Write a resume for a doctor's job sample. Nurse resume template. Creating a Doctor's Resume: Required Attributes

Having started a job search, any applicant should think about how to write a resume correctly, the main goal of which is very simple - to bring the applicant to an interview. Naturally, we set the same task when creating a doctor's resume

Before creating a doctor's resume

Today, there are many tips and even manuals on the topic "How to create a resume." For example, on the websites of some companies (including medical and pharmaceutical companies) you can find an application form, by filling out which the applicant can initially correctly compose a resume in the most acceptable form for the employer. However, if you decide to create a doctor's resume with clean slate you need to know a few simple rules.

Creating a doctor's resume: main types

To properly compose a resume, you must at least understand what types of resumes exist. Meanwhile, three main forms are used to create resumes: chronological, functional and combined resumes.

  • Chronological physician resumes
    When creating a resume in this form, the information is presented in reverse chronological order, starting with the last place of work, and allows you to demonstrate the work of a doctor in a favorable light.
    Such resumes are the most popular among both job seekers and employers. This is explained by the fact that its creation does not take much time, and the employer, in turn, having studied such a doctor's resume, receives maximum information in a minimum of time. The disadvantages when creating a resume-chronology include the fact that it allows you to track breaks in seniority, frequent job changes, lack of achievements.
    Recruitment managers note that it is worth creating a resume of this type for candidates who have solid work experience, with clearly traceable career growth. A chronological resume of a doctor also makes sense for those followers of Hippocrates who worked (or continue to work) in a fairly well-known and respected company, information about which is not difficult to find.
  • Functional physician resumes
    When creating a doctor's resume of this type, we produce a document that primarily reflects the functional skills and achievements of the applicant. Experts believe that in the event that a doctor does not yet have work experience, or he has almost nothing to tell about his previous work, or his previous experience is in no way connected with the vacancy that he likes, it is correct to write a functional resume.
    When creating a resume in this vein, you can either omit or recall in passing information about previous places work, and focus only on successes and achievements, and thus draw the attention of the employer to your strengths. But I must say that the functional resumes of a doctor sometimes cause distrust on the part of the employer, since they do not make it possible to trace the development labor activity applicant.
  • Combined doctor resumes
    Many doctors do not even think about the fact that it is often the most correct to write a resume. combined type. The biggest plus of such a doctor's resume is that it is created taking into account the needs of both the applicant and the specific employer. When creating a resume of this form, it combines elements of both chronological and functional types, so it is ideal for applicants who want to change either the field of activity or place of work. In such resumes of a doctor, it is most convenient to list scientific publications, certain medical knowledge applied in practice, as well as personal achievements in the position held. A well-written resume for a combined physician will showcase everything you have to offer in a new position.

Creating a Doctor's Resume: Required Attributes

A well-written resume (and even more so a doctor's resume) should consist of several sections. In the vast majority of cases, when creating a resume, such mandatory items as personal information, contact information, work experience and education are used. Additional sections when creating a resume of a doctor can be considered the availability of certificates, additional information, a mention of a hobby and a list of recommendations available to you.

So, in a well-written summary in the section personal information indicate the name and surname that should be written capital letters and possibly bold. The date of birth is also indicated here. marital status and having children.

One of the most important sections of a doctor's resume is devoted to work experience. Usually, this block is filled in in reverse chronological order, indicating the period of work (years), company name, position held, functional responsibilities, skills and abilities. The most detailed description of the last place of work.

With the correct preparation of a resume, after information about work experience, it is customary to “start up” a section on education. Here you must indicate the year of graduation and the name of the educational institution, faculty and specialty. If you received a diploma with honors, then you can also pay attention to this. The section on education can be expanded with information about courses and trainings. In the doctor's resume, it would also be correct to indicate information about additional education, which directly relates to the position for which you are applying.

Availability section certificates contains information about your certificates, which confirm knowledge in a particular area.

When creating a resume, the section also requires special attention. Additional Information, which usually contains data that is not included in other sections. In this section, for example, you can describe your computer skills (you should indicate the software package with which you know how to work), printing speed; as well as ownership foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license, passport, etc.

Sometimes in the same section they indicate information about character traits, for example, purposefulness, activity, perseverance. It is important to consider what exactly you will indicate, since those character traits that may be perceived positively in one position will be out of place in another. For example, if you are looking for a job that is directly related to clinical activities, then you can safely indicate that you have empathy, while such a trait is more likely to interfere with an applicant for the position of an assistant manager.

