Mother's day holiday at school with presentation. Holiday script with the presentation “Mother's Day. Day and night dear mother

The presenter also invites one man to participate. Characters: accountant, caretaker, secretary (women) and them (man). Women celebrate a holiday (in general, you can play this scene for anyone).

Leading: Three girls at the table

Together we drank rum and cake,

Reasoned in secret

Among themselves about this, about this.

The first girl says

All blush, round face:

Accountant: "Kab I was a stripper

Long-legged and brave

I'd dance all my life

In clubs from night to morning! " (Feigning dance by the chair)

Leading: Here the second interrupted,

Asserts that there are forces:

Manager: “Cab was me a top model,

And beautiful and slender

Wore Gucci and Corden

And she lived on the podium! " (staggers around the table, as if on a podium)

Leading: The third followed closely,

Says with a cute smile:

Secretary: “I would be the wife of an oligarch,

Had a villa, a foreign car,

B basking in the sand by the sea

With Mojito fresh in hand! " (crossing your legs, leaning back in your chair with a dreamy smile)

Leading: Outside the door hears all their boss

Comes in, asks a question:

Boss: “What, already celebration celebrating?

Do we dream of a sweet life here?

The working day is still coming!

Accountant, where is your report ?!

You than dream to hug a six,

The quarterly report was submitted on time!

And you, the manager, why are you sitting here?

And don't you keep order?

Give the techs the material

So that your entire podium shines!

You, secretary, sing like a bird,

I'll chase you personally! (on raised tones)

Office calls without answer

And I have no coffee on the table!

And, come on, quickly to your places!

I'll give you some relaxation later.

After all, I'm not a beast, so at eight o'clock,

We'll have a drink and have some fun ...

Let's make your dreams come true

After all, we girls are all our own!

DIY children's holiday

How to deal with the complexities of organizing a holiday

Do you want to have a fun, bright and relaxed winter corporate party 2017 at work, timed to coincide with the onset of the Year of the Fire Rooster? Then start planning the program now and do not forget to include funny and cool scenes for the New Year in which employees can play the main roles. To determine the topic, use our interesting ideas and watch the video attached to the descriptions of the scenes. There you will see how adults conduct festive events and will be able to understand which scenes are best for your team.

If you have mostly young employees at work, you should choose jokes filled with frivolous humor and meaningful hints. In a collective of older people who adhere to conservative views, it is better to act out simple ideas that do not contain double meaning and frivolous hints.

Themed scenes with the symbol of the coming year of the Fiery Rooster will look very relevant during the holiday. They will harmoniously fit into an event of any format and will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone present.

Scenes for a corporate party for the New Year - funny performances performed by employees

Into the script new Year's corporate partyheld in the office, you must definitely include funny, funny performances performed by employees. This will cheer up everyone present and make the atmosphere of the event more relaxed. Almost any topic is suitable as a plot for such a case, both rehearsed in advance, and improvised already at the holiday. The main thing is to choose for the role of actors people who are calm about public speaking and are not afraid of everyone's attention.

    • "The Brave Knight" - This is a funny and very funny joke scene for 10-12 participants. It is not required to memorize the words, the host of the holiday reads them, and the employees only follow his instructions. In the center of the plot is a brave knight who travels through a white set in search of a beautiful lady. This hero is played by the most attractive office employee, the second young man plays the role of a knight's cloak, and the third acts as a faithful horse. The beauty (one of the young long-haired employees) stands on the balcony of her castle and expects to meet the hero of her novel. But a lot of unexpected events happen to the knight on the way and the meeting is postponed. The villain uses the delay and kidnaps the beauty from the castle. To return his beloved, the knight has to jump on his horse again, wrap himself in a cloak and rush to the rescue. The highlight of the piece is the fact that the production is not rehearsed in advance, and the presenter chooses the leading roles according to his own taste. Office employees have to show remarkable talent, transforming into medieval heroes, and everyone gets a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and bright, positive emotions from the room.

    • "Teremok on new way» - extremely funny and cool scene, which can be played in a friendly and close-knit team. To participate, you will need to attract the most active, relaxed employees who are ready to appear in front of colleagues in very unexpected roles. The more grotesque and defiant the characters look, the more interesting and colorful the production will be. But, in order to play a children's fairy tale, literally, on the verge of a foul, you can go even further and invite men to play female roles, and ladies - in male roles.

  • "Fly Tsokotukha" - the scene briefly retells the well-known children's tale in a new way. 12-14 employees take part in the production, and the rest become spectators or extras. Classical works and tracks from popular films are used as musical accompaniment. The lyrics are remade directly for the company in which the event is held.

Scenes for a corporate party - how to spend the New Year 2017 of the Rooster at work

To make a corporate party at work fun, easy and natural, it is necessary to think over the festive program in advance and include in it funny scenes in which employees will play the main roles. There are no restrictions on the subject of performances. You can act out fragments of your favorite films, fairy tales and even cartoons, or stage well-known and beloved popular songs.

Since the coming year is patronized by the Fire Rooster, who adores brightness and unpredictability in everything, it is worth focusing on improvisational numbers with a humorous, funny plot. You can arrange a kind of cockfighting, where male colleagues, decorating themselves with combs and feathers, will demonstrate various creative talents to those present. Or to hold a funny beauty contest among the "laying hens", in which the female employees will dress up.

The scene where the Snow Maiden comes to the holiday alone and very sincerely complains to the public about the drunken Santa Claus, who has completely forgotten about his immediate duties, always looks appropriate and relevant at New Year's parties. Around the middle of her speech, a swaying man appears in a red sheepskin coat and with a large bag over his shoulders. He is amusingly arguing with the strict Snow Maiden and in every possible way tries to justify his behavior. Disassembling them causes a storm of laughter in the audience and always gets a sea of \u200b\u200bapplause.

Scenes for the New Year 2017 - funny plays for high school students by roles

With high school students, you can prepare for new year event very funny performances by roles. It can be a children's fairy tale, remade in a modern way, or a famous song, illustrated with a costume performance.

    • "East is a delicate matter"... This option is perfect for future graduates. The room where you will need to decorate in an oriental style. The girls will have to dress up in beautiful oriental costumes and even perform a belly dance. One of the boys will play the role of a powerful eastern sultan, the second will play the role of the grand vizier, and the rest of the guys will play the guards. The main host of the event will be the legendary Scheherazade, which will train the courtiers of the sovereign to celebrate the New Year correctly. The culmination of the unusual performance will be a beautiful New Year's song, which all the students of the class will sing from the stage in chorus.

