Basic research. Peculiarities of marketing in the field of educational services Marketing research of the peculiarities of services

Some marketers believe that service marketing is the most difficult of all forms of marketing.

Such judgments are due to the peculiarities of marketing services, which at the dawn of the development of marketing were not explicit.

Service marketing, however, is no more difficult than any other type of marketing.

The fact is that initially the theory of marketing was focused on the market of goods.

The service sector was still underdeveloped, and at that time researchers were not interested, only its rapid development forced the marketing community to pay attention to services in the mid-sixties of the last century: the rapidly growing service market needed efficient management market processes.

The researchers found that a service has a number of characteristics that are different from a product that affect the marketing of services, so a simple transfer of the rules and methods of traditional (commodity) marketing to the service market does not work, because traditional marketing did not take into account the features of the service market in the era of its formation.

The article describes the main features of service marketing, the consideration of which is extremely important for successful business in the service market.

Among the first and main features of service marketing, one can name directly the object of service marketing - a service.

What is a service?

Sometimes a service is called the work done (activity), as a result of which there is no separate material product of labor, which is not suitable for services such as tailoring or making a product from materials provided by the customer.

Moreover, a service is often defined as a useful action, business, or in general an action (process).

In fact, a service is understood as a benefit, a benefit that arises as a result of the process of performing a service, and when it is provided to the service provider, it is often necessary to use certain material factors of production with which a physical product can be created (furniture, tailoring, etc.). P.)

Nothing more precisely, however, defines a service as

main characteristics of the service:

  • intangibility;
  • inseparability from the manufacturer;
  • fragility;
  • lack of ownership.
  • inconsistent quality,

What is important for a service organization manager to consider?

By definition, service marketing is a complex program activity in the service market that combines the production and sale of services as a commodity based on the study of the existing market situation, potential and actual consumer demand.

Today it is a branch of modern marketing, a scientific discipline about proper organization promotion of a product or service that studies the features of marketing of service enterprises.

Service marketing has features, the knowledge of which influences the formation of the marketing strategy of a service organization in its market to promote the service and compete.

Among these features are:

  • high uncertainty of the result of the purchase of a service.

When a client chooses a service, he cannot evaluate what he will actually receive, since the product of labor does not yet exist at that moment. After all, the service is intangible.

It will be possible to evaluate the result only after consuming the service. He is afraid of uncertainty, he is afraid of getting married. He wants guarantees for the quality performance of the service.

It is important for the service provider to assist the client in evaluating the service to complete right choice, i.e. try to materialize the service with:

providing potential consumers with materials that help them visualize the services offered;

providing the client with more information about past experience in providing similar services (client gratitude, etc.), as well as creating an image strategy for the organization.

The issue of image in such a situation is very important. A well-known organization inspires trust, which is essential in selling services.

  • unstable quality of service.

Most services are provided by people to people.

In this regard, the quality of service usually depends on several factors:

  • the skill of the one who performs the service;
  • the presence of competition;
  • individual customer requirements.

For example, the quality of services of a qualified cosmetologist can be affected by: the state of his health, his psychological state, the individual characteristics of the client, the number of clients waiting in line, etc.

Meanwhile, the stability of the quality - important factor success in the service industry.

After all, the client wants to receive the service without fear of unexpected surprises.

A service quality control system with special service standards that will determine the criteria for any service will help the seller of the service to ensure the stability of quality: service time and other factors affecting quality.

  • high sensitivity to changes in demand.

The service cannot be stored, put aside “in reserve”.

So, for example, places in a hotel, on an airplane, train, etc., in the absence of demand for them, cannot be postponed “for


The article considers the specifics of marketing research in the real estate appraisal market. The characteristics of services and the process of their consumption, as well as factors that affect the demand for real estate valuation services are considered. In the process of forming motivation for the target segment of consumers of real estate valuation services, it is important to take into account the motives associated with the consumption of this service. Important parameters for choosing an appraiser by the consumer are the professionalism of the staff, the image of the enterprise, and comprehensive accessibility. The process of consuming real estate valuation services includes traditional stages, but has its own specifics. It is shown that the type of assessment (mandatory or initiative) influences the marketing policy of a real estate appraisal enterprise. The necessity of creating a marketing service at the enterprise for its successful functioning has been identified and substantiated.

marketing research


real estate

1. Anurin V., Muromkina I., Evtushenko E., Marketing research consumer market. - M.-St. Petersburg, - 2006. - P.29.

2. Badaraeva R. V., Sharaeva A. S. Theoretical aspects assessment of the real estate market in Russia // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 336-339.

