Objective social work. Professional skills contests for social workers Social work contests

Rozhkova Valey- I'm called. I work at the Belinsky Center.

If you ask me, how do I work there?

I will proudly tell you in response: “I have no equal in my work!

I cannot sit idle, I will help the wards.

I carry water for them, cereals, I will clean up their rooms.

And if someone gets sick - I don't waste time in vain,

I run for the medicine.

The charges, my friends, are eagerly awaiting me.

I value their trust.

Finally, I will tell you:

"I love my profession, I cannot live without it!"

I was born in 1963 in the village of Gorodok, Belinsky District, Penza Region. In 1982 she graduated from the Belinsky Pedagogical School. After graduation, she was appointed head of the Kiselevskaya primary school, in the fall of 1983 she married with Pushhanino, began to work in a nursery - a kindergarten as a teacher. She worked in the kindergarten for over 15 years. And in 1998 she was dismissed due to staff reductions. I knew about the work of a social worker in home care for retirees and disabled people, but I was afraid: "Will I be able to work in the social sphere?" But she managed to overcome her fear and in April 2003 she went to work at the MU KTSSON as a social worker. I fell in love with this profession and am proud to be a social worker.

I serve 7 people: 6 are labor veterans, 3 of them are disabled, and one of them is completely blind. My different grandmothers: sometimes silent, sometimes hot-tempered and dissatisfied, but always kind. It's hard to find a common language with them, but it seems to me that I did it. The social worker must be able to forgive and help. And not just help, but strive to do it sincerely and unselfishly. Otherwise, he will not be able to work with people, because his charges will be very responsive to the fact that a social worker helps them only because his work obliges him to do so. Employee social sphere must be able to empathize, compassion and rejoice with the one with whom he will work. This, perhaps, underlies the provision of social assistance elderly citizens. And all the knowledge that a social worker needs, he will receive in the process of work or study.

N.K. Krupskaya wrote: “Only when the profession is to his liking, when a person has an interest in the work that he does, when he is in love, as they say, with his work, - only then can he give valuable the field of labor ".

The social worker needs a vocation because he has to deal with the most difficult and most fragile material - people. Nothing is as cheap or valued as much as courtesy. Our responsibilities include not only social services, but also moral support, psychological help and just human sympathy and compassion. After all, we - social workers have setbacks and troubles, but we need to be able to hide them and, moreover, forgetting about our problems, listen and sympathize with another person. And the social worker must also be an artist to some extent. I am always amazed with what attention clients listen to me when I tell them something interesting from the newspapers. And what an elderly person needs most is warmth and attention, so that they do not feel like lonely people.

How old people yearn for love! Everyone needs it, always and at any age. She is the greatest and most invaluable gift that one person can give to another.

The oldest of my charges is 85 years old. Her name is Belyakova Alexandra Ivanovna... She is an "Excellent student of public education." 50 years worked at school as a teacher primary grades... Has many awards. She is always tactful and polite. Likes to do morning exercises. Once, walking barefoot in the morning dew, she fell seriously ill. I looked after her, gave her medicine every day, brought food, cooked food. Thanks to my care, my grandmother recovered.

Another of my wards is 82 years old. Her name is Vorontsova Agafya Nikitichna... She is a visually impaired person of the 1st group (blind). By temperament, she is choleric. She has an explosive personality, sometimes very rude. But I do not respond to her rudeness with rudeness. It can also be understood, because this is a person who is fenced off from the whole world by blindness, and blindness is an abyss. We must be able to forgive people.

“Do not answer evil for evil,

It will disintegrate without food,

There is one medicine in the world,

It is called forgiveness…. "

I managed to pick up the key to her heart, remove the heavy stone from her soul.

Agafya Nikitichna is a good conversationalist, it is very interesting with her. I read her newspapers. Then we discuss what we have read with her. She also loves songs. We often sing with her, it gives her great pleasure. When a person has a light heart, he is already happy. As Leonid Utesov once sang: “It is easy on my heart from a funny song. She never gets bored ... ". A good song inspires a person, makes him strong.

Generalova Evdokia Petrovna, Born in 1932. She is an amazing person - a kind and big soul. It is easy for me to communicate with her, she understands everything, sympathizes with everyone. And she herself is often sick. How many times, as prescribed by the doctor, gave her medicine, forcibly put her to bed. And she smiles because she feels with what warmth and attention I treat her.

Arinushkina Alexandra Semyonovna, 928 year of birth. A wonderful soul man. She recently fell ill. She was paralyzed, she did not get out of bed for a long time. I visited her every day, cooked her food, supported her morally, she had no desire to live. Every day I gave her faith in life. Because the main thing in life is Faith in recovery, Faith in oneself. Because you cannot live without faith. She felt my care, the warmth with which I treat her. Nothing works, especially on a sick person, as a kind word, words of hope, benevolence. And Alexandra Semyonovna recovered.