    • "An old tale"... In this version, the scene plays up the well-known work about Ivan Tsarevich, but the trick is that the plot is adapted in accordance with modern life, the main roles, including women, are played by boys, and every action on stage is accompanied by spectacular music tracks. The main character no longer sleeps on the stove, but does exercises and dances incendiaryly on stage. But he still has a faithful horse and a dream to someday meet a beautiful princess in his life. And one day the dream comes true. In an open field, the hero comes across not just anyone, but Vasilisa the Beautiful herself. However, in order to get her as a wife, you will have to fight Koshchei.

    • "I want to marry Santa Claus" - a very funny, funny and funny scene in which a girl shares her innermost dream with her friend - to marry Santa Claus. She hopes that then he will give all the gifts to her alone and will not get tired of arranging a holiday for her every day. A friend promises to help the future bride, but first she offers to go take a steam bath at Baba Yaga's, and at the same time ask advice on how to captivate Santa Claus. The production requires two types of scenery and elegant costumes for the main characters.

Scenes for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party - funny performances with gags

If it is planned to include funny scenes with jokes in the program of a corporate party timed to coincide with the onset of the New Year 2017, it must be taken into account that not all people have a good sense of humor and are able to correctly perceive kindly sarcasm and spicy jokes. You should not choose the flaws and unattractive features of one of the employees as a plot. This will offend the person and the holiday will be irreparably ruined. It is better to dwell on more neutral topics that do not offend the pride of the participants.

    • "If I were a sultan" - a very cool and humorous scene, which is often played out in offices. One of the men is appointed a great sultan, and several ladies dress up in oriental costumes and try with all their might to attract the attention of the almighty ruler. To avoid misunderstandings and awkwardness, an unmarried man should be invited to the role of the sultan. If all employees are married, it is recommended that older women be assigned the role of concubines. Thus, no one will be embarrassed and the holiday will be bright, fun and easy.

    • "Flash mob" - a simple, but incredibly funny scene that does not require large-scale decorations and specific costumes. You can play it both in a small, close-knit team, and on large enterprisewhere a large number of people work. To translate the idea into reality, you will definitely need a leader who will lead what is happening and tell the participants what movements need to be done.

    • "Three sisters" - one of the most fun and original New Year's performances. The funniest moment is that the roles of sisters are played not by girls, but by men. Costumes are chosen for them in a grotesque style, and their heads are tied with kerchiefs in a rustic style. "Ladies" take the stage, sing and dance to popular Russian hits and share their dreams of meeting a handsome prince.

Scenes for a New Year's corporate party at work - video

Which scenes for the New Year to include in the festive program of the corporate party in 2017 are usually decided at a general collective meeting. Preference is given to uplifting funny and funny performances of a wide variety of topics, where the main roles are played by employees.

    • "Professionals" - an interesting and unusual scene for an adult corporate party, dedicated to professional activity companies. Only three people participate in the production, but, despite this, it turns out to be very funny and causes a storm of delight in the audience. All actions of the heroes are accompanied by mobile, popular songs, the words of which, along with the main characters, are hummed by all the spectators sitting in the hall.

    • "Three little pigs in a new way" - a scene-improvisation for adults, allowing for correction and some changes in the general plot. The main characters are the King, Princess, Three Little Pigs, Grey Wolf and the Presenter reading a fairy tale. The main female role requires a relaxed, mobile and beautiful girlwho is not afraid to perform on stage and be in the spotlight.

  • "The Adventures of Ivan Tsarevich" - a cheerful and optimistic performance that can be easily played both in a small room directly at work and in a restaurant where a large-scale corporate banquet is held on the occasion of the year of the Rooster. The main text of a modern fairy tale is read by the Host, and vigorous popular songs are used for musical accompaniment.

On the corporate parties it is customary to anneal cheerfully. We will help you with this. Collected here funny scenes and scenarios for corporate party celebration with employees

Scene of the Corporate Party - "Anniversary of the Company"


Scene of the Corporate Party - “The Day of the Company. Anniversary of the company "

The anniversary of the foundation of the company (or another date that has become the traditional birthday of the company) is one of the most important holidays. Calendar holidays are celebrated by the whole country or even the whole world. And the day of the company is a day filled with special meaning, uniting and distinguishing precisely the employees of this given organization. This is the best moment to nurture the corporate spirit, the most suitable day for rewarding "leaders" and admitting young people to the team.

In addition, the celebration of the company's anniversary (not necessarily requiring a lot of money, but not possible without energy and enthusiasm) will raise the firm's prestige in the eyes of partners and customers and make good advertising.

The venue for this corporate event a rented banquet hall is best. If such a hall (with a stage and all the necessary sound equipment and lighting, spacious enough to receive all employees) exists in your company, it will do.

Corporate event plan:

Comic questionnaire "Corporate mood".

Research "Company portrait".

Room decoration. Photo gallery.

The official part.

Presentation of memorable gifts.

Brand dates quiz.

The play "The Adventure of Pinocchio in Search of
Islands Over Luck ”.

Attraction "Firm dish".

Dedication to the employees of the company.

Branded contests.

Competition "Portrait of the Director of the Company".

Attraction of branded items.

Games for everyone.

Rewarding the most dedicated employees.

How does a corporate holiday begin?

Comic questionnaire "Corporate mood".

At a corporate event, it is good to present the results of the company's work for the year. Business success is best summarized in visual diagrams, talking more about positive, joyful moments.

The report on the internal affairs of the firm (comic, but thought-provoking) will be a demonstration of the general results of the survey of all employees. It is advisable to conduct a survey one to two weeks before the start of the corporate event. The survey must be anonymous.

Sample questionnaire:

What is the firm for you?

A place to work;

A place where you can get money and do nothing;



Internet access point;

A place where you can drink free coffee and gossip about the chef;

A place to hide from your family.

What is most important to you at work?

Chief's smile;

The Internet;

Photo on the honor board;

Career ladder;

The opportunity to get better;

Corporate events, gifts and bonuses.

What is your attitude to the management of the company?



Respectful, but I will not refuse criticism of shortcomings!

Based on fear of losing your job;

And who is our director?

What phrase best describes your stay within the walls of the company?

My hut is on the edge;

"We were born to make a fairy tale come true ...";

And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe;

"Make money. Make money - the rest is all dre-b-b-day ”;

"The main thing is not the person, but his career."

