Yuri ganus biography. Rusada CEO Yuri Ganus questioned the natural death of two top managers of the Russian anti-doping agency. Experience in teaching

Yuri Ganus is the new CEO of RUSADA

The general meeting of RUSADA members approved the candidacy Yuri Ganus for the post of CEO of the organization.

On August 31, the Russian Olympic Committee held general meeting members of RUSADA with the participation of the founders of the Agency - the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and the Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC). The main issue on the agenda was the consideration of the candidacy of the new CEO presented by the Supervisory Board of RUSADA. The participants unanimously approved Yuri Ganus for this position.

Alexander Ivlev, Chairman Supervisory Board RAA "RUSADA":

“The commission for the selection of the CEO has done a great job. Numerous interviews were conducted, more than 700 questionnaires were studied and analyzed, 6 of which were eventually proposed for consideration by the Supervisory Board. Almost unanimously, we approved the candidacy of Yuri Ganus, after which we recommended it to the founders of RUSADA for approval. And today we can congratulate Yuri Alexandrovich on the official start of work. We are ready to support him in his future activities. "

Vladimir Lukin, President of the Russian Paralympic Committee:

“At today's meeting of founders, the discussion turned out to be informal and very thorough. We came to the conclusion that Yuri Alexandrovich possesses the necessary qualities to lead the work of RUSADA in a difficult and crucial moment, when it is necessary to make every effort for the fastest full restoration of the Agency's rights, ensuring effective work and interaction with international structures ”.

Alexander Zhukov, President of the Russian Olympic Committee:

“On behalf of the founders of RUSADA, I would like to wish Yuri Alexandrovich successful and fruitful work. The organization will soon have an audit procedure, experts will arrive at the end of September. The further solution of the main task will depend on the results - the full-fledged restoration of RUSADA's rights, so that the organization could perform its functions in the proper volume and conduct systematic, well-organized work throughout Russia. "

Yuri Ganus, General director RAA "RUSADA":

“First of all, I would like to thank the founders of the organization for their trust. I consider the main tasks to be as soon as possible to ensure admission of all Russian athletes and federations to participate in international competitions, to remove restrictions on holding international competitions in Russia, to integrate RUSADA's work into the WADA international system, and here, I hope, the experience of interaction with foreign organizations in terms of communications. It is also necessary to raise the credit of confidence in the Russian anti-doping system as a whole, to ensure the protection of our clean athletes and the systemic order in the activities of the Agency. To do this, I will definitely hold meetings with the leaders of the All-Russian sports federations and plan to involve in working together all interested parties.

For me new position is definitely a challenge. I, like any caring citizen of my country, am very worried about what is happening in Russian sports lately. He was involved in handball in his youth, not so long ago he was a member of the Board of Directors of the publication "Soviet Sport", so the sports theme has always been very close to me. And it seems to me that working at RUSADA can become my whole life's work. "

Curriculum Vitae:

Yuri Alexandrovich Ganus


St. Petersburg State University (1993);

St. Petersburg Law Institute (2003);

The Institute of Directors, United Kingdom. Institute for the training of professional corporate directors (2013).

Work experience:

Chairman of the Committee on corporate governance, strategic planning, personnel and remuneration. Member of the Board of Directors - JSC PO Sevmash;

Chairman of the Board of Directors - North-West Industrial railway transport";

Director of ENSTO Building Technology Russia / ENSTO Building Technology Heating - ENSTO-Elektro / "ENSTO-Rus" (Finland);

General Director - North-West Marine Company LLC;

Director - VIESSMANN GmbH (Germany) in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

In 1987 he graduated from the electromechanical faculty of the Leningrad Higher Marine Engineering School named after V.I. Admiral S.O. Makarov (now - State University of Maritime and river fleet them. Admiral S.O. Makarov, St. Petersburg), in 1993 - Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, in 2000 - St. Petersburg Law Institute - a branch of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. In the early 2000s. studied at the graduate school of the last university, but did not defend his thesis.