3. Belyaevsky I.K., Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001. , - P.48.

4. Kotler F. Marketing management. Tutorial. - M.: - 2001. - P.170

5. Malykhin S.A. Real estate market in Russia. - M.: Vesta-M, 2012, - S. 428.

6. the federal law"On valuation activities in Russian Federation» No. 135 of July 29, 1998 (with amendments and additions).

The main task of marketing services is to provide benefits and benefits to the consumer, determine the target market and promote services to this market. The difficulty lies in determining the benefits of the service. The benefit from the service can only be determined by the consumer (client) who used it. The main purpose of service marketing is to help the consumer evaluate various services so that he can make the right choice for himself.

Under the modern concept of marketing, it is assumed that the economic environment is focused on more efficient and complete satisfaction of consumer demand through the development of services, as well as the participation of consumers in the process of interaction when they are provided.

The real estate market in the Russian Federation is one of the largest segments of the national economy. At the same time, its development largely depends on the state of affairs in other key sectors of the economy. The Russian real estate market is sensitive to crises, to the macroeconomic situation.

The basis of transactions with residential facilities is legal relations, the subject of which is the purchase, sale and lease of commercial property. It can be noted that both noted areas perform a number of important functions for the national economy of the Russian Federation:

stimulating demand in the lending market;

Stimulation of supply in the construction market;

· stimulating the growth of the money supply in a large number of other business segments - the sphere of real estate appraisal, the production of building materials, varnishes, paints, finishes, wallpapers;

solving urgent social problems related to providing citizens with housing.

Thus, the real estate market is one of the most important drivers of economic growth in the country as a whole. A feature of the real estate market is the need to assess real estate.

The need for real estate appraisal arises when:

purchase, sale or lease of an object;

corporatization of the enterprise;

cadastral valuation;

determining the taxation of immovable objects;

Loan secured;

· insurance;

making an investment in real estate authorized capital businesses or organizations;

attraction investment investments;

entry into inheritance rights;

· resolution of property disputes;

liquidation of the enterprise;

Calculation of the tax amount for real estate objects;

in other actions that are related to the realization of the right to real estate.

The process of valuation of real estate objects is concluded in determining the value of the owner's rights to property. For the buyer, it is necessary to understand what the value of this property is for him and why.

Real estate transactions are private in nature, the information offered is not always correct and complete. Therefore, professional independent evaluation real estate is the most demanded type of appraisal activity. But the citizens themselves need to have a certain knowledge base in this area.

Market research of the real estate valuation services market consists of the systematic collection, display and analysis of information necessary for making management decisions at the enterprise. With their help, the organization's strategic marketing asset is formed, as well as information resource necessary to ensure more efficient work of the appraisal organization in the future.

Service - activity for the production of a product (tangible or intangible), carried out by order of the client (consumer), together with the client and for the client, with the transfer of the product to the client for the purpose of exchange.

An enterprise should consider the characteristics of services when creating marketing program(picture 1).

Figure 1- Characteristics of services

Factors that influence the demand for real estate appraisal services:

the price of the service;

the quality of the service provided;

· consumer preference;

The consumer's income

Saturation of the market with services;

An interest rate on a deposit that encourages consumption or savings.

The company needs to find its place in the market in order to identify its own competitiveness. This concept refers to the competitive position of the enterprise, which is established in key areas of its work. Competitiveness directly depends on the occupied market share and the level of profitability, the higher they are, the higher the competitiveness of the enterprise and its position in the market. The competitiveness of the services provided by the enterprise largely depends on its overall competitiveness in the market.

More than 5,000 appraisal companies operate on the real estate appraisal market in the Russian Federation, so it is necessary that the quality of their appraisal services be at the appropriate level. Evaluation services have a number of features that determine the specific requirement for marketing and management in the service sector.

In the process of forming motivation for the target segment of consumers of real estate valuation services, one should take into account not only the motives that are associated with the service itself, i.e. service, social environment of the enterprise, etc. It is also necessary to take into account the motives associated with the consumption of this service, i.e. preference for the performance of work by a professional who will complete it faster, better, and maybe cheaper.

