My family's professions. "Professions of my family". And there are so many professions ... Each profession is good in its own way. The world of professions is multifaceted, we cannot count all of them, But understand what for. Create a family tree of my family's profession

One of the most important tasks of educating adolescents 12-15 years old is the development of their ability to make choices. Already in the 9th grade, they, fifteen, will have to make a choice that will determine their life for the next few years. How can you help a teenager? What can parents do? The psychologist of the School of Cooperation, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Borisovna Kiseleva will help to understand these issues.

Let's start from afar. Often, parents do not realize that their children's life experiences are very limited. Teenagers know little about professions and have little idea of ​​what specialists in a particular field are doing.

Where does the student get information from?

Some professions can be encountered in Everyday life: doctor, teacher, salesperson. Some professions are shown quite vividly in films. The modern film industry has especially vividly described the work of a hitman, an undercover agent, necessarily a mad scientist, an investigator for especially important cases who catches a hitman, and, of course, again a doctor in the person of Dr. House.

Often, a profession is judged by the content of school disciplines, in which only simplified ideas about science are given. And such demanded professions as a pharmacist, economist, logistics, HR manager, are not at all filled with content for a modern schoolchild. But a child doesn't grow up in a vacuum. Every day at home, he meets with family members who are returning from work.

However, children often have a poor idea of ​​what their mother and father, grandfather and grandmother are doing at work. As conversations with parents have shown, there are really objective difficulties in the way of explaining to a child what an adult does at work. Not everyone has the gift of a storyteller. It is difficult to find understandable words that replace special terms.

Where to begin

Tell about grandparents. And even great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. How they studied. If you have certificates and diplomas, be sure to consider them with your teenager.

A colleague of mine allowed her to record her story, addressed to her teenage son. “My grandmother, and your great-grandmother, in the 30s dreamed of becoming a pilot, there is a photograph of her in a flight helmet. It was she who took part in training flights. However, the health commission did not allow her to enter the school. My grandmother entered the Pedagogical Institute and became a physics teacher. She was a very responsible and conscientious person, she was respected by her colleagues and loved by schoolchildren. In our sideboard there is a vase with a dedication donated by her students. And my grandmother's father still had the ability to teach. He was a teacher at a real school. Documents confirming this were given to me by my grandmother when I was already an adult and taught myself. It turns out that I am a teacher in the 4th generation, and you can become one in the 5th. "

Such a story allows a teenager to learn a lot. For example, the difference between a profession and a specialty. That there are fashionable professions, and there are in-demand ones. To find out that abilities do not always manifest early, sometimes you have to change several jobs in order to find the one that will become yours.

Family tree of professions

To help your child navigate the variety of professions and feel their "roots", we advise you to build a family tree of professions, by analogy with a family tree. You will see that unexpected discoveries await you along the way.

“Wow, dad, I didn't know that you were an electronics engineer by training! Why have you never worked in your specialty? Mom, and you, it turns out, are twice an expert. What is a patent case? And the grandfather is generally the coolest, besides the university he graduated from the Higher Party School, but what did they teach there? It's like personnel management, right? " Abilities are often inherited, but not always in a straight line. A girl from a family of musicians, she is fond of chess and mathematics. It turns out that she is following in the footsteps of her father's grandfather, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.

Help your teen to feel their roots

You can understand yourself only if you have learned to understand others. The mistakes and discoveries of previous generations will help new generations expand their understanding of the world. It is very important that a teenager is not afraid to make mistakes, understands that it is rarely possible to choose a profession once and for a lifetime. And nowadays, you have to constantly study and change your profile.

Famous professions are developing and changing. New technologies are constantly emerging that transform the old specialties. The story of what happened a long time ago helps to take a step into the future. The experience of previous generations, like a flashlight, illuminates the road for those who go forward. Good luck to everyone along the way!

