Intra-company structure of the company and its types. Organizational features of the intra-company structure. Types and organizational and legal forms of firms


Organization planning

Questions for self-examination

  1. Essence production process.
  2. Classification of production processes.
  3. Stages of technical preparation of the production process.
  4. concept production cycle.
  5. Stages of the production cycle and their characteristics.
  6. concept production structure organizations.
  7. Elements of the production structure.
  8. Types of production structure.
  9. The essence of the concentration of production.
  10. The essence of the consolidation of enterprises.
  11. Essence of specialization and cooperation of production.
  12. The essence and forms of combining production.
  13. Indicators of the level of concentration of production.

1. The essence of intra-company planning. Types of plans.

2. The structure of the business plan.

3. Feature economic indicators organizations.

4. Main indicators of the production program.

5. Production capacity is the basis of the production program.

6. Logistics and its role in the implementation of the production program.

Internal planning - this is the process of developing and adjusting the plan, including foresight, justification, concentration and description of the organization's activities in the short and long term.

The organization plan approved by the head has the force of an order for the persons and structural units indicated in it.

The plan specifies:

The purpose of the organization and its structural divisions for the planned period and a quantitatively expressed system of indicators;

Means to achieve the goal (financial, material, labor and information resources);

Methods and timing of linking goals and means by stages for the entire period of the plan;

Stages and terms of work performance;

Implementers of the plan by terms and types of work;

Methods, stages and means of monitoring the implementation of the plan.

Planning includes the following steps:

Definition and justification of the main goal and objectives of the organization;

Establishment of specific indicators and tasks necessary to fulfill the tasks;

Detailing tasks by types and volumes of work, specific jobs and deadlines;

Detailed calculations of costs and results for the entire planning period.

Types of plans:

1) According to the duration of the planning period:

Strategic plans are drawn up for 10-15 years based on forecasts of the organization's vision for the future;

Long-term plans are based on strategic plan for 5-10 years. They are descriptive and define overall strategy activities of the organization;

Medium-term plans are drawn up on the basis of a long-term plan and contain specific goals and figures for 2-5 years;

Current (annual) plans are developed on the basis of medium-term plans and refine its indicators;

Operational production plans clarify the tasks of the annual plan for shorter periods of time (month, decade, shift, hour) and for individual production units (workshop, site, team, workplace).

2) By appointment function:

Production (manufacturing of products);

Commercial (sales finished products and logistics of the enterprise);

Investment and contributing to the technical development of production;

work plans and wages;

Financial plans.

3) According to the levels of enterprise management:

Company-wide (for the organization as a whole);


Work plans of departments, laboratories;

Work plans for sections and teams.

Unitary structure

The unitary structure, as the name implies, implies the maximum centralization of power relations. All major decisions are made by the principal, who also exercises control. If the right to control the activities of agents is delegated, then on a functional basis - to the heads of functional divisions: sales department, chief engineer, chief accountant, etc. Thus, the heads of functional divisions are both agents - in relation to the main office, and principals - in relation to the direct executors of tasks. "The modern corporation is made up of managers leading managers, leading managers... leading workers." In the case of a unitary organization, the only way to solve the principal-agent problem is to strengthen control through the development of new, lower-cost methods of control.

Holding structure

The holding structure represents the other extreme, the maximum decentralization of the decision-making process and control over the actions of agents. In fact, the principal retains only the power to control financial flows and financial results agents' activities. Agents are autonomous in making all decisions, with the exception of those relating to the distribution of profits. In other words, the principal controls

the activities of agents not directly, but through the organization of an agent competition, the winner of which is determined by the criterion of financial results. O. Williamson gives the following definition to the holding: "A firm with many divisions, in which the main office is not engaged in the strategic control of their activities." The holding structure does not even exclude

direct competition between divisions of the same firm, because competition is one of the ways of indirect control. It should be noted that at the level of holding divisions, one can also meet a unitary type of relationship between the principal (the head of the division, who is also an agent of the main office) and the agent.

