EASAT 1.0 EDP entrance. Escat "Electronic store. Formation of arbitrary specifications

Supplier portal is a unified automated subsystem. information system Trading in Moscow (EAST), on which suppliers can post their proposals for state transporters. In the article we will analyze what opportunities provides this system Supplier, and consider step by step, as registered in the EAST.

What is the portal suppliers of the EASAT

Portal Suppliers of the EAST system (deciphering abbreviation - a single automated information system for trading) on \u200b\u200bthe website www.zakupki.mos.ru was created by the Government of Moscow to automate the procurement procedure of the small volume of Moscow State Transpashers and attracting subjects of small and medium-sized businesses to such purchases. This service is also called the EAST electronic store.

The order of the portal is regulated by the regulator of the portal of suppliers, approved by order of the Moscow Department of Competitive Policy from 09/25/2014 No. 70-01-149 / 14.

In accordance with the changes incurred in the regulatory framework for implementation public procurement At the only supplier, namely:

    with "01" November 2013, by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 480-PP dated July 23, 2013. All state customers of Moscow (organizations and institutions of Moscow, funded from the budget of the subject Russian Federation) The obligation to use the subsystem of the "Unified Automated Information System" (hereinafter referred to as the EAST subsystem) in the implementation of the procurement of the goods at the only supplier.

    this procedure occurs through personal Area The State Customer, located at Eaist.mos.r, in the EASATS subsystem by searching the offer (proposals to make a deal to a particular product), with the subsequent conclusion of the state contract on the "Supplier Portal" (the site is at the email address - Market.Zakupki. mos.ru) if the proposed product meets the functional and qualitative needs of the state customer, and does not exceed the utmost amounts when purchasing the only supplier.

    limit amounts in the implementation of procurement at the only supplier from January 01, 2014 (with the latest changes dated 04.06.2014) established in Article 93 Federal law Russian Federation No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013, namely:

    • all state customers (except institutions with activities: education, cultural institutions) can carry out the procurement of goods at the only supplier for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (without quarterly restrictions on terms and number of contracts concluded with the only supplier During the year) and not exceeding 2 million rubles or 5% of the total annual volume of purchases of the state customer and should not be more than fifty million rubles (paragraph 4 of article 93. 44-ФЗ);
    • state customers (only institutions of education, institutions of culture) can carry out the procurement of goods at a single supplier for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (without restrictions on the timing and number of contracts concluded with the only supplier during the year) and not exceeding 50% of the cumulative annual procurement State Customer and should not be more than twenty million rubles (paragraph 5 of Art. 93. 44-FZ).

The company of the office posts on the "supplier portal" and constantly replenishes the news assortment (more than 13,000 commodity items). Over the past 2013, the company has concluded and fulfilled the obligations of more than 2500 contracts with state customers of Moscow. For the first six months of 2014, the company has already concluded and performed more than 1,500 contracts with state customers of Moscow. The goods presented in the company has high quality, competitive market prices, a wide range of various productory categories, which allows you to satisfy any requests, requirements and needs of state customers of Moscow, which is reflected in the highest estimates obtained on the "Suppliers portal" from government customers, Results executed contracts.

The company is constantly improving the interaction with its partners, therefore, on the basis of all the above, the improvements related to the simplification of the process of ordering the goods in the ERACE "E-Shop" subsystem, on the "Suppliers" portal and, which are detailed in this Instruction, are pleased to see all State customers of Moscow.

The company Offsmag offers to choose from the state customers of Moscow to order goods in our online store OfficeMag.Rf, with the subsequent design in the EAC "Electronic store" subsystem according to the following options:

I. Registration of the goods by means of a single offer

1.1. The employee responsible for purchases from the state customer initially should be carried out in the selection of the necessary goods and its number in the "basket", using the product selection tools existing in it, evaluating the quality, detailed properties and product characteristics, the availability of goods, considering current stocks / Special offers / Gifts, as shown on the following figure. At the same time, we draw your attention to that each product in has the registry number of the offer in the form of a sign that corresponds to the offer number on the "Supplier portal":

1.2. Featuring the assortment of goods, you must click the "Arrange" button, thereby following the transition to the "Basket" with a selected product:

In the "Basket" each selected for ordering item has an offer number that is located next to the product code. This means that these commodity positions are also available on the "Suppliers Portal" according to the Offer's rooms. You can through the personal account in the EACTER EACTERS PRACTEME ADDRESS WITH ECTRATE PRODUCTION TO SPECIAL SPECIALISTS To conclude a draft contract / contract in order to comply with all procedures in accordance with FZ-44 as indicated in Chapter III of this instruction.

