Benefits of an internet showcase. What is "remove unique identifiers"

IN modern world, in the information age, when technological progress is becoming more and more important for society, in no sphere of society's life can one do without digital technologies... Trade was no exception, in particular Internet showcase.

Today, an increasing number of businessmen, manufacturers and sellers of various goods are paying significant attention to the promotion and advertising of their products and services through global network The Internet. The positive experience of creating their own electronic representations of a huge number of companies indicates obvious benefit work of various commercial structures on the Internet.

Most successful companies that make huge off-chain profits seek to expand their sphere of influence and also attract the attention of a huge audience of Internet users to their product or service. Usually, for these purposes, special corporate sites are created - representations of companies on the network, as well as online stores and Internet showcases.

Corporate sites are designed to tell potential clients and investors of a company as much information as possible about it: who and when the company was founded, what it does, what certificates it has, with whom it works, what services it offers and on the basis of which documents it concludes a cooperation agreement.

Online stores serve for retail (less often wholesale) sale of various goods and contain pages with color photographs, descriptions for each product, a special "basket" option - for buying goods and placing an order, plus a feedback form - to clarify the points that are not clear to the buyer work with the site, questions about goods, terms of sale and delivery.

Internet showcases are generally similar in their functions to online stores and corporate websites representing companies on the Internet, but they do not contain online sales functions.

Internet showcases have two functions at once: firstly, they serve to advertise goods and services, i.e. they perform commercial function, and secondly, they work as a mini-representation of the company on the Internet, the purpose of which is to provide customers with information about the company and its activities, that is, they perform an image function.

The implementation of these functions determines the special structure of building the site of the Internet showcase. The site of such an electronic showcase provides such sections as: "about the company", "news", "forum", "gallery", "reviews", "contacts" - these are the sections that are usually present on most corporate sites, but at the same time the Internet showcase also has sections specific to the store, for example: "products", "catalog", "place an order", "basket", etc.

The presence of certain sections on each specific site of the Internet showcase depends on the wishes of the customer for whom such a site is being made, as well as on the specifics of the work of his company, the products being promoted, the preferred methods of advertising and sales, etc.

The online showcase can have any design depending on the wishes of its owners. The main thing that must be present is a well-designed, convenient for long-term viewing (decorated in colors that are pleasant and not tiring to the eyes), a product catalog and an attractive appearance of all product cards.

An indispensable condition for development Internet showcases Is a mandatory website design in the general corporate style of each specific company, for which a similar site is being created. Failure to comply with this requirement negatively affects the implementation of the image function of the Internet showcase.

What is an Internet Showcase? updated: December 3, 2018 by: All for individual entrepreneurs

The next organization option retail in the Internet - web showcase.

On pages internet showcases information about the company, catalogs of products (services), price lists for them and the application form are posted. IN internet showcase you can publish company news, additional information about manufacturers, advice, analytical reviews, etc. Such a site, in comparison with traditional sources, provides more complete information about goods and services.

Among online storefronts the following varieties can be distinguished:

Static internet showcase based on regular HTML files;

Dynamic internet showcase displaying information from some database.

Along with participation in electronic shopping mall, this is the least expensive solution, however internet showcase,unlike the shopping mall, it does not provide a full sales cycle, including interactive procedures for invoicing, receiving payments, tracking order fulfillment, etc.

Principle of operation internet showcases based on the collection of preliminary applications with their subsequent implementation. This is the principle used, for example, on websites that specialize in the sale of limited-demand goods (such as art objects). The main problem for the seller is the need to guarantee the potential customer the fulfillment of the order on pre-agreed terms. The buyer runs the risk of receiving the selected product or service with a delay (or not at all).

A distinctive feature of this business model is the implementation of the purchase and sale process in several stages. First, the seller collects applications, then asks the supplier for the terms and conditions of order execution, and then informs about it potential clients (usually with email) and finally, if they agree, ensures the delivery of the goods.

From the point of view of sellers internet showcase and online store differ quite significantly. Internet showcase costs trading companies inexpensive, however, it has significant disadvantages:

1) does not allow you to automate trading from a real warehouse;

2) does not allow to reduce the staff of selling companies and their operating costs;

3) there is no flexibility in managing trade processes and organizing marketing campaigns.

All buyers requests in internet showcase do not enter automated system processing orders as in e-shop , but to sales managers. Further business processes internet showcases completely replicate the business processes of a traditional retail enterprise. In this case, there is no possibility of a real reduction in the level of operating costs, profitability web showcases little different from the profitability of conventional trading methods. The main feature of this form of online commerce is interaction processes web showcases with the internal business process of the company are carried out manually by managers (in Figure 29 this is shown by the corresponding arrows).