Multi-divisional structure

The most significant organizational innovation in the XX century. Is the invention in the 20s by Pierre Dupont and Alfred Sloan (heads of Du Pont and General Motors, respectively) of a multi-divisional structure. This structure "implies the creation of semi-autonomous production units operating on the basis of the principle of self-sufficiency and formed depending on the type of product, trademark or geographically. The multidivisional structure is a kind of synthesis of a unitary organization and a holding. Indeed, it contains

the principle of centralizing the adoption of strategic decisions (for example, on the release of a new product) and at the same time decentralized operational control and management. Similarly, the principle of financial self-sufficiency of divisions (agents) allows them to participate in the results of their activities, but the main office (principal) at the same time retains the right to redistribute part of the profits of divisions in accordance with the goals and objectives of the firm as a whole. Examples of enterprises in practice

using the principle of a multi-divisional structure are conglomerates and transnational companies.

mixed structure

Finally, a mixed structure occurs if one of the divisions is fully controlled by the main office, as in a unitary enterprise, the second division depends on the main office only financially, as in a holding, and the third division has operational independence and operates on the principles of self-sufficiency, as in multidivisional structure.



The changes taking place in the world economic community in recent decades are characterized by a constant tightening of competition. In market conditions, the activities of enterprises cannot be protected from the impact of risk factors leading to unstable functioning. The need to survive in the global and domestic Russian market in a developing post-industrial society requires the development of more effective methods management, characterized by the rational use of resources, increasing the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises. In this regard, the task of ensuring the stability of the enterprise by improving intra-company planning and regulation of production is particularly acute.

In modern market conditions, business leaders are aware of the significant role of planning in managing the activities of the entire enterprise. Difficulties arise on questions: to plan or not, and how to plan. Despite the existing economic literature, which often describes overseas experience planning, due to the lack of its own, applicable to market conditions, there is no planning system adapted to the conditions of functioning of modern Russian organizations.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is that on present stage economic transformations, one of the most important tasks in the formation of an effective system of management of economic entities is the further development of the theory and practice of intra-company planning and regulation of production. Underestimation of intra-company planning in the activities of subjects market economy led to a sharp decrease in the competitiveness of enterprises, imbalance of their production potential, violation of the principles and methods of management, creation of conflict situations with employees and partners and, in general, had a negative impact on the final results of their work.

Planning is designed to ensure the interaction between individual structural divisions of the enterprise, including the entire technological chain: research and development, organization of production, repair and maintenance work. Intra-company planning is based on the identification and forecasting of consumer demand, analysis and assessment of available resources and prospects for the development of economic market conditions.

All this points to the need for scientific research related to the development of directions and methods for improving intra-company planning, taking into account the peculiarities of development and economic management.

The most significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of intra-company planning was made by domestic scientists M.M. Alekseeva, Yu.P. Aniskin, A.M. Pavlova, L.E. Basovsky, M.I. Bukhalkov, V.A. Goremykin, E.R. Bugulov, A.Yu. Bogomolov and others.

Object of study: study of the system of intra-company planning and regulation of production and sale of products of enterprises in a market economy.

Subject of study: organizational and economic relations of business entities that develop in the process of intra-company planning.

The purpose of the course work is a theoretical substantiation of the issues of improving intra-company planning of enterprises, production planning and product sales.

In accordance with the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To study the essence and structure of the internal planning system;

Consider the basic principles and methods of planning in the enterprise;

Analyze the planning system for product sales;

To reveal methods of production planning.

The theoretical basis of the course work was the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of market economy, the theory of organization of intra-company planning, general and strategic management.

Structurally course work consists of a theoretical part, which includes: an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of references, consisting of 35 sources. The practical part includes two tasks and applications.

1. Theoretical foundations of intra-company planning

The essence and structure of the internal planning system

The essence of intra-company planning lies in the scientific substantiation at the enterprise (firm) of the upcoming economic goals of its development and forms economic activity, choice best ways their implementation on the basis of the most complete identification of the types and volumes of goods required by the market and the timing of their release, performance of work and provision of services and the establishment of indicators of their production, distribution and consumption, which, when full use limited production resources can lead to the achievement of predictable future qualitative and quantitative results.