To get the complete set of the offer on the order it, you need to press the "Print Order" button in the upper right corner and click the "Print" button in the window that opens. What will allow you to make a printed form with ease to find and arrange a contract for the offers through the "Search Parameters" in the EASAT RESTRICT.

1.3. When you click on the "Order" button, you will be taken to the ordering page, in which you want to specify the contact details for the correct transaction, as well as if you plan to subsequently, issue an electronic store by the EAC subsystem, that our specialists engaged in the design of procurement on the "supplier portal" were able to as soon as possible Contact you for the purchase of purchases, you need to raise the flag on the phrase "Build an offer on the supplier portal", as shown at the following figure:

1.4. If necessary, refer to the order or re-print the ORTERT numbers on a certain completed order, for example, for the design of the contract in the ERACE store subsystem, you need to go through "My Cabinet is my orders - perfect orders", where you can:

  • on the "Print Order" button again print printing form Order with ORTERT numbers;

    add all products from a specific order to "basket" to re-execute a similar order after any time interval.

1.5. In the event that the goods selected for the order do not have an offer number, the specialists of our company within the current day or the next working day from the date of the order in the online store of the office. RF will contact you and send to email Information with the missing distribution numbers of the offer, or with all the offers of the offer at your order. After communicating with you, you can also independently according to the actions set forth in paragraph 1.4 of this instruction, in perfect orders to look at and print the printed form of the offer with the ORTER number for the subsequent placement of the order in the ERACE-Shop EASATS subsystem.

II. Registration of the goods by means of a single (integrated) offer

2.1. For registration of a single (integrated) offer you need to perform all the actions specified in paragraph "I. Registration of the order by means of single offer ", as stated in paragraph 1.3. It is necessary on the page "Registration of the Order" in addition to the items specified there, a message for our specialists, according to which one can determine that the ordering will be carried out in the EAST (integrated) offer subsystem. An example of the message: "We will issue an order through the EAC subsystem by a single (complex) offer. We are waiting for the number of the Unified Offer for the entire order. " After completing all the necessary information on the "Order Registration" page, you must click on the "Confirm order" button:

2.2. Specialists from the company OFFMAG during the current day or the next business day from the date of placement of the order will contact you and send information to e-mail with the register number of offers (i.e. one offer with a list of goods, which was ordered c) with the specification attached to it, in which the product positions and their cost will be indicated. Thus, you can already be able to find an offer sent to us by our specialists from our specialists and send us a contract for its further conclusion. In any case, the company's specialists from the Office will be constantly in touch with the following for operational assistance and addressing issues of your order.

III. Arrangement of an order in the EAC "E-Shop EAST

To order an order in the EAC "E-Shop" subsystem according to the available offers from the supplier portal for the previously issued order in, the following procedure must be performed:

3.1. Officer of the State Customer, having access to the EASAT "E-Shop" subsystem, it is necessary to log in in the ERACE store subsystem and go to the ORTERT search tab, where in the table "Search parameters"\u003e Field "Register number of offers" / "Article" It is necessary to enter the registered service / article on the formed orders received earlier from our specialists. In the "Supplier" field Officemag (The choice is possible to implement Inn Company Officemag 5009062762) And click the button. Repeat the operation with each available offer of the offer / article product.

3.2. Table "Searching results" Set the flag in the border with the offer and click the button to simultaneously add to the "Basket" of the goods that you want to issue an offer and form the draft treaty. This will open a screen form of viewing and editing the information project information in which it is necessary to fill the bookmark fields. « General» (Data for filling must be taken in your accounting):

3.3. Fill in the required fields on the page "Information about the contract / contract" In the tab "General Information", on the tab "Subject contract / contract" Install the cursor on the line with the goods and click In order to edit the amount of goods supplied. Make the required amount of goods in the field "Number under the contract" and go to the table "Delivery schedule", In which you need to fill all the specified fields. If you want to deliver the goods in several addresses - use the button. Repeat the operation with each article.

3.5. On the tab "Conclusion" Click on the button after you put the file with the contract project in the field "Draft agreement", and also to put the file with the specification in the field "Documents under the contract." In field "Set the maximum provider's response" - Check the box and select the time and date from the built-in calendar from the drop-down list (it is recommended to install 3-5 days from the current date for timely refinement of working moments). Next, fill out the remaining fields in the window. "Direction of the draft contract" And after press the button.