In the market of real estate appraisal services, information awareness increases the level of many factors, such as, for example, the qualifications of staff, the location of the enterprise. But, we must remember such a property of the service as intangibility, that it is difficult to demonstrate and guarantee its quality characteristics.

The most valuable sources of marketing information are activities that allow you to "embodied" the service, the so-called guarantees. This is because the risk in purchasing a service is perceived to be much higher than the risk in purchasing a product. In addition to the service itself, in the service market, important evaluation parameters are:

the personnel who provide the service;

the complexity of the availability of the enterprise;

the image of the enterprise.

The process of consumption of the appraisal service, due to its specificity, dictates special requirements for the organization of the work of the enterprise, which is natural. Marketing-oriented management claims that in planning the activities of an enterprise, the behavior of its consumers is the starting point.

Due to the intensification of competition in the market for real estate valuation services, it is necessary to take into account the intention and behavior of the target segment of consumers when determining such parameters as:

· schedule;

standards and types of service;

requirements for personnel;

marketing mix activities.

The real estate appraisal activity has a specific feature. There are two types of real estate valuation (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Types of real estate valuation

The consumption process includes the following steps (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Service consumption process

This service consumption process is applicable to all types of services. But, since the market for real estate valuation services has a certain specificity and type of valuation, it is necessary to emphasize the difference in the sale of mandatory and proactive valuation.

The sale of compulsory appraisal is facilitated by the existence of certain state norms, i.e. the imposition of the state significance of consumption on real estate valuation services. In this case, it is necessary to competently present this service to the consumer so that all his requests are satisfied.

As for the marketing of an initiative assessment, the situation here is a little more complicated, since in this case it is necessary to form the desire of the consumer (client) to make this assessment. It is necessary to arouse the consumer's interest in this real estate appraisal service.

The society of any country in the world is interested in high-quality and reliable information based on uniform standards. The main goal of enterprises that provide real estate valuation services is the need to create favorable conditions for the interaction of different areas of the enterprise, to satisfy consumer demand, because this is the key to the success of the enterprise.

Complex economic conditions The modern market obliges enterprises to have marketing services in their structure, which play one of their key roles in their activities, since, by conducting market research, they provide the necessary information for making strategic decisions. At the enterprise, the presence of a marketing service is not only required condition effective work and development, but also necessary condition its survival in the market.

Bibliographic link

Bolshunova A.V., Fangmann G.O. SPECIFICITY OF MARKETING RESEARCH IN THE MARKET OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SERVICES // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2016. - No. 2.;
URL: (date of access: 09/17/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Bardasova E. AT.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8642-9064, Professor, Kazan National Research Technological University



The features of educational services and marketing in the field of higher professional education are determined. Shown the need strategic analysis, marketing research and development of a marketing mix in the field of educational services. Need established innovation activities for the successful commercialization of intellectual capital. The prospect of applying marketing innovations for the development of the sphere of educational services is revealed. The necessity of forming special marketing services for market research and marketing mix management in educational institutions.

Keywords: educational service, marketing research, marketing complex, innovation, marketing service.

Bardasova E.V.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8642-9064, professor, Kazan National Research Technological University



The specificity of educational services and marketing in the field of higher professional education are determined in the paper. The need for strategic analysis, marketing research and development of a marketing mix in the field of educational services is shown. The necessity of innovative activity for the successful commercialization of intellectual capital is established in the paper. The outlooks of application of marketing innovations for development of the field of educational services are revealed. The necessity of forming special marketing services for market research and management of the marketing complex in educational institutions is presented.

keywords: educational service, marketing research, marketing complex, innovation, marketing service.

In modern conditions, the system of higher professional education (HPE) is characterized by a high degree competition in the market of educational services provided by state and non-state HPE institutions, a wide range of levels and areas of training. The problem of most educational organizations, especially regional ones, remains the inability to identify and effectively use the potential of the educational services market. In order to increase the competitiveness of individual institutions, it remains relevant to form a long-term marketing strategy, use marketing technologies and create special marketing services as part of an educational institution.

In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of this work is to systematize theoretical knowledge on the specifics of marketing in the HPE system. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

– Determining the features of the educational services market;

– Identification of the need for marketing research and swot analysis;

– Study of the marketing complex in the field of HPE;

– Presentation of the need to create a marketing service in universities.