Intra-company planning provides not only a holistic consideration of production and economic, organizational and managerial, financial and economic and many other problems, but also an orientation towards the future of decisions made. Therefore, any solution to any existing problem in the course of intra-company planning can be considered as a means to achieve the goal.

Intra-company planning is the most important management function, which includes the following work packages: analysis of situations and factors external environment; forecasting, evaluation and optimization of alternative options for achieving goals formulated at the stage of strategic marketing; development of enterprise plans; implementation of enterprise plans.

1. Based on the obligatory nature of plan assignments, there are directive and indicative planning.

Directive planning is a decision-making process that is binding on planning objects. Directive plans are, as a rule, targeted and detailed. For example, planned indicators brought to shops, sites and workplaces are of a directive nature. Untimely fulfillment of at least one of these indicators can lead to a disruption in the implementation of the enterprise plan.

Indicative planning is state planning, which is the opposite of directive planning, because the indicator plan is not mandatory for execution. As part of the indicative plan, there may be mandatory tasks for the enterprise, but their number is very limited. In general, it has a guiding recommendatory character.

Indicative planning is used in the preparation of long-term plans, and directive - in the current planning. It follows from the foregoing that the indicative and directive types of planning should complement each other, be organically linked in unified system intra-company planning.

2. Depending on the period for which the plan is drawn up and the degree of detail scheduled calculations distinguish between long-term and medium-term (prospective), short-term (current) and operational planning.


Of course, the intra-company life of each production structure must be rational: it should not have unnecessary structural units that would complicate the life of the company, but also the units required to ensure the productive life of the company should not be absent.

The structure of the company reflects the functions that it should perform. Because of this, most firms have to change the internal structure if the functions that are mandatory for execution change. In view of this, the company needs to carry out many actions with a different nature, since the principles of the division of labor are again used within the company, which is based on the specialization of workers and their grouping according to the homogeneity of the work and functions performed. Thanks to this, structural units firms - accounting, sales and marketing department and others.

The structure of the company is created by developing a holistic scheme of the production process within the company, which includes a full set of functions, without which there is no way to effectively achieve goals. The holistic scheme of the productive process appears after understanding all the actions that must be performed before the company is able to give the consumer the product produced. When comprehending the production process of a company, we start from the fact that the main function of the company is the production of goods. Under the production refers to certain forms of the way and methods of combination of factors of production. For the need to carry out actions of a preparatory nature, it is necessary to introduce the required factors of production.

1. Intra-company structure

Various solutions to the problem of principal and agent underlie alternative models of the internal structure of the organization. The most common are four types of intra-company structure: unitary (U-structure), holding (X-structure), multi-divisional (M-structure) and mixed (C-structure). Unitary structure The unitary structure, as the name implies, implies the maximum centralization of power relations. All major decisions are made by the principal, who also exercises control. If the right to control the activities of agents is delegated, then on a functional basis - to the heads of functional divisions: the sales department, the chief engineer, the chief accountant, etc. Thus, the heads of functional units are at the same time agents -in relation to the main office, and principals - in relation to the direct executors of tasks. "The modern corporation is made up of managers leading managers, leading managers... leading workers." In the case of a unitary organization, the only way to solve the principal-agent problem is to strengthen control through the development of new, lower-cost methods of control.

Holding structure

The holding structure represents the other extreme - the maximum decentralization of the decision-making process and control over the actions of agents. In fact, the principal retains only the authority to control the financial flows and financial results of the agents' activities. Agents are autonomous in making all decisions, with the exception of those relating to the distribution of profits. In other words, the principal controls the activities of agents not directly, but through the organization of an agent competition, the winner of which is determined by the criterion of financial results. O. Williamson gives the following definition of a holding: "A firm with many divisions, in which the main office is not engaged in the strategic control of their activities." The holding structure does not even exclude direct competition between divisions of the same company, because competition is one of the ways of indirect control. It should be noted that at the level of holding divisions, one can also meet a unitary type of relationship between the principal (the head of the division, who is also an agent of the main office) and the agent.