Murashkin Feodosy

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire "Who do my parents work", we found that out of 20 students teaching in the class, 9 children could not name their mother's profession, 12 children do not know what their father's profession is called. To the question "WHOM DO YOU DREAM TO BECOME?"

5 - to the police,

2 - a musician,

2 - a cook,



Department of Education of the city of Moscow

North-West District Education Department

State budget educational institution Moscow city

secondary school №828

District competition for design and research works

"The future of the North-West"

Nomination "Owlets"

Direction "Educational projects and research"

Section "Family project"

Project theme "Professions of my family"

Project Manager:Komarova Svetlana Yurievna, primary school teacher


year 2012

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… .3

Relevance of the problem …………………………………………… .... 5

The main goals and objectives of the project ……………………………………… .6

Work plan …………………………………………………………… ... 7

Project product ………………………………………………………… 7

Conclusions of the project ……………………………………………………….… 8

List of used literature …………………………………… ..10


Some time will pass and each student will have a question about further vocational training. But in order to work as someone, you must first learn this profession. There are many different professions and they are all important and honorable, from a simple janitor to a scientist academician. And indeed it is. Let's imagine for a moment that all the wipers suddenly didn't show up for work. What would happen to the streets of large towns and cities in a week? What would this lead to?

There are countless wonderful professions in the world.

And glory and honor to each profession.

Today you are a schoolboy, and tomorrow you are a worker,

Artist, scientist, sailor or architect.

There is a right thing for everyone,

Someone who takes work seriously from childhood.

Choice future profession- it's not easy. Firstly, it is difficult to judge the upcoming content of the work by the name of the profession alone: ​​a person, as a rule, learns about all the nuances of activity already in the process of work. Yes and job duties for the same profession may differ significantly in different enterprises. Secondly, a person can adapt to different types activities. It is difficult to imagine a person capable of working exclusively as a cashier in a supermarket. In addition, our choice is often influenced by all sorts of external factors: for example, opinions existing in society about prestigious and non-prestigious professions, choice future specialty under the influence of parents, for a company with friends, hobby for one, the outer side of the profession, etc. How to make the right choice?

The upbringing of children, the formation of the personality of the child from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of the parents. The family influences the child, introduces him to the life around him. As adults, we must help children understand the importance of the family, instill in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

"Profession" - (Latin professio - officially specified occupation, specialty) - genus labor activity(occupation) of a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, experience and work experience.

If a child from childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor or an astronaut, and still does not doubt the correctness of his choice, he has no problems. Whatever his mother and grandmother say, he will study chemistry or biology textbooks with the stubbornness of a fanatic, or attend a "young physicist" circle and have a good idea of ​​what he will do after graduation.

If so, then he is lucky. Because many children have absolutely no idea "who to be" and where to enter and whether to enter at all when the long-awaited last school bell rings.

It's good when the problem of choosing a profession worries - this means the social and psychological maturity of the student. It’s worse if it’s all the same for now: my mother will take me by the hand to the law institute (because I “like” the story), and then it turns out that you hate going through boring pieces of paper and communicating with people.

What influences the choice of profession? What factors determine the choice of a particular profession by a person? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge impact. This is what we tried to figure out by studying the professions of our relatives.

The urgency of the problem

V primary school when educational and cognitive activity becomes the leading one, it is important to form children's ideas about various professions and about work. The problem of forming the ideas of younger schoolchildren about the world of work and professions has not been sufficiently developed in pedagogy, although it would seem that everyone understands the enormous role of ideas about professions and labor. In schools, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically. While it is the school that should become the decisive link in the process of professional self-determination of students, to have an effective impact on the purposeful formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. In every person's life professional activity occupies an important place. From the very first steps of the child, parents think about his future, closely follow the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny. Younger schoolchildren are not faced with the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with the development of the personality at all age stages, the primary school age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundation for professional self-determination in the future. The ideas about the professions of a 7-10 year old child are limited by his so far not rich life experience - the work of mom and dad, a kindergarten teacher and a teacher at school, the profession of a pilot, policeman, intelligence officer, but children usually know about these familiar professions, as a rule , is small and very superficial. Meanwhile, in modern world there are a huge number of types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link social adaptation child. Thus, the formation of ideas of junior schoolchildren about the world of work and professions is necessary process, which is relevant in the modern world.