3.6. After receiving the contract signed on the part, you will need to go to the "Contract" tab, find and open the necessary contract in the status "Conclusion", in the opening screen form of information about the contract. Go to edit mode, select a string with a response received from us and click On the "Sign Treaty" button. After that, the "Conclusion of the Agreement" will fall out, where you need the right to leave any comment (for example, "shipment of goods after full payment"). Next, you need to click the "Submit Supplier" button. After that, the contract is considered to be concluded and it is assigned the status "concluded."

In the event of any difficulties and issues when placing orders in the online store of the office. RF and in the EAC "Electronic Store" subsystem, our experts will gladly help you!

The program is an exesel file. Works with the Microsoft Excel 2003 version and above. No special requirements for the gland prevents. The program is intended to create "JSON" specification import files in EASAT 2.0.

When working with a discharge, unloaded from the EKIS (Service Department of Education of the City of Moscow), the formation occurs in semi-automatic mode - You only need to press the buttons and enjoy the process. Also, the specifications files can be created on the basis of an arbitrary discharge, and it will be necessary to put the names of the LGGS, the number of addresses and the price per unit.

Specification files can be unloaded both to create detailed objects to each address and the general specification (if the discharge you will apply a separate file in the documentation).

After forming files, the program sorts the discharge or the specification, taking into account the logic of the import of the EASAT 2.0, which will not think that it will not think to make price data by moving down by position. Also, if at any addresses, the number of positions exceeds 75 items, the program will propose to divide the specifications of 50 names in the file, for the phased creation of the dose to eliminate the loss of all information in case of failures in the work of the EASAT.

At the same time, after forming the files, on the Table tab, you can clearly see the amounts at addresses, which avoids errors while maintaining and approved doses.

The replenishment of the Bases of the SPGS-KPGZ takes place weekly. When starting the program, you will need to press only a single button to get the update data from the server.

The program has a functionality for calculating the specification according to the results of the auction, implemented the algorithm "bringing the contract price for the price" shopping ground"The method of increasing / decreasing no more than 1 pennies price per unit of products.

2. Action buttons.

2.1. Shape table

When you click on the "Shape table" button, the program is looking for a file in the same folder named "RAZN-Zakaz * .xls *" or "Specific * .xls *" and puts its contents on the "RAZN" sheet. In case there are several sheets in the file, the content of the first sheet is imported into the program.

After that, there is a reduction in the names of addresses of delivery to generally accepted.

2.2. Shape discharge

When you click on the "form a discontinuity" button, the "RAZN" sheet is formed by an agitated vertical discharge for a visually more convenient formation of detailed objects.

Tracking tables are sorted:

On a sheet "RAZN", first occurs on a column with an EKIS name in alphabetical order, then a similar sorting by a column with the values \u200b\u200bof the SPGS, after that, again, the values \u200b\u200bof the SPGs column are sorted taking into account the loading logic to the EAST (duplicate GPG values \u200b\u200bare transferred to the end of the list).

On the "Table" sheet, the table is sorted in the same way, except for the transfer of duplicate values.

After that, on a sheet "RAZN", the amount column is formatted - it changes to divide the fractional part of the comma to the point (for convenient copying of these values \u200b\u200bin the EAST).

In the event that one or several addresses on the sheet "Table" did not affect the number, the program will report this with an indication of such addresses.

If at any address or the total number of product items exceeds 75, then the columns with such quantities are painted with color.

After forming the tables, in case the number of names in the specification exceeds 75 outputs the proposal to split the specification by blocks of 50 items for the possibility of a phased import of specifications into a detailed object.

2.3. Check SPGZ

This button appears only after the formation of a table or discharge. When you click on the button, the names of the GNGS on the "Table" sheet with the SPGS base available in the program are reconciled. In the event of a coincidence detection, the row number of this name from the base is returned to the SPGS column. When reconciliation, the gaps and punctuation marks are not taken into account in the values.

If the program failed to find all the LGS in the database - an appropriate notification is displayed with the lines numbers by which the VGM value was not found. Also cells with such a GNGS will be highlighted in color.

If the program fails to find all the LGGS, you need to update the SPGS-KPGZ database by pressing the appropriate button, then clean the column with the LGS found and repeat the check again. If after that, the program can still not find all APGS, it is required to verify values \u200b\u200bwith the directory of the NSI EASAT.

In case the program has found all LGS in the database, a message appears on the transition to the next step - the introduction of information about the timing and conditions of delivery.

2.4. Shape json file (s)

This button appears only after the successful completion of the SPGZ check. When you press the button, the form appears for making information about the timing and terms of delivery.

After making all the information, you must select the File Forming Method: a challenge or a single file.

With the subsequent launch of the form, the fields will be filled with the latest entered values.