Organizational features of the intra-company structure.

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Organizational features of the intra-company structure.
Rubric (thematic category) Production

Types and organizational-legal forms of firms.

Basic forms the internal structure of the organization are:

1) unitary (Y-form, or Y-structure)

2) holding (X-form, or X-structure)

3) multidivisional (M-form, or M-structure).

Under unitary (U) form It is customary to understand the traditional type of organization of the company according to functional feature . It has undoubted advantages over the linear form, but on the whole it is inferior to the headquarters, project, matrix, divisional, network and other types of intra-company business organization.

unitary structure.

power relations

Signs of a unitary structure are:

1) vertical lines of power;

2) functional division into departments. The separation of ownership and management is characteristic.

Disadvantages of the Y-shape:

1) inherent in a centralized company weaknesses can become dangerous with an increase in the volume of administrative tasks solved by top managers, and this will not allow them to effectively perform their duties.

2) Y-shape is an obstacle to diversified (expanded production) growth .

So it is necessary organizational forms used by firms following a diversification strategy.

Ø The experience of the Western organization of production shows that such forms are X- and M-forms.

Firm with holding (X) form - this is a company owning controlling stakes or shares in the shares of other firms in order to control and manage their activities . The controlling share mechanism gives the holding company voting right which gives her the opportunity to unified policy and exercise unified control over the interests of large corporations or accelerate the process of diversification.

Ø At the same time, the size of the holding is much smaller than the size of the controlled companies; the latter form a pyramid, at the top of which is the holding company. The divisions of the holding company do not have common departments

holding structure.

Control of financial results

By definition holding performs the function of control, stock are also a means of implementing the control function.

Purposes of creating holdings the following:

‣‣‣ consolidation of tax policy. Between the holding and its enterprises is deduction agreement , as a result of which the profits or losses of enterprises are transferred directly to the holding company. This allows the holding to take into account the losses of one enterprise and the profits of another in order to pay taxes on the remainder of the profits;

‣‣‣ creation of additional production capacities as a result of the merger of enterprises under the auspices of the holding company;

‣‣‣ penetration through holding companies into production and marketing goods;

‣‣‣ implementation of a unified policy and unified control over observance of the common interests of large corporations;

‣‣‣ accelerating the diversification process and etc.

Holdings Benefits:

1) use of economies of scale;

2) achieving greater, in comparison with other forms, efficiency in the international movement of capital;

3) playing the role of a buffer that weakens the impact of the state on enterprises, etc.

The disadvantages include:

1) the desire for monopolistic or oligopolistic behavior;

2) a tendency to politicization, bureaucratization, abuse of control and management functions;

3) artificial maintenance of unprofitable enterprises at the expense of profitable ones;

4) the impossibility of sufficiently clear tracking of the redistribution of funds between their enterprises;

5) the absence in such countries as Russia of qualified managerial personnel.

Multiditional (M) form - it organizational structure, which implies the creation of semi-autonomous production departments (as a rule, with the status of ʼʼprofit centersʼʼ), formed based on the type of product brand or geographical featureʼʼ.

multi-divisional structure.

Control of strategic decisions and distribution of profits

To the main reasons for the success of the M-shape includes the release of "managers, responsible for the fate of the entire company, from more routine operating activitiesʼʼ, providing them with time, information and even psychological conditions ʼʼ for long-term planning and evaluation of the results of the company's functioning ʼʼ.

Such general strategic decisions as ʼʼdistributing existing and acquiring new resourcesʼʼ are in the M-form ʼʼconcentrated in the hands of a team of top general managersʼʼ. The general manager, "having gotten rid of operational responsibilities and the critical importance of developing tactical decisions", no longer seeks to express the interests of one of the divisions of the organization.

Organizational features of the intra-company structure. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Organizational features of the intra-company structure." 2017, 2018.


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