The message about the variety of birds is short. Variety of birds. wings are weak, feathers are soft

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Create conditions for:

  1. Developing the cognitive interest of students
  2. Expansion of horizons on the topic "Birds";
  3. Raising love for birds; observation, curiosity;
  4. Development of skills such as analysis, synthesis of information, generalization, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships

Form of organization of activities. Lesson game. Both individual students (by the type of game “Own game”) and teams can take part in the competition. The captains choose the category and the number of the question on which the points are affixed, which the team will receive if the answer is correct. It will be convenient for the facilitator if the questions for each category are printed on separate sheets. The game can be used in curriculum on the topic “The diversity of birds in nature” and as an extracurricular activity on the subject.

Equipment. Electronic supplement to the lesson “Feathered friends”.

Event progress

Breaks the silence
Homon, chirping.
It met the spring
Our guests are early.

Man and bird…. A person has a special attitude towards birds. Indeed, among the thousands of living creatures that inhabit the Earth, it was birds that found the most convincing answer to the challenge of space and gave people the inspired idea of ​​flight. Since then, human souls have been doomed to never fade away their tremulous admiration in the face of miracles in the world of birds. Birds amaze with the variety of their shapes and colors, their voices are woven into the enchanting symphony of wildlife with a life-affirming theme. Each bird has its own voice, its own beauty, its own "character". And it was they, our feathered friends, who became the theme of the competition game.

Each team (or participant) chooses the category, number and color of the question. The jury evaluates the answers

Category 1. The most ... the most ...

When opening sectors, answer questions

Unit white

The largest flightless bird - common ostrich which is found south of the Atlas Mountains in Central Ethiopia and Niger. Some males of this species reach 2.74 m in height and weigh 156.5 kg.

Unit yellow

The smallest bird in the world - bee hummingbird inhabiting Cuba and the island of Pinos. Adult males reach a length of 5.7 cm, with half of this length falling on the beak and tail. These babies weigh only 1.6 g.

Deuce white

The longest and deepest immersion in water demonstrates emperor penguins... According to the observations of scientists, they can dive to a depth of 265 m and stay under water for 18 minutes.

Deuce yellow

The sharpest sight in birds of prey. Eagle-golden eagle sees a hare when good lighting at a distance of 4.2 km. Peregrine falcon notices a pigeon at a distance of more than 8 km. However, the vision of birds of prey is black and white, they do not perceive color.

White three

The biggest nests are built bald eagles living in the United States. A nest with a width of 2.9 m and a height of 6 m was found. It is possible that several generations took part in the construction of such a nest. The weight of the nest obviously exceeds 2 tons.

Category 2. Bird voices

When we press the sectors, we hear the sounds made by birds ... Task- recognize the bird by its voice. If the students fail, a hint verse sounds. Using hints, the number of points is halved.

Unit yellow

Hint verse

Little boy
In a gray Armenian
Sneaking through the yards,
He collects crumbs.

So chirps Sparrow

Unit white

Hint verse

Two, three kilometers
I rise and circle.
From the height of this huge
I can even see a mouse

Scream eagle

Deuce yellow

Hint verse

Motley fidget,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most talkative.

Deuce white

Hint verse

Sings so well
That everyone knows right away.
And in appearance - a small bird:
Nondescript and small
But, singing - breathe evenly,
So as not to scare ... He -

Three of a yellow

Hint verse


3 category. Photo question

Students are encouraged to recognize the bird by a fragment of the image. They open the fragment number themselves. If the bird is named the first time, then 2 prize points are added to the points indicated on the sector; if two or three fragments were opened, 1 point is added. If the bird is named from four or more fragments, then the team receives the point indicated on the sector. After the name of the bird, the host announces some interesting information about this bird.

Unit white

Snigir (and this is how this word was written earlier) is formed from the Turkic “snig”, which means “red-breasted”. And then it changed to the modern spelling "bullfinch", as the bird began to be associated with snow among the people. As soon as the first snow falls, wait for the bullfinch.

Where the finches sang in the summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
Bullfinches on the branches.

Bullfinches are leisurely schooling birds. Each pack has its own leader. Having calmly processed one tree, the flock flies to the next one. And he does it at the command of the leader: he will slightly raise his wings, show everyone (for this he jumps on a branch, turns in different directions) a white spot on his lower back. This is the command: "Fly!"

Unit yellow


The pink color of flamingos is not given to them from birth, but comes from the small red crustaceans eaten, which contain a carotenoid. They are specialized in only a few prey types (small crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, molluscs and algae that they find in shallow water), and this is reflected in the shape of their beak, which helps them with this. While looking for food, flamingos turn their heads so that the upper beak is at the bottom. The upper beak has a float that supports the head in the upper layers of water, especially rich in plankton. Taking water into its mouth and closing its beak, the bird pushes the water through the filter located on the beak, and swallows the food. All nutritional stages alternate very quickly.

In a zoo, flamingos lose their unique plumage color after a couple of years, because they cannot be fed there with the food that they get in wildlife.

Deuce white

Parrot cockatoo

Cockatoo differ from other parrots by the presence of crests, which can straighten up depending on the degree of arousal of the bird, and beaks. In Malay, the word "kakatua" means "wire cutters". Indeed, the cockatoo's beak is very powerful, large species can easily bite through a thick wire.

The food is based on fruits, nuts (pine), buds, inflorescences, berries, flowers, seeds and roots of herbs, small insects and their larvae. Are pests of agricultural crops.