2.5. Calculate contract

This button appears only after the formation of a table or discharge. When you click on the button, the focus is translated into the cells in which it is necessary to make information about the NMCC of the Joint Lot, as well as the price of the winner, and then click on the "Calculation" button.

2.6. Calculate

This button appears only after clicking on the "Calculate Contract" button. When you press the button, there is a price calculation for a unit of goods, taking into account the tender decline, then the amounts are calculated by positions and the final amount.

In case the amount of the calculation does not coincide with the price of the calculated platform, the program will try to adjust the prices per unit within one penny to obtain the final amount of the "price price". At the same time, the positions on which changes occurred will be highlighted by color.

If the program fails to find a solution, the appropriate message will be displayed.

3. Description of functions.

3.1. Formation of specifications using the "Procurement" and "Technosphere" of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow

To form specifications using the "Procurement" and "Technosphere" services, you need to place the downloaded failure / specifications file (RAZN-Zakaz * .xls * / specif * .xls *) in one folder with the program, then click the "Shape Table" button .

After the table is generated, you must run the SPGZ scan by pressing the appropriate button.

The files formed will be in the same folder where the program itself.

3.2. Formation of arbitrary specifications

For the formation of arbitrary specifications on initial stage You must specify the number of addresses of delivery.

After that, the program generates the source table into which the following data is required:

The auction name is a brief unique name of the goods (it may coincide with the name of the LGGS, if it, in turn, is also unique within the specific procurement), which is planned to be used in the compilation of the TK and the contract of the contract;
- The name of the GNGS - is selected from the directory of the NSI EAST;
- the number of goods at the addresses;
- price per unit of products.
Optional instead of address1, address2, etc. To make real addresses - in this case, these addresses will fall into the formed discharging table.

After entering all the necessary information, you need to click the "Separate Difference" button.

In the case of a successful SPGZ test, the program itself will open the form for making information on the timing and terms of delivery. After filling out all the fields, you need to select the method of forming specifications files and click the "Sefict file" button ".

The files formed will be in the same folder where the program itself.

Read 6 min.

Electronic portal suppliers

The supplier portal is an adjustable platform where many retail goods are purchased.

Externally, such a portal resembles a large store in which various departments are located with a variety of assortment.

To create the visibility of honest transparent relations between the buyer and the seller, a special agreement is drawn up, which obliges to deliver the selected product within certain times.

There is a constant increase in users electronic portals Suppliers. The number of customers and suppliers gradually increases. Many entrepreneurs are currently preferring their business in this way.

What is the electronic store portal suppliers?

The electronic store is an integral part of the supplier portal.

The electronic store of the portal suppliers is designed specifically to simplify the procedure for regulating activities related to government procurement.

In 2013, the law came out, stating that All government procures should be made through an electronic store..

If in any budget organization there is a need to acquire a specific product or service, then it should be done by resorting to the help of electronic stores.

The basis of such a decision of the government is the transparency of relations between the supplier and the customer.

Thanks to the use of an electronic store system:

  1. Provides the possibility of purchasing products in small volumetric quantities.
  2. There is an increase in competitiveness Separate suppliers.
  3. The possibility of developing small and medium businesses, due to the implementation of public procurement, this is the category of entrepreneurs and firms.
  4. Information about the specific value of the object is in free access for any The categories of service participants, thereby allowing to evaluate the honesty and conscientiousness of the transaction participants.

Easian portal suppliers

The EAST is an electronic support service. and deciphered as a unified automated information system for trading. The EAST is focused on working with Moscow users.

All performers are united in the service under the general tab on the site - "Suppliers". This section concludes all participants in the business, which ever, starting in 2013, provided relevant services for the sale of a certain type of product to customers of any status.

This list includes all business structures, not even registered in the service.

Many suppliers working with customers, at the same time not registering in the EAST, are forced to refuse contractual agreements precisely because of the lack of their registration in the service.

Electronic store suppliers - Offer

The principle of the e-store activity is:

  1. Registration in the service supplier;
  2. Accommodation offerwhich is provided with a product or service;
  3. For owners of large stores, it is necessary to post an offer for each offered product;
  4. Creating a customer of a personal account in an electronic store;
  5. Search by the customer of the necessary goods or services;
  6. Conclusion with a contract provider in in electronic format . It is allowed to use electronic digital signatures. In the contract, payment details of both the supplier and the Customer must be specified;
  7. Sending a contract for approval by the Supplier. If the parties are satisfied with all the points of the contract, the contract is gaining strength since its signature by the provider and the customer. If one of the parties wants to make a change in the Agreement, the additional document is drawn up, called the Disagreement Protocol.