Kostina Matryona Afanasyevna, Born in 1929, a disabled person of the 2nd group. Nice person to talk to. She will always help with good advice. And how much he knows! I'm also interested in talking to her. The patient herself, but never complains of her illness.

Each person celebrates his birthday once a year. He wants something special to happen on this day. Old man, as a rule, vulnerable, expects at least a kind word from his loved ones.

I never leave my clients unattended on their birthday. Congratulations, I give them gifts. Sometimes a gift is a song. I sing folk songs with them with pleasure. They rejoice like little children, thank me in good words for my generosity.

My clients are interested in news happening in our country, in other states. And so I have to read a lot of books, newspapers and other literature in order to answer any question that interests them.

Five of my servants are lonely. I especially feel sorry for them. I try to protect them from any evil and ill will. I am glad that over the years I have become like a daughter for them, and they, in turn, managed to replace my mother for me, whom I lost very early. And when I hear the word "daughter" from them, the feeling of joy and tenderness overwhelms my soul and I so want to hug them, kiss them and say: "Thank you so much."

Oh how many times can you smile

Having said "Thank you" without hiding joy,

Touch someone else's soul with your soul,
Preventing its possible breakdown.

For four years now I have worked as a social worker in the village of Pushanino, Belinsky District. Over the years, I have grown to love my job. And my servants became so close and dear to me. I realized that the profession of a social worker is my calling. It's great when I run to work, as if I were flying on wings. They are waiting for me, they need me, and this makes my soul light and joyful!

The kindness of the soul is the main treasure of man. We must try to follow the wise saying of F.P. Gaza: "Hurry to do good!" And your life will become richer and your soul brighter. The duty of a social worker is to lend a helping hand to every person who needs it. Social services don't need flyers who don't care where they work. She is waiting for real professionals, masters of their craft: initiative, attentive, caring workers who, at the request of their client: “Be kind! "- they will always answer:" Please! ".

There is such a profession - a social worker.

This means - about someone in constant care.

This means that the heart does not know indifference,

There are no unnecessary for him and there are no strangers,

Social worker - there is such a calling,

This means that grief will find compassion here.

Social worker - kindness is boundless,

Beauty and greatness of a merciful soul!

Only my heart hurts, my hands ache in the evening -

The worker has fragile female shoulders.

These hands have a lot of work,

This heart is disturbed by other people's worries,

These shoulders have shouldered someone's pain -

Only Russian women are so powerful.

Social worker Municipal Institution
"Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population"
Belinsky district of the Penza region Rozhkova Valentina Nikolaevna.

Provision of social and medical services to the client of the department
social services at home for elderly and disabled citizens
Vorontsova Agafye Nikitichne social worker

Generalova Evdokia Petrovna social worker
Rozhkova Valentina Nikolaevna.

Providing socially - household services to the client of the social
home services for the elderly and disabled
Arinushkina Alexandra Semyonovna
social worker Rozhkova Valentina Nikolaevna.





Interregional public organization"Association of Social Workers" together with the Publishing House " Social service»Announce the All-Russian sectoral promotion professional excellence social service workers"Professional magazines for every social service."

Purpose and mission of the action- stimulating the subscription of social service institutions to industry professional magazines as the most important prerequisite for improving the professional skills of social workers.

At the same time, the organizers of the action proceed from the obvious fact that subscription to industry professional magazines is one of the priority criteria for an informal assessment of the desire of a social service institution to work in a modern and creative manner, to be competitive, the interest of its manager and staff to know and use the experience of their colleagues from different regions of the country, get acquainted with new technologies and practices of providing social services.

Surely there is no hospital where medical journals are not written out, no high school, in which there would be no subscription to pedagogical publications. And only the vast majority of social service institutions consider it possible to do without trade magazines. Yes, many subscribe to pedagogical and medical publications, but they do not read their industry publications, except for the regional ones. It is unlikely that such a situation can be considered normal.

Social institution meeting the requirements today- this is not only where the renovation was carried out, clean and comfortable, where everything is necessary equipment, fire safety and labor protection are provided. This is an institution in which high professionals work, dedicated to their work and their wards, specialists who have modern knowledge and competencies that allow them to perform functional responsibilities at a qualitatively impeccable level, which cannot be achieved without constant reference to trade publications.

The ideology of the action.

There is a direct relationship between the level and development of professional skills and regular reading of professional journals and methodological literature. It is impossible to become a professional by simply following the instructions of policymakers and directives from the management. It is necessary to introduce into your work elements of creativity and novelty, the priority source of which is the professional media. They are the ones who promptly and constantly publish articles reflecting both innovative and time-tested good practice social services in all regions of Russia. Every year there are almost 400 such articles, over two years - already 800, etc., and each article contains the results of searches and findings of our colleagues, a statement of what (and most importantly - how) they achieved, what technologies and methods they used to improve their production activities.