All members of the family do not have a single feather of green in their plumage, while almost the rest of the world of parrots is replete with all its shades.

Deuce yellow

Mandarin duck

The swimming mandarin duck is not at all like a duck and most of all resembles a whimsically painted boat. In China and Japan, the mandarin duck has been widely popular as an ornamental bird for many centuries. On the territory of Russia, in nature, a mandarin duck can be found only in Primorye: on deaf forest rivers. Mandarin ducks are real tree ducks: they not only nest in the hollows of oaks and elms at a height of 10-12 meters, but also like to rest in trees, and their favorite roost is the branches bent over the water.

Unlike most of the drake ducks, mandarin ducklings remain for a long time with the females incubating the clutch and sometimes they lead chicks with them. Therefore, in ancient China on the day of the engagement, the lovers were presented with a couple of tangerines, revered as a symbol of fidelity.

Three white toucan

These birds got their name due to the fact that representatives of one of their species shout something like "tokano!"

Toucans are remarkable for their appearance. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at them is their disproportionately large, brightly colored beak. Its length is almost equal to the length of the bird's body. The large beak does not cause any inconvenience to the bird: it is very light due to the presence of pneumatic cavities in it. By the nature of their food, toucans are herbivorous birds that feed on extremely juicy fruits (for example, bananas) and berries. However, they can, there are also spiders and some other invertebrates, occasionally lizards and even small snakes. They can, sometimes, and rob - drag chicks and eggs from the nests of other birds.

4 category. Legends and myths

When opening the sectors, the presenter reads out the legend, the task of the students is to name the bird about which this legend is composed.

Unit yellow

Legend of Owl

This bird has a very strange appearance and is very different in its behavior from other birds: the appearance is terrible, the voice is terrible, the flight is silent, the hearing is excellent, the character is ruthless. That is why it is overgrown with all kinds of legends. In ancient times, she was considered a bird of misfortune. The Romans hated her so much that when they saw and caught her in the city in the daytime, they burned her, and threw the ashes publicly into the Tiber! However, in England and elsewhere she was often referred to as "the wise old ... ... ...."

Unit white

Legend of Stork

A sacred bird in various mythological and occult traditions. Symbolizes new life, the arrival of spring, good luck. A good sign indicating that a child will soon appear in the family was the arrival of these birds to a nest located near the estate. If they built a nest on the roof, then it was believed that such a house is protected from fire and lightning.

Deuce yellow

Legend of Lebed

Once a hunter saw three graceful birds thrown off their feathers and bathing in the lake in the guise of three girls. He grabbed one of the bird skins and took the bird girl as his wife. But getting old, the hunter's wife asked him for a bird's clothing, turned into a bird and flew away through the chimney. The hunter tried to hold her by the paws with his hands smeared with soot, since then the paws of these snow-white birds are black.

Deuce white

The myth of Phoenix

A mythological bird, often associated with a solar cult. It was believed to have an eagle-like appearance with bright red or golden-red plumage. In a metaphorical interpretation, it is a symbol of eternal renewal.

In the Christian world, this bird means the triumph of eternal life, resurrection, faith, constancy; it is a symbol of Christ. In early Christianity, his image is constantly found on burial slabs: here its meaning is the victory over death, the resurrection from the dead. In Russia, this bird had analogues: the Firebird and Finist.

Three of a yellow

Legend of Korolke

One day, the birds decided to choose the king of the one who rises above all in the air. The eagle soared so high that no one could compete with it. But as soon as he was about to descend to the ground, a small bird fluttered out from under his wing and climbed a little higher. The rest of the birds saw it. They chose the eagle as the king, but they jokingly named the ambitious deceiver ... How?

Category 5. Fourth extra

Exclude unnecessary from the four images of birds, group the rest. Explain your choice

Unit white

Black kite, fish owl, kestrel, bearded vulture.

All birds are predators, this is indicated by the structure of the limbs and beak. But owl- a nocturnal bird of prey, and all others are daytime

Unit yellow

Capercaillie, black grouse , jackdaw, hazel grouse

Jackdaw is a representative of the Passerine squad, and all the others are of the Chicken-like squad.

Deuce white

Sparrow, lark, starling, nightingale

All birds are representatives of the Passerine order, but the lark, starling, nightingale are songbirds, distinguished by beautiful singing, and Sparrow- No.

Deuce yellow

Snipe, drake, heron, lapwing

Drake belongs to the group of waterfowl, and snipe, heron, stork - to ankle, feeding in shallow water.

White three

Chickens, geese, falcon, swans

Birds are depicted with chicks. Chicks falcon- belong to nesting, and all the rest - to brood

6 category. Folk omens and catchphrases

Unit yellow

A folk omen is associated with swallows: they fly high - to be good weather, low - to rain. The omen is correct, but it's not about the swallows, but about the insects they catch. Before a storm, when the air becomes more humid, the wings of insects swell and pull them to the ground

Unit white

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

People associated their dreams of something beautiful, beautiful, almost unrealizable with the crane. But hardships, disorder, difficult life, eternal concern for a piece of bread oppressed me. So they came up with the saying “Better a bird in the hands than a pie in the sky,” that is, something is better, but now than everything, but then.

Deuce yellow

"White crow" is a person who is sharply different from those around him, "not from this world", perhaps gifted or even talented, but strange, incomprehensible, "not like everyone else."

If ravens sit on the tops of trees - to frost.