The main goals and objectives of the project


1. Show the importance of the family in a person's life, consolidate a positive attitude towards all family members.

2. To give children information that all family members are connected by love and tenderness, caring for each other, friendship and mutual assistance.

3. Show the role of parents and children in the family, "professions" that family members perform (acquaintance with the history of the creation and development of a family, answering the questions: "From whom and what character traits, characteristics and abilities did you inherit?", "Who are you want to become when you grow up? ”, children think about themselves, about their future).


  1. enrichment of students' knowledge about the world of professions;
  2. to form in children ideas about the family, the profession of parents;
  3. to educate children in love and respect for family members, to teach them to take care of their loved ones;
  4. to enrich parent-child relations with the experience of joint creative activity;
  5. increasing group cohesion, experience of participation in project activities, project presentation experience.

Work plan

  1. Collection and analysis of information.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of the word profession.
  3. We study the article by E.A. Klimov on the factors of choosing a profession.
  4. Thinking over the steps to the right choice profession.
  5. Let's try to define a profession for ourselves (for this we conducted a survey of classmates).
  6. Together with parents we conduct research work composing a story about their family's professions.
  7. Interviews with representatives of different professions.

Project product

Parents' stories about their profession.

Presentation of the project "I am leafing through a family album".

Estimated results of the project:

  1. Knowledge of information by children about their family.
  2. Understanding by children of the importance of the family in the life of every person.
  3. To convey to the project participants the importance of this topic.
  4. Draw up a long-term plan of activities on this topic.

Project conclusions

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire "Who do my parents work", we found that out of 20 students teaching in the class, 9 children could not name their mother's profession, 12 children do not know what their father's profession is called.

To the question "WHOM DO YOU DREAM TO BECOME?"

4 people answered - as a teacher,

5 - to the police,

2 - a musician,

2 - a cook,

1 - a hairdresser, traveler, inventor, chauffeur, designer, oligarch and boss.

Based on these answers, it became obvious that the guys know very little about the multitude of professions that exist in the modern world.

In the next stepWhile working on our project, we will try to answer the fundamental question: “Are all professions needed? Are all professions important? "

What professions are most in demand on the labor market in modern society?

How to make the right choice?

Who and what influences the choice of a future profession?

Where and what are they taught?

Is the teaching profession relevant today?

Game "Mystery Profession".

He loves to listen to the lungs

And he can do injections.

He will install the thermometer himself,

Put a vitamin in your mouth(doctor)

He can run, jump.

The ball is very dexterous.

Playing tennis, playing volleyball

And football has a knack(athlete)

He notices beauty

And everything distinguishes colors.

Can brush on paper

Draw your portrait.

And seeing the sun in the sky

Create a joyful landscape!(painter)

Threads, scissors, pins:

And the work is in full swing.

Creates things from fabric

A school uniform can be sewn for you(seamstress)


  1. E. I. Mashukova. All professions are important. - Primary school, 2008. - No. 6, p.91 - 92.
  2. L.V. Novozhenina. Integrated lessons. - Primary school, 2007.-№1, p.49-50.
  3. A. V. Prediger. Who to be? - Primary school, 2007. -№7, p. 87-93.
  4. E.N. Arsenina. All works are good. - Author's scripts extracurricular activities in primary school. - LLC "Globus", 2007, pp. 71-79.
  5. Encyclopedia.
  6. EA Klimov's article "Factors of choosing a profession."

