Unilever whose company. Unilever Rus LLC. On the social mission of the company

Unilever (Unilever) Is a transnational company that owns such well-known brands as:, Sunsilk, Ax, Dove, Clear vita ABE, Glorix, Domestos, Cif. And also food companies: Knorr, Inmarko, Brooke Bond, Pyshka, Calve, Baltimore, Creme Bonjour, Lipton, Rama, Beseda.

The history of the creation of the transnational company Unilever (Unilever)

The history of Unilever began in 1880, the two countries of Holland and England united to create this truly powerful holding. The world-famous name of the Unilever company appeared only 50 years after its creation. Then, in 1930, the Dutch Margarine Uni (margarine union) and the English Lever Brothers (soap company).

The idea of \u200b\u200bcombining these, at first glance, incompatible companies arose because, in fact, the products of one and the other company are made from the same type of raw materials - fats and oils.

Today, thanks to this combination, Unilever occupies one of the first places in both the food and non-food markets. The company's products are sold in 88 countries around the world.

For the first time, Unilever products appeared in the CIS in 1991. And in 1994 the head office began its work in St. Petersburg, in the same year the Russian perfumery and cosmetic production company Severnoye Siyanie became one of the series of brands owned by Unilever.

After a while on russian territory the well-known cosmetic brands Timotei, Denim, Sunsilk, and of course the perfumery of the Northern Lights company have already been produced.

And in 1996, the company entered the food market of Russia, promoting its food brands Delmy, Brooke Bond, Rama, Calve, as well as Lipton. In 1998, Unilever buys the Moscow Margarine Plant, and two years later the company bought the Betsfoods company, known to everyone as the manufacturer of Hellmann's and Knorr products.

Autumn 2011 Unilever acquires 82% of shares russian company Kalina, which produces hair and skin care products, is one of the leaders in the Russian cosmetics market.

Unilever is engaged in the production of hygiene products, washing powders, drinks, as well as food.

Interesting facts about the company Unilever (Unilever)

Several years ago, and in 2009, Unilever became interested in the sustainability of its products, as a result of which inspections of palm oil suppliers began. This led to a number of omissions and confusion on the part of some suppliers, the most problematic was PT SMART. This supplier could not provide accurate data on the production of palm oil, which should not harm the surrounding forests, and is also grown in peatlands. In the Greenpeace report, these violations were confirmed, thus Unilever refused the services of the PT SMART holding.

Despite this kind of respect for the environment, Unilever continues. And this applies not only to non-food products.

Lipton teas were not tested on rabbits until 2011. The purpose of the tests was to find out on specially fed animals medicinal properties this drink. Thanks to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Unilever stopped this research.

The creative concept of advertising campaigns always solves any problem of the target audience. And today, global corporations are increasingly turning to solving global social problems, affecting the life of people, cities, countries and the entire globe as a whole. Through this, brands acquire a philosophy and identity. And one of the large-scale socially significant missions both at the global and at the Russian level is carried out by Unilever.

On October 19, Unilever Chief Executive Paul Polman spoke at the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. “We are the first generation with the power and resources to eradicate poverty, and the last generation with a chance to prevent catastrophic climate change,” Polman said in his lecture, among others. The Unilever CEO is renowned for his social activism and commitment to sustainable development: he is the founder and president of the Kilimanjaro Blind Trust, the Foundation to help blind children in countries East Africa, and is also a member of the High Council of the UN Program 2015 "Global Sustainable Development Goals".


Unilever's philosophy reflects the core of small business theory. “We will inspire people every day to do small things that can contribute to big changes around the world. For example, collectively we save 3 million lives every year through handwashing programs, ”says the company's vision. Yes, 53% of Unilever's business is in emerging markets.

Today, the main consumers are representatives of generation Y. While brands offer goods and services of approximately the same quality, the most important requirement of consumers is that in english language is called "impact" - the company's contribution to the global ecosystem. Every second “game to” customer wants to thank socially responsible companies and is even ready for 10% more.

At the heart of Unilever's business is the 2010 Sustainability and Quality of Life Plan. According to the Plan, the main goal of the company by 2020 is to double the volume of business, reduce the negative impact on environment and increase the positive impact on society. One of the Plan's instruments is the Unilever Endowment Fund.

