Calculation of the cost of fixed assets of the enterprise. Cost of production assets Value of fixed production assets formula

The average annual cost of production fixed assets (fixed assets, funds) is calculated in economic activity enterprises with the following goals:

  • Entering information into the relevant accounting and statistical reporting,
  • Determination of the tax base for property settlements;
  • Achievement of managerial and financial goals of an internal nature.

The full book value of the fixed assets object is the initial price of the object, adjusted for the revaluation amount (that is, when the asset is depreciated). Revaluation may be due to:

  • reconstruction,
  • retrofitting,
  • modernization,
  • completion,
  • partial liquidation.

In the process of use, fixed assets are subject to wear and tear, while losing in full or in part their original properties, so the calculations of their average annual value affect the determination of the residual value.

The residual value is calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation (deductions) from the amount of the initial cost.

Fixed assets are characterized by the fact that they are able to transfer their value to the finished product (goods) over a certain long period, consisting of several cycles. That is why the organization of accounting simultaneously reflects and retains the original form, including the loss of price over time.

To study the formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets, it is necessary to consider in more detail the composition of fixed assets.

The fixed assets (means) of production include:

  • Buildings that are architectural objects and used in the creation of working conditions (garages, warehouses, workshop premises, etc.).
  • Structures consisting of objects of an engineering construction type and used in the process of transportation (tunnels, bridges, track construction, water supply systems, etc.).
  • Transmission devices through which the transmission of electricity, as well as gas and oil.
  • Machinery and equipment, including presses, machine tools, generators, engines, etc.
  • Devices for making measurements.
  • Electronic computing and other equipment.
  • Vehicles including locomotives, cars, cranes, loaders, etc.
  • Tools and inventory.

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets is as follows:

Sof \u003d Spn + (Svved * M) / 12 - (Svyb x Mvyb) / 12

Here Sof is the average annual cost of fixed assets,

С mon - the initial cost of funds,

Svved - the value of the introduced funds,

M is the number of months of operation of newly introduced funds,

Svyb - the cost of retired funds,

Mrelease - the number of months of retirement,

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets contains indicators in their initial cost, which is formed at the time of acquisition. In case of revaluation of fixed assets in the organization, the cost is taken as of the date of the last revaluation.

The formula for the average annual cost of production fixed assets according to the balance sheet

The formula for the average annual cost of fixed assets can be calculated using information from the company's financial statements. This method accountants are used to calculate the company's profitability ratios.

The formula in accordance with the balance sheet is calculated by finding the sum of indicators for the balance sheet line "Fixed assets" at the end of the reporting year and at the end of the base year (previous year), then the amount must be divided by 2 or multiplied by 0.5.

For calculations using the formula, information is taken from the balance sheet, covering the totality of transactions not only for the period as a whole, but also separately for each month.

The formula for these calculations is as follows:

Sof \u003d PS + (Svvod × M) / 12 - [D (12 - L)] / 12

Here PS is the initial cost of OF,

Conversion - the cost of the funds introduced,

M - months of validity of the introduced funds,

D - the cost of liquidation of funds,

L - the number of months of operation of retired funds.

Examples of problem solving


OPF - tangible elements that repeatedly participate in the production process, do not change their original form, and transfer their cost in parts to the cost of manufactured products.

The average annual cost of OPF in reporting period is determined by the formula:

Where: - cost of OPF at the beginning of the year;

- the cost of received OPF;

- the cost of retired OPF;

m - the number of months of deregistration of retired OPF in the reporting year.

million rubles

The cost of OPF at the end of the reporting year:

Million rub.

1.2 Calculation of BPF usage indicators

Return on assets is an indicator that expresses the ratio of the cost of construction and installation works produced in one year (or other period of time) to the average annual cost of the OPF. Shows how much production (in monetary terms) received from each ruble of operating capital.

Capital intensity is an inverse indicator of capital productivity. Shows what share of the OPF is in 1 ruble of construction and installation works performed on their own.

The renewal coefficient is the ratio of the value of the received OPF to the value of the OPF at the end of the reporting year.

The capital-labor ratio of labor is an indicator that characterizes the cost of the active part of the OPF per one worker employed in construction.

