collaboration of a small company for the production of corn sticks with chain stores, or large grocery stores not profitable as they charge a high percentage for shelf space. In addition, they are reluctant to cooperate with unknown manufacturers. good option will establish links with small grocery stores, cafes. But the best option is to create your own outlets in shopping malls, on roars, etc.

To promote products, you need to use different marketing methods: outdoor advertising, bright packaging, advertising campaigns in local media, booklets for small wholesale buyers.

The competition in this type of business is quite high, therefore, it is necessary to actively look for new sales markets, using serious investments in advertising campaign.

Business costs and payback

Initial investment in business organization, including the purchase of raw materials, equipment, advertising company, can be about 1,000,000 rubles. This amount is distributed as follows:

  • the cost of the production line depends on the capacity of the extruder. A line designed for small volumes of products can cost about 750,000 rubles.
  • Installation and commissioning will cost another 100,000 rubles.
  • The purchase of raw materials for one month of work, with a consumption of 60 tons, will cost 120,000 rubles.

Direct costs for the manufacture of one ton of product:

  • raw materials - from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Packaging materials - from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Salary for employees of the main workers - from 300 thousand rubles
  • Payment for utilities - 50 thousand rubles.

The cost of production of one ton of corn products will be about 60,000 rubles (including the cost of purchasing raw materials, packaging, wages and costs for utilities). The wholesale price of one ton of sweet sticks is 100,000 rubles.

The technological line with a capacity of 30 kg of products per hour gives 240 kg per shift. At full load, the output of corn sticks per month will be 60 tons.
The annual income from the sale of products will be 6,000,000 rubles. After deducting all expenses, the net profit will be 4,500,000-5,000,000 rubles.

So that the production of corn sticks is quite profitable business, with a payback of 1.5 years, in which it is worth investing. But deciding to do it, you need to take into account the nuances mentioned in the article.

How corn sticks are made

Equipment for the production of corn sticks is intended primarily for the manufacture of this food product.

In addition, with the help of this equipment it is possible to produce ready-made breakfasts from various cereals, using the extrusion method, followed by the addition of flavorings.

To reduce the cost of production, inexpensive products of flour-grinding and cereal production can be used as feedstock. For the manufacture of ready-made breakfasts - crushed cereals, buckwheat, crushed rice and other cereals.

Complete set of technological equipment

The production of corn sticks is carried out on the following equipment:

  • extruder;
  • coating drum;
  • tunnel dryer;
  • bunker;
  • dosing machine;
  • packing machine;
  • transportation equipment.

Corn stick extruder

The extruder is necessary for squeezing out the processed mass through the forming matrix dies. As a result of exposure to temperature and pressure during extrusion, moisture evaporates from the bundles of processed raw materials, the product increases in volume several times and dries almost immediately.

The semi-finished product obtained after processing the raw materials in an extruder is further coated with powdered sugar and other additives or glazed with chocolate. To preheat the screw through which the raw material is fed into the extruder, the equipment for the production of corn sticks is equipped with a heating element. To maintain and regulate the operating temperature, the extruder is equipped with a water jacket and a shaft cooling system.

Coating complex

With the help of this equipment, various flavoring additives are dosed onto the semi-finished product. Dry and liquid components of the product are applied simultaneously. In the basic configuration, this complex includes a vibrobunker with a level sensor, a sprinkler and a dispenser, a private converter and a control system for this equipment.

Technological process of production of corn sticks

The process of making corn sticks is carried out in several stages. First, cereals are poured into a special loading hopper of the auger. From here, the raw material enters the storage bin. Next, the cereal is fed in portions to the humidifier, where the dispenser accurately measures the amount of water, thereby ensuring the same moistening of the cereal.

After moistening, the raw material moves to the extrusion unit, where it is thermoplastically processed. Then, in the molding matrix, the products are given the necessary final shape. Then, with the help of pneumatic feed, the semi-finished product is fed to the coating complex, in which liquid flavors are added to the product, then the sticks are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Equipment for the production of corn sticks is not particularly complex. It is simple and clear to manage and use. In a complete set, the equipment is a complete manufacturing process. As already noted, mainly corn grits are used as feedstock. Technological process the manufacture of sticks is based on the method of extrusion (punching) of recycled raw materials under the influence of temperature and pressure through the matrix.

The semi-finished product, which is obtained after processing the raw material through an extruder, foams due to a significant pressure drop and chemical changes occurring in the processed mass. The finished sticks become porous, after which powdered sugar is added to them, and the product is ready for packaging.

The business idea involves the creation of a workshop for the production of corn sticks in plastic packaging, weighing 50 and 150 grams. Products will be positioned in the middle price category and sold in the region where production is located, within the same region. The main target segment of the market is families with "average" and "below average" income levels, with one or more children. The main places for the sale of products are its own outbound trade (through a non-stationary network), as well as non-network retail in the home region.