In a well-written resume, it is customary to include information about hobby. It should mention your hobbies, but should not go too deep.

And the last. If, when creating a resume, you intend to indicate the presence recommendations, you should make sure that the reviews of people who give you letters of recommendation will be positive.

Creating a doctor's resume: we follow the rule of "nothing more"

It is clear that not all of the above sections can and should be present in a properly compiled doctor's resume. For example, if you did not complete any courses or did not take trainings, then you should not write about them, because at the interview they can ask about this in more detail and, importantly, ask for confirmation of completion.

Also, do not praise yourself too much and mention your shortcomings. Therefore, when starting to create a resume, you need to clearly define what information will be displayed in it. It is important to remember that a doctor's resume, first of all, should contain as much information as possible, according to which the employer can form an opinion about you as a potential employee.

Making a well-written doctor's resume

Concerning specifications when creating a resume, the requirements for them are simple. A properly composed resume is placed on a white sheet of A-4 format (preferably, present information on one or two pages), in a readable font with one and a half intervals. When writing the text of a doctor's resume, you should not abuse capital letters, as well as the use of abbreviations, as this complicates understanding.

The doctor is the noblest profession. To wear it honorary title you need to go a long way - study at the institute, internship, residency, and then you can practice on your own. But in addition to all this, you must have a calling, love and live your work.

A resume for the position of a doctor is not much different from others, you also indicate your contact details, the year you started and graduated from school, the name of the educational institution (including internships), as well as places for advanced training courses, and your work experience. Having a certificate will confirm your knowledge in a certain area, which will be an additional plus during employment. If you do not have work experience, then you can take a recommendation from the place of internship. Finally, list a couple of personal qualities, such as responsibility, emotional stability, hard work, and attentiveness.

See also other resume examples:

Download sample doctor resume:

Ilchenko Sergey Mikhailovich
(Sergey Ilchenko)

Target: Replacing the position of a doctor.


September 1990 - June 1996 Kyiv National Medical University. Bogomolets, faculty of general medicine, specialist diploma (full-time department).
July 1996 - August 1998 Kyiv National Medical University. Bogomolets, internship in the specialty "cardiology".

Additional education:

- May 2001 - October 2011 Advanced training, courses "Diagnostics of heart disease".
- October 2005 - March 2006 Modern methods treatment of hypertension.
— July 2008. Awarded the highest qualification category in the specialty of cardiology.
- January 2010 - April 2010 Advanced training, courses "Importance of coronary angiography in the process of diagnosing diseases."

Work experience:


August 1999 - July 2005 City Hospital No. 4, Department of Cardiology, Dnepropetrovsk.
Functional responsibilities:
- treatment of admitted patients;
- appointment of diagnostic procedures;
- discharge of patients;
- follow-up care.


September 2005 - present Dnepropetrovsk Regional Cardiology Center Dnepropetrovsk
Functional responsibilities:
- consultations in the clinic;
- appointment of treatment for patients of the department;
- control over the course of treatment;
- preparation of the patient for discharge;
- Maintaining medical records.

Professional skills:

- Confident PC user;
- Ability to use medical equipment;
- Competent written and oral speech;
– Knowledge business etiquette;
— Proficiency in foreign languages: basic English (spoken, written).

Personal qualities:

Responsibility, purposefulness, organization, resistance to stress, ability to work in a team, discipline, devotion to your favorite business.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Do you have children.
Availability of a medical book: yes.
Driver's license: yes.
Possibility of business trips: yes.
Opportunity to move to another city: no.

We hope that the doctor resume template we compiled has helped you in creating your resume for the job. Back to section..

Doctors are an important and very responsible profession; it is difficult to get a job as a doctor without sufficient experience and excellent theoretical training. To increase your chances of being hired, you need to provide a potential employer with a well-written resume. To practice medicine, a person must graduate from college if he is going to work as a junior. medical staff, Institute - if you want to work as a doctor. Competent specialists do not stop at the achieved level, they constantly improve their professional skills. The result of this approach is scientific publications, participation in competitions, internships in foreign clinics.

Sample resume for doctor job

A resume template designed by experts saves a lot of time and can be used by job seekers completely freely. The user does not need to search for information on the sites, make their own structure and think through the details - finished sample A doctor's resume can be previewed in the corresponding section of the resource. The nurse can also use this form by slightly adjusting some sections.