The professions of my family

Murashkin Feodosiy 4 "A"

  1. Introducing yourself:Hello. My name is Murashkin Feodosiy. I am a student of 4 "A" class 828 of the school.
  1. I want to present my project on the topic "The professions of my relatives"
  1. The purpose of my work: Acquaintance with the history of the creation and development of my family, to answer the question: "From whom and what character traits, traits and abilities did we inherit?"
  1. The word "Profession" in translation from Latin means the type of labor activity of a person who possesses special theoretical knowledge and skills acquired as a result of special training
  1. After conducting a survey and analyzing the results of the questionnaire "Who do my parents work", we found that out of 20 students teaching in the classroom, 9 children could not name their mother's profession, 12 children do not know what the father's profession is called. It became obvious that the guys know very little about the many professions that exist in the modern world.
  1. Thus, questions about the world of work and professions are relevant in the modern world.
  1. My dad's name is Plato, he is a priest
  1. And before he was a deacon
  1. To become a priest, the pope studied at the institute. He graduated from the theological faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities
  1. Pope serves in the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Gonchary
  1. He also teaches Fundamentals of Orthodoxy at the Nika gymnasium and often puts on performances with his students.
  1. Dad knows how to drive a kayak and goes hiking with us
  1. My mother's name is Elena, she works as a literary editor
  1. She graduated from VGIK (All-Union State Institute of Culture), film studies faculty
  1. Mom works in the editorial office of the Northern District newspapers
  1. Mom also knows German and has been translating films at film festivals.
  1. Mom's dad, grandfather Sasha worked at the Tsentrnauchfilm film studio
  1. At first he was a cinematographer, then a filmmaker
  1. He also studied at VGIK, at the camera department
  1. And before the institute, my grandfather worked at the Riga Film Studio as an illuminator
  1. During the Great Patriotic War grandfather fought in a partisan detachment, then studied at sea and swam
  1. Now my grandfather is the chairman of the Council of Cinematographers - Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the deputy chairman of the United Council of partisans and underground workers of the Moscow Committee of War Veterans.
  1. Mother's mother, grandmother Tanya worked as an engineer at NIIAS (research institute)
  1. She graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University (Moscow State University)
  1. Dad's dad, grandfather Asya works at DSK-1 (house-building plant), and grandmother Mila is a mother of many children
  1. But the most main job grandparents - to be grandparents. Now we have grown up, but before they had a hard time
  1. My mother's brother, Uncle Shurik, also graduated from VGIK, Faculty of Economics, but he works as a sound engineer on advertising films
  1. Uncle Denis's dad's brother has his own small business, he collects and repairs telephones and radio equipment
  1. Daddy's sister Aunt Nastya works in the church where daddy serves
  1. And our aunt Olya also graduated from PSTGU (Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities), she is a Master of Religious Studies, and now she is in graduate school and teaches
  1. And I also have three sisters, Ksyusha is going to a choir college, Lika is studying at a ballet school, and Ulya is going to a gymnasium 1551
  1. In the next stepWhile working on our project, we will try to answer the question: “Are all professions needed? Are all professions important? "

Together with classmates we will try to find an answer to the problematic question: “There are many professions! Which one is mine? "

Let's hold a debate - "What influences the choice of profession":

What professions are most in demand on the labor market in modern society?

How to make the right choice?

Who and what influences the choice of a future profession?

Where and what are they taught?

Is the teaching profession relevant today?

We will carry out class hour on the topic: "Who do my parents work?"

Newspaper issue: "What I Want to Become"


To use the preview of presentations, create yourself an account ( account) Google and log into it:

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

THE TREE OF MY FAMILY'S WORK I AM Auto mechanic Dad Train driver Mom Hairdresser Grandmother Cook Grandfather Bulldozer driver Great-grandmother Hairdresser Great-grandfather Tractor driver Grandmother Seamstress Grandfather Musician Great-grandfather Builder Great-grandmother Doctor

2 slide

Slide Description:

MOM My mom is a hairdresser. Hairdressers work a lot with their hands. But in addition to knowledge of technology and practical skills, one of the main types of labor is creativity. After all, only a creative master can create a new image by simply changing the hairstyle.