The two main territories in which major brands operate are the third world and advanced economies. It is clear that the range of social problems in these territories is radically different. Therefore, the mission of the Unilever Charitable Foundation is divided into two broad areas: improving the quality of life (ensuring proper sanitation and hygiene, access to clean drinking water and basic food) and increasing self-esteem. If in Bangladesh Unilever helps children suffering from malnutrition, then, for example, in Great Britain it teaches women to accept themselves as they are.


In 2015, Unilever ran four major social campaigns in Russia. While the Rexona and Lipton brands have chosen to increase the physical and social activity of their audiences as the main goal of their campaigns, Domestos and Dove have focused on educating the younger generation.

The Rexona brand has addressed the issue of mortgage lending. In 2015, Rexona introduced the revolutionary Motionsense formula to the Russian market, which is activated when moving, thereby starting to promote its new philosophy, within which the brand inspires people to lead a more active lifestyle. At the same time, an economic crisis began in Russia, due to which young and active citizens, just the target audience Rexona, who have recently been actively taking loans and mortgages in the hope of a bright future, found themselves in a difficult situation. Inspired by the new positioning and the current situation in the country, the Rexona brand took on a special social role, not only encouraging people to become more active, both socially and physically, but also providing real material assistance. This is how the national program Nepoteka appeared, within which everyone could get a chance to convert their movements into real repayment of a mortgage or loan:

Gurgen Melkonyan, Senior Brand Manager of Rexona:

In 2015, our brand ran an advertising campaign, in the key message of which we skillfully played the consonance of the words "mortgage" and "sweat". The all-Russian movement for paying off mortgages through physical activity grew out of a joke, we were supported by bloggers, federal media, politicians and social activists. In terms of results, we helped 72 families across the country repay part of their mortgages and inspired millions of fellow citizens to move more despite the hardships. This unique activity has helped the brand achieve growth in all key metrics during the campaign.

The trend of modern Russian cities is the development of public spaces and the creation of creative communities on their basis. It is in line with this trend that the Lipton brand launched the GOODSTARTER platform to find innovative and promising social projects. As a result, the brightest and interesting ideas received investment and PR support of the brand.

Sophia Popova, marketing manager of Lipton:

At the moment, we have seven winners, and two of them are projects for Gorky Park: the interactive musical project Chaikovsky and the inclusive playground We Play Together. While the first project made the “taste of tea play”, the second addresses a very important social problem - the full participation of children with disabilities in all spheres of activity. The issue of inclusiveness is largely related to the destruction of stereotypes, and we are glad that we helped a little to a great good cause.

As part of the Unilever Charitable Foundation, Domestos is working with UNICEF to help improve sanitation across the globe. The active fight against the sanitation crisis is mainly taking place in the Gambia, Ghana, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Sudan, Sudan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

In Russia, since 2014, the Domestos brand has been helping to improve the condition of children's hospitals, and this year the brand began to fight against children's fears. Almost every child, once in a hospital, is afraid not only of doctors, but also of confined spaces of wards, incomprehensible devices, old, unusual toilets with rusty pipes and creaky doors. Domestos wants to protect children in times like these and helps toddlers cope with one of their greatest fears.

According to official data, only 34% of the Russian population is satisfied with the existing healthcare system. Therefore, we decided to pay attention to the sanitary conditions in children's hospitals. Last year, the Domestos brand helped to renovate the city hospital in Yekaterinburg, and in 2015 we decided to help the children's department of the city clinic in St. Petersburg. Now this hospital is already running out renovation work bathrooms, and it will become a little easier for children to endure hospital conditions.

The Dove brand in Russia fights for the beauty of women - more precisely, for its perception. According to a study by the brand The Real TruthAbout Beauty: Revisited in Russia, most women consider themselves ugly, and without any significant reason. The brand takes on the role of a psychologist and builds communication with the audience on the fact that it convinces women of the absolute value of natural beauty in a world that gloss has imposed on it.

Dove is currently launching a campaign for girls where she will take on the role of a psychologist and talk about why you need to be satisfied with your natural beauty.

Elena Abashkina, marketing manager for DOVE:

Beauty should be a source of self-confidence, not feelings. And the Dove brand has set itself the goal of helping the future generation of women to be more confident in themselves and their beauty. To do this, we try to help young girls believe in the power of natural beauty and love themselves. We have already launched the Dove Self Esteem initiative and at school workshops we are trying to help girls understand where beauty stereotypes come from, how they can affect them and why unique beauty these girls are a thousand times better than the pictures they compare themselves to.