The average "Portrait of a company".

Another comic study of the "face of the company". A week before the start of the corporate event, each employee performs the following tasks.

Task 1. Fill out the form:

Your height.
Amount of children.
How many times have you got married.
How many rooms are there in the apartment you live in.
How many years (months) have you been working in our organization.
Your salary.

Task 2. Draw your portrait using the following geometric shapes:

A circle.
Task 3. Write a short (no more than 50 words) story about yourself.

Worksheets with completed assignments are processed and drawn up as follows:

The average data of height, weight, rooms in the apartment, etc. are calculated.

The percentage of all geometric shapes in all drawings is calculated.
An average portrait of an employee is drawn from the figures in accordance with the obtained ratio of figures.

For example, if the ratio of the figures is as follows: 70% - triangles, 20% - squares, and 10% circles, the generalized figure might look like this:

Next to the figure, on one side, the obtained averaged parameters of height, weight, etc. are written.

On the other hand, a decoding of the meanings of all geometric figures and a conclusion for a general portrait are given.

Brief psychological characteristics of the main forms of personality.

Triangle. This shape symbolizes leadership, and many of the Triangles feel their purpose in it. The most characteristic feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic, strong personalities.

Square. If the Square turned out to be your main figure, then you are a tireless worker. Diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work started to the end, perseverance, allowing you to achieve completion of work - these are the main qualities of true Squares.
A circle. The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested, first of all, in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. The circle is the friendliest of all five shapes.

Zigzag. This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen the Zigzag as the main form, then you are most likely a true thinker, a dissenter.
Generalized portrait of the “face of the company”. In the overall figure, 70% are triangles, 20% are squares and 10% are circles. This means that in our team, the majority are strong, energetic people. However, the trouble is that "strong personalities" can compete and compete with each other. Dear Circles, all hope for you! Even though you are in the minority, do not let the ambitious ambitions of the majority leap out! You are able to "glue" and stabilize any conflict gaps in our team, and hardworking Squares will "put everything on the shelves" and perfectly organize our life!

Around the picture, you can paste the most interesting stories (from the third task) or write out fragments from these stories.

A poster with the results of the research is presented at a corporate event, and then hung on the wall so that each employee can get acquainted with it in detail.

Room decoration for a corporate event. Photo gallery.

For a corporate event of this level, it is advisable to invite room decorators from special firms.

An exhibition of photographs of employees, company products, important moments in the life of the company can be specific for a corporate event. Such a gallery can occupy an entire wall of a hall or a hall. It is advisable to insert photos into frames. Be sure to add a caption to each photo. Also on public display post diplomas, awards of the company and newspaper publications related to the history of the company. It is best to display exhibits in chronological order. It is very important not to forget about any of the employees.

In the decoration of the hall, you can use balloons, Garlands corporate colors... It is also necessary to hang posters on the walls with the attributes of the company (logo, name, slogan). The posters and streamers remaining from the promotion will help create the desired mood.

On behalf of and on behalf of.

The official part.

The official part at a corporate event should not be long. It is necessary to prepare a short interesting story about the foundation of the company or the emergence of the type of activity that is the main one for this organization.

The story may include short, funny stories told by the organization's watchmen.

It is important that this story unites all participants, creates a corporate spirit in the organization and a sense of corporate patriotism, as this will increase the mood.

Presentation of memorable gifts.

After congratulatory speeches, gifts are presented to all present. In large companies, in order not to delay this event, gifts can be transferred to representatives from each department.

Presenting gifts at the beginning of a corporate event allows you to create a special mood for all employees.

It's good to choose gifts that employees associate with their organization.


The banquet takes place in a spacious hall with a stage. Guests take seats at small tables set around the stage. Most of the action of the corporate event takes place on stage.

Brand dates quiz.

Sometime after the start corporate party Competitions for knowledge of the history of the company are held. Guests can participate in contests both individually and in teams (for example, a team is made up of employees sitting at the same table).

Auction of memorable dates.

The host of the corporate event invites those present to list memorable events in the life of the company. The participant (team) who names the next event receives a prize point.

Quiz "The day it was".

The host of the corporate event names various memorable events in the life of the company and asks those present to recall the exact date when these events took place. For each correct answer, the participant (team) receives five prize points.

Competition "Who, Where, When".

The host of a corporate event turns on a projector (or overhead projector) and shows guests photographs, video chronicles or slides. For each episode, guests must answer questions:

1. Who is this or what is it?

2. Where is this happening?

3. When (exact day, year) does it happen?

Each correct answer is awarded with five points.

After that, the results of the competitions are summed up and the winners receive prizes.

Branded contests.

"Specialty of the house". The highlight of the banquet can be a special "signature dish" (any dish or drink in any way connected with the activities of the company). You can pre-announce a competition between employees for a signature dish.

For example - Signature salad: Processed cheese "Druzhba" (helps to build a team) should be finely grated and mixed with garlic (protects against harmful customers). Nuts (stimulates brain activity), lemon juice (refreshes the perception of information). Carrots added to the salad will help restore vision lost at the computer. The salad will evoke additional pleasant emotions if you add more greens to it.

Dedication to the employees of the company. Another event contributing to the formation of the corporate spirit is the traditional annual dedication to the company's employees of those who have recently joined this organization. The dedication consists of three stages - the test of business aptitude, the oath of allegiance to the organization, and the presentation of comic certificates of admission to the state.

Test of business skills.

All employees who entered the work within the last year are invited to take tests. Prizes may be awarded to winners of each challenge.
Text from words. Each participant receives a newspaper, a sheet of paper, scissors and a glue stick. The task of the participants is to cut out words from the newspaper and compose other text according to the sample. As a sample, you can take an advertisement of a given company or a phrase from a company brochure.

Super worker. Participants are asked to rewrite a small text, at the same time I answer (in turn) to the questions of the moderator. Questions can be of a questionnaire nature (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, etc.). The participant who, despite the interference, manages to rewrite more words of the text without errors during the competition, receives a prize.

What to do if ... Participants are offered difficult situations related to their work, in which they need to find an original way out.
Examples of situations:

What if you lost your employees' salary or public money at the casino?

What if you are accidentally locked in your office late at night?

What if your dog has eaten important reports that you must submit to the director in the morning?

What to do if you get stuck in an elevator with director general your firm?

What to do if you accidentally knocked over a cup of coffee on the director's desk with important papers.

Branded "Oath".