3 slide

Slide Description:

dad My dad is an electric train driver. The profession of an electric train driver is strictly male. Requires huge physical and mental costs. The health of an electric train driver is harmed by electromagnetic radiation and vibrations, dusty air. So a stable and decent salary is a very modest remuneration for hard work. Healthy and physically hardy people work as machinists: their every working day begins with a medical examination. Shift work.

4 slide

Slide Description:

On my mother’s side, Grandmother Cook must know for whom which dishes can be harmful and, depending on the characteristics of the organism of a particular person, be able to create for him an individual menu that will not only be tasty, but also have a beneficial effect on health.

5 slide

Slide Description:

grandfather My grandfather is a bulldozer driver. The bulldozer driver is a fairly common profession in construction. With his direct participation, railways and highways, earth dams and water canals, as well as trenches for laying various communications are being created. The bulldozer itself is a machine based on a tracked or wheeled tractor equipped with a special knife (blade).

6 slide

Slide Description:

great-grandmother My great-grandmother is a hairdresser. This profession suitable for creative and diligent people. Not everyone will be able to stand for an hour cutting or coloring one client. Sociability will help to develop regular customers... Stress tolerance - The best way get out of conflict situations. Clients often do not know what they want and call the wrong hairstyles. It is important to find common ground and learn to understand customers.

7 slide

Slide Description:

great-grandfather My great-grandfather is a tractor driver. The profession of a tractor driver is one of the most famous working specialties. However, few are familiar with the specifics of this work. A tractor is a difficult machine, for which an employee, in addition to performing a huge list of specific tasks, must be able to repair a tractor, adjust its various components, and also assemble and repair electrical appliances.

8 slide

Slide Description:

On my father's side Grandma My grandmother is a seamstress. The seamstress is a woman's profession. Accuracy, taste, rigor to the smallest details and details, the accuracy of every movement, perseverance. A rare man combines these qualities, and in every woman they are always present. Any woman is, by definition, a born seamstress.

9 slide

Slide Description:

grandfather My grandfather is a musician. The profession of a musician is not an ordinary job, it is an art that presupposes creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no rigid criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, and recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and natural, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music.

10 slide

Slide Description:

great-grandmother My great-grandmother is a doctor. A doctor is, first of all, an intelligent person with a good memory. He always strives for excellence and gains new knowledge. After all, medicine does not stand still. It is important that the doctor is highly stress-resistant, especially if you have chosen surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics or psychiatry. The doctor must be honest and be able to make quick decisions in critical situations. After all, delay can cost the patient his life. Also, a physician should be able to explain to the patient the essence of the problem, reassure and interpret the importance of treatment.