Thus, an online showcase is only a tool for attracting a buyer, an interface for interacting with him and carrying out marketing activities. The creation of online storefronts is advisable for organizations selling specialized, complexly assembled goods: industrial equipment, special vehicles or firms manufacturing products to order.

Online showcase from Admitad Goods.

Internet showcase from Admitad Goods - the most fast and easy way create an affiliate online store... Earlier in my blog, I have already published articles on the creation of an affiliate online store and a regular online store on the CMS engine of the WordPress system. These articles are:

Then it seemed to me that more easy way it is impossible to create an affiliate online store, but recently a new plugin from the aggregator has appeared affiliate programs Admitad. After the appearance of this plugin, I realized that every student can create a partner online store and we urgently need to take the opportunity to be one of the first in its implementation. Moreover, no money is needed to create it.

3 steps to create an affiliate online store.

  1. Install CMS WordPress:An online showcase from Admitad is installed on a website with a CMS system WordPress. In my earlier articles (see above), I have already covered the WordPress installation process.
  2. Register in the Admitad system and add your site there, i.e. your site.
  3. Connect the Admitad Goods app to your site on the Admitad website, download the plugin, install it on your website and configure it. A detailed video on installing and configuring the plugin is presented below.

Benefits of an internet showcase.

If you have tried to create an affiliate online store through the WooCommerce plugin, then you know that creating a database of affiliate products is a rather long process with many repeated steps. Offered online showcase from Admitad Goods takes over the creation of the product shell, that is, its name, photo, price and a link to the partner online store. All you have to do is select the products that you want to add to your storefront, as well as add a unique product description to search engines better indexed pages from your site.

I would also like to emphasize that this plugin has the ability to update product data, which means that you will always have actual information ... This is especially true of the price and availability of a particular product.

As a result, we have powerful tool, with which we can create our own partner online store absolutely free (only the domain and hosting for the site itself are purchased) in minutes (with a unique description of goods longer), which can become the same automated money making machine while you are relaxing somewhere by the sea. I don’t know about you, but I have already started to create a new affiliate online store using the plugin from

The online storefront represents the settings and parameters of the exchange with the web service of the online store. There can be one or more Internet showcases.

How to create an online showcase

In order to add an online storefront, go to the "Online Storefronts" section, which is located on the right in the "M-IT: Online Store Management" exchange module. A window with online storefronts will appear on the screen. To add a new online storefront, click on the "Add" button. A form for creating an online storefront will appear on the screen.

Figure: one

The form consists of several tabs available for editing:

The main

The main functional elements internet showcases.

Showcase is active

This function allows you to carry out / not to carry out data exchange between 1C and the Internet showcase. If you want the site nomenclature data to be uploaded to the online storefront, check the box next to the "Showcase is active" field.


The template can only be filled in at creation new showcase... If you specify a template when creating a new storefront, the created storefront will be subordinate to the template storefront. All categories and products that are in the nomenclature of the template will be uploaded to the subordinate storefronts.

Note. The exchange module also has the ability to upload an item to only one storefront. See how to upload goods from 1C to the site.

Figure: 2


The name of the online store is indicated, for example, "Showcase # 1" or "moi-magazin".

Showcase address

The URL of the web service of the current showcase on the Internet. Consists of the URL of the online store and the path to the service.

Example:, where is the domain name of an online store, and 1cgw is the path to the service.

The organization

A list of organizations that use (or will use) the exchange with the current online storefront is presented.


Available warehouses of the current online showcase from which the product (service) will be deducted.


Additional parameters of the storefront, which include: types of item prices, product statuses, operators who work with this online storefront, setting pictures, setting up deferred unloading, setting security.

Figure: 3

Item price type

The item price type is assigned, which will be used by default. For example, " Retail price".

Item status with zero stock

Indicates the status for the item out of stock, for example: "out of stock". On the "OpenCart" side in the exchange module settings, there is a similar field where you can specify the correspondence of the order statuses on the website and in 1C. On the OpenCart side, this parameter is located at: Add-ons - Modules - M-IT: Exchange 1C - Product parameters.

Figure: 4


An operator is assigned in 1C, who will be assigned to work with this Internet showcase.

Use transliteration of picture names

The function allows you to change Cyrillic names of pictures to Latin ones.

For example, if the folder with product images on the local computer contains files with Cyrillic names ("product1.jpg", "product2.jpg"), then when using the transliteration function, the image names can be as follows: "tovar1.jpg", "tovar2. jpg ".