After the tests, participants receive leaflets with a comic oath of loyalty to the company.

An example of an oath:

“I swear before the God of the gods - Zeus, his wife Hero, the God of trade Hermes and all the gods and goddesses, taking them as witnesses, to fulfill honestly, according to my strength and my understanding, the following obligations:

Refraining from causing any harm and injustice to the client, direct the mode of work to the benefit of the company in accordance with my strength and my understanding.

Pursue your life and your art purely and immaculately.

Whichever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the firm, far from anything deliberate, unfair, and harmful, especially from love affairs with women and men.

Whatever I see or hear about the life of the people and the affairs of the company from what should never be divulged, I will keep silent about that, considering such things a trade secret.

I will not give anyone the destructive means for the business of the company asked of me, and I will not show the way for such a plan.
Presentation of the certificate.

After taking the oath, new employees receive certificates (certificates) that they really are employees of this organization.All employees can pin badges with the logo of the company (the best of all, if the director of the company does it himself) and give souvenirs (notebooks, pens, calendars) with the symbols of the company ...

As a dedication gift, you can order business cards for each new employee with his name and coordinates.

Games for everyone.

Bank account.

The competition can be held both among the management of the company and among all comers. The competition requires a glass jar filled with metal and paper money and sealed (so that the participants do not have the temptation to open the jar, you can seal it with a tin lid). Participants take turns examining the contents of the jar, trying to calculate or guess the amount of money that is in it.

After everyone has named their version of the amount, the bank is opened and the money contained in it is recalculated. The participant who gave the absolutely correct or the most accurate (depending on the initial conditions of the competition) answer gets a prize.


The basis for this game was a scene from the wonderful movie "Office Romance". The heroine, played by Alisa Freundlich, lists all the unpleasant epithets that the hero Myagkov awarded her at the beginning of the story. He tries to refute her, choosing antonyms - complements to each word she calls (not always successfully).

A couple of players, preferably of different genders, are invited to repeat this scene. One of the participants in a fast pace calls various unpleasant epithets (evil, cunning, greedy). Another player tries to come up with pleasant antonyms for each of this epithet (kind, artless, generous). If the second player makes a mistake or pauses too long in the game, he loses and the participants change roles.

Scene for a large corporate party

This Scene is designed for a large company of 20-50 people. It can also be used for a corporate party, or for a closer circle with friends and family.
The room where the holiday will be celebrated can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, Christmas decorations, balloons and posters. Because the decorated room will give guests a sense of celebration.

The New Year's table is, of course, very important, but the guests are not going to spend the whole festive night without leaving it. If the feast and dances diversify a win-win lottery, games, amusements, guests will surely not get bored at your party.

Let each guest receive a new "name" at the entrance: attach a plate with a nickname - "wolf", "phone", "car", "bun" on his back. Anyone can read the name of another, but not know his "name". The main thing is to find out your "name" from the others during the party. All questions can be answered only "yes" - "no". The one who is the first to know his New Year's nickname wins.

Make jelly.

The task of the players is to eat their portion as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks.
Invite guests to tear the newspaper into small pieces with either hand extended forward. The winner is the one who tears as little as possible. You cannot help with the other free hand!
Divide into two teams and, without using your hands, pass the fake thermometer at speed so that it is always under the left armpit.
In a word, have fun for health. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a belief: as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. May fun and prosperity not leave your home on this day and this year, but the best decoration will be a joyful shine in your eyes and a smile.
First, as is customary, they sum up the results and see off the old outgoing year.
Then, to take a break until the New Year itself, you can hold a small eloquence competition among those present at the table.

I wish you...
The host announces a contest for the best wish. It is desirable that all those present take part in this competition, and say two or three words, starting with the words: "I wish you (you) in the New Year ...". The request can be addressed to everyone or to someone separately. And you can make wishes to the neighbor sitting on the right, and so everything in a circle until the turn comes to the first speaker.
With the chimes, a toast is raised to the fulfillment of all desires.
So that the New Year's Eve does not turn into an ordinary gathering, with unnecessarily eaten and drunk, I propose to hold fun and exciting games and contests throughout New Year's Eve that will amuse guests, cheer up and leave memory for many years.

Snow show or the choice of Santa Claus

Only men participate in the snow show. The entire competition is divided into three stages.
All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who get the best snowflakes get prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.
Snowball game
The winners of the first stage continue the game. Each of the participants is given five A4 sheets. Opposite each participant, about 2 meters from him, put a hat on the floor. At the command of the leader, the participants should take sheets of paper with their left hand, crumple them into "snowballs" and throw them into their hat. We do not help with the right hand. Those who turn out to be the fastest and most accurate receive prizes and move on to the next stage.
Ice breath
For this competition, you will need the snowflakes that were cut in the first step. Participants place snowflakes on the floor in front of them. Their task is to blow the snowflake to the specified place at the command of the presenter.
The winner is the competitor whose snowflake was the last to hit the destination. This is due to the fact that this participant had the most "icy breath". The winner is presented with a prize and awarded honorary title Santa Claus for this season. As a title, you can put a cap on your head.
Required props for the competition: scissors, paper, cap, prizes.

Election of the Snow Maiden
After choosing Santa Claus, a competition is announced for the best Snow Maiden of this season. The competition is held in three stages.
Golden pens
The presenter announces that Santa Claus gives gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most expensive thing, that is, a man. Assistants are invited for each participant - men, who will play the role of "gifts", and rolls of toilet paper, which will be the packaging material, are presented. At the command of the host, the participants of the competition begin to “wrap gifts” with toilet paper at their discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the whole action, after which the best "packages" are chosen by a general vote. The winners receive prizes and move on to a new stage of the competition.

Dance while you're young ...
The participants, at the command of the presenter, must dance three dances to the soundtrack: lambada, rock-n-roll and Russian dance. The phonogram is prepared in advance and all the participants of the competition dance at the same time. The best dancers are awarded prizes and move on to the next stage.

Affectionate granddaughter
The designated Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Every compliment must necessarily contain "winter" words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on. The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and the honorary title of Snow Maiden.
Required props: rolls of toilet paper, soundtrack of melodies and prizes.
Now you have Santa Claus and Snegurochka at the holiday, as it should be. So that they do not get bored on New Year's Eve, they can be instructed to distribute gifts and souvenirs to guests and participants of competitions.