Table 2. Calculation of indicators for the use of OPF

No. p / p The name of indicators Conventional designation Period Values
Base Reporting
1. return on assets 2,007846 -
- 1,912368
2. capital intensity 0,4982 -
- 0,5228
Continuation of table 2
3. OPF renewal factor - 2,18
4. OPF disposal rate - 2,121
5. OPF reproduction rate

- 0,069
66. Labor capital-labor ratio 62,22 -
- 60,72

Conclusion: as can be seen from the calculation of indicators of the use of the OPF:

A decrease in the return on assets in the reporting year relative to the base year indicates a decrease in the volume of construction and installation works, which could occur due to inefficient and irrational use of new equipment, as well as due to the short time spent by production assets in operation.

2. An increase in the capital intensity indicator in the reporting year in relation to the base year indicates a decrease in production efficiency, since the manufacture of this construction product is provided at high cost of the OPF.

3.Refresh ratemain indicator characterizing the rate of reproduction of fixed capital. It is calculated as the ratio of the value of injected physical capital to the total value at the end of the year. By construction organization equals 2.18%. This value indicates a certain share of the renewal of the BPF in the construction organization. The leading areas of renewal are an increase in the scale of disposal of physically and morally worn-out means of labor and a corresponding increase in the share of new ones aimed at replacing the former.

4.Retirement rate- the value reflecting the intensity of the renewal of production assets, is calculated as the ratio of retired capital investments to the total value at the beginning of the year (taking into account the capital that retired due to physical and moral depreciation, since it also retires for reasons not related to its aging). It is equal to 2.121%. This value means that the organization is updating obsolete equipment to some extent. An increase in the degree of renewal is possible by attracting new equipment or overhaul(modernization) of the old, provided that the cost of this should not lead to an increase in the cost of production.

5.Reproduction rate- reflects the relative increase (decrease) in the OPF due to their renewal (retirement). It is equal to 0.069%, which indicates that the retirement of OPF does not exceed their renewal. The tangible difference between the retirement rate and the renewal rate indicates that the BPF is more updated than retired.

6. Capital-labor ratio- characterizes the equipment of employees OPF enterprises. A decrease in this coefficient indicates that in the reporting year, in comparison with the base year, the share of manual labor increased and the share of mechanized labor decreased.

1.3 We determine the shares of intensive (due to changes in capital productivity) and extensive (due to changes in the size of OPF) factors of changes in the volume of construction and installation works.

The successful functioning of fixed assets depends on how fully the extensive and intensive factors for improving their use are implemented.

Intensive factors changes in the volume of construction and installation works are development factors production activities construction organization by making fuller use of each unit resource potential due to the growth of labor productivity, a more complete use of materials, an increase in the return on fixed assets, and a better use of working time.

Extensive factors changes in the volume of construction and installation works are factors involved in the development construction industry, increasing the output of finished construction products by attracting additional resources without increasing the efficiency of their use.

extensive path development involves a way to increase production through quantitative factors while maintaining its former technical basis: additional attraction work force, the number of enterprises, workshops, sites, increasing the construction of new facilities. With this path of development, a large amount of resources (natural, labor, material) is involved in production, but there are no significant changes in technology and technology, labor organization, and the qualifications of workers.

Intra-production reserves for improving the use of existing production capacities are divided into extensive and intensive reserves.

To extensive factors include reserves for increasing the useful time of equipment operation within the regime fund. These include eliminating intra-shift and day-to-day equipment downtime, as well as reducing the duration of scheduled repairs.

Group intensive reserves includes measures for a more complete loading of equipment per unit of time, advanced training of workers and, on this basis, more full use productivity of machines, an increase in the output of finished construction products, etc.

extensive improvement in the use of fixed assets implies that, on the one hand, the operating time of existing equipment will be increased during the calendar period, and on the other hand, specific gravity operating equipment as part of all equipment available at the enterprise.

Although the extensive way of improving the use of fixed assets has not yet been fully utilized, it has its limits. The possibilities of the intensive path are much wider.

intensive improving the use of fixed assets involves increasing the degree of equipment utilization per unit of time. This can be achieved by modernizing existing machines and mechanisms, establishing the optimal mode of their operation. Optimum performance technological process provides an increase in output without changing the composition of fixed assets, without an increase in the number of employees and with a decrease in the consumption of material resources per unit of output.