Our sample survey of social workers who read our magazines revealed that 72% of them first learned about new technologies, forms and methods of social services precisely from publications of industry publications. And this is natural. Neither advanced training courses, nor seminars and conferences, for all their importance and usefulness, can replace reading monthly magazines,

promptly, from issue to issue, publishing materials about everything new that appears in the social service system.

The experience of the best social services in the country, their leaders and employees is the "golden fund" of our industry, and you can get acquainted with it on the pages of professional magazines. Moreover, this should be done in an optimal way, without spending many hours and days of working time searching for the desired content on hundreds and thousands of specialized sites on the Internet (usually local ones, reflecting the practice of one or several institutions). And an ordinary query in a search engine does not help - a huge amount of information "falls out", from which it is not always possible to extract the "golden grain". And only professional journals contain all the information necessary for work in a concentrated, rigorously selected and systematic form.

Results of the action.

They are not about mechanically increasing the circulation of the industry media. The main thing is to include them as one of the basic content components in the system of corporate training and professional development within the walls of the social services themselves; rely on the publications of journals in the process of organizing all forms of this work: thematic seminars, round tables, conferences, meetings of methodological associations, competitions of professional skills, competitions of essays, conduct reviews of new journals and discuss what publications can be adapted in the institution, be interested in knowledge about mass media in the field of social services and their use in personnel certification. And thereby to awaken the interest of the heads of departments, specialists, social workers and other employees of social services in the professional press, to familiarize them with industry magazines on a regular basis.

But the main result is to use the content-methodological, innovative and information-resource potential of the industry press to further improve the quality and efficiency of social services workers' provision of social services to citizens who need them.

Stages of the action.The action is carried out in three stages.

Stage 1: November 2019 - March 2020 - subscription to professional journals for the first half of 2020 (or part of it). Summing up - in April-May 2020

Stage 2: April-May 2020 - subscription to professional journals for the second half of 2020 Summing up - in June-July 2020

Stage 3: October-November 2020 - subscription to professional journals for the first half of 2021 Summing up the results of stage 3 and the campaign as a whole - in January 2021

Winner's reward ceremony.Participation in each stage of the action is confirmed by a referral to the Association and the Publishing House for e-mail a scanned document on a subscription to professional publications - an agreement with the Russian Post branch (or an agreement with another agency that subscribes, including magazines in in electronic format) with the attachment of a list of publications to which a subscription was carried out, or receipts of subscriptions issued at the "Post of Russia" department.

Based on the results of stages 1, 2 and 3 (each separately):

"Social service",

"Social worker»

the Certificate of the participant of the action (II degree) is sent;

Institutions that have subscribed to professional journals:

"Social service",

"Professional library of a social worker"

the Certificate of the participant of the action (I degree) is sent;

Institutions that have subscribed to professional journals:

"Social service",

"Social worker",

"Domestic journal of social work"

the Silver certificate of the participant of the action is sent;

Institutions that have subscribed to professional journals:

"Social service",

"Social worker",

"Professional library of a social worker",

"Domestic journal of social work",

"Bulletin of Social Services Legislation"

the Gold certificate of the participant of the action is sent.

Following the results of the promotion as a whole:

Institutions that have received a Gold Certificate of Participant in the action at each stage are sent Golden diploma of the laureate of the action;

Institutions that have received the Silver Certificate of the participant of the action at each of the stages are sentSilver diploma laureate of the action;

Institutions that have received a Certificate of the I degree of a participant in the action at each of the stages are sent Diploma laureate of the 1st degree action;

Institutions that have received a Certificate of the II degree of a participant in the action at each of the stages are sent Diploma laureate of the action of the II degree;

Institutions that have received certificates of various denominations at different stages of the action are sent a Diploma by a separate decision of the organizing committee of the action.

Each of the certificates and diplomas indicates the full name of the institution and the full name of the head.

The registers of participants in each stage of the action and its laureates will be published on the website of the Social Service Publishing House, and participants and laureates who have received a Gold or Silver Certificate and a Gold or Silver Diploma will be published in the magazines Social Service and Social Service Worker.

We invite you to take part in professional skills competitions for social workers.

The jury will consider the competition works as they are received, your diploma will be ready within 24 hours. Acceptance of competitive works is carried out by us around the clock.

There is no additional participation fee. Contestants pay an organizational fee, which includes technical costs associated with the publication of articles and the preparation of award documents in the usual manner and based on the Regulations.

A social worker is a profession that requires a lot of physical and emotional costs for a modest salary. It is not easy to work in this area, because not every person is able to share someone else's pain, empathize, support, while providing a full "set" of social services.