Deuce white

An old bird is not caught with chaff

It seems to be a very sociable bird, with all its appearance hinting at domestication, but it was not there, for nothing, not for a crumb of bread or whatever else you will not deceive this feathered one and you will not catch any tricks. No wonder people put together a saying: "An old bird is not caught with chaff". So they say about an experienced, experienced person who cannot be outwitted.

If sparrows gather on the ground, bathe in dust, sand or a puddle and chirp in the summer - towards the rain, in winter - to warm snow.

In general, many signs are associated with sparrows, for example: they sit on the roof and touch feathers - to warmth, hide in brushwood - to frost or blizzard, hide under an eaves - to a storm, chirp together in winter - to a thaw, etc.

Three of a yellow

Deaf grouse

So they say about a person who listened to something, misheard. Grouse, a grouse is a female capercaillie, who, when sings, pokes, does not hear extraneous noise. Capercaillie and black grouse belong to the same order of the Chicken, and their females are very similar.

If the wood grouses turn on a rainy morning - to improve the weather, they are silent - to a worsening.


Birds and people live in the world, often not paying attention to each other, and sometimes rejoicing in a pleasant neighborhood, as if members of one big family. Which of them is who needs more - man to birds or birds - to man? Hard to say. But can a person survive if there are no birds left on Earth? Probably not. Let's protect each other!


1. Volina V.V. The world of animals - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999 .-- 509 p.

2. Ivanitskiy V.V. I get to know the world. Birds - M .: Astrel, 2000 .-- 397 p.

3. Teremov A., Rokhlov V. Entertaining zoology - M .: AST-PRESS, 1999. - 523 p.

We are familiar with the birds of cultural landscapes. Most of them also live in the forest. The most extensive in terms of the number of species is the order Sparrow.

More than half of all birds belong to it. This order includes field, desert and forest species. Representatives of this order are small and medium in size. They are songbirds with thin short legs adapted to life in trees. Passerines are insectivorous and granivorous birds. However, even those who feed on grain and seeds feed their offspring with insects.

The passerine squad is the most numerous squad

A typical representative of passerines can be tits that live in mixed forests, gardens, parks and near human dwellings. In gardens and parks, you can see starlings, swallows, nightingales, bullfinches, finches, etc. Quite large birds also belong to this order: raven, rook, hooded crow, jackdaw, magpie.

Many bird species have adapted to live in open spaces devoid of woody vegetation (lark, etc.).

Birds of open spaces have 2 directions in the development of adaptations. Some birds are adapted to locomotion on the ground in search of food. Fleeing from enemies, they almost do not use their wings, but quickly run away. Others, on the other hand, mostly use their wings when moving and hardly use their legs.

The first group of birds lost the ability to fly and their wing reduction began. At the same time, their legs developed greatly, their toes were shortened, and their hind toe disappeared. All of these traits are useful for running fast. An example of birds that have adapted to running can be different kinds ostriches, chicken, etc.

The second group of birds (daytime predators, owls, etc.) has improved wings, and their legs can maintain normal development or even be reduced to a certain extent.

Variety of birds

Birds of the forest

Woody vegetation is the main habitat for birds. They use all horizons of arboreal vegetation for both nesting and food. Due to the arboreal lifestyle, the legs of most birds are arranged in such a way that the free fingers are opposed to each other. This gives them the ability to wrap around the branches from two sides.

A number of bird species have adapted to climb vertically growing tree trunks (nuthatches, pikas and woodpeckers). In all such birds, the claws of the fingers are very sharp and strongly curved. Woodpeckers and pikas also use their tail when climbing, which serves partly for support, and partly for balance when the front part of the body is thrown back.

Woodpecker - a representative of forest birds

Finches, tits and many other species of birds have adapted to climb branches and hang from below. Climbing trees, birds get their own food. Fewer people find their food using the wings. Thus, in the birds of the forest, adaptation is also noted in two directions - in the development of the legs and in the development of the wings.

Predator birds

Among the birds of prey, a detachment of daytime birds of prey hunting during the day and a detachment of owls hunting at night are distinguished. All these birds have powerful legs, which are armed with large, sharp and strong claws and a crocheted beak.

Daytime birds of prey settle in steppes, deserts, forests, plains, and mountains. They do not eat vegetable food at all. They are fed by animals, birds, fish and insects. Some types of predators catch live prey (falcons, hawks, eagles, buzzards, etc.), while others eat only dead animals (vultures, vultures, vultures, etc.).

Owl is a representative of birds of prey

Birds of swamps and coastal reservoirs

The ecological features of swamps and coasts of small water bodies are very similar. Therefore, some species of birds are common both for the shores of water bodies and for swamps.

When getting food, some wading birds use mainly their legs when moving, others - their wings. In the first group of birds, the legs are characterized by a number of features: large length, deprivation of plumage at the ankle joint (ankles), significant length of the front toes, often connected by membranes. All these are adaptations to habitat in places with viscous soil and the presence of shallow waters. In swamps and on the shores of water bodies, waders, herons, cranes, storks, ducks, daytime predators, gulls, etc. live.

Heron is a representative of wading birds

Birds of the steppes and deserts

Due to the fact that it is difficult for birds to hide in open spaces, in the conditions of steppes and deserts, they have formed long legs and neck during evolution. Thanks to this adaptation, birds can survey the area far and see the approach of various predators.

Birds of steppes and deserts walk a lot in search of food among vegetation, so their legs, as a rule, are well developed. Fleeing from danger, some birds of the steppes and deserts do not fly away, but run away.

Ostrich is a representative of steppe birds

The role of birds in nature, their importance in human life

Birds are of great importance in nature and human life. V natural conditions for example, there is a complex relationship between birds and plants, on the one hand, and between birds and other animals, on the other.