Intensity the use of fixed assets is also increased through the technical improvement of labor tools and the improvement of production technology, the elimination of "bottlenecks" in the production process, the reduction of the time for achieving the design productivity of equipment, the improvement scientific organization labor, production and management, the use of high-speed methods of work, advanced training and professional excellence workers.

The development of technology and the associated intensification of processes are not limited. Therefore, the possibilities for an intensive increase in the use of fixed assets are not limited.

1.3.а Dynamics of construction and installation works volumes in the reporting year due to changes in capital productivity:

Million rub.

1.3.b. Dynamics of the volume of construction and installation works due to changes in the size of the OPF:

Million rub.

Dynamics of construction and installation works volumes:


Million rub.

Million rub.

- therefore, the calculations are performed correctly.


The composition and structure of the OPF. The company's property consists of: fixed assets and other non-current assets, current assets and financial assets.

The total amount of non-current assets is calculated as a set of fixed assets of the company, intangible assets, investments in capital construction in progress, long-term financial investments in securities and in the authorized capital of other enterprises, other non-current assets. The most significant part of non-current assets are fixed assets that are on the balance sheet of the company and are in operation, in stock, on conservation, as well as leased to other companies.

Fixed assets - this is the monetary value of fixed assets as material assets with a long period of operation. Thus, fixed assets are part of the means of production, which fully or partially retains its natural form throughout the entire service life, transfers its value in parts to manufactured products and is reimbursed from the accumulated depreciation fund.

Fixed assets are divided into industrial-production and non-production. Industrial-production funds function in the sphere of material production, non-production-satisfy the everyday and cultural needs of people.

Non-production buildings include buildings of residential buildings, cultural and community institutions, their equipment, inventory. Non-productive fixed assets do not function in production, do not reproduce value in the product.

The share of fixed assets for non-production purposes is,

for example, in mechanical engineering about 15%.

The main production assets consist of a large number of various objects. They differ in purpose, service life, impact on production results. Therefore, there is a need for their classification. The classification of fixed production assets of mechanical engineering provides for the following subdivision:

1. Buildings (36%). These are production buildings of workshops, warehouses, production laboratories, etc., which create material conditions for labor and storage of material values. This group includes plant management buildings and other service premises.

2. Structures (6.3%). These are engineering and construction facilities that perform technical functions for servicing production: tunnels, bridges, flyovers, automobile and railways and etc.

3. Transfer devices (3.6%). All means by which electrical, mechanical and thermal energy is transmitted to working machines.

4. Machinery and equipment (49.8%). This group is subdivided into:

Power machines and equipment - objects intended for the generation and processing of energy (generators, turbines, electric motors, steam boilers, internal combustion engines, etc.);

Working machines and equipment - means of labor directly involved in the technological process, affecting the objects of labor, turning them into finished products;

Measuring and regulating instruments and devices, laboratory equipment;

Computer technology;

Other machines and equipment.

5. Vehicles (2.0%). Means for moving people and goods inside and outside the enterprise, but related to the enterprise (cars, electric locomotives, railway cars, electric cars, etc.).

6. Tools and technological equipment for long-term use.

7. Production household inventory(work tables, workbenches, fences, fans, etc.).

8. Other fixed production assets.

The ratio between the amount of capital invested in individual groups of fixed assets is called their structure. The structure of the OPF depends on many factors and, above all, on the characteristics of a given production: the size of the enterprise, the technical level of production, the level of specialization, geographical location, and forms of organization of production.

At factories producing large-sized machines (turbines, boilers, heavy presses, etc.), the proportion of OPF invested in buildings, structures, handling equipment is greater than at factories producing small-sized machines.

The higher the technical level of production, all other things being equal, the greater the share of machinery and equipment, since their cost rises sharply. At factories with mass and large-scale production, as compared with factories with small-scale, single-piece production, as a rule, machinery and equipment have a higher share, buildings and inventory have a lower one.

Progressive changes in the structure of the OPF depend primarily on the improvement of tools, machines and mechanisms.

Methods for estimating the BPF. Accounting and evaluation of fixed production assets are carried out in kind (pieces, tons, kilometers, etc.) and cost (rubles) forms.

Score in natural form is needed to calculate production capacities, to develop equipment balances, to determine the degree of use of the BPF.