For the presentation of a physician as a specialist, it is recommended to include the following sections in the resume:

  • Name of the form, indication on it f. And. about. candidate and goals - obtaining a certain position.
  • Nuances future work: readiness for shift schedules, trips.
  • The amount of desired remuneration for work.
  • Contact information of the applicant for the vacancy - will simplify the feedback in case of a positive decision of the employer.
  • Personal information- citizenship, address by registration and actual residence, marital status, presence of children.
  • Professional experience. List former employers better than the last one. In addition to his name of the employer, the period of work and position held are indicated.
  • Sometimes in the previous section, sometimes in a separate applicant vacancy lists his labor obligations. This will allow the manager to understand what the specialist is capable of and what he is especially strong in.
  • Description of achievements. Here, the physician indicates specific merits, promotions, scientific publications, etc.
  • Educational level - what educational institution graduated, graduation date, what specialty received.
  • Passing additional training courses, trainings.
  • Additional Information- these are the skills and personal characteristics of the vacancy applicant, which will be discussed in more detail below.

If you attach a photo to the resume, the job search will be crowned with success faster - the document loses its faceless appearance, acquires individuality.

The main activities in the medical profession

A medical worker is a general concept that unites specialists in various fields:

  • dentists;
  • therapists;
  • surgeons;
  • doctors of ultrasound (ultrasound) diagnostics;
  • neurologists;
  • ophthalmologists;
  • veterinarians etc.

Obstetricians are responsible for the birth of new people, neonatologists are responsible for checking the health of babies. Each doctor bears a colossal responsibility to the patient for the accuracy of his actions and the level of qualification.

Every job seeker needs a well-written resume. The main section of this form is a description of the professional skills of employees. Let's take a few examples as an example.

The dentist must know:

  • anatomy of the human dentition,
  • rules of local and general anesthesia,
  • principles of medical preparation of the cabinet,
  • the nuances of filling out the documentation,
  • basics of emergency and general therapy,
  • modern techniques diagnosis of dental pathologies.

The surgeon is obliged to receive outpatients, monitor patients, monitor the health status of inpatients, correctly diagnose and prescribe a treatment regimen. In addition, he should be familiar with the methods of performing abdominal, laparoscopic and other surgical interventions.

Dentist resume example

Personal qualities that any doctor should have, regardless of the chosen specialization:

  • attentiveness,
  • responsibility,
  • punctuality,
  • accuracy,
  • delicacy,
  • sociability,
  • compassion.

You can download an example resume for a dentist, for example, on the pages of our resource. The finished form can be used by physicians in other areas. Using our site is simple, all sample documents are grouped into separate tabs. The visitor does not need to search for a long time necessary information. We have taken care to make the interface as clear as possible even for beginners of the Internet space.

The health of the nation depends on the qualifications of specialists who work in healthcare institutions. Nowadays, private clinics have become popular. Their leaders value their reputation very much and try to staff the staff exclusively with professionals. Therefore, when it occurs vacant position, personnel service studies samples of resumes of doctors when hiring and analyzes each applicant in detail.

How to write a doctor's resume

It is necessary to approach the preparation of the document with all responsibility, because, in fact, it will become calling card job applicant. You can download a sample doctor's resume from our website.

First of all, employers pay attention to the experience of the applicant, his use of advanced technologies and methods in his practice. Permanent job on improving their skills by participating in seminars, briefings will improve the chances of getting the desired position.

In addition, the doctor's resume can include information about professional achievements: own patented developments, scientific work, publications. A doctor is a person on whose professionalism and determination not only the health, but often the life of the patient depends.

To make it easier for the employer to understand the data that the applicant has presented, the doctor's resume should be well structured.

Drafting a doctor's resume

It doesn’t matter how the applicant draws up a doctor’s resume on his own or enters his data into a special form, the document must contain the following information:

  • Full name of the applicant for the vacancy, date of birth;
  • contact details (actual address, mobile and/or landline phone number, e-mail);
  • purpose (occupation of a vacancy);
  • education: university, year of graduation and specialization. For applicants without work experience, you can specify the institution where they completed their internship;
  • work experience: institution, position, labor functions;
  • recommendations;
  • professional achievements (for example, own developments, introduction of new methods into work);
  • professional skills: the presence of a scientific degree, the use of specialized equipment, knowledge of foreign languages, experience in extreme situations, knowledge of the rules for maintaining medical records;
  • additional information: marital status, driver's license (indicate the category of transport), readiness for business trips;
  • personal qualities: pedantry, initiative, observation, attentiveness, confidence, purposefulness, responsibility, respect for the patient's private life, balance.