Always use delayed unload

The function sets by default the transfer of a job for unloading to the pending list. Delayed upload is necessary when there is no internet connection. When the Internet connection is restored, the uploading of data to the storefront of the online store will be activated, i.e. the task in the deferred list will be automatically implemented.

Note. If the database is server-based, then the goods will be uploaded to the site automatically when an Internet connection appears. If not a server room, then the item will need to be unloaded again.


This parameter is a two-way configurable connection between the security settings of the online storefront in 1C and the security settings of the online storefront on the site in the "M-IT: Exchange 1C" module. Security parameters are logged first in 1C: exchange module identifier, username and password. Further, these data are indicated in the appropriate fields on the side of the online store in the " M-IT: Exchange 1C"on the Security tab.

For information on how to configure the security settings of the online storefront, see.

Exchange module identifier

An online storefront key is generated for safe upload to the site. In order to generate a key, click on the "Generate" button. The key is usually 36 characters long.

In order to further upload data from 1C to the site, you need to specify the generated identifier on the side of the online store in the exchange module.

Note. If on the 1C side also in the security settings for this Internet storefront, " Username"and" Password", then the same values \u200b\u200bmust be specified on the side of the online store along with the identifier.

Figure: five

Setting options

In the updated functionality of the "M-IT: UIM" module, it is possible to compare additional details of the item type with the characteristics of the site item options. Read more about the site nomenclature options.

Clients and orders

This tab specifies the correspondence of address fields for customer cards in OpenCart and 1C, as well as the correspondence of the name of the order details. The correspondence of address fields is necessary when, for example, it is necessary to distinguish between the client's delivery address and his actual residence address, which is indicated on the "OpenCart" side.

  • Actual address - the correspondence of the field "Actual address" in the client card on the "OpenCart" side and on the 1C side.
  • Delivery address - the correspondence of the "Delivery address" field in the client card on the "OpenCart" side and on the 1C side.

In order to specify an additional field with an address in the client card on the 1C side, for example, "Delivery address", open the section "Administration" - "General settings" - "Types of contact information". For the line "Contacts directory" Partners "" create an additional value "Delivery address". Fill in the form for creating a new type of contact information: in the "Type" field, enter "Address", in the "Name" field, enter the name of the type of contact information (Delivery address). A new field "Delivery address" will appear on the customer card.

Figure: 6

Figure: 6

  • Order number in OpenCart - the name of the additional requisite for OpenCart orders in the 1C order card. Those. to fill in this field, you need to create an additional variable in 1C, for example, "Order number in OpenCart". IN this group additional details will be loaded with values \u200b\u200b(order numbers) from "OpenCart".

    To create a value, open the section "Administration - General settings - Sets of additional requisites and information". Find and open the document "Customer orders", click "Pick". Next, in the form for selecting details, click on the "Create" button. In the form for creating the requisite, specify the name, for example, "Order number in OpenCart". In the "Value type" line specify "Number" (it is preferable to specify "0" value in the "Precision" line). Then click "Burn and Close".

Figure: 7

This section displays a list of order statuses available in the administrative panel of the online store.

Note. If in the "General settings" section there is no check mark opposite the line with the synchronization of order statuses in 1C and the online store, then this tab will be absent in the card of the online storefront.

Get order statuses from the site

With this function, it is possible to display a list of order statuses from the website of the online store. The list with order statuses is active for editing, which allows you to set the necessary matches.

Deletion flag status

The deletion flag status allows you to select one of the order statuses of the online store, which will be sent to the site if the order is marked for deletion in 1C.

Figure: 8

Delivery types

Comparative data on the types of deliveries available in the online store and the corresponding types of deliveries in the 1C nomenclature, which will be added to the order if the price is not zero.

Note. If in the section "General settings" there is no check mark opposite the line "Delivery of orders", then this tab will be absent in the card of the online storefront.

Get types of deliveries from the site

The function allows you to display a list of delivery types available in the online store for a given storefront. The list of delivery types is active for editing, which allows you to set the necessary matches.

Figure: nine

Ways of payment

Comparative data on the payment methods available in the online store and the corresponding payment methods in the 1C nomenclature, which will be added to the order if the price is not zero.

Note. If in the section "General settings" there is no check mark opposite the line "Methods of payment for orders", then this tab will be absent in the card of the online storefront.

Get payment types from the site

The function allows you to display a list of payment types available in the online store for a given storefront. The list of wage types is active for editing, which allows you to set the necessary matches.