It is customary to call production capacity the maximum amount of products that can be obtained from any production link with the best use of all available resources. The initial documents for determining production capacities are passports of equipment, workplaces, enterprises, which contain a complete list of its production and operational indicators.

cost the estimate is used to determine the total value of the OPF, their structure, dynamics, and the amount of depreciation included in the cost of products.

There are several types of OPF valuation:

At the initial cost (Fp);

By replacement cost (Fv);

At residual value (original or replacement cost, taking into account depreciation) (Fost).

Accounting for fixed assets at historical cost is carried out at the price of their acquisition or manufacture, taking into account the costs of delivery, storage and installation on site.

All fixed assets acquired by the company are recorded on its balance sheet at full cost, which is also called the balance sheet.

The economic significance of this valuation method lies in the fact that in this way the initial (real) costs of the OPF are identified.

The disadvantage of the method is that the same (homogeneous) OPF, produced, purchased and installed at different times, are listed on the balance sheets at different prices. This does not make it possible to compare the value of the OPF for different objects, to correctly determine the amount of depreciation, the cost of manufactured products.

In this regard, OPF are valued at the replacement cost, which shows the cost of producing OPF in modern conditions, that is, it shows the amount of costs required to purchase or manufacture currently available OPF at modern prices.

At present, with a high level of inflation, there is a need for periodic revaluation of fixed assets and determination of their replacement cost, corresponding to real economic conditions. Residual value (original or replacement cost, taking into account depreciation) shows the value of the OPF that has not yet been transferred to the manufactured product.

where k a - depreciation rate (%);

t u - period of use of fixed assets (years).

Depreciation of the OPF. OPF in the production process are subject to material (physical) and obsolescence, the consequences of which must be taken into account.

Physical wear and tear, that is, the loss of consumer value (the usefulness of a thing) of the OPF, occurs both during the functioning of the OPF and during

their inaction (destruction of the building under the influence of atmospheric conditions, corrosion, etc.).

The amount of physical depreciation of fixed assets depends on many reasons: the degree of load, the quality of the means of labor, the correct assembly and installation, the qualifications of workers, protection from external conditions, etc.

In addition to the physical depreciation of the OPF, there is also their obsolescence, the essence of which is that what one or another type of OPF, even before its complete physical wear and tear, is depreciated.

The main cause of obsolescence is an increase in the productivity of the resources used while reducing their costs per unit of output.

Increasing labor productivity while reducing the cost of wages in the unit cost of production causes obsolescence of the so-called first kind, the value of which can be determined as follows


where q is the annual growth rate of labor productivity, %;

t - the period of time from the moment of manufacture of the BMA to the calculation of MI.

Obsolescence of the second kind is due to the use in production of more advanced equipment, technological processes, better organization of production. Moreover, their use should give a relative reduction in the cost of production.


where Tst, Tn - economic service life of obsolete and new equipment;

qst, qn - annual productivity of obsolete and new equipment;, Fp.n - the initial cost of obsolete and new equipment.

Using outdated technology firms spend more labor time, materials per unit of output. The cost of similar products manufactured on obsolete equipment is higher than on new one. Moreover, a relative increase in the cost of long-term use of obsolete equipment leads to losses that significantly exceed the cost of obsolete equipment.

OPF depreciation. Cash compensation for depreciation of fixed assets is made by depreciation. Depreciation is a gradual process

transferring the value of fixed assets to manufactured products in order to form a special depreciation fund Money for subsequent restoration (renovation) of fixed assets.

Depreciation charges are included in the cost of manufactured products. The initial data for calculating the amount of depreciation deductions are:

The amount of initial costs for fixed assets;

amortization period.

The amortization period is the duration of the operation of the BPF in years, established taking into account:

Moral and physical deterioration;

The level of use of OPF in production;

Demand and supply for capital resources;

Economic feasibility of modernization and overhaul.

In general, the amount of annual depreciation deductions is determined


where F l - the liquidation value of the OPF;

T a - depreciation period.

With the movement of fixed assets during the planning period - a year (disposal, purchase, creation), the average annual cost of the OPF is calculated. This indicator is then used in all calculations.


where r is the number of months worked by the entering or leaving OPF,

F p.vv, F p.vyb - OPF introduced and withdrawn during the year,

Ф p.n. - the cost of OPF at the beginning of the year.

In practical work, depreciation rates are used to determine the annual amount of depreciation. The depreciation rate is the annual percentage of reimbursement of the cost of the OPF established in a planned manner.