Assessment of the potential and prospects for business development

Corn sticks- a fairly massive food product that is very popular in Russia. According to the marketing classification, corn sticks belong to the category of dry breakfasts, the market for which in Russia is growing quite quickly - at the level of 5-10% per year. There are several factors on which growth is based this market in the future, good prospects for business development are created.

  • Firstly, consumers of corn sticks in Russia are almost all age groups of the population - although the children's target segment in the market structure, of course, dominates.
  • Secondly, we have already formed a ten-year tradition of consumption of this product, which also creates good prospects for the corn sticks business.
  • Thirdly, there is practically no seasonal component in sales of this product - there is a demand for sticks all year round, and therefore the manufacturer can count on stability financial flows your business.
    Fourth, a significant role in stimulating demand for corn sticks belongs to the producers themselves. By actively experimenting with brands, flavors, and packaging design (you still need to remember that the main target group of consumers - children - are very susceptible to precisely these parameters), the manufacturer can heat up the demand for their sticks.

Sales channels

As for the distribution channels for products, they depend on such parameters as the scale of production, as well as price category in which the product is presented. Naturally, from the point of view of proximity to the consumer, an excellent option to establish sales is to supply grocery chains. However, there are some nuances here:

  • Leading retail chains agree to take only a branded product - known to consumers trademark actively supported by marketing (advertising, consumer-promotion events in the hall).
  • In addition, networks have a fairly high fee "for entry".
  • It is also extremely important for chains to ensure timely deliveries, and in all stores of chains.

Therefore, the promotion of corn sticks through food chains makes sense only if the business is large enough and its product covers at least several regional markets. It should be remembered that on the shelves chain stores will have to compete fiercely with premium imported chopsticks well-known to customers - in this regard, marketing investments may be too high and not meet the expectations of business owners.

At the same time, medium-sized, and especially small, regional businesses (serving one market - a city, region), offering an affordable product of the middle and economy class, should build sales in a different way. In particular, for micro-businesses, it seems effective to have their own trading network (for example, the same exit trade on central markets cities). In order to ensure the sale of products on a somewhat larger scale, it is advisable to cover food stores cities (as well as kiosks, tents, stalls, etc.), delivering finished products to these points with their own transport.


The technological process for the production of corn sticks provides thermal and mechanical processing of corn grits, with the addition of water and other ingredients during the preparation process (according to the recipe).

To make corn sticks, you will need raw materials (corn grits, salt, powdered sugar, sunflower oil), as well as drinking water. The consumption rate per 1 ton of sticks for raw materials is:

  • cereals - 720 kg;
  • salt - 7 kg;
  • powder - 130 kg;
  • oil - 130 kg.

Equipment for the production of sticks in Russia is offered by various manufacturers, in particular, the Prodselmash plant. The Prodselmash complete line includes a mixer for preparing cereals, a mill for powdered sugar, an extruder, a belt conveyor, an installation for preparing and supplying an oil suspension, a coating drum, a powdered sugar dispenser, an overpass and a vibrating sifter.

At the same time, the productivity of the line, and, accordingly, the price, depends on the options for the extruder. In particular, the same "Prodselmash" offers three options:

  1. an extruder of low productivity (up to 30 kg of sticks per hour) for production mini-sections (the cost of the option is 443.5 thousand rubles);
  2. a single-screw extruder of medium productivity (up to 100 kg of sticks per hour) for small businesses (the cost of the option is 2,831.0 thousand rubles);
  3. twin screw extruder E2Sh-150 increased performance(250 kg of sticks per hour) for medium-sized businesses (the cost of the option is 4316.5 thousand rubles).

For a small business in the production of corn sticks, it will be enough production premises in 100 m2, of which about 60 m2 will be allocated directly to the line, another 25 m2 - for the warehouse of raw materials and finished products, 15 m2 - for utility rooms for workers.

No additional equipment is required for the storage of raw materials, as well as ready-made corn sticks.

Feasibility study of the project

Starting investments in starting a business include:

  • Purchase of a line for the production of corn sticks with a capacity of 30 kg per hour - 443.5 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery and installation of equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Repair of the premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Creation inventory- 200 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment in the project for organizing a business in the production of corn sticks will be 993 000 rubles.

Revenue calculation:

The normative productivity of the line is 30 kg of products per hour, which, when operating in an 8-hour mode, will be 0.24 tons per shift. Under the condition of 100% loading and 250 days operation, the annual production of corn sticks will reach 60 tons.

The wholesale price of corn sticks is about 5 rubles per pack of 50 grams, which is equivalent to 100 thousand rubles per 1 ton.

Thus, the annual revenue will be 6,000,000 rubles.

reference Information:

  • The output of the workshop to self-sufficiency: 3 months after the start.
  • Output at 100% performance: 6 months after launch
  • Planned profitability: 25%
  • ROI: 18 months


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