Figure: ten

What is "unique identifier removal"?

Figure: eleven

The removal of unique identifiers is necessary when categories, products, customers or orders have already been uploaded from 1C to the website of the online store, but then they were deleted on the side of the online store.

For example, the category “Clothes” with several products was uploaded from 1C to the website of an online store, their identifiers in 1C and on the store's website will be the same, for example, “Product 1” with ID 23, “Product 2” with ID 24 and “Product 3 ”with ID 25. After these products were deleted on the side of the store, their identifiers were also deleted, BUT only on the side of the online store, i.e. on the 1C side, old IDs will be assigned to them.

If you leave the old product IDs on the 1C side, then with a new upload of goods to the website of the online store, the connections between the ID in 1C and the ID on the online store will be created incorrectly, which may complicate further work with the exchange module.

Thus, if on the side of the online store the products, categories, customers, orders associated with the storefront have been deleted, then on the 1C side in the storefront settings, you must also delete the storefront identifiers.

Showcase editing

To change an existing online storefront in the list, left-click on the storefront name and in the command line select " Edit". Or right-click on the storefront name and in the drop-down menu select" Edit".

After the showcase has been created, you can start forming the site's nomenclature.

Back to Up

From the first days of work, we were pleasantly surprised at how quickly and efficiently the assigned tasks were carried out, the material was corrected and the most optimal solutions were proposed. I would especially like to note and sincerely thank Evgeny Kotkov, who won us over with his attention, sensitive attitude, professionalism and efficient work.

Territorial organization of the trade union of urban organizations of the city of Novouralsk

Internet furniture store "Style +"

We express our gratitude to the team of TKS LLC, in particular to the project manager Evgeny Kotkov, for their professional and responsible attitude to work. We are committed to further cooperation.

LLC "GostStroy"

We decided to choose Technology LLC as the site developer for our company. Consulting. Service, and were satisfied with our fruitful cooperation. The work on the development of the site was carried out on time and in accordance with our wishes.

Online store second-hand and stock "SONA SHOP"

Professional approach to working with a customer! Courtesy, attentiveness, feedback. Real, not fictitious, efficiency of order execution. I am pleased with the work with the "Technology Consulting Service" company represented by Evgeny Kotkov at all stages of cooperation. And, of course, I am satisfied with the redesign and promotion result.

Dolce Vita LLC

We express our gratitude to the company "Technology. Consulting. Service" for the comprehensive work on our website. TKS LLC specialists not only developed the project from the very beginning, but also significantly increased its popularity on the Internet. Our site got into the TOP-10 of search engine results.

Photo studio "PHOTO KLASS"

We needed to develop a second site for our business. We made our first website in the TKS company, we were very satisfied. We didn't even doubt that the site would be made quickly and efficiently. Little things that I wanted to change at the last stage were finalized instantly! Thank you very much for your work, we recommend your company to everyone!

Foundation "NTSRP"

The management of the NTsRP Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude and gratitude to the staff of TKS LLC for the development of the Foundation's corporate website. All our wishes for the site's functionality were taken into account and implemented on time.

Boston Terrier kennel "Vento Solare"

The site was made promptly and on decent level... Website design is balanced and harmonious. We are pleased with our cooperation with Evgeny Kotkov. From the beginning of our cooperation, Evgeny's responsible attitude towards our project is felt.

Family photographer Elena Kleshevnikova

I work as a photographer, not a programmer, after all, everyone should do their own thing, and I decided to contact the "Technology. Consulting. Service" company. They redesigned my own site, made it the way it suited me 100%, and quickly, easily and inexpensively. I was satisfied with the work of the TKS company and recommend it to everyone.

Gift studio "Grillage"

On the way to creating a website, I often came across various problems: misunderstanding, delaying deadlines, incredibly high prices. When in 2011 I entrusted my website to the TKS company, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. All work is carried out exactly in accordance with terms of reference and even better! Always very prompt and reasonably priced.

LLC "Uralteks"

The site was made exactly on time and at a quality level, in accordance with all the wishes of the customer. We are pleased with the cooperation with the site developers. We will contact the company "Technology. Consulting. Service", and we are also ready to recommend it.

Closed club ""

On behalf of all site members - students of group 31 of the MBA stream of the Academy of National Economy, I express my gratitude to Evgeny Kotkov for the quality work done on time. I recommend Evgeniy as a reliable developer of high-quality websites of varying complexity and directions.

Favorite pavilion "ChayOk"

The site was created in accordance with our wishes, quite professionally. We thank Evgeny for his promptness and interest in work!


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