Various methods of depreciation of the fixed assets are used. Under the conditions of the previously operating economic mechanism, the traditional method was used, which provided for the centralized setting of the depreciation period (depreciation rate) for all types of fixed assets operating in the country. The deductions were made in equal installments throughout the entire period.

In all countries with developed market economies, accelerated depreciation methods are used.

There are two main ways to accelerate the depreciation of fixed capital.

The first way is to artificially reduce the duration of depreciation periods and, accordingly, increase annual depreciation rates. For example, in the USA, to stimulate the inflow of capital investments in the military-industrial complex, a five-year depreciation period for fixed capital was used. This allowed firms in the first five years to return the invested capital in the form of a sinking fund. In addition, during this period, due to high depreciation deductions, the amount of profit subject to tax decreases, and, consequently, the amount of the tax itself. Accelerated depreciation benefits are sometimes rightly compared to an interest-free loan.

A short depreciation period does not and should not correspond to the actual life of the equipment before write-off.

The amount of depreciation, calculated according to the norms of the cost of the OPF, means only the upper limit of annual deductions. Depending on the financial situation, within this amount, the company may charge a smaller amount of depreciation.

The second way is that, without reducing the standard service life established by the state, individual firms are allowed to depreciate deductions in higher amounts in the first years compared to the uniform method, with a corresponding decrease in subsequent years.

Various methods of accelerated depreciation are used as special ones, for example, the declining balance method (double rate, one and a half, etc.). At the same time, the annual depreciation rate is twice as high as the annual depreciation rate with a straight-line method for the same standard service life.

For example, with a standard service life of 10 years, the annual depreciation rate will be 20% instead of 10% with a straight-line method, that is, twice as much. But the annual depreciation amounts using this rate are determined not from the initial cost of the OPF, which is unchanged during the entire depreciation period, but from the gradually decreasing under-depreciated cost. Therefore, the annual depreciation amounts are

gradually decrease with the increase in the service life of the means of labor. If a tool costs 2000 rubles, with a ten-year standard service life, the annual depreciation amounts will be: in the first year 400 rubles, in the second - 320 rubles, in the third - 256 rubles. etc. For the fifth year, deductions will amount to only 164 rubles.

In some cases, a method is used that combines progressive and regressive depreciation systems. In the first year or two of the development of new technology, a low depreciation rate is practiced, and then its annual rate increases sharply, and in subsequent years depreciation is carried out according to the regressive system. This method of depreciation is advisable to apply when introducing expensive complex equipment with a long period of adjustment and development.

Repair of fixed assets. One of the forms of reproduction of the fixed assets is a major overhaul, which compensates for the partial depreciation of fixed assets by replacing worn-out structures and parts with more advanced and economical ones that improve the performance of reconstructed facilities.

At present, all firms, regardless of subordination and form of ownership, include the costs of all types of repair of fixed assets (current, capital) as part of the cost of production and sale of products (works, services). In this case, the company can independently choose the option of repair costs:

1. Immediately after its implementation. This option is advisable to use when repairing the BPF in an economic way, by the personnel of auxiliary shops;

2. From the repair fund created at the enterprise (cash reserve). While doing repair work contract method is preferable;

3. With subsequent monthly write-off for production costs. This option is applicable in case of a major overhaul by the tenant of leased (under the terms of the current lease) fixed assets.

Indicators of the level of use of the OPF

There are general and particular indicators.

The general ones include capital productivity and capital intensity. The return on assets shows the output per 1 ruble of OPF.


where N r - annual output in value terms (commodity, gross or net).

The reciprocal value of capital productivity is called capital intensity and shows the value of the main funds per 1 ruble of output.


In some cases, the indicator of profitability of fixed assets is used


Private indicators characterize the level of use of certain groups of fixed assets.

The coefficient of extensive use of equipment characterizes the level of its use over time. Determined for each group of the same type of equipment


where F f - actually worked time,

F pl - planned equipment operation time (regime or planned time fund).

The equipment shift ratio characterizes the degree of production intensification:


where f 1 , f 2 , f 3 - the number of actually worked out machine shifts in 1, 2, 3 shifts,

n - the total number of machines and equipment that the enterprise, shop has.