Birds play a large role in the distribution of plant seeds. Separate types birds (nectars, hummingbirds, etc.), feeding on the nectar of plants or visiting flowers to catch insects in them, contribute to the cross-pollination of flowers.

There are even more complex relationships between birds and other species of animals in nature. Some species of birds of prey feed on other species of birds and these birds of prey contribute to selection.

Birds have different types of cohabitation, when smaller species of birds settle in colonies of larger ones (starlings settle together with rooks, and rooks together with herons). In these cases, more strong birds cover the weaker ones. The constant accompanying of swallows (and sometimes starlings and jackdaws) to grazing herds of domestic and wild mammals is due to the fact that large mammals attract many Diptera, which birds catch on the fly.

Insectivorous birds, as a rule, are useful for plants, as they feed on the larvae and caterpillars of various insects, which bring great harm to plants. Passerines eat a particularly large number of insects, bringing great benefits to agriculture and forestry. For example, a swallow destroys about 1 million over the summer. insects, and the tit per year - about 6.5 million. eggs of harmful insects.

However, there are birds (bee-eaters, wasp-eaters) that feed on pollinating insects useful for plants (bees, bumblebees, etc.), break off branches to build nests (rooks), gouge bark and wood (woodpeckers), and are also natural reservoirs of pathogens person.

In human life, birds are also of great importance, which is expressed in the huge role of domestic birds in agriculture and birds in general in the extermination of pests. Agriculture... Birds are also of commercial and aesthetic value.

The role of nature reserves and zoos in the conservation of rare bird species

Considering the great benefits brought by birds, man tries in every possible way to protect them. Nature reserves and zoos play an especially important role in the protection of birds. For the protection of birds in nature, not only the preservation of adult birds is of great importance, but also the protection of their nests.

In the fauna of our country there are many rare birds listed in the Red Book, among them: pelican, stork, golden eagle, burial ground, steppe eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon, eagle owl, bustard, little bustard. The main reason why they are threatened with extinction is the disappearance of biotopes necessary for their habitation.

The gray crane, the belladonna crane and other inhabitants of the steppes are also threatened with death. Therefore, the laws on the protection of wildlife adopted in our country are of great importance in the preservation of birds and other animals.

Attracting birds

Scientists have long proved that it is necessary not only to study the benefits or harms of birds, but also to try to enhance their beneficial activity. Attracting birds to fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, parks, forests brings positive results and increases the productivity of various crops and the productivity of forests. For example, attracting starlings to beet fields helps to clear them of weevils.

Even in the last century, in the Berdyansk forestry, experience was accumulated in attracting starlings by hanging artificial nests to destroy the elm springtail. This measure cost the forestry 20 times less than hiring workers for the same purpose.

Numerous other examples are known when various species of birds saved forests or crops from death (pied flycatchers eliminated foci of pine moths, gulls saved cotton crops from meadow moths, rooks eliminated foci of silkworms, etc.).

Due to the fact that birds very often do not have enough nesting places, it is necessary to hang birdhouses, titmouses, nest boxes, etc. in forests, parks, gardens and vegetable gardens in autumn, winter and early spring. Good results are obtained by planting shrubs that are shelter for nests.

Of great importance in attracting and preserving birds from death in winter is their feeding not only in countryside but also in cities. To do this, you need to arrange feeders in parks, gardens and on balconies.


Although many species of wild birds (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, etc.) were domesticated several millennia ago, poultry farming has become an important branch of our national economy only recently.

Domesticated are those birds that a person has tamed and successfully breeds at home for meat, eggs, fluff and feathers. We breed chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, peacocks, guinea fowls, pheasants, ostriches and swans as poultry. Chickens, geese and ducks are of the greatest importance in our country.

In our article, we want to talk about the extraordinary diversity of birds on Earth. Depending on the classification, there are between 9,800 and 10,050 modern bird species. If you think about it, this is an impressive figure.

The origin of birds

Modern science believes that birds evolved from ancient reptiles. This is indicated by some common features structures with reptiles: dry skin, feathers, like reptile scales, the similarity of embryos, eggs.

It must be said that already in the Jurassic period there was an intermediate form between birds and reptiles called Archeopteryx. And at the end of the Mesozoic, real birds appeared. Modern birds have characteristic progressive features that distinguish them from reptiles. These are developed organs of hearing, vision, coordination of movements with certain centers in the cerebral cortex, the appearance of warm-bloodedness as a result of changes in the nervous and respiratory systems, the presence of a four-chambered heart and spongy lungs.

Variety of birds

Now the bird world is very diverse. It is customary to divide all birds into three superorders:

  1. Keelless. Most of the representatives of this group have poorly developed wings. Such birds do not fly, but they can run quickly and well. A striking example is the African ostrich that lives in the savannas, semi-deserts and steppes of Africa, Australia and South America.
  2. Penguins. This group is quite small. Its representatives live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere on the shores of Antarctica. These birds also do not know how to fly, but they swim beautifully. Their forelimbs have been modified into flippers. On ice, penguins move in an upright position, sliding and leaning on their tail. An interesting fact is that they do not build nests. They store the egg on the membranes of the limbs, hiding them under the folds of fat on the tummy. In general, a large fat layer protects penguins from the cold.
  3. Keel. This group is very numerous. More than twenty detachments belong to it. These are passerine, chicken, anseriformes, falconiformes, woodpeckers, etc.