In order to better help girls, the Dove brand does a lot of research to understand what worries them and where their complexes come from. The social experiment Dove Legacy (Dove: Legacy) revealed that girls adopt many of the complexes from their mothers, who often do not even realize that their dissatisfaction with themselves can negatively affect the self-perception of their daughters:

Dove Day is held at Unilever's Russian office - a day when employees talk to their daughters about true beauty. The purpose of the corporate event is to increase girls' self-esteem. Preliminary, professional psychologists who took part in the development of the Dove Self Esteem program work with the employees.


The Perfect City project is one of Unilever's sustainable development initiatives. A cross-category approach is used for the project, when not specific brands are promoted, but the company as a whole.

In 2015, Unilever organized a family holiday called Our City - Our Home! The space # UEkoDom is located around the family monument at VDNKh. #UEkoDom was divided into six thematic zones, for each of which a certain category of Unilever products was responsible. These are tea, deodorants, hair care products, household chemicals, ice cream, facial skin care products. At the # UEkoDom site, with the support of the Moscow Department of Transport, lectures on safe driving, lessons on road traffic for children and adults, as well as several activations for city cyclists were held. And the volunteers of the online publication about the sustainable lifestyle Recycle exchanged empty bottles of Unilever products for souvenirs. The collected waste is used for further processing.

Unilever intends to continue the Perfect City program and to this end is actively cooperating with the city authorities in two areas. The first is financing and development of startups that are useful for the city, and the second is integration into city events and holding our own. By the New Year, the company will take part in several city fairs. And starting next year, the company will start implementing uniform concept Perfect City into two Russian megalopolises - in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

“In the culture of a Russian person, to be generous and to help, therefore, our audience responds responsively to our charitable initiatives. However, she is affected by problems that are clear, understandable and require immediate solutions. Therefore, we see great potential in the development of a single concept of Perfect City and its subsequent spread to other Russian cities. " - concludes the brand manager of Domestos Alina Sarapulova.

Russia plays a priority role for the international company Unilever as a market with high potential for further growth. In 2012, the company celebrated the 20th anniversary of its work in the Russian market. Unilever's portfolio of brands in Russia includes such well-known food brands as Calve, Hellmann "s, Baltimore sauces, Rama spreads, Crème Bonjour herbal curd cream, Pyshka baking margarine, seasonings, soups and bases Knorr for preparing hot meals, Carte D "Or, Cornetto, Ekzo, Gold Standard" and "Magnat" ice cream, Beseda tea, Brooke Bond and Lipton, as well as popular brands of personal hygiene and household chemicals: Dove cosmetics , "Black Pearl," "Pure Line", "Velvet Handles", "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty", Hair Care Products Clear vita ABE, Dove, Sunsilk, Timotei, TIGI, Deodorants Ax, Dove, Rexona and "Pure Line" , Forest Balsam and 32 oral care products, Cif, Domestos and Glorix cleaners and disinfectants, Sun dishwasher detergent.

Unilever's production in Russia is carried out on the basis of 4 large industrial clusters: food products and ice cream in the Tula region, tea, cosmetic products and household chemicals in St. Petersburg, cosmetic products in Yekaterinburg, and ice cream in Omsk. The company's production facilities are constantly expanding in order to meet the growing demand of Russian consumers for our products. The company's total investment in russian economy currently exceeds 2 billion euros. The number of employees of the company in Russia is about 8,000 people. The amount of payments by Unilever to budgets of all levels Russian Federation in general, in 2012 amounted to about 3.4 billion rubles.

In 2011, Unilever was awarded “For Achievement in Foreign Investment in Russia in 2011”. Unilever tops the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the fourteenth year in a row and is the # 1 food and beverage company for this indicator. Unilever is committed to doubling its business while reducing its environmental footprint and maximizing its positive impact on society.

Approximately 40% of the top managers working in Unilever offices around the world began their careers with the company through undergraduate and graduate programs. Unilever places great emphasis on continuing professional and personal development their employees. By working here, everyone has a great opportunity to learn from recognized experts as well as gain access to a global knowledge base and experience.

Unilever is a large multinational company specializing in the production of food products and household chemicals, headquartered in London and Rotterdam.

The history of the company begins in 1930, when it was decided to merge the Dutch margarine company “Margarine Unie” and the British soap company “Lever Brothers”. This union gave the modern name to Unilever, incorporating parts of the previous company logos. The reason for the merger was simple: the margarine and soap companies used the same basic type of raw material, palm oil, and due to the pooling of capitals, it became possible to purchase the necessary resources in larger quantities and at more favorable prices.