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
THE TREE OF MY FAMILY'S JOBS I'm an auto mechanicDaddyTrain driver But in addition to knowledge of technology and practical skills, one of the main types of labor is creativity. After all, only a creative master can create a new image by simply changing the hairstyle. dad, my dad is an electric train driver. The profession of an electric train driver is strictly male. Requires huge physical and mental costs. The health of an electric train driver is harmed by electromagnetic radiation and vibrations, dusty air. So a stable and decent salary is a very modest remuneration for hard work. Healthy and physically hardy people work as machinists: their every working day begins with a medical examination. Shift work. On my mother’s side, GrandmotherCook must know for whom which dishes can be harmful and, depending on the characteristics of the organism of a particular person, be able to create for him an individual menu that will not only be tasty, but also have a beneficial effect on health. Grandpa My grandfather is a bulldozer driver. A bulldozer driver is a fairly common profession in construction. With his direct participation, railways and highways, earth dams and water canals, as well as trenches for laying various communications are being created. The bulldozer itself is a machine based on a tracked or wheeled tractor equipped with a special knife (blade). Great-grandmother My great-grandmother is a hairdresser. This profession is suitable for creative and diligent people. Not everyone will be able to stand for an hour cutting or coloring one client. Sociability will help to gain regular customers. Resilience to stress is the best way to get out of conflict situations. Clients often do not know what they want and call the wrong hairstyles. It is important to find common ground and learn to understand customers. Great-grandfatherMy great-grandfather is a tractor driver. The profession of a tractor driver is one of the most famous working specialties. However, few are familiar with the specifics of this work. A tractor is a difficult machine, for which an employee, in addition to performing a huge list of specific tasks, must be able to repair a tractor, adjust its various components, and also assemble and repair electrical appliances. On my father's side Grandma, my grandmother is a seamstress. The seamstress is a woman's profession. Accuracy, taste, rigor to the smallest details and details, the accuracy of every movement, perseverance. A rare man combines these qualities, and in every woman they are always present. Any woman is, by definition, a born seamstress. Grandfather My grandfather is a musician. The profession of a musician is not an ordinary job, it is an art that presupposes creativity. It is practically impossible to demand anything from such people, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no rigid criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, and recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and natural, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music. Great-grandmother My great-grandmother is a doctor. A doctor is, first of all, an intelligent person with a good memory. He always strives for excellence and gains new knowledge. After all, medicine does not stand still. It is important that the doctor is highly stress-resistant, especially if you have chosen surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics or psychiatry. The doctor must be honest and be able to make quick decisions in critical situations. After all, delay can cost the patient his life. Also, a physician should be able to explain to the patient the essence of the problem, reassure and interpret the importance of treatment. Great-grandfather My great-grandfather is a builder. The profession of a builder is very ancient. Thanks to historical architectural buildings, we can learn a lot about the life and culture of our ancestors. Many buildings have survived to this day, the age of which is measured in millennia. The construction masters have passed their experience from generation to generation. Why did I choose the profession of an auto mechanic? I chose the profession of an Auto mechanic, because in my ancestral line in the male line everyone is connected with the machine business. I really like to study vehicles, the structure of the mechanism, and their brands. In the future, I plan to open a service station. Thanks for watching!

Tatiana Shashkova

And I started with words: "On the golden porch sat: tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor - who will you be? " You all know this children's counting rhyme. In the old days there were few professions, and they all could well fit on one porch, together with the king, now all profession they won't fit on one porch, there are already many thousands of them, and more and more are appearing. Which one to choose?

I've always been drawn to needlework. I learned to knit myself, if necessary and I can sew. I'm interested in work with felt and beads, began to master the technique of making brooches in the style "Boho"... With all that my closest relatives do not sew or knit.

I have grouped profession by marking them with a certain color. When i did tree«» , then I saw that all my relatives in the female line are tied work with people... This can be seen by the presence of yellow. Me too I work with people... But where does the craving for needlework come from? And then my gaze rushes to the orange color, my great-grandmother was a needlewoman - she knitted shawls, garments, masterfully owned a crochet hook, embroidered. Everything fell into place.

Today I invite you to plunge into your history families, or rather execute genealogical tree« Professional dynasties in my family» .

Who wishes to carry out research work? Thanks to her, you can not only reveal trade union, but also to understand if you are in your place, and, possibly, help your child to make the right choice profession.

Manufacturing conventions genealogical tree

« Professional dynasties in my family»

Yellow - profession associated with communication people: teacher, salesman, judge, prosecutor, policeman, cook, journalist;

Blue - profession related to transport: water, land, air;

Red - medicine;

Green - profession related to nature: forester, nature conservation inspector, ecologist, shepherd, horse breeder, reindeer breeder, career hunter;

Brown - military;

Orange - seamstress, shoemaker, needlewoman;

If profession related to your family is not on the list, and you do not know what color to highlight it - it's not scary, you can define the color yourself. It is important that you yourself understand.

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