– Determination of the need for marketing innovations in the educational sphere.

The research was carried out using theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of available scientific information.

As a result of the analysis of literature data, a feature of the educational service was revealed, which is understood as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities aimed at meeting the various needs of the individual, society and the state as a whole. It should be taken into account that educational services are seasonal and long-term in nature, have a high level of uncertainty, are characterized by the impossibility of resale, unstable in quality and unstorable for the consumer. On the other hand, the provision of educational services is associated with a significant degree of responsibility to the consumer.

The educational services market is a system of marketing relations between participants that influence the formation of the educational process. It should be taken into account that the real market participants in the field of HPE are not only educational institutions and consumers (individual or corporate), but also a number of intermediaries (labour exchanges, employment services, registration, licensing and accreditation bodies of HPE institutions, etc.). You should also take into account the functions of the state as a customer for budgetary educational institutions and as a regulatory body for commercial universities. The state establishes lists of training areas, determines the main features of the range and quality of educational services, which are fixed in educational standards.

A feature of marketing in the field of HPE is the presence of a large number of market participants, which makes it difficult to conduct marketing research and strategic analysis when planning the opening of a new HPE institution or training area.

Market analysis should begin with trends in macro-environment factors that affect the education system, and study of the micro-environment, namely market participants through marketing research. In the course of research, it is necessary to identify the current and future demand for specialists in certain areas of training, both on the part of the state and on the part of individual and corporate consumers. It is necessary to assess the competitive situation in a given area, including the range of educational services offered, the level of pricing policy, methods of distribution and promotion of services in the field of higher education.

Based on the results of strategic and marketing research, a list of opportunities and threats from external environment, as well as strong and weaknesses educational organization on the market. Next, a marketing strategy is formed and a marketing mix is ​​determined (in a simplified form - product, price, distribution, promotion) for an institution in the field of higher education or a separate area of ​​​​training.

It was revealed that in most cases marketing activities in the field of HPE are limited to building a system marketing communications, to inform real and potential consumers of educational services, which is contrary to the complexity of marketing technologies.

So, when defining the category "Goods", or in this case, educational services, one should clearly represent the planned assortment and quality. Pre-segmentation of consumers is carried out to identify requirements for an educational service. For each segment, the educational service will take on its own form, for example, a full-fledged educational program for schoolchildren, abbreviated for graduates of secondary vocational and higher professional education institutions, a program of daytime, correspondence or evening education, the possibility of obtaining additional education at the same time, the availability of practices and internships, including foreign ones, etc.

When determining the “Price” category, commercial areas of training, one should take into account data from the analysis of the “price-quality” ratio of competitors, the university’s reputation, territorial accessibility, solvency of target consumer segments, etc. It is possible to develop various discount systems for corporate clients who receive the next step or second higher education in the same educational institution.

The category "Distribution" is mainly related to the expansion of the network of branches and representative offices, as well as the organization distance learning. The most studied is "Promotion" or a system of marketing communications in the HPE system, which contribute to the recognition of the university by the target audience, and gradually to the formation of a competitive image. As a platform for organizing communications, you can use the corporate website, social networks, special blogs, etc. . Also, these tools can be used to organize feedback from potential and real consumers of educational services, in terms of the quality of education, price, forms and methods of education, conditions, location, prestige, advertising, etc., which will become the basis for adjusting strategic, tactical and operational marketing activities.

Under such conditions, the innovation process in the field of educational services should be considered as a set of interrelated actions from an idea to the commercialization of an innovation, leading to market success. In this sense, it is necessary to adopt effective marketing solutions at all stages of the innovation process and the use of more effective methods of meeting needs compared to competitors. Therefore, marketing innovations should cover all stages of the formation of an educational institution or areas of training, including the search and evaluation of ideas based on consumer needs, the development of an innovative product concept in accordance with a set of consumer expectations, forecasting market attractiveness and commercialization opportunities for high-tech products.

The concept of innovative marketing focused on increasing the competitiveness of educational services and their commercialization should ensure the continuity of the value chain, taking into account the interests of researchers, developers, manufacturers, intermediaries and consumers of innovations. There is a need for joint marketing interaction between producers and consumers of educational services to assess the acceptance of innovations by partners in the value chain to increase intellectual capital and innovative potential, .