In the 40s, despite the Second World War and the ensuing crisis, the company continues to expand its markets, focusing, inter alia, on regions such as Asia and Africa. This is facilitated by the creation of new states from the former European colonies and an increase in the world standard of living in general. There is an expansion of the assortment, the production of semi-finished food begins, the expansion of the assortment related to the production of cosmetics. In addition, the company begins to pay great attention to product quality standards; in the 50s, a special research department was created in Europe, which began both to pay great attention to the quality of manufactured products and to study consumer trends of the population. New types of products appear, such as fish sticks and other types of semi-finished products.

Thanks to the high rate of global consumption, Unilever also grew, spreading its branches almost all over the world, in addition, constantly increasing the list of products. It is its keen awareness of market trends and customer orientation that has made Unilever a leader in food and household chemicals.

Since the 1980s, in order to rationalize resources and focus more on the production of household goods, food products and household chemicals, the company has been selling some of its subsidiaries not directly related to these industrial categories. This decision initially leads to an increase in losses, but in the late 80s - early 90s, the company becomes a leader in those categories on which it staked. Namely, in the production of home care products, cosmetics and food production. At the same time, there is the emergence of branches of the company in the post-Soviet space, in particular in Russia and Ukraine.

The push and rise trend set in the 90s continued into the new millennium. Unilever places greater emphasis on both product portfolio and product fit in relation to healthy way life. A special research center dedicated to the problems of healthy eating was established.

It is the Unilever company that owns such well-known brands as Lipton tea, Ax and Rexona deodorants, Timotei shampoos and many other things that are found every day in our everyday life.

Unilever cosmetics rating.

Unilever - a well-known manufacturer of consumer goods. It is difficult to find a home that does not have at least some of the products of one of the Unilever brands. According to the company itself, more than 160 million consumers use the goods it produces every day. Unilever's six laboratories around the world (3 in Europe and one each in the US, China and India) employ approximately 6,000 R&D staff. The company currently owns more than 20 thousand patents, and annually the company files from 250 to 350 patent applications.

Unilever brand rating

Among the registered trademarks of Unilever are such well-known brands of tea as Lipton, Brooke Bond and Beseda, products - Calve, Rama, Knorr and Pyshka, household chemicals - Domestos and cosmetics - Ax, Dove, Rexona, Timotei, Sunsilk.

Unilever cosmetic brands

All Unilever cosmetic brands are well-known and popular. AX brand Is a men's one, known on the market since 1983. Dove brand appeared in the USA more than half a century ago, when for the first time a unique formula of a cream soap was created, which included a moisturizer, but no alkali. This soap was developed to care and cleanse burned skin. However, its effectiveness allowed the soap to be marketed in large quantities, and it quickly became popular. Despite such an "advanced age", the formula still has no analogues in the cosmetic industry. The success of the soap has prompted the expansion of the range of cleansers that include moisturizers or milk. First product rexona brand - deodorant - was created in 1908. Rexon's deodorants are now sold all over the world.

Unilever: brands of cosmetics

Sunsilk brand appeared in Russia in 1995 and quickly gained popularity as a product with an optimal price / quality ratio. Among the hair care brands, Sansilk is the fastest growing brand in Europe. The main feature of the Sunsilk brand is that not individual types of products are produced, but whole series focused on solving a particular hair problem. The range of the brand includes 7 comprehensive series of hair care products and 16 styling products.

Products brand CLEAR vita ABE - these are designed to eliminate dandruff and the causes of its appearance. Moreover, CLEAR vita ABE produces 2 lines, one of which is a special line of products for men, taking into account the characteristics of their hair and scalp.

And finally timotei brand, which appeared in Sweden in the 70s of the last century and was positioned as a shampoo with natural ingredients that were gentle on the hair and scalp, which made it possible to use it even on a daily basis. Timotei appeared in Russia in 1995. And in 2003, the product range expanded to include conditioners and shower gels.

Rating of cosmetic brands of the Unilever company

Rating of cosmetic brands Unilever is quite high. So, Ax is one of the most popular global men's brands; Dove is popular in over 80 countries around the world; in Russia, the Rexona brand is the leader among deodorants; the Sunsilk brand is the main brand in Europe among hair care products and the number 1 brand in Asia and Latin America, and Timotei is one of the most popular brands in the UK, and in Russia it is the second in terms of sales.

For more information on Unilever itself and its brands, visit official website company located at www.unilever.ru


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