Brief information

City: Akhtubinsk
Date of birth: 14 09 1963
family status: Married
Russian citizenship

Education/Qualification: 1986 – 1987: Kyiv Medical Institute,
Internship in Pediatrics

1980 – 1986: Astrakhan State Medical Institute, Pediatrics
Languages: English - basic
Position: MUZ “Akhtuba Central District Hospital”
Doctor - pediatrician of the children's clinic

work experience
06/2010 – 08/2010
MUZ "ACRB", Children's polyclinic
Doctor - district pediatrician

Outpatient care, home care, diagnosis and treatment of diseases childhood, clinical examination of children of the first year of life and chronically ill children, organization of rational feeding of children early age, determining the tactics of vaccination, providing emergency care in urgent conditions, maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

11/2009 – 06/2010
Deputy chief physician for childhood and obstetrics (during the illness of the main employee).

Organization of activities of health care facilities to provide assistance to women and children: interaction with regional health facilities and the Ministry of Health of the Astrakhan region, coordination of the work of the health facilities of the district in the field of pediatrics and obstetrics, provision of advisory assistance in the hospital and clinic, examination of the provision of medical care to women and children in the clinic and hospital , the organization of the provision of high medical care, the solution of personnel issues. There were 38 doctors, 130 secondary medical workers. During the period of work in this position, not a single case of infant mortality was registered in the health care facility of the district.

03/2008 – 11/2009
MUSEUM "ACRB". Children's Hospital.
District pediatrician

Conducting outpatient appointments, servicing patients at home, diagnosing and treating diseases of childhood, medical examination of children of the first year of life and chronically ill children, organizing rational feeding of young children, conducting immunoprophylaxis, providing emergency care, maintaining reporting and accounting documentation.

01/1996 – 02/2008
Akhtubinsk hospital
Head of pediatric consultation, pediatrician.

Subordinated to the head physician of the medical facility. 14 employees were subordinate. Responsibilities: organizing the work of health care facilities to provide medical care to children, interacting with higher health care facilities in the field of pediatrics, solving personnel issues, providing advisory assistance, examining the quality of medical care for children, compiling and maintaining accounting and reporting documentation. Organized 100% coverage of medical examinations of children during the All-Russian medical examination of children-2002, analyzed the health status of the children's population based on the results of the medical examination, jointly developed an action plan for correcting deviations in children's health status by doctors of the children's consultation.

10/1988 – 12/1995
Linear hospital NVVB of Akhtubinsk (later - Akhtuba hospital of the Federal State Institution “YUOMTS Roszdrav”)
Pediatrician at pediatric clinic.

Medical care for children attending preschool and educational institutions. Since 1991 - acting as the head of the children's clinic, duties: organization of work on the provision of medical care to children, provision of advisory assistance, examination of the quality of medical care to the children's population.

08/1987 – 10/1988
Pryluky City Children's Hospital
Pediatrician at Children's Clinic

Providing medical care to children in educational institutions: conducting current examinations, immunoprophylaxis, clinical examination, maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

For a doctor who wants to find a job in accordance with his level of training, reputation is very important, both in the professional community and among patients. This is one of those professions where the human factor plays a decisive role along with knowledge, skills and abilities. disease prevention and treatment specialist.

But it is not easy to create a correctly and clearly designed resume for the work of a doctor, a sample of which can structure information, present the advantages of the applicant in a favorable perspective.

Doctor resume example

No one can give a ready-made recipe, but finding support in compiling a self-presentation is real. Do not rush to download the finished version, take the opportunity to draw up a document yourself using competent template.

Starting to work on a resume form, you need to select the most important things that may interest the employer:

  • Photo in business style;
  • Data on completed educational institutions, postgraduate education, availability of academic degrees and titles, completion of certification courses;
  • Links to their publications in scientific and professional publications (if any);
  • Information about work experience in the specialty;
  • Contact details.

The medical community is quite conservative. Therefore, when compiling a resume for the position of a doctor of any specialization, one must take into account that working in a state clinic, despite the low level of payment, provides reputational advantages. If you can refer to such an experience, use it.