The coefficient of intensive use of equipment characterizes the level of use of equipment in terms of power and productivity:


technically justified norm of time per unit of production, Chakt - the actual time spent on the manufacture of a unit of production.

Integral coefficient of use of machinery and equipment:


Average annual cost of fixed production assets is the sum of the value of fixed assets at the beginning and end of the period, divided by 2.

Average annual cost of fixed assets formula

Average annual cost of fixed production assets = (Fixed production assets at the beginning of the period + Fixed production assets at the end of the period) / 2

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The cost of fixed production assets (hereinafter referred to as OPF) is usually carried over for a very long period. This period, in some cases, may span several production cycles. For this reason, the organization of accounting for the BPF is carried out in such a way that at one time it is possible to reflect both the preservation of the original form and the loss of value over time. In this arrangement, one of key indicators is the average annual cost of the OPF.

Types of cost of fixed production assets

Before proceeding to the consideration of the formula for calculating the cost of OPF, we will consider the types of cost of OPF. It is important to distinguish between such types of cost of the OPF as initial, residual and replacement.

First of all, you need to consider the initial cost, which reflects the cost of obtaining fixed assets. It is also important to remember that it does not change.

The initial value of the OPF coming from the capital investment of certain enterprises can be determined by adding together the various costs incurred by production, such as the cost of equipment and installation work, transportation costs and others.

In turn, the replacement cost refers to the cost of acquiring such funds in modern conditions. In order to determine the replacement cost, it is necessary to revaluate fixed assets using indexation, as well as resorting to direct recalculation, according to available market prices, documented.

And, of course, we cannot but consider the residual value, which corresponds to the replacement value, which must be reduced by the amount of wear.

When determining the average annual cost of fixed assets, it is necessary to take into account the fact of their depreciation and amortization. The fact is that when funds are in the process of production for a long time, they easily give in to physical and moral deterioration. Speaking of physical wear and tear, we mean the loss of the original qualities of the means of labor. The level of material wear can be different, it depends on various factors, such as, for example, the degree of operation of the BPF, the level of personnel qualification, the level of aggressiveness of the environment, and others. To keep fixed assets intact, these factors must be taken into account.

As we have already said, funds can also be subject to obsolescence. What would that mean? The so-called obsolescence is the result of the fact that certain types of OPF are sometimes depreciated even before they are completely obsolescent.

Obsolescence can be of two types, conditionally they are called the first and second. The first of them is caused by the fact that production reduces the cost of the fixed assets themselves in the industries in which they are produced. Such depreciation cannot lead to losses, since it is the effect of increasing savings. The second type of obsolescence arises as a result of the emergence of such types of OPF, which have greater productivity.

The last thing worth mentioning when talking about OPF is depreciation. Depreciation refers to the process in which the value of the OPF is transferred to manufactured products in order to create a specially depreciated cash fund for the complete renovation of fixed assets.

What you need to know to determine the cost of production assets

First of all, in order to calculate the average annual cost of the OPF, it is necessary to have data on the balance sheet. At the same time, they should cover not only indicators for the entire year, but also separately for each month of the year. In addition, you also need to know the calculation formula, which we will talk about in more detail.

The formula itself can be represented as follows:

X=R+(AxM)/12 - /12

Let us analyze in more detail the necessary indicators that are contained in this formula:

X is an indicator of the average annual cost of OPF;
R is an indicator of the initial cost of the OPF (available at the beginning of the year);
A is an indicator of the value of the introduced funds;
M is the number of months of functioning of the introduced BPF;
D - liquidation value indicator;
L is the number of months of functioning of retired BPFs.

So, when you have all the necessary data, you can start the calculations, for this you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the initial cost of the OPF, which falls at the beginning of the year. When determining this value, as we have already said, various production costs are taken into account. Further, to obtain an indicator at the beginning of the current year, it is necessary to correct the initial cost of the OPF by the amount of their depreciation;
2. After receiving the necessary information on the initial cost, you can proceed to the calculation of the cost of fixed assets. It is important to keep in mind that when entering objects, it is necessary to take into account their initial cost, at the same time, when withdrawing, one must take into account the value accepted on the balance sheet in the current month. By editing the amount that you received after calculating the amount of the input cost and the amount of the output cost during the year in the first step, you can get the original value that falls at the end of the year;
3. Next, use the formula to calculate average annual cost OPF.


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