Any articles, essays, essays, etc. are accepted for consideration for the competition. Multimedia photo and video materials, text files and presentations are accepted.

Submission of articles has already begun.

All-Russian competition "Social innovations"

The philosophy of social innovation practice is obliged to maintain, not only optimism, but also a constructive beginning.

Innovations make it possible to identify technologies, forms of work and help to outline the contours of an innovative model for the development of the social sector.

Submission of articles has already begun.

All-Russian competition "Best in profession"

The profession of a social worker becomes a matter of life only for those who are ready to selflessly work for people who, due to illness, old age, current circumstances, cannot do without outside help. For many lonely and frail old people, disabled people, social workers often become the closest, most dear, almost dear people. Exactly social workers in practice, they implement the state policy of supporting the least protected people, is in constant contact with veterans, the disabled, thus ensuring a balance in communication with the stability of the state.

Any articles are accepted for consideration for the competition. We accept multimedia photo and video materials, text files and presentations.

Submission of articles has already begun.

Competition with international participation"Best Article of 2020"

Expertise of competitive works: four times a year: in March, June, September and December 2020.

Competition results: March 30 for the first quarter, June 30 for the second quarter, September 30 for the third quarter of the half year and December 30 for the fourth quarter.

for the publication of articles is 75 rubles per page, but not less than 200 rubles. Information about the authors, abstract, keywords, bibliography are not included in the calculation of the total contribution.

Organizational charitable contribution is made for one article (regardless of the number of co-authors). The number of articles from one author is not limited.

All articles are formatted in accordance with the publication requirements for the authors of the journal, posted on the page "For Authors":

IV All-Russian Photo Contest"Objective social work"

  • 01.03.2020 - 05.04.2020 - submission of applications, registration of participants;
  • 06. 04.2020 - placing photos in social network Odnoklassniki, announcement of the start of voting;
  • 12.04.2020 - completion of voting, summing up the results;
  • 13.04.2020 - announcement of the results of the Photo Contest.
  • 13.04-17.04.2020 - distribution of diplomas

The organizational charity fee is paid at the discretion of the participants. Participants independently determine the amount of donation. Making an organizational charitable contribution is not a prerequisite participation in the competition.

Participants who did not become winners can order a certificate of the participant of the competition on the terms of reimbursement of technical costs for the production of certificates. The fee for one certificate is RUB 200.00. For participation in the competition, points are credited to the SONNET Rating: 5 points for one participant. Additionally, points are awarded for ordering certificates - 25 points for 1 certificate.

V All-Russian competitionmethodological developments"Social innovation"

Deadlines for accepting competitive works: October 26, 2020 - December 05, 2020 .

Organizational charitable contribution for participation in the competition will be 400 rubles for one competitive work one author, 750 rubles for one competitive work of a group of authors.

Information for the participants of the competition "Social Innovation" 2019

Award documents have been sent to the participants of the Social Innovation 2019 competition. Look carefully at the submitted documents: there are several pages in the pdf file - a certificate of publication of the material, a diploma, thank you letter organization represented by the contestant.

A special issue of the magazine with the works of the winners will be sent additionally to the participants who took 1-5 places. Besides:

  1. The winners with the highest number of points receive diplomas for the 1st place, a certificate of publication of the work, the possibility of free publication of two articles in the SONNET magazine in 2020, a gift with the SONNET magazine symbols. The gift will be sent by Russian post no later than January 20, 2020.
  2. The winners who took the 2nd and 3rd places receive diplomas, the opportunity to publish one article free of charge in the SONNET magazine in 2020, and a certificate of publication of the work.
  3. Laureates who took 4-5 places receive laureate diplomas, certificates of publication of the work.
  4. Competitive works that took 1-5 places in each nomination will be included in the "Collection of Best Practices". All authors will receive a copy of the collection free of charge. The collection will be sent no later than March 01, 2020.
  5. Participants who are not included in the top five will receive diplomas of participants All-Russian competition professional skill "Social innovation".
  6. A letter of gratitude from the editors will be sent to the address of all organizations whose participants will become competitors.
Information for participants (offer)

By submitting their work to the Contest, the authors automatically give their consent to posting it on the Internet, as well as publishing information about their participation or victory on the Contest website, in the SONNET media publications, in the official SONNET media groups in social networks.

Personal data is processed and stored in accordance with

Organizational fees are of a charitable nature and are accepted as a gift (donation).

The funds received are directed to solving current issues related to the content of the magazine: payment for hosting, domain name, remuneration technicians under contracts for the provision of services (works).

The editorial board, including experts, performs its functions on the basis of a cooperation agreement, on a royalty-free basis.

Thanks to you - readers, participants of events, SONNET is in its fifth year!


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