After a break for a feast or dance, the host suggests playing the following game:

Rehash about winter.
All comers take turns remembering and singing at least one line from the songs, which contain a mention of winter and everything connected with it. Songs can be for children, adults, Russian folk or contemporary. The participant who sings the most songs gets a prize.
Again a break, after which the time has come to reveal acting talents among those present. For this, all guests are convened for new year performance.

New Year's performance.
Participants are invited, each of whom is assigned roles. It is best to prepare in advance tablets with the names of the roles for this performance and hang them around the neck of the artists, since the performance is played out without costumes.
Characters: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Rogue, Bear, Sparrow, Cuckoo, Mouse, Horse, Oak, Throne, Sun, Window, Curtain.
If there are a lot of people present, then additional roles can be added: Bees, Breeze, Rustle, Horizon, Keg of honey, Rays.
After the roles have been assigned, the facilitator explains the terms of presentation and participation. Artists should play their roles based on what the presenter will read. The most interesting thing is that the artists will not know in advance the content of the production, and all their actions will be a complete improvisation at their discretion. The task of the presenter is to enable the artists to take certain poses depicting the actions that the presenter calls. In the text, such necessary pauses will be indicated by three dots.

So, we begin our presentation, which consists of five actions.

Action one
THE CURTAIN opens ... A spreading OAK stands on the stage ... A light WIND blows its foliage ... Little birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - flutter around the tree ..., birds chirp ..., occasionally they sit on twigs to clean the feathers ... A BEAR waddled past ... He dragged a BARREL WITH HONEY and waved away the BEES ... A gray vole MOUSE was digging a burrow under the OAK ... THE SUN slowly rose above the OAK crown, scattering its RAYS in different directions ... A CURTAIN closing ...

Second action
THE CURTAIN opens ... A THRONE stands on the stage ... The KING enters ... The KING stretches ... goes to the WINDOW. Opening the WINDOW wide, he looks around ... He wipes the tracks left by the birds from the WINDOW ... Sits on the THRONE in thought ... The PRINCESS appears with the footsteps of a doe ... She rushes to the KING's neck ... and kisses him .. and together they slyatsya on the THRONE ... And at this time, a robber prowls under the WINDOW ... He contemplates a plan to capture the PRINCESS ...

Act three
THE CURTAIN opens ... ON THE STAGE A CUT ... THE QUEEN shed tears on the shoulder of the KING ... The KING wipes away an avaricious tear ... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage ... The PRINCE appears ... The KING and QUEEN describe in colors the abduction of the princess ... They stamp their feet ... THE QUEEN falls at the PRINCE's feet and begs to save her daughter ... The PRINCE swears to find his beloved ... He whistles to his faithful HORSE ..., jumps on him ... and runs away ... THE CURTAIN closes ...

Act four
THE CURTAIN opens ... A spreading OAK stands on the stage ... A light WIND blows its foliage ... Little birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - are sleeping on a branch ... Under the OAK, sprawling, lies a BEAR ... A BEAR is sucking a paw ... Occasionally he plunges it into a BARREL OF HONEY ... Hind paw ... But then a terrible noise breaks the peace and quiet. This is the ROBBER dragging the PRINCESS ... The animals scatter in horror ... The robber ties the PRINCESS to the OAK ... SHE cries and begs for mercy ... But then the PRINCE appears on her dashing horse ... A fight ensues between the PRINCE and the ROBBERY .. With one short blow, the PRINCE defeats the THROUGH ... the GRILL under the OAK gives an oak ... The PRINCE unties his beloved from the OAK ... Putting the PRINCESS on the HORSE ... he jumps himself ... And they rush to the palace ... The CURTAIN is closed. ..

Fifth action
THE CURTAIN opens ... On the stage the KING and QUEEN are waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOW ... The SUN has already set behind the HORIZON ... And then the PARENTS see in the WINDOW the familiar silhouettes of the PRINCE and PRINCESS on a HORSE ... PARENTS jump out into the yard ... CHILDREN fall at PARENTS 'feet ... and ask for blessings ... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding ... THE CURTAIN is closing ...
We invite all artists to bow.

Next, I will give you a few more contests that your guests will definitely like. You can add something of your own. You can use various sweets, soft toys, lottery tickets, New Year's attributes, etc. as prizes.

Candlelight ball
When the guests and household members are already tired of the New Year's impressions and want to relax, it's time to light candles and turn on slow, calm music. Let the soft, wavering flame of the candle replace the bright light of the chandelier and plunge you into the poetry of twilight and the mysteries of New Year's Eve. It's time to dream, to make a guess cherished desire, tell fortunes ... Let everyone choose their own cherished candle - an elegant white, red, pink ... And all the guests plunge into the festive and uniquely romantic atmosphere of candlelight dancing!

Help the owners
The hosts, on whose territory the New Year is being celebrated, scatter pieces of newspaper and paper on the floor with a wide gesture. Participants are invited to help the hosts collect all the trash. But it is necessary to collect it for a reason, but in the container offered by the host, for example, in a bottle of champagne. Whoever is the first to cope with the task becomes the winner.
Required props: paper or newspaper, champagne bottles.

Thinking out loud
Everyone is welcome. Participants should take turns trying to reach their heels without bending their knees. In this case, the presenter writes on a piece of paper everything that each of the participants says, trying to reach the heel. If the participant is silent during the assignment, the facilitator can ask leading questions, for example, "What are you feeling now?", "What are your feelings?" etc.
After everyone tried to reach the heel, the presenter makes an announcement: "Dear friends, and now we find out what our respected (name) said during (event or action)." Any event can be selected, for example, wedding night, birth, first conversation with mother-in-law, morning with a hangover, etc. And the participants are listed and who pronounced which of them during the assignment.

Ear, nose and two hands
This competition can be held sitting at a table. Everyone is encouraged to grasp the tip of the nose with their left hand and the left earlobe with their right hand. By clapping the leader, it is necessary to change the position of the hands, that is, with the left hand, grab the lobe of the right ear, and with the right hand, the nose. At first, the intervals between claps are long, and then the facilitator increases the pace of the game, and the intervals between claps become smaller and smaller. The winner is the one who held out the longest and did not get entangled in the hands, noses and ears.

Creative duo
Several couples are invited. A sheet of Whatman paper is spread in front of each pair, and felt-tip pens are given out. One of the members of the pair is blindfolded, and the second member of the pair will have to guide the hand to the painter when he draws the picture. You can come up with any picture on new year theme, eg, christmas tree, snowman, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, etc.
At the command of the presenter, all couples simultaneously begin to draw. The winner is the couple with the best and funniest picture drawn.
Required props: Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, blindfolds.