1994-1995 worked as a boss commercial department, Head of the Leasing Department of AOZT "NEVA-Leasing" / AOZT "Neva-Prombiznes" (St. Petersburg).
In 1995-1997. he was the director of sales in Russia for the Finnish company Ensto ("Ensto").
In 1997-1999 - Head of Representative Office, Director of the German company Viessmann ("Viessmann") in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries.
In 1999-2001. worked in various positions in the St. Petersburg companies "Rosmark", "Mitsar".
In 2002, he founded the law firm Tumorrow Business Laboratory LLC in St. Petersburg. Was its CEO until 2011.
In 2002-2005. served as General Director of North-Western Marine Company LLC.
In 2005-2008. he was the director of sales for Ensto in Russia.
In 2011-2012. - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Promzheldortrans (Republic of North Ossetia - Alania).
In 2011-2013. - Chairman of the Board of Directors, professional attorney of OJSC Experimental Plant of Metrological Equipment (Sverdlovsk region); Member of the Board of Directors, Independent Director of Vsevolozhsky Gortop OJSC (Leningrad Region).
In 2012-2013. - Chairman of the Board of Directors, professional attorney of Trest Sevzapmontazhavtomatika OJSC.
In 2013-2014. - Member of the Board of Directors, professional attorney of JSC "Publishing House" Soviet Sport "and JSC" Research and Production Enterprise "Electron" (St. Petersburg).
From 2013 to the present in. - Chairman of the Board of Directors, member of the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee of OJSC North-West Industrial Railway Transport (St. Petersburg).
From 2014 to the present in. - Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Committee for Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Human Resources and Remuneration of JSC Production Association Severnoe machine-building enterprise"(Sevmash).
From August 31, 2017 to present in. - Director General of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA).
Lecturer of the Advanced Executive MBA program at the Advanced Management Institute business school (AMI; St. Petersburg).
Lecturer of the "Independent Director" program at High school Public Administration (Faculty) of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Moscow State technical university them. N.E.Bauman.
Fluent in English and German.

The founders of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) have approved the candidacy of Yuri Ganus for the post of Director General of the organization, TASS reports. The meeting at which the decision was made took place on Thursday, August 31, in Moscow.

Yuri Ganus. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

The new leader in every sense of the shabby and disgraced organization sees his first steps in it "to ensure the admission of all Russian athletes and federations to participate in international competitions as soon as possible", as well as to achieve the removal of restrictions on holding international competitions in Russia and integrate RUSADA's work into World Anti-Doping Agency.

"It is also necessary to raise the credit of confidence in the Russian anti-doping system as a whole, to ensure the protection of our pure athletes and the systemic order in the activities of the agency. For this I will definitely hold meetings with the leaders of the All-Russian sports federations and plan to involve all interested parties in joint work," the website quotes Ganus organizations.

He admitted that this position is a challenge for him, however, he suggests that working at RUSADA can become his life's work.

According to Elena Isinbayeva, a member of the supervisory board of the organization, the hearings of the candidates took about 4 hours. "Of all those presented, we almost unanimously supported Yuri Ganus, and we presented him to the board of founders. Compared to the other candidates, he seemed to us the most professional, behaved confidently enough during the interview. And most importantly, he is interested in work, loves sports, with all his heart athletes and is ready to do all the best for the good of sports ", - said the Olympic champion.

Ganus's candidacy was also approved by the founders of RUSADA - the Russian Olympic and Paralympic Committees.

After the meeting, the head of the PCR Vladimir Lukin said that the discussion of the candidacy was thorough: "We considered that Ganus is a person who can lead RUSADA. Our opinion about him is positive, we are ready to cooperate with him."

And the president of the ROC, Alexander Zhukov, noted that the primary task of the new chief of the organization will be preparation for the WADA audit, which will take place in September. "The solution of the main task - the restoration of RUSADA's rights will depend on how this audit is held, now the main thing is to prepare for this," Zhukov stressed.

The selection committee reviewed more than 700 applications and submitted six candidates for consideration by the organization's supervisory board. As the head of the supervisory board Alexander Ivlev said, on August 28, at a meeting of the supervisory board, interviews were held with almost all the finalists and at the same time they chose a candidate (his name was not circulated in the media at that time), who was presented today for approval to the founders of the organization.

Yuri Ganus is 53 years old, he was born in the Ukrainian city of Tokmak, Zaporozhye region. At one time, he held the post of General Director of the North-Western Marine Company, worked as an anti-crisis manager at Lenstankomash CJSC. Since 2014 - Member of the Board of Directors of JSC Production Association Severnoye Machine-Building Enterprise.

The full biography of the very versatile head of RUSADA can be found on the R-Sport website.