As part of the article, we want to show the variety of birds on specific examples some representatives of the feathered world, since it is simply impossible to talk about all of them.


The African ostrich is the largest bird on Earth. Previously, they included other related species, rhea and emu. However, modern researchers classify them as separate units. Therefore, now, from a scientific point of view, there is only one real ostrich - the African one.

The first thing that surprises the bird is its enormous size. In height, it is no less than a large horse. The height of the ostrich ranges from 1.8 to 2.7 meters, and the weight reaches 75 kg. There are also such large males that weigh up to 131 kilograms. Naturally, most of the growth falls on the neck and legs. And the bird's head, on the contrary, is very small, which is even less reflected in the intelligence of birds.

Feathers in birds grow evenly throughout the body, but in most birds they are located along special lines called pterilia. African ostriches lack a keel, and therefore they are generally not adapted to flight. But their legs do an excellent job with running. The bird has very long legs and highly developed leg muscles. There are only two toes on each leg. One is huge with a claw, the other is smaller. The second finger helps maintain balance while running.

There are many feathers on the body, tail and wings of the bird, but the head, neck and legs have only short down, it seems that they are naked. Females and males of the African ostrich differ in plumage color. In addition, different species can have different colors of paws and beak.

Habitat of the African ostrich

The African ostrich lives almost throughout Africa; it cannot be found only in the Sahara and North Africa. There was a time when this bird also lived on the lands adjacent to the African continent, In Syria and the Arabian Peninsula.

In general, ostriches prefer open plains. They inhabit dry woodlands, grassy savannas, semi-deserts. But dense thickets, marshlands, quicksands of deserts are not to their taste. This is due to the fact that there they cannot develop high speed while running. They lead by uniting in small groups. Very rarely, a flock can include up to 50 individuals, and they can graze along with antelopes and zebras. There is no constancy in the pack, but a clear hierarchy reigns. High-ranking individuals hold the tail and neck vertically, while the weaker ones obliquely. Birds are active at dusk, and rest at night and during the heat of the day.

On the one hand, ostriches are stupid, but on the other, they are extremely cautious. While eating, they constantly look around, examining the surroundings. Having noticed the enemy, they quickly move away, not wanting to collide with the predator. They have very good eyesight. They are able to notice the enemy from a kilometer away. Many animals follow the behavior of the ostrich, if they themselves do not have such good eyesight. The ostrich can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, and in very rare cases, up to 90 kilometers per hour.


Speaking about the diversity of birds on the planet, let's move from the largest representative to one of the smallest - to the sparrow. For us, such a bird is familiar from childhood. The sparrow is a bird that is widespread in cities and towns. It is small in size, weighing from 20 to 35 grams. The bird is a member of the crab-like order, in which, in addition to it, there are more than 5,000 species. The largest representative of this group is the raven, and the smallest is the king.

The sparrow is a bird that got its name in ancient times. And it is connected with the fact that birds are very fond of raiding farm fields. Driving them away, people shouted "Bey thief."

In Russia, there are two types of sparrows: brownie (city) and village. An interesting fact is that this species of birds has a special structure of the eyes, and these birds see the whole world in pink. A sparrow consumes a significant amount of energy per day, and therefore cannot starve for more than two days.

House sparrow

The birds have brown plumage with longitudinal black stripes. In length, they do not exceed seventeen centimeters, and weigh no more than 35 grams. Imagine, the world of birds is so diverse and rich that there are only more than 16 species. Once this bird lived only in Northern Europe. But then gradually the sparrows settled on almost all continents, except for the Arctic. Now they can be seen even in South Africa, America, Australia, where they were brought at the beginning of the twentieth century.

It should be noted that sparrows always settle near a person, and lead a sedentary existence. And only birds living in more northern regions fly away to warmer regions for the winter.

Sparrows are the eternal companions of man. They are very fertile. Their diet is based on plant foods. But birds catch insects for their chicks. In villages, birds fly to the fields to pick up seeds there. Sometimes sparrows peck fruits and berries in gardens, thereby causing damage to people.

In one summer, two or even three generations of offspring can be bred.


The stork is an extraordinary bird. She has long become a symbol of peace on earth. The white bird is so beautiful and graceful that many songs and poems have been composed about it. The stork family is represented by twelve species. These are quite large individuals. In adulthood, they reach a meter in height, and the wingspan is two meters. All storks have long legs, neck and beak.

They are common on almost all continents. They live not only in the tropics, but also in temperate latitudes. Those individuals that live in a warm climate do not fly away for the winter, while the rest fly to Africa and India. Birds live up to twenty years.

The most famous species is the white stork. Birds have been living on Earth since ancient times, as evidenced by the finds of archaeologists. This species is considered practically dumb, since its vocal cords are completely undeveloped.

Storks are renowned for their endurance, as they are able to make very long flights.

The lifestyle and nutrition of the bird depends on the habitat. prefers low-lying areas with meadows and swamps. Sometimes they settle on the roofs of houses, making nests there. They feed on food of animal origin: lizards, frogs, insects, small mice. The stork is a beautiful and noble bird.


The swan is a white bird that conquered everyone with its beauty and greatness. A small group of famous birds includes 7 species. In general, swans belong to and their closest relatives are geese and geese.

Swans are the largest waterfowl wild birds... Weight reaches eight kilograms. Birds have a very long and flexible neck, and each species is characterized by its special setting. The paws of birds are rather short and equipped with special swimming membranes. On land, their gait seems to be very awkward. The coccygeal gland of birds gives off a special lubricant, thanks to which the feathers do not get wet in the water.