Anyone who is present can take part in this competition. All comers are given balloons and are invited to "open" a new planet, that is, to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible. Further, it is proposed to "populate" the planet as quickly as possible, that is, draw little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. The winner is the one who has as many "inhabitants" as possible on the "planet".
Required props: balloons, felt-tip pens.

Dress up the Christmas tree
All those wishing to participate in the competition are divided into two teams. They are given two sheets of Whatman paper with Christmas trees painted on them. "Decorations" are laid out on the table: drawings cut out of paper along the contour of objects with glued pieces of scotch tape, which would be convenient to stick to the Christmas tree. As drawings, you can make both Christmas tree decorations and any other items: dishes, clothes and shoes, etc. Blindfolded players touch ornaments and hang them on the tree. The winner is the team that is the first to hang more "correct" decorations on the tree in the allotted time.
Required props: Whatman paper, jewelry, blindfolds.

Scene for a corporate party outdoors - Knight Tournament

You will find yourself in the legendary era of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. You will pass the initiation ceremony, become participants in knightly competitions, take part in crossbow and bow shooting, in the competition for chopping up cabbage and throwing a javelin at a distance. Along with the marvelous sounds of medieval melodies at the feast, you will taste ale and wild boar roasted whole on a spit.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Beach Olympics

This is a way to actively and excitingly spend time outdoors. The Olympics program will include badminton, volleyball, mini-football, hula-hoop, petanque and archery. The Olympiad will end with the ceremony of awarding the winners with cups and medals.

On this beautiful summer day, you will become participants in exciting contests: summer defile, body art, dance show, bartender show and choose the most stylish and bright employees of your company in the beauty contest.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Forest relay

This is an exciting program with contests: obstacle course, first aid, compass orientation, archery, Forest cook, building a hut.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Beach extreme

Extreme entertainment awaits you: quad bikes and aquabikes, running on water in zorbs, a paintball shooting range with live targets.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Pirates of the Gulf of Finland

John Silver and his merry company will initiate you into pirates, help you collect an old map and find treasure, compete with you in throwing knives and teach you pirate songs.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Beach Carnival

Bright summer outfits, bartender shows, fiery dances on the sand, salsa master classes, exotic cocktail tasting, fire shows and fun contests.

Scene for a corporate party outdoors - Robinsons

Survival on a desert island. Search for tools and provisions from a sunken ship, make fire, build a shack, fight with cannibal savages.

Scene for a corporate party outdoors - Tourfest

Waiting for you: preparing firewood, lighting a fire with one match, making forest souvenirs, forest cooking, setting up a tent at speed and songs around the fire.

Scene for a corporate party in nature - Real Indians

You have to learn the Indian ritual dance, make war paint, build a totem. You will learn to shoot accurately from a bow, throw a lasso, throw tomahawks. At the end of difficult trials, a pipe of peace is smoked.

Scene for a corporate event in nature - Partisan detachment

Fight against fascists, shooting at a shooting range, throwing knives, orienteering, field kitchen, celebration of victory with a festive disco and fireworks.

Scene for a corporate party outdoors - Pioneer summer

Solemn lineup and raising the flag, welcome words from the head of the camp, participation in fun contests, the game "Zarnitsa", pioneerball, a fire in a forest glade, a disco and fireworks.

Therefore, at least once a week, he wrote to Prazhskaya Gazeta detailed reports on who had come to Nizhnie Bukvichki during these seven days and what new matches old Klapzub had agreed on. If any historian decides to write more detailed and more scientific history Klapzubov than ours, he in his work will not be able to do without these correspondence in the "Prazhskaya Gazeta". And this time the teacher immediately sat down at the table and wrote his usual message in calligraphic handwriting:
“Lower Bukvichki. A friend of our newspaper writes to us: “Our modest village of Nizhnie Bukvichki near Kourzkim is becoming an arena for, so to speak, historical events. As the general public knows, the Czech people became famous all over the world for their skill in the game called football, which is home to England. In this so-called football (it would be more correct to say "football"), where players are required to have great physical endurance, the team of the Klapzub family, called the Klapzub Sports Club, occupies an outstanding place. With genuine Hussite courage, Klapzuba's team fought for world fame. With bated breath, the wide Czech public watched her successes, especially we, the inhabitants of Nizhnie Bukvichek near Kourzhim, because only Nizhnie Bukvichek near Kourzhim can boast that under their thatched roofs were the cradles of the players of this outstanding team. It is with pain in our hearts that we inform the wide Czech public that the Klapzuba team has decided to abandon the further game of football and engage in civic activities. In the coming days, the shining steel of a ploughshare will cut into the virgin soil of the Klapzubop sports ground in Nizhniye Bukvichki near Kourzhim, so that the loosened soil will take seeds into its fold and yield a harvest by the end of the year. This somewhat symbolic act marks the end of Klapzuba's team; but we, the inhabitants of Nizhnie Bukvichek near Kourjim, will cordially welcome them into our midst and as ordinary citizens, not forgetting that they, with their hard work and courageous work, as well as the hospitality shown in their time to His Majesty, the Prince of England, brought unfading good glory to the Lower The little letters at Kourzhim and from that time on, the words of the Gospel rightfully belong to them: And you, Nizhniye Little letters at Kourzhim, are "no less than the voivodships of Judah"
The editors of Prazhskaya Gazeta did not even anticipate what sensation it would cause with this message. He was quoted by all the evening newspapers, the news agencies sent the news all over the world, and the next day all sporting Europe was agitated and excited about the impending liquidation of Klapzuba's team. On the other hand, there were London reports about the team's meeting with Australia, about the world championship - in a word, the letter from teacher Jarushka caused a big commotion. The consequences of all this made themselves felt in the Lower Bookvich post office. The old postman Mazukha ran with telegrams and urgent letters to the Klapzubs from early morning until late at night. Outstanding athletes, chairmen of large clubs and unions, journalists and public figures asked to send them an invitation on the day when the Klapzubovites would plow their sports ground. It was obvious that everyone considered this event a historic milestone in European sorts, and old Klapzuba was right when, piling up a heap of hurried correspondence, he said:
“Damn Europe, it's not so easy to get rid of it!
The next day, several people arrived from Prague, and in the end it became clear that you like it or not, and the plowing of the sports ground should be turned into a big state and international holiday... The Olympic Committee immediately established a special preparatory commission. The old veterans Kadya and Vanik were asked to make solemn speeches, and when the Ministry of Education sent a special representative V.V.Shtekh to the commission, it turned out that all the persons necessary for successful holding 1<»ржеств, были в сборе.