Recall that after a series of media materials about the alleged systematic use of doping by Russian athletes, an investigation was launched by an independent WADA commission, which on November 9, 2015 presented a report on the work of the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF), the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory and RUSADA. As a result, the membership of ARAF in the international federation was suspended, the laboratory's accreditation was revoked, and on November 18 RUSADA was recognized as not complying with the WADA code, the agency's work was also suspended.

The "road map" for the restoration of RUSADA's work, subsequently formed by WADA, included several points, most of which have been fulfilled by now.

Under an agreement with an international agency, two independent experts have been working in Russia since April 2016 - Australian Peter Nicholson and Lithuanian Eva Lukoshute-Stanikuniene.

The WADA Executive Committee will meet in Paris on September 24, the agenda of which includes the issue of RUSADA's status. The final decision can only be made at a meeting of the WADA Board of Founders, which will be held on November 16 in South Korean Seoul.

We bring to the attention of our readers an interview with the head of RUSADA Yuri Ganus, who has headed the Agency since September 1 of last year. He gave an interview on the air of the "Debriefing" radio broadcast on "Echo of Moscow".

Stanislav Kryuchkov: Yuri Aleksandrovich, was this rather short period of time, 7 months of your leadership, a year of team formation, enough to at least reduce that negative to zero, restore an acceptable level of trust between you and the International Anti-Doping Agency?

Yuri Ganus, head of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency: You know, this is not enough. We have built normal, good business and working relations, and in this regard, the task is to build relationships with WADA, and also build relationships with the global anti-doping community, because WADA is a regulator, but there are national anti-doping agencies. Here is the iNADO measure, which sounded loud enough when I came, in my opinion, on September 19 there was a statement from 38 national anti-doping agencies and iNADO, there was a general statement that was just categorically in favor of the removal of the Russian national Olympic team from participation in the Olympics. During this time, we have built a normal working relationship. We build trusting relationships, but this takes time.

You see, the problem is that the international anti-doping community is a closed club, in fact. I asked the head of the WADA group, who worked for us, Tim Ricketts, or rather, he asked me a question in an informal conversation, asked the question: "Do you know how many people work in anti-doping in the world?" And I, frankly, after enterprises employing 27 thousand people ...

Stanislav Kryuchkov: How many?

Yuri Ganus: One and a half thousand. All over the world, imagine. This is family. And the problem is just the lack of understanding why they perceive us that way. This is a family relationship, when such a crisis, a severe crisis occurs in the family, and initially there is a kind of rejection, on the other hand, an understanding of what we are. They help us, they hope for us that we will go, but this will take time, that is, we will need more years, and not just years of being around, but years of concrete work. The question is not what we say and what we declare, but the question is what we are doing specifically.

Andrey Ezhov: And from your point of view, is it correct that this is such a closed, limited community, or do you just take it for granted? Here are one and a half thousand people you mentioned.

Yuri Ganus: No, you know, it is not closed, it is just developing. Moreover, it is actively developing with the participation of the World Anti-Doping Agency, and, in fact, both NADO and others. organizational structures countries directly, just different forms of manifestation of these anti-doping activities. But initially, this problem is now acquiring serious urgency, that is, the problem of doping is a global problem. Look, in fact, to what extent there are changes in the international Olympic movement and changes in general in the agenda of international competitions. Therefore, in this respect, doping is an international problem.

Stanislav Kryuchkov: Yuri Alexandrovich, well, is it possible to return to this large RUSADA family against the background of such statements that are heard on the official line, from those in power, from our deputies? Irina Rodnina gave a great interview here the other day to Sports.ru and declares that WADA is a committed organization, there was no support for doping in Russia.

Andrey Ezhov: Americans are funding WADA.

Stanislav Kryuchkov: We do not recognize the existence of errors.

Yuri Ganus: No, listen, I want to say the following right away: I am a categorical opponent of demonization of WADA. Here is my understanding of WADA's mission: WADA is a filter, a filter of sports, pure sports. Therefore, it is the World Anti-Doping Organization among the founders who act 50⁄50 are athletes, and the second 50% are representatives of states. And in fact, the representative of our state was represented among the founders of WADA. Therefore, you know, I want to say, here are the statements ... there is no politics here, I am a categorical opponent of the politicization of the doping problem, because, first of all, this is a problem in our house, and this problem must be solved. Moreover, if we say that this is an external problem, we will lose the future generation of athletes, because the problems that we have ...