All swans have the same color - white, and only the black swan differs from them.

They live in the South and North America, Eurasia and Australia. They usually settle on the shores of reservoirs, and these can be small lakes, and huge bodies of water, like estuaries or bays.

All swans can be conditionally divided into southern and northern. The southern ones lead a sedentary life, while the northern ones have to fly away for the winter. Eurasian individuals winter in South and Central Asia, while American ones spend winter in California and Florida.

Birds usually live in pairs. They have a quiet and calm disposition. The voices of birds are quite sonorous, but they produce sounds extremely rarely, but the mute swan can only hiss in case of danger.

The birds use kidneys, seeds, roots of aquatic plants, grass and small aquatic invertebrates as food. They find food in the water, deeply immersing their heads. But birds do not know how to dive.


We said that the African ostrich is the smallest. And the smallest is the bee hummingbird. This Cuban bird is not only the smallest in the world, but also the smallest warm-blooded creature on Earth. The male has a length of no more than five centimeters, and by weight is no heavier than two paper clips... But the females are slightly larger. The name itself suggests that these birds themselves are no larger than a bee.

The smallest bird is a very fast and strong creature. Shiny wings make her look like a gem. However, its multi-colored color is not always visible, it all depends on the viewing angle.

Despite its tiny size, the bird plays important role in plant propagation. It flies from flower to flower and collects nectar with its thin proboscis, while simultaneously transferring pollen from flower to flower. In one day, a little bee visits up to one and a half thousand flowers.

Hummingbirds build bowl-shaped nests for themselves no more than 2.5 centimeters in diameter. They are woven from bark, lichens and cobwebs. In them, the bird lays two small pea-sized eggs.

Forest birds

The place where you can appreciate the real variety of birds is in the forest. After all, it is home to many birds. At any time of the year, you can find an extraordinary number of them here. Here wild birds build their nests, find food for themselves and breed their chicks. Dense greenery reliably protects birds from enemies and bad weather. Walking through the forest, you can hear a variety of bird voices, we do not see them, but we hear their beautiful singing or the "cuckoo" familiar from childhood.

What kind of birds live in our forests? The world of birds in them is so rich that it is difficult to count all the species. Let's recall only the most famous ones: hazel grouses, woodpeckers, nutcrackers, swifts, owls, nightingales, black grouse, eagle owls, cuckoos, golden eagles, lentils, nutcrackers, beetles, flycatchers, tits, hawks, crossbills, siskins and many others. The birds of the forest have adapted to living in the thicket. Each of the species lives in certain areas of the country, in their characteristic places. An interesting fact is that absolutely all the birds of the forest get along on the same territory, and among them there are formidable predators, and completely harmless, and very small birds. Just an amazing combination.

Common kingfisher

The common kingfisher is a small bird with brightly colored feathers. The color of the plumage goes from a dark blue back to a bright orange abdomen. The kingfisher's beak is the most common: long and straight. Females are smaller than males. Birds settle along the coast of rivers and streams. In general, in those places where there is quiet, running water.

But nests are built on the steep banks among the thickets of bushes. Kingfishers do quite well in the mountains, sometimes settling there.

Birds unite in pairs only in mating season... On the territory of Russia - this is approximately the second half of April, just after returning from warm countries. Females and males pull out nests with their beaks, discarding the ground with their paws. The mink, as a rule, is located near water and is well camouflaged by branches.

It is surprising that the kingfishers return to their house for several seasons. There is no nest as such inside, eggs are laid directly on the ground. There is rarely any litter present. Usually the female lays five to seven eggs, and sometimes ten. The female and the male incubate in turn, replacing each other.

Kingfishers include both migratory and sedentary populations. They are widespread in Eurasia, Indonesia and north-west Africa, in New Zealand.

Kingfishers settle only near clean water bodies, so they can be used to judge their degree of purity.

On the example of these birds, one can judge their diversity. They all differ from each other not only outwardly, but also in their way of life and habits, nevertheless, they all belong to the same suborder.

Bird class- warm-blooded animals, the body of which is covered with feathers (the only group of animals), and the forelimbs are turned into wings; hind limbs - legs. Birds fly beautifully, surpassing all other vertebrates in this respect. Also, birds move well on the ground, climb trees, many dive and swim in the water. Birds are extremely diverse in size, shape, color, habits and have adapted to living in various climatic conditions... There are about 9 thousand species.

External structure of a bird

Birds have a head, neck, torso, limbs and tail. The head of birds is small, it has a beak, eyes, nostrils. The beak is formed by bony jaws extended forward, which are covered from above with horny sheaths. Birds have no teeth, which makes the skull lighter. The nostrils are located at the base of the upper part of the beak. The rounded eyes are covered with two eyelids and a blinking membrane. Closer to the back of the head, under the feathers, the ear holes are hidden. A movable neck connects the head to a compact body.

Features of the body structure of a bird


Features of the structure of the body of birds

Body shape


Dry skin covered with horny feathers

Feather types

1. Contour - creates the shape of the body and helps with the flight;

2. Down feather and down - keep warm

Lightweight and durable due to:

Fusion of bones (bones of the hand, pelvis, skull)

Air cavities inside the bones The flight muscles are attached to the keel (sternum)

Large pectorals (lower wings); Subclavian (raise the wings)

Digestive system

Digestion of food in 2-3 hours (rapid metabolism to maintain a constant body temperature)

Beak -> pharynx -> esophagus (with goiter) -> stomach (from two sections - muscular and glandular) -> intestines -> cloaca

Respiratory system

Cellular lungs and additional air sacs in the body cavity and bones - to improve gas exchange and protect against overheating. Breathing is double.