Thus, the peculiarities of marketing activities in the field of higher education, the need to take into account and forecast a large number of market factors require the creation of special marketing services in universities, the successful experience in the formation of which is available at the Higher School of Economics, Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov and others. It is also necessary to organize advanced training of teachers and managers in the field of HPE marketing features to increase the current level of competitiveness and form the competitive potential of an educational institution or area of ​​training.

References / References

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  3. Zhukovskaya I.V. Marketing socio-technologies in the system of higher professional education: a synergetic approach / I.V. Zhukovskaya // Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2014. - No. 1 (15). – S. 67-70.
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References on English language/ References in English

  1. Artykbaeva S. Zh. Sushhnost' i osobennosti marketinga v sfere obrazovanija (Obzor literatury) / S. Zh. Artykbaeva // Materialy VIII mezhdunar. nauch. conf. "Problemy i perspektivy razvitija obrazovanija". - Krasnodar: Novacija, 2016. - P. 43-47.
  2. Gavrilov D. V. Rol’ intellektual’nogo kapitala v modeli rossijskogo biznesa / D. V. Gavrilov, Je. V. Bardasova // Vestnik Kazanskogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta. - 2012. - Vol. 15. - N 20. - P. 210-212.
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Baranova Svetlana Andreevna 1 , Sumina Ekaterina Vladimirovna 2
1 Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2 Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk, scientific adviser, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

The article discusses the features of marketing in the service sector, as well as the use of Internet marketing tools. The features of the service sector are determined and the possibility of using Internet marketing in this area is substantiated. The components of the company's marketing strategy with the integration of Internet marketing are determined.


Baranova Svetlana Andreevna 1 , Sumina Ekaterina Vladimirovna 2
1 Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2 Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk, scientific supervisor, Candidate of Economics, Assistant Professor

The article discusses the features of marketing services, as well as the use of internet marketing tools. The article determines the features of the service sector and proved the possibility of using internet marketing in this area. Components of the marketing strategy of the company with the integration of Internet marketing were identified.

Today, the service sector dominates the economy in all developing countries. AT developed countries up to 70% of GDP comes from the service sector. For several decades, we have seen unprecedented growth in the service industry in almost all sectors, including areas such as healthcare, education, finance and banking.

The growth of the service industry is characterized by a focus on customer service, which has prompted manufacturers of goods to start paying more attention to consumers. famous phrase The "customer is always right" is due to the service industry. The next stage of development was a step towards technology. The most striking example is hotel service and tourism.

Technologies help not only to scale a business, but also contribute to the standardization of all business processes. At the moment, you can see how the service industries are beginning to adopt the business culture of the industrial sector. Benchmarking of operational efficiency, service quality, reengineering and cost accounting had a positive impact on the development of the service sector.

Competition in the service industry is sometimes tougher than in the goods market, since the product has an intangible form, where the assessment can be very subjective. However, despite the high prevalence, in Russia the theoretical basis of marketing services is not sufficiently developed. This phenomenon can be justified by the powerful influence of the ideology of Marxism, where preference was given to material production, and the service sector was not perceived as independent. Therefore, research in the field of service marketing is relevant.

Service marketing is a scientific discipline that studies marketing activities businesses that benefit from the provision of services.

The marketing strategy of non-manufacturing companies differs significantly from traditional approaches. This is due to the fact that the product produced has a number of distinctive features.

There are several features of the service:

1) Intangibility - the consumer cannot evaluate the service until the moment of provision;

2) The impossibility of separating the service from the consumer - the client is present at the time of the provision of the service;

3) Fragility - the service cannot be accumulated or bought in reserve, which causes high costs.

These factors affect the marketing of services. Since it is impossible to know anything about the product in advance, the consumer relies only on the marketing message. That is why a careful approach is necessary when choosing a marketing strategy.

The goals of service marketing can be:

1) Profit and its growth;

2) Increasing the level of customer satisfaction;

3) improving the quality of services provided;

4) Increasing the added value of the service;

5) Building communication links with consumers to stimulate the sale of services.

With the development of technology, the Internet has long penetrated into various spheres of life, including marketing. Thanks to this tool, great opportunities open up for both consumers and service providers.