In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team holds corporate events on the occasion of the company's birthday, professional holiday, especially a successful contract, etc. Usually such events are organized in the form of a buffet table with congratulations from the management and performances of invited creative teams.

But, if there is a desire to arrange an evening with a game program and honoring employees, then this scenario of a corporate party "Let's say compliments to each other"would be very appropriate. The script contains entertainment, team games that unite the entire team and create an upbeat mood for everyone.

Scenario of a corporate party.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: Good evening, gentlemen! Wonderful words, aren't they! And they are the best fit for our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. Indeed, in our age of high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts go into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with friends, meetings around the fire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live in a constant deficit of warmth, attention and normal human involvement. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficit and to recharge with its positive energy for the future!

Game for acquaintance and rallying of guests "Truth in the ball"

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company at)

Toast to rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of comic nominations to employees.

Leading:Based on the results of this survey and the questionnaire survey, which was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (look Option 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as they say, "the awards have found their heroes." And tell me, apart from thunderous applause and solemn fanfare, any celebration usually accompanies?

The players respond.

Leading: Of course, the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets was not prepared, then we will collect it right here.

Team game "Bouquet-song collage"

This game is suitable for mass coverage of guests, since here we will "collect" bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and offer them to collect a bunch of "flowers", that is, to recruit colleagues for their team, dressed in a certain color of clothing: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. teams can be unequal in number - not scary. The important thing is how they are able to show their talents. But first, let the presenter tell you briefly what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the Green team how they are doing with hope and health, and so on. then the teams receive one paper chamomile, on the petals of which on the back are written lines from poems and songs, where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of fragments for the team "color" dance. The teams decide for themselves who reads the verse, who sings, but the dance to the song, where their color is mentioned, they all perform together (the music is put on by the DJ). Thus, each team gives its own little concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Play with the audience "Let's say compliments"

Host: As we see, flowers are indeed a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men speak adjectives characterizing women with the letter "Zh", and women praise men with the letter "M". The last one with the answer wins.

Leading:You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently, they have more experience, and maybe fantasies, After all, when a man seeks the location of a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you endow the ideal woman with in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the presenter literally grasps the word "weak".

Leading:Well, since a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, is the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's dream up! You, strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic ?!

Of course, men start to fantasize. In this case, the presenter should work not just as a commentator, but make sure that the ladies present also express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the band.

Leading: How beautiful men are as wizards, aren't they, ladies! Let's reward them for their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, then you can kiss on the cheek! However, I dare to remind you that the main purpose of our evening is “to compliment each other”! Therefore, I am declaring a "compliment auction"! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or a woman declares his love.

For example, singing compliments. The female half of the audience suggests: "Oh, what a man was, a real colonel." And the man's answers: "Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart ..."

If the audience is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then carry out this option as well:

Men: "I loved you silently, hopelessly ...". The ladies do not remain in debt and quotes Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for the fact that you do not know me yourself! - so love! ... ". The one who utters the last compliment will win.

Here you should not rush the people, on the contrary, stock up on tips and stimulate guests to as many quotes as possible. For those who remembered the most beautiful or witty quotes, you can present small gifts.

Leading:Isn't it true, poetry tunes our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar effect on us. It is not for nothing that these two manifestations of human sensitivity get along so well with each other and give rise to a song.

Concert number - a love song sounds.

Corporate drinking chant "Let's be happy ?! Hurray!"

Leading:Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant minutes, haven't they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness ?! I propose to do it in accordance with the rules of corporate ethics: amicably and with enthusiasm. I read the quatrain, and after my words "Let's be happy" you all shout loudly: "Hurray!"

Leading: Let them accompany everywhere

Fair winds for us!

May love keep us warm

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading:May with us this evening

There will be kind words!

We do not mind, glad to meet you

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading:Let time run, rejoicing

After all, now is the time!

Games, dances, kisses.

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading:We wish everyone to have fun

Until the morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy ...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Amusing photo session "Share your smile".

Leading: How much you smiled now and this is the best result that I could count on as a presenter. Let's run the “Smiling Contest”! the conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more sincere! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was only a rehearsal, the real competition will only begin now. And it will be an express photo contest for the charming smile itself.

(For the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children's photos with funny facial expressions - different, one for each participant, a projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat the facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made of all the photos and shown to everyone the audience chooses the best.)

Scene for a corporate event in the IT company "Dialogue at the Monitor"

Cool corporate party scenario. The goal of any corporate party is not only a fun pastime, but also team building, as well as the opportunity to get to know each other better, or maybe even show one of your strengths. In fact, a corporate event is an element of employee motivation, during which everyone will feel their importance, allowing them to reach a new level of efficiency on working days. But, in order for the holiday to be a success, a cool corporate party scenario is very necessary, ideally suited to all party participants, skillfully combining contests, gastronomic breaks and an entertainment program.

Warming up the company

The party has just begun, and not everyone feels at ease, especially since the glasses of wine have just been filled. It's time to call the presenter, who will prepare a text-wish for all employees in advance. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe text can be any and designed in the form of a toast, but with one addition: the text will lack a certain number of words that colleagues at work should come up with. Employees do not need to know about the existence of the text, since this is a surprise that will become available in a few moments.

Of course, you can limit your colleagues so that the invented words are positive, carry positive emotions, although all this is individual, since perhaps your team needs its own set of words. Now have colleagues shout out the missing words, and the facilitator or his assistant writes them in the places where the words are missing.

So here's the text itself:

Dear friends! Let your life be ... and your wives .... Let your children never have ..., but the neighbors will surely have .... Your boss will give you ..., and your colleagues will become .... This corporate is the most wonderful ... and your life is fun and .... So let's raise our glasses and drink to ... and so that what we have drunk will become our talisman in life and work!

As a result, the boss can become sexy, and the colleagues more glamorous, the chaotic life, and the wives funny. It all depends on the words and creativity of the participants!


Of course, for holding an event and preparing a script, you must take into account:

  • number of participants;
  • age;
  • preferences;
  • opportunities;
  • budget.