Circulatory system

Four-chambered heart (two atria and two ventricles), two circles of blood circulation

Nervous system

The cerebellum is well developed;

Developed hemispheres of the forebrain (complex behavior, instincts)


Fertilization is internal, the female lays eggs containing a supply of nutrients for the embryo and protected by a calcareous shell and an undershell membrane

Bird development

In the spring:

pairing -> mating of males -> nesting -> laying eggs (from 1-2 to 15-20 pcs.) -> laying eggs -> taking care of the offspring.


1. Brood - appear dressed in down, with open eyes and can leave the nest and follow the mother.

2. Nest - appear helpless, with accrete eyelids, do not leave the nest for a long time.

The most important orders of birds

Squads of birds




Mostly forest birds, have four-toed limbs (three fingers are directed forward, one back); chicks, live in pairs during the nesting period

Sparrows, larks, swallows, starlings, crows, blackbirds


Brood birds, live along river banks, wetlands; medium size, long legs and a thin long beak

Sandpiper, woodcock, lapwing, snipe


Horny plates or teeth are located along the edges of the beak, and at the end of the beak there is a thickening - leg-current; waterfowl breeding birds

Geese, ducks, swans


The wings are narrow, unsuitable for flight, there are swimming membranes on the paws, the legs are carried back, the skeleton is heavy, the feather cover is very dense

Imperial ping-gwin

Crane like

Birds of open spaces, have long legs and neck

Demoiselle crane

Large birds; have weak, unsuitable for the field wings and strong legs

African ostrich

Short rounded wings (fly hard), four-fingered legs, with large claws and densely feathered, relatively large beak

Grouse, black grouse, quail, partridge, wood grouse

Daytime predators

Long, sharp hooked claws; the beak is short, curved; fast flight

Falcons, eagles, hawks, vultures

Nocturnal birds of prey, with strong curved beaks and sharp claws, keen hearing and keen eyesight, have a loose and soft plumage that allows them to fly silently

Owl, owl, barn owl, scops owl


Sourse of information: Biology in tables and diagrams. / Edition 2e, - SPb .: 2004.


  • expand students' knowledge of the diversity of birds;
  • continue the formation of skills to recognize the studied birds, justify the belonging of species to one or another environmental group;
  • identify their role in nature and human life;
  • to reveal the system of measures for the protection of birds;
  • cultivate respect for birds.

Lesson type: a lesson in generalized repetition.

Equipment: tables and drawings depicting birds, tape recorder, cassette with bird voices, exhibition of books about birds, stuffed birds, bird feathers (posters, feeders, birdhouse)


Organizing time.

(The lesson begins with the recording "Morning in the Country", where nightingales sing, cocks crow, crows croak, sparrows chirp and magpies cry.)

Guys, today we have a generalizing lesson on the topic "Birds". In this lesson, you will consolidate the knowledge gained and enrich it with new information about birds.

(The class is divided into two groups.)

Istage."Find differences"

Each group in turn lists the signs that distinguish birds from reptiles. (the heart consists of 4 chambers; lungs are well developed, there are air sacs; adapted for flight; there is plumage; a higher level of development of the central nervous system, which determines the adaptive behavior of birds; high (41-42 degrees) and constant body temperature, maintained complex system thermoregulation; perfect reproductive organs (nest building, incubating eggs and feeding chicks).

IIstage."Get to know the bird"

(The signs of birds are given in three stages. Who will name the bird faster. After guessing, the drawing is shown.)

1st bird.

  1. Lives in Europe, Asia and North-West Africa. In the wild, it occurs in a variety of forests, where it is common in open areas, forest edges, along the banks of water bodies. With a few exceptions, it reproduces from the end of January to September, making two clutches per season. It nests in hollows and hollows of trees, as well as in various niches of both natural and anthropogenic origin.
  2. Gravitates towards human housing, often found in large cities and others settlements, in the suburbs, in gardens and parks. It feeds mainly on small insects and other invertebrates. Destroying a large number of forest pests brings undoubted benefits to nature. In winter, it strays into mixed flocks with other birds and roams in search of food. He willingly visits feeders, where he feeds on sunflower seeds, unsalted bacon, cream from milk bags.
  3. It has rather bright plumage, among other birds it stands out primarily by its bright yellow abdomen with a "tie" - a wide black stripe from chest to tail. The top of the head, or cap, is black with a blue metallic sheen. The cheeks are white. On the back of the head, a yellowish-white spot. Around the neck there is a black stripe-collar, the throat and chest are black with a slight bluish tint. The back is yellow-green or bluish-gray with a slight olive tint on the shoulders, the wings and tail are bluish. The three extreme tail feathers have white tops, which together form a transverse light stripe. A thin white transverse stripe is also noticeable on the wing. ( Great tit)

2nd bird

  1. Distributed in Europe and Western Asia (to the East to the Yenisei), to the South to North Caucasus. Migrant wintering in Africa. Inhabits damp shrub thickets, in river valleys. Nests on the ground or very low in bushes. In clutch there are 4-6 greenish or bluish eggs with spots.
  2. Only female incubates for 13 days. It feeds on spiders, insects, worms, berries.
  3. The singing is sonorous, with a lot of knees. It is a common symbol among poets of different eras. The era of romanticism has somewhat changed the meaning of the symbol: the poets saw him not just as a singer, but as "a master of the highest art, capable of inspiring a human poet." ( Nightingale)

IIIstage. "Insert Missing Words"

(Each group takes turns answering questions, if they cannot answer, then another group answers).