Examples of medical resumes by specialization:

How to fill in the "Work Experience" section correctly

This section is the main one in the summary. Please fill it out with the utmost care.

The presence of work experience in a state polyclinic, with the simultaneous passage of mandatory refresher courses, participation in internship sites and obtaining a qualification category is a strong argument for an applicant aimed at career in medicine.

This is especially true for young doctors who do not have a category. If you entered graduate school, this is an indisputable plus. The degree of candidate of medical sciences will not only decorate the plate on your office, but also add additional points to the rating of the medical institution, managers are always interested in this.

To facilitate the task, you can use the doctor's resume template posted on the site.

Work experience example:

    08.2012 — 03.2018


    OGBUZ No. 1 "City Hospital of Kostroma"


    Local doctor - therapist


    - Collection of anamnesis;
    – Diagnosis of diseases;
    – Dynamic monitoring of outpatients;
    - Drawing up a treatment plan;
    — Selection and correction of medicines;
    – Deciphering the data of analyzes;
    - Preparation of medical documentation.


What to focus on if work experience is absent or minimal?

Medical education in itself is hard work. The name of the educational institution, the presence of decent grades in the diploma will speak for you. Perhaps a portfolio created over the years of study will help you, which will reflect participation in olympiads, competitions professional excellence, scientific and practical conferences.

Thanks to such information, the employer will form a positive assessment of the candidate, even despite the lack of practice.

Entering information about education

Pay attention to the thoroughness and correctness of filling out this section, it is important to the same extent as work experience. The profession of a doctor has specific tolerances of a complex internal hierarchy.

In accordance with Russian legislation it is impossible to work as a doctor without education received in a higher educational institution with state accreditation.

In addition, medical errors are not only costly for patients and clinics, they can land doctors in the dock. Therefore, employers study this section very thoughtfully. The higher the rating of the educational institution that the applicant for the position graduated from, the more chances he has to get this position. If you graduated with honors, feel free to mention it. Experienced doctors know how hard it is to get a “red diploma” at a medical university.

Education example:

    Medical University of Innovation


    Program professional retraining"Cardiology"

    Year of ending:


    Yaroslavl State Medical University


    Year of ending:

All continuing education courses should be listed as they play a role in the qualification category.

If the purpose of the resume is career growth, then constant self-improvement is important for the doctor, and without documents proving the completion of courses at various levels, this section will be incomplete.

Internships for a doctor are also a necessary element in obtaining a certificate in a particular field of activity. Five years is the period between certifications for qualification category, therefore, such a period will be studied by the employer no less carefully than a diploma of graduation from a medical university.

If the applicant is applying for a job in a serious clinic, then knowledge of languages ​​will become a prerequisite.

What to Consider When Describing Skills

In modern educational vocabulary, the concepts "skills» changed "competencies". But the employer is more likely to accept this archaic definition that characterizes professional opportunities, potential, application for career growth.

This section of self-presentation is important for understanding what to expect from a job applicant, so try to describe yourself in short and clear definitions.

Additional information about yourself

Long summary of their outstanding qualities in this section not welcome just no one will read it.

The most correct would be to place emphasis on the main achievements that characterize you as an employee and a person, because the work of a doctor is based on close communication with patients.

Pay attention to those human qualities that relate to the profession.

If the resume is of interest to the employer, the details will be presented during the interview. However, if you think that preliminary information will have a positive effect, then be sure to write 2-3 sentences about yourself in this section.

About me example:

  • I have the second qualification category in the specialty: doctor-therapist. I plan to work in cardiology, so I passed the certification cycle in clinical cardiology. Despite the workload of the local therapist, I devote a lot of time to self-education. I have publications in collections of scientific and practical conferences on issues of cardiology and vascular therapy.
  • Bureaucrats have a rule: each paper must be aged for at least three days. There is some truth in this. You should not create a doctor resume template in a hurry, and even more so, send it without careful verification.

    Subtract the finished document, check all the names, as there are minor discrepancies in the names of educational and medical institutions may give the wrong impression of you.

    The profession of a doctor, among other skills, involves the ability to work with documentation and forms of various forms. A well-written resume for the job of a doctor, an example of the fact that you are fluent in this skill, and you will not be scared medical statistics, registration of patient cards, case histories and other documents.


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