Agree, it will not be very appropriate to offer to participate in a competition, with elements of physical education, to elderly representatives of the accounting department, or to force them to undress to the boss's underwear. So, ideally, before the celebration, conduct a small survey among colleagues or study more closely and take a closer look at their preferences.

Paintball - get your adrenaline rush

Paintball is a great team game, perfect for a young and active team that prefers not to sit still.

Of course, for this, you will have to hire a bus and take your work colleagues to nature or specially equipped sites, but the result is worth it. Fresh air, adrenaline rush, mutual assistance and victory, what more could you want from a game in which there are no losers? Well, if you skillfully combine the hours-long battle with balls with paints and refreshments in the fresh air at the end of the evening, then a corporate evening will be unforgettable!

Party with a glass of wine and an easel

This cool script for a corporate party at work will appeal to everyone, without exception, as it combines a fun and accessible pastime and mastering the creative basics.

For the party, you will need a room and tables, on which small easels will be installed, glasses of wine, which will be regularly updated by assistants and musical accompaniment. Of course, no one expects super skills in artistic skill, since drawing to the groovy disco music is more likely aimed at raising the mood. The presenter only needs to voice what exactly we are drawing. It can be a simple landscape or a cartoon of a work colleague. As a result, all participants take home a drawing or solemnly exchange them to strengthen friendly relations.

Themed parties

It would be a great idea to hold a corporate party, where all participants will be present in costumes that match the same theme.

It can be an era, movie characters, fairytale characters, or even a party a la animals. Just imagine Captain Flint or a robot, Spider-Man or the Hobbit entering the office. You can add piquancy and intrigue with the help of masks, which will add mystery to the atmosphere. It will be most interesting if you do not immediately succeed in recognizing your boss or work colleague, and when the secret is revealed, you may be able to reveal an unrecognized person from a new side.

In themed parties, the main thing is to surprise not only those around you, but also to try yourself in a new role. Gangsters of the 30s with Thomson's guns and cigars, ladies in matching evening dresses, space outfits or a Robinson Crusoe-style party. This is only a small part of what the team will be able to reveal from new and most unexpected sides.

Important. If the organizer of the corporate event is the boss himself, then it is worth remembering that during the fun, you can see your employees from new sides and reveal strong personalities. It would seem an innocent competition, but the winners can lead departments and take the concept of working capacity to a new level. So you should carefully select contests and entertainment, as the success and prosperity of the organization in the future depends on this.

We unite and liberate the team

Remember that contests should be accessible to everyone. It should not happen that someone, due to their physical or moral limitations, will not be able to take part. Put everyone in a circle, turn on funny music and announce a game called "We all have ...".

Participants, dancing to move in a circle, and at this time the presenter loudly cries out: "We all have hands!", After which all those present join hands and continue to spin. As soon as the turn of the dance is over, the host continues: "We all have necks!" The participants take each other by the necks and continue the round dance. "We all have ears!" Usually at this moment smiles appear, and laughter begins to be heard, well, then it all depends on the leader's imagination and the patience of the participants. Of course, we recommend avoiding spicy moments in advance that can embarrass a person, and concentrate better on the fun.

Best Dance Couple

All male-female couples can take part. A ball is tied to the girls' ankles, and the couple themselves must dance without interruption. The goal is to save the partner's ball and at the same time burst the ball on someone else's ankle. The main condition is not to stop dancing. The winner of the competition is the couple who managed to keep the ball intact. In order to make the competition even more fun, it is best to constantly change the music to which you need to dance, now accelerating, then slowing down the pace.

You can also add dances on the "ice floe" to dance competitions, in which you have to dance on a newspaper without stepping outside of it with your feet. After a certain time, the newspaper folds in half, and the dancing continues. The winner is the couple that was able to dance on the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe "ice".

Fill a glass

Only men should participate in this competition, but this does not mean that if any of the ladies present volunteers to take part, then she should be refused. The conditions are simple and will surely cause a storm of delight. Participants are given bottles of water, and empty glasses are set at a certain distance. The task, holding the bottle between your legs, run or walk in any way and fill the glass. The winner is the one who does it in the end and looks neater than the other participants.

Remember that corporate is not only endless contests! Most of those present, of course, will gladly take part in them, but they came to dance and just relax. So make the right timing of the party, skillfully alternating toasts, raising glasses, contests and dances!

Fun fishing

Those who wish are invited, to whose belt a thread with any weight is tied. The weight should hang between your legs at knee level. Everyone stands in a circle and leads a round dance. Glasses are placed not far from each of the participants. As soon as the leader's signal is heard, everyone runs to the nearest glass and tries to hit the glass with a weight without using hands. Whoever did it last is eliminated, and the participants continue a cheerful dance with elements of fishing.


Any number of interested persons are invited to whom the task "find an object" is given. For example, the presenter signals to find an empty glass, candy wrapper, or a sock. Whoever copes, he goes to the next round, and the one who does not have time to drop out. Gradually, the speed of the game will increase and you can add not find an item, but exchange the items already received for more profitable ones. The winner can be not only the one who coped the fastest, but also the one who has the most expensive set of items. Keep in mind that expensive should be relative.

Comic auction

At the end of the evening, you can hold a funny auction, which is known to many as "Puss in a poke!" The idea is not new, but it is always accepted with a bang!

Items that will be raffled are placed in a bag or box in advance, and the host himself must present the lot. In this case, it is not at all necessary to “sell” lots for money. Ideally assign an amount and an alternative, such as 20 squats or a fun dance. After the lot is purchased, the winner receives a mysterious gift.

Options for lots and presentations

  • Not a single feast is complete without this item! The winner gets the salt.
  • Sweet, without vitamins, interfering with expressing your thoughts. Solemn presentation of the Chupa Chups.
  • Something small, which after a series of efforts will become large! The winner becomes the proud owner of an inflatable ball.
  • Lot for those who want to leave a bright mark in their lives! The intrigued customer will receive a set of crayons!
  • The most important attribute of a modern person! A roll of toilet paper is handed over to a friendly laugh.
  • Happiness for a few minutes! Sold a box of chocolates.
  • An effective simulator for creating a bad mine with a good game! While everyone is figuring out where the mistake was made, a lemon is handed over.

So, corporate is fun and interesting! Fun brings together and helps to open up. So think about the upcoming parties in advance and the celebration will not only succeed, but will also bring new emotions to your team that you did not even know about. Don't forget to reward the participants with prizes, of course. These can be the most elementary magnets or pens with notebooks, because the main thing is attention! Have a nice corporate evenings!


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