  1. Most species of birds in the detachment ...
  2. Least of all bird species in the detachment ...
  3. The largest living bird is ...
  4. The fastest flying bird is ...
  5. The fastest running bird is ...
  6. The fastest swimming bird is ...
  7. For more than a century, the generally recognized progenitor of modern birds was considered ..., but over the past two decades, the remains of ... and some other most likely ancestors of living birds have been discovered.
  8. Large specialized contour wing feathers (...) ensure the flight of birds, and tail feathers (...) - its maneuverability.
  9. Regular, 1-2 times a year, the change of feather cover is called ...
  10. Penguins swim great thanks to webbed feet and wings, similar to ...
  11. The underdeveloped wings are almost indistinguishable in ...
  12. Unlike daytime birds of prey, owls sometimes belonged to ... birds of prey, thanks to their ability to hunt in ...
  13. Of the birds domesticated by man, most of the species belong to the order ...
  14. Grouse sometimes spend frosty nights in loose snow, diving into it in the evenings with ...
  15. Starlings, tits and many other hollow nests occupy hollows, hollowed out ... or artificial nests made by people.
  16. Gray herons, coastal swallows, field thrush, rooks and some other birds for breeding form nesting ...
  17. The most large bird, which willingly settles in the villages of European Russia and is guarded by local residents, is ... ...

Answers... 1. Passeriformes; 2. Ostrich (one species); 3. African ostrich; 4. Peregrine falcon; 5. African ostrich; 6. Penguin; 7. Archeopteryx, ambiortus (any of the three listed after it can be named); 8. Flywheels, steering; 9. Molting; 10. Fins; 11. Cassowary (wings are completely absent from the cassowary-related kiwi from New Zealand); 12. Night, darkness (twilight); 13. Chicken; 14. Trees; 15. Woodpeckers; 16. Colonies; 17. White stork.

IVstage."Myths and legends about birds"

  1. Some peoples exalted this bird, others cursed it. In China, she was considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. The Polynesians considered her to be an evil god of the night. Among the ancient Greeks, she personified wisdom. In the Middle Ages, the church declared this bird a servant of the devil. What is this bird? ( Owl)
  2. One of the most widespread legends about this bird speaks of a woman who killed her husband and, as punishment, turned into a bird that was not destined to have a family of her own. She has been crying bitterly ever since. Her tears turn to grass, and a sad voice is heard far away. Compassionate people call her "the poor widow." What is the real name of this bird? ( Cuckoo)
  3. She leads night image life, she has an unusual appearance: large bulging eyes, small, not suitable for walking legs, and most importantly - a huge mouth. In the evenings, this bird often hovers around herds and often dives right next to the udders of goats and cows. In Spain she is called “the shepherd deceiver”. And what do we call it? ( Nightjar)
  4. When Christ was on the cross, these birds flew in and pulled out the nails with their beaks. For this, God granted them crossing beaks and canonized them. Indeed, dead birds do not decompose for a long time and, preserving the beauty of plumage, can lie for many years. Guess who it is? ( Crossbones)

Musical pause.

(Each group should perform a song about birds.)

Vstage."Red Book" and "Black Book".

You already know about the "Red Book", but what is the "Black Book"?

- According to the World Conservation Union, 844 species of animals and plants have become extinct over the past 500 years. But this "black list" is far from complete. The current animal extinction is the largest since the extinction of the dinosaurs.

"Black List" opens the Red Book.

The Black List is a list of those species that have become extinct since 1600. The existence of these species was recorded in cultural monuments. There is information about the observation of these animals by naturalists or travelers. That is, these species are uniquely recorded in a living state. But today we can argue that they no longer exist. These species are also blacklisted. 1600 did not appear by chance. It is from this time that we are dealing with descriptions that can be called scientific or close to scientific - this is the fixation of the material in such a painstaking way that it is possible to unambiguously determine what kind of animal it looked like. For example, a dodo. It is a bird that lived on the island of Mauritius and on the neighboring islands of Reunion and Rodriguez. The island of Mauritius was discovered by the Portuguese at the beginning of the 16th century, and the first animal they encountered, the largest, by the way, on these islands, is the dodo. The weight of the dodo reached 20 kilograms. He was repeatedly brought to Europe, and even for some time he was kept in private nurseries and was repeatedly depicted, in particular, by the Dutch in paintings, and the masters of natural painting made the drawings of this animal very authentically.

But we can help the birds so that they are not included in either the Red Book or the Black Book. How to do it? (preparing food for them, making and installing winter feeders, hanging nesting sites, establishing bans on catching and using birds, protecting their habitat, breeding conditions, combating the destruction of bird nests, collecting eggs, destroying birds from slingshots, scaring birds, fighting poachers)

Summing up the lesson. Assessment of knowledge.

Birds are one of the most important natural components, that is, they enter the cycle of substances, and their role is significant. This is due to the large species diversity of birds - 9000 species; in general on the globe about 100 billion.

Many songs, poems, fairy tales, fables have been composed about birds. The theme of birds is also reflected in folklore: drips, tongue twisters, jokes, proverbs and sayings.

Let's, guys, treat the birds so that they are not afraid of us, so that their sonorous songs will always delight our ears.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let them flock to you from all ends like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their feed is not rich.
A handful of one-
And they are not afraid of winter.
Train the birds in the frost to your window,
So that we don't have to celebrate spring without a song!
(A. Yashin)


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