According to F. Kotler, Internet marketing is a direct form of marketing, that is, it is one of the promotion tools. The scientist names several features of Internet marketing:

1) Individuality - orientation to a certain person;

2) Customization - building an offer taking into account the characteristics of the client;

3) Efficiency - the offer to the client can be made instantly. The advantages of this tool are obvious and in demand all over the world. Traditional marketing is gradually fading into the background. One can observe the transformation of aspects of marketing into Internet marketing.

Table 1 - Transformation of Traditional Marketing Elements into Internet Marketing

marketing element Traditional Marketing Internet Marketing
Service Company business hours only. Round-the-clock contact with the consumer.
Advertising Printed products, publications in the media. Limited message size Wide advertising company, with unlimited possibilities for publishing content.
Sales Direct contact with real consumers. Video conferences, online negotiations, Internet correspondence with consumers.
Marketing research Expensive research that takes a long time. Use of free services for collecting opinions, online mailing of surveys.

There are many internet marketing tools. Below are the most popular ones:

1) mailing list. One of the advantages of this tool is the ability to segment target audience. You can adjust the advertising message depending on the geographical location, profession and age of the potential consumer.

2) Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool for attracting targeted users from search sites.

3) SMM. This tool is used for promotion in social media (blogs, forums, social networks, etc.)

5) Video marketing. Now there is a rapid growth of this tool of Internet marketing. Potential buyers respond better to video ads than regular text messages.

6) Formation of public opinion. With this tool, you can create a positive image of the company and increase awareness among consumers.

Thus, Internet marketing has a number of advantages over traditional marketing. In a highly competitive environment, service providers must carefully build marketing strategy companies where Special attention should be given to aspects such as responsiveness and customization, which will help achieve competitive advantage in the service market.

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In this article, the author considers general scheme the daily distribution of trips in the metropolis, analyzes the need for a trip that arises in a person, and the factors influencing it. Important, from the point of view of the author, is also the study of the accessibility and connectivity of various points of the city by passenger route transport.

This article proposes a fairly simple method for assessing the competitiveness of a store (service, magazine, etc.), requiring minimal cost time and money and allows you to conduct research on your own without the involvement of third-party organizations.

Modern education is characterized by a large choice and high competition of educational services provided by both state and non-state educational institutions. In many regions, there is a fairly large number of educational institutions that provide an opportunity to obtain secondary vocational, higher or additional education with the issuance of a state diploma in the same specialties. The current situation requires serious marketing research of the educational services market from a regional university, which should lead to an improvement in the management of the educational process, methods for searching and recruiting applicants, and a qualitative change in educational technologies.

Currently, one of the poorly developed areas marketing, as rightly noted by researchers in , is marketing services. Especially it concerns marketing production services of enterprises agro-industrial service, the problematic issues of which are still extremely insufficiently studied and generalized by specialists - marketers. This article addresses the issues peculiarities and main directions of development marketing in the system of production services for agricultural enterprises, which are closely related to the specifics of the reproduction process in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Recently, there has been a growing interest in service marketing among Russian marketing researchers. This interest is obviously due to the process of privatization of the non-manufacturing sector and the rapid development of, among other services, such as banking, insurance, consulting, tourism, paid education, private medicine and non-profit organization services. Nevertheless, upon close acquaintance with the Russian service marketing literature, it is not difficult to find that Russian marketers do not have any generally accepted model of service marketing. Western colleagues have such a model (or, at least, some generally recognized structural elements of this model) exist. The purpose of this work is an attempt to acquaint domestic researchers and practitioners of service marketing with the most popular foreign models of service marketing.

Today, the service sector is becoming increasingly important in the Russian economy, as it creates numerous jobs and makes a significant contribution to the domestic national product. In addition, the importance of services is determined not only by their contribution to job creation, but also by the fact that many activities that do not have independent value for end customers are essentially services that are consumed by intermediate buyers such as departments and divisions of organizations. The coordination and interaction of departments within organizations is increasing not only on the basis of administrative and managerial measures, but to a greater extent this is achieved on the basis of service models. Unfortunately, in world practice such a model of activity is only taking shape, but its internal logic and effectiveness are already visible. So far, only its individual components appear, but the results obtained even with the incomplete arrangement of all elements force organizations to reconsider traditional models of activity.


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