Need to produce proper design Offer, considering:

  1. Categories products;
  2. Name;
  3. Unit of measure;
  4. Success units measurements;
  5. Currency, with which it is possible carrying out mutual settlements;
  6. Cost unit products in a certain currency;
  7. Availability discounts;
  8. Terms of provision discounts;
  9. Value Added Tax Bet. It can be different for different species product categories;
  10. Minimum and maximum possible amount commodity goods;
  11. Terms of sending products and maximum time delivery;
  12. Additional intelligence;
  13. You must attach a file with registration documents and blank contract.

After filling out all items and consent with the user agreement, each offer is provided. At the same time, the last figure after the dash speaks of the year of creating an offer.

Registration on the portal suppliers

  • Before registration on the supplier portal, you need to get an electronically digital signature. It is needed for making contractual relationships with the customer.
  • It is recommended to increase your rating and confidence level. Customers pass accreditation on several portals. In some situations, this service can be made together with the receipt of electronically digital signature.
  • Pay for the registration service. The amount on each portal of suppliers is different and may vary with time.
  • With all the above documentationRegistration on the portal is simple and consists in filling out personal entrepreneurial data and payment details.

Why is it so important to save time when placing an offer on the supplier portal?

As you know, time is a limited phenomenon, especially this is important for successful business participants. This category needs to have time to perform many cases concerning commercial Development business

Much time goes to conduct "paper red tape" associated with the design of certain events, reporting.

Therefore, the creation of the supplier portal is simply a find to save time and promoting business development.

Also to save time you can use:

  • services providing services on self-registration account;
  • services of companiesproducing information design in the Supplier's office;
  • business services compilation Spectacular offert.

Advantages of using an electronic store to conclude transactions

Thanks to the functioning of the user's electronic store, unique opportunities associated with the ability to:

  • free or for fixed cost, depending on the status of the supplier, the provision of goods and services for consideration by the Customer;
  • partner choice on business;
  • accounting electronic accounting of tradethat allows you to simplify the preparation and submission to the relevant authorities, reports;
  • free advertising its products;
  • increase rating. When making each purchase of a product or service, the supplier accrues a certain number of points, which are the rating indicator, and, as a result, the popularity of the performer;
  • creating your personal competitive environment, the meaning of which can be concluded not only in the amount of product costs, but also in unique conditions of supply, design and many other related factors.

Help in the design of the offer on the supplier portal

Registration of the offer is an important point in promoting its products, because the success of the business participant depends on the method of presenting a source of information.

A description of the products itself to improve the implementation process plays even a large role than high-quality and other product characteristics.

Therefore, before registration, it is worth familiar with the basic rules of work with offer.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. With the help of the YouTube service. In the search bar, you must enter the request "Rules of the Offer".
  2. Using the InternetUsing search engines browsers.

In the absence of time, it is possible to understand the subtleties and nuances of the design procedures, you can use specialized companies.that provide services of this plan.

These companies can be found in the electronic store of the same portal suppliers with which cooperation is planned.

Dear partners!

Order via the EASAT system will give the opportunity to choose the best price proposals and enter into contracts in electronic form.

The system of purchases of the city of Moscow is reformed, the Moscow government released Resolution 480-PP dated 07.23.2013According to which all government customers must proceed to the use of a unified automated Bidding Information System "Supplier Portal".

1. Search Room Offers in the online store Comus

1.1. Find the goods you are interested in in any way (directory, search string, etc.):

1.2. In the product card, the Offer's list of suppliers portal, which you can use when searching for this product in the EAC electronic store.

1.3. If you could not find the offer number to the desired product, you can send a request directly on the product card or use the section 3 of this instruction.

1.4. Registration of a request for the creation of an offer on PP in the comus online store.

1.4.1. Before making a request for the creation of the offer, we offer to familiarize yourself with the wide range of office products in. Here you can get acquainted with the parameters of the required product, detailed description and image of the goods.

1.4.2. For registration of the request for the creation of the Office on PP, use the service feedback on the comus online store.

1.4.3. Choose feedback theme "Request an offer on suppliers portal"

1.4.4. In field "Registration of the Offer" List (in the column) all the articles of the goods that you need to make an offer (example below). For sending click "Send".

1.4.5. After successfully sending an application, you will see the corresponding informational message. You will receive a confirmation of receipt of the query on the specified email.


  • When placing a request for the establishment of an offer sent up to 13-00, Offer will be created the day after the request is sent.
  • When placing a request to the institution of offer on PP sent After 13-00, Offer will be created every other day after sending a request.


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