And we have serious problems in the regions. Now, if you listened to the story about Irkutsk, when our doping control inspectors went there, and there, in fact, they did not take the distance or took off, did not reach the finish line about 40 athletes, 38. Listen, well, this is ... As a matter of fact, we no one was waiting there. Moreover, there are some athletes here at some period of time ... We control, through the ADAMS system, where our athletes are. They chose Kenya as their location. We sent doping control inspectors there precisely to show our athletes that we will be where no one is waiting for us.

And therefore, we are really interested in putting things in order inside our country - both for the sake of the pure athletes who now exist, and, I would say, more in strategic interests, for the sake of future generations, those young boys and girls who are now starting their journey in sports.

On August 31, a general meeting of RUSADA members was held at the Russian Olympic Committee with the participation of the Agency's founders - the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and the Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC). The main issue on the agenda was the consideration of the candidacy of the new CEO presented by the Supervisory Board of RUSADA. The participants unanimously approved Yuri Ganus for this position.

ALEXANDER IVLEV, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of RAA RUSADA:

“The commission for the selection of the CEO has done a great job. Numerous interviews were conducted, more than 700 questionnaires were studied and analyzed, 6 of which were eventually proposed for consideration by the Supervisory Board. Almost unanimously, we approved the candidacy of Yuri Ganus, after which we recommended it to the founders of RUSADA for approval. And today we can congratulate Yuri Alexandrovich on the official start of work. We are ready to support him in his future activities. "

VLADIMIR LUKIN, President of the Russian Paralympic Committee:

“At today's meeting of founders, the discussion turned out to be informal and very thorough. We came to the conclusion that Yuri Alexandrovich possesses the necessary qualities to lead the work of RUSADA at a difficult and crucial moment, when it is necessary to make every effort for the fastest full restoration of the Agency's rights, ensuring effective work and interaction with international structures. "

ALEXANDER ZHUKOV, President of the Russian Olympic Committee:

“On behalf of the founders of RUSADA, I would like to wish Yuri Alexandrovich successful and fruitful work. The organization will soon have an audit procedure, experts will arrive at the end of September. The further solution of the main task will depend on the results - the full-fledged restoration of RUSADA's rights, so that the organization can perform its functions in the proper volume and conduct systematic, well-organized work throughout Russia. "

YURI GANUS, General Director of RAA "RUSADA":

“First of all, I would like to thank the founders of the organization for their trust. I consider the main tasks to be as soon as possible to ensure admission of all Russian athletes and federations to participate in international competitions, to remove restrictions on holding international competitions in Russia, to integrate RUSADA's work into the WADA international system, and here, I hope, the experience of interaction with foreign organizations will help me. in terms of communications. It is also necessary to raise the credit of confidence in the Russian anti-doping system as a whole, to ensure the protection of our clean athletes and the systemic order in the activities of the Agency. To do this, I will definitely hold meetings with the leaders of the All-Russian sports federations and plan to involve all interested parties in the joint work.

For me, a new position is definitely a challenge. I, like any caring citizen of my country, am very worried about what is happening in Russian sports lately. He was involved in handball in his youth, not so long ago he was a member of the Board of Directors of the publication "Soviet Sport", so the sports theme has always been very close to me. And it seems to me that working at RUSADA can become my whole life's work. "

Curriculum Vitae:

Yuri Alexandrovich Ganus


St. Petersburg State University (1993);

St. Petersburg Law Institute (2003);

The Institute of Directors, United Kingdom. Institute for Training Professional Corporate Directors (2013).

Work experience:

Chairman of the Committee for Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Human Resources and Remuneration. Member of the Board of Directors - JSC PO Sevmash;

Chairman of the Board of Directors - North-West Industrial Railway Transport LLC;

Director of ENSTO Building Technology Russia / ENSTO Building Technology Heating - ENSTO-Elektro / "ENSTO-Rus" (Finland);

General Director - North-West Marine Company LLC;

Director - VIESSMANN GmbH (Germany) in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Teaching experience:

Moscow State Technical University N.E.Bauman;

Graduate School of State Audit, Moscow State University;

Advanced Management Institute (Business School).

Member of the Associations (Russian and International) of Independent Directors

According to the ROC


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